emergency preparedness session jasmyne d. watts, mph louisiana primary care association regional...

Emergency Preparedne ss Session Jasmyne D. Watts, MPH Louisiana Primary Care Association Regional Care Collaborati ve

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Emergency Preparedness Session Jasmyne D. Watts, MPH Louisiana Primary Care Association Regional Care Collaborative

Emergency Preparedness SessionJasmyne D. Watts, MPH Louisiana Primary Care Association

Regional Care


Page 2: Emergency Preparedness Session Jasmyne D. Watts, MPH Louisiana Primary Care Association Regional Care Collaborative

Emergency Preparedness

0 Purpose0 To prepare an organization for any type of disastrous or emergency event

that will interrupt normal operations0 All Hazards Approach

0 Any type of emergency from Natural Disasters to Biological Disasters to Man-made Disasters

0 Why do you need a plan?0 Provide a guide/reference of how an organization should perform during

an emergency0 Mitigation0 Prevention0 Preparedness0 Response0 Recovery

Page 3: Emergency Preparedness Session Jasmyne D. Watts, MPH Louisiana Primary Care Association Regional Care Collaborative

Emergency Preparedness in the Health Center

0Educate Staff0Educate Patients 0Understanding ones role 0Knowing protocol for the facility

Page 4: Emergency Preparedness Session Jasmyne D. Watts, MPH Louisiana Primary Care Association Regional Care Collaborative

Why should we exercise the plan?

0So that in the event of an emergency there will be a smooth flow of preparing the facility

0Assists administration from being burdened with last minute concerns

0Provides a clear understanding of how the organization operates in an emergency

Page 5: Emergency Preparedness Session Jasmyne D. Watts, MPH Louisiana Primary Care Association Regional Care Collaborative


0 Hurricane Charity is growing in the Gulf of Mexico, however it is unknown in which direction it will be heading when it makes landfall. Tuesday, June 15 the storm is predicted to make landfall near the Florida panhandle. Life in New Orleans continues as normal on June 17 @ 0900 there has been news that the storm is taking a turn for the Louisiana Mississippi Gulf Coast. There are evacuation advisories.

Page 6: Emergency Preparedness Session Jasmyne D. Watts, MPH Louisiana Primary Care Association Regional Care Collaborative


0What steps should you take next? 0How do you plan? 0What needs to be done first?