emaking the p the bach society orchestra presentsr with the parker...

The Bach Society Orchestra presents REMAKING THE PAST With the Parker Quartet, Auburn Lee ’17, and Sam Wu ’17 2015–2016 Season | Concert III | Friday, March 4, 2016 Harvard University, Paine Hall, Cambridge, MA Sasha Scolnik-Brower ’17, Music Director

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Page 1: emaking the P The Bach Society Orchestra presentsR With the Parker Quartet…bachsoc/Archives/2015III.pdf · 2019-06-13 · Schoenb erg Concerto for String Quartet and Orchestra Th

The Bach Society Orchestra presents Remaking the Past With the Parker Quartet, Auburn Lee ’17, and Sam Wu ’17

2015–2016 Season | Concert III | Friday, March 4, 2016

Harvard University, Paine Hall, Cambridge, MA

Sasha Scolnik-Brower ’17, Music Director

Page 2: emaking the P The Bach Society Orchestra presentsR With the Parker Quartet…bachsoc/Archives/2015III.pdf · 2019-06-13 · Schoenb erg Concerto for String Quartet and Orchestra Th

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Page 3: emaking the P The Bach Society Orchestra presentsR With the Parker Quartet…bachsoc/Archives/2015III.pdf · 2019-06-13 · Schoenb erg Concerto for String Quartet and Orchestra Th
Page 4: emaking the P The Bach Society Orchestra presentsR With the Parker Quartet…bachsoc/Archives/2015III.pdf · 2019-06-13 · Schoenb erg Concerto for String Quartet and Orchestra Th

CASUAL FRIDAYSfriday, march 18, 8pmStéphane Denève, conductorGil Shaham, violin WILLIAMS Violin ConcertoSAINT-SAËNS Symphony No. 3, OrganThis evening’s concert is the final installation in our “Casual Fridays” Series. Tickets range between $25 to $45, include complimentary pre- and post-concert receptions, introductory comments from the stage by a BSO Musician, and patrons are invited to wear their favorite casual attire. The use of tablets is available in a designated section where you can view customized content designed to enhance the concert experience. #BSOJohnWilliams

T ICKETS: $25–$45 #BSO1516617-266-1200 • BSO.ORGseiji ozawa music director laureatebernard haitink conductor emeritus