empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive

EMPIRICAL SEARCH FOR NEURAL CORRELATES OF COGNITIVE SUBCOMPONENTS IN DIFFERENT SHIFTING TASKS Éric Salmon, Martial Van der Linden, Rik Vandenberghe, Christian Degueldre, André Luxen et Fabienne Collette John Libbey Eurotext | « Revue de neuropsychologie » 2010/1 Volume 2 | pages 11 à 21 ISSN 2101-6739 Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.cairn.inforevue-de-neuropsychologie-2010-1-page-11.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour John Libbey Eurotext. © John Libbey Eurotext. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Document téléchargé depuis www.cairn.info - - - - 23/10/2019 19:46 - © John Libbey Eurotext Document téléchargé depuis www.cairn.info - - - - 23/10/2019 19:46 - © John Libbey Eurotext

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Page 1: Empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive


Éric Salmon, Martial Van der Linden, Rik Vandenberghe, Christian Degueldre, AndréLuxen et Fabienne Collette

John Libbey Eurotext | « Revue de neuropsychologie »

2010/1 Volume 2 | pages 11 à 21 ISSN 2101-6739

Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------https://www.cairn.inforevue-de-neuropsychologie-2010-1-page-11.htm--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour John Libbey Eurotext.© John Libbey Eurotext. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans leslimites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de lalicence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie,sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit del'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockagedans une base de données est également interdit.

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Page 2: Empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive


Recherche empirique d’un substratneuronal aux processus cognitifsimpliqués dans différentes tâchesde flexibilité

Empirical search forneural correlatesof cognitive subcomponentsin different shifting tasks

Résumé Certaines théories concernant les fonctions exécutives pro-posent que des processus de mise à jour, de flexibilité

mentale et d’inhibition puissent être distingués l’un de l’autre, mais qu’ils partagent cependantunmécanisme cognitif de base (Miyake et al., 2000). Dans une étude récente en neuroimageriepar tomographie à émission de positons (TEP), une analyse en conjonction de plusieurs tâchesreprésentatives des processus exécutifs décrits parMiyake (2000) a démontré qu’il existe effecti-vement une activation commune à ces différents processus, localisée bilatéralement dans desrégions proches du sillon intrapariétal . Cependant, on peut poser la question d’une similarité oud’une diversité de composantes cognitives pour différentes tâches associées à même processusexécutif. La présente étude décrit une analyse empirique des données d’activation cérébraleobtenues lors des trois tâches de flexibilité (« shifting ») incluses dans la publication de Colletteet al. Les trois tâches (opérations arithmétiques, catégorisation verbale et catégorisation visuelle)étaient réalisées par le même groupe de sujets au cours d’une même session. Durant l’épreuvearithmétique, un nombre était présenté et le participant devait alterner, d’un essai à l’autre, entreune opération d’addition et de soustraction. La tâche de catégorisation verbale consistait en laprésentation d’une paire chiffre/lettre sur un écran et, selon l’endroit de présentation, les parti-cipants devaient effectuer un jugement soit sur le chiffre (pair/impair) soit sur la lettre (consonne/voyelle). Finalement, dans l’épreuve de catégorisation visuelle, il s’agissait d’effectuer un juge-ment sur les aspects locaux ou globaux de figures deNavon, en fonction de la présentation de lafigure en traits pleins ou pointillés. Ces trois tâches, bien quemettant toutes en jeu des processusde flexibilité, différaient selon plusieurs aspects, tels que le caractère prédictible (opérationsarithmétiques, catégorisation verbale) ou non (catégorisation visuelle) de l’épreuve, la sourceendogène (opérations arithmétiques) ou exogène (catégorisation verbale et visuelle) du contrôleattentionnel requis, ou la présence d’un indice conditionnel (catégorisation verbale et visuelle)pour engager le processus de flexibilité.Uneanalyse enconjonctiondes trois tâchesde flexibilitéconfirme l’engagement commun d’une région située dans le fond du sillon intrapariétal à droite,une activation probablement liée à la mise en œuvre d’un processus attentionnel de basecommun à plusieurs fonctions exécutives. En raison de la disparité des tâches expérimentales,l’examen empirique des analyses de soustraction et d’interaction a été centré sur des compo-santescognitivesprésentesdansdeuxdes tâchesmaispasdans la troisième.Onapuobserveruneactivation commune du versant médial du sillon intrapariétal gauche caractéristique des deuxépreuves requérant une association conditionnelle entre un indice externe et la tâche de flexi-bilité. Cette étude montre donc le corrélat neuronal (une activation pariétale supérieure) d’unecomposante cognitive (l’associationconditionnelle entreun indiceetuneconsigne) qui est partieprenante de certaines tâches de flexibilité mentale, mais qui n’est toutefois pas spécifique à cetype d’épreuve cognitive.

Mots clés : flexibilité • association conditionnelle • neuro-imagerie

Article originalRev Neuropsychol

2010 ; 2 (1) : 11-21

Correspondance :É. Salmon

Éric Salmon1,Martial Van der Linden2,3,Rik Vandenberghe4,Christian Degueldre1, André Luxen1,Fabienne Collette1,2

1 Cyclotron Research Center,Université de Liège, B30 Sart Tilman,4000 Liège, Belgique<[email protected]>2 Département des sciences cognitives,Faculté de psychologie et des sciencesde l’éducation, Université de Liège, Belgique3 Unité de psychopathologie cognitive,Université de Genève, Suisse4 Department of Neurology,University of Leuven, Belgique





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Page 3: Empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive

Abstract We aimed to contrast cognitive subcomponents inthree different shifting tasks combined in a single posi-

tron emission tomography study. The three tasks differed according to various aspects,such as their predictability and their (endogenous or exogenous) cueing. A conjunctionanalysis reproduced a previously reported common activation in the middle portion ofthe right intraparietal sulcus (IPS), related to attentional processes involved in many exe-cutive tasks. We then used simple subtractions/interaction analyses and plots of parame-ter estimates, looking for brain activation that could empirically be related to a specificcognitive subcomponent intervening in only two of the three tasks. Predictable cuedshifting between stimuli for verbal categorization and unpredictable exogenously cuedshifting between local and global features of Navon figures (but not the endogenouslycontrolled arithmetic task) recruited the medial bank of the left IPS, involved when shift-ing between stimuli was conditional upon external cue-target association. The empiricalstudy is consistent with hypothesis-driven reports and shows consistent neural correlateof a non-specific but useful cue-target association that intervenes in different shiftingtasks.

Key words: shifting • cueing • conditional association • brain imaging

The shifting process refers to cognitive flexibility,namely the ability to displace the attentional focusfrom one stimulus, response or cognitive process to

another to achieve a currently relevant goal. The differencein reaction times between trials in which subjects have torepeat the same task (task-repeat trials) and trials in whichthey have to shift from one task to another (task-shift trials)constitutes the task-shift cost [1]. Many theoretical frame-works have been applied to shifting, and various cognitiveprocesses may explain the shift cost, such as task-set inertia(transient carry-over of task-set activation, inhibition orinterference resolution from trial to trial), exogenous task-set activation generated by a cue (associative retrieval),and endogenous (top-down) control operations [2, 3].

In the functional neuroimaging literature, shifting pro-cesses have been related to activation in the superior parie-tal lobule [4-6], in the intraparietal sulcus [7-9], and in theinferior parietal cortex [10]. For example, superior parietalactivation is specific to spatial shifts of attention versusthe maintenance of attention at a single spatial location[11, 12]. But the superior parietal cortex is also recruitedbilaterally when subjects have to shift between threesemantic categories in a fluency task, compared to a non-shifting task [13], and activation in this area was observedduring non-spatial cued shifting [14]. These results supportthe hypothesis that the superior parietal cortex is a supra-modal area involved in task shifting, even when no visualor spatial component is involved in the tasks [15]. Othersubregions in the frontal cortex have been assumed to res-pond to specific components of shifting [9]. In particular,the left inferior frontal junction has been claimed to beinvolved in resistance to interference from the irrelevanttask set during the processing of the relevant task set [16].Different shifting tasks have rarely been contrasted in thesame experiment [9]. Nevertheless, in a factorial design,timing (fixed/random) and task order (predictable or not)

were shown to differentially influence brain activationduring task shifting [17]. For example, anticipating taskorder activated the right hippocampus, the anterior medialprefrontal and the posterior cingulate cortex, while unpre-dictable task order was associated with bilateral intraparie-tal activation.

In that context, we reanalyzed shifting data obtained ina previous study that explored the neural substrates com-mon to the executive processes of shifting, updating andinhibition [18]. In the Collette et al. study, increased activitycommon to all executive processes was observed in theright intraparietal sulcus and the left superior parietalgyrus, and a conjunction analysis of the three shifting tasksrevealed bilateral activation in the parietal cortices. Thethree shifting tasks, studied with positron emission tomogra-phy (PET) in the same subjects, were designed to engagedifferent cognitive processes. They differed according tovarious conditions, such as the predictability of shifting,and endogenous attentional control versus exogenouscueing. In our new analysis, all scans were entered in a sin-gle design matrix, and we performed within-task compari-sons (individual shifting task versus reference conditions),we looked for differences between shifting processes usinginteraction analyses and we plotted parameter estimates.

The aim of this new analysis was to tease out the neuralcorrelates of cognitive processes involved in the shiftingtasks:

– predictable and endogenously controlled shifting bet-ween two arithmetic operations was involved when sub-jects alternately performed addition and subtraction whilehearing numbers spoken aloud;

– predictable shifting between two verbal categoriza-tion tasks was conditional on a spatial cue when subjectshad to categorize either the number or the letter in pairssuccessively displayed in four quadrants of a screen, depen-ding on the position (in the upper or lower row);

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Page 4: Empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive

– unpredictable shifting between visual targets wasconditional on a visual cue when volunteers had to catego-rize the global or local features of Navon figures, accordingto an unpredictable plain or dotted line display.

We first performed a conjunction analysis on the three shif-ting tasks, and we anticipated parietal activation, which hasbeen found to be associated with executive and attentionaltasks [18, 19]. In our empirical comparison of the three shiftingtasks, we searched for the neural correlates of a cognitive sub-component intervening in two but not in the third shifting task.Activation in the superior parietal cortexwas anticipated in thetwo shifting tasks requiring association between an exogenouscue and the stimulus to be processed, independently of thetype of cue or stimulus [20, 21]. Although the intervention ofhigher control regions in predictability/unpredictability iscomplex, the literature would relate ventromedial prefrontalactivation to task order predictability, and intraparietal sulcusrecruitment to task unpredictability [17].


ParticipantsTwelve right-handed European volunteers (age range

from 18 to 34 years) gave their written informed consentto take part in the study on shifting, which was approvedby the University of Liège Ethics Committee. None hadany past history of relevant medical problems or used anycentrally acting medication. All subjects received financialcompensation for their participation.

The shifting experimentsIn the first condition, subjects had to perform arithmetic

operations. In the second and third conditions, subjects hadto perform verbal and visual categorizations, respectively.The tasks in question were adapted from Miyake et al.(2000), as previously described [18]. All tasks began10 seconds before the emission scan (see below) and lastedfor at least 120 seconds. In the first (arithmetic operations)and third (visual categorization) shifting experiments, res-ponses were collected by recording subjects’ responsesvia a digital-to-analog tape recorder connected to a micro-phone in order to assess a posteriori responses accuracy;response latencies (time between the onset of the stimulusand the onset of the subject’s response) were also recordedvia a second microphone connected to E-Prime beta soft-ware (Psychology Software Tools, Inc.). In the verbal cate-gorization task, accuracy of response and response timeswere recorded by key-presses.

Endogenous shifting between arithmeticoperations (figure 1)The material consisted of numbers ranging from

10 to 99. Auditory stimuli were created using Praat3.8.6.1 software [22]. They were presented auditorily viaearphones and subjects responded aloud. The interval bet-ween two auditory presentations in the arithmetic tasks wasfixed to 3,000 milliseconds. In the first control task, subjectswere instructed to add 3 to each number presented, whilein the second control task, subjects were asked to subtract3 from each number. In the shifting task, subjects had toalternate between adding and subtracting 3 to or from

Arithmetic operations

Control tasks






(1): "+3" (2): "-3" "+3 and -3," alternately


Shifting task










Figure 1. Illustration of stimuli and tasks 1.

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Page 5: Empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive

each number presented. Thus, the control tasks required thecontinuous performance of similar arithmetic operations,whereas the experimental tasks required continuous shif-ting between two types of cognitive operations (additionand subtraction). Forty trials were presented in each task.

Predictable cued shifting between verbalcategorizations (figure 2)

The material consisted of the 64 number-letter pairs.Items were presented on a PC screen in the Arial font(48 points), at a comfortable mean viewing distance of90 cm from the subject’s gaze. Numbers comprised fourodd and four even digits, and the letters were four conso-nants and four vowels. These number-letters pairs werevisually presented one at a time in one of the four quadrantsof the computer screen. In the first control task, number-letter pairs were successively presented in the two upperquadrants of the screen, and the subject had to make anconsonant/vowel decision on the letter. In the second controltask, number-letter pairs were successively presented in thetwo lower quadrants of the screen and the subjects’ task wasto make a odd/even decision on the number. In the shiftingtask, number-letter pairs were presented in all four quadrants

in a predictable clockwise rotation. Subjects had to processthe letter (consonant/vowel) when the pair was presented inthe upper quadrants and the number (odd/even) when thepair was presented in the lower quadrants. Thus, the trialswithin the control tasks required no shifting, whereas half ofthe trials in the experimental tasks required shifting betweenthe two types of categorization operations (since item pairswere presented in the four quadrants of the screen clock-wise). Fifty-six items were presented in each task. The maxi-mum time allowed for each trial was 5,000milliseconds, andthe production of the response triggered the next trial.

Unpredictable cued shifting between visualcategorizations (figure 3)

The material consisted of geometric figures often calledNavon Figures [23] in which the lines of a large “global”figure (e.g., a triangle) are composed of much smaller“local” figures (e.g., squares). The items were 4 cmwide x 4 cm high, presented on a PC screen at a comfortablemean viewing distance of 90 cm from the subject’s gaze. Thefigures were constructed to induce a global precedence effect(namely, the local elements were positioned very closelytogether and care was taken to ensure that the global identity

Verbal categorization

Control tasks

(1): consonant/vowel


K6 O8

Upper part: consonant/vowelLower part: odd/even(2): odd/even

G7 A2 L6 J1 C8

E5 L3

Shifting tasks

E3 C5

Figure 2. Illustration of stimuli and tasks 2.

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Page 6: Empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive

constituted a good exemplar of the target figure [24]. Figureswere presented one at a time on a visual display. In the firstcontrol task, exemplars with plain lines were presented andthe participants had to say aloud the number of lines in theglobal figure (i.e., 1 for a circle, 2 for a cross, 3 for a triangleand 4 for a square). In the second control task, figures withdotted lines were presented and subjects had to say aloudthe number of lines in the local figures. In the shifting task,Navon figures with plain or dotted lines were randomly pre-sented.Depending on the kind of lines inwhich the figurewasprinted (plain or dotted), participants were instructed to sayaloud the number of lines in the global, overall figure (plain)or the local, smaller figures (dotted). Thus, when the lines ofthe stimuli changed across successive trials, the participantshad to shift from examining the local features to the globalfeatures and vice versa. Plain versus dotted line to determinethe level of perceptual processing were selected according tothe procedure of Miyake et al. (2000) who also slightly modi-fied the visual structure of the figures by using colors to inducelocal or global processing of information. Forty items werepresented in each task. Each item was presented for a maxi-mum duration of 3,000 milliseconds, and the production ofthe response triggered the next trial. In the experimentalcondition, half of the trials necessitated a shift between the

local and global processing of the figure, and shifting trialswere pseudo-randomly presented, with a maximum numberof successive shift or non-shift trials fixed at three.

Positron emission tomography scanningPositron emission tomography (PET) was used as neuroi-

maging procedure because the first and the third tasks requi-red vocal responses to be recorded, and we did not haveaccess to this technology forMRI at the timeof the experiment.PET data were acquired on a Siemens CTI 951R 16/31 scanner in 3D mode. The subject’s head was stabili-zed by a thermoplastic facemask secured to the head holder(TruScan Imaging), and a venous catheter was inserted in a leftantebrachial vein. First, a 20-minute transmission scan wasacquired for attenuation correction using three rotating sour-ces of 68Ge. Then, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), takenas amarker of local neuronal activity [25], was estimated overtwelve emission scans. Each scan consisted of two frames: a30-second background frame and a 90-second acquisitionframe. The slow intravenous water (H2

15O) infusion began10 seconds before the second frame. Six mCi (222 MBq)were injected for each scan, in 5 cc saline, over a period of20 seconds. The infusionwas totally automated in order not todisturb the subject during the scanning period. Data were

Visual categorization

Control tasks Shifting task

(1) Global Figure

(2) Local Figure

Shifting between processing of globalfigure (plain lines) or local figure(dotted lines)

Figure 3. Illustration of stimuli and tasks 3.

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reconstructed using a Hanning filter (cutoff frequency:0.5 cycle/pixel) and corrected for attenuation and backgroundactivity. Each experimental shifting task was carried out twiceduring the session and each control task was performed once.The order of presentation of the cognitive tasks was randomlyassigned, except that no cognitive task was administeredtwice in succession and no more than two experimental orcontrol tasks were administered successively.

Data analysisPET data were analyzed using statistical parametric map-

ping (SPM99; Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neuro-logy, Institute of Neurology, London, UK; http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm) implemented in MATLAB (MathWorksInc, Sherborne, MA). For each subject, all scans were reali-gned together, then normalized to a standard PET templateusing the same transformations. Finally, the PET images weresmoothed using a Gaussian kernel of 16mm full width at halfmaximum. Such transformations of the data allow for voxel-by-voxel averaging of data across subjects and for directcross-reference to the anatomical features in the standardstereotactic space.

The condition and subject (block) effects were estimatedaccording to the general linear model at each voxel, using arandom effect analysis. In SPM99, the random effect analysisis a two-step procedure applied to accommodate intra-individual and inter-individual variability of PET data, thusaccounting explicitly for subject-by-condition interactioneffects. In the first step, areas of significant changewere deter-mined at the within-subject level using linear contrasts ofcondition estimates. For each individual, subtractioncontrasts were computed separately. The number of acquisi-tions is limited with PET and we capitalized on previous neu-roimaging reports to compute a single contrast between shif-ting experiments and their two reference tasks. The resultingestimates (i.e., individual contrast images) fitted the within-subject component of variance. In the second set of analyses,the residual between-subject variance was assessed compa-ring individual estimates created at the first level (using onesample t-test in SPM). The resulting set of voxel values foreach contrast constituted a map of the t statistic [SPM(t)],thresholded at p < 0.001. Statistical inferences were obtainedat the cluster level, at p < 0.05, corrected for multiple compa-risons. Random effect analyses were used to determine thepresence of statistical effects between control and experimen-tal tasks in all subjects. Finally, the subtraction between eachmatched experimental and control task was entered into asingle matrix to perform a conjunction analysis, so we couldreproduce data previously published using different execu-tive functions [18]. To ensure that regions were activated ineach task, we used individual contrasts as inclusive masks,with a statistical threshold of p < 0.005. These random effectanalyses were performed presuming that the assumption ofvariance equivalence (i.e., that the error terms are uncorrela-ted) was satisfied. Note that similar results were obtainedwitha fixed effect analysis.

Interaction analyses were performed for each shiftingprocess in opposition to each of the two others. This wasdone to determine the cerebral areas specific to particularshifting processes. Regions demonstrating interactioneffects were determined as follows: cerebral areas withdifferential activity changes between the executive andcontrol tasks in two conditions were determined, namely(first shifting task – mean of first control tasks) – (secondshifting task – mean of second control tasks). A randomeffect analysis was used (see above). Moreover, we checkedwhether each region obtained in an interaction was alsosignificantly activated in the random effect analysis (onesample t-test) of the first shifting task (at p < 0.05 usingsmall volume correction). When relevant, plots of meanparameter estimates in some representative regions weredisplayed to illustrate our main results. Subtraction analysesare still widely used in the literature, although differentcaveats need to be taken into account. Since our shiftingtasks were quite different, we concentrated on precisecognitive processes (predictability of a stimulus and condi-tional cue-target association) that occurred during two butnot the other shifting tasks.


BehaviorThe comparison of each experimental task to the mean of

its two control tasks demonstrated slower response times inthe three shifting tasks compared to their control tasks [arith-metic operations: F(1,11) = 17.50, p < 0.005; verbal categori-zation: F(1,11) = 17.23, p < 0.0001; visual categorization:F(1,11) = 50.41, p < 0.0001]. The response times (in millise-conds) in the shifting and (mean of two) control tasks, respec-tively, were 1404 ± 203 vs 1308 ± 199 (arithmetic opera-tions), 641 ± 110 vs 529 ± 67 (verbal categorization) and1042 ± 193 vs 711 ± 149 (visual categorization). We did notdirectly compare response times between the shifting tasksbecause either verbal or manual responses were obtained,depending on the task. With regard to accuracy of responses,the percentage of errors was lower in the control task than inthe shifting task for verbal (Z = 2.31, p < 0.05) and visual cate-gorization (Z = 2.36, p < 0.05) while no difference was foundbetween shifting and control arithmetic operations (Z = 1.07,n.s.). The percentages of errors in the shifting and controltasks, respectively, were 3.85 ± 1.80 vs 3.02 ± 2.74 (arithme-tic operations), 2.0 ± 1.43 vs 0.82 ± 0.71 (verbal categoriza-tion) and 1.67 ± 2.02 vs 0.1 ± 0.34 (visual categorization).Note that non-parametric Wilcoxon statistical analyses wereused due to the small number of errors in all conditions.

Neuroimaging data

Conjunction of three shifting tasksThe conjunction analysis (using a mask corresponding

to each task, with a statistical threshold of p correc-ted < p.005 at voxel-level) confirmed our previous report

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Page 8: Empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive

[18] but restricted the activation to a right middle IPSregion, located near the fundus (coordinates: 30, –53, 38;voxels = 19; Z score = 5.44); the plot of parameter esti-mates clearly showed IPS involvement in each shiftingtask (figure 4).

Endogenous shifting between arithmeticoperations (experimental task 1)The principal characteristics of the shifting process invol-

ved in this task were predictability, endogenous (intentional)control, and reliance on working memory. The comparisonbetween the experimental task and the mean of the two refe-rence tasks revealed activation in the right middle prefrontalcortex (PFC) and in the right inferior frontal sulcus for all sub-jects (table 1, figure 4). The task is labeled ESAO in figure 4.

Right inferior parietal involvement was observed in theinteraction analysis with experimental task 2 (predictablecued shifting between stimuli for verbal categorization), sug-gesting therewas preferential activation in the right supramar-ginal gyrus when arithmetic operations were maintained inworking memory during endogenous shifting (table 1).

The interaction contrasting intentional shifting bet-ween arithmetic operations and task 3 (unpredictable,exogenous cued shifting between global and localfeatures of visual stimuli) revealed that endogenous(intentional) alternation between arithmetic operationsparticularly recruited the middle cingulate cortex andconfirmed the involvement of right lateral prefrontalregions (table 1).

Left IPS (-32, -60, 49)

Right IPS (30, -59, 38)

Right frontal (38, 40, 24)










r1 r2 r3 ESAO PCS UCS

ESAO PCS UCSr1 r2 r3

ESAO PCS UCSr1 r2 r3

Figure 4. Overview of main activations in our shifting tasks. Activation in the first task is shown in black, activation common to the second and thirdtasks is in blue, and activation common to all tasks is in grey. The plots correspond to the size of parameter estimates (and 90% confidence interval) incontrol and experimental tasks; (r1, r2, r3) correspond respectively to the mean of two reference tasks for endogenous shifting between arithmetic opera-tions (ESAO), predictable cued shifting between verbal categorization (PCS) and unpredictable cued shifting between global and local components ofvisual stimuli (UCS).

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Page 9: Empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive

Predictable cued shifting between stimuli forverbal categorization (experimental task 2)

In this classical experiment, subjects had to categorizea number or a letter of a pair, conditional on the pair’slocation in the upper or lower row. The main characteris-tics of the shifting process involved in this task were pre-dictability and exogenous cueing (by stimulus location).The subtraction analysis between experimental and refe-rence conditions showed bilateral activation in the IPS(table 2).

The interaction with task 1 (endogenous predictableshifting between operations) specifically demonstrated anactivation in the medial bank of the left IPS. Importantly,figure 4 shows a plot of activities for each task, confirmingthat the medial bank of the left IPS was involved in predic-table cued shifting between stimuli for verbal categorization(PCS in figure 4) and also in unpredictable exogenous cuedshifting between global and local feature processing (UCSin figure 4; see also subtraction results in table 3).

There was no significant activation for the interactionwith cued shifting between global and local feature proces-

Table 1. Endogenous shifting between arithmetic operations

Voxels x y z Z score

Subtraction, cluster p < 0.05 corrected

R. middle frontal gyrus (BA 9) 287 38 40 24 4.25

R. inferior frontal sulcus “ 38 36 11 3.41

Subtraction, p < 0.001 uncorrected (seen in the conjunctionanalysis, voxel p < 0.005 corrected)

R. intraparietal sulcus 52 30 – 54 36 3.13

Interaction with predictable cued shifting between stimulifor verbal categorization, cluster p < 0.05 corrected

R. supramarginal gyrus 120 51 – 35 48 3.85

Interaction with unpredictable cued shifting betweenglobal/local features, cluster p < 0.05 corrected

R. inferior frontal (BA 47) 915 38 41 – 2 4.48

“ 38 34 26 3.84

R. cingulate cortex 135 10 2 35 4.36

R: right; BA: Brodmann’s area; x, y and z (in mm) are coordinates in the standard stereotactical space.

Table 2. Predictable cued shifting between stimuli for verbal categorization

Voxels x y z Z score

Subtraction, cluster p < 0.05 corrected

R. intraparietal sulcus 203 26 – 60 44 4.07

L. intraparietal sulcus 166 – 26 – 60 38 3.65

Interaction with endogenous shifting betweenarithmetic operations, cluster p < 0.05 corrected

R. superior occipital (BA 19) 228 24 –78 31 3.72

L. intraparietal sulcus 141 –32 –60 49 3.75

Interaction with unpredictable cued shifting betweenglobal and local features


R: right; L: left; BA: Brodmann’s area; x, y and z (in mm) are coordinates in the standard stereotactical space.

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Page 10: Empirical search for neural correlates of cognitive

sing, suggesting that similar cognitive components arerecruited in both tasks, and that (un)predictability does notdetermine specific activation in this experiment.

Unpredictable cued shifting betweenglobal and local feature processing(experimental task 3)For this experiment using Navon’s figures, task charac-

teristics were unpredictability and exogenous cued byvisual stimulus. The subtraction analysis between experi-mental and control conditions showed an activation in theleft posterior IPS (extending into the left superior parietalgyrus) and precuneus activation (table 3, figure 4).

The interaction with endogenous predictable shiftingbetween arithmetic operations did not provide statisticallysignificant results (although the plots in figure 4 showedactivation of the medial bank of the left IPS in task 3, andnot in task 1).

The interaction with exogenous predictable cued shif-ting between stimuli for verbal categorization did not pro-vide significant result.

DiscussionThe aim of our experimental design was to directly com-

pare three shifting tasks that were randomly performedduring the same session by the same subjects. The taskswere derived from an earlier cognitive study suggestingthat they are associated with a common shifting factor[26]. In particular, we investigated a global shift cost intasks 2 and 3, since repeated trials alternated with shiftingtrials in a same scan, and the PET method did not allow usto specifically study activation during shifting compared torepeated trials. A conjunction analysis of the three shiftingtasks demonstrated right IPS activation, using a maskingprocedure to retain only the activation observed in each

task. More interestingly, different types of processes charac-terized our three shifting tasks. Endogenous displacement ofthe attentional focus occurred between responses in ourfirst task (arithmetic operations), while shifting of attentionbetween cues and stimuli was required in the two othertasks (verbal and visual categorization). More specifically,shifting was conditional on the presence of cue-target asso-ciation in the latter two tasks. Subtraction and interactionanalyses and plots of parameter estimates demonstratedlocal differences in brain activation between individualshifting tasks, in both prefrontal and parietal regions, butwe concentrated on cognitive processes involved in alltask or required by two but not by the other shifting task.

Conjunction of activation for three shifting tasksThe fundus of the right IPS was activated in all three

shifting tasks, but the conjunction analysis did not show anyprefrontal area common to the three tasks. This result waspreviously reported in a conjunction analysis of executivetasks which tapped updating, shifting and inhibition proces-ses [18]. Previous neuroimaging studies also showed a moresystematic activation of parietal than prefrontal areas invarious shifting tasks [27, 28]. In the literature, the intraparie-tal sulcus has been found to be more activated for unpredic-table than for predictable shifting tasks; however, it is alsorecruited to maintain two tasks in memory without shiftingbetween them [17]. Accordingly, the intraparietal sulcus isclassically assumed to play a role in selective attention [19,29, 30], principally in the right hemisphere [31], and selectiveattention may act as a common denominator in many execu-tive processes [31]. More specifically, Miyake et al. (2000)proposed that a primary characteristic of all executive tasksis the necessity to select some information and to inhibit otherinformation. In keeping with this hypothesis, an activationvery close to our right intraparietal focus (coordinates: 35,–53, 40) was observed when subjects alternately shifted

Table 3. Unpredictable cued shifting between global and local feature processing

Voxels x y z Z score

Subtraction, cluster p < 0.05 corrected

L. posterior intraparietal sulcus 1191 – 28 – 66 36 4.69

L. intraparietal sulcus “ – 28 – 60 51 4.01

R. precuneus (BA 7) “ 8 – 72 46 3.78

R. inferior temporal gyrus (BA 37) 187 62 – 66 – 7 4.46

Interaction with endogenous shifting betweenarithmetic operations, cluster p < 0.05 corrected


Interaction with predictable cued shifting betweenstimuli for verbal categorization, cluster p < 0.05 corrected


R: right; L: left; BA: Brodmann’s area; x, y and z (in mm) are coordinates in the standard stereotactical space.

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between shape and color detection for centrally presentedstimuli [5]: selecting the target stimulus feature while suppres-sing the other feature was the task requirement in this study.In summary, the common activation that we observed in themiddle part of the right IPS could be related to amodal selec-tive attention to behaviorally relevant information and to thesuppression of irrelevant stimuli [18].

Predictable shifting between verbalcategorizations conditional on spatial cuesIn this task, subjects had to shift between two different

kinds of stimuli to be categorized, and the predictable shiftwas cued by the location of the stimuli. The task was mixed,since shifting was both predictable and dependent on acued association. This shifting task clearly relied on combi-ned attention to the visual stimulus and its location. Activa-tion occurred bilaterally in the middle/posterior part of theIPS, centered on the fundus of the sulcus, but extending tothe superior parietal lobule.

The intraparietal sulcus (coordinates: 27, –59, 50) hadpreviously been shown to be recruited for shifts of visuos-patial attention [32], and there were predictable shifts ofvisual attention between the superior and inferior qua-drants of the screen in our task. Such an activation mightbe driven by the spatial characteristic of the cue in thisshifting task. More interestingly, the superior parietal cor-tex (coordinates: 21, –61, 50, close to the medial bank ofthe IPS activated in our task) had been found to be recrui-ted for shifting attention between predictable positionsand also for directing attention to a conjunction of featu-res [20]. Importantly, activation in the medial bank of theIPS (coordinates: –36, –56, 52) was previously observedwhen subjects had to shift between feature discriminationaccording to different colors [17], or when shifting bet-ween color or motion dimension was cued by a letter[14]. Similarly, the main characteristic of our secondexperimental task was that predictable shifting betweenvisual items to be verbally categorized was conditionallyassociated with a cue (the location of the pair of items inthe upper or lower row).

In summary, predictable cued shifting between visualstimuli to be verbally categorized essentially recruitedparietal regions centered around the middle/posterior IPS.The relative influences of the shifting task or the spatialattention to the cue on the IPS activation cannot be disen-tangled. There was no significant prefrontal activation forthis task during our PET acquisition (possibly related tolack of power in the experiment). The most superior activa-tion, near the medial bank of the left IPS, appeared to bepreferentially recruited for shifting between the associationsof a cue and a target to process (i.e., feature associationbetween upper row and number or between lower rowand letter), a binding process not required for endogenousshifting between arithmetic operations. There was no signi-ficant interaction when cued shifting between types of ver-bal categorization was compared to cued shifting between

global and local components of a figure, suggesting thatboth tasks required similar shifts of attention between cueand target associations.

Unpredictable cued shifting between globaland local components of visual stimuliIn this task, unpredictable shifting between different

components of the stimulus was conditional upon a visualcue within the stimulus itself. This experiment shouldrequire particular attention to be paid to the stimulus, thuseliciting parietal activation.

Activation in the fundus of the left IPS was similar tothat observed in the second experimental task, and it hadpreviously been reported in a meta-analysis of neuroima-ging studies dedicated to shifting tasks [9]. This regionprobably subserves the selection of information (as dis-cussed for the right IPS activation common to the threeshifting tasks) during stimulus-driven shifts of attention[33]. As previously suggested [10], precuneus activationmight also be related to high attentional demands, linkedto shifting rate in our experiment. Indeed, the number ofshifts between the global and local levels of Navon figu-res had previously been associated with activation in theprecuneus [24, 34].

Left superior parietal activation (coordinates: –24, –57,57) had previously been observed for shifting of spatialattention [11]. In our study, a plot of activity showed thatthe medial bank of the left intraparietal sulcus, near thesuperior parietal gyrus, was involved in conditional shiftingbetween stimuli to be categorized (for both verbal andvisual categorization), but not in endogenous alternatingshifting between arithmetic tasks. In the present task,conditional shifting depended on an association of features(i.e., plain line and global figure or dotted line and localfigure).

In summary, the task was characterized by shifts ofattention to cue and target associations, related to leftmedial IPS activation, as in experiment 2. Although theIPS activation was close to that previously reported for themain effect of unpredictable order task [17], there was nosignificant difference between unpredictable and predic-table conditions in our experiment.

ConclusionThis combined study of three shifting experiments

allowed us to confirm that various cognitive processesrequired for different shifting tasks have different cerebralcorrelates [3, 16]. A common cognitive process, activatingthe middle portion of the right IPS, might be related to selec-tive attention to and inhibition of information. This processis not linked to individual strategies and is probably recrui-ted in most executive and attentional tasks [18, 19]. Thenovel finding was the demonstration that specific processesinvolved in shifting tasks are related to activation in specificcerebral areas. More precisely, the medial bank of the left

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IPS was particularly involved when shifting between thestimuli to be processed was conditional upon a specificcue. This region appears to be particularly important whenassociation or conjunction of information is required for ashifting task [20, 21, 35], and its activation has also beenreported during cue-related, switching-specific preparatoryprocesses [36].■


Ce travail a bénéficié de l’aide de l’Université de Liège,du FNRS, et du “Programme Pôles d’attraction interuniver-sitaires P6/29 – Etat belge – Politique scientifique fédérale”.InterUniversity Attraction Pole P6/29 - Belgian State - Fede-ral Scientific Policy.


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