elizabethtown ;gas light company - digifind-it...elizabethtown;gas light company ^ to the pp1e of...

t5"r . - Elizabethtown ;Gas Light Company ^ to the p<K>p1e of t:n.uf6rtl Jor Jight and fuel. If you nave never uaed gas fur cooking purpose* try it and you will .tx: pleased, the Company will furnish and wit alt utensil* neceeaary to use gas for fuel , , A gas range ja economical and convenient. ADDRKSS THECOMPANY AT 124 BROAD STKBET __ELI2ABETH oBrt part* at t*a QMlae •« sight iVo. II laat f <aaM asjtm MMaa tks.atgftt, A dlseount-of ten per cant will b* allowed on gas Mils of 1 .OOO fa«l and. over uaed per month, IT paM at thitvofftoe within ten days from presentation of bill. n » iaka lar «»•»* «at' ' i t«c« or anakA) sliaa. ; ] 1*5* pltr tt* I at ta» , I , . -I tit ti^r «o* i O aaetolataa aajack taaAa$4 (allr tat* <IM baat | r Cariattuu baUer* la the inuaartall tjrof UMaool, aa 4a t&* lEadtoa. t«i . tk* «aetr.ut k m I* atrOdnz. Cktto tianr better* that ood ctwtia* ma t tbst that* wea a ttm wbaa «• . ami Ik tnmatad aad (bat It baa al . read* asts'tfd aavnr a* tt win coo H . - ttesa to Oft forertr. CkrhMiaaa tap- . . patttbat at deatbthaaoat attar* "aa ftarBjJ ttatt" warn it srtn. .eoatbn* tamer, bat Batata tank af daub a** iaag i. Vak-b gsi on i or end. wteai to- to a r 8*>«Bea to <b« ctrirt Warav tM «« laa alact * ,»i 3^ taf »•* Bam'* iwNn. Oaa day tb* m*r!w-of Van Burea iy a party »f Budasi ri?« tteam< boat. - On* of the party had b*aa dwell tag oa bia noocouimiaautm tad ovnn- patfaing ibtt a plain aotwar t t a p'.iia gaaillau waa aerer alldtad from him. Til wager, dinner* for tb* roni pany,"vadd*d be, "that tt oaa of ua down to Uwcabin g u d ttk qttaailja dut can bt tbougbt of be will *r«de a <U net tmwtt. Tat, sad* r u s t r c yon bMva. too. to tell Van Bnrea woy you sak tB*.«ot*tbavKp4 tJ»t tbara U a tort depending on ut* reply.' lag upti*oai»j ToofaT* aa*wer*4 P e g s , «<r up is tb*item «t tb* I ,' you »upp>»« I'm gilag ta Itl' | pert of "a B O T mMU tpotib! 1 t>sat rtiJe of Ut* y*i , l-oiti can *<*{». can't war . Jack atand at Peggy wttb' lat«ailed foe * took tt 'daln. -Vou bet, Peggy, tt 1 _ ^ wat any danger la thai tttfl* I tale you." Peggy ratted her eytbrowc what u tb* matter w«b you? _ trying to b* proad aad battfkt* j old awtamf My child, tout you bid to ba tpaakad tat**jj Tat* wtistd tair aaougtc—Oftp of ^JBtgrJfM^fflutjd.to^gojlowu ap$_ iiy tttt^Jraaaat...., ' y . aa anna, wean*• knew watt, la tt»;*al*on aad,a*UU<' gaathssen oo , the ladatatact of _ KP*%4tetkata«attam«*4lB **^r» f gr^e^W 1 ^* aWBaHyp* U B v y B ^ taeyV* lh . B> aaM tatt ta taawraaliai at a opart ban a* wmt ecaadtag aatr tbt akhBa at tat aaact Ban to cterertt- tits wttb aa exceedingly tafa amba*- atdor. ' la tbe batta and wrhatitsi . *Jk *S*LVte. .Bttatetac.et.ii* 1 fceajar* danced, wfcb alt airtatt. at- Itwttf Um monarch aad tas ptnta 'waMa at wu addratatng, aal tats, aeatag what bt bad doa*. at began to ataauotr abject apgoglai aad etalaaft. "Cb. tut wa* atKtdoa.- nt>a*d tat Idas, "Kb a bcatty laaaja. -Abaatar amat to wttbaat faa» dtraogH tales tad tttlo." A watmakal-gtaaea (taav bia «wa partly flgw* to Out at OM alaadar aav htawdnr-attompaaiat tWa aaawar. aad ts* baatv Mt alaaalf aot oaly par- .doaad, bat larttad to aban la laa tdncra laoga. - . . ts«ay ttat yon «aa iatar a ma&'acba^ actar fraia ala baadwnttDg} Wall, tbtn, wttat do yoa taiak at tbJaf Ud a^p^i r wrMr.b a ata at vS^s^BHe^^aHsT aaslsvDaiKaalBM aot a dswattgat YUataaaanMbrsatt* laUOjLaad sat ta brtr aecaost wbatvrtr. I c&aracttr.at aglaaca sar aeribtnow aoT , ( - FroetMor-Hb wrtttac la«a M t - e a s t dadpatrlt. A A tafcatt»tnatlata writ* a aand sybattit a* atiarr/ who baa ta ajafc* bia seMwi'sat'as fclrt teiait?ai!t wasat ta jafc* bia seMwi rty tecasaiairtti?aMi!t;aa j|Mt 1t W l L flff .fMatfattttOBgy An -watdk iHtaSW oat baa «w _ wrOan to r*raia fraatt'. I M a t ate r,a»«tagafe-aawwiaraad aOdat, T7b'-.fttt lWtfavy* b> l dJft My sad they deputed aw to tatt tbe fuel Saw. air. absw me to aak yon. -TVbw doaa tba etui riser " Mr. Vtu Buren'a brow eontracted- a t bttttattd a moment, then tald: "Tbt terma eitt and watt are con national, bof- TbafU do," Intermptad the lint tljtf' CaaB*. tuuuieit of the fuuu; gap** peculiar to TfannktKrTJii; tl-.iii I* ca&td "bunt tbe turkey." Oa tot ts tbe kitchen aad takt tlie af oat of Uivur«o w)4 hnu;; n in bid* It abminrbere tu tftff parlor. tb* lac* cvrtalni In the <rlmicro » a good pltc* or you mlebt lbarr H down tatld* of tbe plana Then Krt OM fttBte com* In and bust for It. Tat peraoa who node It mutt bit tame oaa wltb It before uw pertou can gv. It ba^k to the other room, whidi li boane baa*, it U not fair to throw tbt? tarkey. aa It mutt ba awnag by tbe t, « a peraoa accidentally k n x i * «rar a Uaip or break* a picture or tttfowa tbe turkey through t)»win* dow be or abt-muat pay a forfeit. Of coon* thii game, wbicb la funny aad oat In which both youag and old auyjoln. toutt not be jtbtyad^toagtr tban half an bonr-bafora-dMrum* art for tba dinner, for tbe tarkey mntt b* ftnlab cooking before being carried to taa table. It la utfalr to ufcr bites. Mtt of tne turkey whan It It fooal.and tttaaltoagalntt tbtnlc* of tbe earn* tt kick tb* turkey around the room, tt aaat bt be!d tn the hauda, right tide up. ao that tb* ttufflag will oot fail oaC-Vew Tork World. fact washed, it ti sow, . ion late tomite ta'taprauita fnrab yonng bean, r— te ataotbiag ; "bat wattr," tat Ml tar. m, ws aft dear aertat Qw vaU-wtwUTBttJatoit* MM «** m*t attaa %ta* aawt m aati T. Iteeo* as aaia. "t _.—Jtsiaaadiibtben.* . TStr. caaMat «et tot* tba lake k< dl» sMtt attMwa, Pago, la her *M c4act b> iba atara, aaaajM «aws Ut» bat ewaaiar aad wtaaatt* banr-kag aat twaatar aad waatatta hanrkag a swat aulataia bar dlStaittaaiatloa. rtaiu -W b kaaat t n t t JaaVa aat or fat t t t t sbatat tat dark ta iiaq«lrad,»aal*rly. , Uai Keattar aad aatrttr grew' tb* dark, aaat, aad wettar sad wetter becaatt tat wMM awtttar asd <b* red jartty. -i-Oaiat«;w* «o ba tbare by u t r Sfbtt* a t m t s HtUt vakt fraai P«a- * atsaatb ala digotty w b* Win «rMa fltrtf*, rwtqtaua UM Tb*<jutrt wttttd' toa of Erto. grata- ae aliaaUaa. r«li Urk * faw ptcaa araittd opportunity tot re- ffawaa tn ib* tkett _— •fam tovrtaitrat wtra rolled *aUWn* ^^•Mta^wtaaiMito «"•*. »s»iaf- tslwa att RHM A* they wan aatariag uw tttaat tWintbuaa iwibd oot from b*> ktM: "Jeiic* -^-, «ip | tu *a*«igh ba> alad y*r UMHHY' Ta* uitcowiitad judge, atitiug tery A liiu* further wTl«atrtck agtia ctO- ad aat. totb* iauwa* «ais*HS«at «f |k* by*uud*n, "^»age -—, am 1 far b*lnd T»r bobor oow. aljrr tba'plKHii) Judtt.~B«wB Uartld. TtaMarcMbMt J * s MaHd in bit cats, itiws atcB «ad toakad at bU watt*, a tlhd -tn " <••« •••• ^ < • • w••• ^e aaav W«««^M "Qatar at sititustd, -ttn t ««tn*f aflar 4 Watrs tt ftaMtr st*t trt gat tor A sautt* -Foarteen ceau for tttb of tbata," at atH btnoiBg Uwaalatwoawa tw» eratrat*fa*bad itttcwd. -thtt'tMiVS for UtU and it for tbU. Ttut't jutt tO caata In »U." AM be placed a stif dotUr ou tb* couuttr, 1b* girl took tb* crarate bt bad tt> tattad. aoiami tb« porcba** oa a tila. wbica/tb* tooled us at oo ceata, tnd ttat Uiwu away. «ooa tbty came back wnpiitfterroruwpuicbtftr. Us took tbttu, but did not go awty, "1 knew I could do It." bt t a l l "Jaat •ouat it op agala-Uiraa for M oa&tt ruaost UtiaU P»»a* Voptbtaa 1*0 Wart** 1W Cr*. IU tiapbar ua Utrtii fvrsM to«rhea* US iaj •«!), tn Bracken Mo »*f- Crass „' VH Tba girl wouttd aad found Uw tttti waa 00 m t t toneaa of W. Tbts bt wtnt«| to nr* »*r «mu OWN tAd It ttT wiui tbt goMt, but n ttftk tMTt tki£iO ctnit' worth of bia tlmt at watt Total 48S Tata ait i •WIW u Urackttt jJA Craaa tto " tt Ml ,4aT Wars»r m Cw« its Saphar ' W It Total 4*2 —'- got •DU not bowl. Handicap takes last Tb* Brat fame* la tb* Jouroal *w wrtft; wlfl M mlMI ibb ertiiing (fhUr*.lty)onib*Oa»loom*ya. Ttta Park Club oMWnneklbtiBg tbs op- Osrwesai atttT Ibtr»«B».r m»Mf me*t!t« at the florootliOot»biOafc^w»«te a t Md a _ in' matron aay yoa*U baro t* bt baekr "Klx.o'cJixk. Ottanrtaa.lrti faggr Iiefort,tba1iattta eoaiialtM^ and;tba Uotaay club aepaade aa mt ».gtt UM lirtwn* to tbau batan 4." aba an- twaraJ. nuking beraaif latt a auu •mailer ball la tba atetasttt TbtUat leakeiaUtUe. We'll reach tba plnaa la bajf as bow, 1 Teggy looked a little aaiioatly at tba «ky. -Ttut wind la coming op. Jack,? the aald. "I gueja t'rf gat oat tbe ttua l^ ' *itr;m _._.. Tbay will tars tb»tima<* tbtir lira •tbta," aaawored Jaok flnaly, flliwKki miia^ -Itat be romanOer Uwsgbt Itggy. Tbea aloud, -os; jack, Jack, tftara I* a Ilgbtr Aad la aa lniunt tbey wart b -Dotboaattattateamatoywlntha kag aga.arar m a r a r Ukad t&t ostg- toator of alJty qnmttoat. -Wot Btt:aM 1 tactota attntpa,"an- awarai, iht utanrr psrty^Cblcaap "You'll do nothing of tbt aorf 1 * an- wared Jack. 'It't not a gL-f't work." ", raggy W6k*d up quickly, tftratmii** to beraelf and t*.Utd back Ut her pltet again.1 It waa rery auu and tbtltered among tbe plnea. Tba toft new netdiet em*U*d daliciouiiy of tprisg, and Uw wind waa only a faraway atgb ta tfae treetop*.' Tba p)oe treat nunaartdi roblut tuckered amoog "tlie aoft' rou of ib* new needle*. Buddanly Jack pulled out bit watcb. "Oee whb." be aaid. "it'a are mia- uteeofO!" regzr conJd feel aaratlf gHog whit* "Jtck." aba guped. if* not * funa; Joke to ba hauled tip by tb* boo** caa» mlttae. They a n all aenlota, and ao on* tt tabard oaa rrMb»aa a> a »*t» lor. Tbey bar* bees through tli iMa acrtpta aad know now to atrikt bard." A W+mUr r*».«k* oaataraasttoa, Farbape oat of tb* beat ttorW* told kauaaJaA aSW^ e^a^e^i^^h^^^i^^i^ •.,,-^ ^^ - ^ ..HPMliUelp laVtw UULUUWJUUP DwIBO* parlab dtrka »tb* foUowlni wbicn J* ikaa finoa Daaa Pigoo** remlnU- Bicaa. tatitiad. -Pbtaaaof Uy Lite." 1 evnua cwnt/in^o^ wttftd ( two vtrt tur/m *k -tar Maftty by tb# Striaa dark la brood Ybrffnir*: > -Iti«t»«lr#notiead»t . bt m atnfet tn-tbU 'eit cbardi .QDM ' A -'--' bert..«t-ear"teu> wDi b r 1 • waHttari cbwtft. 1»* Second aottre f *S»»rt» at»t bt.jMt,,Atrt win *». So atrrw Is fMberrtmretogoodly n«L ataarwfcarwWbearsap&g (oftcfat of tba plnei tbey had sot reillied Uia. a beavjr aqutil-bad grown out of tat llgbt wind of tb* afternoon. Tbe watet wat tblck with, wbltaetpa,-tail.tfi* wind tore acrota tbt lake at If titter mined to aid the host* coomlitte ag-untt the dtlinqseat Ptggy, Jtek looked out at tn* wattr with Up* tight praaaad, "Ptggy," bt aaid. "I'll not rtatart oat wltb you wltb a Ilk* that oa ' no bout* committee." "Jack Howard." tasUaa Peggy. "you're got to." > l "Pcggyr tt* Ibmrbsck M* aboal- fltttt aUt&t - •K/tMl frtfff v "Wfda—dlgP^tvTr wb:i« 1 an around. 1 n > not gotiU Ute wjoaO orer," , Pttrr threw back StrgMUb" abosl- den and eyed Jack wltb etta grea(*r dignity OSMO bit own. ' . -1-U notaptak to/oa. Jack Bowtra. until you iiODca that b a a f And *Ha tbif Uwpulled her tam 0* ittantar down ores Her early hair, walked back\ to ibe edga of tbaupisaa sad. «Wtaa| ! OM» wadlta.'atand wttb tutk- dragglad pair to 0M rowbaat laaded aad tied the bow. "Iley. wbat't doing down taartr «Uiad a aiatt'e rolce frao Uw abort. Jack took Feggya band. -Tbe owner •f the pUoa." be tald to bar aoftiy. Tata btiailled, rl% fmt wita a itdj,~ There waa tlltsca from the a&tra. and tlMUj Iba maa'i rolce ouat btck tbrouibtbtrala: "" - "tottt Wbvartyour "I'm John Howard of Ball nairer- alty- . "All right.' come along. Kr. Howard." Jack and Vtgtr wa:kaJ canfuily up tba pltr, and Uvfoogh ibarain. U>t* taw a grttt baildiog Uut eeeaed ttrangt:y eiOM to tbe water for a fanaboute. A BMO wbot« (aco they cnld aot aat la tbe dtrkneet attppad forward. "Cone rltltt la," be Mld'and tbfew open a door. Tt*re «p a long beach Uwt ftced a racing ah«il tat a d«aea m*u. "Uello, It<>wirdr' tald voe in a tur- prUe<l nort of n«y, WlUi ou* v-ttmt dUgmt Ja«k pnilaT Peggy back wt of \h* ii?t»t. ' "The ramlty ooatbatue'.** be groajwt a* tfcey burrt«<i i n o u ittt caaps<. •Ott, I Uri Ome jit A»V« BtTar^iar tbe and of tbi*. \v« iuu»t nave row*i .dear trmtud tliat ctaifouadat like. Uit *&7<tiBSp>tniu:+l' 11 to tb*f tap flRa tu la! WeTI atm baarthteodof Ual»,", "Aad ny -iott I* a doable oat."' CMtstS Peggy. "Think of 1st bout* ooaunJiiee." Jack left her tt the door of Boat cot tag*, tad Peggy tiawiy eltoW4 thf stain to report to mittmr»n in id of_ftar ailtut trtaor of in **trrpftiC ...... stuwwbtt too All) of ffoetrr totf ._ wajBHuy,'" B/ron t*y»t «| wtt.f*r» dvll to bint dutag bit (aw bow** atty •ad talked wife Wm m«t«b of «rt4ag. wbatt writinga are my delight Boil totpwt b* did sot tak* snltt to issts to ma, from tit bt*teg nptttta tt am* mono«yt|a«lta t(W*tta« of a mat of taw world, 1 can n e w ml people ts Bttdmtitnd (t«» poetry tt tbe tt> pnttion of tttiM ptaaloa tod that tbart tt so web [file* ta t lift of pa* thm «by more ttiin a oooKattauaama- qimke,of.« «*tn»l-f»**r. - '- Mr. Ms 3. Mflltr, tbt gtsial tad ', tester (grttws *f DMBall Plgstl Oto. tt ta tttaaM rawitft, tBa * Uw ralirwd Supfly Oo.HRoafaetiar, N. r. Wr, Miller will **».» uia iot> ilootltbibatMtMigaalfJo. 00 iba OftfoftblatKoih, m|,p.# «t«Jf»«r,. Btide*, ,wtw> wonW rref'ttir* thtmMivaa It tucb a M t v Tfce NlnUtev'e R « n u « , A wallknawti mlabiiar of a kirk In Obugow wu oat, dtr pttabag tltag ,|bt Bigb ttrtet wb« ba wtt tetoatti by a crowd of ttrett gautu, on* of wbom iild nlacattvoiniy, but with b* ow&liig grarity, "D'ye k*u. minlttor, ttt dani to dtadr Tb* mlaitter ami* so Uomtditt* ratpoDta, batos tbt whole crew toUtming tba cry, "Tbt dfll't'dtatt! Tbe dfirt'datdr^-^i turned «od, ratting bit oatttrttcurf htJMU, at 1/ to pronounct abifWOog, reportfd, ?4cb, j, pull Ittdt <tiiblaM 1 The Fita O>. will boM a tawkat tad Mr. Wjlilas* Froal J>tt .„ pottUoaalihlbaktonaiOd. Mr. Rtobaia Watt bit _ „ - ifoeltiM mib tba PrsdaMlaf'totwMata 0o, Ut. Wait •lltb»JoMt*d at Xilu v > brth.W.i. • y ^ - * ' Oo Ttouradaftsd fflday elgbu of . wfUbtaf*irttiaaold_ psOtalrtttiMt. IVootta* tba beo«l! ol tn* baliolM luad A tb* 81 attrss Stltaoatl tsuft*. '' Mr. fintia B'Oderaoa oaf wUt *'* Ml "'/? pact of bar latarrlew vfta tb* M ^oamiaot waa aw efea s astdi* p>tat tatdaw oa ibadear atraatty of btr •htpiBneia, for a* be aaid good algM Jack bad atM bar band sad wsttperadf - "tttnr-BJlaa, tfttrr irrti grin and btarlttogatatr. W-tt" T j ofjb* ctmoatty abopa ptaattd Is tb* Mck ttraM* «• oott cotatiy town* is Sagtead art al»p(r kept tv by Urge Undofl arB|,_ifto. from t protongaTitody ol bornea strars, strt sittotand fbtt people who ttt tby of buying old fttmimr* or old aUraf to •ond ttrttt. or Plcctdniy tr* ready tad tagsr pvm**t* of prtdttty tit* t t a t sttfaen tt t rather higher prlot Whrnttey eon* upon t b t s la tat btat ttraefs of t country ooMo«tfe/*»o»ootswafrat| _ _ . »rreM Of Igaati Jjoreat wbo forSMrttp "wapiadib* uppar part of, bit. Ut; tttilMM* obafsia MalGHaia m¥f > .$ tm v canllea. Vftm tbt abowtr etmo-op tbeardtt, who wtt wttklag tbrotign New {ttmp- tUrt os t tketdilng tour, tougbt •&*)< tar uoder s tree, wutra It w»# aoes W'timw fUjOuwvt man Of > *»-i*lMJa«aaJW**t _. .?.*» •».«*« * «?sr» **/oa, m n ed iodiSCTcocaattaaaky abara Jack^a UtiL T»« M*aala*T af SravMay. Htui eJatarfteadnrosuutwho mUt -tsoat who bare aaOmd srotb aJtt Jack atoad hntikiSj ftggy bad Jag, waa atawtt tfiaMtttbm tai at i«a»M*m iaauw dttk* *» tag/ 1 mifldJ* tt*. wbo loo'ktd t tort of b«t -tf «1sat lramp,"utf loIaeH wJuToatT ' " Zbt two mimA lato~o»r«r»*tk», tad it came out tfatt tbe mtifuMt wo* s Btrataa jnikar.by roc*tioo,-bbt »I 1 wtal yon-tb Mat fprar by prtdllactlop, ~ to aajr a word*a> -rat," be atid, rl'»a roiling turn*.' "Two f»»ort tt rasttarbtpbyiiiostplte*. t'abtrt'los moea ft a today aad goo*-tomorrow, xbtr* ain't ( ts«ta--yat. J « say total} shoot m*. I'm on tw mort j tsla to s lirttg tn^ttt Ba#. tb* mm J* mj«*-i* •aa. f *ty. ssd-Ta bov4 totat til I laotit* -V - , ' ' . i «a* trtlttbrfaatothink ttufi* bad mm to wltb s «o4tr» «wto Peto ttrtatfef -1/, ' •" * ~19. **» if yoti BB8&"

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t5"r . -

Elizabethtown;Gas Light Company

^ to the p<K>p1e of t:n.uf6rtlJor Jight and fuel. If you nave never uaedgas fur cooking purpose* try it and you will.tx: pleased, the Company will furnish andwit alt utensil* neceeaary to use gas for fuel

, , A gas range ja economical and convenient.• ADDRKSS THE COMPANY AT


oBrtpart* at t*a QMlae •«sight iVo. II

laat f <aaM a» asjtmMMaa tks.atgftt,

A dlseount-of ten per cant will b* allowedon gas Mils of 1 .OOO fa«l and. over uaed permonth, IT paM at thitvofftoe within ten daysfrom presentation of bill.

n » iaka lar «»•»* «at'' i t«c« or anakA) sliaa.

; ] 1*5* pltr tt* Iat ta»

, I, . -Itit i« ti^r «o* i

O aaetolataa aajack taaAa$4(allr tat* <IM baat

| rCariattuu baUer* la the inuaartall

tjrof UM aool, aa 4a t&* lEadtoa. t«i. tk* «aetr.ut k m I* atrOdnz. Cktto

tianr better* that ood ctwtia* m at tbst that* wea a t t m wbaa « •

. ami Ik tnmatad aad (bat It baa al. read* asts'tfd aavnr a* tt win coo

H . - ttesa to Oft forertr. CkrhMiaaa tap-. . patttbat at deatbthaaoat attar* "aa

ftarBjJ ttatt" warn i t srtn. .eoatbn*tamer, bat Batata tank af daub

a * * iaagi. Vak-b gsi on

i or end. wteai to-toar 8*>«Bea to <b« ctrirt

Warav tM «« laa alact

* ,»i3 ^


»•* Bam'* iwNn.Oaa day tb* m*r!w-of Van Burea

iy a party »fBudasi ri?« tteam<

boat. - On* of the party had b*aa dwelltag oa bia noocouimiaautm tad ovnn-patfaing ibtt a plain aotwar t t a p'.iiagaaillau waa aerer alldtad from him.

T i l wager, dinner* for tb* ronipany,"vadd*d be, "that tt oaa of ua

down to Uw cabin g u d ttkqttaailja dut

can bt tbougbt of be will *r«de a <Unet tmwtt. Tat, sad* rustrc yonbMva. too. to tell Van Bnrea woy yousak tB*.«ot*tbavKp4 tJ»t tbara U atort depending on ut* reply.'

lag up ti* oai»j

ToofaT* aa*wer*4 P e g s ,«<r up is tb* item «t tb* I

,' you »upp>»« I'm gilag ta Itl'| pert of "a B O T mMU tpotib!1 t>sat rtiJe of Ut* y*i, l-oiti can *<*{». can't war .

Jack atand at Peggy wttb'lat«ailed foe * took t t

'daln.-Vou bet, Peggy, tt 1 _ ^

wat any danger la thai tttfl* Itale you."

Peggy ratted her eytbrowcwhat u tb* matter w«b you? _trying to b* proad aad battfkt* jold awtamf My child,tout you bid to ba tpaakad tat**jj

Tat* wtistd tair aaougtc—Oftp of^JBtgrJfM^fflutjd.to^gojlowu ap$_

iiy tttt^Jraaaat...., ' y. aa anna, wean*• knew

watt, la tt»;*al*on aad,a*UU<'gaathssen oo

, the ladatatact of _KP*%4tetkata«attam«*4lB

**^r» f gr^e^W1 ^ * aWBaHyp* U B v y B ^ taeyV*


. B > aaM tatt ta taa wraaliai at aopart ban a* wmt ecaadtag aatr tbtakhBa at tat aaact Ban to cterertt-tits wttb aa exceedingly tafa amba*-atdor. ' la tbe batta and wrhatitsi

. *Jk *S*LVte. • .Bttatetac.et.ii*1

fceajar* danced, wfcb alt airtatt. at-Itwttf Um monarch aad tas ptnta'waMa at w u addratatng, aal tats,aeatag what bt bad doa*. at began toataauotr abject apgoglai aad etalaaft.

"Cb. t u t wa* atKtdoa.- nt>a*d tatIdas, "Kb a bcatty laaaja. -A baataramat t o wttbaat faa» dtraogH talestad tttlo."

A watmakal-gtaaea (taav bia «wapartly flgw* to Out at OM alaadar aavhtawdnr-attompaaiat tWa aaawar. aadts* baatv Mt alaaalf aot oaly par-

.doaad, bat larttad to aban la laatdncra laoga. - . .

ts«ay ttat yon «aa iatar a ma&'acba^actar fraia ala baadwnttDg} Wall,tbtn, wttat do yoa taiak at tbJaf

U d a ^ p ^ i rwrMr.b a a t a at

vS^s^BHe^^aHsT aaslsvDaiKaalBM

aot a dswattgatYUataaaanMbrsatt*laUOjLaad sat ta brtraecaost wbatvrtr. Ic&aracttr.at aglaaca


aeribtnow aoT , (-FroetMor-Hb wrtttac la«a

M t - e a s t dadpatrlt. AA tafca tt» tnatlata writ* aaand sybattit a* atiarr/

who baa ta ajafc* bia seMwi'sat'asfclrt teiait?ai!t wasat

ta jafc* bia seMwirty tecasaiairtti?aMi!t;aa

j|Mt 1 t W l L flff .fMatfattttOBgy A n-watdk iHtaSW oat baa «w _

wrOan to r*raia fraatt'. I M a t ater,a»«tagafe-aawwiaraad aOdat,

T 7 b ' - . f t t t lWtfavy*b> l d J f t M y

sad they deputed aw to tatt tbe fuelSaw. air. absw me to aak yon. -TVbwdoaa tba etui riser "

Mr. Vtu Buren'a brow eontracted-a t bttttattd a moment, then tald:

"Tbt terma eitt and watt are connational, b o f -

TbafU do," Intermptad thelint tljtf'

CaaB*.tuuuieit of the fuuu;

gap** peculiar to TfannktKrTJii; tl-.iiiI* ca&td "bunt tbe turkey."

Oa tot ts tbe kitchen aad takt tlieaf oat of Uivur«o w)4 hnu;; n inbid* It abminrbere tu tftff parlor.

tb* lac* cvrtalni In the <rlmicro »a good pltc* or you mlebt lbarr H

down tatld* of tbe plana Then KrtOM fttBte com* In and bust for It.Tat peraoa who node It mutt bit tameoaa wltb It before uw pertou can gv.It ba^k to the other room, whidi liboane baa*, it U not fair to throw tbt?tarkey. aa It mutt ba awnag by tbe

t, « a peraoa accidentally knx i*«rar a Uaip or break* a picture ortttfowa tbe turkey through t)» win*dow be or abt-muat pay a forfeit.

Of coon* thii game, wbicb la funnyaad oat In which both youag and oldauyjoln. toutt not be jtbtyad^toagtrtban half an bonr-bafora-dMrum* artfor tba dinner, for tbe tarkey mntt b*

ftnlab cooking before being carried totaa table. It la u t f a l r to ufcr bites.Mtt of tne turkey whan It It fooal.andtttaaltoagalntt tbtnlc* of tbe earn*tt kick tb* turkey around the room, ttaaat bt be!d tn the hauda, right tideup. ao that tb* ttufflag will oot failoaC-Vew Tork World.

fact washed, it ti sow, .ion late to mite ta'taprauitafnrab yonng bean, r—

te ataotbiag; "bat wattr,"


Ml tar. m ,ws aft dear aertat Qw


MM «** m*t attaa %ta* aawt

maati T. Iteeo* as aaia. "t

_.—Jts iaaadi ibtben.* .TStr. caaMat «et tot* tba lake k< dl»

sMtt attMwa, Pago, la her *M c4actb> iba atara, aaaajM «aws Ut» batewaaiar aad wtaaatt* banr-kag aattwaatar aad waatatta hanrkag aswat aulataia bar dlStaittaaiatloa.

rtaiu -W b

kaaat tntt JaaVa aat or fat

t t t t sbatat tat dark taiiaq«lrad,»aal*rly.

, Uai

Keattar aad aatrttr grew' tb* dark,aaat, aad wettar sad wetter becaatttat wMM awtttar asd <b* red jartty.-i-Oaiat«;w* «o ba tbare by u t rSfbtt* a t m t s HtUt vakt fraai P«a-


* atsaatb ala digotty w b* W i n«rMa fltrtf*, rwtqtaua UM

Tb*<jutrt wttttd' toa of Erto. grata-ae aliaaUaa. r«li Urk * faw ptcaaaraittd u» opportunity tot re-

ffawaa tn ib* tkett _—•fam tovrtaitrat wtra rolled *aU Wn*^ ^ • M t a ^ w t a a i M i t o«"•* . »s»iaf- tslwa att R H M

A* they wan aatariag uw „tttaat tW intbuaa iwibd oot from b*>ktM: "Jeiic* -^-, «ip | tu *a*«igh ba>alad y*r UMHHY' —

Ta* uitcowiitad judge, atitiug tery

A liiu* further wTl«atrtck agtia ctO-ad aat. to tb* iauwa* «ais*HS«at «f |k*by*uud*n, "^»age - — , am 1 far

b*lnd T»r bobor oow. aljrr

tba'plKHii) Judtt.~B«wB Uartld.

TtaMarcMbMtJ * s MaHd in bit cats, itiws •atcB «ad toakad at bU watt*,

a t l h d - t n" • < • ••« • • • • ^ < • • w • • • ^ e aaav W « « « ^ M

"Qatar at sititustd, -ttn t ««tn*faflar 4 Watrs tt ftaMtr st*t trtgat tor

A sautt*-Foarteen ceau for tttb of tbata,"

at atH btnoiBg Uw aalatwoawa tw»eratrat* fa* bad itttcwd. -thtt'tMiVSfor UtU and i t for tbU. Ttut't jutt tOcaata In »U." AM be placed a stifdotUr ou tb* couuttr,

1b* girl took tb* crarate bt bad tt>tattad. aoiami tb« porcba** oa a tila.wbica/tb* tooled us at oo ceata, tndttat Uiwu away. «ooa tbty came backwnpi i t f terroruwpuicbt f tr . Ustook tbttu, but did not go awty,

"1 knew I could do It." bt t a l l "Jaat•ouat it op agala-Uiraa for M oa&tt

r u a o s tUtiaUP»»a*Voptbtaa

1*0 Wart**1W Cr*.IU tiapbar ua



iaj •«!),t n Bracken Mo»*f- Crass „' VH

Tba girl wouttd aad found Uw ttttiwaa 00 m t t toneaa of W. Tbts btwtnt«| to nr* »*r i« «mu OWN tAdIt ttT wiui tbt goMt, but n ttftk tMTttki£iO ctnit' worth of bia tlmt at watt

Total 48STata ait i

•WIW uUrackttt jJACraaa tto

" t t

Ml, 4 a T

Wars»r mCw« itsSaphar ' W

ItTotal 4*2 —'- got

•DU not bowl. Handicap takes last

Tb* Brat fame* la tb* Jouroal*w wrtft; wlfl M mlMI ibb ertiiing(fhUr*.lty)onib*Oa»loom*ya. TttaPark Club oMWnneklbtiBg tbs op-

Osrwesai atttTIbtr»«B».r m»Mf me*t!t« at the

florootliOot»biOafc^w»«te at Md

a _in' matron aay yoa*U baro t* bt baekr

"Klx.o'cJixk. Ottanrtaa.lrti faggrIiefort,tba1iattta eoaiialtM^ and;tbaUotaay club aepaade aa mt » .g t t UMlirtwn* to tbau batan 4." aba an-twaraJ. nuking beraaif latt a auu•mailer ball la tba atetasttt TbtUatleakeiaUtUe.

We'll reach tba plnaa la bajf as bow,1Teggy looked a little aaiioatly at tba

«ky. -Ttut wind la coming op. Jack,?the aald. "I gueja t'rf gat oat tbe t tua

l ^ '

*itr;m _._..Tbay will tars tb» tima <* tbtir lira

•tbta," aaawored Jaok flnaly,flliwKki miia^-Itat be romanOer Uwsgbt Itggy.

Tbea aloud, -os; jack, Jack, tftara I* aIlgbtr Aad la aa lniunt tbey wart


-Dotboaattattateamatoywlnthakag aga.arar marar Ukad t&t ostg-toator of alJty qnmttoat.

-Wot Btt:aM 1 tactota attntpa," an-awarai, iht utanrr psrty^Cblcaap

"You'll do nothing of tbt aorf1* an-wared Jack. 'It't not a gL-f't work."

", raggy W6k*d up quickly, tftratmii**to beraelf and t*.Utd back Ut her pltetagain.1 It waa rery auu and tbtlteredamong tbe plnea. Tba toft new netdietem*U*d daliciouiiy of tprisg, and Uwwind waa only a faraway atgb ta tfaetreetop*.' Tba p)oe treat nunaartdiroblut tuckered amoog "tlie aoft' rou ofib* new needle*. Buddanly Jack pulledout bit watcb.

"Oee whb." be aaid. "it'a are mia-uteeofO!"

regzr conJd feel aaratlf gHog whit*"Jtck." aba guped. i f * not * funa;Joke to ba hauled tip by tb* boo** caa»mlttae. They a n all aenlota, and aoon* tt tabard oaa rrMb»aa a> a »*t»lor. Tbey bar* bees through tli iMaacrtpta aad know now to atrikt bard."

A W+mUr r*».«k* oaataraasttoa,Farbape oat of tb* beat ttorW* toldk a u a a J a A aSW^ e a e i ^h^^ i i • . , , -^ ^^ - ^..HPMliUelp laVtw UULUUWJUUP DwIBO* O»

parlab dtrka »tb* foUowlni wbicn J*ikaa finoa Daaa Pigoo** remlnU-Bicaa. tatitiad. -Pbtaaaof Uy Lite." •

1 evnua cwnt/in^o^ wttftd ( two

vtrt tur/m *k - tar Maftty by tb#Striaa dark la brood Ybrffnir*: >

-It i«t»«lr#notiead»t .bt m atnfet tn-tbU 'eit cbardi .QDM'A-'--' bert..«t-ear"teu> wDi br1

• waHttari

cbwtft. 1»* Second aottref *S»»rt» at»t bt.jMt,,Atrt win *». Soatrrw Is fMber rtmreto goodly n«LataarwfcarwWbearsap&g (oftcfat

of tba plnei tbey had sot reillied Uia.a beavjr aqutil-bad grown out of tatllgbt wind of tb* afternoon. Tbe watetwat tblck with, wbltaetpa,-tail.tfi*wind tore acrota tbt lake at If tittermined to aid the host* coomlitteag-untt the dtlinqseat Ptggy,

Jtek looked out at tn* wattr withUp* tight praaaad, "Ptggy," bt aaid."I'll not rtatart oat wltb you wltb a

Ilk* that oa 'no bout* committee."

"Jack Howard." tasUaa Peggy."you're got to." > l

"Pcggyr tt* Ibmrbsck M* aboal-fltttt aUt&t - •K/tMl frtfff v "Wfda—dlgP tvTr

wb:i« 1 an around. 1 n >not go tiU Ute wjoaO l« orer," ,

Pttrr threw back StrgMUb" abosl-den and eyed Jack wltb etta grea(*rdignity OSMO bit own. '. -1-U notaptak to/oa. Jack Bowtra.until you iiODca that baa f And *Hatbif Uw pulled her tam 0* ittantardown ores Her early hair, walked back \to ibe edga of tbaupisaa sad. «Wtaa|! OM» wadlta.'atand wttb tutk- •

dragglad pair to 0M rowbaatlaaded aad tied the bow.

"Iley. wbat't doing down taartr«Uiad a aiatt'e rolce frao Uw abort.

Jack took Feggya band. -Tbe owner•f the pUoa." be tald to bar aoftiy.Tata btiailled, rl% fmt wita a itdj,~

There waa tlltsca from the a&tra.and tlMUj Iba maa'i rolce ouat btcktbrouibtbtrala: " "- "tottt Wbvartyour

"I'm John Howard of Ball nairer-alty- .

"All right.' come along. Kr. Howard."Jack and Vtgtr wa:kaJ canfuily up

tba pltr, and Uvfoogh iba rain. U>t* tawa grttt baildiog Uut eeeaed ttrangt:yeiOM to tbe water for a fanaboute. ABMO wbot« (aco they cnld aot aat latbe dtrkneet attppad forward.

"Cone rltltt la," be Mld'and tbfewopen a door. Tt*re «p a long beachUwt ftced a racing ah«il tat a d«aeam*u.

"Uello, It<>wirdr' tald voe in a tur-prUe<l nort of n«y,

WlUi ou* v-ttmt dUgmt Ja«k pnilaTPeggy back w t of \h* ii?t»t. '

"The ramlty ooatbatue'.** be groajwta* tfcey burrt«<i i n o u ittt caaps<.•Ott, I U r i Ome jit A»V« BtTar^iartbe and of tbi*. \v« iuu»t nave row*i

.dear trmtud tliat ctaifouadat like.Uit *&7<tiBSp>tniu:+l' 11 to tb*f

tap flRa tu la! WeTI a t mbaarthteodof Ual»,",

"Aad ny -iott I* a doable oat."'CMtstS Peggy. "Think of 1st bout*ooaunJiiee."

Jack left her tt the door of Boat cottag*, tad Peggy tiawiy eltoW4 thfstain to report to H» mittmr»n in

id of_ftar ai l tut trtaor of in

**trrpftiC ......stuwwbtt too All) of ffoetrr totf ._wajBHuy,'" B/ron t*y»t « | wtt.f*r»dvll to bint dutag bit (aw bow** atty•ad talked wife Wm m«t«b of «rt4ag.wbatt writinga are my delight Boiltotpwt b* did sot tak* snltt to isststo ma, from tit bt*teg nptttta tt

am* mono«yt|a«lta t(W*tta« of a matof taw world, 1 can n e w ml peoplets Bttdmtitnd (t«» poetry tt tbe tt>pnttion of tttiM ptaaloa tod thattbart tt so web [file* ta t lift of pa*thm «by more ttiin a oooKattauaama-qimke,of.« «*tn»l-f»**r. - '-

Mr. M s 3. Mflltr, tbt gtsial tad ',tester (grttws *f DM Ball Plgstl Oto.

tt ta tttaaM rawitft, tBa* U w ralirwd Supfly Oo.HRoafaetiar,N. r . Wr, Miller will **».» uia iot>

ilootltbibatMtMigaalfJo. 00 ibaOftfoftblatKoih,

m | , p . # « t « J f » « r , . Btide*,,wtw> wonW rref'ttir* thtmMivaa Ittucb a M t v

Tfce NlnUtev'e R « n u « ,A wallknawti mlabiiar of a kirk In

Obugow w u oat, dtr pttabag tltag,|bt Bigb ttrtet wb« ba wtt tetoattiby a crowd of ttrett gautu, on* ofwbom iild nlacattvoiniy, but with b*ow&liig grarity, "D'ye k*u. minlttor,ttt dani to dtadr Tb* mlaitter ami*so Uomtditt* ratpoDta, bat os tbtwhole crew toUtming tba cry, "Tbtdfll't'dtatt! Tbe dfirt'datdr^-^iturned «od, ratting bit oatttrttcurfhtJMU, at 1/ to pronounct abifWOog,reportfd, ?4cb, j , pull Ittdt <tiiblaM

1 The Fita O>. will boM a tawkat tad

Mr. Wjlilas* Froal J>tt . „pottUoaalihlbaktonaiOd.

Mr. Rtobaia Watt bit _ „ -ifoeltiM mib tba PrsdaMlaf'totwMata0o, Ut. Wait •lltb»JoMt*d at Xiluv>brth.W.i. • y ^ - * '

Oo Ttouradaftsd fflday elgbu of. wfUbtaf*irttiaaold_

psOtalrtttiMt. IVootta*tba beo«l! ol tn* baliolM

luad A tb* 81 attrss Stltaoatl tsuft*. ''Mr. fintia B'Oderaoa oaf wUt *'*



pact of bar latarrlew vfta tb* M^oamiaot waa aw efea s astdi* p>tattatdaw oa iba dear atraatty of btr•htpiBneia, for a* be aaid good algMJack bad atM bar band sad wsttperadf- "tttnr-BJlaa, tfttrr irrti grin andbtarlttogatatr. W - t t "

T j ofjb* ctmoatty abopa ptaattdIs tb* Mck ttraM* «• oott cotatiytown* is Sagtead art al»p(r kept tvby Urge Undofl arB|,_ifto. from tprotongaTitody ol bornea strars, strtsittotand fbtt people who ttt tby ofbuying old fttmimr* or old aUraf to•ond ttrttt. or Plcctdniy tr* readytad tagsr pvm**t* of prtdttty tit*t t a t sttfaen tt t rather higher prlotWhrnttey eon* upon tbts la tat btatttraefs of t country

ooMo«tfe/*»o»ootswafrat| _ _ .»rreM Of Igaati Jjoreat wbo forSMrttp"wapiadib* uppar part of, bit.Ut; tttilMM* obafsia MalGHaia m¥f > .$

tm v canllea.Vftm tbt abowtr etmo-op tbeardtt,

who wtt wttklag tbrotign New {ttmp-tUrt os t tketdilng tour, tougbt •&*)<tar uoder s tree, wutra It w»# aoes

W'timw fUjOuwvt man Of

' * " J i'!

> *»-i*lMJa«aaJW**t _..?.*» •».«*« * «?sr» ** /oa, m

ned iodiSCTcocaattaaaky abara Jack^aUtiL

T»« M*aala*T af SravMay.H t u i eJatar fteadnrosuut who

mUt -tsoat who bare aaOmd srotbaJtt

Jack atoad hntikiSjftggy badJag,waa atawtt tfiaMtttbm t a i at

i«a»M*m iaauw dttk* *» tag/1

mifldJ* tt*. wbo loo'ktd t tort of b«t -tf«1sat lramp,"utf loIaeH wJuToatT ' "

Zbt two mimA lato~o»r«r»*tk»,tad it came out tfatt tbe mtifuMt wo*s Btrataa jnikar.by roc*tioo,-bbt »I 1 wtal yon-tb Matfprar by prtdllactlop, ~ to aajr a word *a>

-rat," be atid, rl'» a roiling turn*.' "Two f»»ort ttrasttarbtpbyiiiostplte*. t'abtrt'los moea ft atoday aad goo*-tomorrow, xbtr* ain't (ts«ta--yat. J «say total} shoot m*. I'm on tw mort j tsla to s lirttgtn^ttt Ba#. tb* mm J* mj«*-i*•aa. f *ty. ssd-Ta bov4 to tat til Ilaotit* -V - , ' ' . i«a* trtlttbrfaa to think ttufi* bad

mm to wltb s «o4tr» «wto Peto


- 1 / , •

' •" * ~ 19.

t» **» if yoti


ii iiti«t tfcehora*. and at twewy-

flsa dotMatic aaUaul b u t » nj y«art la

tree state.

We wish tbt national purify coa-•reat woild get after the raacals who•pott etir pumpkin plea by~*tfmig the*eier ground and colored horseradishfor ginger.

UB't It fanny that It It alwayttoen**wbo lead exemplary Urea" that tarn

_«at to.be, rmbculers? Urn who (tadthe other kind of a lire ar« generallytoo busy to embcnle.

A Enropean aciestlil ae.yi jman'a flrslancestor * i i a tree. Tbere'a noiklD|

" i e w ln~tb«l. ~ Darwin asserted thataaen descended from monkeya, and anyfoolknowa that monkeys descend fromtnrt*.

nonmanl« appear* to be the molt il-literate country ln"teuropc. Tbe l«»tcentos ehows .that in tbe populationof about (1,000,000 nearly 4,000,000 canawltfcrr mid nor write, and that only• little over, 1.000,000 have any edura-Uoa'al all.

Onc of the "most Imports nt InternsHonal treaties ever signed w u that be-tween twelve Kuropcan countries fortb» dolof away of .-the wbtta slave(raffle, tbe treaty going Into effect July18. It wtt agreed Out earn countryestablish bareaurfor collection of In-formation and to exchange lnforma-Uoi).

' Herc'a a conflict of emotions! "Thepresident of the Association of Audu-lion Socletlea declares that one of tli<most Important thing* for the assoclaUon to consider l> tha legislationagainst cala. Between affection forthe lilrda and affection for.newbornkittens, what la any worni-beartedyoung woman to dolatkathc-llottou

' Transcript.


I «*'tan*, at*, ftttffead thaJr-ttt/wat net as thly ea I've eet* It

TU £> IMP $8

tmmrmd to FWtwood'a aoartaatata,fr WWCB at4 or mxUfr, tm I

BMBtlMMd. waar a «ottutawieattkg1 U d f **f U> tlda daar

atw} llaOoed. I beard t» aooad. I

s. L.

1 was awakened In tbe morning bymy wife, and, to my surprise, foundHint 1 limt Into iiler|ilng, fully dressed,nu a nnwli" In cur bedroom. I «alup and paused my band ii-rona my fore-head. In the endi-atur to recall hi.w Itwan tint J had entered the room, andwithout undressing, <-bosHi the couthInstead of tbtt bed.

"Ilnte I l*en sleeping |on*r I asked."I <1o not know, my d*«r." replied, my

wife. "Tim opiate yon unvo we liltnight hnd Mich an efTnct «|mn me (bat- M^ri

Th» moit retntrkable agrlculturanOTencnt of our Um«a la aald to bethat "the world la eating up Iti•betp." In Germany the flocka hare

""tfemaaed orer »Uty 'jiei teat ifnet1BT8, aaJ tbla-U only

of what li going on eliewhera.H a Incrtiailng prlc« at beef la glrra«r«M reewn ol the eating up of th«

.ahtcp; lhd dt*a4 at tnbarculaila tavjua*•ttor. -

It la on* of the moat dlfflcolt thing*ia the. world for a girl to be happy Itbeautiful. People are Jealoua of h « |women ibe ha» "cot out" and wen ahakaa Ignored—both unknowingly, per*kapa-aay odloua tblnga of her and tohtr. Tile pleaiuro of ordinary nodal

other women'a Inerltable dlitruit. Thenan h*r but friend loves will prob*

. abl^ fall In lore with poor Clorluda,L ...jarbd ifxtn'i care (uppwee for h

Dr. AVoiOilngton tiladden Iwaa at-tacking certain unfortunate tendcnclcaof modern finance. "A mddt-ru flunncler of tbla type," ha aald, humorous-


ly, "wan robbed "In New York's llroad<way the other day. A. llttlo urcblq In•orry raga illpped up behind him andMatched Ills handkerchlcr from hlipocket.. Some «nc grabbed Uie boy-caught him red-handed. A crowd col<lectcd, A man aald: 'I will run for thepollcei' But the fluonclcr flzeU a notnsklndly look upon, tbe trembling llttlo

. jcnlprit: 'Oil, let him alone,' he said. 'I-4>*g«n-bualaeae-in-a-aniaU-3ny~ttiy<-


"It ta a great mistake to conclude-that It Is 8, law o( .nature that rec*n(

atnlmala t n all amall and lmlgnlflcant

opened my eyes half an hour ago.""Tbi>n yon bav« rw ri-follecllon of

my baling come In, in- at what llm«T'"Not Ihe dlldlitent, Illchard."

-••Norhnve I," jtnld I, ponderlngr'"When I raw ymi uteeplng on tbe,

couch," said my wlf«, tenderly, "myIdea wan that you would not come tobed for fear Vif disturbing me."

may have been my motive forore," I said, still In wonder;

II Isjitrangn that It should have

ibooglita wbkb it oiut Inevitably hareInspired In her geotU breast would.*• It were, har* rerealed to b*r base•eptbs In my nature of wbkn ab«did not Ml*ve me rapabie. IJiad loaer my unrl« on tbla morning, and Iwould lake the opportunity of slippingIbe ring somewhere in Ills room, or ofdropping tt upon the floor, and thusarold mitpldoii. Ho resolving, I wenttown tit my wife snd dnugbter withmy guilty Mrret In my pocket, ready tomy right hand,.' Mr, Mori lock - was with them at

MttPrHosille. Mr. Mort-

out o? irly~mlnd. t"If bat ootiirritl before, Itlrbard."

/•True; but" tills, la n new plisao «f|ny wretched sleep-walkllitf."

"It la fn»lly HToiinlM.l for, lore. Yourmind him been unusually dlalutbed.l)n i) .t let It distress you."

"And jou bnvo bod n good nlghtV"A wolidcrful nltflil; I feel quite re-

freshed; und wrro_lt not for^whnt Isliefuro me, I Mioufd /eel perfectly

. , it la a singular fact that tnymind «•«» nlso a blitnk aa to-tbe dangerwhleb (brcatoned us, I had no rocoUlection, not only of what had pissedbetween me and tny uocla on 4h» pre-Tloux day, but even of his being In theb - - _ - • ibouse.

"What do you mean)""Surely you have not forgotten the

task I hava tet myt<!( with your uncle!I tbtll succeed, love-*! shall aucceedlThe first sound I heard thlt morningwm the-tinglng «f tho tHrdtr That tinearly always to; lint Ihlt morningtheir aweet notea had a peculiarly Joy.fut significance. .•Hope, nope, hope!1

they tang. 'All will be well. Eunice

J ill be happy. ,T«ur" home U tatcd,be clond haa pitted away.'- My bcqrt

tang the wordt In wnltou, and I havegiveu tbanka to the (liver ot ail good,"

Kven these tender wordt did notmitigate the terrible oppretalon whichWnlahed'tne drtwn. Him fallmt to•Ince mo that, wllliln a few abort

hours, -we should not be thrown, uponhe world, without a horn*."Mamma!" It wo* Eunlcc'a voice,

HUlde."Coin* fn,' dear flilltfJ*'' called, tor

wife. "81io la happy and hopeful,I l b d I have been talking to hot

l "

feck gave me "good riHirnlijR," ami withk. hatred In my heart wblch, bad Ihot held myself in moral and phyalcalControl, would have Impelled Jna la

" Im In- tho fart>, I refnrnMt tUer, . despising myself the white fopiny contemptible Mrakneaa and,lackPf manhood. Mile. Itotalle raited herryea abyly to my face, noftly , said,/'good morning, air," and then loweredthem again. What was tbe meaning ofher shy, timid, slnguar JookT Did sheknow my secret? Or wat it that I waaIn the mood to place extravagant conttructlons upon tho most Insignificantdetails qf social Intercourse? I cuotfrthe worse view, wnd, gating wltb per*turbed looks at them all, took rty teatat the table.

"You do not s«em well this morning,"observed Mr. Morllock.

Again Mllo. rtosa-lle raised her ryeato mln»-wnu~1ue taWnffrinio "look!again the lowered them Immediately.

"I am quite well, Mr. Mortlock." t•aid, and lit no cowtww tone. '"Whatmakes you think othen»i»ori Mr. Morllock tltnply tall, "I beg yotirpardon,", and proceeded with .bis, breakfatt. ', ' •

"Hare-itm tttjn Mr. FJ«*twood tfcja

r trjed th* door. It waa torktdibat whether Ir bad been Jedwd fromOf* latJd* «r xht^t^Mi* I could notteilL By this HUM it waa 1 o'clock, andI twjeft to reel tweaay. I went to caywife and ftmaalted iur. M» hardlykaa* what to advise, having gatbendfrom me bow peremptory werv-aaynneU* inslnuilvDa that be should not*•' dUtuiiml. nnt-wt—anotnet-pdeyhad paaaed w» 4«cU«d that, to theatrtnte and anareotuit«ble abs»nr« of•amqel Plectwood. w~e would make agmtla,effort to aronae him.

We atood together at the eoromnnlrat-lngdoor. and toftly called to him, andpresently ealled fn a luvder* twie. with,oat receiving an answer. My wifetapped at the rfoor, with no better re-sult/and Ibeii I nhook it, and railed lca elear. Inud tone, "Uncle! Unrler

And mill then* wat IK> reaponse frombin.

said my wife. "I am«"i~5WrH"h:~i

The ft!fan* ofwriter laat

iCCJKg| Of rf*B»g lh#


Bh» nmld not proreed. p ,ahe gated at me. ami I at ht>r,. n.nd Ifelt that. In her mlnd^a* in mine, wererecalled, ihe lWnln I hrnl Ottered oniM ptwlow'tilpnt,' * f Botnethlng, most be done." I Mid.! How It eamt abmit'J^know not, batnow tliern were dtbe? peraons tn thefOOttl bralde onrtelrtft-Mr: Morllocktnd Mile.

tried hy tbewith icaaaaaM*

• Carcftdly rfoa# with rarth aQ open-fag* to tbe anlsaaTa borrow except tfeeauiB eutranev. T*e> saitvate withgatollM-ai g«at} aiatd Itall made «fraga or burlap,'aad w&Urytot tnurfar back in the barrow aa one eaareach, Vbtu Uda la dos* rapidly Hathe opeolag with .iooee groand andpack It to solidly. Tbla; wlU taake anah-tight aeal The gasoline rapidly

**apontee. -aad tr^itt 4n¥uSoa SB*every Book and comer of the burrow,tke eojueqaeni* 1a that the "chuck"«lle» of stiSocatk>iu-II. 8. C, In In-dlaoa Farmer.

TO FEED *OONG C A T T L E W E I . 1 *As a rwnlt of an experlmentlD feed-

Ing bay with and without grain tocahea_{be Nebraska Experiment Sta-tion hit arrived at the following con-clusion: That the coat of producinggains In calreata least when- consider-able grain It fed along with hay. There»nlt» of an egpfrtmept

The, qnestlou dlrectfd Mo1

my'*Jf« «WTb( question wat aoi dlrectfd

,nnyon» la particular, *nd my'*Jf«iwertd no t t th had t in, y p , y J f « «iwertd no, tuat the had not inn MiaJThen, one* moire Mil*. Itoulto looked»tm«, A a i h t «

iilto wisely.""If lovo bo irlsdoin," I thouglit, ns

Kutilce entered; the room, "It wouldf4r much. But lovo must

miracle In a stony heart buforc hapilnest can bo restored to ma andnine.""Klst tho. clouds awny from yonr

'athpr's face, my child," tald my wife,'and IIIHUD htm smite agnln."

Let lii\ let he," 1 said, receivingind rcturnlug Euulco't carcta \rlthoUlness.'Don't be dltheartcotd/darllnaV* tald

my wife, drawing Kunlce t» her,"Your father It ndt himself thlt morn-

jwhlch Irritated and confuted me, atecause I coald not Interpret it. • r'

"Do you with particularly to know ifI have teen hlmr I atked. . , .

"No, air,1* ah* replied, quietly. *Iwtt asking generally. 1 observe thathe hat not placed'the utual flowerton the table."

Tblt wat a reference to a nark otaffection and graceful attention' whichBamucrKIeetwood waa In the habitor paytngmy wife and daughter. Kv-ery morning, when they came-down tobreak fatt, Uwe<Wfti a posy tot each ftthem pared'before ttielr aceuttomedseats at the table, and they knew thattho'flower* came ri(dm tfifa'htfthfuT

+-TbedoorahotiKl be forced," *ald Mr.Mortlock. t . -'-'"I will call again 8ratr" I aald,>onit Lcried, at tbe top ot my Toioe, "Uncle!Uncle!"

•There .wat a' d/etd portent In thetBeni-e that rticued. Feellns now thatthere waa not a moment ta lose, I pat,ray shonlder to the door aud tried toforce It, but toy strength wat not'great enough. ' - \

fLctja^trt lt,~ tald^r. Mortlocfc.~H«~pul furili hllTfila jitrengtfi.'aniijliterally tmaahed tbe door In. Even at'this dreait Jnnctnre I noticed that UfleJBoaalle looked nt him la gamlratton o flila strength, ' ' ,' ' '

We stepped iQUMhe' room; expectlMid hoping that my uncle would leapAtom Up bed at theUnaeenily intrnalmlV1" « * # W N w ^ H ^ f o n n e f r i i w

daring tbe preceding winter also indteated that the feeding of grain warprofitable from tbe standpoint of eco-nomical production. For the entireyew. with no grain during the aummetwbtTe ou grass, (he results Would go ofabow that a moderate grain ration 19winter, not more iban one-third a fullfeed along with hay. It moat economi-cal. , '

MABfTAI. VAXSXTTBB8.^A fautbtatr* B U M la to cm*.

*T«-|aM>d a wlfe'« to connteraaaud.*

FOBCE OP HABIT.' " ""Well, doctor, your treatlae la ready

to go to preu. What are yon going todo abont an appeni^ir

"Cot It oaf-Houston Pott*

INFORMATION' DEBIBED."Will you remember me when I am

far away?" be asked the summer girl,"I don't know,?—ahe answered.

"How far are yon going IT


H f t ^ * t l l t t * » W> aofllred toward it^ knd,:;b»Bdltt« for-;M j W t b a t he *»af coHTaad-daadli

& 1 t ^ f r t l t a l h l 4

my ear t« my uncle'a' month;;it* WM rigid and-11»«4. r placed toy)hand upon'hie heart; It wat rlghl and<Ud I c l 4 t l hlaheart) It was pulaeleaa.

"He It dead!" I taJd.Mr. Mortlock caat Infuriated gloncwt mA Uf wife traa falling to tlielat

l gUft wife traa falling to

I ht h

PLOW NOW FOR POTATOES.Ground that la to be planted to pota- _

tow next-sprlBg-ahotjtd-be-plowed-lfthe falL It to cUlmed that fall plow-Ing will Increase the yield front one-fourth to one-third. Ground for pota-toea should bo plowed very deep,Profeasor G Irani, a noted Frenchscientist, who baa for eleven yeanbeen currying on thorough and exten-sile experiments with potatoes, and le,one ln»tano»;obtalD*d-a'7leld-ar thr-rate of 1333 bushels per acre, In manyinatancea getting ylelda of over, OOCbushels, and under adverse condition!or aeatona where hla advice waa close-ly followed no leaa than 400 bnaheli

-per acre was ever produced, aaya tbrgroand should be prepared to a depttof alxteen JncBff and thorough, cnltlva.-.I gir.n H

BECONSTRUCTED.Flrat 8plrlt--n-hy are yon taking

jour harp to piecea?"Second Spirit-"I want to poll some

wirta qir earth, to gat in. thaEaU efFame."

THE HENDKZV0C8.Knicker—"Do you think that family

life la dying out!"MIIIlonalre-uNot at all; with appen-

dicitis, automobiles and football wemeet at tbe hosplta]."

aJv^auuW*** "* i c l * > t ' a e aveatiao- * » • • « • • pnultnle for fcnadrrdsfcnadrrds

i for

ttaad eat real and

aedag things" Itommatoei. a

P*vfect depth, per•paeeN"•••"liauj.jre* aee,*

"oaed. "the twolocoes la site and

"1*1• f theae Unea~


we look an" • the ohject or piJarge at the, origiiwould appear to th<

tiled potatoea in rowa twenty-fourInchet apart and .nineteen Inchee apart,In the rowa., He givea much Impor-tance to tbe topa of tbe poiatoet com-pletely covering the groand when they

gronad aa I caught her."Poor gentleman!" void Mil*. Koatlle.

"Poor'old gentleman!" -

at compared with their representative* breast.

'There It nothing hew, mamma?"sked Kunlce, ahxlouily."No, dear child," replied my Wife.

Itely upon me." - • - >"I' will, niaiuma, I will,'' murmured

Eunice, her' face upon her mother's

servant. On tblt morning there werenone. - My I wife bad noticed, tbe otuit-slon, but had mado uo remnrk upon It;and It Mile. Motnllo spoke spitefullyrespecting It, a natural cause mightbe found In the circumstance tbntPlcetwood never honored her by sucha mark of attention. In reply to hercomment my -nift- simply onld:

"Mr. rieetwood It too tiuslly engagedto hit duties with Mr. Wilmot."

"1 dare say," responded Mile. Itosallc;and the conversation dropped.

K couple of hours after breakfast, Itbeing then about half-past 11 o'clock,Mile, ttoealle remarked-that Mr. W11-'mot^vnt inter than ho was oa thepreceding morning, and jtny_wlfe_ con-


OHAMKR X. . "*It wat an nwfa'l tlgbl, There WM!

an .expression, of pain upon t ie gray.!DB.tnrn,t4.v !*«*», jifcoVf t^la, th«\ aacred,truth that my feelings were those of "aman upon whom had fallen a mostterrible and overwhelming blow. Fora few moments, supporting In my armsthe Insensible form of my dear wife,this, aud no other, waa-tho Impression -produced upon me by tho awful Inci-dent. But It Is thn Mured truth aawell that my ngltntlou presently as-sumed another plinw. My nncle wo*dead—ho hail dle«V before he couldcarry Into execution tin stern nndruthless design which would have that*terod tho ImpplncM of my beloved on'eR.They bad psenped. the <umtenc* h»would have pronounced upon them.

"In It trmvlttchard?" wblnptred my

of the past," aaya a tclentltt. "That It' tdmpty not true. Recent hortca art

f"Wgg*r "than" extinct ones, and much" --Utter than-the three-toed and 'four*

toed ancestor! of hortet. Hccent ele-* phantt are at big at any that have

existed, and "much' bigger than their'elephantine ancestors. There

• ittver ha* been any creature ot any• ' klod—mammal, reptile, bird or flth-ln^ u y geologftal period we know ot a*', {jbif.maaome of the existing wbtlet,"

*> <tnttagtjtattataaitaytaaasjtJttataaMtttMtta»attt(>

anrrounda chil-dren at night ahould- be moat carefully,

" after, that they be. healthful,italMttt Seattle Time*. Thepor-«f time given, by chlldran to tleep

' 'the bodyM ID growdnring tbla time. Im«

|»ir» people,

"\V« will go down now, Richard,"takt'niy wire? "you will Join us pres-ently r -

"Yet. presently," I replied:They left tbe room together,1 taking

tome loose rotes with them, and Iproceeded to make my toilet. It~wtawon completed, and I took: fry watchfrom my pocket to ascertain tirelline,Atljpntlti>aekjny.JIng««s.«nco»nter«da ring. I took It outtud gaaod at Itin dumb aatonlthnent; It wat th» dla-mond ring my uncle ha<i~t>laced uponbit finger on the Britgnlght ot hls-jp-rlval. By what ttrange meant hail Itcome unconsciously Into my posses-ilontr I-shook my head angrily and Impa-tiently and tried to tbtnk. My unclehad not given roe the ring, and I couldscarcely have taken lt~wlthout hisknowledge. But, with or without hitknowledge, I mutt have taken it, forIt lay In my trembling hanav How didItj come Into my packet 1 Wnt I aIhlefT It needed but a question likethtt tv> make uiy despair complete.Little did I totnectwhtt wa» yet to>* raterted to riie, »ni> ai! of wr. Thettoneln the r|n< wat. tt'l have alreadyBtafeaVnoMargtf; and wuld not; at the- - - - - - have been,worth moroMhtA


curred, but ad(|e31fial"he mutt on noaccount-be dlttarbcd., At tbt lookedtoward me for confirmation, I" taldthat ho had given explicit Instructionsthat ho one thould go to hli bedroomuntil he tummqned fhe'in.' It wat anevidence of the wretched' tta'ta of mynervet that I ahonld feel annoyed byMite. Hosallo't simple rcpelltlou ot mywords, "Until he summoned them."She, was, busy with"a. piece of embroid-ery, which the wat making for Eu-nice. • , , .»

Another bow patted without a algnfrom my. uncUVand, -with the Intentionof seeking Sanme) Flettwood, Ithe ladles and-" v " "ir<m dftiiy ttnetja apartmentt. Oo. thewar I ent*r«ts*a3f;.own bedroom for aclean handkertam, and I casually ob-tcrveda plect of >thln whipcord, theend of which wat banging down frombeneath tbo pUtow of the couchjpnonwhich I had aWt.ntt did not further,"attract my attention, and, without re-moving It, I went In eearch of VivA-wood. Ho wat not. to he found. Iquestioned, the imrvantt. but not Oneof them hniTsceir him. I «skcd whetherhi bad had hit brenkfa»Vand the an-swer ,\vat that he had not presentedhimself, at thftt-hnftkfaat- table,, nthat hla absence oa,a,h,eet> commenlcd.,on. Kunwlnjf th*V he waa autterlngfrom acute h r t dleai d t t

the crop until the Tinea have all died.'He consider! food teed of the verygreatest Importance, which he aelecUfrom tbe most productive hllla whichhave been marked while growing onaccount of the luxuriant appearance ofthe tops. By telectlng aeed In thltway varieties have'not deteriorated,but have .Improved.

, SEHVICKABLE FARM GATE,- The gate hero Illustrated hat been.In use by tbe writer for several years.'Ita practicability haa been well proveoVIt it a side and turn gate. It It hqnglike any, other ,s«f?. except that one1 ottho rear"sato posts It aet a little fur-ther back than ltt mate on the oppositeaide. This ia shown wel! in the figure.Tho gate it put in position, before thecrosaplccex are nailed. Block it up to

HIS DILEMMA.Dyer—"Hlgbee Is In a fix." .

, Byer— "Wbaft tbe trouble!" •Dyer—"He doesn't know whether tft

go through- the bankruptcy court ortell bis auto."—Brooklyn Life.


able aa these sutwhen thottghtfalli«bey «re abaolutiadentlflc fexplained In any thtnob Ul

"Well, my son nt'college hat finally,agreed not to try for the football team."*

"1 suppose yon feel greatly relieved}*"Only partially. He Joint a,fratee.

hlty organisation next week."


_ "I don't believe In Jmnreatlnj


!3SS'• •™ l l f'e ir»«<nad* JwgaUve

^Jf*. t t»J5/ to t0«r«P«» I •aw


Heritionieday."' "Why notr

"Ifa liable to spoil ^m In later, Ufej?


u Iween-theirstanding

I ait back and wohardto realbte that,I could aee ia their»f connrrlea, clUea ithe earth.

-Bat," he went ™,.a far more remarkalogUu.are saying tlthese ure-»l*e acenetnamely, if while Iaome means of kiwhere on the earth'standing. In just wlover what territory-indlf»e take timefc

pto connect tbe two posts, the Inside,'croospiccct being reversed, as shown.

if.—~i — . . . ri


***** «>v«i the twin

. the hood, of theHere Z wat attonished

no loager-looking , t a , ™ l ^ , I u l ^waa teeing oat into actual space intoaa actual place, and. moreover, tht.Place waa ttartllngly different from***£ x ««d auppoted wbea i lookedat tha. flat photograph without anyinstrument! Instead of looklns fromthe side of a geld, I Tooud" i wa* on ahigh bluff, dropping abruptly perhapsfive hundredfeet just beyond the-i.romen. The honses that I had supposedto stand at the farther »ldt of the

diaUocttenteor^,^in that place, or whstoe experience* of tryou would not be likeat once, bnt reserve y

arnvtoauu MBX OAIB.

ffrom acute heartdt hd Jd

egand tnat my

ot l trt dlteafe y

doctor had taJd.K* had not lowr.toItve, I procce4«4*>>«» room, adjoiningthatof m l i imm tbtt h l g t

room.'-Hitthe aparttne

"It It nt trim'tnat hg la dead," aaldMr. Mortlock,'between bid teeth, "atthat ho baa Wen immtcrcd." _

An exclamation of horror burst frommy lips, and from tho lips of my wife.Mile, nosnlle was &llcbt.

"It it Impossible," I »ald~: "If cannotbet*

"Look here." said Mr. Mortlock. •,He turned down the bedclothes, and

pointed to n thin circle 'round the deadman't neck. - »•''Ho hat been strangled," tald Mr:

Mortlock. "lit htt sleep.""Heaven have—mercy noon him!"'

murinurcd mywlfc. In a low, shudder-Injt voice. ——•

»tt •will have,"10 mercy upon "hit murderer".'*""It It ttranse," Mid MUe. Rosalie,

finding her voice, !'lft»f nothing-hatbeen seen of Mr. Samuel Fleetwooil."

t nor cried my wife, horrified atthe augjvtilpn~ * ~"But,"-Mld MllF-'Koaall*. with pw-

altt^ncc, "It It ttrnnge, it it not. slrV

Thla bracea them. JTo open the gat*alTde It back. balMU length, when Itwill nearly balance and may be turned'on Its centre. It la a. compromise be-"tween a slide and htngo gate,.combla>.Ing the Kood features of-both.—J. A.Macdonald, in Tribune Farmer. ~

"It* Is," I mecbanlcany replied; "hentt be .found." - - •"Meanwhile." mid Mr.. Mortlock,

"thto U a matter for the poll<*.•iflos the'polTce," I exclaimed."{far the police," repeated. Mr. Mort-

lock. UA rrlcked, murder has. been com-knitted la your bons^.. Do you proposeWJioahltopn


Mr. W. F. XTcSparran urges the com-parative cheapness of milk at a .food,aa others have done many times in a.general way. But he goea at the sub-ject in a very teree way In * recentletter to; th* Jersey Bulletin and tayst"We are told that a quart of good milkhaa aa much nutriment aa a quart ottfdb

pnI replied, "I do not., JTouf ln»-

lniurjpn* Td i ' :T h *

eight egga, and.perhapa a half peck ofaome ot the pr*flige«ted,-premedltatedhreakfaat fooda. -Do .we Inalat that thecity vlaltor shall give lodgment In bitTOlod to these nutrlUva facttT - Do wecompare prices for him? A (juarti ofimllkalx centiv ditto of oyttera thirty \cents; a pound ot beet averagea eigh-teen cents, seven egga fifteen, cents,breakfast food* about aeventy-flve

rcenta a peck. > Of course we .will nottoo strenuously Inalat that hi? family-ahall nt« letr beef, beana, beets, pota-toea, cotn ajid cabbage and feweregga, but'that he fhtlt nte more milk."

win help the cow and aot

yon were kind enough to give me. tlr.an' lt'a another favor I'd be after aak-ing you."

"What'itthatr . ,"A good, square meal to fill 'em out!"

—London Telegraph. ~"

ON HIM. ' - —•Ethyl (to Gladys, who hat witnessed

a game of football for the first time)-MWa» BeggJe on the eleven?" _

aiadya-"WeU. dear, from where Itat It looked at though «h» >)rwere on him."—LIpptncoU'a Magai

NATURE AT FAULT:.Fanner Glddap->Jt don't teem tew?-

.me aa how nature worka right" . '.Former Golang-"Whafa wrong now.

IfleU alww^jim^.i | B W , ; r ngbJ,w w e .«t least half amlleTllHtantoTer at theother side •at. a ravine. 1 couldn't be-Uevo my ejres «t-fir»t. Then I asked"What causes this eff«( of beingright. there with open tpace allaround?"

"To Jurniib the km•JU possiMe a netr jbeen devised and patenew ayaten).1*

Then he proceededmwt inscnlona map iI had never before hcianother brljht Idea, itsimple one .wonders ibeen devbetl before..several of the patent'•In the flr«t place excelof the ordinary, tort, tvice of oomplcuous reJn»t where a person n

l-*b?*fT.fr.;-t*!rtoW itn>iutrepttott' be War to facttuch, territory. In a •foiUaioiror a alrctct'of owa* to Include in his ouparticular point .

*"Hqt what arecdncalo•thUr'-l asked. '-MuchPly, "Here la whst ipsychology in New YoI*rofe**or Lough, says:

few minuTes we~hate, there.would not be time to explain folly,"was the answer, "but the possibility oftnes» effects of reality depends first „-. . - , . .of all on tbe principle of two-cje see- " Tbe essential thinging as distingtilsbed from one-*re »re- j t i u t t we have the ncfujlIng. You must, begin with this prin- j o r object( before us, as iclple if yptt are to. osdentaod tbl* J "U"* ihan a picture, bntravel tystem: Most people never «op I *on?c at least of the mmto think why .thcy.vha.ee two. eye*. .It' *rSaa"""i "•«- -•••• —the question occnis. ta - thaa at «1Lthey probably fancy the secoed eyeIt merely t a pleccf of reserre eqnlp-

-ment—nature's- pruibluu——~~ * •-lessnesa In case of

q i , . ljleaV aud enPTwfnce of .fl»e> pjc!jtn£tlMini In the preteore .This ia enurcly poulble

^ " V

Farmer Glddap-"Cp In the moant*.alna where the air U tew rarefied farbug llfe it'* tew rocky t«r farm."

hurt the customer, ItUIegtttma.ta«nd,tight thi t we ahoold b> Mcb,.hooiiitaa;rtt th*'_cow and hat pure, ttaia. rUh

— — - i h w

THEMr. 5 . - - I think I shall give up my

bnttneaa. my dear. I might aa wel l -have tome enjoyment ont of my

Snoney." , - ' -iIra^ai~.'JOht -W&- yet .--fiajmiet'--Bnt"-

when one of na dl«t I intend to gfr« uphousekeeping and tee a tittle of theworld/'-IUuBtrated Bltt. -

THE SU8PENSE THAT KILLS,"There' doesn't -appear to be mnch-

uwletaneaa about your town," said the

"No," repUed Cactiaa Cal; "we w o i Vatand far It'roand here." / ." *

"Ah!'I suppose, when any bad chary ' >•««Fo5lf ia into yonr town yon tome-''.dUtely expel him." '

Well • cr-^mott freqnentpend 'em." — CatholicTlmea. ' - _

_. ._ ._ But" he added; Vweorgan of vltion;" ' "that even tbeae experlenc

Then my informant went on to ex- ten unless the atereograplain that a persoti-wlth.normal eye- w»tb-c*rtaln -helps- andtight sees 'very iIlgcretotiT from a per-1 «plflt. (Sneaking Iri' aton with only one eye. To demonfira.te f ibis means we, mutt ;tr<that statement, I was asked to make -ieen In the stereoscope itwo or three personal experiment*. tr«t.the place itaelf in aPint I held my rliht arm oat straight "To rappiy. this need booin front of me, on a level wltb' tbe prrparcd by people of wkshoulder, the band open, tbe pahs to- • ' - *-wards tbe left Holding it In that po-titlon I looked^at the band with.myright eye alone, keeping the left eyeright eye alone, keeping the left eyeshut I found I coold *ee the edge

" of'my hand and a part of the back of- _ - t in-btodJuotk*epins *raMd


prepared by people of wkbroad colrore to-ascompaosraphed aceaea of a city 0

Thea I waa abowngal•orb men at Jesse Lyntn» P l j•orb men at Jesse Lyntn» , on PalwUcej Dr. p . jr.rrofeaaor Jamea a Egberl b i X 2 a ( t

, k

* tfv-« m w ^ ' w * i i »ai —ii" y i ^ " «<4vw«mp

hand In the same poMtldn. I dotedtbe right eye and used only the lefteye. That time I aaw the edge of myhand and a bit of the palm, bst Icould not see around, on the back oftoe hand as before. Last of alt. I s*edboth evea together. Somewhat to myown surprise. I noticed that I could - ™ i^nnia we nereoac

' then tec the edge of tbe hand, part of j same natural order that 'tie palm, and ,al» part of the back I treat them daring- an acttof the band, Indeed, I found 1 acts-! They point oat the objecte

Jamea H. Breasted, of Chi<aity. en Egypt; rrofeaaor Jton, the reteraa travebr,George Kesaan, thefamocadd lectarer, on Hartlslqpbooks the author, or gtheir comajwntt on the dlffiKCB ibroogh the atereoac

Of tOB aWnC* lOuCCG* • ••—»—• — —-»,— | ——- • 4T" • •••• *rm+ ***v VW/CVI*

ally u « part way oroond the hand. I in eacf^pbut) aad give aomtThe repreienUOre — "•- - — ' • — " -

we "aw|.

of the atere- toty coosectad with. tt. Eaatwer the very qseatliognpbera then explained that a ol- j to auwcr the very qoeatli

Bocolar or ttereotcopic camera dUTcra J conwr wotdd htr Ilkety toai


;. Tea,* aald th«>#nnei- at-iolt, "ti\U hta trouble*, «u,e caddytareaa«c anil finpertlnentTwacklnirhlm oWthVhadia;*"

A"from "an drfflnary"^smcrB-*Jarw6^|th»BWita^Ta»T»tMniiined man differs from a .cripple with I ataf ' adentwcmUy beJpfalonly one «y«. It haa two leaaea let I workedJot* ky theae «tttaide by tide aa far apart aa a person's I oratt leave jamotleedhere.H.twoeytt. Onelen* take* I« exactly I *To» a**,* coodMtii ptfirhat weald be seen b y the right eye -tfcl.'ia x» alehjM « r t e t 4S a perton ttandlng ia ttw«caiam-a|«»»*fcal j>rrfanna»ce. ? «

- nisi* The other lent Ukcc la irkat I ayatca to *t«*ad..^Bt:.S S bVaeSThy the oba*™-. M. U W


j VAXKCVBBS.baad-vjdaceiatoco*.

rife'« to counterauftd.*

OP HABIT.' " "roar t m i l w i i read?

What are 700 solos ton U r



!• the reatr, «f


BeauUful and Accessible•«• put .-way

«*J«ctf. .nd that

On Main Line P e n n s y l v a n i a Rai l roadcK-

Heidsof families and lat-estors

two window* tbroucbart bewtd whleh

; J j I !) dB« cot a.aa the, ori*(oat object or pltw

^ ? 1 t ** *»U«*m««. may w e ithottthtftrily coaritfered, .ml^ b 1


more remarkable fact.»r«»« that If we loTk .I

if WJ>i,ft lookl,^.** Uri'mean, of knowing deflnltrtr«• the earth'* Mrfac. we *

JOTS Win Pliotf tcann

p , or what they call genii-toe «periencea or trarel. Of eounw

would not be llkej, to belleretlu.*1***** «tr«n th« twin

utef.*To Jurnish the knowlrd» to makethe rack and placed

nln, t the hood o t t h lK«»l3nuiB»tonJUied

enUxrHouston Pott.*

riO.V DEBIBBD.iftnber me when I amsked the summer girl,ow,^—an* answered,w golngr •-

I8TRUCTED.'Why are 70a taking

-"I want to poll torn*t»g*t lath*. Halt of

ENDKZV0C8.you think that familyw* *pot at all;.with appeo-Uea and football woItaJ."

DILEMMA.Is to a fix." .the trouble!" •(n't know whether tobankruptcy court or

[rooklyn Life.

E__ 8MYIVEJL _:at'college bat AxaOf,for the football team."*feel greatly relle»edr<. He Jointnext week.

kBB OTHERS.re 19 Jmpreasing



•oil'um In later, llfe*"


)ugh to give me. ilr.ror I'd be aftex ask-

meal to fill 'em cut!"h. —

HIM. ' — -, who has witnessedI for tbe first Urn*)the eleven?" _ ~lear. from T

seeing out Into actual space intoan actual place, and, moreover, thisplace waa rtartlttgly different from*?*£ * *"a • • • W » * when I lookedat th». flat photograph without anyInstrument! Instead of looking fromthe side of a geld, I round" i* waa'on ahigh bluff, dropBins abruptly perhapsflve hundredfeet Just beyond the twomen. The houses that I had supposedto stand at the farther »!d* of the

Ifleia aho,fr^jnfl^..i,h(|3r,;-rfajjjL,-wwe.-at least halfamiledlHtant over at theother side iof a ravine. I couldn't be-Uevo my eyes st-"fir»t.: Then I sitedi-~"What causes this effect or beingright there with open space a!iaround T'

Then hr proceeded to show »« amost ineenloua map (yntem'of whichI had never before beard, tlko manyanother bright Idea It 1. essentially , isimple ono.wonders why It bad Dotbeen devUert before. Us showed tnc•everaur the patent-map*. Ml werein the Hr.t place excellent, clear mar*of the ordinary sort, but a clever dr-vlce «,f-o»n»plcuous red linn MowedJu.t where a person was tp, Hand, in

tfM^TWnttf It i h t U

AT FAULT:-"It don't seem tirorka right" < &:-~i•What's wrongnow. 'Kiji

"Cp to the moant*Is tew rarefied f*r

ky ter farm."

""In Iho few minuTes we~tiatp, there.would not be time to explain folly,"ifas the answer, "but the possibility ofthesa effects of reality depends firstof all on the principle of two-ej* s « .ing os distinguished from b'ne-ere »«-lag. You nWst, begin with this prin-ciple If yptt are to. usdrntand thistravel sjitem. Most people never itopto taink why.they.vha.ee two. eye*. li-the question ocean t*,thaa i t «1Lthey probably fancy the secoed e>yeIs merely; a plecef of reserve eijnlp-

— A M • 4i^**» i i i m l i f i i n •••fMtpa i Tim

nttf i g t U.,lurfta,te war to face ihd Ju»t hon-

niuch| territory la a town, a bouae I11-terior-ror a •trctch'of open country liewa» 10 Include In his outlook from thatparticular point

,•!.HLB,t T1"1 »recJ"cl"or» MTlncabout

j aolmloii of thn ntmtUu w * , .allviiai[ f . Krery rountry un earth

tint ha* good roads srrurnl Ilii-m brrecnytilalng road building •« a |^giu.mate funrtlon of g^ttmarnt, ami i tU *sfe l« my w» .IL.I1 iiM-r lists

in Ifie Ui,i!w| »(«(l.*.wju»oui ih»(Jorrromftit I«*i» (», it,,


, ed. Much, w«s tho re-Ply, Here U wlist a.professor ofPWchology in New Yort Unlvewlty,Professor Lough, says:^ "the eiienUal thing for us Is »?otthat we have the actujl pbysic/il placeor object before us, as a tourist donrather than a picture, but that we h«ve#ome at Inst of the u m i facl. of con.Sfiouwes*, ideaa and etuolloiw, In theF*!**?** «' 'hp picture, that the tourfrtMin* Jn the prcsenrr of the sceneThis U enUwly possible to the stcreo-


""CICIMjJTTIiJIIII.favalry training In the French

journey (0 Kandy ?ven from Laplantf.ana a|l c t l

-But" he added, "we do not claimthst even these experiences can be got-tea unless the stereographs, are usedwith certain helps and to the rightspirit Wwaking to' a general waythis means we must treat tho place**a to the stereoscope a*, we wouldtrwt.the pUce ItseR to actual travW).

-To rappiy this need book* are beingprrpawd by people of wld* iraTel andbroad culture toaccompany fh

I shall give up myI might as well

ment out of my,

I Intend to gfve. up 'see a HUle of theBit*. -

i THAT KILLS. '<_ppenr to be much- ,%

Dur town," said; the

tn* Cal; "we won't _here." / ." *hen any bad chax-ir town yon tome- '

fequent we sojlkr Standard and


-ment-natnrc'a. pruibluu _„ rleuness In case of accldenttstoroaeorgan of vision;" ' -~

Then my Informant went on to ex-plain that a persori-wlth oonnal ey«»sight sees '*cry illgpretotiT from « per-son with only one eye. To demonfira.Sethat statement, I was asked to maketiro or tbree personal experiment*.Pint I held my right arm oat straightin front of ine, on a level with" the . --r—_ _, ™r.c ». .me travel anashoulder, the band open, the palm to- btttsd culture to-accompany the stereo-trards the left Holding it in that po- j snphed scrars of a etly or coontit "eitlon I tooked^at the hand with.my j Then I waa shown guide books'byright eye alone, keeping the left eye such men as Jesse Lyman Hnrlbnt. Dshut I found I could, t t the edge D , on PalesUrsej Dr. » . jr. Ellison and"of'my hind and a part of the back of Frofeaor James C Egbert, Jr. of Co-

~4bs- h*ud—Suot^Ju«pin«-- « a . . o ^ i iBmhfiu JJnlwr*J«yt*n -IMyrVrofertoYhand in the same position. I doted James H. Breasted, of Chicago Unlver-tbe right eye «ndu*e*only7the left *lty.~on Egypt; tfrofessor'James Hlcal-eye. That ttotalaaw the edge of my toe. the veteran travebr, on China;hand and a bit of the palm, but I [George Hennao, the famous jonrnsustcould not see around on the back of J aud lecturer, on Martinique. In toes*tbehand-asbeforKr-Lastof-aU. i ssedi j bonk*- the 'author* or guide* make"both eye*, together.: Somewhat to my I their commenu on the different placesown surprise. I noticed that I could I Ken through the *tereo*tope to the

«*»* natural order thattbey wou»treat then during- an actual Journey.They poUrt out the objects of Interestin tacBjlatie aad give some «t the hto-

of the stere- (tory cwoecud with. tt. Eacfa strive*

•rbool work being of a mostpart of tl,P bo^'oMbe ^ Z V f e

B " ! 2 ! r ' T b e <*'*»>• fc-odiTft-'tt* religion, U, fbclr tart'Cu«» ^ f * 0 # t *"*«* « * "&*&. ot b*r4know that If nuddba ever carried llii*1 ~v, , •"™='":-?ri"r=-»-^-;^r;:-;--»tooth in 1.1* Una l n d the restof his "' borm Omi «™ wnerally of .JfCtfe-BMe af propertionate-irlBr-fatr1 — L — —^— — ^Jftouth must have been «M«rg» and

own surprisr, « u u u n u tu*i & wi*w i" then tee the edge of tbe hand, part ofv tie pslm, and ,al» part of the back IV of the band. Indeed. I found 1 acts- j

ally saw pirt way around the band.The representative ' "•

ographer* then explained that a M- j lo answer the rery qxuatluu * MW-oocular or stereotcoplc camera differ* I comer wosdd be likely to a*k wbenon- . . - —TfiT i •—r|-|i'iiii~iTTTgrt f Thlf I llhllBil Thiri I I I I in 'i t~ -i


vcvpic cusrn owo* i n « w owm am uwij m afK WMS <A"from "an drffla^~camenraT a rwo-Jthegtwi«I^Tk«»aremii«Ftog*uloo*end man differs from a .cripple with I aad * sdeMUcmUy helpfal —•••-•-only one «y«. It ha* two leases set I workedJoot bg the** * *tide by side as far apart a* a person's J n i t leavexanotfced here.

One Ien» takes- to; —-*»-

'rr'1?"* ?*{bMt ot - •—- v» - rother !,and, if this tooth wa* sn excep-tion t* the rest It innst bare ptuXroi-ed frrt-n bis Up* like tbe tusk of a wildboar, -Aoardln* to the priests the M-cr«l .relic Ii an eye tooth from the leftside of Buddha's month. The *yeteeth of an adult man are about thr»«.quarlrrs of en inch long. The "botooth" I* more than (wo luenrs long,

Tbe early record* of BuddbUni tellof a tooth of a gre*t teacher wblrhfigured. In tbe aute cer«monJes ofmany Easlern potentate*. Por a timeIt remained In India, the native countryof ibe prophet, and traveled in stole.r°* HIT ™0Jt l*~*»IM*r."U~watbe marriage dower«f many prlncewe*of tbe royal Wood, and It* P " D C T W "

In Ibis and after existence*. A* •nutter of ftctjl w»* tb*'e4uaeofjn**** **wW6iii^i>d~Di>f"a f#w in or

der*. With tbe wane «f BoddlilsinIndto-for India tarned . « ,It* smntest native teacher, eren

Hermtcaltteahe caddy wa« MUnent I felt life*



CLEU bav« l>«en prlnVed from tin* to tlm« «liow«Ing th* cost of bad roads4 <i and howgood road* would acinus!lyaav* millions* of dollar*

to both producer* *ud consumer* inth* United BUtes, Hut III* value otgood roads doe* not rest upon a money•tandard alone. • 'xbtr* «r» other and«ju«lly as Important f«B*lr|*r*tlon*.Iror aerenI decades tbn c#n»n« flgures.•how tliit tli» clUr* bav* b««n. | n«»ea»liir much- f«*t»r tn ^ulal |onthan Ibe rooBtry, MBrtior fD«"T>#*tbrain and brawn from> tbe.farw I* g<nlug to Ihe cltlim l » n a i . nf n.» \vt\n

n l M.ll (;.rr|, , , . » , , *^,,4, (

It (oust Iw Iburongbly •• tni«W»looilte«t In providing for the 'constant «nr»«nd inaintenatH* of (Ii* «Jrtwn>» Inthe country, ui6n*jr |« s«rc» and Ut'«»«r» hlgb. aixl llmt vnlunlary rffgrtmust hi, made In ilio w«y of i-milrlhu-llona to gttt i*rf ronds irlthout or»r-burdenliig ll» U*j.*y#rs,' N»on» class of cltlicii. in «, , HUII*travel ibe rpsda so frequently andVMrt su«b adverse clrriim«(aiirr« «a -the fre» rural rndl rsrrl«r«, intn Inund


1 ,

thm of f«rm life, Man I*weature. and If h» can't get „.„,*,„.tloh-ln on* place b* will se«klt In «».other. Tbe weatlh of tb* nation de-pedd* largely upon the farmers They•re tb* WMftb-crtalorftHrnd If w«wonld IncTMse oar farm prodnct* andImprov* the Mod we must keep ouVyoqug men at home lntlrad of sendingJbew lo the cities The way lo d*>•Ixoy tbe UoUtJon of firoa life now sodiscouraging to young mrn I* to buildgood road*. Many young people In «b*>country «r« deprived of fair educationIwcsu** of bad roads Ikdfog lo tb*•choolhou.es. and btnaus* twd ro«d«tender impo*«lbl» ibe «*n*olldatloo

- to I/Hng iJj* innil dslly |n th»door of |h» farnwr. It would b* »wUe act fttf th> town- oigfUi,—\

V> s»kmall carrier* If tbty would not vol.untarlly-form aiMKUIMiis for finpuroos* of r«porUng <l*lly tht roadl-tlon of til* btgbirsy* over which theytrarel. Vrinttd blank* could }» UM4*I •« to r*ll«v« t l * carrier* of th* n*.

eelpt of tho-dally r«cort'would'be to*.vslosbl* In directlflg the highway com-

needing *u«ntlon. Th* mall^arri**«ould report" dsilr on prlM«d form**t** condition of tb* highways, n ,•hoold report It In good order when itU »o tad be should trpnt tb* *potrequiring attention wb*n it need* It,

«MktU«*tor«f th»-«lHiol»flutt tl*•Wilble . Mood roa.l* would get woreof the boy» and girl* la n-hool, andi*mm the avenge «f Illiteracy fa mostof tb.atatMoftbeynk*. Wad road***#P thoafand* from attending chorch^febtwtBKborf and tho* are a

tttom^timwtctttM tnofduglitymad* by tb* mall csrflws would aidm d •fflctel* in giving contiaot aitett.Ooo to small rn»lr»,jntta,as>TiBir4»#>wpjndltor. of tfa« Uxtffin- moq*V

gaiatt djiiuattoa ami t u V « dof tbe Corlstftn rtilgtoo. flood road*j w M*d*d to make life d*.irsb)» nnoathe farm, Ja.incwa«e tb. atwsg. of

h with tb* world »nd e*ca other," 2 J * i t * «*f»»fWM«it *f education•ndforCarlsUaJriiy.

JS lMlir* «*«> «««•»W«h thetwrdta of « M 4 constructiwiw OMlnttMM* Uwpwn. aicawt wbot.Vt *vm tho f a r m t o U ^ l

- »UMAftlfe. ,.1...

w OMlnttMM* Uwpwn. aicawt wbot.Vt *vm tho farmtogT(U*s»«, hlgB>J2* *»*V«a^ «M M tetter than*y ww fitty

a. *.*•!

' At

* * t


Beef, 1T^i, Umb,

Halibut, Cod Blaefiafc, U'eakfisfc. Ftcahbpaotafa. Macferel, Batterfisn Porsp«s,F<ounaer«, Fluke

he <s

<*•* night at mldatoABOUTTOWN

*W?0 A/VO £OF7" *"' * . All teUancics in Sea food

-^'^_-C'dD *teat, Frog Legs, Soft Shell Craas, MauaeJ*-£*-*___

Ofmnt «ad

A Funner daaee HI b# h«M inHall on Friday E i f ? h ; . " !

""•*** 4*l£'?T<sfe^^i«^

rented t»o houw til,. i?r .M3fim<}C

•cVtn»'"vb»v<». t

• Cm Sciiwajra^

, | iyaw rC?n»Bl«««.did-.n«

night »nd win mwtVejierday morninge9vitr«(nto N«»

about three <ju*

a tt 'Drogher has - bought thecf the dri»«is 00 the ;h ;eagine broke nway frotovo out oT«r the ea

hli<- tho comj. iaaklDg - the .ireet

*a»'uutof tbecubat thhave Ueen killedli» tnilu witc

etgliio to'jjj (U

•wpsw aft u>*t *u*«i »*«

a»on | r ^ « w » r 4 t mldnifrfit until changea Ina an effected by the Water Com.'.probably u hours in

y g thoriot on the lwt car out

thMfeotbai;.iBore'n two ribi cracked. ting luto argument n

u«a and Retting decldif IV-ltt • dog flght on Holly itreet Tiin-

Wr * Jbull dog ownail b i l722 BROAD &TR££T gof It, to.muob to that ii

y* Jbull dog ownail by aritl

. b t that iof them tut under theWr, * Jbull dog ownail by aritl-

^jitnt erf abore oamsd street killed an-"Jtl b f i'a make the mattar

ptwr before they could be separated,« o

had the »c»Xhe crowd had

new house on Mulendo»d. Ptrnapt he^ p

conUtnpIatei matrimony. Or, mayb I

lUbway to a danoe.

If you want it Good,

it at isr%

p y , ybe, It 1» only a matter o'mofity with?kAtomuii )on«l«Me took matter.

pny tne fare but very qd l UTbe 'tlomo" Qub will'hold their

yed luto uUveij fight luh i

Second At:na»V Maiquerado Ball Inl

j gh luthe oiotoruau and bU«q In

tlxOpen HDUM i/Br.the- evening ofP b 2d T btlxOpen HDUM i/Br.the- evening oPrOffflber 22ad, T-wo prizes will be

dd ' ' 'pyrtaut purt. When i

Two of Wm. M. Spmy'i new housesB l M b b JTtb«w Wm oot.-irf tfw window-"!o(ii«y a* imngn*tmt ttm torn* J#mi

pyon Booareli Mnacr bare bot-n rentfJ(tatfi tnm 4|M» one t o / . © Mllllgan of New York

•- t a / a n d m"otiwf*5^T "».Casino aTfcue . '. . '" T b e Jl'iiitOfiary «ooi»ty of. Trinityrttiri will mett WeJoeiiar Da. 13m

Wtoy iiouldn'f it. be

iVuiu tujlltetriuuijiu at

(ur leiiu oU'*»eo ereot ami

HAVENTiofltt 3 p a , No 114 Eiilmia HI.p ,JUJ tt» woo*c oi tb'i ,P»rjil» «r» eot-diallj isnMd to


tccted Irom wln>i«, for id »iy« ho Is mak dutloa or waiting pasaira:« Kr&ntfad »iy ho Is maktbe isosi cf the mud.th«M freeiln' p

where from live to t«ewd»y> for there wont bell h

U st»a waiting at this inolher winter when all theJMO POULTRY.

gu' day, and In rainy.yrut? weather, and at nig33» aasie at St. Paul's Fair will bo If the cart are late, they

D, D. IRVING,3» a

Bade fi»direction,of.Dr.C., y

serins the puWio must. \i e puWio must. \<jr Bhed» are maJQialued£raei&t7 g

H. Swpbenson, vlollnlsm El*.E « h O

luCompany or people wlti

uuderatauc'mettopolltan centers aaV

dwitfe &fct > <O«*OUM >i>« iuoci' itomt of Bw ABBI- < *>°* But ((jc t inu qoaatitj at <w3*gmt_ tail .''sborae, p.ibo and acffomp«nlst 'JOUp*. ifl tbe MIIM Jettr * Sboro, pThe Ladles' Aid Society of tbe Flo t

J f £ C & h held a g»l» at tbe home

p n entersVilil, Kahway Junctionfcraoty of 4 1 * «»cS « M otfatwi b; Out

t I t"^ . C&urch held a s«I« at tbe homey

Tark, to say nothing of ]HOC VimHgmmmta 'gntnxi tJ f £ . C&urch holMrs. W. K Bvkar. Walnut avonue

y griulnfleld; wulU a wbc;« Avtig. *uar-iiiudt tMMtf *IK1.

i .aftertooo, som*»bat over stores, the public pott pflSB bring rfftlSted. Thanks are due

I Kk-li*..'..*..^! it s «a srbasentrtbuted <o ana attended

Tot 8 s » Villa Musical jwolety,ga«s BK4»1 at ^ e reildjobs H Tcotapson this afternoon

l l f Gounod and Oadepices pf the Latli!?a' A

32a snep^rffln .9'. O«!iBJ . *°d . r t td*Coamrj Seat.

32a axsj^ltlon of Gwan perfemed by 'memberi

U d trtalnto eight o'cl^ak, the 'lurfemed by

KIngiUnd •ntertalned. AlJ l ! t l n

g ,iab« serred for SO centtt»eJTe'o'dcckaiuticli«.t.,t»eJ.Te'o_'dccka.iuticli

tiodforiSo.- In tjbemenu will ta itrrtd on tWteaton's two nouirtDr Wteatons two nouirt ba

iMtfrflctsbfdtbelr trip from KenUk f tb Etabeth a»enu

ta nplao. lot dream, eakeu

^ a n t ka<f tbe EtabethJoi»sd»t»E*-Are_l3flng_prepared for e

Monday erenlng foe the!aaaa-M rapidly « poaslble, hfejasesaretelng roored Tasteaed to-

d w l 3 «

y gta. "IbeXatWty," and a

were laT.aItendaneeUaJ, tbo leader, detlre* vconstructed b y D r ,lovitatlon to anyone who

rewuke conrt aoantaln)lde this autumn

i i Eye wawry n ho

to Join the chorus, to meert aoantaln)flUed Thanksgiving Eye. wawr

h * » eonewuJ

rehearsal on Monday ereig

the-n*» eonewunnlcgover then*This gem of wat r b anotb.f

e V poWe spirit al-at r bpoWe spirit al

serersl waysUwrtraw lo«t by Mr P.of North a wnue some tlise

.\>it Sunday• th* pwtor

obesFirst Methodist Eplscoj

- 'Suhday,' IVc itf, piwtcbland e»«nln« by ih»p*«». . aubject: "tb»View," fstf

, " • , - * ! - _

-'^/ft^i^. r


*•• • • •« of Fir* Alarm l o o t

ABOUTTOWN- ~ ~ Grant and Sherman

willreopec o*it Monday. ".A Fanner daaee win b- held

Assembly Uall oo Friday eight.

s i * * * * <*•


C Aaua Pan B»jrot, S-a !j

tdlrtjBeartf. a vktUatK of rat*• i cd Jft*» WWaa ftoiaX»t witi take pan.

i8«1|lBt aad attnett**. U

iV £attimiuui


yoo JiV**^ Ee««ot, f. i f C-ar» *»*• jta*r F~- W •plerrC'o Tita*4f-r, {N*. Wanter Cu«?rtaf~,Orator; XT? Wiii

*". Selpp Sentry.Guide.: . ;

Word' baa bee<rtii:W^Ti>^"&tUia: ... .be», water will he cut off In the Sorih J V. ;iiB-i»j«aade AodaJccu*»v«eu« faalnat Rahway jirer oa Fri-I P CMo*d. ' \ • : - - - xat. tc*trr.

»t mldnlgtitnEd. »lll U» o.TjiKi;? and OV!ls««o—Hcarrn Hatahaeg^e are wrap'ttted vjmej >b»d aTrar . -v f.

• • ««r»» WCTjp.'Tnt*. • c u c r r .

~ a ) Ab**ndii*d Sea«bj Melodic... 5(Kftotf


!T«n.W.b avenue only in Cracford, jOdli of Ro««li« aad llomlie P«ikJ

morning*' wbiU wL


|Mas '*ca.«*ft'

. Joha H. Thomp^ jh^w - .

Beal Estate Broker, OeorgiEverett bas rented two h<rj»»i

n KM wooo. Mm l o u r

Mia C»wilo» C! K d , aauau» j

• ' , '(«hlt«'iio«Ml«rsoraii3 ug mocgreii yTb« .Totnahlp Committee did not

* " get Utrdugb' with all the work in band'/"• ta«t night »nd win mwt igmn to-

l b t

"/oha OolilRan, who t) la tb« employ«ttn» American-Telephone, aad T>1«graph Oo, is In to^n

. v 8. B.'Dro*Kher has 'bought theI - - —Harmon (law Anbie Wlnaa«) property

£ ; on Centennial avenue..

trolley Oampany has flniihtd

Tkratfi -avenuei making- the streetBM»ps**able at thai point

Sib watef on North avenue fiomfHd*v«t midnight until "changes in

' *$ifc-matn are effected by the Water Com-E r

f '-». pany, probably l» hours in alli Farmer Kraotfawd mjs. he's givenJ3Banta_tb*tjSM]agivU^d|xJ»j)vet

tUetr ilreve and thouftti WJ piitv :ii> Xoffered to (he iiae who pitrdis:* u ecr- * ",r«ct adiwer; ytt a Mudy ef ib? pro | JHem will' be" tjvotT exerciM fut any j .t'OCbmin. j

Yesterday morotng paasf tiger* forme 9.Vi twin to New Yoik wet* da-

about three quarter* of au tour,Oelug an

'io aPhdajd^lphla.. tr&lu .going"At Fiajnfleid while at full *p«ii;cf the drivets on tbe left tide i>len glue broke nway from itia uxiu. uudtuvo out ov«r the ea*t buutisi tract

~«ffl"lba}Xooibai;,._,ibalst got aore'p two ribi cracked.- l o a dog. fight on Holly street Tue*-

. '-day, a'Jbull dog owned by a re»l-s 14*ot of above named street killed an-

yVothar before they could bs separated,Jahn'a new house on Mul-

enclosed. Perbapt becontemplate* matrimony. Or, may-be, It U only a matter o' money withFrank.

Tu* *<Tomo" Club will •'hold theirSecond Afcnu»l Masquerade Ball Ibth« Opera House */ttr.the. evening ofPeOfmber 1&&J-'Two prlK-a will beawarded', . •'.:.-... . . .

Two of Wm. M. Sperry's new hottsfaon Boosveli Muncr have bo<-n reniedTon* t o / C O . MIIIIg»n of New York

Oulooavrcue - '. - 'Tb»~""JJiifcoeiry ' «ooi8ty of. Trinity

rtsreh wiU meet W«doe«i»y Dw- 13itjleita.t-3 p- a-i No' 114 Euim«n at.

~JU) tb» woo*c of tb'i . P*rj»l» «r» cot-dial l j i snud to slUod: , •'.. . _

r«xs:« Krautfa^d siy« no Is mak-Ug iht iao»rof. the mud;th«w freeitn'ssd t^**i3' d»j> for there wont toaoBe'"o«b*r winter when all thero»di is^:;oVenubed.

33» aasie at 3t. Paul's Fair will bo

H Swpkenwn, viollnhlsi El*.- f t e r * a W H flui*. Mm E&riM?*-, itwoe, piabo »od acaorapanlit •'•"• ~ - * idles' Aid Society of tbe First

larch held a a»l» at the homeafjbs.wVF. B*rkar. Walnut aven'ii'e,Toesdar afiemooD, »om»wbat _orir

W brlM "raatlied. ^o*0151 l r B d u 'c ell wco-oontribuwd to and attended

sh*»*le ' , ' ( 'T» 8 3 » Villa Musical woJ«Vf»«

» R t i u l at the reildeneo" » » - « « ^jobs B. Tcoopsoa this

performed"by 'member*. M».- - •'-•• eoMrtalned. At]

••' a collation

House* nave

the awnue

tb«t bftd oa Tueadayleaidroc* of

UtnutOeldSti be Chrittnia* exerclae* of tb& Zus-

ay school will be beld to the church:i;d»y evening December 2t, The^sslon ha* appointed a* uibantoiter Smith; B. Or»gorjf••|iil«tn Dry-dale, Clifford H-< Day aad

Kentlwottb Notes,A cbsir uocsUtiog of sloe teowl*'C* from Vpwla Oolh^e wtll go to

»lth the cab utid b^Uer. 'ifio*a» uut of the cub ttt (be :iin« ur «ouliihave been killud. k'uv eugiqrur atlia trelu wlte liij'irv \j : . v meiira etgliio toj« <.u: luluPtUailtrli.'Ula

Iae»'Jujf oigbt chore wn« uriot ou the laic cur out fI ocaa-BUBJWjrof-CrttifsrJ't'diiurf'mVu'Birt'Jtlog luto argument nri'.h th* trulif>aitu aud Retting decidedly th%of It, *o,muob*othatit i* »aldof them are under th« docior'* carei'a make the matter wutie_^ev<y#iCraoterd girt* w«* oa tb* oar~aodtbet* bad tbe acan of thelilive*. Xhe crowd oaiTbeeh over toItahway to a danoa. The row tt«rt«dover a trivial matter of wbo thoalupay tbe fare bat very quickly develop-ed luto u live!} light lu which It J* S.iidtha uiotormau and hUcuuttuiler huii-dlv, In a cuwurdly way, |4ay»d nu lu»-purtaut p<in. When liiu uarrvue^ed (be Jiluouon Uiviuiiuliier go witb suwo ti jiU'j iduty tliuie,

WAiy tioul.do't It bo a

ah tnurl^iu »C .n; jjuibvi j.n iI'ur leim oi yvuis U»J vouditlou ;

ttio leatee er«ot uud uiuiucdiu aa uilij !tic roof uv«r tlic plut" MLU u'jjact-ti.isldcwalka, also a sent ou ttia piut pru-;

tccted from wln<ia, for th« -acuom'mv'. Idatlon of waiting putvogtitf Any- |where from live to tweuty i»upie

hurt aa *og«g»aj«nt to *!of lo IGuiuvao* Adolphu* cburcb

O of Luadgea wbo iojurad hi* leg In aAn i f«?t baltfaoi** tbort (IIM ato, la I*-

| Tortr.1 to be ioprvvimr nadar ib* tt*m%-I wot of Dr. J K. UKOMO*U, of Craa

• i» taoricg their planl to Sew York.Tbe Cba*. E. Wright Oo., are oakiott

•it«ad*d rtpalr* lo cooneotlon witbtrielr saw pluqt lo the way of a newtempering room and,a ossptat* faotorjrt*I«phoa» tyetem, wttb-a number of i«w caw«l tbi* attackf

* • * * v t * . >T^M ^ «. ^ ' ^a4 ad> | i A —». « ^


pitied. i» dlffenat part* «fib« bnildlof. t

Mr. Newtoo Wyckoff, of TFhilnwa*Sutioo, ff J. , ba*atcured a positlo* isthe auditing department of tb*v.ii*> n. K. O'.

C. L. Boll si)d'*OB*rof, Crasfotd htvr.b «9 awarded tb* contrast for fproiaa-• uii th» tnutcriul tob»u*»d In repairingitx-Diroo d* Hincb Fuoda bootee atK>oll«<jrt.i

Mr* Juho Oillosby, of Silvtr I*ik».H.i. i» vmung-tmr daughter Mr*. 'J. T.

Central Committee uf tb* Baroo'Oe,»lrsch Fund id Broadway, N. T.

Editor CraiffordCitUtn: .We «tj»b to «tat« In tbe column* of

your paper that we bare' atoured lbs9»rvfces of Mr J. T, Kanan* a*, real•lent snaouffvr of our lutereit* at KenlVwurtij, aad that he la.h*reby author!^

o' day, and In rainy, L>1UJI«(UJI orraw weather, and at night, esp..clull>If the cart are late, they auff r, a* it Iseem* the publlo oust. WaUlujf rootut >uri'hedb are malnUlued either by tLd,'C'vmpttny or people witb whom tLgjl

tuuti {

of bur; HD'I have Reoeralpi .-perty »fter Dec. l»t,

Youra very truly,. . JJ. L. Bkiymcn,

General Agent.

'weaoaciltaa center, a. uVoodgood-*!.^;"0''^1!0^' *«'"»<*'*,<i» w.t,—. .!„»„,< H n^o.-.-.rOIJKiBiiOjl*'1, an operetta (a threeJunction au<J Ualvju's,Tark, to aay nothing of Eliznixth an J ' | a 'riiilnfleld," whllt) a wbo u bi cit or•tore*,.tbe public pott pCDce itmlaii-ii• re availablo to W«sttlelU paUuca oflUe electric uars. /

of Htart*..

SIa«»» of Heart*.i'oumj Tucker ,.Boy S n , .

St. VuuVn Jl.; a. ; i

"The Fair an<lpices pf the Ladle*' Aid tswieiy. )••BQW going an. Thu evening from sisto elgM o'cl^ak, the turkey buppeiVlllbe aerved for SO cents 3'oT.orfo'.', Ba"-'J' BuntioaratiweJ.ve'O-'dock; a Jaachioa- nwy-- o-', J-»* IwSua&lhod fot ifc In tjbe evening refra-i: • j F ( d d I » r • • -w«na will be Mjrved on the Jiuropeim I r.da:« i. .•plan;^ lo* dream, oak* aad coffee will ,r £',dJ'*J ?be for sale.

The flnt rebfanal wa» he,l|l onMonday evening for the Mcred canta-t». "'ibeXatlvlty," aod a goodly oura'

laaJ, tli« leader, desire* to extend

at the Cwao Wedneed*/ olgbti'jn tukior part all beiitg frotn Cran-

'on), dn!Ji aad rabeanal* upder 111**,Miinoj'» jirectloo baviog ben beld fre*rt Hotly for etvera! wreic* paat. Tbe• it; f jr for tb* more Important ebaraot-

l.....Mia* Sail tb

3fl***fa*pMn. Sloan

.....MiaaSeeior".Dorothy Wood


. , .E a. BabeeekMaaoel Jlaoos

..Santiago PorttlkSpaooer Smlti)


Invitatlon to anyone wbo woufd I!*-:] ' M 1 - ^ ' « • ' W * ' w « « *><t

i«t1«atytn*p«torwm ft«BJ^«-te»-*1' ""*- ° M -A.« follow*; MorElng: "i Ujjl- usi «i>p.-udstca." EJCOIPR. "Thti Phiiiwej J£ F, Wheeler, la* lewnan. Is rt'en 1 tbf'P>ihlleia a! Chorea." icovertog froB»,>J«rf»* rcorlwd last

t#eek wh«a OB* of ala wagoa* ranFirst Methodist Episcopal Church

Uocoa, runow.

yaod ev«nlo« by

tView," t». m . J3M toe)

All an

over hla foot.





*R BAT V S R I E T YHoliday. Gilts ior° Voung ami Old •Patrpnije home and save t-oumeif pioaey

Toys, Sleighs, D lts* Carnages,^W'agoios^ flatties,r>?Vi*4oeyel«^AirRifles, Handkerchiefs, Cologne.Umbrellas, Gloves, Nejckwcar.Aprons, Daskets; ^ ^ t h cPocket Books, VVrlting: p^Burnt Leaflier^Holiday Ribbons.






ccflTirtcAtcs or0C«X>SIT AND LCTTCJUS





titcmtcai »o«a.:

a»«i«* Monti

t n««rt)N<i


matt »*oiitiTO' ocmi oJeat oaeU OM

iwr of tbe..ro*«. "Tia fttf Ja«'«f •&'»Slid j i t . "Sil'Ci C*-C *«f(?f»

aoi Tjiut'H'it "• *j»*atioa HS>A in tar* uptcJ by ifiea fair fr.eati -.wbo ws;c a

Our fair t&rj:o» tumirtlfcaiwl

oa i-iMrot lateaira to Parti

"What a arraajo cervoas *ua»ftl-titty! What a d*4icate e-vij lajpre*-itaaabl* arguUailau!" cried tbe tp*c-tatara "I 'M taercy'a saka. niatfaa. f 9«vay2 Om't you *e* that-you bav*

•*I*a, of <oar»* it i* in* parfaia* ofth) rotebud la your bttr."

"Beaily, if it t* »o I will wcrltico tb*gaVty Ciftrtr, but Ju«s» before* *o«anttnc*,'

«ud kdtiit.but wEi!* paytnit b*r bi* ad'4re*ie* be fc«rd Of o Utia, At Court*-cey,.tvho wa« reporitd to b* beautiful,wtil twrn tM ureaithy b*aide*. Pmd*ac* Mt(|Mt«4 xsittl be abotiM auk*

butaewa*W tiw

JB*amv*doa«<f»/ataalaaand fonad, *» U* di*jaay, taat by aaualodty «luaM bota UdlM w«la it Mil*, d* I t ketsla lawist tad MUa. 4* CoattaMjr la tb*rigat Both wet* ready to aurtY alia,aad tea wa* rtafly t» auuty aa* ofIhaio, mn'eosM not 4*«ia* wteeft. II« • a t«7 twkirani B«*IUM for tbivrkwtiif lorn, aad at cm b* taottgbiof a ting Mnaelf by taataat tbMvnutt b* aealtated MU* d* I t U*e-mla's younger alittr *tw blm and ez-

Csiver, tteuefaM from tb* bHul> {i^atwd ber, furpriae tlut be b*d beeni m wa* petted rrsffi t^ad to

ta baasmt .tb; jtpetatsn. but Uieir aolM'tnle IMD five way W t 6l£'«r*!>tHon. Tbe fktal • rsiel-ud r o oaO l

elWmt* of i*« Tttttvo od

Ptrraa, a1 Af!ta»rt> bive b**n nijea turt au-.l rwitb bead Cotrti, la Arc'rcia;brother of Jobs. Utrj-1 kj;]cJ ulabls.iword'; Jndti, » a of -tttrown froai tt« ttmpls OD3 stored todeath; Jo^.i, iUos of deitii a'.tnte; Judii.- taliself In a very -btui ilh^ niauiicr,•I4d to hire' filed B&fvmY&: s nil: flabcleim*4 ta;fea,v* beei nrurtj-rr-l; JlRt-th*w,AjaJni«l a* «. tMrtjfe-lmt truba-

a oattiril deatUi r ttjf, criid*

bait an hour In |be botue wltbrat M*.Uln«iit*ta, Tbe tfedair* aomtat badetUUntly cftsa. "Tun to the rifbVwh!»j««d ib« friend wta m i witbbta. jn» did to, wifl Anu da court*niy becim* h!s wifs.-ll. 0, UaedowallIn *a«nnlinu'« Mmr»t!B». , i, .

i '

The aut'Jeut pari»;j clerk lu Cnflilodbad teftay fraction* l#tt«r» wtr* oiKla eottttoo in those day* «* today, andto* cltrk. <ri* tb* ltarn*d man of th*oommttnlt7. One of bis fvactloaa *a*wriUak epiupb*. but thi* wa» not tbe

;*utn of his accoapllabmest*, a* maybe s**ft froffl tbe advertisement of JohnUopkina, clerk or Salisbury uf th**igbt*jM»ttcwlury; • ,. '

John |t»»kltn. p«rlil> «i«fk u * undw

rtiga of DomltMei tpot to daatb with a UUK* In Pwiis or

fled at 'A>m»: rbilip, «U1 is M*o i^to i ^ ' t*»tt dnwa, uvi ihitortureij to d*stb la Gr««ct. ).:taao ] Journal «*d trails » T « 7 *UU4»* awr'*K(Oaoaaalt«..etuc;fl*(l In Judnt* Ja tU« £j ,£k* attSST* Jt!i«tS^ie. *toS

tiln<). «nll may on ih« U4I*.- aptouae*•tjiitpti on eir wir«'

ifr tir« t«ft »«ar» n»i mwh i» my »u«7^Cut oo* all* is 4tad lo c**l* «ui«*. ""

Ciut v«/l»l> la I* •**» wltblav Tou»A Hrav> t*ll»r, !Isere la a tablet in tue %&\ion" bom* \

atMalbooroeto JuseeMarr. He iraaa eallor betor* the mast pa a* WU- \

1873. tte B!p wasa clergyman

' (be. OAttsual

wbeutfl** "

yi to death, to. lookioii at Urn

doobtfoUr, iba tam bMUMd. tadraiea.ia.ttelr baoda. Xarr, UeJpiew,pandeted. 8s u v ttat hit deatbwonM b* th* boaf* talfatoa, am to

"Cot a«ay, aatfti x^rrtban b» let bin»*lf fall ict» tb* coil,iM

. . ^ • : -

olddbr of tb* Mrtuon. Ail «y«* weretaanatiy tamed -to tbe pulpit, rvtryoosftt m* bpabed and there wet per<{eataU*ae«,

fritad*," aaid tb* mliiiatcr, wltb.».j ?u-a**m»- y«» Hop -»rben -jatop-"

Tbia a)*tti* wbuk* had 0» dealredeffwrt -Tbe people f<wad that tiaefareooiblnf eonid be kept do«m wluothey liked to a great titaat aad tb*

li dd itb hl

aad pobliabad "Kisser?* of Eajlyii U T I « #arwoielea," fir V/uilam CsU-'nywowJ AooDgthabaitof tb* Urlav banss*>w u tnscntad la 143* f?r r.titiu« tS* , t en «r» snail*, wblea 6» oot tftiak lafoBowlag psUactJ » ' ' - • - -wbtes, la ojs day. w,exeeHeat wit: . ^

n « rat <&• c*i iSale aj tntltait u&n UM Kef.

Tola was dariag tie T€SZ -ofaravm, at a d a * wbts iht

\a A manner i th* ordteary **ss* of to* tana,~ mod i ssrtt tatfstur* dnrlog ta* vet wtaCbar

: 4!r*cL'y tbroagb (b* akfa aad «nda It' *i;«nr»nL M tb»y ar* aaaiooi as* t*bsv# d * zaoiKBM eraporat* toe',7, t ics <r«*ti8g a pramem* taint,

; wnMi estmotb* «mv«al«ntly aatHfled,

by. BaMlff cad Loral. Lovc)iv7««tb«aa aamoa axme t w a .d»» tad a> *wait* feoar.wa* dSaplared oa «w fekjf*eanrtdMoa tb* refawoee ta * - , « ^ rwaa « M O M aad • * oJres*ir*.atat ittra<»4 aboat tb* wrltert^ttJt v%

CeaMMWfaar j i i e w i A ' >

ttdow mtr*i)un:t*S><mirfrmaenbte* w * a WfctftWfttfiiliiefaattttri Dealer-Tbey an- watnuntad

*eci«*to», toovlsc abroad ror iturt before f*Ja< Iawn*fUa

Mte aad pkeoa* *M|fH*atjitottvr *- •


GIKLS lor general housework Cooks, ChamberMaids, Nur*e». etc


Mr t . I'Antoniaa Lincoln av«nu«, Cranford

- A |


VliDn l a l MiBilBlKi Inilrwitof,wrwHcilon>?



ti prepamlviolin ltuirucilon>?or l*rm», tpi


Lehlgh Coal, LumberDI?AXN PIPB.^ ' ••*


Think itOver

Did It *ver occur to

you th* raaaon your bu*l>

n*is la falUnf off ? Whyf

I*4t b*cau» your c o n -

p * t l t o r ha* TCLEPHONI

S*rvlc« aod you bav* not?.


1211 lu\


^ '*Ai . • j '«L*

a w

Vi, »

• - 1 -

(10OD B0A1ID nay b*^•"Jlorto areptte. T«

t^ J l o r t o areptte.Meala wrved promptly. ___rnn>nQi*at for.famlll**. Mrt,%> »onn ar«qu«.

BOA BrjIJTO, lieal* *trf«sj 0 order.fltnriMtor faulli«* *1 *>tViattV.

• ^

Mas, H*a*»a,Mafortn«*«<^_i

COBREJfT, Oa* or two fmi'iVlMitlr - roous. & Conttm St., dar*ns«M|,

!.,*.«. - -

JOB FftHTtIJTO ». aartbtoa; . .Mit)*>tid eovclope* w .p*mpb>»

Worn, meat nMon»bt». CnuUnA,> K '

*T PrlcOnr-ibr prln • , 3 *.

•»» (:i*.* - • .


As* I 4am Mt whisper «•*• «M

Tssse's • H o — i wtuU u4 |«»k


es • Honrr uuUI,S fa*br, fcssk, } u mint b*

A \M&***-tti iWjiy, tarf It**MW *t »tl. \ _

•!»'• cwn« (• "it*»—il »> Ibc aagtl*• iB.

War, ioim from

a tfcroit w*k* €»•»•*ttkmt t%n p M pac«. wWcb l « « rto tbe cod of tb« V*re4 t t n t * ,

«t»f« XI

Hsw <JMJ tU roiwT<;<wT» »wn tkf.

C«u|/<l rwnd bf•n4 «trm.

In ber pink «be*k» tke •wwtnt Simple*l».

The •aseli tiw*4 them (her* t« wsrtfoil form.

.In! til her bair l< ftmn 10 »fte»t ring*


hbr MHIIM, b«*il*e tt*) blew her 10 ber

--t.rxn U. Ikttwick. Is U«od

til fcer bar gu n l i ' g»l<l- IM bricfeUnt *rrr •*»»,« b n •»« coo*, ber ftutduD »O4«J


A Strange ExperienceI j Ckirki My IHpfTu.

f; years ago. after'a"decade of litrd. but remun-erative, libor, I found my-self In the city of Paris. Iresolved to take a « * twhllo I could, and lisve a

good llinr. During my threw montlii'• tsyjn the French capital, I met withni«njf"SB(lveutiirei, tnoit of them theirtiilt of my imperfect acquaintancenlth thp languagp, ind many of Ihemending In « mutual eipUnatlou and aKiHxIlinmorM laugh; but tbe one I a nabout to relate- waa of an.entirely dif-ferent kind.

l-l)ii(l no Acquaintances In Parli (oln\ii« me to elegant parlies or_rew|>-lluno, ntid throfnre I had no need fordecant drcs*. During my travel* Ih«d |>kk«il tip aud preserved a treatvariety of cMttumes, and tile fancy now,*rlted me to wear them Just at the-wbtm ihnuld dictate. And axrl-dld.On Monday I would stroll out nttlrrdtin a rtu»»lBii, on Tuesday a* • Turk, onWedurartay'iia n Hwlst, mid to on.

One day I wnt miimnnnml to Appearlirfnif. the prefect of police. I wont,wunderlng what could be wanted ofnip In that quarter. When I was u»b-

Into tlw pretence ot-lbat funfry, lie cloned _tlie door_ind_t(l*n-

Jltrly ftgard«d me. •' >"Wb«t uitiaiir* ho atked, In Engllib."Amwlcau.""I innpokfd ao, Well, MOIIIIPUT

Aiairlrtn. prar l« M food u to Inform«np what objwt you h»r« In goingabout lbf> trrreti • ( thougb yon w e nat a fancy drew party. In tiit «MtuUM«f all ktaown natlontt;1

"It la a>er*tj a wlilm," wan my reply*•'It «ult« me to do to; Uitt I* all I c*n•«y ntiont It." • , » <

"IodMdr; h e looKH tM»W at wo forn tuotntat, and tlim v«6ntUiu#d: "Inm well utuntd thai you bavo no Imlirotier ob)Kt In alt thlt roa«y>trtill»Bi

l i my llimp dltcovercd It. You uar« btonvndrr. U>*Ir (>i|i|ouiiy« ronttautly. Ihire ncnt for yon to tell you that;

yo(i nr«- at tllict]ty to continuealyJe f utocccdlB if y n looa^

wttr tvpntit tmtrarta. Tb« Joorwy *a» «**«»«adfor more tban aa b»or1ifl«r tkff, Ply(vmptniOBi nctunglDg t wort • • »and tbra ia in oadrrtoor. At Ukt Vfrtopprd; Ibe door oproed, and I w»lwit llfird out and carried a.fear ttrjHi b » down » niibt of »tain, aero**» parrd floor, and Into in aptrtowntUr bood and bond* «rr« trmartO, aa4t wat rommiudrd to tland op.

I did to. Tba on« iwtfpiog gttnnIbit I ibrcw around to* waa auflldeiilto td> DM tbit I wit la one of tbo»*Mini antique rbitraut » eomnwn latbc pDTlrmi. of r«rli But I bad Uttktlm* or dmlro- to pu*b mi Inqnlrtt* atto wywb* vIn miaki and lonf. blark mantlet anrroauded mp. Mrli balding a rapl«r wltbtbe point tlinont tixicbiag mj pmon.

! civp'inynelf tip for lott,: «ndf wt lwhltpprlng a prtyrr,, when «b« moalattonlnhiug pha»« of roy tdventnre ocmrr«d. Tbe three men ilrntilUnlontlfuttpred a Hpinlib oilh, tud, droppingthe polnti of their vetpotii. t Unit Itbrlr ficM clow to mine and DMredInto It. A torrent of Hpanlab oatbftmrredfiMl tb« imp»Hlon: ibp tiood waithrown over my bend Again, and tnjarmt and legt were again tied. I waithen ««rf4ed bafkto It*. b4

to vurti , tTo andfraUBd now t» reat to «f

OMT* laiportasce tba» to kanr Urn Mwork. Tbe tatter « w |w ttnuit,' itone wUI glT* t « r i plad i»H. Iwtibaformer la an Bcttorf* f4*»lt«e«ar *»•

quire, , Beat seeeattutea cbang* ofecene and acttTltlet. IxwagtBg UT«J7 Often tiring} aleeplng ia Mt al-wtyt rwtfni; and aJttlng Hmt,--inafuotblog to do It limply to lato&» weart-npt«. A cbange ta needeQ to - bringInto pUy a dllTerent tet of facnlu**,and to direct tbe lbougbte Into a newchannel. Tba man or -woaun wbo laveary wltb .care fln^a-rellef.ln actlreemployment with freedom from reiptm-•Iblllty. Tbe brain worker • generallyflndt tbe beat rest in pUylng bard. ItIt a mlntake to eapect to And It In tdle-D I U . - IndltnapoUft >'?wi.

actually "returned to Paris it* awlftly.as SMTetlr, and H» rapidly as I hadbeen tsken out (if It. My bonds andmuffler were onre more removed, andI wat put down tt the very spot whereI had been kidnaped, not st all InjuredIn body because of my adventure, butmuch bewildered In msnd. Tb* car-rlage and Its conductors were Instantlygone.

After a very sleepless night I re-paired, to the prefect of police and toldhim my story. He wat much Inlet-'rtted by. It, snd asked me msny ques-v

tlont."What under heaven does It all

mennr1 I flt length asked. -"Oh, It's very patlly understood, Mon-

sieur Masquprndpr. It may be thatyou, In your Hpnnlsh dress, snd withyour brown face and well-trimmed(leard *.|id_lR«stnp_lip,_inust bear * re-tnarksble resemblsnro to torn* realCastlllau In Paris. The real Castlllanbaa his- enemies; be has eloped with,somebody's wire, or shot somebody'sbrother, Ills enemies conspire to as-sassinate him; how, you had nearly*found ont In a practical way listnight! Thry_mBkf ajrery tnUutaljnlfrtake, wilder tho circumstances, and Isyhold of Menttew Musqiwradleg- Amer-ican, lustead of monsieur Castlllan.They find out their mistake at the lastmoment, much to their chagrin, and,Instead of cutting you to pieces In th«old chateau, they bring you back again,to lurn-a'little wisdom from the 4d*venture. Ah, t must look »tter theseflpanlards-I think I hare, a clew tothem. 'And nonr you'll glve-iip yourfancy dressing, eh?"

"That I wjtl. most gladly." I ex-eln'.tfwd, trs-tup cold shivers- passedthrough me (it the recollection or myutmost miraculous escape, The prefectsmiled nnd bowed me'out; nnd my irnr*

t u(f. if yon rliooseiViW"Wn, yet In tbe rnd you miy"n'nd''ftlo your advantage to drop itr This U

city, and tho roio you havec y yndopted may Involve you, in i<utlum that you little dream of. Imerely gixf you a friendly warning.

*f ault o r WHiUttYork Wcpkly. v l t


DYBINO OF 0ABMK.NT8.. -A gatBunt tnJbe.dyMl.stttat•II be absolutely (Iran. Whether It la•Ilk, -wool or cotton U moat flnt of allbe waibed with toap and 'rlnaed Inclean water afterward. The dye muttbe boiling and tbe goode to bVdjredmutt remain in boiling Jliiold for twen-ty minute* or half an hour. Chiffontakea dyo beautifully. Bo do woolen(oodt. 811k It hunter to do And aone-times only takea In tpoti. But ttillby seeing Hint you get the proper dyefor each kind of goods and by follow-ing tbe Instruction* liniilli'lty yon will•fcften get reiult* fur ttpyond yonr ei-ptctatloDH. One at ttic points la tokeep the article'to be dyed morlugthe whole time it ia in iho llqullH andthen the color it aurc of reaching everypart. Of course, a small wooden atlckinuut bo used for tblt purpbuc to avoidBoiling tbe bands.

~ " HKB ftfeUTfCli' THIE. ~ '^- An Atchlton woman, wbo workedrery hard at borne waa Inrlted to visita married daughter for a "wttfailtime." Th« married daughter badnever done a stroke of work when thelived at hone, but alnce her marrltg*

-imd.-nia.da Weh * fuat^boot how-bar*"mother" bad to work tbit the Atchl

-Merer aHew ysntrseU to be JealM*."Even it your, hnthsad Is la the

wrong, never get angry.' -- -Rarer speak evil of yvwrntigabor*

•fillet obedience to1 s husband Is awife's noblest virtue.1* - Harper'*Weekly. _

FOB TUB LITTLE OIBLS* WKAR1 There 1» ncthlug prettierwhole line of materials ottered for littie girls' wear this year than the brtiUaaj>plalda of wool, and there Is a va-riety In them that is remarkable. Allthe tartans of tbe Scotch elan* ate r»produced, and the stuffs are of de-lightful texture. > IVtxo -with the**che+rful little gowns must be tbe whiteguifibpeT snd on tbem U a deb) fordainltsst of needlrwvrk. The/ t surtest gulmpe* sre of batisla or llnenr*nd concession to chilliness Is made bythin silk or woolen undrrwalst*. Tbesimple design offered for a



DEVICE,dsrtcels a

spaa* mat far ess la ntuwcttea withjesUs*. Jasas susd «lkcr sticky ' prc-serves. It t w i s t s of a wire frssa* tsbe attsaie4 t» UM edge mt the l»r «mr<rytag a SSMOS rh>. which holds tbetwwl ot th* *poos over tbe receptacle.

When working up Urft-overs In ero-qswltes «easoa by tasta rather than by.role, M th* food baa already been tea*toned a«d U ea«lty mad* too aalty «r

t t s7 ,

Is w e l t enhanced by serving themwith tomato or some other ' savorysane*.

cept tho Invitation, and told her; fam-ily she'would have a good test andcome hotne much refreshed. When shearrived at her daughter's home shefound that her daughter had put offbouse cleaning until; she arrived. Shedid tho house cleaning. Her- daughterhated to cook; snocooked three meal*a day. Her daughter complained that•he had, done nothing but wash dishesover since her marriage. "Mother".postponed her "restful time** by wash-ing tho dishes, three times a day. Thechildren needed clothes,—''Mother*1

pot 'off tbo restful part of her visit""" rmrte-ffiC *

This wn« a eiullou that t aught tol ine rcpirded: but I was younger thentiuiu t am ante, nud full of the Idea ofmy own Importance and ncuteiKs*. If<tie prefect could not explain whstitntk-.<er there- could be In my dressing alI chose, It was clear to me that therecould be no danger; to I smiled at thotautlDU and vreut my way at before. .

Then was one ot my coitumes that« a s rather a- favorite with me-atliowy Hnanlah drpaii. rlphty tifBldrtiVllli a. Urge siautle and sombrero tpmatch.' I believe.! had appeared Inpnbllc with tills much oftene* thanwith any of tbc other cost(imW-_Afew ulgbtsTafler my Interview with

.the prefect,.I waa returning to mylodglnga In thlt dress, There had boma sr«*t exhibition of fireworks In tbePlace Vendomp, which had continueduntil U,' aaii us I xralked on •lowly',enjoying my cigar, it was half in hourlater before I turned Into the narrowstreet, on, which was my place -'«tabode. The street was unlighted, andquite dark and deserted.

Presently three men «tne rapidly be-- biad 'mt,. talking and Isughlnf in'»»*JtaUUltj«LUhai

Ck* RUhlwt «ark. .There*-are;'nwpr theories al to tho

•most ,d«ytcroui xatUng. but •tausUf*go far to prove.toat tho caretakers ofelepu4uti have tlw molt risky.work.Good elephant-minders command goodpiy, and tbey~dcserve to, as they liveIn a state 'of constant watchfulness,realising the tre*chcroui nature ot thobrutes. < *

Elephants ore tbe molt treacherous,moody and changeable "anlmalt In amenogorlr, and are reckoned far morodnngeroui thajHtons, tlgeft or bears.Trainers state that the elephant's brainworks much llko that of a humanbeing. Tbe moods aud tempers of thebig brut«s change suddenly. The-wenther, -or' a bruised foot, may turnone nt any moment Into a peevishbrute, and tbe great danger ts when"

-Just—turning—lute a-rogue.

female elephants ars more apt' tobecome roguish thsn tbe males, andare more violent, when In their sourmoods,, These animals form strongattachments for certain men, andbitter hatred for othert-a hatred thatmeans murder when'the opportunityarrives.—Detroit Newt-Tribune '

Mrtfeey~had been taking too much wise.One.of jlhem" quickened bis pace, over-

, took me, and addressed sue tn,8panl«)i.I knew a little of the ituguage, tvndI understood that he was asking-me

•----toalbAti, , \r=;y-v'!riiv-- :"-v!"% held out my cigar, and at the In-

1 stant my arm* were seised from behind


and ptnioaedr/irUh"« slipknot, mythroat was, eompfessed by" a pair otbony hands, and s thltk, padded hoodwas wrtpntd closely, about my (aceand head, — — ' -


lively nearly seven lime* (hat ot ahorse, tor 1t can lift twenty time*Ita own weight. It can absorb enor-mous quantities ot o*jg*tt. and Is Intact a confirmed MygfdLtOper^,. ._!.'.„. T h e reprehensible hiblt ot walkingupside down on the celling, to whichths flyJsjddlqted, la duo to tts habit.ot exuding gum from each ot the 1300hollow balm In Us feet

Th» fly^too,' has an evil eye, -whichIs divisible into several other eyes. Kha».-»lto..lTOO or 1800 parts sll con-nected Jrith'theolfactocy nerres, and'tberefore possesses complete equip-ment for detecting unsound, mest such• « U gtVen to no other living creatum.—Ucturo ot .Ur .n . UUl In London. ' ;

' V > ^ t ' ' 1

cjothM,Aiidiiithe family st home are saving, moneyto pay "mother's" hospital expenses,when she finally break* down after bcr"restful tlmc."-Atehlson Globe.

HINTS POll BUSINESS G U M * ~Thp girl wbo must get to an office

promptly ench day can save, herselfneedles* worry and hnvo much moretime for tho coveted morning nap Ifshe will make a few needful prepara-tion* beforo retiring. Bew on -loosebuttons, polish thp, shoes and mend thegloves. Arrange tbo clothing and ac-costorles conveniently near on a chairto facilitate'dressing in tho morning.

Clothing which has been worn allday In a closo office should bo taken>ff after reaching home, brushed andhung hi the open air or spread over a;bsir near an open window. -.You willreel and look better for this extra careJf your dothlug. Be particular tobrush your hair luuruuuhli before- te*tiring, and it will need lets care In themorning. Attend to your nails andhave all toilet articles In place readyfor Immediate vise in the morning,says/Woman's l i te .

The 'want ot a pin or a veil at* theeleventh hour and the turning ot aroom topsy-turvy In an effort to Andtho desired article ts annoying, to saythe least, In brief, learn to systema-tise your dressing, then therejviil be•tfess rush and plenty ot tune to 'd»everything without needlessly exhaust-ing the vitality. • >

ffeemtsette-llttle gulmpe by a practical woman wb<makes her children'* clothe*, and tberesult la eminently satisfactory,' aa tbevine inJPirpeh embroidery rims In theV-shaped opening; matfc-"b)* tbe croa*Ing of black velvet saspeudcr*.. The•mall titter of the girl wbo baa already appeared lu her )>lald has ucharming gulmpe for her frock elplain dark blue wool. The creamwhite linen Is allowed, a fulness forthe sleeve*, and the simple patternfor the body of the gulmpe. wblcb pro-rides that fulness bo bcld In by thedollar band, was used. The wrist-bands and collar are worked In blueand red Koumsnlan stitcher, and tbe.blue gown shows the same handiworkfor belt and as a band above the skirthem.—Boston Transcript.

CAB, _ .The new parlor car which tbe Em-

press- Dowager of China ordered inFrance someMoontlis ago tor tba u*oot herself and tbe high mandarins ofher suite in their journeys through thecountry, ha* been completed andshipped 'at Antwerp for delivery luTektn.—The car l*-lung« UHu thTordinary^and }t baa at bothTndTpTalfbrmVlikbAmerican -cars, fenced In with forgedornamental Iron vailing*.

It is .divided Into six compartments.Flnt of all come two drawing roomcoupes, fitted with divans covered withpale blue s l i t These are designed forthe-attendanU ot the Kmprets, andnext to them comes the. sitting anddining room of T»l An herself, whh*takes up the whole width ot the carand receives .Its light through sixgreat panda ,o£ glass reaching fromfloor to roof. >

Tbe celling Is covered with iflcturcsnd about th

DIXXEB CQEE8E.A new way of preparing an after-

•dinner cheese wlU be found worth try-Ing. Pat twa-tblrda or a cup of saltedalmonds twjee through the meat chop-per, sad tali with a cop of grstedAmerican cheese; add a very IHfle salt,a -p'orb of cayenne and a desert spoon-ful of some soluble,flavorings; mixwelt, prcsa into s small mould untilneeded* tttn-«ot and guum sailed. .**£,ers with It.

FOB STt'DIOS AND DEX&Bleb-tinted, burlap worked in'raffla

makes very effective curtains for stu-dios, while pretty striped'madras flow-ered snd striped ctttons and chintzes,ruffled muslin*, lawn*, dimities, alike-lines, mercerised goods, cotton and silkvelours and damasks all work up withmarrelously srtlttlc results, says theChicago News. The color of tbe drsperle* depends upon the color schent*or tbe rooms. Dull red and rich tonedhunter's green burlap prove an .effec-tive combination for almost any back-ground.


Remove sll stains lu the table linenns noon) after tbey are made as ia pos-sible. -tTash out lullkr or meat stainswith warn water. When the linen Isstained by tea. chocolate, coffee or fruitstretch tbe portion of linen discoloredover a bowl. Ilsve ready a kettle ofwater, at the belling point; bold thekettle high and tut the water fall fromit-onto-th**tsiu-sni{l It disappears,

5Iott atatn* will yield lo this trear-ach.stubaajBn.the.mast.dlQt-.

dto nss> tfte

I took to my bed. and th« 4 a c » s » |u g I* hew. began using Voufrfney Pills. Tbe urioe soon «asaa Ily sgiln. and the pain swdSMOr/appeared. I have bean ewe*yesrs. snff ttottg* OTerm"-

Fjster-UHbo»-» Co.. Buffalo K.

Drill Sergeant <to raw recruhV1

la alow In grasping the tactics*Ulla>-"Xow. Slurphy. bow would jros>one your nword If your opponent fetot-'edJ" • v

Murphy-~Be»5orra, I'd Just Uekl» J';!him with the p'int of It to sert f 1w i i «hfter fskln'/'-Harpefa Weekly..



cult to remove. If tbe stsln bo small,wet It thoroughly, then bum a sulphurmatch beneath the spot. Cover winestains wltb common salt, then pourboiling water over tbem as describedabove.

THE HANGING OF MCTUnEB.Tho greatest stumbling block ot the

anuitonr decorator Is the hanging ofirturea. Excellent taste Is required In

tbls art, a true eye and a knowledge otsuitable combination. For example,photographs should never be mixed

Jth paintings. Have a corner devoted

middle are fastened six brosOr andcomfortable armchair*. At both endsof tbo: saloon are wide divans,, whichcan be turned Into beds when occasionrequires. At hlght light It providedby an, electric cluster, }M light hung-lug from the middle, df 'the celUmr-

T U t l h d l iq iInto the saloou la beautlfullyt Bttedup lit modern style. An offlce .nnilkitchen complete tho layout of • tboImperial car, which It Is said theEmpress waa persuaded to have builtas the safest meant or traveling. Herprejudices were only overcome aftershe had been made tho victim of anlattempted asuasslnatlon as she wasTiding In her Utter.

IN JAPAN.Although Japan has revealed herself

as highly enlightened Yn so manytphetes) ot civilisation, she has not yetapplied reformatory principles to theinsOtuOoa ot marriage.

Them hi aa yet no such thing' InJapan, at equality between the sexes.the law relating to marriage reset-nisea no Wrongs except «o the part-otthe wife, irom whom the.husband mayobtain, a divorce by merely assertingthat he Is tired ot her, or upon any ofthe following grounds:: , . -- *'

Disobedience, ^adultery, barrenness,ta;ihtl U h I t y f

A new sweater has. Appeared uponthe scenes, made to wear under BtonJackets,and other short coats.

Balu coats are a 'necessity In thewardrobe ot the school girl,, and.'someexceedingly ltt»«t nsodfls In'craven*ctte are seen for girls ot fourteen andolder.

Ermine mutts are' out Inshapes that are at least novel. One la.shaped like a scalloped shell. > Anotbrer has its ermine* a n * little tails ar-,ranted to form a butterfly.» Even in the rather heavier materiahithat are promised for. autumn weatvsuch a* drsp d'ete, henrtetta. as wellas In the soft and silky mohairs, thbstad for n^uriceVantffloMcWB* wnt an.peal. "" ' .. - *--

Flounces are coming Into auch blgk,fivor'that they can be nsed after anymode ot fashion that pleases-elogtr.to group, scattered er overlapping. I tis a fashion In which, there U no hitormlssv'

rrhemode Is going; to be more beau-;,- said one ot -the leading nan,

Oa« hot bird on hand la worth two

_ ."me; J*w' much money' a' mancarries about with him, and I wUI teUyou how taucpvhis wmpa6y~ke>p*.w


y ; i $oert or theft,',, , , ^t]

When s i j t t i . l t about to marry J)etmother Impresses upon her <tnlea o/tiOaductto be followed .hot wedded, lite. Some ot thes*- "B t t t f iuntable to your

go- to bed late- ant "



UroV said OSM ot t e g!milliners ot Berlin, ."tor nothing fchv.decs us to make U so. Thttt* being; «wacknowledged vwsea ot fashion, ws>have nothing to hide, nothing tophaalte."1, >. . v- *;> .- .

U to a relief to fashionable womtttto team that their anes tra lmeatawbe torn wtth .lmlmnity t^Jlnthribls>repairs can be h u * t a

Jmn mlud when bansln^llieDo not have the squaro, oval and panelrrnucs all huug In Incoherent coufu-

Bion, and never mix old prints with,nen- odes. Tbe fine 'cftect of a rcullyBWid-pld-nrint-ls,-orteo.lo*t h*-disre-garding this ruh>. And speaking otrules, the flrsttine tojobacrve In plctur^hanging ts not to overcrowd tbe skyline. Sly that Is meant an Imaginaryline which should mark the top of thepicture frampt, This sky line must take

height commensurate with tbc sitoof the room; what tbit It must be leftto tho Individual to decide.

MtMrr.Another of those rem»rk»Ve cares .

Cutioir*. *lt«r doctors and all else kaeV'failed, is testified to by Mr. ftl. C. lbm.«tOtine.nlle. Teias, in toe following k t tm ^'IFor over thirty_i.ears 1 snnered urotB-*-psioful ulctir* and. »n eruption 'irom mfknee* to feet, snd could find neither doc-tor* nor medicine to help me unUl 1 use*Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Pill*, whiebtcured me in six months. They helped rasithe very Hrit time I a»ed them, snd I song'.id to write this *o that other* soffenngas I did may be saved from misery.** . -

Darwin estimates that there anTlSP 000 earthworms qnletly at work for -;the advantage of the upper all feet ot -every acre, )

KoteTSryJlUL«tUM»(twordorphrasetsi>»ttotoWebster'a Inrernatlonat Di<*lonacyjpab- ?Usbed by th» O. A O. Menlam Co, It to tUs-,ooDservsttom, baoke4 by the Mhobushlp of. v lth« •dltor-u-chlet.Wm.T. H«ni»,Ph- DJTi. ;

0 t B d t l d h d d s t tth« • d l t o u ni ,Ph Ti. ;D,,U.B.0om.ot Bdautlan,andhnDdRdsottothen of the greatest eduoaton whMtJaw .made the, International a standard la timVM. ?.>SupnmeConrtand in aU thaeoartaof V~ *tuUoa, also In colleges and pubUo 1

.JahB-S,-WIse, says the Bostoa-Ob .^tells a-story.of a sunset stroll with'Orover CleveUnd during which th^eX-V,President turned to him suddenly r "Mid:

"I ought to have a monument 1me when I die."

"For what particular service)* iJlr. Wise. • -

"Oh, not fur anything I have dbut for the foolishness Istop to!" t 7 P ^

The quoted conversation' suggests #that we have'overlooked a host ot he-^froes snd heroines wbile.we have been.;1,busy raising shafts and arches - o t ; ;

lu tbe street tho ordinary Womsfi i n 'the homo, they surely deservements. If monutnents are to bereward of those .who refrain' from"^foolish s)cts In an aye when It- Is so ',\§,c«ny,tQ stoop.to folly " ''

Crab Apple Jelly — W«»b. the *rult

tfend, tji

clean, j u t In a kettle, cover with waterand boil untU thoroughly cooked. Thenpour It Into'a sieve and 1st It drain.Do not press tt through. For eachpint ot this liquor allow one pound of•ngtr. Boil from twenty minutes tohalf an ,honr. The apples must beJuicy and not overripe. , <>- Lett-Over Cauliflower-Cooked cauli-flower which ia jett over may be usedto a variety of ways, and" forms a verysavory nnd Inexpensive addition to thetable, The white part dipped lor batterand fried to a rich brown In drippingIs very nice; or the remains may bebested, op to. the oven after beingsprinkled with One bread crumbs, andWith amall pieces ot butter on the top.Bake until brown. v ~~

Quince Jelly—Wipe the'fruit, quarter,tore, bat do not pare. Meet thostmedium ripe; tbeyshould be a fine yel-low; pat thetn In a preserving Wettls.with a teacup ot water for each pint;'•tew gently until soft; do not mash;put in' st muslin bag, press lightly; toeach pint of the Juice put* pound of.sugar; stir until It jellies; turn It Intopott or tumblers, and when cold-cov«rand put In dark closet.

GrapV3slw-' rnt your grapes overthe flre-toTTlart*.' double boiler with-ont wafer. Cover closely, and cook un*til tb* fruit Is broken to pieces. Hubthrough •.'•colander, then squeexethrough a flannel bag. Measure theJuice, suoafto'-each pint allow a poundor sugar; Put the sngar In pans and

•si t tntheoventoaeatbatnMtoniel tStir tt from tune to time to preventKoreUng.- Betan the Julc* to the oreis> a voMetabvunsd kettle sad bring to

| lotmrlpUd. .There' Is an actor who Is more re- -

markable for his talents than for bis 'good looks. '

On a recent occasion he was appear* 'Ing at a provincial theatre, nnd the ?heroine, In tbe course of tbe play, hadto observe: •'/.

""AhJ yon change coujptennncer Tb»,"*moment she pronounced these words ^a voice from the gallery cried out: -' ;

"Ob, for heaven's sake, don't stop'-html Let him change."—London Tit-,Bits. - . '

THE -COFFEE HEART.."' JII It u Vurmit u th* Tabaac*

;£.i Haas*, ht asm

rtsWttttUsesa."syt s » . • • -

wtssttly. Isastenaly;

CAB QAIIK.1 an extremely leng one,of ears devoted » dlt-

f leaded with odd frrigbt

KbarnT Carbon,\CWMoa.

"Coffee heart"' la common to maa_coffee users and is liable to send the>lowner to bis nr~her loug,home If tdrag is persisted In. You n tty or forty yards and find vat If >.heart-4s troubled. A lady wboonce a vlettm of the "coffee hwrites from Oregon:

"I have been a habitual user of«. _fee all my lire and have Buffered very-"-?much In recent y»an from ailment*!which I became utlsOed were dlrectly3due to the pol«on hi the beverage, sock !

as torpid liver mnd Indigestion, flIn turn made my complexion band muddy. . .. "Then my hesrj beca(ntji&ctedl;iwould beat most rapidly Ju»t attetefSdrank my coffee, and go below normali

*aa the coffee^ effect wore olt 8ome^times my pulse would go as hlgnaa'137 beats to tbe minute. My fanwere greatly alarmed at; myionand at- lost mother persuaded mtUrbegin tbe use ot Poetum Food Coffee. I. "I gave up the old coffee entirely u &absolutely, and made Postum nw sols?ltable beverage." This was slg 1ago, and all my ills, the lndh.Inactive liver and* rickety heart •have passed away^and my <hat become clear aal natu,_Improvement set. In very aooa>imade tbe change. Just as 1"coffee poison had time to*'my system, -

"My hosband has abeneflted by,the n«e tt

•Wt find tha£», simplePMtom. hi- a s ' satisstrengthening; titan.,

ty > » d d

1»p just once, *nat«

tstcaag barf«e*stfpanfrom smdeidsrad«6ftittece. It 'graadfetlMithe tramp*Beeldes, ttboos* untilon the wa.stealthily,peered Urcwere not Ucourage, w

teMBtnreat Carcass.ii Card.

Al Carder.s? Cardiac

hi Cardinal; to a ship? 'Cargo.

i order? Carmel-

a? Carnage,rt Carnival,testers? Csmtverous/

st Carpenter. •i famlthingsr - Carpett finders 1 Carp.

»wbeels» Csrt i x

nL DAT.most hateful day

known. EverythingThe baby bad been

..avatlng, and no la-1 make him jilsep. Ati d gurgling* and little

settled both chubbyv's thick, brown mane,ball hit might To haveJed is always peculiarly| to1 have It pulled when

cross is too much forj*ce,_l»cky spanked the.and then mother caine

ahe reach**over th* nstraight 1Tightly claosrt hsr. siold man hiaa thoughWhen at Iwaa qulcklreception I

But tboihaving Inwas dlacovMr. WJndlwhen allaround hliheld out Ilaw, bleaslbis fsee, ievil dsy. ithe- cloudgiven thenMabel-L..Farmer.

TVTake an

stick one iIng It byyour flngetbe Bam* iIt Hmf. a

living, the would' go' and mother would he

4 of her. mother espe>v would have considered

: responsible for one's_ h i h , all Ptenr the roots. Jaeky almosti go to grandfather. 8he

•lonely, and the way...at^ner onee or twice»tbat bU heart, too, was

mother's father,1 never even spoke,

when grandfatherland when Jacky asked

aid tnat grsndfalhfr1 mother because she

' married btm. Jackyather would want

if. would not wish herad,' she would' run

r, *Umb into the boat,j would think andwhere the rivdr

' Bo she sped quick!/' to the tiny stream> boat, paddled Into

weren't easy outr, blue sky where

Crowding" t h e ^ n k' gate at ithemselves

' trickling slowly by' down in tbe bottom

fgased at the featheryiray in the great bluei so peaceful that grad

llorooned ind-she. fell

by rough voice*,

Dtp the reand .wheninto the tyou will •oualy, tunthen crim

,/Tbe boat had driftedsiand under the shadowpi-Peeking through tho

. lacky-tried to seeImore thsn four rods7Sttetehed--npon -the

Both were rag-land evil-looking. Tbeif, a great, coarse, hnik-t speaking,

I heard the oldr he must take

? to-morrow. B e said•-for that big* river

be ten thousand

r interposed,' "esn wen's alien keeps *V $. bad" shot

Tbe reaforms on t•«>b)r as It

Tbls Is 1to tempercolor are 1of steel dIs Uken fInstance,th«Tl«tn«It wUI b<In the flan

TblaUare cornsones arethe: leastthat arestronger.

While 3burning. Inot tlnplanary playedge* ofbox-lid. )Un._over Inot burn,thus.

The reoconduct

away befiNow ts

wire., andof them iia coatinglay themJectlng atand crosiplace wfaior the aleequally.

Ton caidoctor otmelts, UuIng firstwhere tb<cause tb<Into U e 1«ri tbe v

leaned over ex-I Wmdbam thinks: tt. Thoagh he's

f"Bvery afternoon beand wildcats couldn't(housekeeper Is going

, for I heard ber1 man. to hitch up,all working hi tbesriver.,-It the old

the tramp pao*«dJ suggesilvely, JackyPftard In sodden com-" nt grandfather.

ihU money and,h next tastsnt


farther tt' Takeasurface 1tHtltetav-faend of tname, i nwUI fanthose" neEvening


as KingEmperorbaa an ertvedfroiof Whichman In Freceives!Saxony,iBaden, s>la paid*while t *

btm sv fat

Co.j.BaThere', an

Bart the tretthe baet


rlMtto blacks, .*

la ii

-jferyaMUw. we aiwaya »py.

S3t* sleep she rodu' hw tar black*.

iwers. m las Pilgrim,

rUZSTJB CAB GAME.»trsto was an eitremtly long one,

i ajnngrber of cars devoted to dlf-ttssMwor taaocd with odd freight.»*f the csrs were:

' easy to burn? Carbon.

rat gems? carbwiicle.I'fWof dead creatures? Carcasi.

rof pasteboard?' Card,r of wootr Carder.

> .Cardiac,. - -a," ear •* tbe church? Cardinal.l « t f belonging to a ship? Cargo.t.esr ot a religious order? Carmel.

i ear of destruction? Carnage..'festival car? Carnival.I car of flesh eaters? Carnivorous.'

J'A"«« of builders? Carpenter.\i£A ear of bouse furnUhtsgs? Carpet.\'A car of fault flpders? Carp.

\ « r of two wheela? Cart jx*

----- AN K Y l f DAY.was tbe moat hateful day

Bid ever known. EverythingCOM .wrong. Tbe baby had been

rly aggravating, and so In-t'fcould wake blm ileep." Af

pwttb aattsfled gurglings and littleh» bad settled both cbubby

Jscky'a thick, brown mane,With all hi. might. To birve

a-'Juiir palled fs always peculiarly.but to have It .jmlled when

cross is too mucb. for- Jacky spanked tbe

they J m m d tfcee, Out

Mr eafr IM*» lay ie. tridUag them.A * ba>* afte* piayttf at tortBfMUfee*.•a* M M pJay tt aww ta *»*• heresttawl sTaadfatfcar. Jtts*~tk*» ta* « u .( • • • • t o * * bcr parted, ami (h* tmaap•aw her. Bunted. k« stepped 4»a*k•ad mtUkmri to-fcts e**ai*iikm. Bothstood toofclsg at Jack?, .and **• cwsAIhmr tbsa* wkUjptrta*, »udd*«ly on*af tfceta leaaeoVdewii witU hi* cfreekalmost t w M k m , whll.. he Jisttmd

aad evenly. Xot a quiver «f tb* frs-twea betrayed her, Tom tbe wfltowssprat* back, and she <x>uU-fae»r Usfootstep* rctrsattav. Slow tears creptfrom under Jacky'a lids. If Kbe onlydared go for help now; SUt kn«w ibe

gTandfattwrV Hot she 'atwit'V'"wire"tbe tramps had gone before «be mon-J.Besides, they would not go tit tbeboose until wrists «W IJIimah « a ton tb* way to th* VTiiUg^. At i«s«,stealthily, she raised h«wtf andpeered through tbe willow*. Tbe narn

lwftsDy >ai>a *« -adUk*a«." art ttwtv*i s * to ts» *W«i»Val tiatdr**, I.******.


have ***««r

•arnmadtef*fey aa Es*tt*a »»I«W

«• * week ait;*f sad' - * 1 -thr t>tU r«rrV«jxM»d#»t of tt>»

iUlt 6aeet!«- nt.iM Uur.recratt ABti . TulwruW* <\«cpnaalam, halt tlu» tiespW af Paris at*.,atI hit aaaaanit, MJtrrittM ft1 >"


Jackr sad d«ddcd lifeh living. Sb» would go

j-.fathar and molhtr wanM be'gtt rid of her, mother etp*

M ah» would J U M conalderedla not responiibl* for ont*i

,«btn one"* balr baa a]] btm««t by tbe roota, Jaekr almoat

to go to grandfather. 8bt*• :waa lonely, and the way

1«**d at her once or twicen n that bla heart, too, waai

courage, with a Mile pray«r roe help.Jacky atoie tbroufb \t,* wqod*. Wbrathe reached the open (be organ to ran,over the meadowa, throuib tbe gate,•tralgbt Into grandfathefi mm*.TightlyctoiplnrW* BeWrshe'emifp**ooi her atory, wBlle lb* DewlMrmlold man held bla grandiUugbtvr (I«M«as though he had always wanted her.When at bit he nnderttood, Hannahwaa <ralckly dispatched for htlp and areception prrriared for th« trnmpiL i

BUt tboae gentlemen netcr came, jhaving la aguie way found thtlr |tk>twaa dltcorerrd. Late In the artrrnocii {Mr. ,AVIntlham took Jacky borne; snO,'wbrn - all wai told, with one arm Iaround bla daughter nnd Jacky, 1>«'beld out bU free band io bit »onlii-law, bleating, while tear* rolled downbjs face, Jncky'a courage ami Jacky'ievil day, which bait nt Itit dltpersnltbe cloud of mlsunilmtandjtig unitalveo them -all -to each; other again- —Mabel L. SbrrburnV, ID tbe TrlbuutFarmer.

rhtue.for tat Inga 'muwtUW

t» aitsW. u rua by

JBO «i«jf I * take .

"tf" aaf a« it(u*» fcliowof fii> «D

iu Ira day*.

pM«Hllt>rraeifiu >\r Malta ftvrr baa

the infection of ih« a i m u may b*in(i<mltt<M by t«*u. 11- r jaml t «tMtXl.»J«r HorrooVn found Ibc *»jn>clflf « •

of thf fwirr in the milk oftbit *r«* • s|.j>»rTiitl,T healthy.

reanion irbirh u rm^illar t» tba:*r. _>Tb(« Cmllqit |« not only lm-

for Ualta. hut fur luany otbrrj.bt-»» ulibiu thf Mrdltrrmorin areak

Gibraltar la olio of ttion* wurr* tidef*»er la rttr prvvulfjvt, aail Koats "awalUKt't the. wily source of llie utilk




AVC or Oafoo*,i--Pa»*avMc»TO>.,

Mn» M4 NHttoil ieM • * ta

tfca IKCMT •rtiwa,tlM atitwiaaa. I|

Umt nnwdi* n«e«a\jM«n la « • • it/W«-M* »r • II


, Aay jSMUt wlw wuW* p«{i*» W»liaj p a atMt

•tftalgk; yantml l > m u It iki t w•afamtrd k

W 4 « ttfay* h* bu Ml WJ Mraui«a u

l otl t l M t WKHI lor tsi* i*>

Waal » t W alliMat* Utin *ttk a radii, v

Uurlng « w»djh,g at AAostrla. itgUintng struck the cbunh•«4 tor* away the l»rld»»Tuonrs Ugh

• f o o t , ' . • • • - . • '•••-. . .- . \

! A StM. af

FUN WITH A LAMP.Take an ordinary knlttlng-iieedle. and

•lick one end of It Into a cork. Hold-ing It by tbe cork so as tuft to burnyonr fingers, throat tbe other *nd Into

^•flawloratf-tfcWoiTfSpTod keep

. of ondoreronnd wa>«!y U|K<U rainfall wan clearlytiy the gownuie.m «urr..jr of

th«> drainage- bn»m of the" '.lliter In Kanui lad *i>imuer. It wan

What caiutaK l

round that tbe underflow ha* lt« origin.In the rainfall on tin. »iml lillU Io themjuih and Ibe IwKoin laiuli and {ilalna

-to ^hWViirib -ot tbe rlr«r. In timesof flood the rivi-r lt«elf rontributra tothe midi rgrtiund 8t>w, - Wbui the Mrerwas ljtch th«» undertrrmiud water wasfound, l>y men n» of clcrtrlfSl tnrainre-meul». io be moring away from tbariver < bannel at tbn rate of about 8feet in 24 hour*. The general innre-

^ p . epIt there oatint is heated to rednesa.Dip tbe red bot needle Into cold water,and when It is cool, tbrust It againinto tbe flame. If yon watch it nowyou will see that It changes color curi-ously, turning first yellow, then eranar,than crimson, violet, blue, and finally

waa mother's father,t'ud. mother nernr erea ipoke.' often cried when grandfather

Oned, and wb«o Jacky aakedthat grandfather

r forgiven motber becaate ahc: and married him, Jackygrandfather -would want

ber 'would hot wiah herU. she would run

be river, climb Into the boat,E far out, would tblnk and

'and go. just where the rlvcfcI carry ber. So she aped quicklyi tbe meadow to tbe tiny stream

(Unmooring ibe boat, paddled Into> Current. • .

'Unkind thoughts weren't' eyury outI under tbe tender, blue sky where

-Willows were crowding'the batikI J Striving to face* at themselves,tb» clear water trickling alowly by

Jacky lay down In. the bottomttbe boat and gated at tbe feathery•-•""•• far away In tho gnat blue

M w«s-so peaceful that graoV' eyelids dropped ind iHe tfcfl

artled by rough Tolces.


The boat had driftedcm and under the shadow

»wiUowaXPeeklng through tbet«t,bnshcs/^acky tried to see

£apeakers. Not mbr> than four rodslylnaT'atretched upon tbe

i were two men. Both, were rag-t and evil-looking. Th*

t her,~a great, coarse, bnlk-r, was speaking. -

> It's there, t beard Ibe old!ijtsU 'the housekeeper be must take

-..the bank to-morrow. He said|raH tbe pay for that big, river

n u t De-ttt* thousandr'sacent."

Tbe reason Is that a flint of rustforms on tbe needle, and this alters Itscolor as It grows gradually thicker.

This la a matter of great importancela tempering steel, for the changes Incolor are watched carefully, as tbe kindot steel depends on the time when itis taken from the ore and cooled. ForInstance, If you take tbe needle fromthe flame, and cuol It when U 1> >elluw.it will be roucu harder tbau If leftjft^be flame until blue, and then cooled.

Tbla is shown in tbe steel pins thatare commonly used. Tbe bine steef<mea are likely to snap: In two ' ~the leasi' pressure;' wherean.that are tempered yellow nro•lrong«r. • - ,

While yon have your alcohol lampburning, take « piece of metallic tin—not tlnplate—and place It on an ordi-nary playing-card, flrnt turning up theedges of tbe card, funning a tort ofbox-lid. Hold tbn.conl containing Irwtin over tbe flame, and tbe card willnot burn, but tho tin may be weltedthus.

The reason In that tho tin I* to gooda conductor of heat that It curries Itaway before the card has time to burn.

JCow take-a. copper wire, aa iroowire*,- and a glass lube, and- dip eacbof them into melted was so as to forma coating on them. After tbey are dry.lay thtun on a Ut '

8 fa l l feet In S4 nvurs.

A N*« TMktr MwtMT.T- H. P. AinlertoD. a yoqog Cana-

dian; who baa rmouaced all the plea»iurea of th* wocld anil decided to d*>vote hi/. IU» to ministering to lepers,has,< ait-ordiun io ib» Loitdon Eipnaa,lust left KngliDd for India.

Hlace tba days of heroic Kather Da-mlen nu man baa glren nn bU life aadbla career, to undertake this work, andthe tKvaslon It at once notable andtouching. True, the MluHoa to lepersbaa inintatera la India, who from timeto time drift into leper w*rk. Bottbe»»- men so among the outcaats fromtime to time merely because theirwnrk*m»s Ihemg h

l which Mr. Andersongoes l« Chatidkuri. la Central India,inidniiy rwl»e<-n .Calcutta aqd Horn-bay. rbe lepers* settlcmrnt lies twenty'iallc. from (be! railroad r^ack, «od u.

He•n ' l alters keeps aain't a bad abot

ijJtost speaker leaned over ex-' -"I fell ye old Windfasm think*

i about It, Though he'sd. Every afternoon he• and wildcats couldn't

.- < Tbe housekeeper Is goingttbisafternoon, for! beard her

, tbe hired mas, to hitch op.are ail "working- In. tbe

U the river. If tbe old- J U » r * tb« tramp pausedW* dob auggestlvely. Jacky

j t gnuflWather,steal his money and,.s Tbe afatt Instant

jeetlng about two Inches over the rdge,and crossing each other. Under theplace where they cross bold the flameof the-alcohol lamp, so ax to beat thenxequally.

You can tell which la the bett con-ductor of beat by the way the waxmelts, that on the best conductor melt-ing first But there will be a pointwber» tbe wax dOfjLgot melt at all, be-cause the beat will be conducted offInto tbe air before reaching' Uut pointon tbe rod.'" On the good conductor,however, tbe was will be mtltrd macsfarther than on a poor conductor.

Take aa Iron rod, KT"> «™ » » to»«t•orface'itkk" tmall wooden bills orbnllett, by means of waxr-)I«ld oneend or tbe rod In tbe alcohol lampflame, and as tbe wax. melts. Hit ball*wilLiall to th* floor beginning withthose' nearett the flame.—Xew YorkEvening Mall. _ -— -

triiht be may pleach tbe Ctaip*] totl«" !l«» hmidrrti uutr4»t« at C'baod-kurl IIr. Andrrtou is bow learning thevernarular; but, apart-from liU iplrl't-ual ministry, tb* MHilon to Lepers,iiuiltr wbmev- aii*plers b« gw», hasmuih for blm to do. ami relies muchupon bit titulnew capacity. •

Sir*. John.IV Newman. UUli'op .\>w- jman'* widow, whopro|MM«sto.found a"klndfrgnrfen in Jeruuleni, bss a great'Str.-rrlon. for.rblldren sod * fifeat slor#;

of ihlldren's attenlotfl. - i . . - •Anent an cmlarussinc *ttea4iaa;-sb«

aa|<l one dsj ; . . . :../ , -,J.L..,"Ibis remind*-ra* of a. dinner tbst

a Dearer woman gave during a rellg-ton»-eonveijUoii in btr xlty. ' r


BltUr T«it»-IUd nr*.tb-lB,p»ire4 Ap-p«H«e-A (etU»g oj ^llnew, wvl|bl •l»ln w tk* »l<!BHfh -ant) twirt, K>.an»tittie* a*uM* aad xumllii^. tint httt *ni

caiuta II! Aay on. or til i>(* ti j d k m D

Jort—menul warry and pbyainil l.lijue-bad sir—in.iimiitnt lood-rWdejilsry ' ' '-«b»eor» of terlh- bolting ot food.

If yen •uft'vr from IUU •low death snimUertbl* eitstesce, let m Mtui TO* a «ropie boi pr ilulli Anil IVIrh >V»(rrs «Uriluuly (riK-. No drugi, Urtiga injure »he

It Mop* beteliing i t i l rwi t a diseasedatomattt by absoruTna the f ul IHIDWH (romuadMrntrd food »nj by importing setlvltyto Ins lining ot the •totnurh.. entbhug IIto Iborwglilf n l i tbe food witn th* istVrtoUIMH, WSKII proawus digntlan sadcutM

— , it, to thauMnili or «aft>r«nwtl) ftnd.lwo tarbUM* M(*m>e*»lnto

Tic. and tbb a4v»ribeme«t. of we will•end you • tannle fret for Ihli eonpan

THIS Orvn UAT N'or Avrt*pAuki


Rend thin tPUhon with your asm*and «4dr«*s and M M el a dr»««t»t,waa does not tell it for a fret samplebo* ot Mull's AnlMMch \V»f«ri u

Mt'tL's Q*An Tome Co., 9H TkltdI Ave., Hock UUbd, IIU

tflw r»tt Aiin; ««4 Writ* PMttlf.

Bold by all drotgUta, We. par boi, eraeat by nail.

Mevefal aehisela te-KeVads have bean.compelled to close because the trusteesbare fouad It Impossible to secureteacbera. ' -


. j l k a * a l H U s l t t M *Ur.lt, ii. !Uusa.Uil.,w»Ar«hW[H'MU.,lV

.Forest Oats,- EogUnil, kaa * |brse-fesr>6!d awtmaOag cbaaplaa. '

Mrs. WIMIOW. •oothlsg nynp tot Chlldrmttki«ltaaatl»gUBi*r*d«MSlkflsauii*

a *»•»."Tak» pletity ut iUu* In •ritcttng

your b«w winter Int." >«KJ an cwaMMarket street drparloitut tiur* ntlUia-


^ » n y t ^day, fur a new nil* hat been m«d» ibisseasun t« the vflWt .tiiat no tniuiueJbat* ran b» returned or eirbariged.All the •tor*a' here b«v» put this nil*Into practice. The)1 »«** had "to doUiU lu •«4fdrff»M>, •>• M tunny wom-en tak* a bat Ifout'r, nrar it aud thencoma bark to baft ll exchaiigvtl; erev»n grt the money rrfundetl. By do-Ing the MM* thing in n u n ! slorrithey tan get •• -'m-imtatkio for bat Inga l»n;» numljtr ij- ifm,; *have bauded tut ;th*». to>.s l u i ' v t H d l l l ltw-urd.

"r.(ii«idrraHon« of mntuiauand ront-eulrnrv, «» well- «• prtare all wltb tlw niau wbo kinp* hlabat <>n tits bend when In a |iutill<? el<^v i w , " »ay» th« l ^ i l t m u C««rt*r.Journal. And wltii r.-sir.l Iu <bl« Ibe

loii genileuisa «iul tht> Kentuckygiiillein«n ll Jl

~ m m

wotueu dye tti* hslr Io fan-

- • •


Prapawsor Metberbeoa

The darkest days of huaoaad andwifei are Whs* tkey come to look f«»>ward to •JslkUaaa sjsd lonely old s«e.

llMjMs wlfs baa found hanellbesypaU* of ntolbernood owing to s> dl*pUesweat of tbe womb ar task «i•tsegqrUi la tbe «t««ra,tlr« orgaaa.

Sketft Ha



tl» H« I* t* nl« —Mr » ls*< HI


HUM* h»l:%.i«« u lUnt m»M lit

11 la kuii.H k M »e

mil ik» uf At» h . litUuU U|»n imhN-iljr mm, UiKk wikllh ta«M k««4M ki Up. T>« il

ttmtt Iff »niJ, r>M (MiltW > n |l» i « a m u l u l

VJf • tt Mpi'N4l#l|-«pn»jn i*l» Mat* wltkwit kluklug.li . M« ••<»- *« l£ f •itWtl ml M,

C C. ATltlNS Os. CO, I fie.

t BY wwo

W.L.DOUGLASW. t». M f4.0O OUt


Ktoperor Willltia wta itctoUygrstibird agtis. - '

;4o sat believe Plti'tUur* (or CoiuamB-tiaebaMMaatl tor soaghs «iul9oia».^-Jos»FJiof«a]T/laltvDpHSCT, lad., r«t>. U, mi.-.

- In PsHa 'sotne patient perann hasb*firi collecUng staUstics about womenh U t '

' Hie dinner wa«..umptuooa. tbaleading llgbts of tbe cliurcb and of UieHlale were there. A presiding elder,In laklog a drink of wstef, Urok» ag l « « » , ..-:.;..—.:..-•- : . . „ ; . -,' •. . . .- ?_.....:-.-,-•

"Tbe bontew begao Id ««»ore tb»elder that tbe accident was of noconwquence.but bn'wt(t-<o>odDlatedvol.-e was eatUy overpowered by theloud nbnnt of her tittle soil. ~ ~~

•' 'Ob. msmma.' be Tied. 'Ifs «ne ofthe borrowed ones, tin't Itr"—GrandItaplds Herald.

T m * S A U I I M t r K O m .Tbe Kaiser receives $3*25,000 a year

»B King of Prasala, but nothing asEmperor of Germany. Bealdra this biemperor ot Germany. Beaidra this be •••••»»««-•»»••>«•• «ia»reiw.baa an enormous private Income, de- ~i»**4 " - * « • « » « Ixadscbat._. m * . . _ • . . ^ . •_ i . . . . " HI • aa> e.<T e a d I* * ! • • i . * i < * H . tflabfrlevai

more thanand «tbktea.rived from mines,

of .which be-owns more than cay otherman in Prussia, Tbe Klng^if Btraria^KcdTcstUSSOjOOOayear; tbe S u n of•axony, « W » 0 ; tbe Grand pokS ofBaoen, tWQflUO. The Ctar or Sasslate paid ««,7W)W) for his private nse.white each Oraad I^uke. receive $irOOOJUOt) »,Tfr.'n inaddtUoa to tbese«BOru)o«a salaries «aeh «f thete tutora

; lartejawaw turn toyatttesaad

& k . A ^ e - i*"'> - * * - - ^—*—

"Pickled tea Is a ISarcnev delicacy,"•aJoVtbe saitorr^A Bunnsb girt onceRare roe »oioe. It wain't bid. 8treet-iali cud splcedL^A.crviMi bMween pick-ied and pnrserved.

"Tea ain't only drntik. Oown Xlimway they chew It. ll i« »tuck togetbrrwith melted sugar Into little rates, andirery siamew carries one of tftowntSes la bis poeket, A plag of l e a -ftnt mlgbt.*aya plug o* cbewln' tea.

"Some folks smoke It An English,girl -once-gave nut s cigarette, I flit-

lyMtbSMsod a d n t a a ^ n s o b•ysUB). TheyoflMrooshsBdnd dollars tor

-eafctssltfidstosars. ttmiior elrealansad UMUwuUls. Addnm V. 1, Cats*SV MCo.,ToUd»,0.

Ham,jVnintfi*.1U.Take aa»*s7a<nily fills tot eoas»pe41oa


If was a coontry road.1t

Stewed tea it tbe national dlso ofthe Thibetans. , Tea. fat aalt, flour,and mjlksnt rooked^ together to> tbethickness of oatmeal andtrtea coM."-nttsbws Dispatch,

The Enrperor Kwanarflso fmnsrstlysends Bit atteadasu «WtM» mTittfto purchase tk*- latest books aad sawsr'paper*. On ifnint «t H0M t t e dty.offlcJals. acdWdfag to ik« Bmghmgtmukabm-rm. kave waneA m'.baekataaa W be cartful e fwkai (key.

. >ii ssors<JstarrB Ut tab*eoustrytaaaall clhwdtiMMesaad «stil the last few ysan

setl<»aoftb«pat together,

«oasUUtta*sldlsMMSSd*»ttit tttoaal trsstatsftt-

proven CsiaMsad ttewtwe

t -Ban's


at a high dip,Directly la 1M track an old man Ms-

ttr»)y ssunbltd behind two cowa whkbhe was escorting bomvward,

"When tb* machine waa almost ontop of them, on* of tbe- ooettpanU so-grily cailatt oat: - Why dw»'t yua g»toat of o w way? Do you want to*iberun ovaf J*

"yfnU," responded Ibe farmer dryly."I waajeat rttmlnaUng- whlfb'd.U tbeHost vnOtaUt, to J«(_you run otcr,tbetD eowa, or Ma over awf—Brubkiyu

' •• US

Mrs, Anna PottsVrequsnt bMkscbt SB4 dktrsaalng

psiaa, awowpanUd b-y oflenslv* dla-<barg«s and getwrally by iirsyalarandscantvnMii*tr«atkMitd(i!«l«a41'

siaaiii or n«nr» ef«a«rallo»MM womb and aurrovndlnarorgmaa.

The qvMUon Uiat troolUM wosaeala fcow win at wnimo who haa aa«mi f-naie troVbU bear health/ efaUdirat

Mra. Anna Potts, of HO Park Avsaaa,not Springs, Ark., writteiJ l P M n k l

wasddatteaM Utfara

VsgstaMs Ooi4kTsa « o d *

adriwdssssbooarr, my baadarfcM ajtd 1KM, I had B9 awre Uartiu-dowB palate. Ihad B9awre hmtiaa-fanmpsiM,sodItU ttks • asw WOBMUJ. W n W s year 1tNouaa tfas mottxrof • MTPBg, bsaitby

/«g«sbM VonumA b ontsplMdM rsmsily, sad Vwfck jn-srrwho wante to bMoass a sMUbsr wookf- AffatsI^sttrUlty to ,rare. If aay woman think* ah* b ster-

i l e , let her t^-I/jWls, B. Mwkbam'sVegetable Conipoond said writs to Mn,inSkbata, hfnu, Jlass, ~tt*r **tim istree to sapsclMt at would-be mothers.

VH!M»I Mf MM M < *«<•• s t w m t



St Jacobs OilI

h. ' ' ^U.M

1 Hfc CKA.SFOKL* c i 11TZii.N, ftiCKSuAY. DECEMD12R 7, lj.,,0



0 Cofrrtsiit, UWa. Ly }L A. WUuKoi

C » O * 0 » O » 0 » 0 » 0 O » 0 * 0 » 0 » D » 0 »

An siigel fronj beana?" nJ ' : t Piler. ••V.V.I, toother, Iv^ea &xi filial i; jiia tucvi-n Crop

1 rried.. I'ttii l_i.a_ 1 am very, wtii unt as I

He snatcbeJ up lila bat and. willst .g lo Ills >So;;, Mroiu arrJUiH Ibe Heidi» ' lie tils uioUier stood tn UUe di>jr«'«f.' 1 waniicU Lhu unlll tbe IVOJJ« awnI- *ed Uia. .uj>. .

. tea ktie turued with a sign and et1- "«1 the bouse. An iaveterato maRt• ker. It was one cf tbe karrowi *fM1*. EUcr 8 .life Ibat her baud»oui«; jng sou had wltbtlool tlie Jiernus•• us of all the glrli of IIIK•- t. He had eveu assisted brr la tli(I ins whereby »he deputized for Ci>I 1, but. t<ertiap». It was tbla familiari with licr GietlwJi wlilob enabled1 i to escape »o easily f ruin the snureih Mt for him.

Hud be (.lioivu nn Interest In. any on* would have fell uoitie linpe, but not« •• of tbrgtrl« ilnr ttiew lia'l tfent 1 e lo hrutibv other tbau his friendlyI "rest, nud <>!ie wan lu despair.

Ilii'd *be teeu bis face u» tie strodei* "JUJ;L the bnii.b she would have been»- prised, for It was white'and-drntvu

I MB te«'lb wereflenibej.li wn» barvl for Ulln to fuee tils urotli

r-» permfli-fonii with n Jcit when uli • wblle Ms »h(.le toul-was buuud uj

• r woman to whom bo cuulil not olTet'

11 liap|H'iuil ou one of hl» trips to the• ' v. He bad formed one of a y'ntliti . party, and there be bud met ClaraII . ley, Fur a time It bnd amiied to1 tbat there-was the woman for'*»! m hi* bad been debtliicd, andti. ugh the long summer eveulug* bel.s I u l by ber side and woudered bowIt v-as ihut to some rucn It was jity-u 'led to have a foretaste of beaten.

lliea Tom Itlpley had JolueJ tlicl|ur-I) *ud for the first time he batTTeuru-r l that tbt- was uinrrleO. The blowI a J been too much for him, oui,!_•: lllueM. be bad left the yucht oudci. _e homo heartbroken.

I.int bad been a year ago, but then • ud was still frejib, ami on thoseIj-g strolls through the wood* be couldsi.li feel her presence, could etnelj theaii't air above the fragrance of thet'Lia. And bis mother had declaredlit-l tic was a coiidruipJ bachelor who»•' ild uotiuarry nu nui:iil from heavenwrnj ibe suddenly to fippenr nnd makeii'< Brttlon ofber love. 'V

l ie thought bitterly of his mother'sl.ojiei. and tears dimmed his pyes ttsL • realized how Impossible,It was toITii'it her ber heart'* desire,

1I» made his way down to tlio lake-where'tbrrt> was a little clearing, llo1JTI-J to Ho ou tho soft grass and lookc,) at the white clouds traverglug thes-i^mer sky, while he pictured to blm-ar f bow dliTerei!! life WOUM be•r f bgg illiTeifa; !lfe would be TClara by bla nldp tn face tbe world,

11 full of liU I'.Kinr'iti wait tie tbatI* Cld uot H.'Xloc b;n ilog'» ujiltatlonl - t i | witli u iiurp tiarU bo iiaabeil to-r arj tbo water's it;i;f. ,

«(U» a crj* be iiirang't* bis fevt.U u t Ui« suriacii oi:Ui6.water «nuiejIK> idlug n bugi> bulk from which tie-!<• • ird a"swaying mass of blnck anil« ! He. Now It struck tbe water; uow Itr»u In tbe air only to fall buck agolal.«u »oaio wounded bird. ':•'""'"

I a Dash Jack rcuieuibvrvd thatIV te was to bare been u balloon aa-c -«on across tbe take luat uf(ernoou.e: 1 be Uuew tbat this muat be'It,t- sb be. was at a losi to umlentatul«IJ a feminine flcurc should bo cllug-l£-n lu the ropes.

•1-31 as ho nearel U»e »bor« the. cat«l';,>fd agalu, and.as It roso.a ropei b d past Jock's shoulder. In-

ly he grasped It; and with ou tliat verj. nearly tore bis bold

1*. i». be was jerked Into tbo air. For• i. oment_be_clnn«;1 jUoaLsriyi sscltfc.L.u/t and the sbock, and tben with a(vijJlng sound the ballooa sn'ept do\rn>ward, and Elder was dragged through.t e branched of tho trees, the twlgjixttlng his fac« and hands, thaugatlcj did not loosen their grip upon thorye.

TLere was another upward bound,and .as they rose-Jack, regaining his*!ts, begin to climb tho rope, drawingt : ~ « l f up band orer hand- as theyrc'la the air. He had 'almost reachedtte car when they struck the treesarils, at)d cow be bad to endure thewe'sbt of tbe car as.lt crushed him«t>!tist tbe braaebes anil left him well

l h breathless. - Still bo clung to the^ljh grtoj Bcwistencc. and as tbe

car rose once more clutched tbe wickerwort erf the edge and felt a. baud nnderfels ehouldcr asslstlns blm orer the•Me.

a. moment .he lay breathlessthe balloon made another dire,

aui tben with n start be realized thatbit fompanloB was Clara Rlpiey.

Oce glance lu:o her face as she bintanxlonsly over him assured him of herleio. and tbe knowledge of this factstimulated bis faculties. .Tbe ballosn« s a dMnff again, bet at each rise tberefoifty vma le^s buoyant, and nsvrtkej scarcely cleared the tops of tbe( H H . Jnst beyond was tbe clearing.aSjf-U'tbey sank ibe balloon wltb aISKb swtUed to earth covering themtantaltb its base balk. In some way6 M rfcire rope bid become entnnsletlwitii JocSc1* arm a* be fell Into tbec*r. KB& tb» s u was rushing.out of(be vMti tS tb* tube and addlDg totfcrir OlasomtoTt.

VF.Hi * desjwTStc energy, be worked9TA7 «rar ttii ^kla of tb« car. drag*W U a««rhtm. I t


• Send for Osscriptlve Circular

I'uiiltry Hupplir* of every description.' Empire Statu Ianil Ijrooilttr*..' Prairio State Iiic,ii.batoni and .lirooAvn.Inciiliiitum am) Uruoilvrs. Orfi-n Bone and Vegetable Cutter*

. UrimJing Mill*. .Win. Netting. Wliile Wasliinx Macliines.Lieu KiHtT*. liuup Ciiri-s. C'boler* Cures.

.CutiJitiun .IVwJcr*. Ktfif •Producera : fjprajf. Pumps. . :Drinking Fountain*. Kcniiol Supplies.

JInd ever^tlilng for Breeding and Hearing all kindsof Poultry Pigeons and Pet 8tock..

Our linmanao Illuatratud Calnlosua Pree. t

Excelsior Wire a Poultry Supply Co.,

Dept 2D.W. V. R'JSS. PH3P. a6 A a8 Vesey St. NEWYORCCtV.

••-«>-«- • • .» • > » » • •*




RUBBER TIRES AT SHORT NOTICES.l trstt o lon work guoronto&d.

42 North Avenue, - Westfield N. J.

N.A. BARNETT,Carriage,, c raci At*tonptot>lle>


2r Tires for Wagons and Automobiles*Polnttinfj;/an«l Repairing.

• - ca ©peoialty. • ~Expert horac shoeing and general blackeraithing.


It .seemed bi». must glvf up. a puff ot

with one lrwt effort he \dragged Ctarafrom bencuth the Infoldtng cloUi. '

Wiieu abusclousuess rmue agnjn itbewas cuttlbig bU liund In hers while thstears struuncd down ber ftice. 'As bsupeiiud bis <-JTJ ebo gav«j u llttlo cryind, Idftuluj - forward, llgbtl)', brusued

'•I was ufrald." sh» *»1J, a tremulousMtoli In ber voice, "that you bud In-iiuletl too much gas.' l - l wos about toionvw you to seek- urilatauca."

"1 am all right »ow," he aoswsrelwbly. TUeu, uft.fr o minute, "UowIM j uu bappcn.to ihe lu that car}""Tliere were thijoe of us," sae an-

ivvered—•'Tom, Uiif professor and «aj>self, 1 had alwa |r's- tonscd to Uk» aballoou trlii, and this scented sucii apleudld chance.. .'"The professor Iras Just helping Tom'

uto Uie car win m souieuow th» ropa[>artcl, and I v rns carried up alouo.

JThen tho Kas be g^n to glvo out. and IUiouslit 1 sbou |d full into th» lake.Cut Ifsnil risbj now,'Isn't"UV '

"Ves,» he ni f swcretl, with a tran«tnUc. "We'll ti ilojrapU Mr. nipley and<eud yon boinij in the morning." Our

ame Is Just Ibeyond here, ana mylother will bp most happy to vrel-)uie you.""You Old not S3 to the shore tfcls

uwmcr," slu> «aU ijulcfj.ii." hp uu avrcrcd, "I could not soi the meat pry-of last year."

"\Vas It S3 ' unpleasant, thcu?" shoasUcJ crntly. "Mr. E.dcr. I've ulwayswaudeivj wb y you left U9 »o suideuly,;»uld It be (bat ouythuig 1 said k'aveiffcnser,Her face I mrned red es site osked the

luestlon, bv & she met his u n u unfllncb-

uothJiB—that you said. Souchow, 1gilned an Idea tbat you were Tom Dip-ley's sister and tbat be was bringingbis wife aboard wltb TiUB. When welandttd to tako blm ou, George 8omcrstold me that Mr*. Illpley waa alreadyon board and that Tom vru wltU bissister.1* .;'-••

She broke Into a merry peal of laugh-ter, '"tbat was my slater Grace," sheeiplalned.."Tom's, wife came aboardwhile you were at the po3tom«." .

"Then you are bis sitter, atttr allf"be cried, suddenly sitting up. :

"And that was jour reasonr sheasked softly. The question was com-monplace, but tbe man read all hewanted to know lo tbe tone la whichIt was asfceX .

Mrs. Elder, watching the sun setacross the fields, saw them coining to- •ward her.

"Mother." cried Jack Jubilantly,"this Is tbe angel direct from heaven,,and we are galug to be marrlej jnst oa«o»a u we eau arrange matters.'' • • •-

.. Wb«D the Store"De preacher wuin't feelln' giod last

meetin' day; an' be made d* stovepreacb de sermon."

-Made d* store prcachr"Yes; made It re^liot turn top tcr

bottom an' 0«n tor he sinners ter tnkea g>ol lo^lt at It an' go tor thmkln'!"—Atlanta Constitution.

The l'no~ratefal Out,"Do you tb'nk It ra-« to be goner'

o u i r said fco man of ibuMful mlad;"W>:i. that dereuilN" rcpl'ej fae rAl-

lantbroplst "To tell fje truth. It bmttbe moae- I've glrcn awar tbat t ro-gwt; It's what l'\e Icnir-Ce'o^lt FreeTress.




.. .A full line of the be*tbrand8^of cannedSTAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES

H. M. & J. F. Dopeftus.JAHN BLbtK, NORTH AVO

etc ......



•:'l»revtury.'AZDRBLoDor, No. U9, F., and « , A.uMvts 4mehUo&iisy nlgbt* Lodfiv ltoonn-*Maaoblo Usll Building. Jolm II. CrumVvliVV. 41. iW.K,0r»y, Btcrttsry,

ixosnxntnT UfDin okUuurt Cr»iifoid Ho, I'M, mreto louruFufwIvyMcb uiooth. Loiigi-jo mi JlaHniiiHall buUdlnii, i- ?• Bm.Jb, Cklur 1U»IIK>IU. T. Aiim,fc*.TrUry.

ROTAL AnCARCU.Cmlifor 1 Cclinrll .NoI4W, inwU'Qni slid third Tueulajs. LCBIRIruuiiis, Matoule lta.il tulMiun ikruelotAibtln,Itegant;F. vV. tl.non, Bwrttuy. /

Impro»»d Order Rco MKN, Toimhirk1'rlb* No. UU niouU ««orj 1ue»iUiy mty,L>HIK« r.ioiu, lliher biuck. B^IIBIH. £U-»rar3 Fulieri Chief of tUewfthsA..frOnbo

Junior Order UulM A«kRic*«i!iciiA^

tbuM Tburadays each luontMu ittu JJui.'ilinU,Cbiir»sQ. Bb«f»r L'unucillur; \\. h-lleiubart, Hecty, j / •

WOODMEN of the \V<M6 Crsnfonl OimiNo. a, UJCT-U drat mufVibiiil Fridayn eacimuntb. Mn»uilo Mnl. I t -M, Davi>Owuul Coumuii'Jrr, VV. Durroir, Clerk.

LOTAL Assq{rt*TI0,<, Ctntral Council.&lort» svcoiui >i.in»iav tei.b tin nth in Lult,-Uu.nu M«Ai<ilo Duildlug. Cuuiulllur li.Vir.'ilart.vlwwrdtr. J.--*ui. unae» Jr.

,..„ Oounrll So. 1U3. PaiiuLters «l, menu second and luurtb I liur«l»j

-atulUU UruV Hull, Cuuncil ills.ick, lUe. Bcc'y v> t . Helnhnrt.

New Jersey CentralTins t ints ill SHKOT JUNS tS, luw.


rS H, J SI,« fl, I»»,t II i tat N««srk)»,149.80S(II.8IU,Vu3, »W, tU 43, l i 11 A.M. It to, lui,

, » w , « w, 4so, ft us. » ID. e&a ; u . t>4i,. 10U,tl4l P.M. bunilMi 153 811 »u»

IJUJA. M. itn.lUS, tU, I 43, 6 Vi, 3 Ui H 4bstt, lussf. U.

Fut l'lalnfl»ld-1U, S 02, 0 tS, 8 01. i IS. 10 i 'It 40 A. M. 1141, n.tt 1 O. *i 12, M5, '4 W. « li4 tS, 4 41. t IS, S 47, & 13, (117, «19, 10 49, 0 M, 1.19161.8U, (I41.1UU7, UlUlM1.114iaidl. Huuduy,

n7 7 u m : i4 4J, S W, 0 Id, 141, » l i , V 5V, 10 S7, U 111. I . i l

Vot tminuiphu-u is, BUI, vn A.AI. a ii..ll», I SI, «U, U U mUl. UaaOwtl *), t it A.Ji»4J. »rt. 4*0, » » , t U , 814, IUU'. M.

fur l&Htoo. UitW«hi,m, Alfomown, U«uciChank-»UJ, (SOI toEwujul, W15 A.M. 14.VU7,A«WtoEMton| P.M. aunjoy, lit, K. ..V* 47,9 IS I1. II.' jror Wllk«buM soil Bcrmuton-3 M. 915 Aa. 1U F. M. ktandum 5 Jl *. U. 147 V. iU

For. L*k,*w<Kxl-aiu A. U., l l ) , (mi P M.TifiiliJrM n n t * ; : —

Fur Atlautlo Cltj-e 10 A. II., 1 IS P.M.: Son-

tot loo* Uruoh. Aitjar; Park, Pt. Pltuauid U«l Uk

aaXt, Its, 4 W r M, »0J, OW1'. il, Bamlijr »ua.

tV.a.Bssuts, , C.M.BD»TV. Pns. * (l*n. Mtass«r, (Joa'l Ptu. Agtui

. MendeUt

Carpenter and Builder,Jobbing nttonded to

'{esiden«s Wslni't avenue. Cronfoni.



' beet

s 'tin of


tllT«- tnr> a '-all ami Ius)>t>cl m j "up


DIBDRICII KKEIB.Carftsntfr and Bulldar.


-> Livery and/Boarding Stabltt.

AJVoinlcg Opera UoiiM, •

VKA\'!Y)RI> fur ,lr<*

/Robert Wakefifck

Dentist.OITIc* Hour*!

3—12 A.. M.I—5 V. M. Wedy&'-iaA.i

Masonic Building,Cranford, N. |.


ICKTiux 1 ('ran Kit tl




For terms afrply tb ':.


The Burkely Hotel,

est Locationest Appointmentsest Service

Of Airy Hotel iin. Elizabeth

Broad St.


! -Bottler of-XII IS



•I urder» iilv.-n prompt, attention. FfiCS.Oliver) ul res>U«ui:n uu receipt of

,'Oalul. ._• ,


LAIJNDJ?Y. V14 North Avenue,'

Cranford, NTHE: ORl Gt MAL LAUN-


J h(-8i-\voik ii mostt f f i ( t n : c t i i «»f g c . u d a .

Work cull. (I f,.> m n l i lc l iv . ied."

Satinjitmn Gu4r»nteed.

Wo Sine,

J. C.W.

Lehigh Valley CoalKindling Wood

O t]c«Chron!cU Block YirdOaawaalsil art&o

' Cnuifhnt.

House. Sign, andFresco Painting

Plain'and Dtcoratlv*

Paper Hanging. • — hSV DEALKK W —

Glaas, Oil, Paint. VarniBhc-

and Wall Paper,

tranford, - NewJerae>




348 MA?LFw30Q AVE UE,








E. K. A D A M S ,


"Ceanford. N J

E. A. O'Donncll,PLUHBER;

Pt-rsiDixo, Ti ftiNO. Pcs»RANGES. STEAM ASD OAS


All. Work Guarantee.

Miller Blov-k, CRANFORD



PHJIRJAJICISTC anford, N..<°t "^

The EUZJGas Lighl

UPPLIES GAS toilglii iiuU fuel,fur cooking pur]|

be please*! The Coset all utcneilt* nectA gas range is ecoi

ADDRKS3 T i l l


A discount of ton peion gas bills of I ,OOQ fmonth. If paid at thisfrom presentation of I

Th» Urlsl.nl mill Prr.Thsaius Ilill. faiatllarly called-Toai-

ny Hill. was. says Dr. Breirer, theorlslnal-Paul l*ry.- It y.-as from himalso that Theodore Hook drew b'.s char-acter of Gilbert tiuruey. Plancae In

. his "Recullectlotis" says or EIlll: "Hisspecialty was tlio accurate Informationho could Impart'on' all Hie petty details of the domestic economy of hlafrleuds, tlie couteuts of their ward-robes, ibelr pnutrios, the number ofpots of prowirves lu their store closetsand or tlie table napkins In their llneupreseen. Uie«date» of their birtha andmarriages. Uie nmounts of their'trades-men's bills and whether paid weekly orquarterly, .lie had bwo ou tbo pressand was connected wltb the Morning

- - P""01*^'—Bo. uecd to drive Mstthevs1".' craty by ferreting out his whereabouts'-'" '.whca"tie.liift LjDaJan an I popping thf

information ih>jome paper."

Etlaaciia at Crttone Dmn.An old manual of etltjuetta sbows

that HID people of bytroEe days wtrtnot ea dljcrcnt from those cf tt& pres-

• «it, for tUo'triatlw things Usseceiaaryto st&t» that 000 sbould noT« ask afr!cud chore she bpusht Ser esira and

' tte uttermost fartbipg of "its cost Tothis rule, however, an astonishing, ex-ception Is node. One might ask thenthlnqs, It stems, If one really wantedto got a sown exactly like the ons toQuestion and were therefore asking sin-cereljv^for Information. Evidently tnj ^ nfrma

-tbae~a"ay*V~ivhYu itj

aeaay*VivhYuTsUtirrTBBagsmnrt to dross exactly .silbo. It mconsidered n conjpllment to copy •friend's gniro. Another..interestingBtntenipat of this precloos manual Isthat no Indr looks worse than wben"gnawing n. bone."

Tb» Prclcmd.Dumley—Wbat- they call prtferred

stock Is the stock that pays dividends,lsnt It? Wiseman—Not at all; but thestock that docs pay dividends ts a),ways preferred.—Eschanga..

. Alms cf a higher order, eren thoughthey be not fulfilled, are more valua-ble than lower ones entirely fulfilled.—Ooettie.

Fs»t« Aboat Clean.Few dear smokers are swan Hurt

all clears are named according to tielrcolor and shape. A dead black dgar,for lnstaace. l» an "Oscuro," a r«rrdark brown one Is B, "Colorado Miao-ro." a dark brown Is • "Colorado," tv

and a yellowish light brawn Is •"Clara" Most smokers know the namesof the shades from "Claro" to "Colora-do," and that Is as far es most of themneed to know. As to tbe shapes, a MZWpaleon." the basest of all dgara. Issovea inches long; a Terfecto" sw«llsIn the miJdle and tapers down to aTory small bead at the lighting end; a

U a'thin, straight op anddown dear "without th« eraceTnJ cnxteof th» "rerfecto:" a "Conchas" la Teryabort and fat. itiid s "Loodres" Is shap-ed like a "Perfecto," *xcept that Itdocs not taper to so small a bead atthe lighting cnJ. A "Tleina yictorlt'*.U.

-a "Xondres" that'toniM packed In.rribbon tied bundle of fifty pieces li.slead of In the-usual four layers rthlrtaea. twel\e. thlrueaaod twelve'

• miwltoiPrbitad,feefeeunml:Th:bioTh.stowolntiInsTBItagthiicon


JIYII 1'iiiifiicoraml Suiveyor. -County tn( inft f Township *c^l-

nttt tor Zt**,Ut,d Tcwnihlp

HOUSESFOR RENTg price from J5.00

to 912*00 per moDtb, accord-ing to locaiioa. Alter to suit.

J.T. KANANB,Cor. Boulsrard aad 20tb St..


but^ ^• d l

lO IDOTben




Aa\n Office. 25 Dix Building, ^


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