en2501 composer template editor user manual


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Composer Template Editor User Manual EN2501

Imaxel Lab SL, 2005-2012 2


Date Doc version Description Author

26.06.2009 1.0 Created by Esther Vigil

24.11.2009 1.1 Last update Albert Luque

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Composer Template Editor User Manual EN2501

Imaxel Lab SL, 2005-2012 3

Table of contents

1. Introduction 5

2. Getting Started 5

2.1 Paper Setup: 5

2.2 Margins: 5

2.3 Summary: 6

3. Template Properties 7

3.1 Template Summary 7

3.2 Template thumbnail 8

3.3 Sheet setup 9

3.4 Work Options 14

3.4.1 Work mode 15 3.4.2 Output mode 16 3.4.3 Design options 17

4. Sheet Layout 17

4.1 Tasks: Template design 19

4.1.1 Template setup 20 4.1.2 Add and copy templates 20 4.1.3 Set background image 21 4.1.4 Remove background image 21 4.1.5 Set background color 21 4.1.6 Add a clipart image 22

4.2 Tasks: Template properties 22

4.2.1 Allow to change the background 23 4.2.2 Allow to edit the design 23 4.2.3 Print this sheet always 23

4.3 Tasks: Layer Control 23

4.3.1 Visible 23 4.3.2 Selectable 24

4.4 Tools 24

4.4.1 Zoom tool 24 4.4.2 Rulers 24 4.4.3 Hand tool 24 4.4.4 Arrow keys 25 4.4.5 Grid and Margins 25 4.4.6 Preview / Design View 25

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4.4.7 Selection tool 27 4.4.8 Sheet background color 27

4.5 Create frames 27

4.5.1 Photo Frame 27 4.5.2 Photo Frame below background 28 4.5.3 Text Frame 29 4.5.4 Clipping region 30

4.6 Edit Frames 31

4.6.1 Frame size 31 4.6.2 Frame rotation 31 4.6.3 Frame properties 32

4.7 Organize and align items 35

4.7.1 Organize menu command functionalities 36

4.8 Arrange Frames 37

4.9 Delete sheets 37

5. Product options 38

5.1 Add a new Category 39

5.2 Add a new Item 40

6. Saving templates 41

7. Keyboard shortcuts 42

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1. Introduction

Welcome to the Composer Template Editor for the Imaxel Kiosk Software module. The Composer Editor will let you create your own personalized products in order to optimize your kiosk business by adding new functionalities and features. The new templates you’ll create can be easily added to the Station Manager program which controls your kiosk in order to easily offer them to your end users. WARNING: To add new products, you must have an open catalog which allows you to add and modify the local products setup in your kiosk. If you’re not sure whether you have or not an open catalog available, please contact your local distributor or directly with Imaxel Lab in case you already are an authorized dealer.

2. Getting Started

Open the Software Composer Editor by double click on the icon.

Click on Create a New Template or Edit an Existing Template, in order to edit a template already created.

Fill in the following fields: Paper Setup, Margins and Summary (please, note that these options can be edited or entered at a later stage, in Template Properties (see page 7)

2.1 Paper Setup:

These fields refer to the printing support measurements. It’s very important to write, the exact value of the paper you will use to print, in the fields: Width (mm) and Height (mm) Select any of available formats in the menu list or, select Other if you want to entry a different format.

2.2 Margins:

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These margins are just a help tool for design purposes, since the final customer will not see them. The margins value should be indicated here in millimeters.

2.3 Summary:

Fill in the relevant fields Template Title: It’s the name displayed in the software interface, below the picture of the product. Template Description: It is an additional information about the product, displayed below Template Title. Author: It’s the designer’s name or the name of the laboratory.

Product Name: It’s the product name displayed in the ticket order.

IMPORTANT: The Code Number must always be a numeric value and cannot begin with the number 0. It’s very important that the Product Code is the same one than in Station Manager.

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Once the start up values have been set, you can start working with your new template.

Click on Create the template There are three tabs to set up and edit the product: Template Properties, Product Options and Sheet Layout. To begin with, first click on Template Properties:

3. Template Properties

Click on Template Properties on the top left part of the screen. The left side of the screen contains the configuration menu with the following options: Template Summary, Template Thumbnail, Sheet Setup and Work Options.

3.1 Template Summary

By clicking on Template Summary you can fill or change the following fields: Template title, Template description, Paper description, Product code, Product name and Author (see page 6)

IMPORTANT: The Code Number must always be a numeric value and cannot begin with the number 0. It’s very important that the Product Code is the same one than in Station Manager.

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3.2 Template thumbnail

Click on Template thumbnail to use to one to one of the template’s sheet or you can load an image from a file.

This image will be visible, on the kiosk or on the software online ImageDesk, for the final customer to choose the product. It must be a PNG or JPG file and is better to use a small size picture (around 50 mm x 50 mm and 72 dpi is recommended)

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3.3 Sheet setup

Click on Setup the Template Sheets. You will see a menu appear with information on the Template’s sheet.

Click on the button Sheet setup to reach the following window and enter the details about Paper Size, Design Margins, Cut Margins and Crop Marks.

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Select the tab Paper Size and enter the template sheet size in mm.

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The Design Margins are used as a guide for the sheet layout, but are no visible for the end customer.

Select Design Margins. Enter the margins values desired for Inner, Outer, Upper and Lower margin.

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The Cut Margins will define the useful area of the template. Any part of an image or text in a composition which is out the cut margins will be cutting.

Select Cut Margins, enter the margins values desired

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These marks will help you in the cut and composition process.

Select Crop Marks in output image if you want to print the crop marks in the output image.

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3.4 Work Options

Here you can set the working mode of the template in order to:

Work mode.

Output mode.

Design options.

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3.4.1 Work mode

Select Edit all photo frames at the same time if you want that all images are adjusted at same time automatically in all the frames of the composition. For example in photo layout template, because the product will contain the same image in different sizes.

Select Allow individual photo frame edition if you want to allow the customer edit individually every image in the composition.

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3.4.2 Output mode

The output mode defines the composition of the output image will be produced.

Select Photos and background if you want that the output image has composed by the background template and customer images, like it appears in the screen. For example, a greeting card.

Select Only photos if you want that the output image has composed by only the customer images, excluding the background of the template. For example, when the product is a T-shirt.

Select Clipping regions if you want that the output image has composed by the part of background of the template and customer images. For example, a customized board game.

IMPORTANT: The work mode Edit all photo frames at the same time, does not allow to add cliparts to the composition, because they will be replicated to all frames in the template

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3.4.3 Design options

Select Enable the template selection menu to allow your customers to access the menu template selection. For example, the template has different layouts, with this option the customer can choose or change the layout.

Disable the template selection menu. This option is not useful to composition products.

4. Sheet Layout

The sheet layout window is divided in three working areas:

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Templates: It shows the thumbnail of the sheets created.

Sheet: Composition work area.

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Tasks: This panel shows the design and setup options frequently used in order to create a composition. This panel is divided in three sections: Template Design, Template Properties and Layer Control.

4.1 Tasks: Template design

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4.1.1 Template setup

Here you’ll define several values of the template sheet, like a template sheet title, the description or the internal code that it used to send it to the laboratory. You can define whether the template sheet will be available or not, as well as the thumbnail shown to the end user.

If you don’t load an image from file, the template thumbnail will be, default, the background of the sheet.

4.1.2 Add and copy templates

Add new sheets to the current composition templates. You can add new templates, with the same size, or make copies of the templates created.

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4.1.3 Set background image

This option allows you add a background image to the template sheet. Previously, the image had made with an image editor like Photoshop, for example. The format file of the background image must be jpg or png (if it contains transparency areas)

4.1.4 Remove background image

Use it to remove a background image of a template.

4.1.5 Set background color

Allows you add a background color of the dropdown menu, or click on button More colors in order to open the customized colors palette.

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4.1.6 Add a clipart image

It allows you to add an image object that be set on any part of the composition. The clipart image can be edited (sized and rotated) and moved over the sheet. The clipart will be located in an upper layer of the sheet.

4.2 Tasks: Template properties

The template properties at the panel Tasks will allow you to configure the proper permissions for the end users in order to avoid the template modification.

Click on the checkbox option to activate/deactivate each one of the available options

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4.2.1 Allow to change the background

If this option is enable, the customer will be allowed to change the template background.

4.2.2 Allow to edit the design

If this option is enable, the end user will be allowed to edit the template, change or resize the photo frames, not frames below background, and text frames (only in software online Image Desk)

4.2.3 Print this sheet always

If this option is enable, the template will be always printed even though no image has been inserted in the composition (this option can be more useful in album templates)

4.3 Tasks: Layer Control

The Layer control menu allows you to set useful options while you are designing the composition. This option is very important when you have several items display at the sheet, since it will allow you to quickly edit it. Except the background of the template, all other items of the composition have available two options: Visible and Selectable.

4.3.1 Visible

Set whether the element is visible or not during the composition designing process

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4.3.2 Selectable

Set whether the element is selectable or not during the composition designing process. This option is useful when you want to edit items in lower levels shapes that are covered by other upper elements which doesn’t allow you to select the desired item.

4.4 Tools

Frequently you may need to move around the template working area, or increase it and reduce it, in order to design more accurately. The rulers and zoom tool will help you with this:

4.4.1 Zoom tool

Use the Zoom tool in the Toolbars to increase or decrease the working area. Also you can use the keys + and – in the numeric keyboard.

4.4.2 Rulers

Use the rulers in order to move the composition horizontally or vertically. Click over one ruler and without dropping the mouse, drag it in order to scroll the working area.

4.4.3 Hand tool

When the template is bigger than the working area, use the hand tool to move quickly over the template. The hand tool allows you scroll the sheet template in any direction. Click and drag in the desired direction.

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4.4.4 Arrow keys

You can use the arrow keys (in the keyboard) in order to move over the working area.

4.4.5 Grid and Margins

You can help yourself with the grid. The grid gives you a visual guide for positioning the items in the composition. You can also choose whether to show or not the margins by clicking on View Margins.

Working area with grid and margins

4.4.6 Preview / Design View

Preview: This option allows to see the final result of the composition. Photo frames will display predetermined pictures.

From View menu, select Preview

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Design View: Selecting Design View, the Preview will be turned off and you will return to the original edition screen.

From View menu, select Design View

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4.4.7 Selection tool

Click on Selection button to select one or several items.

4.4.8 Sheet background color

You can change the background color with this tool.

4.5 Create frames

The frames are the containers in the composition where the customer upload the images. You then need to define the spaces where the personalised pictures from the end user application will be located. You must create as many frames as pictures you want to be featured on a sheet.

The frame can be:

4.5.1 Photo Frame

When the background is completely opaque you must use this frame, in order to define the space where the end user’s photo will be located. The image will be on the background. The size of the frame appears in the centre.

Click on Add

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Click on Add frame to create a photo frame

4.5.2 Photo Frame below background

This type of frame is used when the background image features a transparency. In this case, the size of the frame will have to be 4 mm (approx.) bigger on each side in order to avoid white strips around the picture. The photo will be below the background.

Click on Add

Click on Add frame below background

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4.5.3 Text Frame

Add Text Frame to enable the end customer to insert a text. When you add a text frame, the font tools will activate to define: typography, color, size... Common typographies should be used. Since the predefined font in the template, must be installed in the photographic kiosk in order to avoid any mistake.

Click on Add

Click on Add text frame

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4.5.4 Clipping region

This type of frame is used to print only a part of background and photo frames. For example is useful to customized gifts.

Click on Add

Click on Add clipping region

IMPORTANT: Remember to select the option Clipping regions in Output Mode (see page 16)

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4.6 Edit Frames

4.6.1 Frame size

You can edit the frame size created click on the frame and dragging the circular controls sited in both sides and at the corners. Drag any of these controls in order to resize it horizontally (width) or use the controls in the upper and lower sides of the frame in order to resize it vertically (height). By dragging any of the controls at the corners´ frame, you can resize the width and height at the same time. The control in the upper side is used for manual rotation. To resize the frame, drag the frame control and press the Shift key at the same time, in order to preserve the ratio (proportion) of the frame.

4.6.2 Frame rotation

Automatic rotation Frames can be rotated gradually from 15º to 15º or they can be turned over in 90º by using the commands available in the menu Rotate. Later on in this manual we will see how to rotate the frames manually. Use the menu options in order to rotate automatically the frame:

Click on Rotate and choose one of the following options: Turn over: Turn the frame in 90º Rotate right / Rotate left: Turn the frame 15º left or right. Make horizontal / Make vertical: Set the frame position to horizontal or vertical.

NOTE: Turning or turning over the frame will affect the image inserted by the customer. That means the image inserted will take the frame rotation angle.

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Manual Rotation You can use the circular control in the upper side of the frame to rotate it manually. When the frame is parallel or perpendicular to the frame, purple color guides will be shown, in order to help you matching the frame in the composition.

4.6.3 Frame properties

Click on Frames menu to change its properties.

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A window will be displayed where you can enter the following values: Size and position Define the personalized values for Size, Position and Rotation. This tab allows you to enter values more accurately than with the automatic or manual edition of the frames.


Click on the tab Borders to show the borders in the frame.

Click on the check box Draw borders

Enter the values in mm, and select one of the available colors in the menu.

Click on More colors… to open the mixer colors.

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Click on the tab Shadow in order to show a parallel shadow around the frame.

Click on the check box Draw shadow

Enter the value in mm of the shadow displayed, selecting a color and a percentage of opacity in % (0-100)

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Shape and text Define the frame shape and the text orientation selecting one of the options available in the menu. Additionally, you can choose additional options in order to adapt it to other writing style like Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, etc…

4.7 Organize and align items

The Organize menu allows you centre the item horizontal and vertically in the composition. You can also align in several ways the different items inside the composition. Please, note that the Align and Make the same size options will only available when you have created more than one item in the active template.

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Hold the Control key (Ctrl) and click on several items to select several ones. Also you can select some of them by dragging and clicking your left mouse button.

4.7.1 Organize menu command functionalities

Align Up Align the items selected at the upper “borderline” side. Align Down Align the items selected at the lowest “borderline” side. Align Left Align the items selected at the “borderline” left. Align Right Align the items selected at the “borderline” right. Align Horizontally Align the items selected based on a horizontal central axis of all the items selected. Align Vertically Align the items selected based on a vertical central axis of all the items selected. Align Centers Align the items selected based on a horizontal/vertical central axis of all the items.

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Center Align the item selected in the center of the template. Center Horizontally Center the item selected horizontally in the template. Center Vertically Center the item selected vertically in the template. Make the same size, both Establish the same (width, height) size to the items selected, taking like a reference the first item chosen. Make the same size, width Establish the same width size to the items selected, taking like a reference the first item chosen. Make the same size, height Establish the same height size to the items selected, taking like a reference the first item chosen.

4.8 Arrange Frames

When you have several frames in the composition, you can establish your stack arrangement. That means you can decide which frames would be shown in front or behind of others. Cliparts will be located, always, in an upper layer.

Select the frame to be arranged

Click on Arrange menu

Click on the available options

4.9 Delete sheets

You can delete any sheet created in the Templates panel. It’s located in the left side of the screen.

Select the sheet that you want to delete

Right click on the template thumbnail

Choose Delete sheet

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You can select add and copy sheets, too (see page 19)

5. Product options

You can create a template for a product with different variables. For example: different colors, sizes...You need that the customer could choose the color, size...of the product. In Products Options screen you can enter these variables.

Click on Product Options on the top left part of the screen. The scroll down menu, on the right of the screen, will display two options, Categories or Items. These two options are now active. In order to add a new item, you must previously create a New Category. Also you can add categories and items from the Task panel located in the right part of the screen.

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5.1 Add a new Category

Click on Add a new Category. A window will open up where you can decide the Category title, its description, the internal code and whether this category is available or not

Once this is done, click on OK

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5.2 Add a new Item

Each category can be composed of different items. To add an item:

Click on the chosen category to highlight it. Then click on Add a new Item.

A pop up window will appear. Enter the details of the item (category title, description, code)

Click on Load image to load a miniature of the item. You can load an image from the clipart gallery or add one from another file.

Click on a category to see all the items related.

Right click on an item to add another one, edit it, delete it, and move it upwards or downwards in the list.

You can also do this by using the menu Tasks on the right side of the screen.

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6. Saving templates

To save a template:

From File menu, select Save or Save as

The template stores all images, both the used ones and the ones not used. When you save a template, a pop up window opens with the images not used. Now, you can choose between delete or preserve them.

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7. Keyboard shortcuts

File menu CTRL + U – New file CTRL + A – Open file CTRL + G – Save file Edition menu CTRL + Z – Undo CTRL + Y – Redo CTRL + X – Cut CTRL + C – Copy CTRL + V – Paste SUPR – Delete CTRL + E – Select all Other shortcuts F4 – Frame properties CTRL + R – Rotate right CTRL + T – Rotate left ALT + Mouse wheel – Zoom in / out CTRL + Mouse wheel – Move left / right Mouse wheel – Move up / down Numeric key ‘+’ – Zoom in Numeric key ‘-‘ – Zoom out Arrows – Move up / down / left / right CTRL + H – Activate drag tool CTRL + S – Activate selection tool START key – View all SHIFT + drag frame controller – Change frame size, preserving the ratio