
E-Marketing Introduction Electronic marketing is a form of product promotion and customer relations conducted with the use of electronic media. With the development of the telegraph, a new era in marketing was created. Marketers have been quick to jump on subsequent technological developments from radio to the Internet. Companies may market exclusively via electronic media or use a mixture of marketing media in order to reach a broad target audience . Marketing has a number of goals, including familiarizing people with companies and products, encouraging consumers to adopt specific products, and promoting a positive public opinion of a company, product, or service. Electronic marketing is highly flexible and allows companies to create targeted campaigns with broad reach. This form of marketing can Page1

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Post on 05-Dec-2015




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Electronic marketing is a form of product promotion and customer relations conducted with the use of electronic media. With the development of the telegraph, a new era in marketingwas created. Marketers have been quick to jump on subsequent technological developments from radio to the Internet. Companies may market exclusively via electronic media or use a mixture of marketing media in order to reach a broad target audience.Marketing has a number of goals, including familiarizing people with companies and products, encouraging consumers to adopt specific products, and promoting a positive public opinion of a company, product, or service. Electronic marketing is highly flexible and allows companies to create targeted campaigns with broad reach. This form of marketing can also be very cost effective, making it possible for companies to reach lots of consumers at a fraction of the cost for other types of advertising.In addition to media like television, radio, and the Internet, electronic marketers can use media such as phones for conveying advertisements. Talking ads mounted on bus stations and other public installations are another example. Electronic kiosks in locations like malls can be used for marketing purposes. Marketers can create video brochures, insert ads in front of feature films, and find a number of other ways to reach an audience via electronicmeans.




1) Marketing of products using electronic technology to determine the consumer market. Electronic marketing is a type of micromarketing in which the retailer tracks consumer purchases using bar code scanner technology such as that found in many supermarkets. When making purchases, consumers fill out computer readable cards with demographic and other pertinent information. This information is logged into a database by the retailer who then uses it for: mailings of special promotions; direct mailing coupons for products in which the consumer has demonstrated interest; other special sales promotions of products already purchased by the consumer; or products that are complementary to those the consumer has already purchased.



2)‘Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitability’


Marketing is a very wide term which, apart from sale and purchase of goods and services, includes all those activities which

are related with sale and purchase. Marketing is a means of trading. Since the day when human first started trading whenever it was that they first traded, marketing was there. Marketing was the stories they used to convince other human to trade. Humans

have come a long way since then and marketing has too. E-marketing is the process of marketing a brand using the internet. It includes both direct response marketing and internet marketing

elements and uses a range of tecnology to help connect businesses to their customers.

But, the methods of marketing have changed and improved and we have become a lot more efficient at teling our stories and

getting our marketing message out there. With the induction of internet, communication among people has became very fast and

easy. E-marketing has made it necessary for every type of organisation, be ot small or big, to change their ways of

transacting business. E-marketing is the product of the blend of modern communication tecnology and the age old marketing

principles that humans have always applied.




Whether you’re planning an acquisition or retention campaign, whether your

marketing mix includes direct mail, advertising, email or newsletters, the

fundamental concept behind eMarketing is that your Web site should be the hub of

your marketing program. The goal is to drive traffic to your site so that every

interaction with prospects, leads and customers can be measured, tested and

tuned. Companies that have successfully modernized their marketing programs

didn’t start out by deploying monolithic CRM systems, but by deploying simple

technologies to fulfill the essential requirements of eMarketing, which are:

1. List management

2. Creative development

3. Fulfillment



4. Tracking and reporting

List Management :

A high-growth data storage company recently asked us to review their sales process in preparation for an acquisition campaign. When asked about the status of their contact database, the marketing team hedged. It finally emerged that their contact “database” was an out-of-date Excel spreadsheet and a stack of business cards collected by the sales team. One of the most valuable assets for any business is their house list of marketing contacts. Every company should have a well-maintained database of customers, while savvy marketers will also maintain a house list of prospects culled from various lead generation campaigns. In general, the larger your list the more flexibility you’ll have in targeting your campaigns effectively. Smart businesses constantly maintain a minimum threshold of current, qualified leads in their database.

Creative Development:

A software company launched a new product with a rich media campaign that featured a streaming presentation with voice-over narration. Working on a tight deadline, the internal creative team performed only a cursory test on the presentation before it launched. Unfortunately, the plug-in required to play the audio portion of the presentation was discontinued in the latest version of Internet Explorer, and more than 30% of the audience couldn’t hear the message.Advanced marketing platforms can personalize email messages, run online response surveys, and even publish Web pages



through the use of pre-designed templates. These programs are designed to allow non-technical marketers to run continuous campaigns without relying on a Webmaster. But even the most sophisticated programs won’t eliminate the need for creative and technical expertise in creating all the necessary elements of your campaign


A publishing firm launched a subscription campaign, investing tens of thousands of dollars in creative and premium list rentals. Without thinking, they emailed 100,000 names at once. The high response crashed the Web site servers continuously for the first two days of the campaign. They received more than 5,000 angry emails, which overwhelmed their customer service department for more than a week. Fulfillment—the management of outbound and inbound campaign traffic—is a critical and sensitive component of your eMarketing program, and you need to have the tools and expertise to manage fulfillment professionally. Many of the complex campaigns you might run, including lead generation email campaigns, are typically processed by the list vendor: You deliver the creative, and they provide fulfillment. Nothing to worry about. But if you’re sending out a newsletter or email to your house list, you may find it more effective to have access to your own tools.

Tracking and Reporting :

A networking company decided to launch an integrated marketing campaign, including direct mail, telemarketing and email. While tracking the control phase of a 3-stage campaign, the company realized their Web traffic reporting software couldn’t track the dynamically generated pages they used for their campaign. The campaign had to be relaunched with a fresh list. Tracking your campaign response and extracting useful reports from the data is where a lot of valuable primary market intelligence can be gathered. Once again, a wide array of tools is available, from the most basic to the fully



automated. While sophisticated tools feed real-time data into a database, most tracking tools work by analyzing log files from your Web site. Web servers store detailed information about every visit to your site in the log files, which many marketers review weekly in the form of traffic reports. Although many ISPs offer Web tracking software as part of their hosting costs, most default programs are not robust enough to deliver the data you’ll want to track during a campaign. For analyzing campaigns, you’ll need a tool that can dig deeper into the log file data and return highly specific rather than general traffic information.

E-marketing objectives

• Start-ups – acquiring a specific number of new customers or to sell advertising space to generate a specified revenue that will hopefully exceed investment in site creation and promotion!

• Established mobile phone operator – increase customer retention by reducing churn from 25 per cent to 20 per cent.

• Established media company – increase online revenue, target of 20 per cent online contribution to revenue by offering new online services and media sales.

• Established business-to-business engineering company – increase overall revenue by 5 per cent, through targeting sales in new international markets.

• Reduce costs of routine customer service by 10 per cent to enable focus on delivery of specialized customer service.

• Channels requiring integration as part of integrated e-marketing strategy





e-marketing and mixed-mode buying



e-marketing plan in the context of other plans



SOSTAC – a generic framework

for e-marketing planning



e-marketing plan from situation analysis



Types of e marketing activity

Developed from a review of leading research about electronic marketing and industry examples of the use of electronic



resources in marketing, EMAM focuses on the activities that electronic resources enable us to do more effectively or efficiently.So as new and differing resources are developed, they can be included. Therefore it’s underlying content coevolves with the changing landscape of marketing and technology.The paper in which EMAM was first published, outlines five core marketing activities for which we use electronic resources in order to achieve our marketing objectives. These activities include, but may not be limited to:

data & information acquisition and management

information provision (1-to-many) and management

communication (1-to-1 and many-to-many) and relationship management

transaction conduct and management

distribution and logistics management



Advantages &Disadvantages of E-marketing    

Internet marketing seems to be a very popular trend now a days to individuals who have opted for conducting an online business. Analyzing your marketing strategy and putting these in right combination to make your marketing efforts effective is what entails a successful business on the net.An e marketing effort supports the customer base almost round the clock. The helpdesk and support desk facilities, trouble ticket raising options are making it more and more convenient for the clients to opt outsourcing services online. Most of the marketing efforts that cater to the organized sector are open 24 hours and 7 days a week. Moreover, the reach is global and customers feel convenient to shop/communicate anytime they want to. An offline business could be very resource consuming in terms of cost of advertising and promotion through postal mails and networking similar business partners through tele-calling and organizing physical interactive sessions. In e-marketing, the cost of establishing your presence and networking with identical bloggers is nothing compared to offline business.In offline business, many efforts are thriving on paperwork that takes much more time to be organized, dispatched, and reached to potential clients. Promotional emails are effective to let your prospects know about your products and services. In e-marketing, automated tools and/or software does the whole thing. Your clients are updated immediately about any new modifications and alternations in information through RSS feeds. RSS feeds are brilliant way to update information and news in businesses that are information sensitive. Creating interactive platforms, initiating discussions and bloggers community are the best things that endorse co-



operative marketing efforts through collaboration and networking. Unlike an offline business, you do not always need a physical space to initiate and promote communication among similar minds. Virtual presence makes you visible and established in your business domain. There are few disadvantages of Internet marketing. Though cost effective and time saving, internet marketing is not always free. Hardware safety and quality assurance, software that facilitates the unique business requirements, setting up or tagging with online payment channels, online distribution costs, maintenance of site and upgrading are all the requirements for a successful sustaining business on the net. Moreover, there are not many people who will enroll as loyal customers in your customer database. While this number grows over the years with time, you will do well to depend on some offline complementary methods that enhance your customer database. Striking a balance between offline efforts and continuing online efforts or a combination of the two actually helps you to highlight your market presence as an entrepreneur. Internet as a virtual marketplace is still not very acceptable to orthodox buyers who prefer physical interaction and physical review of goods/ services before buying them. Building up the trust that interactions in the virtual world are real and honest is an ongoing process and it would require some more time to achieve this dependence on internet marketers.There is a lot of competition in e-marketing. People are trying hard to promote diverse products and locate the right niche audience. Since internet marketers do not have faces, it is very difficult to identify with their brand and services unless their sites are exceptionally designed to facilitate more and more user participation and understanding. Marking your presence through your brand and USP could be virtually challenging and time taking process.

The benefits of e-marketing



E-marketing gives businesses of any size access to the mass market at an affordable price and, unlike TV or print advertising, it allows truly personalised marketing. Specific benefits of e-marketing include:

Global reach - a website allows you to find new markets and trade globally for only a small investment.

Lower cost - a properly planned and effectively targeted e-marketing campaign can reach the right customers at a much lower cost than traditional marketing methods.

Trackable, measurable results - web analytics and other online metric tools make it easier to establish how effective your campaign has been. You can obtain detailed information about how customers use your website or respond to your advertising. See our guide on measuring your online marketing.

Personalisation - if your customer database is linked to your website, then whenever someone visits the site, you can greet them with targeted offers. The more they buy from you, the more you can refine your customer profile and market effectively to them.

Openness - by having a social media presence and managing it carefully, you can build customer loyalty and create a reputation for being easy to engage with. See our guide on online business networking and social networking.

Social currency - e-marketing lets you create engaging campaigns using different types of rich media. On the internet these campaigns can gain social currency - being passed from user to user and becoming viral.

Improved conversion rates - if you have a website, then your customers are only ever a few clicks away from completing a purchase. Unlike other media which require people to get up and make a phone call, or go to a shop, e-marketing can be seamless and immediate.

What are the e-Marketing tools?



The Internet has a number of tools to offer to the marketer.

A company can distribute via the Internet e.g.

A company can use the Internet as a way of building and maintaining a customer relationship e.g.

The money collection part of a transaction could be done online e.g. electricity and telephone bills.

Leads can be generated by attracting potential customers to sign-up for short periods of time, before signing up for the long-term e.g.

The Internet could be used for advertising e.g. Google Adwords.

Finally, the web can be used as a way of collecting direct responses e.g. as part of a voting system for a game show.

How do marketers plan for e-Marketing?

There are two ways of looking at this.



An existing organization may embark upon some eMarketing as part of their marketing plan.

An organization trades solely on the Internet and so their marketing plan focuses purely on eMarketing.The marketing plan in either case is the next step, whether focused upon eMarketing or all marketing. The next lessons focus upon a tailor-made eMarketing plan which conforms to the acronym AOSTC (from our generic marketing planning lesson).

A - Audit - An audit of internal strengths and weaknesses, an external opportunities and threats.

O - Objectives - SMART eMarketing objectives.

S - Strategy - eMarketing strategies.

T - Tactics - an eMarketing mix.

C - Controls - measuring the performance of our eMarketing plan.




Part of the situation assessment is often the analysis of the current e-Business tools and activities within the organisation. One of them is a website audit aimed at analysing and detecting any inefficiencies and setting the direction for strategic improvement. Once the organisation's environment is well understood, e-marketers then have an opportunity to present realistic objectives and provide a path for implementation and evaluation of the implementation process. Naturally another essential part of the plan is budgeting and budget allowance for a contingency plan should there be a need to re-evaluate certain aspects of the e-Marketing plan implementation for unforeseen obstacles.

A good e-Marketing plan will have a clear executive summary and unambiguous set of recommendations which can be understood by management and further implemented by technical staff. For this reason it is essential that e-Marketers are familiar with basic principles of the technology and tools that drive e-Marketing activities
