emotional development (parenting)

EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT children *Come from many sources

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Page 1: Emotional Development (Parenting)



*Come from many sources

Page 2: Emotional Development (Parenting)

Guide your children into an emotionally healthy future:

•Be purposeful in guiding your child's emotional life. Focus

intentionally on his emotional needs. These needs are just as important

as his/her cognitive, physical and spiritual needs.

•Build a strong bond by spending quality time with your child.

Experts agree that parents who interact regularly with their children —

beginning in infancy — develop stronger bonds.

•Stay emotionally in tune. Connect with your child on an emotional

level. Attempt to understand what he/she is feeling. When he/she is

happy, be happy for him/her; when he/she is sad, cry with her.

Page 3: Emotional Development (Parenting)

Guide your children into an emotionally healthy future:

•Model healthy emotional relating. Your children will mimic the way

you handle emotions and the way you relate to others. By managing

your own emotions in a positive way, your children will learn to do so as


•Teach children how to handle negative emotions. Doing this well

does not come naturally. Children need to be taught how to handle

defeat, deal with conflict or be angry in a healthy way. Children who are

taught these skills early are better able to handle negative feelings as


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Development of Emotions Various emotions emerge in the following order:

• infants experience only simple emotional states such as distress, contentment and interest. At birth

• Evidence of happiness appears as seen in a baby's "social smile." Two to four months

• Basic emotions emerge, including fear, excitement, anger, disgust, surprise, joy and sadness. Four to six months

• Basic emotions continue to develop and are expressed in broader ways by the child. Six to 18 months

• Self-conscious emotions develop, such as guilt, embarrassment and pride.

Eighteen to 24 months

*Come from many sources

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Relationship has managed to move everything, parents

who are strongly bonded to their children share certain


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Acknowledging Feelings Follow these steps to get more in tune with

your child:

Label the feeling: For younger children, the simpler label you offer the better. Use

words like mad, happy, sad and scared. For older children, more specific words help

them to pinpoint the exact emotion: disappointed, worried and embarrassed.

State the reason for the feeling. Make your best guess as to why

your child feels as he/she does. For example, say, "It looks like

you're mad because Mom said you can't have dessert today."

Don't judge your child. Your child needs to know that it is okay to

express emotion. However, at times you may need to teach

your child how to express his feelings in ways that are

healthy and not hurtful to others.

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WAHYU EDHY SUTRAN, S.Psi, CBA Life Facilitator and eQuipper, BoardGame Specialist #SKETSADuitditangan Mobile: +62 813 9068 7070 E-mail : [email protected]

Wahyu lulusan dari UNIKA Soegijapranata Semarang jurusan Psikologi. Dia sangat mencintai dunia pendidikan, mengajar banyak orang melalui trainings, seminars, maupun mengajar di ruang-ruang kelas untuk topik bahasan pengembangan pribadi seperti: Motivational Session, Character Building, Basic Mentality, Customer Service Excellence, Leadership , Financial Mindset dan Team Building. Hasratnya adalah membantu, berbagi, dan mengembangkan banyak orang untuk mencapai potensi terbaik mereka. Satu tahun terakhir Wahyu mendalami dan menemukan cara tercepat dan menyenangkan untuk mengajarkan pentingnya memiliki mindset yang benar dalam keuangan melalui sebuah Board Game yang diberi nama #SKETSADuitditangan. Selain itu Wahyu juga menjadi praktisi SDT Coaching, sebuah metode coaching yang mengacu pada Self-Determination Theory.