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The Girl Who Knew Too Muchis episode nine Allison gets a text that says Mr. Westover missing. She tells Isaac that she is now convinced that her father is responsible for the ritual killings pointing out all the evidence that Chris Argent seems to have foreknowledge of the pattern and location of the murders. Using the fact that Mr. Westover was taken from the school they plot the telluric currents on the map to find the likely spot where he will be sacrificed. Stiles has laid out the chessboard and labeled several pieces with Post-it Thin Strips.Derek (black knight), Scott (black pawn) and Peter (black knight) have pink strips. Chris Argent (white knight), Kate (white pawn) and Allison (white knight) have purple strips. Jackson (white rook or castle) has a yellow strip and Deaton (black rook or castle) has a blue strip.Editors Note: A summary of the following scene between the Sheriff, Stiles and Cora would prove far too confusing. Instead, I have presented the transcript of the scene.Sheriff Stilinski: Scott and Derek are werewolves?Stiles: Yes.Sheriff: And Kate Argent was a werewolf?Stiles: Hunter. Thats Purples Hunter.Cora: Along with Allison and her father.Sheriff: Yeah. And my friend Deaton, the veterinarian, is a Kanima?Stiles: Well, No. No. No. No. No. Hes a Druid. Okay? Well, we think.Sheriff: So whos the Kanima?Stiles: Jackson.Sheriff: No. Jacksons a werewolf.Stiles: Jackson was the Kanima first then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf and now hes in London.Sheriff: Whos the Da-Rack?Stiles: Its Da-Rock.Cora: We dont know yet.Stiles: We dont know yet.Sheriff: But he was killed by werewolves.Stiles: Slashed up and left for dead.Cora: We think.The sheriff then asks why Jackson was a Kanima first and Stiles explains that sometimes the shape that you take reflects the person you are. His father wonders what shape an increasingly confused and angrier by the second father would take. Stiles says it would actually be an expression like the one his father is currently wearing.The sheriff rises to leave and Stiles turns to Cora prompting her to transform and prove to his father the existence of werewolves. Cora stands briefly then collapses to the floor. Her head wound has reopened and is bleeding again.Allison and Isaac arrive at what appears to be an abandoned power plant (the Eagle Rock Substation). It is a large stone edifice with an interior reminiscent of a cathedral. The hunter and the werewolf are dwarfed by square concrete pillars that tower 30-40 feet above the floor. The pillars form a long nave-like area that stretches the length of the building with aisles hidden in shadow behind the pillars to either side.Isaac warns Allison that if her father tries to kill him, he will defend himself. Allison points out that if her father wants to kill Isaac then Isaac will be dead.Isaac smells blood but says he is to inexperienced in using his heightened senses to determine from which direction the scent comes. He settles on straight ahead where there seems to be a large set of doors at the end of the nave. Through the door, Allison spies a figure suspended on chain-link and struggling against his restraints. The Darach pops up behind the figure and spies Allison and Isaac.Allison begins to run forward toward the struggling victim and his captor. Isaac follows but then, with a shout to get down, Chris Argent steps out from behind a pillar with a silver revolver pistol in each hand. The kids step back as he opens fire. Bullets send up sparks as they harmlessly impact the chain-link fencing in front of the Darach. As Chris gets closer the killer flees. Chris runs out of ammo and somehow manages to reload both guns without slowing down and continues sending a barrage of bullets after the fleeing Darach.Allison and Isaac rush forward to help the hanging man. He is already dead. Allison recognizes him as the missing teacher, Mr. Westover. Isaac says he was our History teacher.Allison realizes they were wrong about the latest round of victims and relays the information to Scott who in turn relays it to Stiles. The Darach isn't targeting Guardians as in law enforcement but is after Philosophers as in teachers. Stiles says it makes sense because Deputy Grahame was a middle school teacher. Stiles worries that there are dozens of teachers all headed home. Scott, still at school, sees that a line of teachers is heading into the auditorium for the recital. Ms. Blake stands outside the auditorium and embraces herself against a sudden gust of chilly wind.Allison and her father argue as he collects his spent shells from the scene of the latest sacrifice. Chris says he would have caught the killer had Allison and Isaac not interrupted. Allison accuses her father of lying to her for two months. He fires back that if she wants to tally up the lies he doesn't think shell come out ahead. Isaac points out that its not the best time for a family meeting since one more teacher is yet to be targeted. They decide to head to the recital.Stiles and his father have delivered Cora to the hospital. Stiles is still trying to convince the Sheriff that werewolves are real pointing out that he must have seen something when he saved Deaton at the bank vault since Scott was visibly healing after his push against the mountain ash barrier. (SeeCurrents).The Sheriff says he doesnt know what he saw then brushes Stiles off again saying hes seen a lot that he cant explain but just because he cant explain them doesnt make them supernatural or real. He then points out that another body has been found and thats the lead hes following. Stiles, near tears, tells his father another teacher is going to die if the Sheriff doesnt listen to his son.Sheriff Stilinskibecomes very angry. He screams at his son that he IS listening and has BEEN listening. He realizes he is causing a scene and regains control. Stiles realizes that his father is listening but doesnt believe. As the Sheriff turns to go Stiles says Mom would've believed me. This stops the sheriff in his tracks.In the school auditorium, Ethan is fixing Dannys necktie and then touches up his hair. Ethan then pops open a case of CoolMint flavored Icebreakers mints, takes out a single piece and places it on Dannys tongue. Ethan then warns him that if anything happens find me. He then turns and notices his brother Aiden was watching the whole exchange.Scott scans the crowd in the auditorium for any trouble. He sees Ms. Morrell is in attendance an then sees Lydia. Hes surprised because he thought she was going home. Lydia says she cant leave because, while she doesnt know why shes the one that finds the victims, if she just stops fighting her abilities maybe she can get there early enough for someone like Scott to save them.Scott vows that if she gets him early enough warning he will do something about it. They briefly grasp hands.Derek is at Coras bedside in the hospital. She has a large bandage wrapped around her head. She wakes and asks him whats happening to her. He says he doesnt know but that hes not leaving, not again and gently kisses her forehead.Sheriff Stilinski asks Melissa McCall for some old hospital records. He says they would be over ten years old. Melissa says hell need a court order but shes not serious. She says shell bend the rules for a handsome face.Chris, Allison and Isaac arrive at the school as the orchestra begins to play. Danny plays the trumpet.Editors Note: The conductor at the concert is Teen Wolfs Composer Dino Meneghin.Lydias phone buzzes as a text arrives. The text is from Aiden and says Need to see you right now. Lydia looks up and sees Aiden is sitting with his brother in the audience in front of her. A second text arrives that says Life of Death! Lydia mumbles it better be and exits.At the hospital,Melissa McCallfound the file the sheriff wanted. She has details on a patient found slashed up in the woods and near death. Clipped to the chart is a photograph of a dark haired woman with a dimpled chin. She looks nothing like any of the characters seen on the show. Her name is listed as Jane Doe. The date on the chart is 3/02. That could be March of 2002 or February 3rd with no year listed. There is no way to tell which the intended date was.Melissa explains that hundreds of birds flew right into the walls and windows of the hospital while they were trying to treat the Jane Doe. Melissa calls it mass suicide but the sheriff sees it as they were sacrificing themselves. Melissa wonders what could make animals sacrifice themselves. The sheriff says not what, who?Lydia enters one of the schools darkened and empty classrooms. She begins to hear the loud Darach death chanting and Ms. Blake steps out of the shadows and knocks her across the face.Realizing Lydia is no longer at the concert, Stiles and Scott go outside looking for her. Scott scans the area with his enhanced vision but sees nothing. Inside the concert the orchestra seems to be possessed. The music has become dark and foreboding with a hint of the Darach death chant coming from the members of the chorus. The audience is beginning to sense how weird its becoming and Ms. Morrell and Allison look worried.Lydia is crying and seems to be in pain. She touches her forehead and her hand comes away bloodied. Ms. Blake is winding a cord around an object Lydia cant quite make out. The teacher begins to explain whats going on. She says she is only doing whats necessary. She says that the word sacrifice is from the Latin word sacrificium which she says means an offering to a deity (technically it means one that is made sacred and given to a deity). She says such sacrifices are a necessary evil.Lydia chokes out the word stop to which Ms. Blake says she wishes she could but that Lydia doesnt know the Alphas like I do. Blake then rises and we see that shes been winding the cord around a garrote stick and plans to strangle the girl with it. She explains that Lydia isn't a sacrifice. Shes just a girl who knows too much.Blake places the cord around Lydias neck but the intended victim manages to get her hand up between the cord and her throat. Lydia lets out a scream. Scott and Stiles hear it. It is so loud to Scotts enhanced ears that he falls to his knees at the shock of it. Inside the auditorium Isaac, Aiden and Ethan hear it and are similarly affected. Still at the hospital, Derek hears it and looks up. Ms. Blake is amazed. She stops trying to choke Lydia and explains that the girl is The Wailing Woman and calls hera Banshee. She then compares herself to Lydia saying they both look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it.Editors Note: The innocent flower line is from Shakespeares Macbeth. Lady Macbeth speaks it to her husband in Act 1, Scene 5. She is telling him to appear outwardly kind and welcoming to a visitor even though they are actually plotting to kill him. In this instance, Ms. Blake seems to be speaking more of physical beauty which hides something dark underneath.Blake then takes duct tape and binds Lydias hands to the chair so that she cant block the garrote again. She takes up a position behind the girl, places the cord around her throat and begins to twist it tighter. She then takes out a dagger and places it to Lydias neck saying one last philosopher.In the auditorium, the concert has turned into a chaotic clash of discordant tones. The audience is visibly uncomfortable as the orchestra and the conductor look insane - sawing, hammering and frantically blowing their instruments.The pianist is crashing random cords so hard that she breaks one of the strings on the Mason & Hamblin grand piano. The metal wire flies up and off the pin block, whips back and slices across the pianists throat. She drops dead to the floor.The audience, already tense from the weird performance, breaks into a full panic and begins to run. Allison plunges into the crowd heading for the stage with her worried father and Isaac in pursuit.On stage, Danny looks terrified. Allison reaches the fallen pianist and finds a bright white pool of liquid mistletoe is leaking from her mouth and mixing with the blood on the stage.Lydia is dying with the garrote twisted tight and a knife to her throat. Suddenly Sheriff Stilinski is there with a gun pointed squarely at Ms. Blake. The teacher simply takes the dagger away from Lydias throat and throws it at the sheriff, striking him in the chest just below his right shoulder. The knife does not penetrate deeply but remains stuck in.Scott arrives, fangs and fur flying, and lets out a roar. The werewolf and the Sheriff look at each other before Scott goes after Ms. Blake. She swats him away with ease and apparently injures him badly as blood comes pouring from his mouth.Stiles arrives but Blake, showing more ridiculous strength, shoves a desk in front of the door so that he his left out in the hallway.The sheriff has recovered enough to pick up his gun in his left hand. He levels it at Blake who walks confidently toward him. The sheriff explains that there was a girl, years ago, found in the woods with her face and body slashed apart. He knows it was Blake. She retorts that maybe she should have started with philosophers.Blake: Maybe I should have started with philosophers, with knowledge and strategy.Sheriff Stilinski fires his weapon striking her in the leg. The wound heals immediately.Blake: HealersBlake grabs the dagger and lifts the sheriff off the ground while at the same time twisting his left wrist so that he releases the gun. She forces him back, slamming him into a stack of chairs at the back of the classroom.Blake: WarriorsShe rips off the sheriffs badge.Blake: GuardiansShe crushes the badge, folding the metal and dropping it to the floor. She then moves in close to Sheriff Stilinskis face and saysBlake: Virgins.She then leans in and kisses him. During the kiss, the sheriff opens his eyes and sees not Jennifer Blake but the disfigured and slightly slimy face and huge white eye of the Darach.There is then the sound of shattering glass, Stiles manages to push the desk away from the door and Scott makes it back to his feet but they are too late. It appears the Darach has escaped through the broken window, taking Sheriff Stilinski with her.03x09 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much08/22/13 21:45bunniefuu

Previously onTeen Wolf...

Allison: I have to stop him.

Isaac: Is that really a good idea? I mean, if your dad is actually doing all this stuff...

Allison: "if"? Look at this. He knows everything. He's... he's planned everything.

Isaac: What are you doing?

Allison: If Mr. Westover was taken from the school, there's gotta be another point on the telluric current.

Isaac: You mean where he'll be sacrificed. There. That mark's new.

Allison: Then that's where he is.

Sheriff: Scott and Derek are werewolves?

Stiles: Yes.

Sheriff: And Kate Argent was a werewolf?

Stiles: Hunter. That's... purple's hunter.

Cora: Along with Allison and her father.

Sheriff: Yeah, and... and my friend Deaton, the veterinarian, is a Kanima?

Stiles: Well, no, no, no, no, no. He's a druid, okay? Well, we think.

Sheriff: So who's the Kanima?

Stiles: Jackson.

Sheriff: No, Jackson's a werewolf.

Stiles: Jackson was the Kanima first, and then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf. Now, he's in London.

Sheriff: Who's the Darack?

Stiles: It's da-rock.

Cora: We don't know yet.

Stiles: We don't know yet.

Sheriff: But he was killed by werewolves?

Stiles: Slashed up and left for dead.

Cora: We think.

Stiles: We think.

Sheriff: Yeah. Why was Jackson the Kanima?

Stiles: 'Cause sometimes, the shape that you take reflects the person that you are.

Sheriff: And what shape would an increasingly confused and angrier-by-the-second father take?

Stiles: Uh, that would be more of an expression like the one you're currently wearing.

Sheriff: Yeah.

Stiles: Dad... Dad, would you... I can prove it, okay? Look, she's one of them. A werewolf.

Sheriff: Stiles,Stiles!That's enough.

Stiles: Dad, can you please just hold on? You ready? All right, dad, just watch this, okay?

Sheriff: Call an ambulance.

Isaac: You really don't think we should call Scott?

Allison: Stay behind me and stay quiet.

Isaac: Oh, this is so not gonna end well. FYI, if your dad tries to kill me, I'm gonna defend myself.

Allison: If my dad tries to kill you, you'll be dead.

Isaac: Thanks for the vote of confidence. Whoa. I smell blood.

Allison: Where? What direction?

Isaac: I don't know. I'm not that good at this yet. But I think it's... Allison. Allison, wait. Allison, don't!

Chris: Get down! Help him!

Allison: That's Mr. Westover.

Isaac: It's our history teacher.

Allison: We were wrong. It's not guardians as in law enforcement.

Scott: It's philosophers as in teachers. Allison and her father just found Mr. Westover.

Stiles: That makes sense. Tara, she wasn't always a cop. She used to teach middle school.

Scott: Then the last one's gonna be another teacher.

Stiles: Yeah, but there's dozens of them, Scott, and they're all headed home.

Scott: No. No, they're not. They're all going to the recital.

Allison: You've been tracking the killer on your own this whole time?

Chris: Yeah, and I was this close. Could've caught him if the two of you...

Allison: So it's my fault? That you've been lying to me for the past two months?

Chris: You wanna tally up the lies, Allison? I don't think you're gonna come out ahead on that one.

Isaac: Hey, just a thought? Maybe right now isn't the best time for a little family meeting. There's still one more teacher.

Chris: The recital.

Allison: Guess we're going after all.

Stiles: What did you see the night at the bank when Scott was trying to save Deaton?

Sheriff: Nothing.

Stiles: Dad, you saw him healing himself after he tried crossing the Mountain ash.

Sheriff: I don't know what I saw.

Stiles: You saw something that you can't explain.

Sheriff: Stiles, I have seen a lot of things I can't explain in this town. That doesn't make 'em supernatural and it doesn't make 'em real. They just found another body. That's real. And that's the lead I'm following.

Stiles: Yeah, and another teacher's going to die if you don't start listening to me.

Sheriff: I am listening! I have been listening!

Stiles: You just don't believe. Mom would've believed me.

Danny: I know how to tie my own tie.

Ethan: Well, you know how to do it badly. Now, it's perfect. Still nervous?

Danny: All good.

Ethan: Okay. Listen. If anything happens, find me, okay? Find me first.

Scott: I thought you were going home.

Lydia: I can't. I don't know why I am the one that keeps finding the bodies, but maybe if I just stopped trying to fight it, I'd find them before it happens, maybe with enough time for someone like you to do something about it.

Stiles: You get me the time, and I'll do something about it. I swear to God, I will.

Cora: Derek?

Derek: Hey. Hey, I'm here.

Cora: What's happening to me?

Derek: I don't know. But I'm not leaving, okay? Not again.

Doctor Travis, you have a visitor in the main lobby.

Sheriff: The records would be over ten years old. I just need to look over a couple files.

Melissa: If this is about the murders, you would need a court order for that. Or someone like me that's willing to bend the rules for a handsome face. Give me the details. I'll see what I can do.

Sheriff: Thank you.

Lydia: It better be.

Melissa: There was a patient just like you described. Slash marks all over the body. Doctors thought it had to be an animal. Oh. But there's something else. Something happened at the same time that was even stranger.

Ethan: What's up?

Aiden: Nothing. I just think I lost my phone.

Sheriff: Birds?

Melissa: Hundreds of them. While the patient was in the O.R. struggling to hold on, hundreds of birds were flying into the walls, windows, like they were committing some kind of mass suicide.

Sheriff: Or like they were sacrificing themselves.

Melissa: For what?

Sheriff: Not what. Who.

Jennifer: You recognize it, don't you?

Stiles: Lydia?

Scott: Lydia!

Stiles: Anything? She's not answering texts. What do we do? Scott?

Lydia: What are you doing?

Jennifer: What's necessary. I'm still surprised none of you seem to get that. You call them sacrifices, but you're not understanding the word. It's derived from the Latinsacrificium,an offering to a deity, a sacred rite. A necessary evil.

Lydia: Stop.

Jennifer: Oh, I wish I could. But you don't know the alphas like I do.

Lydia: Please, stop.

Jennifer: But you, Lydia, you're not a sacrifice. You're just a girl who knows too much. Actually, a girl whoknewtoo much. Lydia, don't!

Stiles: Scott?

Jennifer: Unbelievable. You have no idea what you are, do you? The wailing woman. A banshee, right before my eyes. You're just like me, Lydia. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. It's too bad, though... And too late.

Lydia: No, please...

Jennifer: One last philosopher.

Chris: Allison!

Allison: Mistletoe.

Sheriff: Drop it! There was a girl. Years ago, we found her in the woods, her face and body slashed apart. That was you, wasn't it?

Jennifer: Maybe I should've started with philosophers, with knowledge and strategy. Healers... Warriors... Guardians... Virgins.

Stiles: Dad?