emett master presentation

www.emett.eu [email protected] European Master for European Teacher Training degree available in the academic year 2010/11 in partnership European universities. EMETT will provide student teachers with updated knowledge and competences to teach in the European multilingual and multicultural context.

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Emett master presentation


[email protected]

European Master for European Teacher Training degree

available in the academic year 2010/11 in partnership European universities.

EMETT will provide student teachers with updated

knowledge and competences to teach in the European

multilingual and multicultural context.

[email protected]

BudapestEötvös Loránd UniversityCopenhagenUniversity of AarhusInnsbruckThe Pedagogical University of TirolKrakowJagiellonian UniversityNantesUniversity of NantesNicosiaUniversity of CyprusVenice (coordinator of the project)Ca´Foscari UniversityVilniusVilnius University

[email protected]

Aims and Objectives

The most important aim of the project is to introduce a European dimension in initial secondary teacher education, making use of the opportunities caused by the transformations involved in implementing the Bologna process. 

Budapest Copenhagen Innsbruck KrakowNantes Nicosia Venice Vilnius

[email protected]

Aims and Objectives

As a result, one of the project objectives is to promote a mutual recognition of degrees in the field of education, finding solutions to the problems caused by national rules as well as by the differences of practices and systems. 

Budapest Copenhagen Innsbruck KrakowNantes Nicosia Venice Vilnius

[email protected]

Aims and Objectives

In order to reach this goal, the EMETT project first undertook a comparative analysis related to the changes which are under way in teacher training and school systems. 

Budapest Copenhagen Innsbruck KrakowNantes Nicosia Venice Vilnius

[email protected]

Aims and Objectives

Next, a common thread or curriculum of studies was highlighted, taking into account not only common core components of initial teacher training programmes across Europe’s multiple systems, but also integrating the problems encountered by teaching and training professionals in their daily activities. 

Budapest Copenhagen Innsbruck KrakowNantes Nicosia Venice Vilnius

[email protected]

Added value

The common curriculum, along with the minimum period of one semester spent in a partner institution, aims at ensuring greater transparency and diploma compatibility, while not excluding specific national characteristics. 

Budapest Copenhagen Innsbruck KrakowNantes Nicosia Venice Vilnius

[email protected]

Long-term effects

The second aim of the project is to promote innovation in education by promoting understandings of the different education and training systems, and the exchange of best practices. 

Budapest Copenhagen Innsbruck KrakowNantes Nicosia Venice Vilnius

[email protected]

A European teacher profile

Using bottom-up dynamics, the project updates and aims at implementing the professional profile of teachers and trainers, promoting the mobility of future teachers and educators and the creation of a network of professionals able to develop educational initiatives on a European scale. 

Budapest Copenhagen Innsbruck KrakowNantes Nicosia Venice Vilnius

[email protected]

The European dimension of teaching

Finally, the project intends to stimulate interest in the European dimension of teaching, by promoting the knowledge of languages and cultures of the countries making up the Union and by comparing and analysing different methodological approaches. 

Budapest Copenhagen Innsbruck KrakowNantes Nicosia Venice Vilnius

[email protected]

Promoting multilingualism and intercultural competences

The EMETT project aims at fostering in-depth knowledge of the cultural and educational characteristics of at least two European countries, through the command of a second European language and experience in learning a third language. 

Budapest Copenhagen Innsbruck KrakowNantes Nicosia Venice Vilnius

[email protected]

Ca´Foscari UniversityCa’Foscari University, Venice has a reputation for excellence in teaching and research, offering studies in Economics, Languages, Earth Sciences and Human Sciences, with ICT and technologies studies available at the universities of Verona and Padova. Among its interdisciplinary research centres and organisations, SSIS Veneto has provided initial teacher education by means of three universities’ network for ten years. The Centre for Educational Research and Training engages in international research projects concerning ICT and multimedia applied to teaching and training, educational research and evaluation.

Coordinator of the project

[email protected]

Eötvös Loránd UniversityEötvös Loránd University, Budapest, is the largest and oldest university in Hungary with more than 30 000 students studying on eight faculties from the humanities to the sciences as well as law studies. It has programs of higher education from the BA level to the doctoral studies based on a high level scientific research. It offers the total range of teacher training programs. The secondary school teacher training consists of more than 50 different subject areas The curriculum offers both thorough scientific knowledge and practice-oriented experiences

[email protected]

University of Aarhus, School of Education, Copenhagen, was established in 2007 by the merger of the Danish University of Education and the University of Aarhus as the largest university school in Europe within its field. The school focuses on giving a solid base of evidence to educational knowledge, internationalization and knowledge management. It offers postgraduate programmes within the entire field of education studies. The study programmes can be divided into four main categories: Master of Education programmes, Master of Arts programmes, PhD programmes and continuing education.

University of Aarhus

[email protected]

The Pedagogical University of Tirol

The Pedagogical University of Tirol (PHT), Innsbruck,  is a newly established university for teacher education comprising five institutes: Initial Teacher Education (Primary, Lower Secondary and Special Needs), Vocational Teacher Education, Teaching Practice, Continuing Professional Development and Quality Assurance. PHT combines initial teacher training and in-service training under one roof. It considers the updating of professional skills to be of utmost importance for the professionalisation of the workforce of teachers. PHT has extensive experience in offering specialised courses focusing on Continuing Professional Development and it services over 10,000 teachers.

[email protected]

Jagiellonian UniversityJagiellonian University , Krakow, the oldest university in Poland, ranks high among the institutions of higher education in Europe. With about 50,000 students studying at 15 faculties (embracing 48 disciplines) and 3,500 academic teachers, it offers graduate and post-graduate courses in a range of humanistic (e.g. Modern Languages, History), and scientific subjects (like Mathematics, Physics, Biology, etc.). The Jagiellonian University cherishes a centuries-old and deep-rooted tradition of teacher education. It combines tradition with the challenges of a modern academic centre. It is not only a research and teaching centre but also the heart of Polish cultural life.

[email protected]

University of NantesThe University of Nantes includes 73 research groups, most of them are accredited and recognised internationally. The CREN (Education Research Centre of Nantes) has been conducting research since 1992 around a common focus “learners and teachers: interactions, occupations and knowledge construction”. The research also aims to clarify the epistemological, philosophical and sociological issues of the transformations of the educational domain. The Education Science department aims to provide theoretical and reflexive methodological tools in order to theorize about the evolutions of teaching as an occupation. It also aims to provide students and professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to train, supervise, accompany and tutor other professionals in training or in cooperative education.

[email protected]

University of CyprusThe University of Cyprus, Nicosia, is focused on high quality scholarly research. During the last three years the University has had considerable success in attracting external research funding, and has succeeded in acquiring a number of highly prestigious chairs of excellence. The Department of Educational Sciences has established itself as research oriented, offering three undergraduate and five post-graduate programs, including Mathematics Education, Science Education and Educational Psychology. The external Evaluation Committee ranked the work done in Mathematics Education as comparable to that in leading European institutions.

[email protected]

Vilnius UniversityVilnius University, Lithuania Vilnius University (VU), since its establishment in the 16th century has combined science and culture and has embodied the concept of a classical university and the unity of studies and research. Today the University consists of twelve faculties, eight institutes, five study and research centres offering a wide range of courses in chemistry, economics, philosophy, physics, natural sciences, history, law, mathematics, medicine, languages, educational science and other subjects. The research and teaching are performed by 1309 members of the academic staff: professors, docents, lectures, research fellows. At present, there are over 24 thousand students doing their BA and MA degrees and continuing post-graduate studies.

[email protected]

BudapestEötvös Loránd UniversityCopenhagenUniversity of AarhusInnsbruckThe Pedagogical University of TirolKrakowJagiellonian UniversityNantesUniversity of NantesNicosiaUniversity of CyprusVenice (coordinator of the project)Ca´Foscari UniversityVilniusVilnius University