ellin degenrat

DG13 Elin Mesa By Dan Hass Rising majestically from the jungle of the Farwood, Elin Mesa is the subject of elven myth. For generations an elven community dedicated to Solonor Thelandira has revered and protected the area around the site. But things have gone afoul. The elves cannot be reached, and the approach has been transformed from merely a jungle to an impenetrable thicket. Heroes are needed to investigate, and possibly rescue the elves before things evolve into deeper threats. A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Adventure for 1-8 4th level characters. This is the second episode in the Wyrmlings Saga.

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DG13 Elin Mesa By Dan Hass

Rising majestically from the jungle of the Farwood, Elin Mesa is the subject of elven myth. For

generations an elven community dedicated to Solonor Thelandira has revered and protected the area around the site. But things have gone afoul. The elves cannot be reached, and the

approach has been transformed from merely a jungle to an impenetrable thicket. Heroes are needed to investigate, and possibly rescue the elves before things evolve into deeper threats. A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Adventure for 1-8 4th level characters. This is the second

episode in the Wyrmlings Saga.

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1 DG13 Elin Mesa

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Contents Adventure Summary .............................................................................................................. 2

Preparing for the Adventure................................................................................................... 2

Running the Adventure .......................................................................................................... 2

Adventure Background .......................................................................................................... 3

Starting the Adventure ........................................................................................................... 4

Encounter 1: Six Miles Out. ................................................................................................... 5

Encounter 2: One Thousand Feet Out. .................................................................................. 5

Encounter 3: 550 Feet Out .................................................................................................... 6

Encounter 4: Ostar Solonor ................................................................................................... 6

Encounter 5: The Lair ............................................................................................................ 6

Concluding the Adventure. .................................................................................................... 8

Appendix 1: DM Maps ........................................................................................................... 9

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2 DG13 Elin Mesa

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Adventure Summary Elin Mesa is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure designed for 1-8 4th level characters. It requires a Player’s Handbook, a Monster Manual, and a Dungeon Master's Guide.

While the encounters include scaling for 1-8 characters, parties of 1 or 2 PCs and 7 or 8 PCs are fringe circumstances that may play oddly. Specifically, parties of 1-2 are highly susceptible to a single bad die roll, and 7-8 can slow play dramatically. Ideally a party will be 3-6 PCs.

It is set in the Dimgaard Campaign Setting (the Dimgaard Campaign Guide is a free pdf available at rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/144932/Dimgaard-Campaign-Guide), but could be set in other campaigns where there is a significant forest wilderness appropriate for the green dragon wyrmling, Syralth, to establish a lair. Digital copies of the encounter maps are available at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4L8xiruNYz5fkRjbVBiMUVhZWxtdWdMNXFObnhiMDhrbEU4Z0VUZlZDXzNyQ3cyeGZIaGM&authuser=0

Preparing for the Adventure It is always a good idea for the DM to read through an adventure before running it. Elin Mesa is no different.

Nevalth, Syralth’s champion and protector, is presented as a green dragonborn. However, he could be changed to be any race and his background and motivations could be altered to align more specifically to a PC’s interests.

Elin Mesa makes use of information presented in the core material, and it will make running the adventure much smoother if the DM is familiar this material beforehand. The DM should particularly familiarize herself with the personalities, lair actions and regional effects of a green dragon (MM p.95-96).

A battlemat or dungeon tiles may be helpful, but not necessary.

Running the Adventure

Elin Mesa presents a challenge for the PCs: a green dragon wyrmling has taken over the elven community of Ostar Solonor, a village dedicated to the elven god of the hunt, Solonor Thelandira, centered around the butte known as Elin Mesa. He has set up a lair and cut off the community with his regional effects. He is using the community leader (Sylvyr) and hostages from the community to control them. He has promised to leave once he has crafted a stone of good luck with one of the elves who can cast guidance and bless agreeing to be the sacrifice to complete the crafting. It is unclear whether or not he will follow through on his promise.

Having established the challenge, this adventure then presents the setting without commenting on expected PC actions. There is no script. The DM may provide information to the PCs as she sees fit, but ultimately the strategy is up to the PCs.

In most cases the setting for an encounter is described in boxed text. The DM may use this verbatim if the encounter unfolds as designed, however, if the PCs have done something unexpected, the boxed text may not accurately describe the set up. The DM is not constrained by the boxed text, and should feel free to describe the encounter as necessary for the particular circumstances of the adventure.

Awarding XP for encounters as it is earned as the adventure progresses tends to simplify concluding the adventure, but may complicate an adventure if PCs advance mid-adventure. Note that the

The Wyrmlings In southeast Dimgaard, the cults of the

dragons have been scouring ruins and hidden caverns for years looking for dragon eggs that are still viable. The black, blue, green, and white have all been successful and the wyrmlings are just months away from entering the young dragon phase of their lives. They are setting up lairs around southeast Dimgaard and the effect are being noticed.

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

adventure contains modified or new creatures developed using the rules for modifying and creating monsters in the DMG. Careful observance has been made to insure that these creatures have the correct calculated CR, however to keep the encounter's XP award in line with the definition of the desired difficulty of the encounter, these tend to implement some "exploits" in the DMG CR rules. For example, the primary danger to PCs will likely be Syralth’s lair actions; it is a curiosity of dragons that their Lair Actions and Regional Effects do not scale with the CR of the dragon, but only require that the dragon be legendary. Sylvyr is a noble with Noble with traits added that technically do not increase his calculated CR, but definitely increase his challenge to the PCs. Nevalth is created at the upper edge of his CR’s power curve.

One can examine these creatures individually and legitimately disagree that the actual CR reflects a greater threat from the creature than the calculated CR. A better question is whether or not the overall encounter containing the creature meets the definition of the encounter's XP award. A DM is always free to adjust (upward or downward) XP for an encounter based on her personal observations and opinions as to the level of challenge an encounter presents. Also, the DM should evaluate the power level of the particular party she is DMing and adjust the encounter accordingly. The goal of any adventure is to present fair challenges and have an interesting and fun session; if the PCs are not sufficiently optimized, the DM should carefully consider which of these “exploits” she wants to use.

Regardless, this adventure as written is designed so that PCs will progress through 4th level by completing this adventure with near optimum XP collection and (probably) four or five other similar adventures. If this doesn't align with the DM's campaign goals and expectations, she should adjust XP awards accordingly (or possibly abandon XP measurement and use a milestone

approach to advancement). The XP progression of Dimgaard adventures presumes that PCs get little or no XP for encounters where combat does not occur (awarding Inspiration is the expected reward).

Adventure Background

After centuries of struggling just to survive, the various chromatic dragon cults initiated a bold plan several years ago. While hope lingers of a return of the dragons of old from wherever they may be, the cults decided to seek out eggs and see if they could be incubated. They were successful. The dragon cults hatched dragons, and raised them in secret. Now the first of these are on the cusp of aging from wyrmling to young dragon. Their instincts are kicking in and they can no longer be restrained from establishing lairs.

The Great Reduction Once Dimgaard was ruled entirely by

dragons – some metallic and some chromatic. They carved up the vast Dimgaard area into territories, and were careful not to encroach upon each other. Many lesser races developed, but there was no room for them to rise under the smothering presences of the dragons.

Then the elves arrived on the scene. In the Feywild, the archfeys took notice of their humanoid cousins in Dimgaard, and wanted them to thrive, and that meant eliminate dragon rule. Using diplomacy and some intrigue, the archfeys convinced the metallics that they were living in conflict with the natural order by living peacefully beside the chromatics. Eventually a war between the metallic and chromatics was engineered. The war lasted centuries but in the end chromatic dragons were eradicated from Dimgaard.

At that point, the archfey issued an ultimatum to the metallics: leave or the archfey would go to war in order to make room for elves. Decimated by the war, the metallics knew they could not defeat the archfeys and left Dimgaard.

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4 DG13 Elin Mesa

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Several weeks ago, Syralth, a green dragon wyrmling left the safety of the cult cell in the city of Odill where he was hatched and raised. He had the champion and protector Nevalth accompanying him.

Syralth managed to charm Sylvyr. Using his charm person and suggestion, and Sylvyr’s help Syralth took the families of elven scouts hostage. Syralth converted the temple in the butte’s cavern into a lair, and the regional effects cut off the village from the rest of the world.

Syralth has the formula for creating a stone of good luck. The crafting requires the sacrifice of a sentient creature that can cast guidance and bless to complete. One of the elves has this ability and has volunteered to serve as the sacrifice if Syralth will release the village upon completion.

In the meantime, a band of winged kobolds has latched onto Syralth. They have mined a secret escape from the cavern form Syralth, and serve as muscle who could kill the families at any time if elves do not cooperate.

The allies and cousins of the elves in the village know that something has gone horribly wrong in Ostar Solonor.

Starting the Adventure

Elin Mesa takes place after Icy Foreshadowing. The DM can decide how much downtime she wants to grant PCs. The PCs should know by now that the dragon cults are looking to repopulate Dimgaard with dragons. Presented here are three ways to draw the PCs into the action at Ostar Solonor. The DM may have better options tailored to the specific PCs in her campaign.

If there is an elf or half-elf among the PCs:

As you begin your day, a hooded figure approaches and leans close enough to reveal elven features. “Greetings, Cousin. I bring grim news. One of our precious communes has apparently fallen to a sinister force. They are cut off and need rescue. The elves in this region are skilled at protecting their homes, but they are not the type to infiltrate hostile territory. We need an elven hero.”

The elf relates the situation at Ostar Solonor. He will convey suspicions that time is essential. He can relay whatever

Dragons and the Inquisition When the dragons left, their kin were

left behind. Those of chromatic dragon ancestry have organized along their respective colors. The metallic formed a single confederation (the Order of Metal) with cells often mixing various metallic heritages.

While the chromatic dragon cults do work together at times towards common goals, they have a deep hatred for the metallics and the Inquisition.

The Order of Metal similarly sees the various chromatic dragon cults as mortal enemies. And the Order of Metal views the Inquisition as oppressive and intolerant. It opposes the Inquisition out of a sense of survival and justice.

The Inquisition views all dragons and their kin as existential threats.

So the three groups each hate the other two forming a triangle of intrigue across Dimgaard.

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

additional information the DM feels appropriate, and can make promises of compensation the DM feels reasonable.

If there is a PC who is trusted by the Inquisition:

You are relaxing after your last adventure when the stern countenance of Vicar Demni, head of the Inquisition’s intelligence gathering wing, approaches. “We have grown to rely on your exceptional talents. At least in Alshon, we are beginning to understand that some of the things we once saw as a threat to the One True Faith and humanity, can be used to secure and stabilize threatening situations when used for good.

“An opportunity to further that case has presented itself. We believe an evil that has been unheard of for centuries has returned to the Farwood.”

Demni can explain that the Farwood is generally beyond the sphere of the Inquisition, and thus the need to go beyond the Inquisition’s own resources to resolve the problem. Demni has the authority to make significant offers to convince the PCs to act, but cash rewards are generally limited and instead offering spellcasting, tolerance towards PCs’ questionable activities, and other such

If a PC has been searching for a

specific formula or uncommon magic item that the DM wants to inject into her campaign.

Your research is successful. Several weeks ago, there was an instance of the item noted in the city of Odill. It was in the possession of a champion of the Cult of the Green Dragon. Rumors are that the cult has secretly raised a wyrmling in Odill, but that recently left to establish a lair at the natural formation known as Elin Mesa. The champion is said to have accompanied the dragon to secure its safety.

The DM can provide as much information as she desires to guide the PCs. She may allow the PCs to gather information from sources they have in the Alshon

communities. They may also research the various aspects of a green dragon and its lair at the DM’s discretion. Eventually, the PCs should be enticed to move on Ostar Solonor. At that point move to Encounter 1: Six Miles Out.

Encounter 1: Six Miles Out. Map. There is no map for this encounter.

The Farwood was already a dense jungle, but rather suddenly – within the span of a few hundred feet, it becomes even more forbidding. What was simply difficult terrain, becomes the hazardous terrain of a dense thicket. Trying to crawl through the narrow passages would clearly cause injury, but with great effort the thicket could be hacked through.

Encounter background. This is the fringe of Sylrath’s regional effects (MM p.96). Concluding the encounter. When the PCs have determined a way to get through 5+ miles of the thicket, move to Encounter 2: One Thousand Feet Out.

Encounter 2: One Thousand Feet Out.

Map. There is no map for this encounter. The terrain is a dense expanse of briars.

As your progress, some things are obvious. The only animals around are rodents and birds. There aren’t even signs of larger animal like dung or tracks.

Encounter background. The birds and rodents inform Syralth of the PCs approach. When they are 1000 ft. from the mesa, he directs swarms to attack them.

Running the encounter. The swarms will be with rats, insects, or ravens. The DM can decide randomly or choose her preference.

Scaling the encounter. There are two swarms of rats (MM p.338), or swarms of ravens (MM p.339) for each PC, alternately there is one swarm of insects (MM p.339) per PC.

Concluding the encounter. The swarms reform once per long rest. So if the PCs

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Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

retreat and take a long rest, they will face a new swarm attack when they get to 1000 ft. point again.

If the PCs prevail and progress, move to Encounter 3: 550 Feet Out.

Encounter 3: 550 Feet Out Map. Appendix 1: DM Maps contains a map of the elf village.

As you progress through the intimidating terrain, suddenly arrows arc towards your position from a position unseen beyond the wall of thickets before you.

Encounter background. The scouts in Ostar Solonor are under instructions to resist and are in fear for the lives of their families if anyone interferes with Syralth. One of the scouts can create goodberries, and it has been feeding the scouts, the lair defenders and the hostages. Running the encounter. The scouts begin to attack as soon as the PCs are within range of their longbows. They are attacking as unseen attackers (advantage) versus targets they cannot see (disadvantage) and long range (disadvantage). But when there is advantage and disadvantage, they offset. Scaling the encounter. The number of elves varies with the number of PCs present.

# Elves XP

1 Bandit, Scout 150

2 Bandit, 2 Scout 250

3 4 Scout 400

4 5 Scout 500

5 7 Scout 700

6 8 Scout 800

7 9 Scout 900

8 10 Scout 1000

Bandit. MM p.244. Scout. MM p.349.

Tactics. The elves will shoot and then take total cover behind the walls they have erected around their village. Concluding the encounter. When the PCs break through the thicket into the village move to Encounter 4: Ostar Solonor.

Encounter 4: Ostar Solonor Map. Appendix 1: DM Maps contains a map of the elf village.

A set of thatch-roofed cottages set along the shore of a small pool. A mesa covered in moss with tangles of vines rises about 120 ft. on the other side of the pool. About 60 ft. up the mesa is an opening about big enough for a medium creature to enter.

Encounter background. There used to be a 60 ft. ladder to the cavern entrance, but it was destroyed by Syralth to better secure the cavern. Running the encounter. Syralth will be observing the PCs results. If the PCs try to take a rest, he will send his kobolds (see Encounter 5: The Lair) to drop rocks from 800 ft. in the air onto the PCs.

The PCs need to deal with the climb to the entrance of the lair. Concluding the encounter. This encounter ends when the PCs find a way to enter the lair, and move to Encounter 5: The Lair.

Encounter 5: The Lair Map. Appendix 1: DM Maps contains a map of the elf village.A large cavern that likely fills almost the entirety of the mesa has been excavated. There is no lighting. The floor is covered in moss and vines. There are several pits around the cavern and cries, moans, and the rattling of chains are audible from each pit. The caver is about 40 ft. high. At the rear is a ledge about 30 ft. above the floor. Encounter background. Syralth has had the kobolds dig out one pit (marked 6 on the map) so that it forms an escape route that will allow him to flee out of the cavern and emerge in the pool should he need to. Running the encounter. The other pits have ropes that can be used to allow the elves to descend. Their families are held manacled to the walls at the bottom of the 30 ft. pits. They are sustained on goodberries which one of the elves can create.

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

While in his lair, Syralth gets to take the Lair Actions listed in the MM p.96. Scaling the encounter. The defenders of the lair vary according to the number of PCs present.

Winged Kobold. MM p.195. Sylvyr (noble). MM p.348 with the

following statblock changes: Intelligence 18; darkvision 60 ft.; Innate Spellcasting. No material components needed. At will: minor illusion. 3/day: misty step, phantasmal force.

Syralth (green dragon wyrmling). MM p.95. 1He has the added trait: Innate Spellcasting. No material components needed. 3/day: charm person, suggestion. He has the following legendary actions Legendary Actions Syralth can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Syralth regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

Detect. Syralth makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.

Poison. Syralth exhales his breath (separate from his regular poison breath) in a 15 ft. cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute.

Wing Attack. Syralth beats his wings. Each creature within 10 ft. must succeed on a DC11 Dexterity saving throw or be pushed back 5 ft. and knocked prone. Syralth can then fly up to half his fly speed.

Nevalth Medium humanoid (green dragonborn), chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor) Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) Speed 30ft., fly 40 ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14(+2) 18(+4) 14(+2) 8(-1) 12(+1) 18(+4)

Saving Throws Strength +4, Constitution +4 Damage Immunities poison. Condition Immunities poisoned. Skills Athletics +6, Acrobatics +8, Perception +3, Performance +5, Persuasion +4 Stealth +5, Survival +3 Senses blind sense 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Languages Common (Teulon), Draconic. Challenge 1 (100 XP)

Legendary Athlete. Nevalth has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks. If Nevalth loses a Strength (Athletics) check, he can choose to add 10 to his check, but he can do this only 3/day. 1Legendary Resistance (1/day). If Nevalth fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed.

Pact Weapon. Nevalth’s glaive cannot be disarmed.

Personality Assault. As a bonus action, Nevalth imposes his personality against a creature he can see within 60ft. The creature must succeed on a DC14 Charisma save or be at disadvantage on all attack rolls for 1 round.

Reach Master. When a creature enters Nevalth’s threat range, Nevalth can use his reaction to attempt to stop the creature. The two make opposed Strength (Athletics) checks. If Nevalth wins, the creature can move no farther that turn. 1Reactionary. Nevalth can take a reaction each turn.

Gear. Glaive, 8 javelins

Actions Multiattack. Nevalth takes two attacks with his Glaive or Heavy Javelin. Drawing a javelin is a free action for Nevalth. Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage. Heavy Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) piercing damage. Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6) Nevalth exhales poisonous gas in a 15 ft. cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC14 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison damage and be poisoned for one minute on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. A poisoned creature can retry the saving throw at the end of its turn to end the effect.

Reactions Parry. Nevalth adds 3 to his AC against one attack that would hit him. To do so, Nevalth must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Concluding the encounter. This is the lair of a legendary dragon. And if the PCs have defeated Syralth, they have overcome a

# Lair Defenders XP

1 Syralth 450

2 Syralth, Sylvyr 475

3 Syralth, Sylvyr, Nevalth 700

4 Syralth, Sylvyr, Nevalth, 3 Winged Kobolds


5 Syralth, Sylvyr, Nevalth, 5 Winged Kobolds


6 Syralth, Sylvyr, Nevalth, 9 Winged Kobolds


7 Syralth, Sylvyr, Nevalth, 11 Winged Kobolds


8 Syralth, Sylvyr, Nevalth, 12 Winged Kobolds


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Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

very significant challenge for their level. There should be a hoard here. The DM decides what magic is appropriate for her campaign, but it is suggested that the hoard contain at least a scroll of a 1st level spell, a scroll of a 2nd level spell, and an uncommon magic item. The DM can roll this magic item randomly, or select an item she thinks is appropriate and useful for the PCs.

Concluding the Adventure. If Syralth defeats the PCs, he adds them to the hostages, while he completes crafting his stone of good luck. He continues to control and torment the elves for several days afterward. Eventually, he bores of the

issue and wants to move up to a more prestigious territory. He negotiates an oath of allegiance from every creature in the village before leaving – killing those who refuse, and he leaves. It is up to the DM whether or not this is within the span of time to allow for dead PCs to be raised.

If the PCs defeat Syralth, they receive the Enmity of the Green Dragon Cult. Additionally they receive the Gratitude of the Cult of Solonor Thelandira. The PCs may capture Syralth alive. In that case, he can be executed as a sacrifice in completing a magic item. Suggestions would be +1 armor, +1 shield, or adding +1d6 poison damage to a melee weapon.

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Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Appendix 1: DM Maps Southeast Dimgaard.

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Elin Mesa

1. Surrounding thicket 2. Cleared village area 3. Walls for total cover 4. Cottages 5. Pool 6. Secret exit pit 7-9. Hostage pits