employers need good employees

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” ~ Seneca quotes Professional Development

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Employers Need Good Employees

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

~ Seneca quotes

Professional Development

Page 2: Employers Need Good Employees

Work Environments

For the first time in history…

Canada is facing a decline in the size of its labour force, which has created escalating competition for skilled people.

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Increasing Need for Skilled Employees

Pressure to reduce cost, enhance quality, and innovate new products has raised the bar.

More than ever, businesses success depends on the ability of employees to:

-- Communicate

-- Work in Teams

-- Take responsibility for performance

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Employer’s Challenges

1. Employers are having problems hiring highly skilled and experienced staff:

Need talent, skill, and experience.

2. Employers are looking at strategies to attract, engage, and retain staff:

Replacement demands may exceed the demand for new workers, in many industries.

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Employer Strategies

1. Trying to keep skilled people on the job and pay them to train (teach not work).

2. Recruit underutilized segments of the labour force(youth, women, foreign professionals etc.)

3. Promote career awareness, technology careers, and education pathways.

4. Attract and recruit students and youth.

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Employer Strategies

Organizations will need to:

• Better manage the skills of individual employees.

• Attract the right people with the right skills.

• Hire employees who are quick and can grow, with a company.

• Engage the right employees to maintain a competitive edge.

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Organizations have international competition like never before:

It is a ‘Global Village’…

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Canadian Businesses

The pressure to compete drives productivity and innovation, businesses will need to:

Improve processes

Reduce costs

Enhance quality

Read changes in consumer demand

Deliver goods and services to niche markets

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Employers Need Good Employees

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Good Employees

Take initiative and responsibility:

o When given a task they do a good job and see it through.

o Are responsible for their own actions and the work they produce.

o Keep commitments, return calls, show up on time, etc.

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Good Employees


o When there is ‘nothing’ to do they find something constructive.

o Likes learning new things to help performance on the job.

o Can exceed expectations; do more than they are asked to do; do a better job than expected.

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Good Employees

Treat other team members with respect:

o Gives credit to others on the team.

o Can show concern and empathy for the needs of others.

o Consistent performer, dependable.

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Good Employees

Understand the financial side of business:

o Appreciate work activities make money. o Realize their paychecks depends on good

business. o Respond to their job in a way that is good for


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Understanding a Business

Understand how the business fits together:

• What role do you play in the business? – Why is that role important?

• What does your department do? – What departments does it work with, and why?

• What is the nature of the organizational hierarchy? – Who are the key players in the business? – In your division? In your department? – Why is this important?

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Larger Companies

Look up the organization and find a position or a person you admire:

Find out about the skills, qualifications and personality required to get that job.

There may be opportunity to speak to that person directly.

• Seek and find out how he or she got there.

• Ask advice on what you could do to to make your skill set stand out.

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Strive for improvement each day; there is a lot to learn.

Consider distinguishing yourself by learning new skills.

Offer new ideas, especially if important to the business.

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Make yourself useful.

Learn the trade.

Make yourself indispensable.

By default… you should advance!

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What if there is no room for creativity or advancement?

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If not, then:

– You have used your time to learn the operations and processes.

– The education has been invaluable.

– Expands your abilities within a business.

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• If not, then:

– Allowed you to learn more in your current skill area.

– May have let you learn a new skill that has better earning potential than the skill you currently have.

– Have learned to organize projects, manage people, and get the job done.

– Skills are worked at throughout a career, by improving specific skills, you can accelerate and plan your path.

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Take a chance! All life is a chance.

The man who goes the furthest is generally

the one who is willing to do and dare. - Dale Carnegie