elisabetta errani emaldi's poems

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s poetries 10 poetries for a better world and Bio 1

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s poetries10 poetries for a better world and Bio


Page 1: Elisabetta Errani Emaldi's Poems

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s poetries

10 poetries for a better world

and Bio


Page 2: Elisabetta Errani Emaldi's Poems

10 poetries


Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s Bio

Titles in English:

Brothers bearsDemons of the cold

Let’s light our Spark of peace!You puppet of ignoranceEverything was balancedSmall creators of illusions

Wake up masters of the Earth! and irresponsible!Hey you, rude Small creators of illusions

Brains affected by evilThe heart of Spike


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Brothers bears

The bears, the great owners of the longand endless white deserts and of the dark forests of

the planet, are exterminated by selfishnessand human stupidity that cannot do anything else but

killing for personal interest.

Our brothers bears with their coloured furs,run joyfully on the bright surface or in the woods,

unaware of death that awaits themby the hands of hunters who shot at their hearts without pity,

and while the blood flows inrivers on the white snow or on the green lawns, the killers smile of satisfaction of their crime.

Humanity, lost in the black heart of personal interest, wake up to the beat of respect

for nature and its inhabitants.

If we are not in love with the whole,claws of suffering will afflict anddrag us into the tunnel of pain.

We must respect nature and all its inhabitants,to get back in contact with everything,feel all in one, one in all, and restore

 balance in our minds and on the planet.

Let our brothers bears runcarefree on the glaciers, forests, among the

hills and mountains of our diamond of light.


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Demons of the cold

Let’s the light shining and the glare of the glaciersshine of white-silver without the long trails of blood

of the seals and bears exterminated by the demons of cold.

Stop the murderers called fishermen and hunters, who exterminate the whales, dolphins, seals and bears

for a bit of money that drips with blood.

Demons of the cold, stop to cruelty and ignorance that blind and spread from the limited minds of selfishness.

Let’s save our planet of bright light, from the sick and corrupted mind of man.

Demons of the cold, let the beauty of our glaciers glow at the rosy dawns and at the colourful

sunsets with their seals and its polar bears.

Demons of the ocean, let the seas be habited from whales, dolphins and from all the wonders of the seabed

Stop wild fisheries, destruction ofseabed, fault of criminals who use prohibited nets and

destroy fauna and corals.

Demons of the cold and of the oceans let the warm rays of love melt the ice

that crystallizes the compassion in your hearts.

Stop the insensate and irresponsible stupidity of the murderer, without respect for himself,

for nature and for the planet earth.

Let’s light shining and the glare of the glaciers shine of white-silver without the long trails of blood

of the seals and bears exterminated by the demons of cold.


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Let’s light our Spark of peace!

Let’s wake our slumbering minds, uncontrolled.  Let’s light the spark of peace in our sleeping hearts.

We are all one and connected,  responsible for what we are transmitting through theinvisible and intertwined gold threads of telepathy.

Do not let our energy of Divine naturebe polluted by the influence of evil

because what we sow we will collect.

Without balance man is an irresponsible  in the hands of the prince of darkness,

  guilty of his diffusion of death and destruction.

Let’s cure ourselves to cure the world around us. We are all one and connected by the voice of silence.

Let’s light Spark of peacebecause if it is not inside us

we cannot transmit it and so we areguilty of sowing weeds in the garden of time.

We are all responsible of the darkness that envelops our society, because it is created by our inner hell.

Let’s control our wild mind with thoughts of love and donate peace to our brothers

through the voice of silence. Without a controlled mind, there will not be

balance, we will fall in a total pain and peace will remain a chimera stolen by the wind.

We are all one connected by invisible energies  intertwined by the golden threads of telepathy and so

we convey our negativity to the community. Let’s light our Spark of peace!


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You puppet of ignorance

You, rapist attracted and manipulated by invisible evil energies, that go to steal away the peace, to violate

intimacy, to destroy life, hope and dreams of women, you do not know that you are also

 devastating yourself and your future.

While you are swimming in your ocean of madness you do not realize that you are preparing your condemns to self-destruction.

 Your crimes will become your continues mental torture that will build your own hell.

You puppet of ignorance  Just think only to your sensual pleasure, while

you're falling into the golden cage of the predator of souls.

You, spirit lost in the desert of your mind, you are worshipping the fake diamonds of the prince of darkness.

Your sick mind does not know, because it is veiled by the dark energy of aggression.

You lack of the ability to see God and his divine plan because your mental blindness.

 You're condemning yourself to wander in rivers of sorrow. You are the creator of your dark mental universe and of

 your disastrous fate because of the gift of free will.

You do not even realize that your inspirer is dancing, celebrating and having fuss of you while you obey to his

bestial instincts and fall into his evil trap. You do not know, but he takes advantage of your confusion,

selfish desires and on the fact that you do not believe in his existence.

Your mind misdirected is contaminated by  the telepathic desires of demons.

Listen to the call of the sweet Divine voice that whispers to you the how to follow the path of light

in order to save your soul. Turn on your inner lighthouse and cure your sick mind.


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Everything was balanced

The guardian spirits of the earth commanded in perfect harmony the rain, the wind, the seasons and all the forces of nature

  were in harmony and cooperated to the  sound of the voice of silence.

Everything was balanced, spring awoke at the rhythmic sound of

spirits of nature, which brought life after  the long sleep of winter.

Everything was in perfect harmony with the divine love.

But the fallen angel always ambushed, he captivated the atheists minds of scientists and masters with his evil desires.

The prince of darkness has chosen his pawns and gave them the power on nuclear weapons that the fools let burst

   in the womb of our Mother Earth, in the depths of our corallines islands, beneath the sands

in the deserts, making them even more arid and destroying  the balance of our world.

Everything was balanced, but now the tsunamis, earthquakes, the floods, the droughts; sick minds of man devastate

 the planet and its corrupted children. My tears fall on the sick heart of our Mother Earth.

Everything was balanced, but now the seasons, the climate  and life on Earth are compromised by

selfishness and ignorance of the masters and of humanity. Let’s reflect and do the right thing before it's too late!

Let’s wake up our conscience from indifference, only with pray, thoughts and correct actions of each one of us probably we will be able to bring the balance on planet Earth.


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Small creators of illusions

In the indifference, in the unconsciousnessin the ignorance you poison your body with drugs,

alcohol, and while your brain dances in buzz, you follow the demons of illusion

on the wings of ingenuity, which lead you to killinnocent people you meet on your path.

You, small creators of illusions and madness, stuffed with drugs and alcohol, in your stupidityyou give your uncontrolled mind to the demons

 of self-destruction.

Poor fools, while death chase you on his shiny golden chariot, you do not understand that you are the

architects of your destiny, diseases and sufferance.

Small creators of illusions, make your mental deserts bloom again before your brain fried in the oil of drugs and alcohol.

 Do not let death collect you on its

Do transform into creators of truth, light and love, gatherthe white roses of authenticity and save yourselves from the ruin.

Destroy your ego contaminated by vices, selfish desires and by the demons of the thought.

Purify your soul, polluted mind from malignant influencesand transform yourselves into creators of truth, light and love.


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Wake up masters of the Earth!

Stop slavery exported in the world from countries lost between the lands of the desert.

Stop you jackals mercilessly who exploit and abuse of your hungry brother, that you displaced abroad and hide in

dirty hovels, narrow, musty and windowless.

Woe to you, energy lost in the dark sea ofegoism, that you force your victims to frugal meals on

sewing machines obliging them to work night and day as if they were robots to direct without compassion

and respect, for a punch of coins duty of blood.

Wake up masters of the Earth!

Stop the mafia, stop the arrogance, stopslavery, stop exploitation,

 stop dictatorship for a poisoned fistful of sand

Stop the suffering of children forced to steal, prostitute themselves, to work for two cents that sound of slavery and death.

Stop politicians looking indifferent while the streets of our cities are invaded by teenagers prostitutes deported

against their will, from the merchants of sex.

Wake up masters of the earth ! You're not in the land of toys, but you should

work for the common good without getting lost in between viados, enslaved prostitutes and drugs.

Stop the discussions and the fights for power. Stop corruption and crime in the institutions

Awake, O rulers of the earth, and startworking with good sense, clean up our cities from drugs,

slavery, blackmail, violence and injustice

Wake up masters of the earth, do not continue to mess around on your laurels,

humanity need justice. Wake up masters of the Earth!


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Hey you, rude and irresponsible!

My heart is pounding while I see everywhere cigarette butts, trash, plastic bottles thrown in

parks, fields, ditches, on the streets of our cities.

My heart anguish is silent, while I would like to shout  to each of you to wake up from indifference.

Hey you, that you are going smoking your cigarette without thinking at the poison that will delaine the temple

 of your soul and our planet Earth.

Hey you, damned by your actions without wisdom, that you have no respect for yourself, nor for our diamond of blue-green light.

Hey you, bad luck exists only for those who gathers it with his unworthy actions.

  Hey you, who throw cigarette butts everywhere without thinking

about your shameful acts against nature, your city and your fellow men. Hey you, rude and irresponsible!

Look at you at the mirror poor of intellect,  you can not be spirits worthy of living on this planet,

 you focus only on the nectar of your death, without thinking at the pollution and little respect

you have for humanity and for yourself.

Luck is an energy that follows the good deeds, bad luck is an energy that follows the bad actions that nobody can escape.

Hey you, convoluted heartless, responsible ofyour bad luck, you do not deserve to live among the plains,

lakes and green hills of this beautiful star.

Hey you, your are condemned by your uncivilized actions, Get an examination of conscience, meditate,

shame on you, transform yourself into angels who deserve living on the heart of our Mother Earth.

Rebel to your inner evil and make your human revolution.


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Brains affected by evil

Irresponsible called scientists,  poisoned by your polluted world of madness.

You, who believe to be illustrious minds, you create  atomic bombs for the powerfullies sellers of death,

 mentally sick occupying the dark buildings of power.

You, the energy lost in the nebula of negativity, ramify your essences of bright light to get out of the labyrinth of oblivion, to change

 your destiny and work for the good of humanity.

Our blue planet is inhabited by conditioned brains by the evil, that use their weapons to dictate law, blackmail,

destroy, kill, disfigure the bodies of the innocent and to pollute.

Open your ears, demons at the high offices and sellers of weapons: "you are directed from the invisible energy of darkness”.

Abandon, or architects cursed by your actions, the host of devils who direct you like puppets,

with the cunning and invisible threads of telepathic suggestion.

Reflect on bodies without legs, arms, eyes, martyrs defaced by your weapons of suffering and death.

Meditate on the faults that marred for everyour souls and the karma that will condemn

to expiate the same tragedy in the near future.

Awaken the good sleeping in your hearts and flood the land of love, to redeem the evil and save your spirit

from the slavery of arrogance and suffering.

The inner peace is the only real fruit of love for the creation, the only way that leads you to heal your evil mind.

You, the energy lost in the nebula of negativity, ramify your essences of bright light to get out of the labyrinth of oblivion, to change

 your destiny and work for the good of humanity.


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The heart of Spike

A ball of white curls blooded wasrolling on the playground, kicked by a group of demons mashed by

young with a heart of stone.

The ball was rolling, while you could hear the howling of the animal suffering.

Spike's heart was pounding very fast,  for fear, pain and for the wire

barbed that penetrated its limbs.

 The crazy sneered fun, while mercilessly they continued kicking

 the small dog trying to make a goal.

This is the story of Spike, the dog found abandoned, bleeding, dying and with

the barbed wire that still were tearing his meat.

An angel of the road has collected him, cared for, consulate and torn out of death.

Today Spike dance in the thought of thousands of benefactors who would adopt him

and give him their love

This is the story of ruthless torturers heartless that for their ignorance

they will be collected from the black wings of sufferance and convicted by the law of cause and effect to atone

their crimes in the name of divine justice.

And now you, fools without intellect, do not guffaws asserting that the divine law of

cause and effect does not exist, because once again you illus yourself with the risk to

be swallowed up in the spiral of sufferance for your stupidity.


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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s Bio

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi, was born in Alfonsine on March 18th 1952, studied in Paris and in London, worked for many years on board cruise ships with the qualification of assistant cruise director, shop manager, interpreter, tourist’s guide and inspectricee. She travelled all around the world and learnt four languages.

On 1992 the national press wrote about her book “ The Common Artisans of Love,“ which was written in collaboration with Ivana Tarroni.

On 1998 she has illustrated Pietro Seddio's books: “Mafia and Politics on the Operas of Leonardo Sciascia “ and “The beauty of death on the theatre of F.Garcia Lorca.”

On July 1998, with the groups of artists "Art Space" of Alfonsine, has painted her first “Murales” at Nagykata in Hungary.

On September 1998, with the same group of artists has completed her second ”Murales” in her city, Alfonsine.

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi wrote 4 novels and 8 screenplays. Titles of the Novels and screenplays:“The Witch Queen of Orient Sun”, Lhundrup Dhechen (Great Blessing), “In the Tunnel of Death, the Labyrinth of Life”, “The Common Artisans of Love”, “Sound of the Cry”, “The Doctor of the Bloom Wood”, "The Doctor Mesedé of Gounou-Gaya” and "The Country of the Thousand Hills”. The stories of her novels and screenplays are true.

Internationals Literary Awards

Elisabetta has won the second international prize “Miguel de Cervantes,” with the novel: “The Witch Queen of Orient Sun,” and ” the “Super prize Europe Selections, Homage to Dante Alighieri,” for the novel “In the Tunnel of Death, the Labyrinth of life “ and the international prize “The protagonists of the 1998 ” for her poetries "I, who am I ? You, who are you?" The candidates of this last prize (only twenty), have been selected among one hundred competitors.

On April 2001 she won the literal international prize “Homage to Manzoni, Edition Passport two thousands ”for the novel “The Common Artisans of Love”. On 2003 she wrote a short script "Pentucci and the three of the Merry hail! "


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On October 2002, she won a special prize of the second national concourse of Narrative "Charm and Mystery," organized from the town council of Sassello (Savona), for the story "When the dream becomes spring of light and premonition".

Her panting “The angel of love” was selected to be published on the prestigious anthology ” The Convivial ” and has been awarded at the Naxos Gardens (Messina), on October, the 16th, 2005. Also her poetry “ Mandala of lights” was selected to be published on the anthology “The Convivial” and has been awarded in Motta Camastra (Messina), on January the 3rd, 2006.

On May the 20th 2006, in Mattinata ( province of Foggia), the jury of the " Holy Mary of the light" Awards has given to Elisabetta in the section "Free Italian theme" an International Prize Mention of Honour for the poetry "The Garden of the Time"

On May the 6th 2009, in Paris the jury of the “THE ENCHANTING VERSES INTERNATIONAL poetry journal” has given to Elisabetta the second international prize “Editor's Choice -II certification” Literature for peace.

On April 28th, 2010, Prof. Hassan Raheem Artiste of WACP.tv.ning.com Community Service Award "We Are Creative People!" has awarded Elisabetta with a "Certificate of Appreciation", to Certify that Elisabetta has contributed to the growth and the development of one of the most positive and progressive communities on the world wide web.

Publications and other

On November 1997, Elisabetta’s drawings and posies were published on the magazine: ”L’Eredità Dantesca”.

On 2004 she wrote the short script "The fly of a nightingale through the inner light". She wrote her third short script “Sound of the Cry” in August 2005, to help the youngest depressed to understand the gears of their sick minds and then get out from the obscure sickness that afflict them. Her fourth novel was finished on 2004, titled "Lhundrup Dhechen" (Great Blessing), this story is based over her experience lived in Nepal in the monastery of Kopan in contact with the Buddhist monks.

“God’s heart” is a book of maxims, sentences, roles, thoughts from the big of the past and present, collected and arranged from Elisabetta. “God’s heart” contain also 32 Elisabetta’s sayings and 12 drawings. During the years 2003, 2004, 2005, she read nearly all the thoughts written in the book “God’s heart” to Radio Italy Years Sixty.


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On the month of May 2008, Elisabetta’s collection of sayings and thoughts entitled "God’s smile", was published in the forum of the news papers Quotidiano.Net, Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione, Il Giorno, remaining among the most widely read and discussed topics of the month.

Elisabetta’s Drawings and poetries have been published in the anthology "La Agonia del Nirvana" in Peru and Argentina on November 2008

The poems "Castles of Fog," "Days of Spring," "The Garden of Time", "Orient Skies" and “The Angel of Peace” were chosen by the jury of the Prize "Poetaonline” and read by Luana Trabuio and Giancarlo Bruschini at Artescrittura Live TV, during the months of May and June 2008.

The discussion "God’s smile" was also published in The Forums Rai Community, where in a short time there were registered about 7000 visits.

On March 2009, ten Elizabeth’s poetries have been published on the Spanish magazine “Palabras Diversas, Literature for peace

In Pisa on May the 30th 2009, at the San Ranieri Hotel, during the meeting of poetry organized by Giancarlo Bruschini: "Comunic'Arte" Estro-verso, the actor Vincent De Caro has read two poems by Elisabetta, "The Soul of our Mother Earth "and" Rainbow of love and peace. " In that same cultural event, Giancarlo Bruschini has read "Aung San Suu Kyi, nightingale of love" poem that Elisabetta wrote for the Nobel Prize for Peace from Burma.

On July 7th 2009, Elisabetta’s drawings and posies were published on the Anthology “En la Calle” in Querètaro-Mèxico. Edited by Alejandro Uribe y la Utopia Ambulante

On November 2009, Elisabetta's poems and drawings were published on the American magazine "Enchanted Forest”

On September and November 2009, Elisabetta's poems were published by the Italian Editor Estro-verse, on the Anthologies "Romantic poetry” and on “Poetics theme " WOMEN ".

On March 2010, Elisabetta's poems and drawings were published on the Italian Anthology “Liberadonna”, Edit Santoro

On November the 29th 2009, Elisabetta’s poem“ The monk and the dove” was published on the periodic of culture and varies Humanity” Narrations”

Elisabetta’s true story “ Dreams Reflect Reality”, has been published in the "100 Plus True Stories" Anthology. The Editor received hundreds of submissions,


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and after a rigorous selection, the best stories were chosen for publication in the anthology.

On January the 6th, on March the 13th, on June the 5th and on July the 10th 2010, Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s poetries have been read on RADIO SENTIDOS in Argentina at the Carlos Fernandez’s transmission “THE ECLECTIC POETS OF THE WORLD…MUSIC OF ALL TIMES “.

On March the 20th 2010,  Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s poem “Rainbows of love and peace” was read at the Gallery ConneXion, in New Brunswick, Canada, at THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL Multicultural-Multilingual Poetry Reading in conjunction with The United Nation’s Dialogue Among Civilizations Through Poetry, “World Poetry Day”, “Mother Language Day” and “International Water Day”

Elisabetta’s poetry " Between Tangles of Dreams” was published by Estro-verse, in May 2010, on the Anthology Various Authors “Deem Poetry”.

During the recital " Parola nel mondo - Palabra en el Mundo - Word in the World," which occurred on May 15th 2010, in Canada, organized by Nela Rio, the director of the Latin American Chapter of the Academy of Poetry, have been read also Elizabeth's poems, "El alma de nuestra madre tierra" and "El poder del amor", the Spanish version from the reporter Sophie Lavoie, and in the English version "The Soul of Our Mother Earth" and "The Power of Love" from Marylise Lefevre.

At the event dedicated to the South American poet Marta Zabaleta occurred at Concordia University. (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), from 28 to 31 May 2010, Elizabeth's poems, written in honour of the Mexican nun, "Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz," "Sister Juana, precious spirit," "Butterfly of the wings decorated of intelligence", have been published on the Mural and Virtual Anthology "EL ESPACIO NO ES UN VACIO, INCLUYE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS”.

Elisabetta’s poem "The path of Compassion" and a drawing "Mary Magdalene", inspired by the poetry of the South American poet Claribel Alegría "Maria Magdalena", have been exposed to “LA SEXTA EXPOSICIÓN-HOMENAJE MURAL Y VIRTUAL DE POESIA Y ARTE" from 28th to 31st May 2010; event organized by the Canadian Association Hespanista “El Registro Creativo” dedicated to the poet Claribel Alegría.

Radyomejicano broadcasted for two days, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 June 2010, Elisabetta’s five songs and a poetry made from her stories and screenplays, entitled: “The Witch Queen of Orient Sun”,“ Lhundrup Dhechen”(Great Blessing)”,"In the Tunnel of Death, the Labyrinth of Life", "The Common


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Artisans of Love", Only a life”, and a poem, “The garden of time”. Her songs and poetry will be transmitted daily throughout the year at Radyomejicano in Mexico, along with other selected songs from other stories.

At the Festival of the Poets in Montemaggiore at the Metauro, occurred from 11th to 13th June 2010, the poet Lorenzo Pontiggia read Elisabetta’s poem "Let’s light our Spark of peace!". During the same event, Luana Trabuio, Estro-verse cultural representative, read “Wake up masters of the Earth!” and “Everything was balanced”.

7 Songs and two poems from the stories of my five novels and screenplays. Radyomejicano has broadcasted my two new songs and a poem Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 June 2010. If you like you can listen to my seven songs and the two poems every day during the week on Radyomejicano, from 12 AM to 5 PM - (Mexico time).TITLES: “EYNA BRUJA DEL SOL DE ORIENTE”, “VULGARES ARTESANOS DEL AMOR”, “TUNEL DE LA MUERTE, LABERINTOS DE LA VIDA”, “GRAN BENDICION”, “SOLAMENTE UNA VIDA”, “NO LLORES ANGEL MIO”, “SONIDOS DEL LLANTO,” AND THE TWO POETRIES,  “EL JARDIN DEL TIEMPO” AND “TE BUSCO ENTRE LOS CIELOS DE ORIENTE". Link di radyomejicano: ttp://cucarach.listen2myradio.com

On the 29th June 2010, Elisabetta’s poetries “Let’s light our Spark of peace!”, “You puppet of ignorance”, “Everything was balanced”, “Small creators of illusions”, have been published on the fortnightly journal “La Voce del Senio” of Alfonsine.

Poetries and the synopsis of Elisabetta’s screenplays are also published in thousands webs sites all around the world

Elisabetta is regularly signed to the Italian syndicate free writers.

Elisabetta wrote her novels and 4 screenplays inspired from the mysterious and extraordinary paranormal World, in which she is directly involved.

On 1992 doctor Massimo Inardi (now dead), who was the President of the Centre of Parapsychology of Bologna, speaking of the author and about her literary productions said: “Elisabetta has been living for many years paranormal experiences of telepathy, clairvoyance and over all precognitive”.

Elisabetta, during her extraordinary experiences on board of the ship "Orient Sun" sent from Singapore, her premonitory dreams and a cassette with the testimonies of the officers to the famous American scientist doctor David


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Ryback, from Atlanta. Because of this gift, Elisabetta for many years, dedicated herself to the study of the unconscious and dreams.

As a specialist of this matter has participated to a lot of televisions programs of private broadcasting TV stations and she has done conferences.








http://it.linkedin.com/pub/elisabetta-errani-emaldi/12/330/694My profile link: http://person.yasni.com/elisabetta-errani-





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