employees' provident fund brganisalrion1.4 as per the above provisions of the of the...

1_ 0 t , , ~ , , , , , ". ,. , .. , t EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION { AGENDA BOOK 35 th M~eting of the Sub-Committee on Exem'pted Establishments . of Central Board of Trustees, (EPF) Date Friday, the 28 th f'-'tarch,2014 Time 10.30 AM Venue . :. .Conference Hall, 3 rd Floor, EPFO, Head Office 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi -110Q66

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Page 1: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

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35th M~eting of theSub-Committee on Exem'pted Establishments

. ofCentral Board of Trustees, (EPF)

Date Friday, the 28th f'-'tarch,2014

Time 10.30 AM

Venue . :. .Conference Hall, 3rd Floor, EPFO,Head Office 14, Bhikaiji CamaPlace,New Delhi -110Q66

Page 2: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment



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Agenda for:ss"Meeting of theSub-Committee on' Exempted Establishments

Date: Friday, the 2St!' March 2014 Time: 10~30A.M.

SI. No. ITEMS pagelNO..

1. Grant of exemption under Section 17(1)(a) of the iTEm·ployees' Provident Funds and MisceJlaneousProvisions Act, 1952 and Para 27A of theEmployees' Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 byAppropriate Government.

,2. Rate of surcharge to be levied on Board of 60

Trustees of the exempted/relaxed establishments-I

(To be pfflced onon account of deviation from the prescribed table)pattern of investment. !

3. Any other item with the permission of Chair. 6i



Page 3: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

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Item No.1: Gran'C oi e~emption under Section 17(l)(a) of the Employees'Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Para

.' ,27A..~of the ..·Employees' Provident 'Funds Scheme, 1952, byAppropriate Government.

1.1 Section 17(1} of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,1952 provides for 'exemption' as under:

Power to exempt - (1) The Appropriate Government may by notification in the OfficialGazette, and subject. to such conditions as may be specified ~nthe notification, exempt,whether .prospectively or retrospectivety, from the operation of all or any of the provisionsof any Sche~ -

a) any establishment to which this Act applies if, in the opinion of the appropriateGovernment, the rules of its provident fund with respect.to the rates of contributionare not tess favourable than those spedfled in Section 6 and the employees arealso in enjoyment of other provident fund benefits which on the whole are not lessfavourable to: the employees than the benefits provided under this Act. or anyScheme in relation to the employees in any other establishment of a similarcharacter; or ",

b) any establishment if the employees of such establishment are in enjoyment ofbenefits in the nature of provident fund, pension or gratuity and tbe appropriateGovernment is of opinion that such benefits, separately or jointly, are 'on the wholenot less favourable to such employees than the benefits provided under this Act orany Scheme in relation to employees in any other establishment of a similarcharacter.

1.2 Provided that no such exemption shall be made except after consultation with theCentral Board which on such consultation shall forward its views on exemption to the'appropriate Government within such time limit as may be specified in the Scheme•.

1.3 Para 27A (1) of the Employees' Provident Fund scheme, 1952 provloes for'exemption' as under:

"The appropriate Government may by order and subject to such conditions~as m.aybe specified in the order exempt from the operation of all or any of the prt,visionsof this Schemeany class of employees to whom the Schemeapplies: 1 '

Provided that such 'CIaSS of employees is entitled to benefits in the n~ture ofProvident Fund, gratUity or Qldage pension according.to the rules of the factory orother establishment and such benefits separately or jointly are on the wt)ole notless favourable than the benefits provided under the Act and this Scheme". I



Page 4: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds andMiscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment Jetter dated01.04.2008, all cases of grant of exemption shalf be placed before the Central Board ofTrustees, EPF for consideration before sending the same to Appropriate Government. Thecopy of the Ministry~sDO Jetter dated 01.04.2008 is placed as Annexure-1A (Page No.3).

1.5 Before placing a proposal in the CBT, EPF, its suitability is·.scrutinized with respect.to the provisions for grant of exemption as contained under section 17 of the of theEmPloyees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. Further in view of theguidelines issued by· Ministry of Labour &. Employment, Government of India vide theirletter dated 27.02.2007, as placed at Anriexure - 18 (Page Nos. 4-5), all RPFCsshallfurnish a certificate after due verification carried out at their end:with regard to the TenPoint Check list. :

1.6 Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govemment of India has also issued dlrectionsto the effect that the proposals shall be forwarded only if the latest Compliance AuditReport is found to be satisfactory. Hence compliance audit coverihg all the points as I

mentioned under the revised condltlons for grant of exemption is undertaken and a copyof the said report is ready to be forwarded to the Appropriate Govemment.

1.7 Central Board of Trustees in its 20rt meeting held on" 13.01.2014 authorized itsSub-Committee on Exempted Establishments to consider exemption proposals subject toratification by the Board, as a one-time arrangement which has been necessitated becauseof large number of pi-oPosals required to be considered in the current year in view ofIncome Tax exemption to the Trusts managing their own Provident Fund only up to31.03.2014; A copy of the agenda itel!' No. 36 and the minutes of the 202nd meeting of the "CSTare annexed herewith as' Annexure -lC "(PageNos. 6-7) and Annexure -lD (PageNos. 8-20) respectively. Terms of reference of the Committee on Exempted Establishmentsis placed as Annexure - 1E (Page Nos. 21-26). :

1.8 A list of establishments as .indicated in AnneXure - :IF (Page Nos. 27-59)approved by CPFC is now placed before the Sub-Committee: for consideration andrecommendation to Appropriate Government on behalf of the Central Board of Trustees,EPFin accordance with the proviso to Section 17 of the Act.

Proposal: The Sub-Committee is requested to consid.er and recOmmendthe proposals in respect of establishments indicated inAnnexure -iF to the Appropriate Govemm~nt on behalf of theCentral Board for grant of exemption.


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Page 5: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment




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NEW DELHI.' \0119

S.K.SrlvastavaJoint Secretary

Tele: 23710178•••afjl,-,:J,





O.O.No.S~350i5/8/2007·SS. II April 1, 2008

f .--\)(I.A \.....J,.\.-c:::.., ~ \ \....1:." •...<;


As you; are aware section 17(1) of the Employees' Provident_ Funds &Miscellaneous provisions Act, 1952 provides that appropriate Government may, inter olia,exempt any establishment from the operations of any Schemes subject to the conditionthat such exemption shall be made after consultatIon with Central Board of Trustees(EPF).

2. The Ministry is receiving a number of cases of establishments recommendingexemption under Section 17(1) of the Act and para 27A of EPFScheme. In these cases, asdecided in some earlier meetings, of Centr~1 Boar~ of Trustees (EPF), Central ProvidentFund Commissioner has been exercising the powers of the Board while recommendingthe cases to the appropriate Government.

. 3. This matter has recently:been examined in consultatlon with Department of LegalAffairswho have opined that under section SEof the Act, essential function of the CentralBoard of Trustees (EPF) like this function cannot be delegated and such delegation by theBoard under genera} powers of section SE of special function of consultation undersection 17 will not be permissible.

4. The matter has been brought to the kInd notice of Chairman, CST/Hon'ble LEMwho has also concurred with these Viewsand It has been decided that henceforth all suchcases of exemption be pia before the Central Board of Trustees (EPF) for considerationbefore sendingd ,.~o• roprlate Government as per the provisions of the Act.

s. tn vi .~!~-$ove, I s II be ,rateful if you could kindly take further action inthis su ~ ~~~ccordingIY.

~\:, ~ t"\,~~~ 0~. '~ t tl.,.\'b

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Page 6: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

ANNEXURE- 1~ ;,. '1/

.~ l{li ~ 4·~fctT.l. ~ lRCrn

J)f4 ~ ~t ~ llTr1.~ ~-lIOOOl


SHRAM SHAKTI F ~WAN.RAFI MAnG .. NEW DELHI·110001February 27, 2007

,V(~I: . . .

refer to Ministry's d.o. letter bearing no. S-35015119/2003~SS-1\ Galp.d7th

Jan., 2004 from the then Joint Secretary regarding in rporation of nine- OiAl .. t}~Ck-" list in the EPFO's proposal while sending the same to e nus ry see~ing exer. .ptionto establishments under -the EPF & MP Act. 1952. . ~ .

j~(:p1> 2. ~s you are aware that due to changes in the Income Tax Act, 196~announced'lni ~ the Budget 2006-07, a number of establishments are seeking exemption under the.; ~~~ ~ MP A~t. 1952 before 31-3-20?7 in a time bound m~nner. I\~a. part of the

(~! . Initiative for disposal of such 'cases In a speedy and efficient manna,r It has been'I ~. . decided that EPF0 should incorporate one more check point to the existing ninEIf'polllt; '0 . check list viz, . j ,, ; \

"Whether the establishment is fulfilling the prescribed conditions [after grant ofrelaxation under Para 79 of the EPF Scheme, 1952 and that there is ~o violation of

, ! these conditions". \

• : 3. ' .. Hence, a. sta~dardizad fo~ard~ lett~ .;~y ~ ~~vised" ~,n~ioning- the.!. .(9quls!te check pOlnt~ In a syst.ematlc mOOQ~r.ReV!~'i~'i1:"~'~t ~..he",ll~t ISenclosed! : hereWIth. Further thls ten-point check-fist shoUld be fitled In and sIgned by the.r;..):1 Competent officer concerned of the E~FO and not by t~e establish'!'enl. Since CaT.• "" ;; EPF has delegated powers to CPFC for recommending exemption cases to the~::::'nCentral ~ovemment,. EPFO's leUer sbould clearly mention that the exemption proposaltY1 bas the.approval of t7e CPF~.

~...r- 4. I shall be gr~teful jf you could arrange to furnish the proposal in. respect of· each establishment i~ future on the above lines so that the same could be exa "i1ed• and processed in the Ministry in a more efficient and time-bound manner It ~nCl'i

kindly be enscred thal the proposals received from EPFO are complete in .311Clel.~I!.i

~/ \,• vVith regards, . '.J

. . \ ~\ . ~ ~ ., •. A-'-' ;.

~7\ ' -~:ll~~). Jv ,- ~ou~~":t!~~. ~t"~C~ j' _,?,j/ 1('. (:l, I _

• ~ • ~ _ So f?-- \ Jt. "<'" cl ?1_1)-<(.'·; "7.J.,.r- .. DY'o 't-lO"" ~r .( RJOT KAiJijt .,• ShriA~Viswanathan, ~.v. \oJ' V ,'"

Central Providant Fund Com~issioner. . " r 0~ '\ ~ ;. .~.~J:. Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, U , ~'1\ .: t\. rJf. '..,f'-,,\ \\ 6hikaii Cama Place, \.. .... ~ '" 'itr ,tv .' .r.;."

. ~elhi-110 066., (\ ./ A \. ~ 4· .~. ' .





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Page 7: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

Ten-point check list which should be furnished al~ngwlth the proposalfor exemption to the Ministry

1. W~ether a board of trustees bas been created· under the chairmanshipoflemployer?

2. Whether all the eligible employees are enrolled as members?3. Whether the accounts will be maintained electronically and all the

members will be able to see their account balance from the computerterminals? If not, the reasons therefor, and by what time accounts areexpected to be maintained electronically?

4. Whether board of trustees have furnished a copy of prescribedundertaking to the RPFC concerned as per the ·condition no. 22.contained in Appendix A to the EPF Scheme, 1952? If yes, a copy ofthe same to be enclosed.

5. Whether the employer and the board of trustees have furnished theundertaking as per condition no. 23 contained in Appendix A to theEPF Scheme, 1952? If yes, a copy of the same to be enclosed.

6. Comparative statement of benefits admissible wider the EPF & MP.Act, 1952 and the Scheme proposed by the establishment on the basisof which it is concluded that the Scheme of the establishment is atleast comparable with those of the Act? .

7. Mechanism proposed by the EPFO/RPFC to ensure that establishmentis complying with the provisions of the conditions for grant of Iexemption. . -

8. Name of the RPFC in whose jurisdiction the establishment falls.9. Payments, which need to be made by the establishment to EPFO even I

aft~Lgnml of exemption.10.Whether the establishment is fulfill ing the prescribed conditions after

grant of relaxation under Para 79 of the EPF Scheme 1952 and there, -is no violation of-the same?

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Page 8: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment





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item No. 36 Authori;dng the. eoramlttee on' Exempted~~~lIshments' (A Sub-CommIttee of the CAantralBoard) for consideration of the proposals for grant ofexemption to the e5tablishmen.ts \ subject toratification.

36.1 Proposals for grant of exemption to establishments from the operation of theEmployees' Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 under Section 11(1}(a) Employees' ProvidentFunds & Miscellaneous Provlslons Act, 19S2 and under Section 17(2) of the Act read wIthParagraph 27A or the Employees' Proyldent Fund Scheme. 1952 received from field.offices are examined in the Head Office with reference to the guidelines on the subjectissued from time to time.

~6.2 Section 11:(l} of the Act stipulates that "'no such exemption sholl be made exceptafter consultarToi, with the Central Board which on such consultation shaJI/orword itsviews on exemption to the appropriate Government wIthin such time limit as may bespecified in the S~eme".

36.3 Once the proposals are found to be complete in all respects, the same are placed

before the Cent~al Board for consideration and recommendation to the Appropriate

Government for grant of exemption and notification thereof within such time limit as maybe specified in the Scheme.

36.4 Once the proposals are considered and approved by the Central Board. they areforwarded to the ApproprIate Government with the recommendation for grant ofexemption andnotificatlcn in the Official Gazette.

3.6.s. Clause (ea) was inserted in Ru\.e4 of Part-A of Fourth Schedule to the Income-taxAct, 1961 vide Finance Act, 2006 to provide that recognition to a provident fund underthe Income-tax Act shan be restricted to only such funds:

a) Whlth are covered under sub-seenon (3) or sub-section (4) of Section 1 of theEPF & MP Act, 1952; and'

b) Which have been exempted under Sectlon 17 of the EPF& MP Act i952 from.. , . .the operation of any scheme framed therein. .

36.6 It was also provided that the funds approved prior to 31.03.2006 sh~1I not be

eligible for Income-tax' benefit if they did not satisfy the conditions set out in qlause (ea)of Ru\es 4 by 31.03.2007. Accordingly, EPFOwas required to take necessa,.J action in

respect of the funds recogniz~d under the lncome-tsx Act on or before 31.0].2006 andwho did not s'ati~fy the conditIons stipulated in clause [ea] of Rule 4 of Part 'Ai 01 Fourth

Schedule to the Income-tax Act. The time period given in the statute was initiCJ1'Y for one

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Page 9: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

year, which has been extended several times by legislative intervention vide Finance Acts

of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

36.1 While extending the time limIt UII 31.03.2014, Ministry of Finance, Government

of India made it clear that there will no further extension of the time limit.

36.8 Approximatalv, 260 proposals for exemption are pending ~n the part of EPFO.Some of them are under the process of examination at Head OffICe ~Ieveland some are at

the level of field offices. The processing of the proposals takes rime.as the same are to begiven complete shape In consultation with the field offices before p~acln8 the same to the

Centra~ Board for conslderatlon.

36.9 The Government of lndla, Ministry of Labour & Employment in their letter dated

01.04.2008 issued direction to EPFO that all such cases of e~emption b-e placed before

the Central Board for consideration before sending the same to Appropriate Government

as per the provisions of the Act. The proposals which are sent to Appropriate

Government for grant of exemption shall be routed through the Central Board only. The

said direction Is placed at Annexure 3G-A.

36.10 Proviso to Paragraph 11 of the Employees' Provident Funds Scheme, 195-2

provides that the Central Board shall meet atleast twice in each financial year. The last..meeting (201S1

) of the Central Soard was held on 25.02.2013. Durlng the current year,

2013-14, no meeti~B. ~f t.h~.~oard could be held till date.

36.11 In view of above, it may not be possible \0 obtain the approval of the Central{. Board within 31.03.2014 for all the proposals which are In order before forwarding the

same to the Appropriate Government for grant of exemption and notification thereof In

the Official Gazette. This may lead to undesirable deadlock.

36.12 To overcome such posslble deadlock, it Is proposed that the power vested in theBoard for considering and recommending the proposals to Appropriate Government (forgrant of exemption and notification thereof) may be delegated to the Sub-Committee of. . .the Central Board 00 Exempted Establishments. All such proposajs which are approved bythe Sub-Committee and sent to Appropriate Government wil! be put up to the Central

Board in their subsequent meeting for Information and ratificatiqn.

36.13 Such delegation of power will streamline and expedite the processing ofexemption proposals to some extent.

Proposal The Central Board is requested to consider and accordapproval to the proposal of authorizb~g the Sub-Committee onExempted establishments for conslderatlon of the propos.alafor r&commendlng to Appropriate Government for grant of.exemption to the establishments subject to ratification.



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Page 10: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

r i ,••••~







. IThe 202nd meeting of the Central Board of Trustees', Employees' Provid~n.t Fund

• I(e81, EPF) was held under the Chairmanship of Shrj Oscar Fernandes, Chairman tBT, EPF

and Union Minister of Labour & Employment. The following members attended the

MINUTES OF mE 202nd CBT MEETING. (NEWDELHI; 13 January 2014i 1030 AM)


1. Ms. Gauri··KumarSecretary:(Labour & Employment)Government of India, New Delhi

2. Shri PKPujari, AS& FAMini~try of Labour & EmploymentGovernment of India, New Oelhl

3. Sore Arun·.Kumar Sinha, ASMinistry of labour &

Centra! Governmentrepresentatives

202ac I':-.:·;\\n; ".~ :...·£T·;-·~ilf, 13.01.201·l. P.:JS·,:l•

4.Ministry Of finance,

S. StIr; Anim.esh Bharti,Ministry ~f LabourGovernment of I

6, Shri K.K.Jalan,

7. Shri JP ChowdhCN'Y8. Shri Sharad PaW9. Shri Ravi Wig-10. Or. UD Choubey11. Shri Sadish Jindal12. Shri BP Pant13. Shri Sushanta Sen14. Shri G.P. Srivastava15. Or R~m Tarneja,16. Shri 55 Patil

17. Sllri Virijesh Upadhyay18. Sh'ri M JagdeeShW3fCl Rao19. Shri Ram:Klshore Tripathy

(vice ShrrAD Nagpal)20. Shri Dl ~chdeva21. Shri Ash~k Singh22. Shri Krisnna Chakraborty

(vice Shri Shankar Sana)23. Shri Ram~nPandey

ral PF Commissioner

Employers' representatives


Page 11: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

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.\.;.:.p' 2311017.·~No..s.3S01S/8/200". SS.II

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April 1. 2008

A.$ you arc aW,), I! secucn 1711} of the Employees' Provldenl Fund5 &MI~cellilJ\eous PtovlSiori~Ad, 19S2 provides that ilppropriate Govern:ment may, inter 01/0,QXempt ilny e5t~blish/l)cnl from the operations or any ~chemes subject b~ the conditionthat such ~Ke",p~;c.:-I ~.!j.:.1/ lw.madl::' .f'et COI'su4::»tlo •• with 'Cenh'~l't-c.?,rd IJr;rr~a.~~C:S(EP!=), - ...•• ' .

2. The Mini~((rts rCCI.'IV/I\K ,I number 01 ans of establishments recommendingexemptIon under 5I!c.;.)n 11(1) of lh! Act and pata 2M 01EPFScheme, In these eases, asdeJlded In some earlier mec:t,n8s of Cenlr'al S'04I'1'o( Trustees (EPF), Centr3\ P(ovldent

~ Fuld Commissioner has ueen ~xet'istn8 the powers of the Board wilDe recommending,. thj casesio theapproprtar e Governmeni, ..' .: ..~ I ' ,

~ 3. {, . Thismatter has re(ently e e en exarnined in consultation wIth Department onega\Affairs who halft ~/pined that under sectlon S~ Of the Act, essential functIon of the Centr.ll~ , .

~ ~rd 01 T,uueas (E.~F) like this func\ion cannOl be delegated and SUdl delegation by thaj .B9ard under general powers of $ec~iol'l SE or specla) function of consultation under111 $tf~17,wd\ not be permissible. I' •

i 4.~ 'The matter has.~ce" broll(l.hl lo the \:Ind ~'ite of Chairman. CBT/Hoo'ble LEM,Itj w~C?h\lS a~oconcurred,wi\h the)!;' views and it h~' ~een decided tliat henceforth aUsud\.;. cases or eltemption be pl.,,'¥ lJl!lorf! Ihe Cenlral Soard ofTru$letS tePFl for ccnslderation

~ b1f~r.".dinA~~f'O"~roprl.' •.G""C~o",.n'.~'.?"'h'provl~'n. of Ih~~:i~5.1·· ,~.' 4.o..t:i1~~.:#,~ve. I ~\I be ,fateful if you ~ould klndlv take f~rther actlon in~~ t~i$~'U ~m~,~~ccordin..8Jy. \. .',-. r " .,,~.,(i ~ {o;." , '\~\) ,. ,'i- v

: ' o~ '" \~(1 : _ ~" 1U~' ~ - ~J. /'

~w::~:~~."?~':,\~ C~ptt~ProYidant FUt\~(O~~~h .•..i\lJll,:r. \ ,'\ ~,~

. Erno(ovao,' P,'ovidl't'li FIU.d O:Il.mi ••:,:;ol\ '.;«' .\ ••, \.~~I'-::a.4~~-


Yours Sincerely..~ *. ~~I...I..J', \..\ I •••

I - •

'\" ~<) t(S.K.Sri\'3'ltava)



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' •.:••••·.-.


24. ShrfAX Padmanabhan25. Shri Prabha,kar J Banasure

Shri Sanjay Prasad, PriocJpai Se""taty (labour &Employment), Gujarat .Shri 5.s. Randawa, Ale. labour Department,PunjabShrf v.s. ArVa, Joint labour Cotnmlssioner, DeihlShri Glri Raj Singh, Principal Se~tary (labour &Employment. Rajasthan.Ms. Nandita Gupta, labour Commissfoner &,Director (Employment), Himachal Pradesh






~ollowlng members could not attend the meeting and were granted leave of absence: 1::..:.

L Sh Ie Suresh Vice ChairmanMinister of State for labour & Emptoyment l

2. DrGSanjeeva Reddy Employees representa4i!


~rinclpatSecretaryPrincipal Secretary UII ••••••••.•• Pt!i~i:af,>rindpat SecretaryPrincipal SecretarYPrincipal SecretaryPrincipal Secn~tary (Principal Secretary (tal~~u.~trycmaPrincipal Secretary \UlUU''''ttX-C!I

Principal Secretary (labour),12, Principal Secretary (Labour), West


The list of the.offtcers of the Employees' PFOrganisation who attended the meetingIs appended as Anne~ure A to these minutes.

At the outset,:CPFC welcomed the Chairman and Members. The Board observed twominutes' silence in memory of former Chairman of the CST,EPFand Hon'ble former UnionMinister of Labour s:Employment. ShrfSis Ram Ola ji. A condolence message to be sent to

. ~the family of Shri Ofawas also adopted by the Board •

TJ:lereafter, B~ard welcomed first time members to the Board s/Shri Prabhakar JBanasure, Vlrljesh:' Upadhvav. emplovees' representatives, SS patil. employers'representatives of sta.te Governments of Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh .

The agenda items were, thereafter, taken up for discussion.

Page 13: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment



Item Np.l: Confirmation of the minutes of 201st CBr meeting held on 2S.02.2013~ .IThe minutes of the meeting circulated on 08.03.2013 were confirmed by the Board.i

Item ~o: 2: Action Taken .Statement in respect of decisions taken upto the 201" CBr

meeti1g held on 25.02.2013.

2.1 !Noted.

2.2 jNoted.

2.3 ~Noted. 5hri Ravi Wig stated th~ Permanent Account Numbers need to be issuedurgent~ to facilitate extension. of PF benefits to all especially peripatetic workers. It wasassured that the matter ~iII be looked into. Secretaiy (l&E) informed that EPFO has alreadybeen instructed to come up with a timeline for ,this purpose.

2.4 to 2.15 Noted.

2.16 .R1!)eineaty requesting amendments in.. members. It was informed that

of the 'Ministry and t~eof comprehensive

comprehensive amendmentsproposal will be suitablyamendments.

S/Shri MJ Rao, Ol Sachdevato contractual ellJPloyeesbeen extended ESI benefitsexamine the issue and take

of extension of PF benefitsof such employees have

(l & Erdirected ACC{C) to

Item No.3: Purchase of ready '~sidential :apartments to beconstructed by NBCC (Govt: of India enterprise) at East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi.

The Board approved the agenda as contained in the memorandut;n. A few members,. .

. however, stated (hat such proposals should have prior approval of the Cent~al !loa rd. Theyalso pointed out that meeting of the Board are not held regularly. The merpbers wereinformed that since time bound action was required to be taken ;n the matter and .therewas no time to go through all the formalities beforehaod~ action was taken after obtainingthe approval of the then Chairman, Executive Committee and Chairman, CST.

Item NO.4: Recovery of excess amount of Pen~ion drawn by Shri Sukndeo Sharma Madhup,UDC [Retd], Patna from 01.02.200~ onwards.

CPFC informed that a revised agenda has been circulated on the table today. EPFOwas instructed to see-.if there was any ane1e of toUuslon and to take suitable action if casewas made out. EPFO was also directed to Investigate If similar cases were In existence. Itwas also decided that strict instructions shouk! be issued so that such <lases do not recur.




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The Board approved the agenda as (ontained in the revised memorandum.


Item No.5: Reconstitution of ExecUtIve Committee - Elet~lo.n of the representatives ofemployers' and en.pJoyees' to the ExecutiYe COmmittee of the Central Board of Trustee$.

The Board authorized the ChaIrman to nominate, government representatives to theExecutive Committee. The Board unanimously recommended following representatives tothe Executive Committee:-



representatives andlfI1tmelnaE~a that the Finance &

and Audit Committee (FlAC}

following were recommended for nomInatIon to the sub-Comrnltteesr-






'SI No.142..3.4.S.6.

Name of the MemberDr G Sanj~va ReddyShri MJ RaoShri;AD Nagpat .Dr UD ChoubeySO Badish JindalShri:.RaViWi! (for the Orst teJm of two and ahal(years)Sh Sharad PatH(to replace ShrJand:.a half

Investment Committee beand shirl' took after audit related

FINANCE INVESTEMENT AND AUDIT COMMITTEEst. No. Name of the Member1. Shri Ram Tarneja2. Shri J.P. Chowdhary3. Or G Sanjeeva Reddv4. Shri PJ. Sanasure

PENSION IMPLEMENTTION COMMITTEE1. ShriG.P..Srivastava2. Shrl Sharad PaUl3; Shri Vlrijesh Upadhyay4 Shri OLSachde~


Page 15: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment



Shri B.P. PantShri Susanta SenShri A.K. PadmanabhanShri Ashok Singh


I ~


The Committee on Exempted Establishments sh••U also consid~r the pendingexemption proposals where relaxation has been granted before 31.03.2013 ~nd which havebeen submitted in the current financial year on behalf of the Central80ard andrecommendthe same to Appropriate Government for- grant of exemption. This will be a one-timearrangement which has been necessitated because oflarge number of proposals requkedtobe considered in the current year in view of Income Tax exemption being available to trusts .managing their own PFonly up to 3L03.~014_

Atl other functions of different Sub-Committees of the. Central Board shall be asproposed in the agenda.

of the Employees' Provident

i. lot of amount is on them.ii. PSUsaccount for a soeclal recovery should be

thought of ~oaddressiii. Singapore CPFhas a schemehc)u$inS benefits to:its PFmembers.

For this purpose EPF delegation had visited Singapore to study the-same few yearsago, EPFO should think of a Scheme onthese lines.

iv. It may be ascertained whether a case exists (or redudng Administrat~ve Charges.v. Permanent account number- for PF members is required urgently.

Shri MJ. Raomade following pointsr-

i. Huge emount of arrears, especially the Not Immediately Realisable .(NIR) category isa cause of concern.

ii. The Board had earlier recommended that High Courts be approached for setting upspecial benches (or EPFrelated matters; there has been no progress in the matter.

iii. There should be no pendency in settlement of pension cases, especially deathld~lms.

iv:- Ev~n though Annual Acsounts slips conbin columns for Date of Birth, Date of JoiningI _ .

~fI~ nomination but in most of the cases. the field is left blank. Th.e fields must becompleted and [Tl(!mbers informed so that they can request for moomcatiPns, if any.





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v. Growth In funds invested was declining. This needs to be analysed and put up ~eforeithe~rd. II



\Shri Ashok Singh made following points: .•


The benefits In death cases be expedited;II. The nomination of the menibers needs to be collected at the time they become

Provident Fund members.iIi. Rate of groWth in membetship is very low vis-a-vis the growth in number of

establishments covered. this needs to be looked Into.. . .Iv. The Information about membership. should be Indicated In three categories viz.

contributing!non-contrlbuUn&/inoperative.v. Unique no. for PFmembers should be issued on priority.vi. EPFOshould go for universat number and centralisation of database .

Shri A.K.Padmanabh~n made following pofnts:-

i. Pension cases-need to beif. Exempted establishmentsiii. Arrears are a cause for

Shri D.L SachdeVa stat:ecPwat:1hE!'Ji!tiil&tflf"JtJOI!J!ri~the Annual Report. Sri

are not furnished inremuneration is very leSsneeds to be revised.

revamped. Generally claimsemerge in the report for ~"".I~";'iU';;J'~

establlshments has been released on 1-I4;.., ••••"'Y..I~••

. .pe.n.sf~nprocesstng is beingand much better picture shalf

Sottwiilre for monitoring exemptedit Jsexpected to considerably improve

the process. CPfC~Iso infonned the sOard that the issue of permanent PF accou~ numberto members and centralJzation of accounts is under active condderation and an update

status would soon be provided to the 8oanf.

Secretary (L& E)made the fol1owingobsetvations:-

I. The Issue as t~ whether' outstanding EPF dues can be brought under SARFAESIAct·(The Securitization and Reconstruc:tlon of flnandal Assets and Enforcementof Securities Act. 20(2) may be Ulken up with the Department of FinancialServices (t?FS,. Ministry of tJOsnce- (MoF).

II. It may be ascertained as to whe~ standing ins-tructions can be given to thebanks on deductlon of PFdues from employers' account so that the active daysrequIred ~r collectJon of such dues is recJuced.


Page 17: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

/III. In order to ensure the PSUs do not default in remittance of PF. dues, the matter

requires to be taken up with the 'concerned administrative Oe'partments as wenil$ wit h Ministry of Finance.

IV. As regards providing housing to the members. the US law for HOPA 1995 mayalso be studied alongwith the provisions enforced by (he Singapore PF

authorities, ,, '

V; Specific timelines be fixed for claim settlement pertaininc to death cases.VI. Special campaign may be organlsed for an early settlement ~f Court cases on

arrears.VII. The matter of inoperative accounts requires urgent attention. it is the liability of

fPfO to identify the members. especially of those .establishments which haveeither been closed or are under liquidation. and settle 'their claims. A' special

drive may be launched for this purpose.. . ,

VIII. Service level benCh-marks may be fixed for all major items of work of EPFOand the process of service delivery should be simplified,

The timeline for grievance be improved further.Coverage of newry be monitored closely $0 as to

of ellslbie employees.be analysed and put up


i before FIAC.~1"' The criteria for

IrterVening in the dkifij;ssic~~statutory wage ceiling isreducti9n in administrativealso stated that it is befng can be worked out forcompanies to self declare their PF of all employees on their rolls and paythe due~ electronically everY month. Chairman requested the members to consider the

possibili~y of a Housing Scheme .lor the provident fund members by taking additionalcofltribJtion from them so that on superannuation they can be assured of some shelter onthe line~ of the facility extended by the Singapore Provident Fund., He fU'1he~ observed thatthe nanie of the nominee should always be Included in the details to be submitted by themember and a system should be put in place 50 that claims are settled within hours and not

that revision of

days as ~sthe present practjce.

With these observations the Board approved the Annual Report 2012·13 of the EPFO,

ltern No, 8: Audited Annual Account In respect of Employees' Provident Fund S~eme,1952, Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 and Employees' Deposit Linked InsuranceScheme, 1~76 for the financial year 2012-13. ',-. .

FA & CAO explained the salient features of the audited Annval A«Qunt$. It wasstated that action has alre~dy been initiated on all the observatloos made by-the




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{8-1 IComptroller & Auditor Gen~ral. The matter was dem-red andit was decJded to adopt theaudited Annual Accounts for thefin~nclal year 201208 with the following observations ofSecretary (l&E):-


A pro-active effort should ~ made to_e non-operative accounts.Since, the legal position regarding ~payment of interest in case ofInoperative acCounts Is stili not~ear • .-&ionmav be kept forthls purpose.All matterS perta'n!rt8 to lepcyincasnf 3cx:Ountsshould be listed out aridplated before the Fina~ 'nYestmentand Audit ~ee which ;shouldlook Into these I~, come out witlnolution to each prOblem, fix~a timeframe for addressing them and ",on't~ Implementation.All .accounts:shol.lld.be updated'by lIJ)3.2014 and adequate prd,visionsshould be made for this purpose. 1The issues~uiredto ,llti taken up Wi6stateJ~ank of Jndla should b, listedand actIorftnlriat8dOn them.lhi'iy issuerequ'reS te be dealt wlth·at t~e levelof Department of financial Servf\:eSitRsame may be brought to the! notice

':-:,.,,''->_'-' '. -. ' ,: t ',_ --,

of Ministry of labOur ! .Oear SOP should from Inoperative a~ts.,

monitor and lrevlew

on expendltur~ whiJe

Ifthlr"OUll!l1 the observation~ raised

provisions have alrea~ been ., '; .' . I

made in Interest Suspense Ac(Ol.tnt " . amount of interest which is duel underinoperative account .·Isbeing used -fordeddinS""therate <>,' interest on Provident FlIn~deposits for the year 2013-14. It felt that it vioold bei'tappropriate oot to give dues to theemployees as perrhe provisiQnsof the· Scheme. The)Board, therefore. decided torecommend to the ~m.ent. that Provident FundaccouA.t hOlders be given interest atthe rate of 8.75% per annum for the year 2013-14.








Item No.9: Declaration of

by the Ministry of Finance. lb •..

Item No. 10: Appointment of a Consultant foc Selection of Portfolio Manager,Custodian, Concurr~~t Auditorand Pedormance Evaluation of Portfolio Managers

Members of ~he were apprised that the Hon'bIe Minlster-cum-Chairman has alreadynominated Shrl Sharad Patil ClndOr. G.5anJeevaReddyas rIlem~rs of th~ Committee toselect the Consutta~t. The Boardratifled the same. The BOitrd also ratified the earlIer.aetiontaken by the EPFO in thisrecard. Secretary (l&E) observed that the tenns ofreference for selection of portfolio manager$ should specifically indicate that there is no


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conflict of1interest to the extent that EPf funds are used for investment in the parentcompanie~ of the portfolio managers.


Item No. 4~:Pattern of Investment 2008 nodfied by Ministry of Labour & Employment

ThJ Board took note of the proposal as contained in th~ agenda.~ .

Item No. i2: Additional Investment Gu"idelines for 200s P8ttern of Investment

After delill,crations. the Board decided to refer the matter to finance, Investment and AuditCommittee for taking appropriate action. AS & FA. Ministry of· 'labour & Employmentobserved that investment in SOLcategory shouid be restricted to states following prudentfinancial n~rms. further, investment under this c.atesory should be evenly dis~ributed.

Item No. '13: Correctio,} of name and date of. birth·Qf PF member - Provislon in theApplicatio.n software- Subsequent amendments in the Mcan\lal of Accounting Procedure ofEPFO.

Item. No. 14: Amendment Part JI-A for

The Board approved

that the name of the nomida with the observation

Item No. is: IncreaSing(Account No.2) & EDU .lI.~,.•.•;nkh:!

-in EPF: Administration

The Board approved the

Item No. 16; Ust of in~ligible casesfor waiver of damages rejected by~F.c.

The Soard took note of the proposal placed befo~ it.

Request for waiver of damages (item No. 17 to 27)- The agenda as c~ntained in itemnumbers 17 to 21 were approved by the Board with the rider that th~ waiver would be Qnlyin respect of unpaid damages.

Members raised the issue of certain types of indwtries such as SMEs MSMfs,plantations etc which ate outside the ambit of SARFAESI,which was raised earlier and needto have a separate mechanism. It was decided this may be discussed In Finance. Investmentand Audit Committee. Secretary (l&E) observed that the idea of (ormins a joint lenders'forum may be explored in this regard. It was decided that this may be further deliberated inFinance, Investmenfand Audit COmmittee.





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Item No 28: Grant o! exemption under section 17 of th~ Emplo~es' Provident Funds andMisGenaneous ProvisIons A~, 1952 and Para 27A of the Empl~y~s' Provident Funds

Scheme. 1952 by Appropriate GOvernment. •

CPFC.nformed the Board that a supplementary agenda note circulated earlier hasalso been placed on the table.

It was informed to the Hon'bte Members that In most of the cases which are broughtbefore the Board, the establishments are enjoyfna the relaxation for years together and theissue Is b~ught before the Board for regularizing the relaxation and recommending to theappropriate Government for a final dedsion in the matter. After deliberati9l's, it wasdecided that 'I"! a~ the cases induded in the present agenda be recommended to theappropriate Govemm~ for taldng a decision. The Board also dedded that it should beseen ttiat none of these establishments are In default. It was further decld~ that it detailedSOP for granting exemption should be brourt before the Ex~cutlveCOmmittee forconsideration.

As regards Ta~ MarcopoJowhich is pending In the offICeearlier. The Board d~idedrecommended from the

relaxation has been grantedMarcopolo Motors ltd. be

With these nh.u.",..,.ei

agenda.as contained in the

Item No. 29: 13th VaJuationReport submitted by Sh. P.A.

Item No 30: Proposal on amendment· of Para 3%(1) of EPS, 95-Annua' Valuation ofEmpfoyeesi PensSon~ .

The Board decided to continue with .innual valUation of the E~~,oyees' Pe~sjonFund.

!~" ).(j 2 :1d ::' l' ': , I I' ': .:;; (:;,;.; 1:P f. 1.3.01 20 1 .l ~.,"~., ')..

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Item No 32~Revised Estimates for the year 2013-14 and Budget Estimates for the year2014·15 for EPFO and Schemes administered by EPFO.

Since details were not brought about clearly. _The Board dec~ed that the RevisedEstimates (2013·14) and Budget Estimates (2014-15) to be placed ~efore the ExecutiveCommittee who were delegated the power to approve it.

Item No. 33: Delegation of AdministratiVe and Flnandal POYt(ers to ~ief Engineer. PFD.EPFO.

.The Board aRProved the proposal as contained in the agen~a.

Item No 34: Grant of Senior Time ScaJeof P83 Rs.15600.39100/- Grade Pay Rs. 6600/- toregular APFCs after com pletlon of S year$ -Implementation date clarification.

The Soard decided that since matte(' is a~mplexone, a detailed ana Ivs is be made ofthe whole proposal and placed before Exetutive Committee for consideration.

establishments to liquidate. \

The Board approved

Item No. 36: Authorizingof the Central Board)establishments subject to

The Board approvedproposals subject to ratification

lIftjrv'i.tP>r1 to .consider exemption

arrangement which has beennecessitated because of large number to be considered In the currentXear in view of Income Tax exemption being available to trusts managing their own PFOnly

// up to 3103.2014.

Item N.o.37: Agenda for amendment to the Employees' Deposit linked Insurance Scheme,1976.

The Board was informed that actuarial v;,luation of the ED.LI Scheme 1976 isunderway. Board decided that pending finalisalion of the actuarial valuation. an interimaddition,,1 benefit of 20% over and above what is admissible uncer the promions of theScheme be allowed to beneficiaries.

Shri MJ.Rao stated that there is a need for providing medical benefit to members byamending Section 6C of 'the Act. It was felt that this issue has alre~dy been raised earlieralso be studied further..


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iiItem No.3,8: SUuested Issues bVfew CST members. !

• I

The Board decided that whenever any fraud is discovered civil and criminal 4ction

shaH be taken against delinquent emplOyers. II

Members desired that the contact details of EPF officers be updated regularly on


The Board ap~reciated thitt agenda and mInutes of CBTand EC are available on web.n was desired that agenda and minutes of all sub-Commlttees of the Board and Executive

Committee be also put on web. The Board also directed to explore the possibility of settingup of information kiosks in all offices of EPFOso that stake holders could access Informationthrough such kiosks directly .

Sh MJ Rao raised the Issue of installation of 11ftin the SROVlshakhapatnam. Shrf A.K.Padmanabhan stated.: that the Issue of office building tor SRO Tambaram needs to beresolved at the eartlest.

workers money. He also ra'~;Art.mto

workers engaged In "~rious


~ ~ .202nd nI~~·lul.Gof CDT [Il!. 13.01 ~014 ' P..J::~L?-------

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ANNEXUR~ ::-1~ :"":."o-C)




By Speed PosJFax: 011-26186517

Telephone: 011- 26178343"cpsfi4R\ ~ f.dir Wwr

(-5R ~ ;(1",1"1( ¥1'51I{'tq !Iffi' -W(q;I't)Employees' Provident Fund Organisation

(MInistry of labour & Employment, Govt. Of India)ljUll Cfif4f(rlU/Head Office : _

~ ~.~. 14-iflct>IGfr CIWIT~. ~ ~110066Bhavishya Nldht Shawan, 14- Bhlkajt Cama Place, New Delhl-ll0066

No.Conf.4(3)2014/SUb-Committees/ / A Dated , 3 MkR 20\4To - - £'(<).'\-\1."

AllMembersCentral Board of Trustees, EPF

Reconstitution of Committee on Exempted Establishments, CBT, ""EPF-Regarding.SubJect:


1am directed to say that consequent to the reconstitution of the Central Board of Trustees.EPF, the competent authority has reconstituted the Committee on Exempted EStablishments, of the CaTconsisting of the following members:-


CPFC(Ex-offido) -,

Member'$Central ~ovt. representative 1) JS&FA, Ministry of labour & Employment

I 2) DIrector (55), MOl&EEmployers' Representative l} Shri B.P. Pant

j 2) Shri Susanta Sen; -.-- .EmPlOyerS' Representative 1) Shri A.K.Padmanabhan. 2)'SM Ashok Singb

Convenet ACC(Exemption), EPFO

2. The termS\Of reference of the committee on Exempted' Establishments areas under:

i) To oversee the working of exempted establishments in all respects and to make suggestions forconsi&eration of the Board to improve working of the exempted establishments.

ii) To constder and suggest additional guidelines for grant of exemption/relaxation.iii) To revlew the role of exempted trusts in the context of changing business environment and current

experience. ""M The Cpmmittee on Exempted Establishments shall also consider the pending exemption proposals

wher~ relaxation has been granted before 31.03.2013 and which have been submitted in currentfinanGialyear on behalf of the Central Board and recommend the same to Appropriate Governmentfor grant of exemption.This will be a one-time arrangement which has been necessitated becauseof large number of proposal-s required to be considered in the current year in view of Income Taxexemption being available to trusts managing their own PFonly up to 31.03.2014.

(This issues with the approval of the CPFC).

Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner (Conf.)


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Copy for information ~nd necessary actlon!-

1. PS to Hon'ble Chairmao Centra" Board of Trustees (EPF),Ministry of labour & Employment, ShramShaktLBhawan, New Deihl.

2. PS to Hon'ble Vice -Chairman Central Board of Trustees (EPF), Ministry of labour & Erttployment ShramShakti Bhawan, New Delhi. ~

.- 3. PS to Secretary labour & Employment"and Chairperson, Executive Committee (EPF), ~inistry of labour

& Employment, New Delhi. .. j4. PSto Additional Secretary (55), labour & Employment Ministry of labour & EmpJoym~~t, New Delhi.

5. PS to Joint Secretary (SS)/Director (55), Ministry of Labour & Emplovment, Shram ShJkti 8hawan, NewDelhi. I

6.' The Under Secretary, {55}Ministry of Labour & Employment, 5hram Shakti Bhawanl, New Delhi withrefer~nce to Ministry of l&E Letter No. V23Q12/01/2008-SS-11 Dated 03/03/2014. I .

7. AllDivisional Heads in Head Office. I8. The Section Officer, S5-.1 Section, Ministry of Labour& Employment, Shram Shakti Bhav}an,New Delhi.

9. PS to CPFC vide Dy. No .. 85882 dated 07/03/2014 ·1I

I ~ ._.~'1{P. K. Udgata}

10. Guard File.

Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner (Conf.)

Page 25: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

Item 10. 6,,~

6.1 the Central Soard of Trustees, Employees' Provident Fund has been reconstituted

vide Ga~ette notification No.V·2001~/1/2013-SS-JI dated 23.05.2013 for aperio" of five

years. ~hiS has necessitated reconstitutIon of the Commlttees/Sub·Committees of the


6,2 The Employees' Provident Funds & Misc. Provisions Act, 1952 provides forconstiultlon of Executive Committee under Section 5AA to assist the Board in discharge

of its f4nctlons, A separate agenda item proposing constitution of Executive Committee,CaT (E~f) is placed as Item No.3 in this agenda book for consideration of the Board.

£.3· ~here is no provision In Act and I or Schemes framed thereunder to provide for

constit~tjon of any other committees/sub-committees. However, as indicated below, the

Board, has from time to time constituted speci,nzed Comminees to assist the Board in

discharge of its functions:-

Reconstitution of other non. statutory Sub-Committees ofCentral Board of Trustees, Employees' Provident Fund.

'a) Finance & Investment Committee. b) Pension Implementation CommJ,tteec) Committee on Exempted Establishme,.ts

6.4 The functions of these Committees are given below: -

[a) Finance & Investment Committee:To oversee the investments being done at present by portfolio managers.To watch timely Investment of trust money with .a view to realizing theoptimum return thereon.To Issue suth directions, as ma.y be considered necess;iry, to the portfollomanagers in regard to investment •.re.'nvRStment of re~eniption proceeds,interest etc. with the Investment pattern provided by the Govt. from time totime; :'

•To recommend rate of Interest fqr the members of the Fund.Periodic review of utilization of the Special Reserve Fund.:To recommend formulation of guidelines for utilization of the Special ReserveFund.Any others work/responsibility that may be assigned by the Boa'rd.






(b) Pension Implementation Committee:

i. To review the functioning of the Emptoyees' Pension Scheme, 1995 includingcomputerization in EPFO, disbursement of pension etc.To consider suggestion/proposals for amendment in the Employees; PensionScheme, 1995.





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[e) Committee on Exempted Establishments:

i. To oversee the working of exempted establlsbments in all respects and tomake suggestions for consIderatIon of the Board to Improve working of theexempted establishments.

ii. To .conslder and suggest addition:tl guidelines for grant ofexemption/relaxatIon.

iii. To review the role of exempted trusts in the context of changing businessenvironment and current eJq)erience.

Iv. For consideration of proposals for grant of exemption to the establishmentssubjeGt to ratification.

6.5 As these ~mmittees are now requJred to be reconstituted following compositionis proposed:

SI. Name of·: the Sub- Ch$Jrman Representative of Domain COnvenerNo. Committee Expert

: EEs. ERs. Govt.Finance &', Investment

A. Committee CPFC 2 2 2 2 FA&CAO

(ex-officio) (EPFO)Pension Implementation

B. n Commtttee CPFC 2 2 2 2 ACC

;{~QQ):: (Pension)

Committee -C. on Exempted CPFC: 2 2 2 Nfl ACC

Establishments(ex-officio) (Comp.)

6.6 From time to time, Board had also constituted Sub-Committees fot specifict :

purposes as indicated below: -


Name of the CommIttee

Sub-Committee on study and implementation or XLRIReport 1Sub-Committee on review of Employees Pension Scheme 199$Sub-Cornrnlttee on Workers capital Trust j

, Sub-Committee ror monitoring the extension of social securit-i to theconstruction workers !'Sub-Committee on Strategic Adjustment in Compliance 2001 ~rogramm eSub-Committee of the Executive Committee on Building and qonstruction.

~ !i


Page 27: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

6.7 These sub-Committees being subject specific have served their purpose. As and

when any specific issue is placed before the Board for consideration, the Board may

consider constituting a separate sub-Committee as required.

6.8 There was a separate Committee of the Board on IT Reforms:and for Monitoring·

Re-inventing EPF India; constituted for overseeing the Implementation of Phase-l ofComputerisation in EPFO. However, CBT, EPFin its 200lh meeting held on 7'h August 2012

has approved following delegation of powers regarding Cornputertsatlcn:

1. Chairman, CBT~£PF - Full Powers2. Executive Committee, CBT, a) Upto Rs. 25 cr.ore,

EPF b) Beyon~ Rs. 2S crore, the matter shallbe placed before Chairman .of the.Board alongwith recommendations oftMfC.

3. Central Provfdent Fund - Up"toRs.5 erores,Commissioner

6.9 In view of the foregoing the Committee on IT Reforms shall now be a Sub-Committee of Executive. Committee, C8T, EPF. There is· another sub-Committee ofExecutive Committee, viz. the Com,!,ittee on Building and Construction. Followingcomposition is proposed for these sub-Committees:-

SI. Name of the ChairmanNo. Sub-Committee


RepresentatIve Comalnt-_--,r-_.,o_f ~ Expert

££5.Committee onIT Reforms CPFC 011.



Secretary, 2 (one eachMinistry of: from NIC andlabour &; Deptt. ofEmployment.: Informationb) FA,: each

,if:Ministry of Technology,;labour &: Govt. of~'Employment.: India.c) JS (NEGP), ..Ministry ofInformationTechnology,Govt. ofInaia.

01 201COmmittee on IBuilding & IConstruction .i

01 CE(PFD)



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•....•\ .I

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Page 28: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment







""t',t, .-,• • It


"••f ..tIt


6.10 A separate proposal shall be placed for constItuting the above two cOnlmlttees

before the next meeting of the EC. II

6.11 The Board may accordingly consider the proposal for constitution along{yith the!

suggested composition of the foUowing committees: I

a) Finance & Investment Committeeb) Pension Implementation Committee 'c) Committee on Exempted Establishments

6.12 The Soard: may also consider authorlzlng Chairman CBT, EPF to nominatemembers to the Ccimmittee mentioned in para 6.5 above.

Proposal The proposal as contained In the memorandum Is

ac~ordlngJy placed before CBT, EPF fo~consideration

..de 3

Page 29: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment


51-.--r---N-a-m-e--o-f-th"""-e--r--O-ffi~lc-e---'--C-()-d-e-N-o-.--r-W-i:-th-e-n'-ect--'--S':"-e-ct--=-io-n-,---r-A-p-p-ro-p-r-':"ia-t-e---"--N-o-.-o-f--' oNo. establishment from Para 'Government-1. MIs. TheState RO,Delhi DL/791 30.04.1962 27A Central

TradingCorporation (North) Government.of IndiaLtd.



MIs. Christian RO, PN/5972 01.12.1989 17(1)(a) Govt.of Punjab 2181 .• .,

I __ -+-=M:=.ed.::::.:::ica:.:..:I:::..Co_I_Ieg_e__ +-L_ud_h_ia_n_a-+----lO--- ---+-~---l •...........-_:__---+-::__:_---'-, •.z (,..' LudhianaMIs. Housingand RO,Delhi DL/6349 01.05.1988 27A Central 949.-,.UrbanDevelopment (North) Government 1CorporationLtd. •


~ __ ~F~i~be~r~gll~as=s~L~W~.~M~e~e~ru~t~-+~~~~T7~~~ ~~ -+~~~~~-+~~--:-~4t7. MIs. Sapient RO, HR/30659 01.12.2010 27A Go~. of India 681 ..1.

ConsultingPrivate GurgaonLimited


members e810

MIs. PowerFinance RO,Deihl DL/14037 01.11.1991 27A Central 373 \_~, __~C~o~r~~lr~at~io~n~__ ~~(~IN~o~rth~l)~-+~~~ __ ~~~~ __ ~~~~-+~G=ov~e~rn~m~e=n=t__-+~~ 43. MIs. 50SChildren's RO,Delhi DL/14906 01.04.1990 27A Central 1148' 'e

VillaQesof India (North) Government I



MIs. NokiaIndia RO, HR/!6809 30.06.2005 27A Govt.of India 2279 fL,'~ __ ~P~r~iv~a~te~L~~~'~-:-:---rG=u~Jrn~;a=o~n~~~~~-r~~~=--+~:-- ~ __ ~~~ __ ~~ ~~-9. MIs. EsterIndustries SRO, UK/34958 01.03.2009 27A Govt. of India 158 1.'

Ltd. Haldwani I

MIs. Shekhav*i SRO,Park WB/42486 01.12.2007 17(1)(a) CentralGovt, of 5 1'1}Investment& I Street, India I

I TradersLtd. f Kolkata • 'r'-:,l-=-I-.-+7:M:-:=/s:':::.7:H::-ind=::u:'=';st:-a+-/1--t-::::SR~O==,:"::P=-ar-;-k--t-:W:-:-:=-B/:-:4=-24:::879-+-::01-:-.-:-:12:-:.2::-:oo-::7::---t-l~7:7(I:-:-)(:-a:-)~+-:-G-ovt-.-O-::-f-:-W-es-t--I-:-2---,','.leJ"I CharityTrust,i1959 Street, Bengal1 I Kolkata " .>

12. MIs. IndiaSlllea SRO,Park WB/42487 01.12.2007 .17(1)(a) Go~. of India 4 .'MagnesiteWdrks Street , yl



MIs. BirlaSevrTrust SRO,Park WB/4248B 01.12.2007 17(1)(a) Govt.of West 1 ;, ~'! Street, Bengal '.i Kolkata ( J

rl~~~.-4~M~f7s-.-:-:M~.P:-.~B~lrl±~-----r.SS~trR~Oe~e'~tP~ar~k-+~W~B~/4~2~50~O~~Ol~.O~1~.2~OO~8--~17~(~1~X~a)~-+~G-ovt~.o-:f~w~e-s-t--~24----~'-'~1.1••}".Institute of i Bengal'Fundamental] • ,.'e'

t-;-;~~R~e7s~e~arc::ch:.:-::--±1+:::::- -+-::-:::7.:"::-;::==-+-::-~:-:::~_+-:-=-:-:-7":'""':---t--::-__ -=-__ -+...,....... ~' .i15. MIs. EastIndia RO, WB/CA/483 01.01.2008 17(1)(a) Govt.of West 13 1_, '

InvestmentComparw Kolkata 92 Bennal'~~-r~~~~~~~~~~--+7.~~~~~~~=---+-::=~~--~~I~~·~----+-------~116. MIs. PunjabP:roduce RO, WB/CA/483 01.01.2008 1!(I)(a) Govt.of West 12 i I.~;--r-a~n7.d:-:TSr::-:ad~i~ng:?7-~~:,-+K~o;:;:-lkat__a_-+7:8B-;;::;:~-;;:;:;:-+~-::::-::::::::=---+-:-::-~:--;-__ +-::Be_n_g_a-:1 ~ ~ __ ...,~', ',-,.', '1 CompanyPvti ltd. - .117. MIs. Gwalior~ RO, WB/CA/483 01.01.2008 17(1)(a) Govt.of West 3 -f

WebbingCo.Pvt. . Kolkata 91 Bengal I.•Ltd. . < J

MIs. PunjabProduce RO, WB/48404 01.01.2008 17(1)(a) Govt.of West 3 t.•

Holdingsttd.' Kolkata Benoal 'I"t«19~-rM~/s~.~E~m~a~m~iL~·im~it~~-r~RO~,~~-+7:W~B~/CA~.~/~S5~5~~01~.~10~.2~0~1~1-~2~7A~~--~c~en~lt~ra~'------~6-9-5----~I''''

r-:;;\-ru;:-:;-~~-:-:- ~KO;;:I~ka~ta~-+71~3;-;:-:~:;:-1-=~::-:::::::-=--=-+-:--=:::-:-;-;---t~G~ov~e:!..!rn~m!..!!e~o~t-::---+-""O'-"--.:·-:---;.f. '.20. MIs. TataSons RO, MH/125395 01.0-3.2009 17(1){a)· StateGovt,of 257

~'~-L~li~m~it~e~d__- -L'~Ba~n~d~ra~~ ~L- ~ ~~M~a~ha~r~aS~h~tr~a~-L~~l.}





Page 30: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment


~1. Mis. Tata Housing ROf MH/35195 01.01.1994 17(1)(a) Central 113Development Sandra Government

I Cooperation Ltd.r: Mis. Hewlett Packard RO, KN/67172 Date of 17(1)(a) Central 28Financial Services Bandra Notification Government

L (India} Private ltd.-s. MIs. Bajaj Electricals ROf MH/BAN/46 :01.01.1998 27A Central 1485~ Ltd Bandra 0 Government1. MIs. Eicher RO, MH/THN/11 01.08.2008 27A Central 401

a Engineering Bandra 540 GovernmentComE)Onents

~5. MIs. Draft FeBUlka ROf MH/8107 '. 01.06.1997 27A Central 588-

Advertising. Pvt. Ltd. Bandra Government~6~ MIs. Graphite (1) ltd. ROf MH/BAN/19 01.10.2011 27A State 60

~ . Bandra 79S Government of ExemptedMaharash~ and 921

un-t : exempted,

( MIs. National Stock RO, . MH/BAN/42 01.03.2009 27A Central l 435Exchange of India Sandra 907 ,

', GovernmetLtd.

ra. M/s. Bombay Stock ROf MH/B-'1N/4S 01.09.1992 27A State l 500

-~Exchange ltd. Bandra 16 Governmerit of

MaharashtrBfL MIs. SBI Life ROf MH/BAN/49 16.11.2007 27A Central 5616

Insurance Co. ltd. . Bandra 971 Governmentp; MIs. Century Textiles RO, MH/ 01.01.2012 27A State 33and Industries Ltd. Bandra BAN/4269 Government of

l Maharash~ '"

1. MIS Coca -Cola India R.O, HR/GGN/10 19.10.2007 17(1)(a) Governme1t of 235• Inc. Gurgaon 374 India I~




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Page 31: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Schemeprovisions, _,'conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para27AA of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Che~klist ' ~"_.prescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued by' ,\JEPFOfrom time to time-in this regard and it is found to be a fit caseto be placed before the Sub-' ',c1'Committee of CBT, EPFon Exempted Establishments for consideration and recommendation to", ( ~~ppropriate Government for grant of exemption. -. . ., . ~~'!t,





A. Name of the Establishment nt« The State TradingCorporation of India Ltd.DL/791810RPFC,Delhi (North)30.04.196227A

.cbde No.Nb of membersiNJSmeof the Office

Date from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsdughtAfPropriateGOVernment Central Government

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme!addressedto Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC,Delhi (North)to HeadOfflfe on 17.01.2014.

3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme arefulfilled by the applicant establishment :

» Th~ Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPf & MPAct, 1952 and

» Th~ employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident.Fund benefits which on. thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFSc~eme, 1952.

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The sameare detailed below:

» The application for exemption is by the employer and is' addressed to the Appropriate.Government. : . ,

» RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordancewith the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment,Government cjf India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order.

» RPFCconcerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed'by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time. .

» There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption,» There is consent of a majority of employeesfor exemption. j» The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordancew{th the provisionsof Para 79

of the Scheme. ~» Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTshave been incorporated in the.. Trust Rule. .'

» The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. , .» The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Tryst

for last three years. ~,





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Page 32: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment








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B. Name of the Establishment MIs. PowerCorporation Ltd.DL/14037373'RPFC,Delhi (North)

'. 01.11.1991Exemption 27A


Code No.No of membersName of the Office .Date from Exemption soughtSection/Para under whichsoughtAppropriate Government Central Government

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme addressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Delhi (North)

. to Head Office on 21.01.2013. The Inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the Head Officewere rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on05.02.2014. '

. 3. The fo"owir~g requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme arefulfilled by the applicant establishment :

)0 The Rules qf its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 1952 and ,

» The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which ~ thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 19~2.

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and are,found in order. The same are detailed below:

» The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment.

»- RPFC concerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. '

»- RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of Investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time. ;

}> There Is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption; ,»- There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. ~» The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the Pfovisions of Para 79

of the Scheme. ..' j» Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been Incorporated in the

Trust Rule. l» .The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. l»- The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years. I, i

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and ~cheme provisions,conditions ~pulated in Appendix 'A'to Para 27AA of the EP,FScheme, 1952, tren Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and lnstructions issued byEPFOfrom time to time ln this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-COmmittee of CBT, EPF on Exempted Establishments -for conslderatlon and recommendation toAppr~priate Government for grant of exemption. .

Page 33: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

c. Name of the Establishment MIs. SOS Children's Villages ofIndia .DL/149061148RPFC, Delhi (North)01.04.1S~O27A

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government Central Government


2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A of •the Scheme addressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Delhi (North)to Head Office on 04~11.2013. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the Head Office' •were rectified by respective Office and last such reference was rec~ived from field office or ...•23.01.2014. . .' . . . :J•

, .•3. 'The following requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme. arefulfilled by the applicant establishment:


}> The Rules of its Provident Fund. with respect to the rates of contribution are not less, . •favourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 1952 and ..

}> The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on the ".whole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPF .Scheme, 1952.

4. Other essential requirements for grant of eXemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are 'detailed below :

-}> The application for exemption is .by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment.' .

)0 RPFC concerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order.

}> RPFC.concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the 'last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of India'Ministry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

}> There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.}> There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. :}> The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme. _ .}> Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust RuJe. .)0 The estabtishment is stated to be regular in compliance. .

,.» The RPFC has submitted copies of balance sheets of the 'establishment and of the Trustfor last three years. :

_Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provisions,, conditions spputated in Appendix 'A' to Para 27M of the EPF Scheme, 1952, TeA ~oint Checklist-prescribed ~y M~nistry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued byEPFOfrom 'me to time in this regard and It is found to be a fit case to be placed before tbe Sub-Committee pf CBT, EPF on Exempted EstablishrT}ents for consideration and recommendation toAppropriatel Government for grant of exemption.



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Page 34: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment






•,•f,••~ ..


I'I·".' .t~.


D. Name of the Establishment Mis. Christian Medical CollegeLudhianaPNj59722310RPFC, Ludhiana01.12.198917(1)(a)

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government Government of Punjab

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Section17(1)(a} addressed to Government of Punjab. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Ludhlana toHead Office on 15.12~Z006. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the Head Officewere rectified by, respective Office and last such reference was received from fieJd office on10.03.2014.3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Section 17(1)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment :

» The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

» The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below: ".

}- The application for exemption is by the employer and" is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment. . "

» RPFC concerned has 'exarntned the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order.' .

» RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of labour and Employment inthis regard from time to time .

)- There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.» There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption.» The composltlon of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provlslons of Para 79

of the Scheme. .» Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule •. , '}- The establishment is stated to be rygular in compliance.:> The RPFC has submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for iastthreeveersr

Above alii the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para 27M of the EPF Scheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by MinistJi of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued byEPFOfrom time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-Cornrnlttee of CBT, EPF on Exempted Establishments for consideration and recommendation to

- Appropriate Government for grant of exemption. : - '

Page 35: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

E. Name of the Establishment : .Mis. Housing and UrbanDevelopment Corporation Ltd.DL/6349949RPFC, Delhi (North)

Exemption 27A

Code No.No of members

• Name of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under whichsoughtAppropriate Government Central Government

2. The above estabtishment has submitted the proposat for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme addressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Delhi (North)to Head Office on 04.02.2014.

3. The fpllowing requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme arefulfilled by the applicant establishment:

:> The Rules of its Provident-Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF&MP"Act, 1952 and

» The employees are also in enjoyment .of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided. under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below:

It:> Th~ application for exemption is by t";heemployer and is addressed to the Appropriate

GOVernment. .» RPF,Cconcerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten .Polnt Checklist·

prescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. .

» RP~ concerned certified that the investments by- the Trust during the last three years'hav,e been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMiriistfy of Labour and Employment In this regard from time to time.

:> Th~re is specific recommendation of the RPFCfQr grant of exemption.» There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption.» Th~ composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme.» Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated In the

Trust Rule.» Th~ establishment is stated to be regular in compliance.» The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for-last three years.

A~ove all, tlje proposal has "been examined in the light of Act ;ind Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A'to Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by tlinistry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and lnstructions issued byEPFO from time to time in this regard and it Is found to be a fit case to be placed before "the Sub-Committee of CBT, EPF on Exempted Establishments for consideration and recommendation toAppropriate Government for grant of exemption.



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Page 36: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment






••t. ",t

F. Name of the Establishment MIs. UP Twiga Fiberglass Ltd.

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption 'soughtSection/Para 'under whichsoughtAppropriate Government


: . 01.04.1983Exemption 17(1)(a)

Government of India

2. The above establishment has submitted the, proposal for exemption under Section17(1)(a) addressedto Government of India. The samewas forwarded by RPfC, Meerut to HeadOffice on 17.03.2009. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the Head Office, wererectified by respective Office and last st.ich reference was received from field office on10.12.2013.' ~3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Section 17(1)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment :1 '

~ The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contributlon are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

~ The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under t~is Act or the EPFScheme,1952. __ ~

4. dther essential requirements for grant of exemption have also be~n verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below: ,I

~ The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressedIto the AppropriateGovernment. I .

~ RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordancewith the iren Point Checklistprescribedby the Ministry of Labour and Employment,Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. .

~ RPFCconcerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistryof Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

>- There Is speclflc recommendationof the RPFC for grant of exemption.'» There is consent of a majority of employeesfor exemption.» The composition of the Boardof Trustees is in accordancewith the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme.. '» Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule. : .~ The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance.~ The RPFChas submitted copiesof balancesheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years.Above all, the proposal has been examined in the I,~ghtcjf Act and Schemeprovlslons,

conditions stipulated :inAppendix 'A'to Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklist,prescribed by Ministry of tabour & Employment,Governmentof India and instructions issued byEPFOfrom time to time in this regard and it is,found to be a fit case to be placedbefore the Sub-Committee of C!H, EPFon Exempted Estabtishmentsfor consideration and recommendation toAppropriate Government for grant of exemption. •

Page 37: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

.-» The application' for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment. . ,..

~ RPFC concerned has eXamined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklist -"._•prescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govemment of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. ;

» RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust .durinq the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

» There is spedfic recommendation of tile RPFCfor grant of exemption.» -There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. :» The composition of the Board of Trustees Is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme. : I '-. Ii» .Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the . ,

Trust Rule. - , ."» The establishment is stated to be regular In compliance. " .» The RPFC has submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust .. (.,.

. . .for last three years.' . . I .'Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provisions, " -'

conditions stipulated in Appendix '-A'to Para 27M of the EPF Scheme, 19521 Ten Point Checklist '. C.prescribed by MinistrY of Labour & ~mploymentl Government of India and instructions Issued ~Y.' '(.EPFO from time to time in this reqard'and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the sub- .-Committee of CBT, EPF'on' Exempted EstablishmentS for consideration and recommendation to '. C.Appropriate Government for grant 'of exemption. . .-.•


G. Na1e of the Establishment

COd~ No.No of membersNa~e of the OfficeDat~ from Exemption soughtSe,*lon/Para under which Exemption soughtAppropriate Government


MIs. sapient ConsultingPrivate LimitedHR/30659681RO, Gurgaon01.12.201027AGovt. of India

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme ~dressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC, ROI Gurgaonto Head Offic~ on 21.12.2012. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the Head Officewere rectifie~ by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on11.03,2014. ~

3. The ronowing requirements for grant 'of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme arefulfilled by th~ applicant establishment:

» The ~Rulesof its 'Pro~ident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

» The 'employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below :







. --

Page 38: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment




J_t,.'• •










11=>(H. Name of the Establishment' MIs. Nokia India Private

LimitedHR/268092279RO, Gurgaon30.06.200527AGovt. of India

Code No.No of members ,Name of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which Exemption soughtAppropriate Government

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme addressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Gurgaon toHead Office on 30.01.2009. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the Head Officewere rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on11.03.2014. •

3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme arefutfilled by the applicant establishment:

» The Rules Of its Provident Fund with respect. to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 1952 and

» The employees are atso in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are riot less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme,1952. '

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below:

» The appllqttion for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment. .

» , RPFC concerned has examined: the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. .

> RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of labour and Employment In this regard from time to time. 1

» There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.» There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. i)0 The composition of the Board of Trustees is In accordance with the pkovisfo'ns of Para 79

of the scheme. l» Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule. 1» The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. 1» The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years. IAbove all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provlslons,

conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, !"ren Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of labour & Employment, Government of India and in~tructions issued byEPFOfrom time to time ir:tthis regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-Committee of CBT, EPF on Exempted Establishments for consideration and recommendation to

- ! t

Appropriate-Government for grant of exemption. . -,.

I~, I


Page 39: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

I. Name of the Establishment Mis. Ester IndustrieslimitedUK/34958158SRO, Haldwani01.03.200927AGoVt. of India

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which Exemption soughtAppropriate Government

2., The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme addressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC, SRO,Haldwenl to Head Office on 18.08.2010.The lnconslstendes observed in the proposal by theHead Office were rectified Ii>yrespective Office and last such reference was received from fjetd'office on 20.03.2014., '3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Pa~a 27A of the Scheme' a.rkfutfilled by the applicant establishment:


oo.,•••••••'.••:> The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not less

favourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 1952 and:> The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on the

whole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952. . , ~

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and are found 'in order. The same are detailed below:

:> The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment.

:> RPFC concerned, has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklist'prescribed by the Ministry of Labour 'and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. :

:> RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed bythe Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and EmpJoyment in this regard from time to time.

:> There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of.exemption.:> There is consent of a m?ljority of employees for exemption. ")0 The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme. :)0 Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule.:> The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. ,:> The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years.. '

. Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of f'ct and Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para 27M of the EPF Scheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labeur & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued byEPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-


Committee Of CBT, EPF on Exempted Establishments for consideration and recommendation toI -

Appropriate povernment for granf of exemption. .

Il 31

••I.. J

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Page 40: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

.J .

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t·.t . ,




1. Name of the Establishment~)

M/ s. Shekhav~ti Investments& Traders Ltd.lWB/42486 i5 !

IRPFC,SRO, Park Street, Kolkata01.12.2007 I17(1)(a)

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropria~e Government Central Government

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Section17(1)(a) addressed to Government of West Bengal. The same was forwarded by RPFC, SRO,Park Street, Kolkata to Head Office on 15.12.2008. The inconsistencies observed in the proposalby the Head Office were rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received fromfield office on 11.03.2014.

3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Section 17(1)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment : .

)- The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to' the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those spetified in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

):0 The employees are also in ehjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourabJe than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. Other essential requirements for grant-.of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below:

)- The application for exemption Is by the employer and. is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment." . .

):0 RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. .

):0 RPFCconcerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMiniStry of labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

). There is specific recommendation of the RPFC for grant of exemption: ,):0 There Is consent of a majority of employees for exemption .). The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme.):0 Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule. :). The establishment is stated to be regutar in compliance.). The RPFC has submitted copies of balance..sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years.. .

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated ln Appendix 'A'to Para 27M of the EPF Scheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by MinistrY of labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued by

- 1-

EPFOfrom time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-Committee of CBT, EPF on Exempted Establishments for consideration and recommendation to. -Appropriate Government for grant of exemption.

Page 41: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

K•. Name of the Establishment Mis. Hindustan Charity Trust,1959WB/424892RPFC,SRO,Park Street, Kolkata01.12.200717(1)(a) ~

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government Governm~nt of West Bengal

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for ':exemption under Section17(l)(a) addressed to Government of West Bengal. The same wasforwarded by RPFC,SRO,Park Street, Kolkata to Head Office on 15.12.2008. The inconsistenciesobserved in the proposalby the Head Office were rectified by respectiveOffice and last such reference was received fromfield office on 11.03.2014. ,3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under .Sectlon 17(1)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment:

~ .The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

~ The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. OthJr essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and. arefound in order. The same are detailed below: '

j •j , "

~ Thelapplication for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the Appropriate,Government. .

~ RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordante with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labourand Employment, Government of India and certifiedtha~the proposal is in order.

~ RPf1: concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMin(stry of tabour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

~ There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.~ There is consent of a majority of employeesfor exemption.~ The[composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordancewith the provisionsof Para79

of the Scheme., _~ Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule. '~ Th~ establishment is stated to be regular in compliance.~ The RPFChas submitted copiesof balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for iast three years.' • .

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Schemeprovisions,conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A'jo Para27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten PointChecklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment,Government of India and instructions issuedbyEPFO from time to time in this regard and it is foUnd-to be a fit caseto be placedbeforethe Sub-Committee of CBT, EPFon Exempted Establishments for consideration and recommendationtoAppropriate Government for grant of exemption.







" .. ',J



Page 42: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment







•••.'•.' .

L. M/s. India Silica MagnesiteWorksWB/424874SRO, Park Street01.12.200717(1)(a)

Name of the Establishment·

CodeNo.No of membersName of the Office :Date from Exemption soughtSection/Para' under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government Government of India

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Section17(l)(a) addressed to Government of West Bengal. The same was forwarded by RPFC"SRO,Park Street, Kolkata to Head Office on 2~.03.2008. The inconsistenciesi observed in' theproposal by the Head Office were rectified by respective Office and last such reference wasreceived from field office on 25.09.2013. I3. The fonowing requirements for grant of exemption under Section 17(1)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment : I

)0 The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contriblruon are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 195Z and

)0 The employees are also in enjoyment. of other Provident Fund ben~fits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under thfs Act or the EPFScheme, 1952. ~

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been' veri~ed and are foundin order. The same are detailed below : i

" I)0 The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the Appropriate

Government. . I)0 RPFC concerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the ten Point Checklist

prescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of ~ndia and certifiedthat the proposal is in order.

)0 RPFC concerned certified that the Investments by the Trust dui-ing the last three yearshave been as per the pattern. of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

)0 There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.)0 There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption.)0 The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme. •)0 Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule. .,)0 The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance .)0 The RPFChes submitted copies of balance sheets oj the establishment and of the Trust

for fast three years.

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A'to Para 27AA of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by MinistrY ·C?fLabour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued byEPFOfrom time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-Committee of CBT, EPF on Exempted ~stabtishrrientS for consideration and recommendation toAppropriate Government fOFgrant of exemption .

Page 43: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

» The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment.

)- RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordancewith the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. :

» RPFCconcerned certified that the investments by the Trust ;during the last three years ' ~.have been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of India cc.Ministry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time ~otime. c '

)- There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption. . •)- There is consent of a majority of employeesfor exemption. ")- The composition of the Board of Trustees Is In accordancewith the provisions of Para7~.

: of the Scheme. ')- Names and addressesof all the members of the BOTs have been)ncorporated in ttle "~,.

Trust Rule. : : I ".)- The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance.. . .)- The RPFChas submitted copies of balancesheets of the establishment and of the Trust '/.

for last three years. ' c~,

Above all, theproposal has been examined in the light of Act and Schemeprov/sJo~s,,' ,1\_-conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklist, '( •

- prescribed ~y Minist,ryo~La~our & Emplo~J!1,ent,Government of India and instructions issued by,' {'.•EPFOfrom time to time In thiS regard and It ISfound to be ~ fit caseto be placed before the Sub- . 0

Committee of CBT, EPFon Exempted Establishmentsfor consideration and recommendation to ('0 J•

. Appropriate Government for,grant of exemption- ':__ec .' ~ _.

Narrle of the Establishmentc Code No.No ~f membersName of the OfficeDat~ from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government Government of West BengaJ

2. The! above establishment has submltted the proposal for exemption under Section17(1)(a) addressed to Government of West Bengal. The same was forwarded by RPFC,SRO,Pa~ Street, ~olkata to HeadOffice on 16.12.2008. The inconsistenciesobserved in the proposalby the Head Office were rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received fromfield office on 11.03.2014..3. The~following requirements for grant of exemption under Section 17(1)(a) are fulfilled.by the eppllcant establishment: .

M. M/ s. Birla Seva TrustWB/42488 .1RPFC,SRO,Park Street, Kolkata01.12.200717(l)(a)

)- The~Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section6'of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

» The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the. EPFScheme, 1952.

4. . Other essential requirements for grant af exemption have also been verified and arefound In order. The same are detailed below: ' .


o -(i


••••••••'.- ._- r


Page 44: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment





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N. Name of the Establishment MIs. M.P. Birla Institute ofFundamental ResearchWB!4250024 'SRO, Park Street01.01.200817(l)(a)

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government


Government of West Bengal

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Section17(lXa) addressed to Government of West. Bengal. The same was forwarded by RPFC, SRO,Park Street, Kolkata to Head Office on 24.03.2008. The inconsistencies observed in the proposalby the Head Office were rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received fromfield office on 24.02.2014.

3. The following requirements for grpnt of exemption under Section 1?(I)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment :

):> The Rules o.f its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not .Iessfavourable than those specified in Section 6.of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

)- The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952. -

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and are, found in order. The same are detailed below:

~ The application for exemption is by the empJoyer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment. .

~ RPFC concerned has examined: the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. '

~ RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed ,by, the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time. ~

~ There is specific recommendation of the RPFC for grant of exemptlonl~ There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. ~ ,~ The composition of. the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the proyisions of Para 79

of the Scheme. ' - • ~~ Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule. ' l~ The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. l~ The RPFC has submitted copies of balance sheets of the-establishment and of the Trust

for last three years. - ji

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and ?cheme provisions,condltlons stipulated in App.endix 'A' to Para 27M of the EPF Scheme, 1952, [Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructlons issued byEPFOfrom time to pme in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-Committee of CBT, ~PF on EXempted Establishments for consideration and recommendation to ,Appropriate Government fer grant of exemp.tion. I


• I

Page 45: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

O. Mis. East India Investm.entCompany Pvt. Ltd.WB/CA/483928RO, Kolkata01.01.200817(1)(a) .

Name of the Establishment

Code No.No of membersName of the Office ..Date from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government Government of West Bengal

2. The above estabtishment has submitted the proposal for. exemption under Section17(1)(a) addressed to Government of West B~ngal. The same was forwarded by RPFC, RO,Kolkata to Head Office on 12.01.2012. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the HeadOffice were rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on15.11.2013. , ~,3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Section' 17(l)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment : .

):. The Rules oflts Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not less :favourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 1952 and

)- The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. Other essentiat requirements for grant. of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same. are detailed below: .

)- The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the Appropriate .:Government.

):. RPFC concerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklist .prescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order.

)- RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust: during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

> There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.):. There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. :. ,> The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme.> Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the :

Trust Rule. .):. The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance.)- The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years.

Above all, the proposat has been examined in the light of ·:Actand Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated lnAppendix 'A'to Para 27M C2fthe EPFscheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued. by'EPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-Committee ~f CST, EPF on Exempted Establishments for consideration and recommendation toAppropriate!Government for graht of exemptio!".

I-! 4'S




•••••• 1:,.•••"••\';,e••~t,.-4:.;


Page 46: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment









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•••.'.,. ,




• --I .• '.



P. Name of the Establishment M/s. Punjab Pr~duce and TradingCompany Pvt. L~d.WB/CA/48388 I12 iRO, Kolkata !01.01.200817(1)(a)

CodeNo.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropria~e Government Government of West Bengal

2. The above: establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Section17(1)(a) addressed to Government of West Bengal. The same was forwarded by RPFC, RO,·Kolkata to Head Office on 12.01.2012. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the HeadOffice were rectified by respective Office' and last such reference was' received from field office on14.11.2013.

3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Section 17(1)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment :

)0 The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 60f the EPF& MP Act, 1952 and

)0 The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. Other essential requirements' for grant d exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below:

» The application for exemption is by the employer and .is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment.

)0 RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal- in accordance with the Ten Point. Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal Is in order.

> RPFC concerned certified -that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

» There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.)0 There is consent of a majority' of employees for exemption,> The cornposition ,of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme.> Names and.eddresses of all the' members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule. : .» The establishment is stated to be tegular in compliance.» The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years. •

Above all, the proposal has been examined In the light of Act and Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated: in Appendix 'fJ/ to Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministty of Labour & Employment, Government of India and Instructions issued byEPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-Committee of CBT, EPF on Exempted Establishments for consideration and recommendation toAppropriate Government for grant of exemption.

Page 47: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

Q. Name of the Establishment Mis. Gwalior Webbing Co. Pvt.Ltd.WB/CA/483913RO, Kolkata01.01.200817(1)(a) .

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government Government of West Bengal

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for .exemptlon under Section17(1)(a) addressed to Government of West Bengal. The same was forwarded by RPFC,RO,Kolkata to Head Office on 16.01.2012. The inconsistenciesobserved in the proposal by the HeadOffice were rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on15.11.2013.· .

3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under section 17(1)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment :

» The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are notlessfavourable than those spedfied in Section6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

» The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFscheme, 1952.


4. 'Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in ord&. The same are detailed below: .

I» The [appllcatlon for exemption is by tbe employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment. i . .

»' RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordancewith the Ten Point Checklist'presCribedby the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthatlthe proposal is in order.

» RPFt: concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMini~try of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

» There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.» There is consent of a majority of employeesfor exemption.» The[composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordancewith the provisionsof Para79

of ~e Scheme. ._» Names and addressesof all the members of the BaTs·have been incorporatedin the

Trust Rule.» The~estabtishment is stated to be regular in compliance.» The!RPFChas submitted copies of balancesheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years. . -Above all,the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Schemeprovisions,

conditions s~pulated in Appendix \A' to Para27AAof the E,PFScheme,1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment,Government of India and instructions issued byEPFO from time to time in thls regard and it is found to be a fit caseto be placed before the Sub-Committee of CBT, EPFon Exempted Establishm~ntsfor consideration and recom-mendationtoAppropriate Government for grant of exemption.


I •




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Page 48: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

) ,




•••t.'I'., "

I'.t',p. •

)r:-! "R. Name of the Establishment MIs. Punjab Produce Holdings

LimitedWB/CA/484043RO, Kolkata01.01.200817(l)(a)

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government Government of West Bengal

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under, Section17(1)(a) addressed to Government of West Bengal. The same was forwarded by RPFC, RO,Kolkata to Head Office on 16.01.2012. The inconsistendes observed in the proposal by the HeadOffice were rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on15.11.2013. I3. The folJawing requirements for grant of exemption under Section 17,(lXa) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment : ,

> The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those spedfied in Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 195~ and

> The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident, Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under tfils Act or the EPFS<yheme,.1952. '~ _

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detaited below: I

, !> The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the Appropriate

Government. I> RPFC concerned has examined the-proposal In accordance with the Ten Point Checklist

prescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and. certifiedthat the proposal is in order.

)0 RPFC concerned certltled that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave beenas per the pattern of Investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment In this regard from time to time.

> There is spedtlc'recommendatlon of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.:> There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption.> The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme.:> Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorpOrated in the

Trust Rule. ': _> The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance.)=- The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three: years.

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para 27AA of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by MinistrY of Labour & Employment, Government of Indla.and instructions issued byEPFOfrom time to time in tnis regard and it ls found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-Committee of CBT, EPF ,on EXempted Establishnients for consideration and recommendation toApprOpriate Government for grant of exemption.

Page 49: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

» The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment.

)0 RPFC concerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklist ! ,

prescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. ., ,

» RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three years-have been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time'to time.

» There ts speclflc recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption ..)0 There is consent of a majority of employees for exemptlon.. -» The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme. -» Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the _.

Trust Rule. - -' I

» The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. -,.}> The RPFC has submitted -copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust i __

for last three years. _ . . - r-"Above all, the proposal has been ex-amined in the light of Act_and Scheme provisiQns,' -,l.

conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para 27M of the EPF Scheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklist .. ,Itprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued by- . 'EPFQ from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before the Sub-.··- !, __

<;.ommittee of CBT, EPF on Exemp~ed Establishments for consideration and recommendation. t~_ - -.Appropriate Government for grant of exemption. - _ - - --

- -.~.

,Name of the Establishment MIs. Emami Limited

iCdde No. WB/CA/55513


N~ of members 695Name of the Office RO, Kolkata


D~te from Exemp~on sought ~ 01.10.2011S~ction/Para under which Exemption sought . _ 27AA~propriateGOVernment Central Government

2. Th~ above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme ~ddressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC, RO, Kolkata toHead Officel on 09.05.2012.' The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the Head Office _were rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field -office on-14.11.2013'1

3. Th~ following requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme arefulfilled by t~e applicant establishment:

» Th~ Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavpurable than thosespedtted in Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 1952 and


}> The employees -are also in enjoyment of -other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below:

.-o- -O~_

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Page 50: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

,b, 0




T. Nameof the EstablishmentCodeNo.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government

MIs. Tata Sons Limited" MH/125395

257 .RO, Bandra01.03.200917(1)(a)

State Government of Maharashtra

2~ The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Section 17(1Xa)o addressed to State Government of Maharashtra. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Bandra toHead Office on 10..01.2014. ·The.inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the Head Office wereIrectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on 20.03.2014.

3,. The foHowing requirements for grant of exemption under Section 17(1)(a) are fulfilled by theapplicant establishment:

..» The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not less

favourable then those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 1952 and .» The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on the

whole are riot less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

. 4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and are found inorder. The same are detailed below:

» The application for exemption is by the employer. and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment. '

» RPFCconcerned has examlned.the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order.

» RPFCconcerned, certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time. :

» There is spedtlc recommendation of the RPFCfor gra'nt of exemption.» There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. ~» The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the p~ovisions of Para 79

of the Scheme. ~» Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been (ncorporated In the

Trust Rule. i» The establishment is stated, to be regular in compliance. ~» The RPFC has submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the

Trust for last three years. !Above all, the propos a I has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme-provisions,

conditions stipulated In Appendix 'A'to Para 27M of the EPF Scheme, 1952, !en Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued byEPFO from time to time ln this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be-placed before CBT,EPFfor consideration and recommendation to Appropriate Government for grant of exemption.

I .I

~~ \-

Page 51: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

U. Name of the Establishment Mis Tata Housing Development Co-operation Ltd.MH/35195113RPFC,Bandra01.01.199117(lXa)

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which Exemptionsought ,Appropriate Government' Central Government




•••2. : The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Section 17(i)(a) •addressed to Government of India Ministry of Labour. The samewas forwarded by RPFC,Bandrato Head Office on 10.09.2007. The inconslstenFiesobserved in the proposal by the Head Office '.were rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on , •11.10.2013. ,3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Section l?(l)(a) are fulfilled by .:' •the applicant establishment: ' •

)0 The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not less.. . •favourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and' t ,

)0 The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on the' " -.whole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPF '" •Scheme, 1952. "

4. Other essential requirementsfor grant of exemption have also been verified and are found,in order. The same are detailed below: '

)0 The application for, exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment.

)0 RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordancewith the Ten Point Checklist,' <. Iprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certified 'that the proposal is in order. t.

);> RPFCconcerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three years 'have been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of India ',JDMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

);> There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption. ,~.);> There is consent of a majority of empJoyeesfor exemption. ': ,'.)0 The composition of.the Board of Trustees is in accordancewith the provisionsof Para79 -.,

of the Scheme. :' !.)0 Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the ','

Trust Rule. _)0 The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. ,);> The RPFChas submitted copies of balancesheets of the establishment and of the Trust (-•

for last three years.Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provisions,

conditions stiputated in Appendix 'A'to Para27AA of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten PoiRtChecklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment,Government of India ana instructions issued byEPFO from,time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before CBT,EPF for conbideration and recommendation to Appropriate Government for grapt of exemption.

I 49I


" .. (.

Page 52: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment



.'•t.'•I ..r.,




V. Nameof the Establishment

'~r--MIs Hewlett pLckard FinancialServices(India) ~rivate Limited.KN/67172 i28 IRPFC, Bangalore IDate of notification17(1)(a)

CodeNo.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which Exemptionsought .Appropriate G:overnment Central Government

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Section17(1Xa) addressed to Government of India. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Bangalore toHead Office on 25.07.2013. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by the Head Officewere rectified by respective Office and last such, reference was received from field office on8.11.2013. :

3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Section 17(1)(a) are fulfilledby the applicant establishment:

)0 The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the E~F & MP Act, 1952 and

)0 The employees are also in enjoyment of qther Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are riot less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952. .

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below:

)0 The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment. .

)0 RPFC concerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order.

)0 There is speclflc recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.)0 There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption.)0 }he composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance wlth the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme.» Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule.:)0 The establishment is complying as an unexempted establishment and the compliance is •

stated to be:up-to-date.)0 The RPFC has submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the

Trust for last three years.

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provlslons,conditions stlpulated.ln Appendix 'A' to Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued by .EPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before CBT,EPFfor consideration 'and recommendation to Appropriate. Government for grant of exemption.


Page 53: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

w. Name of the Establishment "Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which Exempti~n soughtAppropriate Government

MIs. Bajaj E'ectricafs ltd.MH/BAN/4601485RPFC,Bandra01.01.199827ACentral Government

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption Linder Para 27Aofthe Scheme addressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC,Bandra toHead Office on 20.03.2013. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by Head Office wererectified by respective Office and last such referencewas received from:·fieldoffice on 06.02.2014.

3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Schemearefulfilled by the applicant establishment : .

:> The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

» The employees are also in enjoyment ot-other Provldent Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided .under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. '. Other essential requirements for grant' of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order..The same are detailed below :

:> Th~ application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed"to the AppropriateGov.ernment.

)0 RPAcconcerned has examined the proposal in accordancewith the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certified.thai the proposal is in order.

:> RPF;cconcerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearsha~ been as per the pattern of Investment prescribed by the Government of india .Ministry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time,

:> There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.:> There is consent of a majority of employeesfor exemption,:> Th~ composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordanceWith the provislonsof Para79· .

of the Scheme. .:> Names and addressesof all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Tru~t Rule.)- Th~ establishment is stated to be requler in compliance.:> The RPFChas submitted copies of balancesheets of -the establishment and of the Trust

for llast three years. "

Above jail, the proposal has been examined in the 1i9ht of Act and Scheme previsions,conditions stipulated in Appendlx 'A' to Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instrl!ctions issuedbyEPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be 'a fit case to be placed before CST,EPF for consideration and recommendation to AppropriateGovernment for grant of exemption. -



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Page 54: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment











X. Nameof the Establishment Mis. Eicher EngineeringComponentsMH/THN/11540401RPFC,Thane01.08.200827A

CodeNo.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAppropriate Government Central Government ~

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme addressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Thane toHead Office on 16.05.2013. 'The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by Head Office wererectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on10.01.2014. i3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme arefulfilled by the applicant establishment: !

). The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contrlbutton are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MP ~ct, 1952 and

~ The employees are also In enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhple are not less favourable than the benefits provided' under thls Actor the EPFScheme, 1952. . - . l·

i.4. Other essential. requirements for grant of exemption have also beert verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below :- - I

~ The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed t6 the AppropriateGovernment. . _ I .

~ RPFC concerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. , .

~ RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

~ There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.~ There is consent of.a majority of employees for exemption.~ The composltlon of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of-the Scheme.~ Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule.~ The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance.» The RPFC has' submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years.

Above all, the proposal has been examIned In the light of Act and Scheme prOVisions,·conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para 27AA of the EPF Scheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, GGvernment of India and instructions issued- byEPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before CBT,EPF for consideration and recommendation to Appropriate Government for grant of exemption.... .... ..".

Page 55: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDatelfrom Exemption soughtSectlbn/Para under which ExemptionsoughtAPprfpriate Government Central Government

2. The above estabtishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A of •the Scheme addressed to Central Govemment. The same was forwarded by RPFC,Sandra toHead Office on 03.0B.2012. The lnconslstendes observed in the proposal by Head Office were .•rectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on •22.11.20113. 1lie following requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme are-fulfilled by ~heapplicant establishment :. •

,.. 1he Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not less •favourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

,.. The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on the . •whole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme,1952. . .•

MIs Draft FeB Ulka AdvertisingPvt. Ltd.,MH/8107588


o'-0Y., Nameof the Establishment



4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below: ••~ The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the Appropriate' .'

Government.. '~ RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in,accordancewith the Ten Point Checklist •

prescribed by the Ministry of labour and Employment, Government of India and certified'that the proposal is in order. '. . '.•

~ RPFCconcerned certifted that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of India: ,Ministry of labour and Employment in this regard from time to time. . / •

> There ts specific recommendation of the RPFC for gra,nt of exemption. . --~ There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. : •~ The composition of the Boardof Trustees is in accordanceWith the prpvisions of Para 79.

of the Scheme. ~ ;-•~ Names and addresses of all the members of the SOTs have been incorporated in the '._.

Trust Rule. -. .j

~ Up-to-date compliance status of the establlshment is regular. . .•~ The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. : ,'-'~ The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establlshment and of the Tirust .' _-

for last three years. ' - , . , " •'..~I

Above all, the proposal has been examined In the light of Act and Scheme provisions, _ _conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Point Chec~list· ;~prescribed by Ministry of labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued by.' C.EPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before CBT,., ~ •EPF for consideration and recommendation to Appropriate Gover:.ment for grant of exemption. ." _

, .•-"-,

S3 , '._--.~

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Page 56: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

) -

• •

D ."• •


~ .••t'





'. 'Z. Name of the Establishment

Code No.No of members.,.~CWleDfthe OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which Exemption soughtAppropriate Government

MIs. Graphite (I) Ltd.MH/BAN/1979560 Exempted and 921 Un-exempted

. : RPFC, Sandra01.10.201127AState Government of Maharashtra

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme addressed to State Government of Maharashtra. The same was forwarded by RPFC,Bandra to Head Office on 14.12.2012. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by HeadOffice were rectfled by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office 0n16.01.2014. '

3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme arefulfilled by the applicant estabtishment :

)0 The Rules of its Provident fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified In Section 6 of the EPF& MP Act, 1952 and

)0 The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on thewhole are not less favourable than the .benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 19-52. ' •

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below :

)0 The appllcatlon for exemption Is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment.

)0 RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal Is in order.

}> RPFCconcerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of labour and Employment in this regard from time to time. 1

}> There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption,)0 There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. 1» The composition of the Board of Trustees is In accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme. 1)0 Names and addresses of aU the members of the SOTs have been llncorporated in the

Trust Rule. I .)0 The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. I}> The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years. '!Above all, the 'proposal has been examined ir;l the light of Act and ~Cheme provisions,

conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A'to Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952,iTen Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of labour & Employment, Government of India and in$uctions issued byEPFO frorh time to time ,in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be!placed before CBT, -EPF.for consideration and rec~mendauon. to ApproprIateGovemment for g~nt of exem~tlon.


Page 57: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

AA. Nameof the Establishment M/sNational Stock Exchange of.India Ltd.MH/BAN/42907435RPFC,Bandra01.03.200927ACentral Government

Code No.No of membersName of the Office'.Date from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which Exemption soughtAppropriate Government

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A of theScheme addressed to Central Government. The same was forwarded by RPFC,Bandra to HeadOffice on 15.09.2011. The inconsistenciesobserved In the proposal by HeadOffice were rectifiedby respective Office and last such reference was received from field office'on 02.01.2014.

3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Para:27A of the Scheme are .fulfilled by the applicant establishment : .

:> The Rules of its Provident Fund with respect to the rates of: contribution are not le5Jfavourable than those specified in Section6 of the EPF& MPAct, 195~ and .

:> The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on the.whole are ·not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952. I

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and are foundin order. The same are detailed below: .

:> The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the Appropriate'Government.

:> RPFCconcerned ti~.ex~llJined the proposal in accordancewith the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. .'

:> RPFCconcerned certified that the-investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

:> There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption,:> There is consent of a majority of employeesfor exemption.:> The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordancewith the provlslons of Para79

of the Scheme.:> Names and addressesof all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule.:> The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance., : ..:> The RPFChas submitted copies of balancesheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years. .

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act anq Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A'to Para 27M of the EPFScheme; 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India. and instructions issued byEPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit caseto.be placed beforeCBT,E~for consideration and recommendation to AppropriateGovernment for grant of exemption.


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Page 58: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment








•• ••,.t,••i!)

•D·'-..It ,. I


AB. Name of the Establishment Mis. BombayLtd.MH/BAN/4516500RPFC, Bandra01.09.199227AState Government of Maharashtra

Code No.No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which Exemption soughtAppropriate Government




2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme addressed to State Government of Maharashtra. The same was forwarded by RPFC,Sandra to Head Office on 07.09.2009. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by Head Officewere rectified by respective Office and last such reference was _received from field office on15.01.2014. :

3. The following·;requirements for grant of exemption under Para· 27A of the Scheme arefulfilled by the applicanf.establishment :

.> The Rules of :,ts Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those speclned' in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

» The employees are also In enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits \Vhich on thewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and arefound in order. The same are detailed below:

» The application for exemption is by the employer and ls addressed to the AppropriateGovernment. ~ , .

» RPFC concerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order.

» RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the. last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

» There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.)=> There i~consent of-a majority of employees for exemption.» The cornposltlon of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme.» Names and addresses of aU the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the .

Trust Rule. : .» The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance.» The RPFC has submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years.

Above all, th~ proposat has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A' to Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten Pofnt Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued byEPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case to be placed before CBT,EPFfor consideration and recommendation to Appropriate Government for grant of exemption.

Page 59: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

AC. Name of the EstablishmentCode No. _No of membersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption sought ,Section/Para under which Exemption soughtAppropriate Government

.M/s. S8l Ufe Insurance Co. Ltd.MH/BAN/499715616RPFC, Sandra16.11.200727ACentral Government

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A ofthe Scheme addressed to Central Government. The same was forWarded by RPFC, Banora toHead Office on 16.04.2009. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by Head Office wererectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office on07.02.2014. :.



. - -()--

.,'t- ., .ee_.e


••••.-••.-." . .,; ;---•3. The following requirements for grant of exemption under Para 27A of the Scheme are :. ._

fulfilled by the applicant establishment : ..-' 1 \

» The Rules of its ProVident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not less : .•favourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MP :Act, 1952 and '

» The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident F:und benefits which on the •whole are not less favourable than the benefits provided -under this Act or the EPF .•Scheme, 1952. :.

4. other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and are ,I

found in order. The same are detailed below: ,.•"i -~

» Th~ application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the Appropriate .:-.Go~rnment. . . . -.,

» RPRCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Checklist· c.'PreS.·cribed by the Ministry of Labour and Emp·loyment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. ' C,. I

» RPF,Cconcerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three years. Iehav~ been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of India '--'Ministry of Labour and Employment In this regard from time to time. _

» Th~re is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.» Th~re is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. - . ,~_ ,» ThEi composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79 :"•

of the Scheme. . --,.)' Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in' the . ~

Trust Rule.» Thd establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. \ ,)' Th~ RPFC has submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust·, -.

for last three years. .<~

Above 'all, the proposal has been examined tn the light of Act and Scheme provisions,conditions stipulated in Appendix \A' to Para 27M of the EPF Scheme, 1952, Ten Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and instructions issued byEPFO from time to time in this regard and It Is found to be a fit case to be placed before CBT,EPF for consideration and recommendation to Appropriate Government for grant of exemption.

·c.C.'",ec.~\ .

Page 60: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment









•••••• •••.''.

•••• • •


AQ. Nameof the Establishment MIs. Century Textiles ;sa~.Industries Limited - )MH/BAN/426933RO, Sandra01.01.201227AState Government 9f Maharashtra

Code No.No·'ofmembersName of the OfficeDate from Exemption soughtSection/Para under which Exemption soughtAppropriate Government

2. The above establishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Para 27A of theScheme addressed to State Government of Maharashtra. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Sandrato Head Office on 07.11.2013. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal by ttie Head Office wererectified by respective Office and last such reference was received from field office!on 24.02.2014.

3. The following requirements fO~ grant of exemption under Para 27A bf the Scheme arefulfiHed by the applicant establishment: 1

» The Rules ~f its Provldent Fund with respect to the rates of contri~ution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 19S2 and

» The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund beneflts which .onthewhole are not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPFScheme, 1952.· . !

. . ;

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been ve~fied and are foundin order. The same are detaited below: .!

» The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed Ito the AppropriateGovernment. . . I

» RPFCconcerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the 'Ten Point Checklistprescribed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order.

.~ ~PFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three yearshave been as per the pattern of investment prescribed by the Government of IndiaMinistry of labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

)=- There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.» .There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption.)=- The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79

of the Scheme.» Names and .addresses of all the members of the SOTs have been incorporated in the

Trust Rule. :» The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance.» The RPFC has submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishment and of the Trust

for last three years.

Above all, the :proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provlslons,conditions stipulated in Appendix 'A'to Para 27AA of the EPF Scheme, 1952, TEn Point Checklistprescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment;. Government of India and instructions issued byEPFO from time to time in this regard and it is found to be a fit case-to be placed before CST,·EPFfor consideration and recommendation to Appropriate.Government for grant of exemption.

. -

Page 61: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

4. Other essential requirements for grant of exemption have also been verified and are found inorder. The same are detailed below:

» The application for exemption is by the employer and is addressed to the AppropriateGovernment.

.» RPFC concerned has examined the proposal in accordance with the Ten Point Chetklistprescribed by the Ministry of labour and Employment, Government of India and certifiedthat the proposal is in order. . .

» RPFC concerned certified that the investments by the Trust during the last three years havebeen as per the pattern of ~nvestment prescribed by the Governrnent of India Ministry of'Labour and Employment in this regard from time to time.

» There is specific recommendation of the RPFCfor grant of exemption.> There is consent of a majority of employees for exemption. .)- The composition of the Board of Trustees is in accordance with the provisions of Para 79 of.-.

the Scheme. J

»- Names and addresses of all the members of the BOTs have been incorporated in the Trust ':.•Ru~. .. ••»- The establishment is stated to be regular in compliance. ~ I .'

»- The RPFChas submitted copies of balance sheets of the establishin~nt and of the Trust for' (.Itlast three years. .' .~ .

Above all, the proposal has been examined in the light of Act and Scheme provisions, condlttons. ,. ( •stipulated in Appendix \A' to. Para 27M of the EPFScheme, 1952, Ten POint Checklist prescribed by.' \-tvilnistry of Labour & Emptoyment, Government of India and instructions issued by EPFOfrom time to ... clt.time in this regard and it is found to be a fit caseJ:o be placed before CBT, EPF for consideration and.'· i.recommendation to Appropriate Government for grant of exemption. , . '.J

. . '.,..r4'~.

AE. Name of the EstablishmentCode NoJ

i.No of membersName of the OfficeDate fro~ Exemption soughtSection/para under which Exemptionsought lAPproprrte Government

MIs. Coca-Cola India .IneHR/GGN/10374235R.O. Gurgaon19.10.2007U/s 17(1)(a)

Govt. of India

2. The above lestablishment has submitted the proposal for exemption under Section 17(1)(a)addressed to Gd,vernment of India. The same was forwarded by RPFC, Gurgaon to Head Office on13.03.2008. The inconsistencies observed in the proposal. by the Head Office were rectified byrespective Office ~nd last such reference was received from field office on 24.03.2014. .

3. The followi~g requirements for grant of exemption: under Section 17(1)(a} are fulfilled by theapplicant establishment :

:> The ~ules of lts Provident Fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not lessfavourable than those specified in Section 6 of the EPF& MPAct, 1952 and

:> The employees are also in enjoyment of other Provident Fund benefits which on the wholeare not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the EPF Scheme,1952.. .




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••••J ..t)






•tI-tt .


Item No.2: Rate of surcharge to be levied on Board of Trustees of theexempted/relaxed establishments on account of deviationfrom the prescribedpattern of investment•

To be placedon table•

. .

Page 63: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

Item NO.3:· Any other item with the permissionof the Chair.



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Page 64: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

.-~,: ~ ,-;.

~' ': 1-*':1' IE-mail: (i - .•

[email protected] . ~ /Telephone: 011-26173877~/fax

- 4iJhUa ~fac:q f.tflt :atriaif'

-mr 1i'5tl4W4 HRa' 'fHCfiREmployees' Providel1t Fund Organisation

(Ministry of Labour, Govt. Of India)31~ titftr 111r.r, 14-HM11'1ft 'IiPlT~. iff ~ &110066

Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14- Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi - 110066www.eDfindia.lov.i~ « wWw~epfindia.nic.in

No.E.IU/l8(l)04/Sub comm~ 'b~To ,)",'j

All The Members, (As per the list endosed),Sub -Committee on Exempted Establishments,Central Board of Trustees, EPF.

Subject:-Minutes of the -35th Meeting of the Sub-Committee on ExemptedEstablishment, CST, EPFOheld on 28.03.2014 at Conference HaJJI3rd Floor, EPfO, Head Office~New Delhi-110066.


04 APR 2014


Kindly refer to EPFO Letter No. E.IIU18(1)04/Sub Committee/27351 dat,"25.03.2014 on the above subject.

A copy of approved minutes of 35th meeting of Sub-Committee of CBT ~.,'iexempted establishment held on 28.03.2014 at Conference Hall, 3m Floor, EPFO, HeadOffice, New Delhi-ll0066 is enclosed herewith for your kind information.

End: As above

Copy to: - Central Provident Fund Commissioner/Chairman, Sub-Committee onExempted Establishments along with a copy of approved minutes of 35thmeeting (through PS), EPFO,Head Office, New Delhi.

Page 65: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

·'.. .US of Members of the Sub-Committee on Exempted Establishments,Central Board of Trustees, EPF

L Smt. Meenakshi Gupta, IA & AS,Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor,Room No. 107, Shram Shaktj Bhawan,Ministry of Labour & EmploymentGovernment of India, New Delhi

( .~

2. Director (55),Ministry of Labour & EmploymentGovernment of India,Shram 5hakti Bhawan,New Delhi-llOOO1.


( ,

3. Shri B.P. PantSecretary, ACCI & ED, AIDE(Res.) VIS, NCERT Campus,Auroblndo Marg, New Delhi-110016.

(Off.) Executive Director,All India Orgn. Of Employers,Federation House,Tansen Marg, New Delhi-llOO01·

4. Shri 5ushanta Sen,Principal Advisor,Confederation of Indian Industry, .

-.----------c24'¥.9:H'7F,5-ectOi 18, Udyog Vlhar,Phase- IV, Gurgaor. -1220 15 (Haryana).

S. Shri. A.K. Padmanabhan,PreSident, CI11J, B.T.R. Bhawan,13A, Rouse Avenue,New Delhi-l10002.

6. Shri Ashok Singh 'VP, INTUC & Chairman, CBWE,(Res.) No. 435,Vishwas Khand III,Gomti Nagar, Lucknow (UP).

(Off.) of the Chairman, CBWE,Room No. 21 & 22,Barrack No. 7/10, Jamnagar House,Mansingh Road, New Delhi-1100ll.

Page 66: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment





The 35th meeting of the Sub-Committee, CBT (EPF) on Exempted Establishments waschaired by Shri K.K. Jalan, Central PF Commissioner. The following members attended themeeting:

Shri Sushanta Sen Employers' representative

Shri Ashok Singh

Shri A.K.Padmanabhan

Employees' representative

Employees' representative

Smt. Meenakshi Gupta Joint Secretary &. FinancialAdvisor (Ministry of Labour&. Employment)

~A&.CAO,EPFQas Special InviteeShri Sanjay Kumar

Shri P.K.Udgata"· . .Additional Central PFCommissioner(Compliance) and,Convenor

The following members could not attend the meeting and sought leave of absence.

Shri B.P.Pant Employers' representative

Shri Animesh Bharti Director( Ministry of Labour&. Employment)

.............The ..1ist..oLofficers.of the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation, who attendedthe meeting, is at Annexure 'A'.

At the outset, Central P.F. Commissioner and Chairman welcomed all the Membersand set the tone of the meeting clarifying the urgency for convening the meeting of theSub-Committee at a short notice.

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Page 67: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment



-·';·V·,~ .

9(7Thereafter the agenda items were taken up.

Item No.1: Grant of exemption under Section 17 of the Employees' ProvidentFunds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Para 27A ofthe Employees' Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 by Appropriate,Government.

1.1 Add!. CPFC(Compliance)stressed the decision of the Central Board in its 2q2nd

meeting held on 13th January,2014 in authoriling the Sub-Committee,on jxemptedEstablishments to consider and' recommend the 'proposals to the AppropriateGovernments on, its behalf for grant of exemption keeping in view the dead linestipulated by Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Accordingly, sixty eightproposals got examined in the light of the Act and Scheme provisions, conditionsstipulated in Appendix-A to Paragraph 27M of the Employees' Provident FundsScheme, 1952, Ten point check-list prescribed by Ministry of. Labour andEmployment, Government of India and instructions issued from time to time on thesubject and placed before this Sub-Committee for consideration andrecommendation to Appropriate Government.

1.2 Shri A.K.Padmanabhanpointed out that the Central Board decided to get study ofthe functioning of the establishmentsalready granted exemption. The details of theexempted,establishmentswere not provided to start the study.

1.3 Chairman directed Addl. CPFC(Compliance)to get the papers ready for the study.

1.4 Shri Ashok Sigh raised the issue of lack of immediate action against the exemptedestablishments who fail to transfer provident fund contribution to the trust in time.He cited the cases of Sahara India and Jay PrakashAssociates who deploy largenumber of workers and their compliancestatus needs urgent investigation. Further,he stated that UP Drugs and Pharmaceuticals and UP State Road TransportCorporation .are not paying out the dues of the workers. He thus requestedChairmanfo,f immediate'action.

1.5 Chairman directed Add!. CPFC(Compliance) to cause a detailed inquiry through'RPFCsconcemed.' ,

1.6 Shri Ashok Singh wanted to know from Add!. CPFC(Compliance)as to whether thepresent sixty eight proposalsmeet all the requirements and deserveconsideration.

1.7 Add\. CPFC(Compliance)informed the Committee that these proposals meet allrequirements and thus deserve consideration and recommendation to theAppropriate Government for grant of exemption.

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Page 68: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

1.8 Shri Sushanta Sen wanted to know present status of pendency of application forprocessing and what will happen to those after the dead line of 31st March, 2014.

..~( ':


l( ,





. ~g



1.9 Chairman informed that due to certain deficiencies some proposals could not be. processed and efforts will be taken within coming two months before the Ministryof Finance takes some decision in the Finance Bill, 2014. He directed Addl. CPFC(Compliance) to Inform the Committee about the present status of pendency.

1.10 Add!. CPFC (Compliance) informed the Committee that there-are approximately 168proposals which need to be processed for exemption.

1.11 With this deliberation, the Committee considered and recommended the proposalsin respect of the following establishments as contained in the Agenda.

SI. Name of the Office Code No. With effect Sectionl Appropriate No. ofNo establishment from Para Government member.

1. MIs. The State RO, Delhi Dl/791 30.04.1962 27A Central' 810Trading (North) GovernmentCorporati<?n ofIndia Ltd.

2. MIs. Power RO, Delhi Dl/14937 01.11.1991 27A Central 373Finance (North) GovemmentCorporation .'

.. ' .'3. MIs. 50S RO, Delhi .... [)Lj14906 01.04.1990 27A Central 1148

Olildren's Villages (North) Governmentof India

4. MIs. Christian RO, PN/5972 01.12.1989 17(1)(a) Govt. of Punjab 2181Medical College Ludhianaludhiana

5. MIs. Housing and RO, Delhi Dl/6349 01.05.1988 27A Central 949Urban (North) GovernmentDevelopment

... .<:[email protected].\.Ltq, .... ... " .........

6. MIs. UP Twiga RO, Meerut UP/7704 01.04.1983 17(1)(a) Govt. of India 434Fiberglass ltd.

7. MIs. Sapient RO, HR/30659 01.12.2010 27A Govt. of India 681Consulting GurgaonPrivate Umited

8. MIs. Nokia India RO, HR/26809 30.06.2005 27A Govt. of India 2279Private ltd. Gurgaon

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q \')--, , I, , I

MIs. Ester_.- -----_.

UK/34958---1 -------

9. SRO, I 01.03.2009 27A Govt. of India 158,

Industries Ltd. Haldwani

10. MIs. Shekhavati SRO, Park WB/<l2486 01.12.2007 17(1)(a) Central Govt. of 5Investment & Street, .; IndiaTraders ltd. Ko/kata ,

11. MIs. Hindustan SRO, Park WB/42489 01.12.2007 17(1){a) Govt. of West. 2Charity Trust, Street, ~al. -1959 Kolkata

12. MIs. India Silica SRO, Park WB/42487 01.12.2007 17(lXa) Govt. of India 4Magnesite Works Street

13. MIs. Birla Seva SRO, Park WB/42488 01.12.2007 17(IXa) Govt. of west 1Trust Street, Bengal


14. MIs. M.P. Birla SRO, Park WB/42500 01.01.2008 17(1)(a) Govt. of West 24..Institute of street BengalFundamental .Research

1$. MIs. East India RO, Koikata WB/CA/48392 01.01.2008 17(1)(a) Govt. of West. 8Investment. BengalCompany

...16. M/s. Punjab RO, Kolkata WB/CA/48388 01.01.2008 l7(lXa) (iovt. of West 12

Produce and-c':


Trading Company-,

MUd. . - '- .

.'-: .

17. MIs. Gwalior RO,KoI!<ata WB/CA/48391 01.01.2008 17(1)(a) Govt. of West. 3.

Webbing Co. Pvt. BengalLtd.

18. MIs. Punjab RO, Kolkata WB/48404 01.01.2008 17(1)(a) Govt. of West 3Produce Holdings Bengal ,Ltd.

19 Mis. Emami RO, Kolkata WB/CA/55513 01.10.2011 27A Central 695..,....~......... Umited,--- .., ......... Government

20. M/s. Tata Sons RO, Bandra MH/125395 01.03.2009 17(l)(a) State Govt of 257Umited MaharaShtra

21. MIs. Tata RO, Sandra MH/35195 01.01.1994 17(1)(a) Central 113Housing GovernmentDevelopment I

Cooperation Ltd.

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Page 70: EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND bRGANISAlrION1.4 As per the above provisions of the of the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Ministry of Labour and Employment

---- ~--------'- .-..--- -----,---- ---------MIs. Hewlett RO, KN/61171 Date of 17(l)(a) Central 28Packard Finanoa! Bangalore NotifIcation GovernmentServices (India)Private ltd.

~23. M/s. Bajaj RO, Bandra MH/BAN/460 01.01.1998 27A Central 1485•Electricals ltd Government

-24. M/s. Eicher RO, Bandra MH/THN/11540 01.08.2008 27A Central 401

Engineering - G9vernmentComponents .

25. M/s. Draft FCB RO, Bandra MH/8107 01.06.1997 27A Central 588Ulka Advertising GovernmentPvt. ltd.

26. M/s. Graphite (1) RO, Bandra MH/BAN/19795 01.10.2011 27A State 60ltd. Government of Exempted

Maharashtra and 921un-exempted

27 M/s. National RO, Bandra MH/BAN/42907 01.03.2009 27A Central 435Stock Exchange Governmentof India Ltd.

28. M/s. Bombay RO, Sandra MH/BAN/4516 01.09.1992 27A -state 500Stock Exchange . ';'~of',,· I:;,ltd.

",': " ••,:,;W~b'j",••",' '.~""'" -"""2 ,"

"; .c..

29. M/s. SBI Ufe ~O,~:: MH/SAN/499.71 16.11:2007 27/4,' Central '5616Insurance Co. " Government. ',:; .

UtI:.' .-

" "

30. MIs. Century RO, Sandra MHI BAN/4269 01.01.2012 27A State 33Textiles and Government ofIndustries ltd. Maharashtra

31. MIs. Coca-Cola R.O. HR/GGN/I0374 19.10.2007 17(1)(a) Govt. of India 235 'India .Inc Gurgaon

32. MIs. Ncatel Gurgaon HR/GGN/9202 01.08.2007 17(1)(a) Government of 3285_ ........... - ,tucentIndia Ud India

33. MIs. MSD Gurgaon HRIGGN/29573 20.11.2008 17(1)(a) Government of 1467Pharrr ceuticals IndiaPvt., Ltd

34. MIs. Chandigarh PN/4582 01.03.1983 17(1)(a) Government of 285MountShivalik IndiaBreweries

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Mis. Welham Utlaranchal UK/7966 01.07.1991 17(l)(a) Govt. of 247Girls High SChool . Uttaranchal

36. Mis. Welham Uttaranchal UK/7967 01.04.1983 17(1}(a} Govt. of 186i

Boys School - Uttaranchal.(

37. Mis. Baroda RO, Koikata WB/CA! 48389 01.01.2008 17(1)(a) Govt. of West SAgents & Trading . .Bengal

38. MIs. EdOl Delhi Dl/9088 01.10.1992 27A--, Go\ternment of 870(India) ltd (North) . India .

39. Mis. HSCC SRO, laxml Dl/7635 01.12.1995 27A Govt. of India 210(India) ltd. Nagar

II 40. M/s. Tribal Co- RO, Delhi Dl/11208 01.04.1989 17(1){a) Govt. of India 297

operative (SOuth)MarketingDevelopmentFederation Indialtd.

.41. MIs. Hindustan SRO, UP/11867 15.11.1984 17(1)(a) Govt. of India 1417

Aeronautics Ltd. Allahabad

42. MIs. Shirram RPFC, Delhi DLJ5995 23.01.2007 27A Govt. of Ii)dia 84 ..Institute for (North)Industrial ..

Research .

~.: c

••43. MIs. }HOC India RO, UI<I~~~u-, ,;. 12.07.1991 : 27A Central Govt. 2115

Ud. Dehradun.:


44. MIs. Reliance SRO, Rajkot GJ/40S50 01.04.2008 27A Central Govt. 1226Port & TerminalsLtd.

45. MIs. Seva Nidhi RO, Kolkata WB/CA/48390 01.01.2008 17(1)(a) Govt. of West 3Trust Bengal ,

46. Mis. Aditya Birla RPFC, JH/4989 01.11.1988 17(1)(a) Central Govt. 345... -.- .... - .. ....... .Olemicals (India) .Jharkhand


47. MIs. L & T Gulf RO, Thane MH{TliN/202493 01.04.2009 17(1)(a} Central Govt. 80Private ltd.

--40 Mis. Ingersoll RO, MH/KND/4099 25.07.2000 27A Central Govt. 324.0.

Rand (1) Pvt. ltd. Kandivali




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~-,!'.._'(- --~=:CIMIs. National RO, Delhi DL/1795 01.07.1966 27A Central Govt. 858

Seeds (North)Corporation Ltd.

f 50. M/s.IRCON R.O. Delhi DL/5568 ., 01.10.1987 27A Central Govt. 1560International (North)Umited

-Sl. MIs. R.O., UK/25963 01.04.2001 27A Govt. of 3277uttrarakhand Van Dehradun UttaranchalVikas Nigam

( 52. MIs. Tata R.O., Sandra MH/49277 01.10.2007 27A Govt. of 22Investment MaharashtraCorporation Ltd.

-53. BILT Graphic SRO, OR/2910 01.03.1992 17(1){a) Central Govt. 1704

Paper Products BerhampurLtd. - Unit- Sewa

54. MIs. NSE RO, Bandra MH/BAN/125306 01.03.2009 27A Govt. of 312Infotech Services Maharashtra(P) Ltd.

55. MIs. Ratan T~ta RO, Sandra-- MH/125418 01.03.2009 17(1Xa} Govt of 19Trust

~.~. ;..Maharashtra

.... ,.

56. MIs. Sir Doradji RO, Sandra MH/125409 01.03.2009 17(1Xa) Govt. of SOTata Trust

. :",,'- .'--;Maharashtra:,-\:;.~.,p


57. MIs. Homl : MH/125439 01.05.2009 17(1)(a) Govt. of 02Bhabha MaharashtraFellowshipsCouncil.

58. M/s. Navajbai MH(125419 01.03.2009 17(1)(a) Govt. of 13Ratan Tata Trust. Maharashtra

59. MIs. Jamsetjee RO, Sandra -MHj125408 01.03.2009 17(1){a) Govt. of 05

_~~~~Cl"~ Maharashtra,......... -.........

Tata Endowment.

60. MIs. Tata Sports RO, Sandra MH/125555 01.05.2009 17(1)(G) Govt. of 79Club ltd. Maharashtra

61. MIs. Tata RO, Sandra MH/125406 01.03.2009 17(1)(a) Govt. of 257Services Ltd. Maharashtra

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MIs. The RO, Sandra MH/125414 01.03.2009 17(1)(a) Govt. of 79Associated MaharashtraBuildingCompany Ltd.

63. Mis. Kalyani RO, Pune MH/31780 09.12.2009 27A Govt. of 408~.

Hayes Lemmerz MaharashtraLtd.

( 64. Mis. Ewart RO, Sandra MH/125420 01.03.2009 17(lXa)- Govt. of" 03Investments ltd. Maharashtra


65. MIs. Axa RO, KN/41653 01.06.2006 27A Central 357Technology Sangalore GovernmentServices IndiaPvt. ltd.

66. MIs. India RO, Kolkata WB/53160 16.08.2005 27A Central 57Steamship (A GovernmentdiVision of

(ChambalFertilizers andChemicals ltd.

67. MIs. Reliance" SRO, Rajkot GJ/40552 01.04.2010 17(lXa) , Central. 4197Corporate IT Park Goveri\mentUd.

68. M/s. RelianceRetail Ltd.(Formerly Knownas Reliance FreshLtd.


Item No.2: Surcharge to be levied on Board of Trustees of theexempted/relaxed establishments on account of deviationfrom the prescribedpattern of investment •

. 2:1 FA & CAO, with the permission of the Chair, introduced the item. He pointedout that the rates of surcharge had not been prescribed during last 60 yearsfor the deviations in investment by the Board of Trustees. Now it is proposedto prescribe the rates of surcharge, it should have prospective effect and thefuture deviations in the pattern of investment from the year 2014-15 onwardsshall be regularised by levying surcharge at a rate which will deter the Boardof Trustees of the exempted establishments from deviating from the patternof Investment.

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2.2 There are establishments which are already exempted and deviated from thepattern of investment prescribed by the Government in investing trust funds.There are establishments which are still enjoying relaxation and grant ofexemption to them are pending and deviated from the pattern of investmentwhile investing the trust fund; This is one category. The other category is thatthere may be deviation in future by the exempted establishments.

2.3 Now the issue is as to how the deviations which the Board of Trustees of theexempted/relaxed establishments alreac:1¥-.committedtill 201"3-14 .shall beregulated. It will not be proper to levy the surchargewhich will be at par withrates effective from the next financial year, 2014-15. What has beensuggested is that the deviations committed till 2013-14 need to be regularisedby a nominal surcharge which will meet the natural justice.

2.4 FA & CAD further pointed out that till 2013.,.14, there are deviations to theextent of 100o/~which may attract higher rate-of surcharge. The Committeeafter deliberation approved that deviation beyond 10% should attract levy ofadditional 20% over and above the surcharge so worked out.

2.5 The Committee also approved that deviation in anyone particular yearirrespective of approved asset classshall mean one occasion.

2.6 Chairman intervened and apprised the Committee that the rates of surchargewhich was already recommended by this August Committee during January2013 were 2%, 4% and 8% for 1st, 2nd and 3rd occasion of deviationrespectively. It will be very difficult for the Board of Trustees to pay such highsurcharge and also it. will be difficult for the employers to bear such heavysurcharge. During .the meeting with the stakeholders, exempted trustsrequested that the fi[les at this later stage, where the fault occurred yearsago, may not be fu~lycorrect. Thus it should be a nominal fine only.

2.7 JS and FAwanted to 'know as to how the deviations prior to 2013~14 and thedeviations from 2014-15 will be handled.

2.8 FA & CAOapprised,that all the deviations prlor to 2013-14 will be regulatedby levying a mlnlmum surcharge and the deviations from 2014-15 onwardswill be regulated byJevying a higher surcharge.

2.9 JS and FA stated that there may be changes in the pattern of investmentduring a particular year and the exempted trusts may deviate in investingtrust funds from the prescribed pattern of investment. Shewanted to know asto how these deviationswill be regularised.

2.10 FA& CAOapprisedthat as per the pattern prescribed by the Government, thedeviations during the year· is immaterial as the notification on Investmentstipulates that at the close of the financial year the investment by theexempted trust shall be as per the pattern prescribed.

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~ 2.13~




The issue of time limit for paying the surcharge after determination of thequantum was put forth before the CCIINTlitteefor deliberation.• I

Shri A.K. Padmanabhan appreciated the move of EPFOthat these guidelinesare general in nature and CPFC ill exceptional cases, for reasons to berecorded in writing, decided to. vcq from the .guidelines proposed in theAgenda considering the overall intaest.of the workers. He pointed out thatthe time limit of 15' days for' paying the' surcharge is very short and thereasonable time limit should be 30 diIys.min,imum. -

Shri Ashok Singh and Shri Sushantit Sen consented to the time limit of 30days as proposed by Shri A.K. Padlllilllabhan.

Shri Ashok Singh requested that a COmmitteeof expert Senior Officers maybe constituted to monitor the canpJiance of exempted establishments.Because due to lack of proper medlanism to monitor the compliance, theexempted establishments commit default and fail to deposit worker's dues intime.

JS& FA stressed that there should be an appropriate monitoring mechanismfor monitoring the functioning of the exempted establishments.

2.16 Chairman informed the Committee that a software was developed byInformation ServicesDivision and was launched by Hon'ble Union f'.1inisterforlabour & Employment,. Government of India and Chairman, CBT on12.01.2014. Field offices have beensuitably advised to instruct the exemptedestablishments functioning under their jurisdiction to complete the data entryby 30,04.2014. A full fledged online monitoring mechanism will be availablewith EPFO from 30.06.2014. He further informed the Committee that theproforma for third party audit of exempted establishments has been finalisedfor effective auditing' of the functioning of exempted establishments byindependent and qualified charted accountants.

2.17 Shri A.K. Padmanabhanraised the issueof the manner in which the exemptedtrusts are formed. Hewanted to knowwhether the trusts are formed properlyand whether there are guidelinesavailableon this.

2.18 ACC (Compliance) apprised the Committee that the procedure for formationof the trusts etc. have already been prescribed in Appendix 'A' to Para 27Mof the Employees'Provident FundsScheme, 1952.

2.19 Shri Ashok Singh enquired as to whether the exempted trusts follow theModel Trust Rule. What action has been taken against the exempted trustwho fail to adhere to the ModelTrust Rule?

2.20 ACC (Compliance) informed that if the trust rules are not made as per theinstructions of EPFOthen, cancellationof exemption is resorted to.

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2.21 Shri Ashok Singh wanted to know when cancellation of exemption is proposedto the Appropriate Government why the same is not brought to the notice ofCentral Board for information. ;

2.22 ACC (Compliance) assured that all the cases where cancellation is proposed toAppropriate Government will be, placed before the Central Board forinformation.

With this deliberation, the proposal as contained irithe- Agenda is approved.

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.


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List of Officers of Employees' Provident Fund Organisation who attended theI


1. Shri Animesh Mishra, RPFC-I (Compliance)

2. Shri Ashok Kumar, RPFC-II (Exemption) ,
