eng —mrs. j. martin

ENG —Mrs. J. Martin Find a seat and complete the student info. card. Under “special info.” list All school activities, sports Music, etc. you’re invoved In. Where you work, who was your ENG teacher last year?

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ENG —Mrs. J. Martin. Find a seat and complete the student info. card. Under “special info.” list All school activities, sports Music, etc. you’re invoved In. Where you work, who was your ENG teacher last year?. English Rules & Procedures. Mrs. J. Martin, NBCT. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: ENG —Mrs. J. Martin

ENG —Mrs. J. Martin

Find a seat and complete

the student info. card.

Under “special info.” list

All school activities, sports

Music, etc. you’re invoved

In. Where you work, who was

your ENG teacher last year?

Page 2: ENG —Mrs. J. Martin

English Rules & Procedures

Mrs. J. Martin, NBCT

Page 3: ENG —Mrs. J. Martin

“We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then,

is not an act,

but a habit.”


Page 4: ENG —Mrs. J. Martin

A Bag of Tools R. L. Sharpe

Isn’t it strange that princes and kings, And clowns that caper in sawdust rings,And common people like you and meAre builders for eternity?

Each is given a bag of tools,A shapeless mass, a book of rules,And each must make—ere life is flown—A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

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Today’s Questions:

• Am I in the right class?• What do I need signed tonight?• What can I expect from this class?• What are the rules?• What supplies do I need?• Who are the teachers & people in

the class?

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Stuff you need to have signed

• Parent Letter—fill out back page & return.

• Writing requirement letter—you & parent signs & return

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What supplies do I need?

• Take a look at the syllabus

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What are we studying this year?

• Look at syllabus

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Time to do something

• Let’s get to know each other a little. . .

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In The Lunchroom. . .

• You are responsible for throwing away all of your trash & taking back your trays.

• You are to stay in the commons until the bell rings!!

• You can go to the restroom, but must return to the commons!!! 

 Thank you, Mr. Livers

Page 11: ENG —Mrs. J. Martin

Class Rules

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Be Prepared

• Textbook

• English Binder with paper

• Writer’s Notebook

• Pencil or Pen (blue or black ink)

• Assignments

• Be in your seat ready to work when the bell sounds

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Be Prompt (On Time)

• Come to class on time

• Turn in your work on time

• If you’re not in your seat before the bell sounds, you are tardy. You will have a discipline referral after 2 or more tardies.


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Be Polite

• Be respectful of your classmates and their things.• Be respectful of your teacher and her things.• Speak politely to others.• Listen when others are speaking.• Leave your desk and our room as neat or

neater than you found it.

• No Food or Drink

• Avoid grooming.


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You must not

• Use foul language• Criticize or make fun of your fellow

students• Call people names (even “Just joking”)• Use prejudiced remarks against a

group or individual• Harass or threaten anyone


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“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”

–W.B. Yeats

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• Pay attention in class

• Answer questions

• Ask questions

• Do all class work

• No socializing or completing homework for other classes until English work is complete.


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No Food or Drink

• Throw away all food and drink items before you come into class.

• Any food items brought into class will be thrown away—unless you bring enough for EVERYONE


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Out of sight, out of mind. . .

• Wear appropriate clothing for school. If you don’t cover yourself properly, I’ll feel compelled to make sure you do.

• Keep cell phones, etc. turned off and put away. Use it & you’ll lose it.


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You will learn and have fun as much as you and you alone will allow.

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Any questions about the rules?


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School rules that apply here

• Tardies—if you are not in your seat when the bell sounds, I will let your principal know and he or she will probably assign you detention. If you continue to have tardies, you’ll get ALC and may even have to repeat this English class when all your friends move on.


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School Rules That Apply (cont.)

• Skipping Class—You’ll be referred to your principal, assigned ALC, and removed from class if such behavior continues


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School Rules That Apply (cont.)

• Unexcused absences—You’ll be referred to your principal after 3 unexcused absences and every unexcused absence after that. He or she will begin assigning detention or ALC and if you continue to have unexcused absences, you can repeat this class next year.


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School Rules That Apply (cont.)

• Excessive Excused Absences—after 5 or more excused absences, your absences are reported to your principal. The principal may give detention or ALC if the excessive excused absences continue.


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When you enter the classroom. . .

• Come in quietly

• Take your seat

• Get out your English materials

• Begin Bell Ringer activity

• Review homework from last night


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Raise Your Hand

• Avoid calling out answers or interrupting others


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Just Avoid Distracting Others

• Blowing nose—get tissue & quietly go in the hall

• Sharpening Pencils—wait till a good time, avoid distracting others

• Throwing away trash—wait until class is over or the end of an activity


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Hall Passes

• Restroom

• Locker

• Phone

• Etc.


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Hall Passes

• Each student gets 4 hall passes PER Quarter

• Unused hall passes can be turned in at the end of the quarter for 5 extra credit points.


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Hall Passes (Cont.)

• Extra hall passes will cost 5 points

• Abuse of hall passes will result in loss of priviledge


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Using a Hall Pass

• Wait for 15 minutes after the bell

• You can’t go the last 15 minutes of class

• Only use them for EMERGENCIES!!

• Sign out in front of room

• Sign back in when you return

• 1 person out at a time


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Put On All Your Papers. . .

• Name

• Period

• Date

• Assignment

In the upper RIGHT corner



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Turning In Work

• Make sure all your assignments have name, period, date, and assignment on them In the upper RIGHT corner.

• Put your work in the tray labeled for your class.

Do Not Put Assignments

on my Desk!!!


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Try It

• On a piece of paper, put your

– Name

– Period

– Date

– Assignment—Come to School top 10


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Make Sure You Come to School

• What would you say are the top 10 reasons to come to school? In 1 minute or less write all the crazy reasons you can think of to come to school.

• In a group of 3, quickly decide on a “Letterman” style top 10 list.

• Share list with class.


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Another Way to Turn in Work

• E-mail!!!!

[email protected]

• Almost all our assignments can be turned in via e-mail. If that works for you, go for it!!!


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If You Have to Be Absent,

• Make sure you get your absences excused.

• How do you do that? Look at your student handbook to find out.


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If you’ve been absent,

• Check the class schedule to see what you missed, ask someone in your row to let you copy missed notes, etc.

• Get copies of any handouts

• If you need to talk to me about missed work, wait until the last few minutes of class.



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If you have an unexcused absence. . .• 0% on missed assignments per

student handbook

• You have to be here or have an EXCUSED absence to get points.


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Make Up Tests and Work

• You have 1 day per day absent to make up missed work from an excused absence.

• Any missed test must be made up before or after school, preferably during ESS.

• Any make up work not done within a week will stay a 0%.

• Write “MAKE UP WORK” at the top


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Late Work

• All assignments not submitted on the day due will not get full credit.

• Work that is 1 day late =50%

• Work 2 or more days will not be accepted

• Assignments missed due to unexcused absences including suspensions

will be a ZERO


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Assignments for other classes

You may work on assignments for other classes only after you have completed your English work for the day. If you’re doing something else when you should be listening or working on English, the other work will be taken from you until the

end of the class.

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Dismissal Bell

• Remain in your seat until the dismissal bell sounds.

• Wait until the last 2 minutes to begin packing up your materials.


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Any questions?

• What did we do in class today? – Am I in the right class?– What stuff do I need signed tonight?– What can I expect from this class?– What are the rules?– What supplies do I need?– Who are the teachers & people in the class?

• What are we going to do tomorrow?

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Tonight’s homework:

• Write a letter introducing yourself to the teacher. See the handout for more information.

• Handwrite or type.

• E-mail or put in tray.

• Due when you come to class tomorrow.