energy efficient and reliable data delivery in urban sensing...

Energy efficient and reliable data delivery in urban sensing applications: A performance analysis Eleonora Borgia a,, Giuseppe Anastasi b , Marco Conti a a Institute of Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council (CNR), Italy b Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy article info Article history: Received 26 October 2012 Received in revised form 26 June 2013 Accepted 8 July 2013 Available online xxxx Keywords: Urban sensing Wireless sensor networks Mobile sinks Reliable data delivery Erasure coding Analytical model and implementation abstract Urban sensing is an emerging application field for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where a number of static sensors is sparsely deployed in an urban area to collect environ- mental information. Data sensed by each sensor are, then, opportunistically transmitted to Mobile Nodes (MNs) that happen to be in contact. In the considered scenario, communica- tions between MNs and sensors require paradigms with a minimal synchronization between devices, extremely fast and energy efficient, especially at the sensor side. To deal with the above issues, in [1] we proposed a hybrid protocol for data delivery from sensors to MNs, named Hybrid Adaptive Interleaved Data Protocol (HI). By combining Erasure Cod- ing (EC) with an Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) scheme, the proposed protocol maxi- mizes the reliability of communications while minimizing the energy consumed by sensors. In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of the HI performance. We provide an analytical evaluation by defining a flexible model to derive the probability of data deliv- ery and exploiting it to investigate the performance over a wide range of parameters. More- over, we perform an experimental study to evaluate the HI effectiveness on real sensor platforms. Specifically, we analyze the impact of resource constraints imposed by sensors on data delivery and provide a careful characterization of its actual consumption of resources. Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) play a crucial role in the realization of the Future Internet, which will be truly pervasive, ubiquitous and content-centric with data gener- ated automatically by applications/devices or by users [2,3]. In this scenario, WSNs are a powerful technology to automatically generate content, gather and process the data generated and, thus, to increase the awareness of a certain environment or phenomenon. Their applicability spans over a large variety of domains [4–6]. Relevant appli- cations include, among others, environmental monitoring, surveillance, event detection, intelligent agriculture, health monitoring. Traditionally, a WSN consists of static and resource- constrained sensor nodes, densely deployed in the sensing area, so that sensed data can be relayed through multi-hop communication and collected by a sink node [7–12]. More recently, there has been an increased interest in the re- search community to introduce mobile elements in WSNs, to increase their performance [13–15]. Mobile elements can be either regular sensor nodes or special nodes that are exploited to support the data-collection process. In the former case, sensor nodes can be mounted, for in- stance, on vehicles (e.g., taxis or buses) and exploited for pollution monitoring or surveillance of urban areas [16]. In the latter case, sensor nodes are still static, however, the WSN is enhanced with special mobile data-collector nodes. These special mobile nodes can be either mobile 1389-1286/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Corresponding author. Address: Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy. Tel.: +39 050 315 2407; fax: +39 050 315 2593. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E. Borgia), giuseppe. [email protected] (G. Anastasi), [email protected] (M. Conti). Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Computer Networks journal homepage: Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reliable data delivery in urban sensing applications: A performance analysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

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Page 1: Energy efficient and reliable data delivery in urban sensing · Wireless sensor networks Mobile sinks Reliable data delivery Erasure

Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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Energy efficient and reliable data delivery in urban sensingapplications: A performance analysis

1389-1286/$ - see front matter � 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy.Tel.: +39 050 315 2407; fax: +39 050 315 2593.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E. Borgia), [email protected] (G. Anastasi), [email protected] (M. Conti).

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reliable data delivery in urban sensing applications: A perfoanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

Eleonora Borgia a,⇑, Giuseppe Anastasi b, Marco Conti a

a Institute of Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council (CNR), Italyb Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 26 October 2012Received in revised form 26 June 2013Accepted 8 July 2013Available online xxxx

Keywords:Urban sensingWireless sensor networksMobile sinksReliable data deliveryErasure codingAnalytical model and implementation

Urban sensing is an emerging application field for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs),where a number of static sensors is sparsely deployed in an urban area to collect environ-mental information. Data sensed by each sensor are, then, opportunistically transmitted toMobile Nodes (MNs) that happen to be in contact. In the considered scenario, communica-tions between MNs and sensors require paradigms with a minimal synchronizationbetween devices, extremely fast and energy efficient, especially at the sensor side. To dealwith the above issues, in [1] we proposed a hybrid protocol for data delivery from sensorsto MNs, named Hybrid Adaptive Interleaved Data Protocol (HI). By combining Erasure Cod-ing (EC) with an Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) scheme, the proposed protocol maxi-mizes the reliability of communications while minimizing the energy consumed bysensors. In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of the HI performance. We providean analytical evaluation by defining a flexible model to derive the probability of data deliv-ery and exploiting it to investigate the performance over a wide range of parameters. More-over, we perform an experimental study to evaluate the HI effectiveness on real sensorplatforms. Specifically, we analyze the impact of resource constraints imposed by sensorson data delivery and provide a careful characterization of its actual consumption ofresources.

� 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) play a crucial role inthe realization of the Future Internet, which will be trulypervasive, ubiquitous and content-centric with data gener-ated automatically by applications/devices or by users[2,3]. In this scenario, WSNs are a powerful technology toautomatically generate content, gather and process thedata generated and, thus, to increase the awareness of acertain environment or phenomenon. Their applicabilityspans over a large variety of domains [4–6]. Relevant appli-cations include, among others, environmental monitoring,

surveillance, event detection, intelligent agriculture, healthmonitoring.

Traditionally, a WSN consists of static and resource-constrained sensor nodes, densely deployed in the sensingarea, so that sensed data can be relayed through multi-hopcommunication and collected by a sink node [7–12]. Morerecently, there has been an increased interest in the re-search community to introduce mobile elements in WSNs,to increase their performance [13–15]. Mobile elementscan be either regular sensor nodes or special nodes thatare exploited to support the data-collection process. Inthe former case, sensor nodes can be mounted, for in-stance, on vehicles (e.g., taxis or buses) and exploited forpollution monitoring or surveillance of urban areas [16].In the latter case, sensor nodes are still static, however,the WSN is enhanced with special mobile data-collectornodes. These special mobile nodes can be either mobile


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elements specifically introduced in the sensing field fordata collection (e.g., mobile robots), or mobile elementsthat already exist in the environment and can, thus, beexploited to collect data from sensor nodes. In the lattercase, they are also known as Mobile Nodes (MNs), datamules or message ferries [17].

Robots are often sophisticated mobile entities (e.g., Un-manned Aerial Vehicles) that are able to make complexdecisions in order to move close to sensor nodes to collectthe data. On the other hand, the mobility patterns of MNscannot be controlled and it is, typically, independent fromthe WSN operations. Hence, sensor nodes must adapt theirbehavior when a MN happens to be within their transmis-sion range. Despite these limitations, WSN with MNs rep-resents a cost effective solution for data collection insensor networks, especially when sensor nodes are spar-sely deployed in the environment and, thus, they cannotcommunicate directly. MNs move in the environment fortheir own business (e.g., city buses) and are exploited tocollect the sensed data from the sensor nodes, withoutthe need to deploy new and costly elements such as mobilerobots. Sparse WSNs require a much lower number ofnodes than traditional (dense) WSNs. This reduces not onlythe cost of the WSN, but also contention and collisions. Fi-nally, since MNs can traverse the network to collect data,the energy consumption can be spread more uniformly inthe network as well as reduced, therefore contributing tomake the environment more sustainable and greener[18]. As a result, the network lifetime can be significantlyimproved [19,20]. For the above reasons, in this paper wefocus on data collection in sparse WSN with MNs.

Sparse sensor networks are particularly appealing forurban applications [21,22]. In this case, a low number ofstatic sensors can be placed in a few strategic points of acity to collect physical information about the environment,e.g., the level of pollutants or allergens in the air. Data gen-erated by sensors can be collected by MNs, which can beeither vehicles (e.g., bikes, cars, buses or shuttles) or peoplecarrying a smartphone. MNs can either use the collectedinformation for their own purposes, make them availableto other MNs that happen to be in contact with them, orsend them to remote user or sink node, through a long-range communication facilities (e.g., GPRS/UMTS).

In such a scenario, data delivery presents several issues.One of them is the limited contact time available to sensorsfor communicating with MNs. This is especially true whenMNs are vehicles moving at a high speed. A different aspectis related to the variable quality of wireless communica-tion. The wireless channel is known to be noisy, especiallyin urban scenarios where there might be several sources ofinterferences. Since MNs are mobile, the message loss rateis highly time-varying, and significantly affected by thephysical distance between sensors and MNs [21]. As a con-sequence, communication protocols targeted to data deliv-ery in such a scenario should be reliable, and should alsohave a limited overhead in order to exploit the short andlimited contacts to the full extent. In this context, ap-proaches based on Erasure Coding (EC) have shown to beeffective [23]. To deal with all the above issues, the HybridAdaptive Interleaved Data Protocol (HI), a hybrid commu-nication protocol for reliable data delivery from sensors

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

to MNs, has been proposed [1]. HI efficiently combinesEC with an ARQ scheme such that: (i) reliability of commu-nications is significantly enhanced and (ii) energy con-sumption at the sensor node is drastically reduced. Thesimulation analysis carried out in [1] has demonstratedthat the proposed hybrid communication protocol outper-forms a pure ARQ scheme based on acknowledgments andselective retransmissions, especially when many MNs aresimultaneously in contact with the sensor. However, beingbased on simulation experiments only, the analysis in [1] isnot exhaustive because it does neither study the generalproperties of the hybrid communication protocol, nor itseffectiveness when implemented on real resource-con-strained sensor nodes. For example, it does not considerthat most real sensor platforms currently in use havescarce memory, thus the maximum stretch factor (i.e., ratiobetween the number of redundant and original messages),which has been used to study the potential of EC, may notbe feasible.

This paper extends the analysis in [1] along the follow-ing two directions: (i) it provides an analytical evaluationof the data delivery process to study the sensitiveness ofthe protocol performance to the parameters’ setting and(ii) it analyzes the effect of resource limitations imposedby real sensor devices. Concerning point (i), the major con-tribution is the development of an analytical model thatcharacterizes the behavior of the overall data delivery pro-cess. The proposed model provides a much more flexible(and quick) tool than simulation models. In fact, the com-plexity of simulation models, due to the high number ofevents that need to be handle, does not allow to study indetail the system behavior over a large number of param-eters. The analytical model is first validated against simu-lation results to assess its accuracy, and then used toinvestigate the general properties of the HI protocol.

Regarding point (ii), the major contribution is to ana-lyze the real effectiveness of the proposed hybrid deliveryprotocol when implemented on real sensor nodes. Indeed,some performance indices are difficult (if not impossible)to measure through analytical or simulation models. Anexample is the actual consumption of resources, such aspercentage of memory or additional energy used forencoding/decoding. Such quantities, which obviously de-pend on the specific sensor platform considered, must benecessarily assessed by means of an implementation onreal sensor nodes. Therefore, to complete the performanceanalysis of the HI protocol, in this work we also provide acomprehensive analysis on the use of resources by anexperimental analysis.

The obtained results show that, when using the HI pro-tocol, the MN is able to decode the original bundle withhigh probability, even with low values of stretch factorand duty cycle, or with different mobility patterns fol-lowed by the MN. These results are further confirmed bythe experimental analysis that shows that HI is a feasiblesolution, despite the very limited storage and processingresources of commercially available sensor platforms, andit introduces a very low energy consumption. In addition,HI is also very appealing for urban sensing scenarios,where more than one MN can be simultaneously in contactwith a static sensor at once.

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The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2discusses the related work. Section 3 introduces the sys-tem model. Section 4 describes the proposed HI protocol.Section 5 presents the analytical model, while Section 6provides a careful discussion of the analytical results. Sec-tion 7 describes the experimental environment, while Sec-tion 8 presents the experimental results. Finally, Section 9concludes the paper.

2. Related work

Many papers in the literature have addressed datadelivery in WSNs with mobile nodes [14]. The idea ofexploiting mobile nodes for data delivery to save energyat sensor nodes was originally proposed in [24] and refinedlater in [25]. The use of mobile nodes was applied to differ-ent scenarios and has proven to be effective for energy con-servation also in the urban context. For example, in [26]shuttle buses were used for collecting data from severalstatic nodes encountered along their paths. In [21], mobilenodes traveling with different speeds were used to collectuseful information emitted by a static sensor node alongstreets.

For improving the reliability of communication, differ-ent approaches have been adopted. On one hand, severalproposed solutions rely on Automatic Repeat reQuest(ARQ) schemes [27–30]. However, approaches based onretransmissions have several limitations, including a highoverhead for loss detection and retransmission, and areunsuitable in environments characterized by high errorrate or frequent link failures, and for broadcast communi-cations. Recently, further solutions have been proposedwith the specific goal of reducing the unnecessary retrans-missions, and, as a consequence, the congestion producedby retransmissions. A work in this direction is TRCCIT[31], where a localized hybrid acknowledgment scheme(HACK) – i.e., a combination of implicit and explicit ACKs– together with a timer management are used to providereliability in an adaptive fashion. Similarly, in [32] authorsproposed the ERTP protocol, where the reliability is con-trolled at each hop dynamically by adjusting the maximumnumber of retransmissions. On the other end, other solu-tions make use of EC for transmitting data. For example,EC has been extensively exploited for increasing reliabilityin multi-hop sensor networks [23,33–38]. Specifically, [23]compares EC and ARQ by means of experimental analysiswhich demonstrates a higher reliability reached by EC asit is able to better tolerate packet losses. Similar topicswere also discussed in [35], where authors compared ECand ARQ schemes in terms of packet delivery and averageenergy consumption by means of analytical models. A the-oretical analysis of the use of EC is also provided in [36]but, instead of comparing different schemes, authors fo-cused mainly on optimizing EC. Specifically, by applyinggenetic algorithms, they aimed at finding the optimalnumber of encoded messages to be transmitted while min-imizing the overall cost of transmission and packet loss.Most recently, an hop-by-hop data transfer based on EC,named RDTS, has been proposed [38]. Unlike other propos-als, RTDS has the peculiarity of performing EC at each hop,

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

and (to reduce the computational overhead) the partialcoding mechanism is applied. A simulation analysis con-firms its advantages in terms of energy consumption, traf-fic overhead, and network lifetime with respect to anotherEC-based approach. In general, EC schemes have theadvantage of mitigating the feedback implosion problemgenerated by ARQ. However, they should not be appliedto congested network, otherwise adding redundancy onlyworsen the situation. A natural idea is to combine retrans-missions and redundancies together, thus, more recently,some works proposed schemes based on such hybrid solu-tion. Specifically, in [39] authors proposed DTSN, a reliableprotocol which supports different grades of reliability. Thetotal reliability is achieved by a Selective Repeat ARQscheme, while partial reliability is provided with the helpof EC strategies. Simulation results reveal advantages interms of throughput (up to a 40% enhancement) and reli-ability of communications (up to a 90% improvement),while showing significant energy savings. Another hybridARQ scheme has been proposed in [40], where authorsshowed, by analytical and simulation analyses, consistentperformance gain in error resiliency, end-to-end latencyand energy consumption.

Note that the aforementioned works refer to scenarioswith multi-hop unicast communications and exploit dataredundancy to increase the delivery probability of eachsingle message to the final destination (which is not guar-anteed due to intermittent connectivity between nodes). Inthis paper we focus on single-hop communication, and re-fer to bundle-oriented applications, where a number ofmessages have to be reliably delivered to the destination.In addition, we consider both unicast (i.e., single MN) andmulticast (i.e., multiple MNs) communications.

Most existing protocols have been evaluated on the ba-sis of simulation and/or theoretical analysis, while veryfew works provide an experimental performance evalua-tion on real sensor platforms (see e.g., [23,37,41]). On thecontrary, real implementations are needed to have a morerealistic assessment of protocol performance. In addition, apractical validation is useful not only to assess the effect ofcommunication efficiency but also of resource constraintsimposed by real sensors. Such aspect has not been carefullyinvestigated in previous research works and has been leftas open points in [1]. For example, [23] measured theencoding and decoding speed on MICA2 motes, while[41] provides a short discussion on the decoding time onlyfor the Tmote Sky platform. Instead, the evaluation of theactual resource consumption (i.e., memory usage, encodingparameters, energy consumption for the encoding process)is a key target of this paper.

As mentioned in the Introduction, this paper extendsour previous simulations analysis of the HI protocol in[1]. In this paper we develop an analytical model ofthe HI protocol to investigate the sensitiveness to operat-ing parameters such as bundle size, stretch factor, sensorduty cycle, and mobility pattern followed by MN. Inaddition, we implement the HI protocol on real sensornodes to investigate, through experimental measure-ments, its real performance on resource-constrained sen-sor nodes.

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Fig. 1. Reference network model.

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3. System model

In this paper we refer to a specific class of WSN applica-tions, referred to as bundle-oriented applications where sta-tic sensors produce a limited amount of data. For instance,such data might consist in a detailed snapshot of somequantity of interest (e.g., the level of pollutants in the air)collected during a time-interval (e.g., the current day orthe last few hours). The data stored at the sensors areopportunistically delivered to MNs whenever they happento be in contact. Specifically, data transfer is accomplishedby streaming the messages in the bundle to the MNs untilall data have been successfully transferred. MNs may con-sume data on their own, being the final endpoint of thedata transfer, or share them with other users, either di-rectly (via interaction with another mobile user), or indi-rectly (via long-range connection). A realistic applicationscenario is represented by sensors located in an urbanenvironment (e.g., along streets, at traffic lights, at busstops) where MNs are represented by people walking orcars moving around the city.

In this paper we address the case of a MN acting as dataconsumer and we focus on the direct single-hop communi-cation between the (sensor, MN) pair as it is the most chal-lenging. Indeed, while static sensors are resource-constrained, especially in terms of energy, MNs have high-er computational resources and no major energy concernsas their battery can be recharged. The peculiarities of thetwo endpoints make their communications difficult andextremely challenging, especially in highly dynamic mo-bile scenarios, requiring to be further investigated. Con-versely, interactions characterizing the second case (i.e.,those between MNs) are similar to those occuring in DelayTolerant Networks (DTNs) and therefore they can be trea-ted with the same solutions suitable for those environ-ments [42,43]. A different reasoning should be donewhen sensed data are sent directly to a remote collectionpoint through a long-range communication. Here, thecharacteristics of the environment pose a different set ofcommunication problems (e.g., handover, admission con-trol issues, use of directional antennas) whose investiga-tions are out of the scope of this paper.

Our reference network model is illustrated in Fig. 1. Weassume that the network is sparse enough so that staticsensors cannot communicate each other, but they can onlycommunicate with MNs when moving within their trans-mission range. Specifically, we assume that static sensorscan be in contact with one or more MNs at once, i.e., morethan one MN can be in the communication range of thesensor node at the same time. Contacts are unpredictable,and MNs are independent, i.e., there is no coordination be-tween them.

Moreover, in such a scenario, contacts occur infre-quently and only for a short time. Hence, they should beexploited as much as possible by the communication proto-col in order to deliver data efficiently. In detail, the durationof contacts (i.e., the contact time) is very limited, especiallywhen the speed of the MNs is high, or sensor nodes use apower management scheme – e.g., a duty-cycle mechanism[21] – to save energy. In addition, data transfer might be

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

affected by a severe message loss, due to the distance andinterferences. This is especially true for scenarios where alarge number of elements (including MNs) are simulta-neously present in the communication range of the sensors.

Another important aspect is that communication be-tween sensor nodes and MNs is possible only when theyare in contact, i.e., in the communication range of eachother. As the mobility pattern of the MNs is assumed tobe random, the static sensor has to: (i) discover the arrivalof a MN in the contact area and (ii) detect when the MNhas left the contact area, i.e., it is not reachable any more.For MN discovery, low-power discovery protocols can beused [19], typically based on periodic listening [44]. Point(ii) is related to the unknown duration of contacts. Specif-ically, once a contact has started, the sensor cannot know ifa MN is still reachable or not at a given time, unless the MNprovides an explicit feedback on its presence in the contactarea. In the following we assume that MNs periodically sig-nal their presence in the contact area by sending specialbeacon messages to the static sensors.

4. Reliable data delivery

In the scenario described above, the communication isconsidered successful only if the amount of data availableat the sensor is correctly transferred to the MN(s) travelingthrough the sensor area. To improve the reliability of thedata delivery process, the Hybrid Adaptive Interleaved Com-munication Protocol (HI) has been proposed in [1]. The HIprotocol is a hybrid communication protocol that relieson a combination of encoding techniques and ARQschemes. Specifically, in HI the source data is not broad-casted plain but encoded by sensors, i.e., redundant infor-mation is added to source data to construct encoded data.Transmissions of encoded data are then regulated throughacknowledgments issued by MNs which notify their actualreception state. Finally, MNs start the decoding process

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Fig. 2. (a and b) Encoding process and (c) HI communication protocol.

1 Allowed block identifier values are in the range [0,B � 1], while allowedsequence numbers within the block are in the range [1, r].

2 A contention-based approach is used to avoid collisions betweenmultiple MNs.

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when they receive a subset of encoded data so that theymay reconstruct the original source data.

In the following we will briefly overview all the threeaforementioned phases – namely, encoding, HI communica-tion protocol, and decoding – with a specific focus on sen-sor-node resource constraints.

4.1. Encoding

The encoding phase is executed at static sensor nodes,and consists in generating some redundancies to thesource bundle before transmission, by applying some ECtechnique. Specifically, we use Reed-Solomon (RS) codes[45] to encode the source bundle and we incorporate themain optimizations introduced in [46] to reduce its com-putational complexity, namely (i) computations in the fi-nite fields, (ii) lookup tables, and (iii) systematic codes.Regarding point (iii), assuming that m represents the num-ber of source elements and r the number of encoded ele-ments generated, systematic codes are such that encodedelements include a verbatim copy of source elements.Therefore, only r �m elements require encoding. Obvi-ously, the use of systematic codes reduces the computa-tional complexity as well as the memory usage.

Similarly to [46], the source bundle is split into B blocks(i.e., b0, b1, . . . , bB�1), each consisting of m data units (seeFig. 2a). This guarantees to keep the m value small, and inde-pendent from the bundle size. Each block is then encodedseparately, to produce r data units, by applying the RS tech-nique (see Fig. 2b). The ratio between the number of redun-dant and original messages is named stretch factor (i.e.,sf , r/m). Encoding is performed by the sensor node in ad-vance with respect to transmission, whenever the sourcedata are ready. Hence, the sensor node can initiate the com-munication with a MN as soon as its presence is detected,without having to encode data units on the fly. As a result,the utilization of the (limited) contact time is increased,since no additional encoding overhead occurs duringcommunication.

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

4.2. HI communication protocol

The communication starts when the sensor node hasdetected the presence of one or more MNs in the contactarea. We assume that both sensor nodes and MNs areaware of the encoding parameters, i.e., the number of ori-ginal messages (m) and blocks (B) within a bundle, as wellas the encoding function.

Reliable communication is accomplished by means ofthe Hybrid Adaptive Interleaved Communication Protocol(HI) [1]. Fig. 2c shows the communication procedure initi-ated at the sensor side upon discovering the presence of atleast one MN. To transmit encoded data units, the sensornode uses an interleaved scheme which consists in sched-uling encoded data units picked from distinct (consecu-tive) blocks rather than sequentially from the same block(the shadow column in the figure). This procedure guaran-tees more uniform message losses among all blocks, and isindependent from the number of blocks and the bundlesize. Then, the sensor node encapsulates one encoded dataunit into a message of size bmsg bytes, and transmits a burstof messages to the MN(s). The MN stores the encoded dataunits from messages correctly received into its local buffer.In addition, the MN uses the block identifier and the se-quence number within the block1 from the encoded messageheader to derive if a sufficient number of messages (i.e., atleast m different messages for each block) has been receivedto decode the original bundle.

Every Tack time, the MN replies with an acknowledg-ment message2 (Ack) which carries a mask notifying, foreach block, how many encoded messages have been cor-rectly received. The sensor node collects all the incomingAcks from all MNs that are currently in contact and stores,for each block, the lowest value of messages received

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correctly by all the MNs. From the quantities above, the sen-sor is able to derive for each block if additional data trans-missions are required. Specifically, the sensor transmitsadditional encoded messages for all the blocks for which lessthan m messages have been received. In order to transmit al-ways fresh and useful encoded messages, the sensor startsfrom the last message sent but skipping those blocks alreadycompleted by all MNs (if any). The process is repeated untilthe minimum set of encoded messages has been received byall the MNs (i.e., all the block values stored at the sensornode are equal to m), or all the MNs are out of the contactarea. The latter situation occurs when no Acks are receivedby the sensor within an end of contact time interval Teoc.

It is worthwhile noting two fundamental features of HI.First, HI is able to dynamically adapt to different levels ofmessage losses experienced by different MNs as numberand sequence of transmitted encoded messages are notfixed but variable and depend on loss conditions. Second,Acks introduce a very limited overhead as, in such a sparseurban scenario, they are anyway needed as explicit feed-back on the MN presence in the contact area.

4.3. Decoding

The decoding phase is executed at the receiver side (i.e.,at the MN) when m distinct encoded messages have beenreceived for each block. The MN decodes the messagesand stores the resulting block in its local buffer. Once allB blocks have been correctly decoded, the MN obtains acopy of the original bundle which is thus ready to be usedby the application. On the contrary, if the minimum set ofencoded messages is not received by the MN, the decodingcannot be performed, and an error message is reported tothe application. Note that, for data reconstruction, weadopt similar software optimizations to those used in theencoding process.

3 Note that beacons are emitted every 100 ms.4 The assumptions have been introduced to simplify the presentation

and can be easily removed, but this reduces the readability.

5. Theoretical analysis

In this section we develop an analytical model for thedata delivery phase, and derive the probability for deliver-ing correctly the original bundle to the MN for the scenariodepicted in Fig. 3. Without loosing in generality, in ouranalysis we consider a fixed sensor node and a MN whichapproaches the sensor by moving at a constant speed v ona linear path at a fixed (vertical) distance from the sensor(Dy). Since the MN moves randomly, the sensor is not ableto predict when it will enter the contact area. Therefore,the sensor must perform a discovery phase before the com-munication phase. The discovery process is not instanta-neous but it requires a certain amount of time, i.e., thediscovery time indicated by d in Fig. 3. As a consequence,only a portion of the overall contact time CT can be actuallyused by the sensor for the data delivery. The contact timeyet available for data communication after a MN has beendiscovered is called residual contact time, and is denoted asrs in Fig. 3. During the residual contact time, the sensorbroadcasts a source bundle (which has been previously en-coded) to the MN.

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

For the sake of clarity, we divide our analysis in twosteps. Initially, we focus on the data delivery process in iso-lation assuming that it exploits the entire contact time, i.e.,it starts at t = 0 (Section 5.1). Then, we evaluate the com-bined effect of the discovery and data delivery processestogether, assuming that the first requires a certain amountof time and that the second begins just after the end of thediscovery phase (Section 5.2).

The derivation of the analytical model in the latter caseis more complex, as it requires the knowledge of the dis-covery process model. However, deriving the analyticalmodel for the discovery process is beyond the scope of thispaper. To this aim, we will consider the analytical modelderived in [44] for a similar scenario. Specifically, authorsderived the distribution of the discovery time for an asyn-chronous discovery scheme where the sensor operateswith a duty cycle to save energy and the MN periodicallysends beacon messages to announce its presence (i.e., redrectangles in Fig. 3 represent beacons). Note that the modelderived in this section can be applied also to other discov-ery protocols (e.g., [47]). Therefore, for the model deriva-tion in Section 5.2, we make use of the probability massfunction (p.m.f.) of the random variable D denoting the dis-covery time that has been obtained in [44]. Note thatd(k) = P[D(t) = k], where k represents the k-th beacon emit-ted in the contact area3. For convenience, we summarize thenotation used in the following discussion in Table 1.

5.1. Data delivery analysis

In this subsection, before deriving the model of the datadelivery process, we introduce the assumptions made inour analysis.4

A1. Time is slotted and each time slot allows the exacttransmission of B encoded messages (i.e., an entirecolumn in Fig. 2).

A2. The transmission of each encoded message takes afixed duration Tmsg. Consequently, each time slothas a duration TB = B � Tmsg. We define W = dCT/TBeas the number of time slots which fits into the con-tact time CT.

A3. Message loss is constant during the transmission ofan encoded message. This is reasonable due to theshort duration of a message transmission. However,different encoded messages are subject to differentloss probabilities as message loss changes with timeand the distance between MN and the sensor. Weassume that message loss follows a Bernoulli distri-bution, with parameter pi,j (i 2 [0,W � 1] andj 2 [0,B � 1]) that changes for different messages.Hence, the message of block bj transmitted in timeslot i will suffer a packet loss equal to pi,j.

Let X be a random variable (r.v.) denoting the number ofencoded messages which are successfully received by theMN during the contact, and let Xj (with j 2 [0,B � 1]) be

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Fig. 3. Reference scenario.

Table 1Main symbols used for the theoretical analysis.

Symbol Description

m Number of original messages for each blockr Number of encoded messages for each blockB Number of blocksTmsg Time to transmit an encoded messageTB Time to transmit a window of B encoded messagesW Number of time slots within the contact timeCT Contact timed, D Discovery time and the associated random variablers, RS Residual contact time and the associated random variablepi,j Loss probability for the message j at the slot time i

E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 7

the r.v. denoting the number of encoded messages success-fully received for each block such that X = X0 +X1 + � � � + XB�1.

To decode the bundle, a MN has to receive at least m � Bdistinct encoded messages, and, more specifically, it has toreceive at least m distinct encoded messages for eachblock. Hence:

Pdecode ¼ P½X0 P m� � P½X1 P m� � . . .� P½XB�1 P m�



P½Xj P m� ð1Þ

By denoting with Pdecodej¼ P½Xj P m� the decoding prob-

ability for a given row j, Eq. (1) can be express as:

Pdecode ¼YB�1



In the above equation, Pdecodejis given by:

Pdecodej¼ P½Xj P m� ¼



P�½Xj ¼ k� ð3Þ

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

where P⁄[Xj = k] represents the probability of receiving ex-actly k encoded messages for block j at the end of thecontact.

P⁄[Xj = k] can be evaluated through a recursive processthat starts soon after the end of the discovery processand takes into account all the possible combinations ofmessages received on all the available time slots. Sincewe are assuming that the communication phase starts att = 0 (i.e., in the initial slot i = 0) and exploits all the Wavailable time slots, P�½Xj ¼ k� ¼ P�0½Xj ¼ k�.

The probability P�0½Xj ¼ k� can be computed as follows:

P�0½Xj ¼ k� ¼Xk


P0½Xj ¼ l0� � P�1½Xj ¼ k� l0�� �


i.e., the probability of receiving k messages in W time slotsgiven that l0 messages are received in the first time slot andk � l0 messages are received in the remaining W � 1 timeslots.

Then, we can express P�1 in terms of the probability of P1

and P�2, i.e.:

P�1½Xj ¼ k1� ¼Xk1


P1½Xj ¼ l1� � P�2½Xj ¼ k1 � l1�� �


By repeating the same procedure for all the timeintervals, we obtain the Equation for the last two timeslots:

P�W�2½Xj ¼ kW�2�



PW�2½Xj ¼ lW�2� � PW�1½Xj ¼ kW�2 � lW�2�� �


Finally, Eq. (4) can be recursively solved by taking intoaccount that:

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Table 2Parameters for the packet loss model for different values of MN speed (caseDy = 15 m).

Parameter v = 3.6 km/h v = 20 km/h v = 40 km/h

a 0.000138 s�2 0.0028 s�2 0.0077 s�2

b 0.133 0.3828 0.4492CT 158 s 30 s 17 s

8 E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Pi½Xj ¼ n� ¼ f ðn;pi;jÞ ¼1� pi;j if n ¼ 1pi;j if n ¼ 00 otherwise

8><>: ð7Þ

The above discussion is true in the case of a continuoustransmission,5 i.e., once reached the end of the bundle, thetransmission starts from the beginning, thereby takingadvantage of all the residual contact time, as assumed bythe HI protocol.

An interesting case to analyze is the one in which thebundle is transmitted only once, i.e., once reached the lastcolumn, the sensor stops the transmission. In this case wecan study the actual percentage of gain that can beachieved through the use of coding techniques in datatransmission. Hence, after the transmission of exactly r en-coded messages for each block, Eq. (6) becomes:

P�r�2½Xj ¼ kr�2�



Pr�2½Xj ¼ lr�2� � Pr�1½Xj ¼ kr�2 � lr�2�� �


5.2. Discovery and data delivery analysis

In the previous subsection we have assumed that thedata delivery phase begins at t = 0. However, as mentionedearlier, in the general case the initial time coincides withthe end of the discovery phase. Hereafter, we present thegeneric model which jointly takes into account the discov-ery and data delivery phases.

By denoting D the r.v. that represents the discoverytime and, consequently, by RS = CT � D the r.v. that repre-sents the residual contact time, the probability of receivingat least m encoded messages for block j can be derived byapplying the law of total probability. That is:



ðP½Xj P mjD ¼ x� � P½D ¼ x�Þ ð9Þ

where P[D = x] is the probability that the MN is discoveredat the instant x (i.e., at the time slot x = bD/TBc), whose va-lue can be derived from d(k), while P[Xj P mjD = x] repre-sents the decoding probability starting from x.

Eq. (9) can be rewritten by grouping different contribu-tions according to the ending instant of the discoveryphase:

Pdecodej¼Xx2T 1



ðP�½Xj ¼ kjD ¼ x� � P½D ¼ x�Þ

þXx2T 2



ðP�½Xj ¼ kjD ¼ x� � P½D ¼ x�Þ ð10Þ

where T 1 ¼ ½0;CT � r � B � TB� andT 2 ¼ ðCT � r � B � TB;CT �m � B � TB�.

5 Note that we assume to always transmit all the blocks in the bundle,but if all the MNs within the sensor area receive m distinct messages for acertain block, that block should be skipped. Such assumption has beenassumed to simplify the presentation but it can be relaxed with minorchanges.

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

The above equation is composed of two terms: the firsttakes into account those cases when the residual time isenough to send the whole encoded bundle (i.e., r encodedmessages for each block), while the second term considerscases when only a fraction of encoded messages are trans-mitted in the residual contact time (i.e., r1 with m 6 r1 < r).6

Eq. (10) can be solved by applying the recursive processto count all the possible combinations of received mes-sages on all (part of) the available time slots during theresidual contact time as previously explained. Finally, thedecoding probability of the bundle Pdecode is evaluated bysolving Eq. (2) starting from the result of Eq. (10).

6. Performance evaluation

In this section we evaluate the performance of the datadelivery process referring to the scenario depicted in Fig. 3,and we use the decoding probability as our main perfor-mance index. The decoding probability (Pdecode) is definedas the probability that a MN can successfully decode theoriginal data bundle (i.e., it correctly receives the mini-mum amount m of distinct messages for each block inthe bundle). A sensitiveness analysis of Pdecode is then pre-sented. Specifically, we consider the impact of the follow-ing parameters: (i) bundle size (i.e., varying both m and Bparameters), (ii) stretch factor (sf), (iii) duty cycle at thesensor (d), and (iv) mobility pattern followed by MN.

To simulate the loss experienced by each message weapply the packet loss model used in [29], which was de-rived from an extensive experimental analysis carried outin a scenario similar to the one considered here [21]. Spe-cifically, the packet loss is modeled by the following inter-polated 2-degree polynomial function:

pðtÞ ¼ a t � CT2

� �2 þ b if 0 < t < CT

1 otherwise


where t represents the time elapsed since the initial con-tact time (i.e., the time when the MN entered the transmis-sion sensing range of the sensor) and CT represents thenominal contact time. Table 2 shows the parameter values,for different speeds of MN and when Dy is equal to 15m,that have been derived in [29]. However, as we assumehere that time is slotted, we use a discrete-time functionp[n] derived from Eq. (11). Specifically, p[n] is obtained

6 To be precise, Eq. (10) is composed by a third term which considers allthe cases in the interval T 3 ¼ ðCT �m � B � TB; CTÞ. However, its contributionis zero because less than the minimum number of messages needed todecode the bundle (i.e., less than m � B messages) can be received in theresidual contact time.

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Table 3Parameters used for the theoretical evaluation.

Parameter Value

Message payload size (bmsg) 89 bytesTotal message transmission time (Tmsg) 17 msDuty-cycle (d) 1%, 5%, 10%MN speed (v) 40 km/hContact time (CT) 17 s

7 Note that sf = 1 means that no codes are produced and the sensor onlytransmits the original bundle.

E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 9

by sampling the original continuous-time function withfrequency f ¼ 1

Tmsgand starting at t0 ¼ Tmsg

2 . As a result, thefollowing function is obtained:

p½n� ¼ pTmsg

2þ n � Tmsg

� �with n 2 ð0; B �W � 1Þ ð12Þ

Eq. (12) is aligned with assumption A.3 made in Section 5.1.Indeed, each message experiences a different loss probabil-ity but the latter is assumed to be constant during thetransmission of each single message with a value equalto the loss experienced at the half of its transmission. Notethat this approximation is reasonable and does not affectthe accuracy of evaluation as the packet loss difference be-tween the beginning and the end of message transmissionis negligible, being at most 0.22%.

In order to verify the accuracy of the analytical model,we also make use of a discrete-event simulator of the HIprotocol [1]. Note that the simulation model includes alsothe discovery process. In all experiments we performed 10replicas, each consisting of 10,000 contact times. To derivethe confidence intervals, we used the independent replica-tion method with a 90% confidence level. However, sincethe confidence intervals obtained in simulations are verylow (less than 1%), they will be omitted for better clarityof the curves.

6.1. Model validation

Before presenting the sensitiveness analyzes, we dis-cuss about the validity of the proposed analytical model.Specifically, we focus on the case where the bundle istransmitted only once by the sensor (i.e., once reachedthe end of the bundle the sensor stops transmitting), here-after referred to as ‘‘Single Bundle Transmission’’, to studythe performance gain of adding redundancy to a datatransmission. The values used for the evaluation are shownin Table 3. In addition, Table 4 reports the bundle sizes (inBytes) considered in the analysis, which have been ob-tained by varying both the number of messages m andthe number of blocks B. Specifically, each value is obtainedby multiplying: m � B � bmsg. However, for the sake clarity offigures, we report results only for a set of bundles in the ta-ble, and, precisely, those highlighted in gray color. Thisdoes not affect the general discussion as all obtained re-sults are aligned. Reported results correspond to bundleswith the same number of blocks, while the number of mes-sages for each block is different since we consider m = 4and m = 8.

Figs. 4 and 5 show the decoding probability as a func-tion of the stretch factor for m = 4 and m = 8, respectively.

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

Specifically, we consider sf in the range [1–10].7 From theabove figures we can see that there is a general agreementin the trend of analytical and simulation results. However,there exists a small difference between them. This is dueto a slight discrepancy between the discovery phases usedby analytical and simulation approaches. By consideringthe average discovery time, we note that they are differentin the two cases: 3.6 s for the analytical model vs 5.2 s forsimulation. The main reason is due to a different modelingof the initial state of the sensor in the two cases. Specifically,in the simulation the initial state of the discovery phase ismodeled through a random variable, whereas in the analyt-ical model it is assumed that the sensor always starts fromthe listening state (see Section 5). Consequently, the discov-ery time is shorter in the latter case. This difference in thediscovery time obviously affects the communication phase.Specifically, the analytical model penalizes smaller bundles,i.e., less than 1780B (see Fig. 4a). In such cases, the transmis-sion starts earlier, i.e., when the packet loss is higher, andspans over an interval with higher packet losses than simu-lation. As a consequence, the analytical model underesti-mates the decoding probability of about 10%, on average.Instead, when the bundle size increases, the transmissioncontinues over the minimum of packet loss curve. In suchcases, message losses are similar between analysis and sim-ulation, on average. Therefore, although the model againunderestimates the probability of decoding, the approxima-tion is reduced. The same line of reasoning can be applied tothe m = 8 case. Specifically, by looking at Fig. 5, we can seethat it exists a small difference between analytical and sim-ulation curves. However, the gap is at most 10%. Apart fromthis, curves have the same trend.

As this comparison shows an agreement between thesimulation and the analysis, it allows us to conclude thatthe analytical model proposed is accurate and can be usedto investigate the performance of the system. For this rea-son, in the rest of our evaluation study we use the analyt-ical model only.

6.2. Impact of the stretch factor

In this section we study the sensitiveness with respectof the stretch factor for the ‘‘Single Bundle Transmission’’case. Fig. 4 shows that, for m = 4, the decoding probabilityincreases with the stretch factor for all the considered bun-dle sizes, and approaches one for high sf values. This isintuitive as an increase in the stretch factor correspondsto an increase in the number of redundant messages gen-erated by the sensor and, as a consequence, on a greaternumber of new information on which the MN can counton in order to decode the original bundle. Also, note thatthe largest increase in the decoding probability occurs atlow values of stretch factor. For example, there is a hugeperformance gain (i.e., about 40% on average) by increasingsf from 1 to 3. For sf value beyond 6 the decoding probabil-ity still improves but the performance increase is lessapparent. Moreover, Fig. 4 shows that the maximum valueis obtained with the highest value considered of redun-

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Table 4Bundle sizes used in the analysis for different values of m and B (bmsg = 89 Bytes).

#B m = 4 (Bytes) m = 8 (Bytes) #B m = 4 (Bytes) m = 8 (Bytes)

1 356 712 6 2136 42722 712 1424 7 2492 49843 1068 2136 8 2848 56964 1424 2848 9 3204 64085 1780 3560 10 3560 7120












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



g Pr



Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes (Analysis)1068 Bytes (Analysis)1780 Bytes (Analysis)

356 Bytes (Simulation)1068 Bytes (Simulation)1780 Bytes (Simulation)













1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10D






Stretch factor (r/m)

2136 Bytes (Analysis)2848 Bytes (Analysis)3560 Bytes (Analysis)

2136 Bytes (Simulation)2848 Bytes (Simulation)3560 Bytes (Simulation)

(b)Fig. 4. Single bundle transmission: impact of the stretch factor (m = 4).












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



g Pr



Stretch factor (r/m)

712 Bytes (Analysis)2136 Bytes (Analysis)3560 Bytes (Analysis)

712 Bytes (Simulation)2136 Bytes (Simulation)3560 Bytes (Simulation)













1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



g Pr



Stretch factor (r/m)

4272 Bytes (Analysis)5696 Bytes (Analysis)7120 Bytes (Analysis)

4272 Bytes (Simulation)5696 Bytes (Simulation)7120 Bytes (Simulation)

(b)Fig. 5. Single bundle transmission: impact of the stretch factor (m = 8).

10 E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

dancy, i.e., sf = 10. However, the overall performance isvery high even with a lower value of sf: with sf = 5 thedecoding probability is still around 0.8.

Fig. 5 shows the decoding probability for m = 8. Resultsfor this set of bundles are aligned with the previous ones.Specifically, the major decoding probability gain isachieved at low levels of redundancy, beyond which its ef-fect on performance is less apparent. For example, it is pos-sible to decode the original bundle with a 90% ofprobability with a stretch factor equal to 5. The latter resultis very important as it shows that, through a smart use ofencoding techniques, a good compromise between perfor-mance and consumption can be achieved. Indeed, from theabove discussion it derives that by keeping the stretch

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

factor low (i.e., sf = 5), the performance gain is about 85%,on average.

6.3. Impact of the duty cycle

In this section we investigate the impact of the duty-cy-cle d used by the sensor on the performance of the proto-col. Fig. 6 shows the decoding probability as a function ofd, when m = 4, for three different bundle sizes. Results form = 8 are similar and, are thus, omitted. We can observethat, in general, curves are similar to those shown in theprevious section for the analysis of the stretch factor. How-ever, the decoding probability changes significantly withthe duty cycle. Specifically, very similar performance is

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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


1 5 10



g Pr



Duty cycle (%)

356 Bytes sf =1sf =3sf =5sf =7sf =9


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


1 5 10



g Pr



Duty cycle (%)

1780 Bytes sf =1sf =3sf =5sf =7sf =9


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


1 5 10



g Pr



Duty cycle (%)

3560 Bytes sf =1sf =3sf =5sf =7sf =9

(c)Fig. 6. Single bundle transmission: impact of the duty cycle (m = 4).

E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 11

achieved with duty cycles of 10% and 5%, irrespective of thebundle size. The decoding probability exceeds 85% withsf P 5. Instead, the decoding probability drops below 50%when the duty cycle is equal to 1%. This behavior is essen-tially due to different discovery times associated with var-ious duty cycles. A high duty cycle means that the sensorstays in the listening state, waiting for the reception of abeacon, for a longer period, thus increasing the MN discov-ery probability and reducing the discovery time. In con-trast, a lower duty cycle implies on average a higherdiscovery time as the sensor listens for a shorter period.Consequently, since the residual contact time is lower,the sensor is able to transmit – and the MN to receiveand decode – for a shorted time interval.

From the above discussion, it follows that the duty cycleplays a key role on performance, and must be carefullychosen. This choice is influenced by two factors: perfor-mance and energy consumption. On one hand, the duty cy-cle must be higher than 1%, otherwise performanceremains low, even when using high sf values. In addition,d > 1%, also ensures a high MN discovery probability. Forexample, we measured a 99% discovery probability, onaverage, with d P 5%, but the discovery probability is dras-tically reduced to 55% with d = 1%. On the other hand, it isnecessary to take into account also the energy consumed inthe discovery phase. From this regard, a duty cycle too highcould be expensive in terms of energy consumption. For in-stance, d = 10% could lead to an excessive energy consump-tion depending for example on the speed or the MNmobility pattern [44]. It follows that when choosing opti-mal duty cycle a trade-off between power consumptionand performance must be reached.

Fig. 7. Path-constrained mobility reference scenario.

6.4. Path-constrained mobility scenario

We conclude our analysis considering different mobilitypatterns for the MN to show how the proposed analyticalmodel can cope with different MN mobility patterns. Sofar, we have assumed that the MN moves along a lineartrajectory. To generalize our analysis and make the valida-tion of the analytical model more complete and realistic, inthis section we assume that the MN follows a curvilinearpath. For example, this can be a realistic case of urbanmobility where the MN is carried by a user that is con-strained to follow a curvilinear path on urban roads. This

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scenario, more general and certainly more complex thanthe previously considered one, is depicted in Fig. 7. TheMN moves from a point A to a point B, on a curvilinear path(i.e., the blue thick line in figure), within a band of fixedamplitude X and centered on the line whose minimum dis-tance from the sensor is Dy. Obviously, the MN moves on alonger trajectory, with respect to the linear distance AB. Inaddition, assuming that the MN moves at a constant speedequal to that used previously, it will spend more timewithin the sensing area, thus experiencing a longer contacttime (which also affects its decoding probability).

For making the analysis tractable, and still considering ageneral case, among all the possible paths that the MN mayfollow, we focus on paths that can be modeled as a sinusoi-dal function. Under this assumption, the MN trajectoryover time can be described through the followingequation:

yðtÞ ¼ Ymax � sinðx � t þuÞ ð13Þ

where Ymax represents the amplitude, x ¼ 2�pT is the angular

frequency, T is the period and u the phase. In our case,Ymax ¼ X

2 since we assume that the MN moves within theband of amplitude X. Let us denote by CT0 the new contacttime (obviously CT0 P CT). The period T of the sinusoidalpath will be a fraction of CT0, i.e., T = a � CT0, where0 < a 6 1. In addition, the new contact time can be ex-pressed as:

CT 0 ¼ CT � ð1þ eXÞ with e P 0 ð14Þ

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12 E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Hence, the period T can be determined once X, a, and ehave been fixed, i.e.,

T ¼ a � CT 0 ¼ a � CT � ð1þ eXÞ ð15Þ

Fig. 8 shows some examples of sinusoidal paths, each ofwhich is characterized by a different set of (X, a, and e) val-ues (in Fig. 8 we assume u = 0 for the sake of clarity). Sincetime is slotted, we use a discrete-time function y[n], de-rived by sampling Eq. (13) with frequency f ¼ 1


starting at time t0 ¼ Tmsg

2 , to determine the position of theMN during the transmission of a single message.

Since the communication between the MN and the sen-sor is affected by packet loss based on their distance, thepacket loss model previously used (see Eq. (12)) cannotbe directly applied. Therefore, what is needed is a plausiblepacket loss model that takes into account the new mobilitypattern followed by MN. Hence, we derive, for each mes-sage transmission, the MN-sensor distance at that time(e.g., dP in Fig. 9 where the MN is assumed to be in positionP along the sinusoidal path), and we calculate the packetloss value associated with that distance by using Eq. (12).This is reasonable because we assume that MN moves atthe same speed, and it can be assumed, with a smallapproximation, that the loss values of points at the samedistance are equal. To this end, it may be worthwhileemphasizing that the original packet loss model can bewritten as a function of time (as shown by Eq. (12)), butalso in function of the distance traveled on the linear path,as t and s are linked by s = v � t. In addition, it can also beexpressed as a function of the actual distance from thesensor (d in Fig. 9) since the following relation among dand s holds:

Fig. 8. Examples of the behavior of Eq. (13) when varying parametersYmax and T for u = 0.

Fig. 9. Investigations of distances among points to derive the packet lossassociated with the sinusoidal pattern.

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ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiAB2 � s

� �2þ D2


rif s 6 AB

2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiAB2 þ s

� �2þ D2





For convenience, let p(d) denote the packet loss at ageneric point located ad distance d from the sensor, as de-rived from Eq. (12). To derive the packet loss of all pointson the sinusoidal path (p0(dP)) we repeat the followingthree steps:

1. For each point P on the sinusoidal path, we measure thecorresponding distance dP.

2. Among all the possible distances d for which p(d) isdefined (i.e., Dy 6 d 6 communication range), we lookfor the distance that minimizes the difference jd � dPj.Let denote it by �d.

3. The packet loss value of point P is p0ðdPÞ ¼ pð�dÞ.

For the performance evaluation we set the key parame-ters as shown in Table 3 and the duty cycle to 5%. Table 5shows the settings for the sinusoidal path. Note that the Xvalues shown in Table 5 represent the increase with re-spect to the original communication range expressed inpercentage. For example, X = 10% corresponds to a bandthat is approximately 9.5 m being the communicationrange about 95.16 m.

Fig. 10 shows the decoding probability, when varyingthe stretch factor, for different X values and when m = 4.For each of the three bundles shown in figure, we alsoshow the corresponding curve of Fig. 4 (i.e., labeled with‘‘X = 0’’), which corresponds to a linear path (i.e., band ofzero amplitude). Curve behaviors in Fig. 10 are alignedwith those of Fig. 4, that is, a sf increase corresponds toan increase in the decoding probability. In addition, theseresults highlight another feature: the decoding probabilityvaries according to the band width. In particular, it isworth noting that all the curves with X > 0 are higher thanthe curve with X = 0, corresponding to the case where theMN moves on the linear path. As expected, this resultshows that, by increasing the band width (and conse-quently the contact time), the decoding probability in-creases too. This aspect is noticeable also for low Xvalues as those shown in the figure, that is, a small increasein the band width and in the contact time guarantees high-er performance. Results for X P 20% (omitted here for sakeof clarity) do not show significant changes in the decodingprobability, but are aligned with curves shown in Fig. 10.8

Fig. 11a shows the decoding probability as function ofthe parameter e when varying the stretch factor. As exam-ple, we show a specific case where the bundle size is set to1780 bytes, X to 15% and a to 0.5. We can see that thedecoding probability increases with e. Indeed, by increas-ing e, the time the MN takes to cross the sensing areaand to receive useful data also increases. The increase inthe decoding probability is more apparent for intermediatevalues of stretch factor, while it remains less apparent for

8 The small difference between curves is because the packet loss of somepoints on the sinusoidal path has been approximated with values at theinterval endpoints on which p(d) is defined, as explained in step 2.

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Table 5Parameters used in the path-constrained mobility scenario.

Parameter Value

X 5%, 10%, 15%e 0.5, 1, 1.5a 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1

E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 13

high values (i.e., sf P 7). This is because, in the latter case, thedecoding probability is already very high (>0.9) and, there-fore, a further increase in the contact time does not cause afurther performance improvement. Similar results have beenobtained by setting different bundle sizes and the otherparameters (they are omitted for the sake of space).

The final aspect we analyze is the behavior whenchanging the value a, which affects the period T. Fig. 11bshows the decoding probability for an increasing valuesof a, for 1780 bytes, X = 15% and a = 0.5. As apparent fromthe figure, the curves have a quite constant trend, withvery small oscillations. This means that the value of a,and consequently of the period, slightly affects decodingprobability performance.

7. Experimental environment

The purpose of this section is to provide a careful anal-ysis of our HI protocol by means of an experimental evalu-ation carried on a real testbed. The experimental

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



g Pr



Strech factor (r/m)

356 Bytes




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


1 2 3 4 5



g Pr



Strech fac


(bFig. 10. Single bundle transmission: impact of the stretch facto

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


0.5 1 1.5



g Pr



Epsilon (ε)

1780 Bytes, X=15%, α = 0.5

sf =1sf =3sf =5sf =7sf =9

(a)Fig. 11. Single bundle transmission: impact of (a) e

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

evaluation becomes essential when we are interested inevaluating the real behavior of a communication protocol.Indeed, even if mathematical modeling and/or simulationanalysis are valuable tools allowing to explore a varietyof different scenarios, it is well known that they sometimesmask the real behavior of the system [48,49]. This ismainly due to the intrinsic difficulty of modeling someparameters and/or phenomena (e.g., propagation of thewireless signal). On the contrary, many of these approxi-mations are overcome by using experimental measure-ments (even at a cost of a major effort).

The experimental evaluation is also required when wewant to measure the effectiveness of the protocol, in termsof actual consumption of resources, otherwise difficult tobe quantified. In our case this is much more important be-cause devices in use have very limited hardware resources.Taking as an example the value of redundancy introduced,in a practical implementation of HI, sf cannot be exces-sively large because of the low available memory. Asshown in the previous section, a large value of sf certainlyimproves the reliability of communication, but also in-creases encoding and decoding costs, especially in termsof energy consumptions and computational times. For allthe above reasons we complemented the analytical evalu-ation with an experimental evaluation.

In the rest of the section we will describe the experi-mental testbed, the used methodology, and the perfor-mance metrics considered in the evaluation.

6 7 8 9 10tor (r/m)





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



g Pr



Strech factor (r/m)

3560 Bytes



(c)r for different band amplitude (m = 4, e = 1 and a = 0.5).

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


0.125 0.25 0.5 1



g Pr



Alpha (α)

1780 Bytes, X=15%, ε=1


(b)and (b) a for different stretch factor (m = 4).

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Table 6Parameters used for the experimental evaluation.

Parameter Value

Message (payload) size (bmsg) 89 bytesFrame size 128 bytesAcknowledgment period (Tack) 16 � Tmsg

Beacon period 100 msEnd of contact timeout (Teoc) 8 � Tack

Duty-cycle (d) 5%Transmission power at 0 dBm (Ptx) 52.2 mWReceive power (Prx) 56.4 mWCPU power when the radio is off (Pe) 5.4 mW


14 E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

7.1. Experimental setup

Our testbed consists of Tmote Sky sensors [50], whosemajor components are:

� a Texas Instruments MSP430 micro-controller runningat a 8 MHz clock, and equipped with 10 KB RAM and48 KB program memory;� an IEEE 802.15.4-compliant Chipcon CC2420 Wireless

Transceiver, capable of a raw bitrate of 250 kbps overthe unlicensed 2.4 GHz frequency band.

The Tmote Sky is also supported by the TinyOS operat-ing system [51], which we used for implementing the reli-able data delivery scheme.

The scenario under consideration is the original shown inFig. 3, where the MN approaches the sensor moving on a lin-ear path. However, here we consider a variable number ofMNs (from 1 to 5) that approach the sensor node. The se-quence with which MNs join the contact area is random,but it is such that there always exists a non-negligible timeinterval in which all the MNs are simultaneously within thecontact area. Due to the high variability of channel conditions,obtaining comparable experiments (i.e., with the same statis-tics) is quite difficult. Thus, to guarantee the replicability ofexperiments we emulated the message loss due to mobilityby using the packet loss model introduced in Section 6 andexpressed by Eq. (12). As we focus on the high mobility sce-nario (i.e., a 40 km/h MN speed), the correspondent contacttime between the sensor and the MNs is about 17 s.

In each experiment, a bundle of a given size is first en-coded and then broadcasted by the static sensor to theMNs in the contact area. Each experiment is replicated100 times, and the results are averaged over all the replicas(the standard deviations are also provided as error bars).Table 6 shows the parameter settings used in this experi-mental evaluation. Note that the power consumption val-ues are derived in accordance with the data sheet valuesof the Chipcon CC2420 radio transceiver [52]. The remain-ing parameters are set as in the previous section (seeTable 3).

7.2. Performance metrics

We evaluate our hybrid protocol both in terms of per-formance and resource utilization. To evaluate the perfor-mance we consider the decoding probability (introducedbefore) along with the communication energy (Ec). The com-munication energy is defined as the total average energyconsumed by a sensor node per each byte correctly trans-ferred to the MN. It can be derived from the followingEquation:

Ec ¼k � Tmsg � Ptx� �

þ N � k�Tmsg


l m� Tmsg � Prx

� �b̂tot


where k is the total number of messages transmitted bythe sensor node; Tmsg is the message transmission time 9;

9 We assume that the time to transmit data and acknowledgmentmessages is equal.

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

Ptx and Prx are the power consumption of the radio in trans-mit and receive state, respectively; Tack is the time intervalbetween two consecutive acknowledgments sent by thesame MN; N is the number of MNs considered in the exper-

iment; finally, b̂tot is the total number of bytes decoded by all

the MNs. In Eq. (17), the term k�Tmsg


l mrepresents the total

number of acknowledgments received by the sensor nodefrom each mobile node. In addition, note that the equationtakes into account also the energy consumed for transmit-ting packets not successfully received. Specifically, the firstterm of the numerator captures all the packets that the sen-sor transmits, independently of their reception at the MNside.

To evaluate the resource utilization, we consider thefollowing metrics:

� Memory usage: the total amount of RAM, expressed aspercentage with respect to the total available RAM(i.e., 10 KB), required by HI both for encoding andcommunication.� Encoding time: the amount of time needed to encode a

bundle of a given size at the sensor side.� Decoding time: the amount of time needed to decode the

bundle10 at the MN.� Encoding energy: the average energy consumed by a

sensor node per each encoded byte.

Specifically, the encoding energy is obtained as:

Ee ¼ sf �Tcode � Pe


where sf , r/m;Tcode is the average time required toproduce an encoded data unit; Pe is the power consumedby the sensor during the encoding phase (i.e., the energyconsumed by the CPU); finally, bmsg is the size (in bytes)of the message payload.

8. Experimental results

In this section we evaluate the behavior of our hybridprotocol. First, we focus on the analysis of resource

The decoding time is computed only for the MNs which have correctlyreceived the entire bundle. For comparison purposes, we assume that theMNs is using the same hardware platform and the software implementa-tion of the reliable data delivery scheme as the static sensor.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


1 2 3 4





cy (%


Stretch factor (r/m)


356 Bytes712 Bytes

1068 Bytes1424 Bytes

1780 Bytes


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


1 2 3





cy (%


Stretch factor (r/m)


712 Bytes 1424 Bytes

2136 Bytes2848 Bytes

(b)Fig. 12. Memory usage for (a) m = 4 and (b) m = 8.

E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 15

utilization by showing the set of allowable values for var-ious parameters, and their actual consumption for a realimplementation. Then, we analyze the communicationperformance of the HI protocol for the range of allowablevalues.

8.1. Resource utilization

We start our analysis by considering the resource utili-zation in terms of used memory, since the amount of RAMrepresents the major limiting factor for both the bundlesize and the encoding parameters. Then, we investigatethe time needed to encode (decode) each bundle, as wellas the energy consumed during the encoding process, sincethey strictly depend on the specific encoding parameters.All the above quantities are evaluated for different bundlesizes and redundancy levels. Specifically, we considerm = 4 and m = 8 as in the analytical evaluation, but we limitsf in the range [1–4]. Indeed, the small amount of availablememory does not allow to encode very large bundles or touse redundancy levels (i.e., sf values) higher than thoseused in Section 6.

Fig. 12 illustrates the percentages of memory utilizationat the sensor node for m = 4 and m = 8. It is apparent that areal implementation limits the maximum amount of datathat can be stored and encoded. In fact, in a real implemen-tation, the maximum size of the bundle is significantly re-duced with respect to the size of bundles that we haveconsidered in the previous section (see Table 4)11. Bundlesizes larger than those shown in Fig. 12 cannot be encodedbecause sensors have not enough memory to store all theneeded information. As expected, the memory usage de-pends both on the size of the bundle and on the level ofredundancy introduced. The higher the bundle size and thestretch factor, the higher is the memory usage.

When m = 4 (see Fig. 12a), encoding the smallest bundle(i.e., 356 bytes corresponding to about 3.5% of the RAM)with sf = 1 consumes half of the available RAM in the sys-

11 Note that, for a fair comparison, in Section 6 we used 10 KB as referencevalue for the memory.

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

tem, so that the stretch factor can be increased, at most,up to 4. On the contrary, the largest bundle which can beencoded with sf = 1 is of 1780 bytes. In addition, encodinga bundle of 1424 bytes (13.5% of the available RAM) withsf = 3 almost uses all the memory. Therefore, the bundlesize must be further reduced until approximately 1 KBwhen using sf = 4.

This large increase in the memory usage can be ex-plained by looking at how the available memory is usedby the different components of the HI protocol. Fig. 13breaks down the memory usage according to four differentfactors. Specifically, the used RAM mainly depends on thebuffer size for storing the original bundle and the encodingstructures (i.e., the encoding matrix, the lookup tables, andthe encoded bundle). Additional data structures are usedby the communication protocol. Finally, part of the RAMis used by the variables and the data structures requiredby the operating system (e.g., the queues used for datatransmission and reception, timers). As highlighted inFig. 13, most of the available RAM (i.e., 10 KB) is used bythe operating system structures, which account for a 35%share of the RAM, irrespective of the encoding parametersand the bundle size. A different contribution, which is con-stant, is represented by data structures of the communica-tion protocol. However, this factor has a very small impacton memory usage (i.e., less than 3%). In contrast with thetwo factors already discussed, the encoding contributionis variable and strictly dependent on the bundle size andstretch factor. It is up to 20% of the total RAM size for thesmallest bundle, while it exceeds 40% for the following(bundle size, stretch factor) pairs: (1780,2), (1424,3),(1068,4). In all the other cases, the encoding contributionfalls in the range (20%, 35%). More specifically, for a givenbundle size and stretch factor, the amount of memory re-quired by the encoding process can be derived as:

Mtot ¼ aþ sf � btot ð19Þ

where a is a constant value representing the total amountof bytes required for the encoding matrix, the lookup ta-bles, and a set of variables. This confirms the linear growthof the encoding contribution.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90







cy (%


Stretch factor (r/m)

m = 4 m = 8 m = 4 m = 4 m = 4


HI Struct.OS Struct.


Fig. 13. Breakdown of the memory usage for different bundle size(expressed in bytes).







0 1 2 3 4









Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes 712 Bytes

1068 Bytes 1424 Bytes 1780 Bytes

Fig. 15. Encoding energy as a function of sf for different bundle sizeswhere m = 4.

16 E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

We also considered the case m = 8 (see Fig. 12b). The in-crease in the number of source data units results in a de-crease for both the maximum bundle size and the stretchfactor that can be used by the sensor. Fig. 12b highlightsthat it is possible to increase the stretch factor up to 3for bundle sizes smaller than 1.5 KB; for higher bundlesizes, the maximum stretch factor is limited to 1, as morethan 60% of the RAM is used for all the data structures re-quired by the reliable data delivery scheme.

Fig. 14a shows the encoding time for m = 4. As expected,the encoding time increases linearly with the stretch fac-tor. Note that the encoding process takes less time whenthe stretch factor is equal to 1, requiring less than200 ms for the largest bundle. This is due to the use of sys-tematic codes in the encoding process. This means that thefirst m data units are just copied in memory, requiringabout 6 ms each. On the contrary, the production of addi-tional data units takes more time due to the encodingoperations such as the matrix-by-vector multiplication.Specifically, we measured about 42 ms, on average, to gen-erate each additional code (i.e., one order of magnitudehigher than the simple memory copy). In addition it isworth pointing out that, since the time for generating en-coded data units is higher than the average transmission












0 1 2 3 4




e (m


Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes 712 Bytes

1068 Bytes 1424 Bytes 1780 Bytes

(a)Fig. 14. (a) Encoding time and (b) decoding time as a fu

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

time of a packet (17 ms), it is not possible to encode dataunits on the fly. This confirms the effectiveness of the ap-proach used in HI, where the entire bundle is encoded inadvance, without consuming the limited contact time.

Fig. 14b shows the decoding time for m = 4, which in-creases linearly for stretch factors up to 2 and, then, re-mains almost constant. Since systematic codes are used,the decoding time strongly depends on how many (copiesof the) original messages have been received at the MNside.

We have found that in the considered scenario, a signif-icant percentage (i.e., 40–50%) of the received encodedmessages consists in a copy of the original data unit. Over-all, the decoding phase remains in the order of hundreds ofmsec – about 100 ms for the smallest bundle, and about700 ms for the largest one. Hence, the decoding delay isnegligible if compared with the time needed to actuallytransfer the bundle (i.e., up to 3 s for the largest bundle).The results also confirm that, as expected, the decodingphase is faster than the encoding phase, requiring abouthalf of the time needed for encoding the bundle.

To conclude our analysis about resource utilization,Fig. 15 shows the average energy spent to encode the bun-











0 1 2 3 4



g Ti




Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes 712 Bytes

1068 Bytes 1424 Bytes 1780 Bytes


nction of sf for different bundle sizes where m = 4.

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Table 7Encoding time, decoding time, and encoding energy as a function of sf for m = 8.

Bundle size (bytes) Encoding time (ms) Decoding time (ms) Encoding energy (lJ/bytes)

sf = 1 sf = 2 sf = 3 sf = 1 sf = 2 sf = 3 sf = 1 sf = 2 sf = 3

712 41.2805 718.652 1395.08 66.6473 399.361 411.859 0.302474 5.28353 10.26731424 99.9418 1608.92 2718.64 193.813 846.286 1068.12 0.375482 5.93352 8.667462136 163.219 n.a. n.a. 332.427 n.a. n.a. 0.399871 n.a. n.a.2848 223.873 n.a. n.a. 432.233 n.a. n.a. 0.411727 n.a. n.a.

E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 17

dle. The trend of the curve is linear, according to Eq. (18).Curves are almost overlapped, with a slight difference onlyfor values of sf higher than 3. What is important to high-light here is that the energy consumption for encoding by-tes is very limited and low, and requires only few microJoules. This is fundamental in order to save energy at thesensor side.

Finally, Table 7 provides the encoding time, the decod-ing time, and the energy consumed for encoding the bun-dle when m = 8. For clarity, the label ‘‘n.a.’’ (i.e., notallowed) contained in some cells means that, for that spe-cific (bundle size, sf) pair, there is not enough of RAM tostore all the different components and, consequently, toencode the given bundle. As shown in both tables, theinvestigated metrics are aligned with the results obtainedfor the case m = 4. The encoding time is limited to a fewmilliseconds in the case of small bundles, while it is of2.7 s for the 1424 bytes bundle and sf = 3. The decodingtime is approximately one half than the encoding time,and the energy spent to encode the bundle is still of afew micro Joules.

8.2. Communication performance

In this section we evaluate the reliability and the energyefficiency of the communication protocol. The analysis issplit into two parts. In the first part, we assume that the bun-dle is transmitted just once by the sensor (‘‘Single BundleTransmission’’ case) to compare experimental results withanalytical and simulation results presented in Section 6,while in the second part we focus on the original HI protocol(see Section 4.2), which provides a continuous transmissionof the bundle, as long as all the MNs have completed decod-ing (‘‘Continuous Bundle Transmission’’ case).

12 We omit the discussion of results for the case m = 8 mainly for the sakeof space, and also because they are aligned with the results obtained for thecase m = 4.

8.2.1. Single bundle transmissionThe ‘‘Single Bundle Transmission’’ case represents the

most simple transmission scenario, where the sensorstops sending data once it has sent the encoded messagein position (B � 1, r � 1). This scenario is useful to showthe achieved decoding probability gain when encodingtechniques are applied to a single transmission of thebundle.

Fig. 16a and b shows the decoding probability and theenergy spent for communications, respectively, whenm = 4 and when only one MN crosses the sensing area.The results show two important features. First, they con-firm that, by increasing the stretch factor, the MN increasesits ability to receive and correctly decode the data bundle.Obviously, the energy spent increases as well, because the

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

sensor sends a greater number of encoded messages. How-ever, as shown by Fig. 16b, it is very low remaining below50 lJ/Bytes. In addition, the decoding probability neverreaches 1 (or at least 0.9), regardless of the redundancy(i.e., the stretch factor) and bundle size. For example, itdoes not exceed 0.7 for 356 bytes at the maximum allowedstretch factor (sf = 4), or 0.4 for 1068 bytes, dropping dras-tically to less than 0.1 for 1424 bytes. This highlights that,in general, encoding techniques are advantageous forimproving performance, but they are not always able toensure satisfactory results, if used alone. This clearly ap-pears in implementations on real sensor nodes with lim-ited resources. A possible way to improve performance isthus to use encoding techniques in conjunction with trans-mission strategies that provide smart multiple transmis-sions of the bundle (as we will show in the next section).

Finally, it is interesting to compare these experimentalresults with the analytical and simulation ones presentedin Section 6.2 (obtained under the ‘‘Single Bundle Trans-mission’’ assumption, as well). By comparing curves ofFig. 16a with the corresponding ones in Fig. 4a, we see thatresults are almost aligned. Obviously, there is a small dis-crepancy in the corresponding values. This is mainly dueto the fact that experimental results are highly variable,being subject to a number of external factors that cannotbe controlled (e.g., noise on the channel, position of theantennas), as proved by the high confidence intervals(see Fig. 16a).

8.2.2. Continuous bundle transmissionIn contrast with ‘‘Single Bundle Transmission’’, the

‘‘Continuous Bundle Transmission’’ case implements theoriginal HI communication algorithm where the bundle istransmitted multiple times during the contact time, i.e.,once the message in position (B � 1, r � 1) has been trans-mitted, the sensor starts the transmission again from mes-sage (0,0). This has two major side effects. First, the stretchfactor can be significantly reduced with respect to the sf

values used in Section 6 (but also in Section 8.2.1), thusresulting in a lower resource utilization. In addition, a con-tinuous bundle transmission allows to decouple the sensortransmission from the number of MNs, and from the in-stants they enter in the contact area, thus increasing theoverall system performance.

Figs. 17 and 18 show the decoding probability and the en-ergy spent for communications, respectively, when m = 4.12

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1 2 3 4



g Pr



Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes712 Bytes

1068 Bytes1424 Bytes1780 Bytes








1 2 3 4






gy (m



Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes 712 Bytes

1068 Bytes 1424 Bytes1780 Bytes

(b)Fig. 16. Single bundle transmission: decoding probability and communication energy as a function of sf for one mobile node for m = 4.

18 E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

By looking at results in Fig. 17, we can see that, as sf increases,the probability of receiving different but useful piece of infor-mation to reconstruct the original bundle also increases, result-ing in an higher decoding probability, as expected. This is moreapparent for larger values of the bundle size (i.e., P1424 by-tes). On the contrary, the highest value of decoding probability(about 1) is reached with sf = 1 for smaller bundles (i.e.,<1424 bytes). Obviously these results are better than thoseshown in Fig. 16a since the bundle is now transmitted severaltimes. We measured that, for small bundles, two completebundle transmissions are needed, on average, to guaranteethe correct decoding. Furthermore, by comparing resultsshown in Figs. 16a and 17a, we can measure the probabilitygain obtained by HI thanks to its continuous-bundle-transmis-sion strategy: up to 90% for bundles smaller or equal to 1068bytes and up to 70% for bundles larger than 1068 bytes. This re-sult gives a precise technical indication for setting the stretchfactor. sf can be kept to the minimum value with bundles sizeof maximum 1424 bytes, thus saving resources, since thetransmission used by HI is sufficient to achieve the maximumperformance. Instead, a low sf value is not sufficient for higherbundle size, for which the redundancy level must be increased.

The results in Fig. 17a can also be compared with thoseshown in Table 8. The latter have been obtained throughusing the analytical model presented in Section 5 in thecase of a continuous bundle transmission. Note that wehave captured this behavior by modeling it with equationEq. (6). Table 8 shows the asymptotic behavior of thedecoding probability. Experimental results are in line withthe analytical ones. The small difference in some points isdue to a greater variability of the experimental results. Thiscomparison highlights that, although the proposed analyt-ical model introduces some simplifying assumptions withrespect to the HI protocol (i.e., a block transmission shouldbe skipped if all the MNs have received enough data to de-code that block), it is able to capture the real behavior of HIprotocol with a good approximation.

Fig. 17 shows another important advantage of jointlyusing HI and sf > 1: better performance is obtained evenwhen more than one MN are within the sensor contactarea. This is well highlighted by Fig. 17b and c. For exam-ple, the sensor node is able to transfer bundles of large size

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

(i.e., 1424 bytes) with a decoding probability close to onewith five MNs, while the decoding probability is almost0.8 when a single MN is present. The above behavior canbe explained by considering two main reasons: (i) thestretch factor used for encoding the bundle and (ii) theweight of the discovery phase on the residual contact timeof each MN in the different experiments.

In the case of sf = 1, since r = m = 4, each MN needs toreceive exactly 4 out of the 4 sent messages for eachblock to decode the entire bundle. In other words, theMN must receive all the sent messages. Clearly, byincreasing the bundle size and the number of MNs, theprobability that each MN receives all the four messagesdecreases. This explains why curves in Fig. 17c are lowerthan those of Fig. 17a and b for sf = 1. By increasing sf thenumber of encoded messages sent for each block in-creases too. As a consequence, the number of encodedmessages that potentially can be used by all the MNs in-creases as well. For example, if sf = 2,r is equal to 8, i.e., 8different messages are sent for each block, and each MNmust receive at least 4 (out of 8) different messages foreach block, thus increasing its chance to decode the bun-dle as also confirmed by figures.

Furthermore, the discovery phase and its weight on theresidual contact time (i.e., the useful time for the bundletransmission) are additional factors for the decoding prob-ability increase. The weight of the discovery phase de-creases when the number of MNs increases. Indeed, thediscovery phase, which is always executed to detect thepresence of the first MN entering in the sensor area, isnot performed by the remaining MNs with increasingprobability. Indeed, the discovery of MNs arriving afterthe first one is almost immediate as the sensor node is al-ready active. This means that these MNs will start receiv-ing data immediately. Thus, by exploiting on average ahigher residual contact time, they will have more chanceto complete the decoding, with a consequent increase ofthe overall decoding probability.

As for the communication energy (see Figs. 18), increas-ing the bundle size decreases the energy consumption,which is less than 0.2 mJ/byte for bundle sizes larger than1 KB. In addition, the communication energy tends to

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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


0 1 2 3 4



g Pr



Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes 712 Bytes

1068 Bytes 1424 Bytes 1780 Bytes


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


0 1 2 3 4



g Pr



Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes 712 Bytes

1068 Bytes 1424 Bytes 1780 Bytes


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


0 1 2 3 4



g Pr



Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes 712 Bytes

1068 Bytes 1424 Bytes 1780 Bytes

(c)Fig. 17. Decoding probability as a function of sf for (a) one mobile node, (b) 3 mobile nodes, and (c) 5 mobile nodes for m = 4.





0 1 2 3 4Com





gy (m



Stretch factor (r/m) 356 Bytes712 Bytes

1068 Bytes1424 Bytes

1780 Bytes








0 1 2 3 4






gy (m



Stretch factor (r/m) 356 Bytes712 Bytes

1068 Bytes

1424 Bytes1780 Bytes


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1 1.2 1.4

0 1 2 3 4






gy (m



Stretch factor (r/m)

356 Bytes712 Bytes

1068 Bytes

1424 Bytes 1780 Bytes

(c)Fig. 18. Communication energy as a function of sf for (a) one mobile node, (b) 3 mobile nodes, and (c) 5 mobile nodes for m = 4.

Table 8Decoding probability obtained from the theoretical evaluation for onemobile node for m = 4.

Bundle size (bytes) Decoding probability

356 0.999712 0.998

1068 0.9551424 0.8991780 0.776

E. Borgia et al. / Computer Networks xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 19

decrease with the stretch factor. Apparently, in some casesthe communication energy actually decreases when thestretch factor increases (see also Fig. 18c for sf = 4). Thisis mainly because real experiments exhibit a very largevariability due to the limited number of replications.

A complete evaluation of the total amount of energyconsumed by the system should also include the encodingenergy. As we already noted in Section 8.1, the energy con-sumption due to encoding is limited to few micro Joules(i.e., less than 10 lJ/Byte for sf = 4). Hence, this contribu-tion can be ignored, as it is at least one order of magnitudelower than the minimal energy consumed for the commu-nications (i.e., 0.2 mJ/Byte). On the contrary, in case ofsingle MN within the sensor contact area, the encodingcontribution is negligible only when sf < 4. However, usinga lower stretch factor does not affect system performanceas the decoding probability still remains a high value. As

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

a consequence, it is convenient to spend some processingenergy to improve the communication efficiency, thus jus-tifying the EC approach we used.

9. Conclusions

In this paper we have investigated a reliable data deliv-ery scheme for sparse Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)with Mobile Nodes (MNs). The proposed solution, namedHybrid Adaptive Interleaved Communication Protocol (HI),exploits a hybrid approach where both Erasure Coding(EC) and retransmissions are used. The main contributionsof this paper include: (i) an analytical model to derive theperformance of the overall data delivery process and (ii) anexperimental evaluation carried on with real sensor plat-forms which complements the analytical evaluation. Byexploiting the developed analytical model we carefullystudied the general properties of the HI protocol with re-spect to a number of parameters (e.g., bundle size, stretchfactor, sensor duty cycle, mobility pattern of the MN). Inaddition, through the real prototype, we focused on thoseparameters which cannot be evaluated with an analyticalmodel, such as resource utilization and energy consump-tion at sensor nodes.

Our results show that the use of encoding techniquesgreatly improve the reliability of communication. For exam-ple, in the case of the single transmission of a burst of data,the use of stretch factor equal to 5 allows more than 80%

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performance gain. Furthermore, results show that the sen-sor duty cycle plays a central role. It must be kept low to saveenergy, but higher than 1%, otherwise even a high stretchfactor would not be enough to balance the correspondentperformance reduction. In addition, we have shown that,by changing the mobility patterns followed by the MN (forexample, from a linear one to a curvilinear one), MN is stillable to decode the transmitted bundle with high probability.Furthermore, we have shown that, despite the very limitedcomputational and memory resources on the sensor side,the HI protocol is feasible for a real implementation, resultsin a high probability of data delivery, and it is also particu-larly suitable to scenarios where more than one MN are incontact with static sensors at the same time. Finally, ourfindings provide also indications of the optimal stretch fac-tor to be used with respect to the size of the bundle.

In this paper we have considered sensor nodes withvery limited resources. Note that the proposed communi-cation protocol can be successfully used with more power-ful sensor platforms (i.e., Jennic, Sun Spot), henceguaranteeing the transmission of larger bundle size. More-over, we have considered Reed Solomon codes as EC tech-nique because they are optimal for the scenarioconsidered. We leave the evaluation of different ECschemes, as well as model extensions to include more gen-eric multiple MNs, for future work.


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Eleonora Borgia is a Researcher of the ItalianNational Research Council (CNR). She receivedthe Laurea and the Ph.D degree in ComputerEngineering both from the University of Pisa,Italy. Her research activities are focused onwireless and pervasive computing addressingissues related to data dissemination for WSNsand to social community detection and serviceprovisioning for DTNs. In the past she alsoworked on routing algorithms and MAC pro-tocols for MANETs. She was/is in the organizingand technical committee of international con-

ferences/workshops serving as Publicity Chair, Publication Co-Chair andTPC member (e.g, IEEE MASS, IEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, IFIP Wireless Days,IEEE CCNC, ACM PM2HW2N, IEEE PerMoby, IEEE AOC and IEEE PerSeNS).

Please cite this article in press as: E. Borgia et al., Energy efficient and reanalysis, Comput. Netw. (2013),

Giuseppe Anastasi is a Professor and the ViceChair of the Department of Information Engi-neering at the University of Pisa, Italy. Hisresearch interests include pervasive comput-ing, sensor networks, sustainable computing,and computing for sustainability. He is thefounding co-chair of the Pervasive Computing& Networking Laboratory (PerLab), and hascontributed to many research programs fun-ded by both national and international insti-tutions. He is a co-editor of two books:Advanced Lectures in Networking (LNCS 2497,

Springer, 2002) and Methodologies and Technologies for NetworkedEnterprises (LNCS 7200, Springer, 2012). He has published over 100research papers in the area of computer networking and pervasive com-

puting. Currently, he is an Associate Editor of Sustainable Computing(SUSCOM) and an Area Editor of Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC).Previously, he served as Area Editor of Computer Communications(ComCom), General Chair of IEEE WoWMoM 2005, Program Chair of IFIP/IEEE SustainIT 2012, IEEE PerCom 2010 and IEEE WoWMoM 2008. He isone of the co-founders of the IFIP/IEEE SustainIT conference and of theIEEE PerSeNS workshop. He has been a member of the IEEE ComputerSociety since 1994.

Marco Conti is a Research Director of theItalian National Research Council (CNR). Hehas published in journals and conferenceproceedings more than 300 research papersrelated to design, modelling, and performanceevaluation of computer networks, pervasivesystems and social networks. He co-authoredthe book ‘‘Metropolitan Area Networks(MANs): Architectures, Protocols and Perfor-mance Evaluation’’ (Springer 1997), and he isco-editor of the books: ‘‘Mobile Ad hoc net-working: the cutting edge technologies,’’

(IEEE-Wiley 2012), ‘‘Mobile Ad Hoc Networking’’ (IEEE-Wiley 2004), andMobile Ad Hoc Networks: from Theory to Reality (Nova Science Pub-lishers 2007). He is Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier Computer Communications

journal and Associate Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier Pervasive and MobileComputing journal. He received the Best Paper Award at IFIP TC6 Net-working 2011, IEEE ISCC 2012 and IEEE WoWMoM 2013. He served asTPC chair for several major conferences – including IFIP Networking 2002,IEEE WoWMoM 2005, IEEE PerCom 2006, and ACM MobiHoc 2006 – andhe was general chair (among many others) for IEEE WoWMoM 2006, IEEEMASS 2007 and IEEE PerCom 2010. He is the founder of successful con-ference and workshop series, such as ACM RealMAN, IEEE AOC, ACMMobiOpp, and IFIP/IEEE SustainIT.

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