energy drink research pro forma

Energy Drink Research Name: Emily Monsey

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Post on 15-Nov-2014




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Energy Drink ResearchName: Emily Monsey

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Overview of Product

White tiger energy drink is targeted at both a male and female audience which is made clear by the stereotypical colour choice for each of the designs on their cans. They feature two cans, one pink and one blue, the pink one being ‘slim’ and the blue being just a pure energy drink. This is very stereotyped and will help to draw both genders to each of the products as it will be seen as energy for males in order to work out in the gym and then the ‘slim’ version for women in order to help them loose weight or maintain a slim figure whilst giving them energy. This is a mixed organic and sports energy drink which opens their targeted audience further as not only does it give energy, it also helps when exercising which many people look for now in an energy drink. The fact that the ‘slim’ can is very feminised shows the overall view on each gender as they have thought a lot on who would be more likely to pick up the lower calorie can and clearly opted for a feminine theme for this design. This is commonly found on energy drinks as they are usually stereotyped to be fairly masculine and used in the gym, however many brands are now developing on the design and creating lower calorie and more natural products to attract females to their product also. The age for this energy drink isn’t actually specified, however due to the colour choice of quite stereotyped ‘boy and girl’ colours, it has the look of being for a slightly younger audience, possibly young adults so around 20-35year olds and possibly slightly younger and also older however the colours give the look of it being for maybe a little younger. Due to it being revolved around getting fit, exercising and going to the gym this also suggests it is possibly for a younger generation as you wouldn’t typically get many older people having this as much of a priority for them. The logo is quite masculine as it shows three tiger heads which would typically be associated as linking with a male based energy drink. The tiger heads haven’t been put in any bright or bold colour as they have used a dark grey colour which acts as a kind of shadow effect which actually works really well as their main logo as they then add pink or blue detailing to it on the can depending on which one it is. The tiger could symbolise strength and power which the drink is going to give you in order to take part in any sport. However there is also the use of red in the text which does make it slightly more gender neutral and then the blue colour from the can is also used. The overall look of the product, looks to me as though it is gender neutral as they have used these stereotypical colours of pink and blue on the cans. They have also made it quite neutral overall as not much colour is usedMeaning it’s not too in your face or overly bold as some energy drinks can be. The website is verysimilar to the packaging of the product as it is very minimal and doesn’t show too much colour. It focuses on the fact that it is organic and also a fair-trade product which can definitely appeal to a lot of people, especially considering Many people interested in organic foods will have picked this particular one as it fits in to that category and will possibly also look out for fair-trade products. On the website they also had a section of text that explained that every can that it purchased helps to improve the conditions in developing countries which works as reward power for this advertisement as the audience then knows they Are benefiting someone else with this purchase. First class beveragesOf Sweden are the company that own the white tiger brand, which is

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Overview of Product

Actually very common now as many brands are actually owned by a bigger company that in some cases is much more well known. First class beverages of Sweden ab is a Swedish company that focuses on organic and ecological products only. Although minimal and fairly simplistic in some areas I do really like the overall design for this product and will definitely take it in to consideration when designing my own product as I think that the colours are the main attraction for the product at first look and then you can see the detail of the logo and also the fair-trade symbol which will draw a lot of people to their products. I think that having the plain white background for the can is actually quite interesting in comparison to other energy drinks packaging as many choose to use really bright, almost neon colours to attract their audience, or dark colours. White can be seen as showing purity which definitely fits with this drink as the formula is very pure instead of using the high amounts of caffeine and sugar that other brands use in theirs. So I do think that the colour is really important as for this it symbolises health and nutrition that the drink has to offer and in others it can be really bright neon which shows the buzz you are going to get from the energy drink. The bright red colour is then used as a kind of highlight to the consumer as it is still an energy drink so contents can be unsafe for some people such as pregnant women or children. The red is just a way to make this really bold and to help the ‘energy drink’ text be seen easily when looking at the can. They don’t actually make the fact that this product is organic a main focus on the packaging of the can as they rely on the fair-trade logo to make it clear and also the smaller text on the back which I found fairly strange as it seemed that many of the other organic energy drinks I had seen wanted to focus quite heavily on this fact as it has definitely become something that people look for a lot more now. I found the website extremely similar to the design of the can as they have gone for a very simplistic design, only having white as the background and the only images being the cans and the logo as a main focus which is also very different in comparison to some others as many have made their website a little more interactive with moving images and a lot more to see. In comparison to the powercoco brand I have been looking at, this seems to focus a lot more on the organic side of the drink and then only suggests that it would be a good drink for sports or any other physical activity as it still has the energy factor to offer to their audience.

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Analysis of advert – white tiger organic energy drink

This advert, along with their website is very simplistic and basic. I looked at a video commercial as I couldn’t seem to find many images that would be used for advertising purposes. I found this advert slightly boring and not very attention grabbing as it stated the facts about the drink and said the positive benefits of purchasing it, such as helping other countries and also being the only fair-trade certified energy drink in Europe. The intended audience would be both male and female as this is what the actual product themselves can attract, they used both pink and blue fonts which matched the cans themselves as this is something they used on the packaging of the product also. I think that the target would be anyone interested in keeping fit as they advertised their ‘slim’ version of the drink and also anyone interested in organic energy drinks instead of the caffeine and sugar produced versions. There wasn’t many adverts as this was the only one I could find that was officially from the white tiger brand, although it was a video it didn’t actually show much and acted more as an interactive poster as it just showed an image of each of the cans and text moved around the screen, there was also no music which highlights the simplicity of the product as it seemed to be this way on their website also. The font didn’t actually match any of the fonts they used on the product, as it had a look of being written which I did like as it made it a little more interesting than just a standard quite simple one, there was also arrows that pointed to the product and highlighted certain areas and key aspects that their audience could be interested in. The layout was very simple as not much happened, it was on a blank white background and the only thing you could see was the product and the text that moved around the can. The actual advert itself wasn’t very persuasive at all as it didn’t grab the attention of the audience and was very simple to the packaging of the cans as it used the colour scheme white, pink and blue only. However there was some element of persuasion in the text which is something they highlighted in their website also as they made a point of zooming in to the fair-trade logo on the can and then had text explaining that they were the only certified energy drink in Europe from fair-trade which could definitely attract a lot of people to their brand as this is something that many people look out for in items they purchase. This is a form of reward power as they were promising some form of beneficial effect for developing countries as they had previously stated in their website also. This could also be seen as coercive power in some ways as not buying it means you haven't benefited anyone in those developing countries. The only images used was the two of the cans, which I personally found a little too simplistic as there was nothing to really grab your attention and make you want to continue watching at all.

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Analysis of advert – white tiger organic energy drink

I then decided to look at one of the image based adverts that would be used as a poster style of advertising, however I did struggle to find one, and the only image based advertisements were extremely similar to the whole simplistic theme they have taken on with both the packaging of the product and also the website as it was a plain white background with an image of the can. The white background does match the website and also the packaging, however it does look a little too simplistic and slightly boring as it doesn’t grab their audiences attention at all or make anyone want to stop and look at it like some others use. This is very different from other posters I have seen for energy drinks as most try to make them quite bold in order to catch the attention of the target audience with bold colours and also sometimes the brands that sponsor music festivals such as relentless show advertisements of festivals also. They had two different posters that I could find, one for the blue can and the other for the ‘slim’ version of the product and each has a small amount of text pointing out the facts of the drink and what was a key point such as it being organic and also being the only certified fair-trade energy drink in Europe. Although these are very key facts and important to know, they have however made it a little too plain as it doesn’t grab the attention of the audience in any way. Some being only one line of text did make it very hard to draw the attention of anyone and especially not their target audience as when you typically think of ‘organic’ some of the main connotations you can get from it are things like nature which all link with bright and bold colours like green and blue for example. However this advert definitely didn’t show this as it only had the pink and blue from the can and then this was also used on the one line of text and arrow pointing to the can. They also don’t seem to have a slogan which is quite strange as many of the adverts you normally see for sports/energy drinks do have some form of slogan as a way to encourage their audience to buy it, as in many they promise a lot of benefits that will come from it, however this didn’t seem to do this. I also found it quite strange that one of their main and key selling points is the fact that the product is fair-trade which would attract a lot of people to the drink due to the organic theme as the people that would look at this drink clearly care about what it’s doing to their body and the economical aspects also, so something such as being the only certified fair-trade brand in Europe for an energy drink could really attract and interest many people to purchasing this product. The target audience looked to be exactly the same as the website and the video advert as all are very basic and don’t actually give a clear indication as to who it is for and who they would like to be drinking their energy drink. The layout was very basic as it showed a can to the right of the page and the text to the left right next to the can with an arrow pointing to it, this definitely doesn’t show much interest in to the poster or the drink and overall, I think that it doesn’t really show the drink to be something I would really want to buy just because of the lack of any detail or different interesting features that could have been used on some of the different mediums of advertising.

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Overview of Product

PowerCoco is a sports specific energy drink made from allNatural coconut water and a specially blended fruit syrup in Four different flavours including, lemon lime, blue raspberry,Tangerine and fruit punch. It has been specially designed to Avoid the usual ‘metallic’ taste that coconut water can Sometimes have with the mix of the electrolyte fruit flavoured syrup to make it enjoyable for their audience. They have also Made it very clear that there is only 25 calories in each bottle and it also has 6x the amount of potassium than the leading sportsDrink. It also offers no cholesterol and no high fructose corn syrup which is commonly used to create a sweet taste instead of Using natural cane sugar which they now use. They only use natural flavours as well and they make all this very clear, some of itActually being put on the label on the packaging to highlight these key aspects of the product and to draw more health conscience People to their drink. This information can attract so many more people to their brand as they point out that other sports drinks, Even some of the leading brands still don’t use completely natural ingredients which can actually damage your body instead of Helping and improving on it. Their target audience isn’t specifically designed for any one gender in an obvious way as they have ensured that a mix of colours have been used, however on their website it looks to be more suited at a male audience as they have images of several sports players that all seem to be male and also the font and the way of advertising seems to have been done in quite a masculine way. The age range also isn’t very clear as to who they are aiming it at, however it is very clear that it is a definite sport oriented drink and those who drink it do participate in some sort of sport as all the images used involve sport or some form of exercise and also it has been designed specifically for exercise as they have electrolytes in the drink which help when exercising and gaining energy. The logo includes a small image of a coconut, making it clear what type of drink it is and what is in it and also by the name as it all links in making it really consistent. There isn’t any one particular colour scheme that has been used for the actual drinks themselves as a variety have been used depending on the flavour and what's actually in them. The overall look of the product doesn’t specify what gender they are aiming at in particular and also the website helps us to understand that it is actually gender neutral with images of both male and female sports players, and also the use of a mix of

colours makes it look less fixed on one particular gender. The website is really interactive as the background switches images very frequently showing images of different sports and the outdoors, also the images of the drinks change as there are three further back on the page and then one as a main focus at the front which constantly changes to show off the different flavours they have to offer. It uses the word ‘natural’ and ‘hydrate’ as across the top of the banner on the website, using beneficial words like this can clearly attract the audience they want as they want people that want to keep fit and take part in sports and they know that these kind of people will look out for text like this. It shows the calorie and also highlights

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Overview of Product

again that the product uses natural ingredients and doesn’t have the sugars that others include on the actual packaging which will definitely help to draw people in to the product that do want to be aware of what they are drinking and for those that are looking for something different from the other sports drinks on the market already. They also highlight coconut a lot as the main focus and ingredient of the drink. They have made it clear from the name, logo and also on the bottle as this is something that is very different from other sports/energy drinks already out there in shops as instead of using ingredients that people aren’t familiar with, they have used something as well known as coconut water which many people look to drink on it’s own anyway, however now they have made it in to a sports drink and a way to improve your exercise routine and strength. The athlete Tyler Beuerlein is the founder of powercoco and started the brand in 2010 along with the executive vice president Carmelo Anthony, an NBA all star for the knicks. Tyler had first tasted coconut water and hadn’t personally liked the taste, however found that it was naturally low in calories and unusually high in electrolytes making it the perfect fuel for athletes and this is how powercoco had first been developed. They also feature many more famous names on their website that claim to drink this sports energy drink which is a form of star power in their advertising as it makes people want to drink what their favourite athletes drink. Having these well known athletes on their website definitely puts them at an advantage in competition with other sports/energy drink brands as these are the kind of people that aspiring athletes and sports enthusiasts will look up to aspire to be just like so this is actually a very clever way of advertising their brand and encouraging people to purchase their drink. Having an NBA player as their vice president and also face of the brand makes it very clear form the start that this is a sports energy drink and really the people that should be drinking it and the people they are aiming it at should be playing sports or exercising in some way. This paired with the several images they have on a slideshow on the background of their website really show that this is for sports players, athletes and people that want to keep fit and use an energy drink that they know is actually going to help them instead of potentially damaging them. They also use a few different slogans on the website such as ‘hydrate better’ , ‘natural hydration’ and I’m on the natural team, are you?’ which is in quotation marks from the NBA player Carmelo Anthony.

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Analysis of advert – PowerCoco

For the powercoco brand I looked at a video commercial and found that it was entirely revolved around their executive vice president and NBA all star player Carmelo Anthony which shows clear signs of star power as they are drawing attention from the famous athlete. This will definitely attract people to their advert and their product as they see someone they look up to and aspire to be like drinking this product and they will then believe it will help them get to the point that he is at. There is also a form of reward power in this advert as they are saying that it helps you when taking part in sport or exercising and then using the famous athlete as an example shows people that they could also be just like Carmelo in this case making it hugely beneficial for them if they are to drink it. The intended audience for this is definitely people that enjoy sport and exercise and those who play regularly as it will benefit them massively and it is a way to gain energy without consuming the sugar and mass caffeine amounts that other energy drinks offer their audiences. The age isn’t particularly obvious, however it would be aimed at anyone fit enough to do that sport and exercise as it is obvious that it is for those who take part in sport on a regular basis due to the number of different athletes they have on the website claiming to drink powercoco. The design of this is quite eye catching at first as those who know the athlete Carmelo Anthony will immediately recognise who it is and want to watch it as he is the first thing you see. It then shows him working out and then drinking powercoco. Everything seems to be not too bright or bold in the advert as it first seems quite simplistic, however we are then shown Carmelo drinking powercoco and they have made the bottle very vibrant and bold in comparison to the rest of the advert. There is also his voice speaking over the advert saying words such as ‘strength’ as he is exercising in the gym. These words of encouragement are linked with the drink as he is saying that if you drink it you will gain strength for example. The persuasive aspects of this advert include the words Carmelo Antony says as he is exercising as these are a way to advertise what the drink can do for you and also to persuade you to buy it as you can be just like him. Carmelo was the main focus of the whole advert as the only thing that was shown was the exercise equipment and then the drink so their wasn’t any other focus to look at. There was also music playing that was just a beat instead of a proper song which played as he exercised giving the idea of being in the gym with that style of motivational music.

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Analysis of advert – PowerCoco

For my second advert analysis I looked at a print poster for the Powercoco sports energy drink. I found this much more interesting in comparison to the white tiger energy drink poster I had previously looked at as this one has much more to look at and much more reason for their audience to continue looking and to consider buying. The intended audience for this poster advertisement will be the same as the actual product as they have stuck to the same sort of theme and colour scheme as they have on the bottle and website. I would say this product is for anyone looking for a healthy drink that is going to improve their athletic performance and increase their energy without taking in what's bad for them like sugar and high amounts of caffeine. This is very clear as the main section of text that has been made to be very bold and stand out reads ‘25 calories & 5 grams of sugar’. This immediately informs their audience of the good qualities of their drink and the benefits in comparison to others that are on the market, this will also draw many more people to this advertisement and encourage them to try their drink as many people that are eager to keep fit or those who like to work out or compete in different forms of sport will definitely want to try it out. They have stuck to the red and black colour scheme which some of which was used on the website also and this also matches the NBA player and executive vice president of the brand Carmelo Anthony who is also featured on this poster. This shows consistency and the bold red against the darkness of the black background makes it stand out, helping it grab the attention of their target audience. Including Carmelo in the poster will definitely make more people interested in the product as fans of the NBA player will see that this drink is something that he recommends to people that take part in sport and those who want to exercise with an energy drink. I think this is definitely a form of persuasion as many people will want to buy it after seeing someone they could look up to and aspire to be like with the drink and representing the brand. Having him on the front also shows his involvement with the brand as he was also quoted saying that he wanted to get involved with the creation of powercoco instead of just being the face of the product. They have then put some more bold red text at the bottom of the page reading ‘the next generation sports drink’, using the word sports instead of energy will also draw many more people to their product as it isn’t just going to give you the energy to exercise and compete in sport, it is also going to help you to do so which many other energy drinks on the market do not do. Overall on this poster they have really emphasized the fact that it is a ‘sports’ drink as well as an energy drink, as they have included the NBA player, the props of the gym equipment and the basketball.

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Overview of Product

Red Bull has been targeted for those that want a basic energy drink that doesn’t actually give anything other than energy as this isn’t like some others that claim to help when exercising or competing in any kind of sport as this is high in caffeine and sugar to give you an extra boost throughout the day. From first look of this product it does look slightly targeted toward men as it uses a dark blue and silver colour scheme for the can and then the logo shows red and a little bit of yellow which does make it much more gender neutral, they also have a lighter version of the product which uses a light blue design instead, which is very similar to the white tiger organic energy I have looked at as for their lighter version they too used more feminine colours. The age isn’t something that is highly important with this brand as this drink is purely for anyone that wants an energy drink as it doesn’t do anything extra, however typically it is the younger generation that tend to drink these energy drinks and they also show a lot of dangerous sport that is linked with this drink on their website which would also be linked to a younger audience. It definitely doesn’t attract children as they have only stuck to a small amount of colour on the packaging, and they also only use three main colours really instead of making the packaging really vibrant and bold which could easily attract young children to the drink as this definitely isn’t suitable for children due to the high caffeine content. The logo is of two bulls which does actually have some masculine connotations as they are fighting which isn’t stereotypically something you would link or relate with women. This logo would typically attract men along with the high adrenaline sports advertised on their website which could give some indication to the target audience.The overall look of the red bull can is very masculine and does draw some attention with the colour and also the design as they have their quite bold logo fairly big on the front of the can stating immediately that it is an energy drink. Unlike the others this also doesn’t state any of the content as a main focus on the can and all the ingredients are kept in a small font on the back of the can. This is due to the high amounts of caffeine and sugar that they don’t want to advertise to their audience unlike some of the healthier options that state the calories and any beneficial ingredients as a factor of persuasion. I found the website quite interesting as it doesn’t actually show any images of the red bull product as they advertise activities, music and events such as motorsports and also some games instead. This is quite unusual in comparison to the others as this one seems to be more focused on events that they sponsor, as the red bull brand has now developed beyond just the drink. Although the actual drink doesn't’ particularly benefit you in any sport on the advert they seem to heavily focus on sporting eventswhich is very different from any of the actual sports energy drinks as they mainly focused on the actual drink and the beneficial qualities it has. For example they advertise some upcoming events. This drink seems to be a bit of a mix in comparison to others that are very specific about their aim for the drink and what it is for or how it will benefit you. However Red Bull is a bit of a mix as it links

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Overview of Product

itself with some extreme sport and activities and it is also very well known as just an energy drink. The company Red Bull GmbH was created in 1987 by Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz who went in to partnership with Chaleo Yoovidhya and became the highest selling energy drink in the world with 5.387 billion cans sold in 2013 alone. The website features three main themes that are shown a lot throughout the different pages available for their audience and they are adventure. Music and games. These three things show the versatility of the product and how it has expanded from being a basic energy drink in to being used for a variety of different reasons. It is used and related to games due to people using it as a way to stay awake longer and to give them more energy to play games. Adventure has been made a key focus on their website with lots of images of extreme sport and chances for their audience to get involved in different events going on with their featured and upcoming events section informing people of the different activities going on and the dates available to take part in them. Music is also something that they have branched out to as they share their favourite music and have a link to the red bull music academy also. The overall look of the product has been linked with the logo and the website which does show consistency within the brand as they have stuck to the same red and blue colour scheme making these iconic colours for their red bull brand. I think that the whole brand has transitioned from being an energy drink to being used for sports and also linked with music and gaming like many other energy drinks on the market already. This shows why the brand has grown and become so popular as no other energy drink has managed to be used for a variety of different things like the Red Bull brand has done and become so well known.

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Analysis of advertFor the advert, I looked at the world of red bull advert for 2014, it was very clear from the advert that they wanted to show all aspects of red bull including where and why people drink it. The main focuses of this advert where revolved around music and different forms of extreme sport and activities which gave me an idea of who red bull actually want to be purchasing their drink and the types of things people use it for. As I have previously said, Red Bull is very open to the different reasons in which people want to drink it as it’s not been made specifically for a main focus such as powercoco which is very centred around sport and how the drink could be beneficial to sports players and those you exercise on a regular basis. This advert was very packed full of different things to look at so it held the attention of the audience really well as it was interesting to see the different festivals and music gigs and sports that are associated with the drink. It showed clips of extreme sport and also things like skateboarding, car racing and then showed lots of music festivals representing the energy that red bull gives people. It had been put together as a kind of slideshow of short video clips with the red bull logo and name featured on some things such as on one of the race cars the logo had been printed across it showing this is the type of thing that the company like to involve themselves in and like to sponsor. The intended audience was very focused around people interested in music and going to festivals as there was quite a few clips of gigs and musicians which would easily appeal to this type of audience. They then showed some clips of sports and various activities like surfing, jumping off cliffs, skydiving and kayaking which will appeal to a really wide range of people as it can appeal to the people that just watch this type of sport and attend to watch in an audience at events and also to the people that are actually competing as it is a way to get adrenaline and hype your self up. The people actually competing and also the people attending festivals or attending festivals would stereotypically be fairly young, however it is still open to a wide range of people due to the amount of people still interested in an energy drink for just attending events to watch sports. At the end of the advert it then shows the red bull can against just a plain dark blue background highlighting the main focus of the entire advert and really drawing attention to it after not even showing someone drinking it through the advert so far. At the bottom it then reads ‘gives you wings’ which has become their very well known and popular slogan which has even been made in to a joke in some of their other adverts and it has become something very recognisable to the brand. The background of this part of the advert is actually the only block colour we see as the rest is all in video meaning lots of colour and lots of activity is shown on screen, this colour is really well linked with the brand as they are known for their blue and silver packaging with their now iconic logo. They also had music playing throughout which was from Pharrell Williams who is very popular and well known in the music industry which is a clear factor of persuasion and also then links to the music aspect of the advert even further. Having someone so well known and well liked sing for the advert is a form of star power and will definitely improve the likability of the advert and draw much more attention to it as fans of Pharrell will naturally be drawn to listen to it and watch this advert. The music also gives the advert more of a reason to watch as without it, it could get slightly boring with just a few short video clips so overall I think it really helps to make the advert much more interesting and likable by their target audience.

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Analysis of advert

For the print advertisement I looked at several that were available and found that they were very persuasive and made to make you think you need it instead of that you want it with the use of language and different figures such as an image of Einstein that has been used in one of the posters. The slogan ‘red bull gives you wings’ was used on a lot of the posters as this has become extremely popular and is used frequently on all of their TV adverts also. I found one that is actually for the energy shot version of the drink, meaning it is smaller and has a lot of caffeine in it to give you a quick burst of energy through your day. This one used the saying as a kind of joke which is commonly done in a lot of their TV adverts, for example they created an advert revolved around the titanic and the captain wouldn’t let them bring red bull on the ship and the man with the drinks said ‘but it gives you wings’ to which the captain replies ‘why would you need wings on a ship’. Although this was criticised by some people as being tasteless and disrespectful it still caught the attention of a lot of people drawing a lot of attention to the red bull brand. It reads ‘the only shot that gives you wings’, this is clearly a play on words as it is referring to other shots being alcohol or possibly something medical such as an injection and joking with this saying they won’t give you wings but red bull can. It also shows the size of the product which is really essential with the ‘shot’ version of the drink as people will want an idea of what size a ‘shot’ is categorized as and some may want to see it to compare the size with the regular one. Another I looked at was one that had some text at the top of the poster saying ‘freshness has a name’ so here they are calling themselves and their brand fresh and giving this as a reason to buy it. This will sound very appealing to a lot of people as it will be seen as something You can quickly drink for a refreshment through the day. They then haveThis water that the can is being stood in that is splashing up against the Sides showing the ‘freshness’ of the drink and how beneficial it is as itWill be an instant refresher for them and a quick way to get energy. The Last I looked at was the one with Einstein in it as they have kept to the Comical aspect with this advert that seems to be a running theme in a lot Of their adverts. This reads ‘Einstein agrees : Red Bull equals energy’. They have made the drink sound like a maths equation in this one as they Have the red bull can drawn on the chalk board as if Einstein is workingIt out and has come to the conclusion that it is full of energy. The audienceFor these isn’t as specific as the TV advert as they haven’t shown anyAspect of sport or music in any of them and just kept them fairly Simplistic making the text the main focus on each one. One big Similarity amongst them all is the blue background as this has becomeAn iconic colour for them along with the red from their logo which Does show a lot of consistency with the brand and works really well.

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Overview of Product

Relentless has become a massive brand and is now really popular and well known to a mass amount of people, it is strongly aimed at music lovers and musicians or even festival goers and the brand has focused all attention on music relating with the drink so they sponsor a lot of artists and bands and festivals, even going as far as to get their own tent at Leeds festival which is great advertising as it get their name out there and this also shows the popularity of the product and how involved in music they have become. They have a wide range of different flavour drinks some of which include lemon ice, cherry and kiwi and apple, this just shows the popularity of the drink as many brands only bring out very few different tastes and then introduce more flavours when their popularity starts to build. Their target market is very specific, however they haven’t limited it too much as the market out there is already a huge amount as many people go to festivals each summer as this has become a kind or normality for a large portion of young people and teens. The age isn’t ever really specified, however the people that would typically go to music festivals like Reading and Leeds where they have there own tent are usually young and include teens and young adults mostly so thisIs the age they are mainly aiming at, however it does also include anyoneThat does really enjoy music and attend various gigs and concerts as They commonly sponsor different artists and brands, however due to thePopularity of the product now, the majority of people do know who theyAre aiming their energy drink at now. The logo isn’t maybe as Interesting as others as many others choose to use drawings or different Figures or shapes like red bull and the two bulls fighting in their logo. This is fairly simple as it is basically just writing that has been done inQuite a detailed way as there is lots of pattern and shape created by the Style of font. Not having anything extra on their logo and just stickingTo text does really suit theBrand and who they are Aiming their product at as There isn’t actually much

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Overview of Product

That they could show that would relate to music in a way that doesn’t distract from it being an energy drink. Relentless don’t actually use much colour in anything they do and if there is colour, it is usually not too bright or vibrant like many other brands choose to use on their product and logos. The logo for relentless doesn’t actually have any colour and the brand name is just written in white against a plain black background which could be seen as a little too simplistic, however I do think that it suits the brand and also the website and they stick to using colour on the actual packaging of the products. They do use quite a surprising amount of bright colour on the cans in comparison to the colour use on the logo and the website which does show some contrast and also helps to grab peoples attention when placed next to really vibrant, almost neon packaging that is used on a lot of other energy drinks as this tends to stick out for people and draw the eye of the audience. They haven’t made the colour too vibrant, however some is fairly bright with the exception of some of the darker brown colours used on some of the cans. The colour is dependent on the flavour of each can which is also something that is done on a lot of energy drinks which I do like as it makes it much Easier for their audience to identify which they like and which they don’t.The website was really interactive and a lot like red bull in the sense thatThere was so much to look at on each page and then much like the Powercoco website as this has moving images and lots to actually see on The background which is quite unusual and different. Relentless have a Running video clip of what looks to be some sort of cartoon/animationOn each page you click on which changes. The website makes it very clear That the drink is revolved around music and that the brand sponsors lotsOf music events and festivals with advertisements for upcoming events That they are in collaboration with. Relentless was created in 2006 by the Coca cola company which is very common amongst drinks to be owned by a much bigger company. From looking at the actual can you can see They also have a relentless ‘scan me’ barcode which you can scan fromYour phone which makes it much more interactive and involves theirAudience more which makes it much more interesting along with the Different events available to go to on their website, making it really Interactive and much more likable for their audience.

Page 16: Energy drink research pro forma

Analysis of advert

For the relentless advert there is one from 2013 that became really popular due to who was featured in it, obviously revolved the whole advert around music, involving the relentless drink in different ways through the advert. They definitely used star power in this advert as they featured professor green along with several other musicians to make their intended audience very clear and to show the type of people that do actually drink their product. The intended audience for this would be all people who enjoy either listening or performing to music and also those who attend concerts and festivals and are looking for an energy drink that will give you a boost of energy that you might need whilst doing so. They do make this very obvious in everything they do and in all forms of advertising as they sponsor festivals and gigs and at every opportunity they have some influence of music that shows people what kind of brand they are. The video has professor green talking over it discussing music and how to create it, and it then shows him along with several other musicians and artists drinking the drink throughout. It then also shows professor green in the studio recording music which for his fans will be something that they may not have seen before and will definitely be something they are interested in viewing so this would be seen as a really interesting advertisements for many people. Using this star power is very influential to their audience as the fans of professor green will see that this is something he supports and it’s a drink that he has, which will be a definite form of persuasion and make them want to buy it and drink it themselves. The gender isn’t specified at all and I think that it is literally just about who is interested in music rather than focusing on other factors like gender which many other brands do. The whole video wasn’t extremely bold or vibrant in any way as relentless do tend to stick with quite muted colours and don’t go out their way to try and grab attention of their audience with colour, they do it with music instead. At the end of the advert it then shows the can being held in the air at what looks to be a festival or gig and the text reading ‘no half measures’ whilst professor green reads it out. This can be seen as very persuasive in comparison to the other energy drink brands as it is as though it is hinting as others being not as good and only being half of what they are which does make it stand out for their audience and potential consumers of the drink. It could also be interpreted in different ways as some may think it means no half measures in life, meaning you have to do what you want to do and put all of your effort in to it instead of doing it half heartedly, this could bevery possible as throughout the advert they are talking about workinghard to get where you want to be in life but relating it to music. It could also mean no half measures of energy as that one can is packed full of energy instead of only being half a measure. The text then changes from no half measures to the relentless logo with the same background of someone holding it up in the air at a gig/concert, whichjust highlights the music aspect of the brand even further as they are showing the scenarios that it would be consumed in as well as who drinks it and who they want to be drinking it so they constantly makethis point very clear.

Page 17: Energy drink research pro forma

Analysis of advert

As Relentless don’t have many print adverts and stick to posting videos and advertising on TV as a way of advertising I looked at some of the posters they have designed for the gigs, festivals and concerts that they have sponsored and two where the drink is actually advertised. Firstly I looked at one of the posters where the drink is actually shown and it actually looks as though it has been taken from the TV advert and used as a poster apart from someone isn’t actually holding it in this poster. This immediately shows the kind of situations and scenarios people would drink relentless as it shows the can in front of a background that looks to be a an audience at a concert or gig so it tells us straight away about the kind of people that drink it and also that the brand is heavily revolved around music and sponsoring music also. They have actually blurred the image of the can along with the background and made the ‘relentless energy drink’ text the main focus which does make it stand out and means that the brand name is recognised and seen straight away. The colour isn’t very bright which does actually fit with the overall colour scheme that relentless tend to use throughout their logo and website as they haven’t made it bright and also really blurred it out making it much less bold. The audience for all of the print posters I looked at are all aimed at people that enjoy music, perform music and want a drink that’s going to give them the energy to go to these type of events or play at these gigs and concerts that it advertises so much and sponsors. The next print advertisement I looked at was for a new flavour ‘apple and kiwi’ which they would Have wanted everyone to know about and try out so this one is solely focused on the Drink instead of music like a lot of other advertisements that they produce. This also Seems to be much brighter and use much more colour as they have used this blue colourThat they have matched with the flavour. Instead of using the relentless logo on the Poster as a main focus for their audience they have actually Just made the image of the can really big and zoomed in Especially on the logo which makes it really clear as to what Brand the drink is. The background is also white which I Found a little strange considering the amount of dark coloursThey usually use in there work, however this could be Because they are wanting to show something New and have gone for a colour much Brighter that could draw more attention. I Then looked at some of the posters for gigs That relentless sponsor and these seem to be Much more linked with how they usually Design as it uses dark colours and is strongly Music related due to it being a concert and it Makes it clear that they are a sponsor.