engineering philosophy of ancient india

Engineering Philosophy of Ancient India A compendium of articles by Late G. G. Joshi Translated & edited by Dr. A.S. Nene

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Engineering Philosophy of Ancient India

A compendium of articles by Late G. G. Joshi

Translated & edited byDr. A.S. Nene


Part A-Introduction

A01-Life sketch of G.G. Joshi

A02-Planned but unpublished book of G.G. Joshi

Part B- Mile stones

B01-Shilpakalanidhi-Raoshaheb K.V.Vaze

B02-Shilpashatra Terminology of K.V. Vaze

B03- Dr. Acharya and his contribution

Part C- Ten branches of Engineering

C01-Krushishastra- Biological Sciences

C02-Jalashastra-Water resource Engineering

C03-Khanishastra-Mining and Metallurgy

C04-Water & Surface Transportation Engineering

C05-Ratha Shasta- Surface Transportation Engineering

C06-Vimanshastra-Air / Space Transportation Engineering


C08-Prakarshastra- Ancient Warfare

C09-Nagar Rachana- Town planning

C10-Yantrashastra-Machine & Mechanisms

Part D- Library Sources

D01-Tanjore from Shilpashastra point of view

D02-Adyar Library Chennai

D03-Sources for procuring Shilpashastra Books

D04- List of Sanskrit books

D05-Modern References

D06-Index of Narada Shilpashastra

D07-Exhibition of Shilpashastra literature

Part E- General Articles

E01-Narada- A divine Engineer

E02-Scientific Attitude of ancient India

E03-Extent of Indian Shilpashastra as per Bhrugu Samhita

E04-Vishvakarma Sect and its followers

E05-Shilpashastra Preachers of ancient India

Part F- Annexure

F01- Skills of Shilpashastra

F02- Followers of G.G. Joshi

F03- Libraries and Book Sellers

F04- Sample handwriting


•Shilpashastra - The engineering Philosophy related to a

particular subject comprising different techniques skills or


•Shilpasamhita –A compilation of rules and procedure related to

a particular science.

•Vidya –A techniques related to creation or execution of a


•Kala - An art or skill acquired by practice and experience.

Even a blind of deaf person can master any particular skill.

Chronology of References

Text (B.C.) Text (A.D.)

Vedas- 15000 to 10000 B.C.

Puranas - 10000 to 5000 B.C.

Brihat-Samhita- 5000 B.C.

Mahabharata- 3000 B.C.

Shatapathbramhana- 1500 B.C.

Krushiparashar- 1300 B.C.

Shilpashashtra-800 to 200 B.C.

Arthshashtra-300 B.C.

Amarkosha-300 B.C.

Hayashirshapancharatra 4th Century

Samarangana Sutradhara11th Century

Aparajitprichha – 12th Century

Manasollas- 1131 A.D.

Shusruta- 12th Century

Ratnasamuchchya- 13th Century

Manasara- 13th Century

Tantrasamuccaya-1428 A.D.

Shilpadipak-15h Century

Rajvallabha- 1433- 1468 A.D.

•1833- A thesis entitled as “Essay on architecture of the Hindus” by

Ramaraja, was submitted to Royal Asiatic Society of London.

•1876 - Rev. J.E. Kornas translated a Sanskrit text “Mayamat


•1920- Madras manuscript library was established.

•1900- A.V.Tyagraj Ayyar compiled a book entitled “Indian

architecture or the Shilpashastra of India”

•1927- Dr Prasanna kumar Acharya compiled 3000 pages encyclopedia

named as “Manasara -an encyclopedia of Hindu architecture. Six more

books were added by him to the Manasara series.

Shilpashastra Journey

•1930-1950-Many ancient texts were edited and published. T.Ganapati

Sthapati, Dr. Dixitar, Dr.Raghawan, Dr.Madayya, Raosaheb K.V.Vaze and Shri

G.G.Joshi are few prominent names. Of editors.

•1950-2000- Publishing houses such as Chaukhaba Series, Motilal

Banarasidas,Tanjore Saraswati Mahal library, Jagannath Jaguste etc

published low cost books in regional languages.

•2000 onwards- Government of India formed Digital libraries in different

parts of the country. Rest of the world is again attracted towards this


Shilpashastra Journey

A01-Life sketch of G.G. Joshi

Shri Gopal Gajanan Joshi- A Researcher, Guide

and Curator of vast literature on Shilpashastra

1911 - 1992

•Diploma of Civil engineering from Government Polytechnic Nagpur in 1933

•Joined Public Works Department .

•Came into contact of Shri K. V. Vaze of Nasik.

•Decided to follow Shri Vaze and to finish his incomplete work of

procurement of complete literature on Shilpashastra,

•After 50 years of untiring efforts he collected more than 5000 references

. Wrote many technical articles on Shilpashastra and these were published

mostly in a weekly journal “Shilpasansar” , during 1955-1957.

•He arranged seven exhibitions of his rare collection at 5 cities.

• His few followers formed a private trust named as “G.G. Joshi memorial

Shilpa Sanshodhan trust”.

Late G.G. Joshi wanted to acquaint young students

about “Ancient Indian Engineering”. In 1964 he

planned to write a comprehensive Hindi book on

this subject. Due to some reasons he could not

complete the work.

He gave a copy of introductory remarks andcontents of his proposed book to the editor ofthis compendium.

A02-The planned but unpublished book by late Joshi

B01-Life and Work of Shilpakalanidhi Vaze

16/12/ 1869 – 31/2/1929

•Obtained L.C.E. degree in 1891

•Published 7 Marathi books on Religion

•Published many articles in various daily newspapers,

magazines and gave lectures.

Vaze’s contribution to Bharatiya Shilpashastra

1. Shilpa ShkshyaNache Mahatva (Marathi).2. PrachinHindi Shilpashastrasar .3. Kashyapashilpam (Sanskrit).4. Prachin Hindi Shilpashatra-Part-1.5. Aryashilpa Yantrashastra.6. Aryashilpa Vastushastra.7. Aryashilpa Chitravidya .8. Aryashilpa Dhanuvidya-(Marathi).9. Prachin Hindi Yuddhavidya(Marathi).10. Prachin Hindi Shilpashastra Part 4.

B03-Shilpashatra Terminology of K.V. Vaze

Vaze gave English meaning of more than 200

Sanskrit technical words frequently used in

Shilpashastra texts .

B04-Work of Dr.Prasanna Kumar Acharya

Dr. P.K. Acharya devoted over forty years of his life

to compile a detailed and critical study of ancient

Indian engineering works and literature.

He wrote seven volumes to explain and expound

“Manasara Vastushatra” by means of a literal English

translation, diagrams, plans, colored plates, glossary

and historical evidence spread over different

continents. Considered as the most important

reference on India Architecture.

Part C- Ten branches of Engineering

C01-Krushishastra- Biological Sciences

C02-Jalashastra-Water resource Engineering

C03-Khanishastra-Mining and Metallurgy

C04-Naukashastra-Water Transportation Engineering

C05-Ratha Shasta- Surface Transportation Engineering

C06-Vimanshastra-Air / Space Transportation Engineering


C08-Prakarshastra- Ancient Warfare

C09-Nagar Rachana- Town planning

C10-Yantrashastra-Machine & Mechanisms

Articles by Joshi on following branches

D01-Tanjore from Shilpashatra point of view

•The world famous Saraswati Mahal library was established by King

Serfoji in 1856.

•The Library was started as a Royal Palace Library (1535-1673 A. D.)

•In 1983, the Library was declared as an Institution of National


•Out of 46,695 manuscripts 39,300 manuscripts belong to Sanskrit


Tanjore Sarasvati Mahal Library

D02- Adyar Library Chennai Tamilnadu

The first British officer, who took keen interest in setting up

manuscript libraries, was Col. Mackenzie who was an engineer.

Language Handwritten Printed

English - 2700

Sanskrit 34044 3067

Tamil 5790 1309

Telgu 4683 788

Kannad 2503 333

Malyalam 324 102

Urdu 835 60

Marathi etc 1000 1000

D03-Sanskrit Literature on Architecture and Allied Subjects

•Contribution to a bibliography of Indian Arts and

Architecture by Haridas Mitra.

•Dictionary of Hindu Architecture by P.K.Acharya.

•Study in Vastu-Vidya by Tarapada Bhattacharya.

•Hindi Shilpashastra (Marathi) Part 1 by K.V.Vaze

Joshi compiled a list of 805 references from following main sources .

•D04-Sources for procuring Shilpashastra Books

1.Trivendram Sanskrit Series,

2.Oriental research institute Mysore,

3.Madras Govt. oriental series, Triplicane,Chennai.

4.Calcutta Oriental Book series, Panchanan Ghosh lane, Kolkata

5.V.Ramaswami Shastralu & Sons,Vavilla press, Chennai

6.Nagari PrachariNiSabha Banaras (Dev Prize Series) Banares

7.G.A.Natesan & Co, Explenede Chennai

8.Bhargava Pustakalaya, Gayaghat Banares

9.NirNayasagar Press, 26-27 Kolbhat street, Mumbai 2

10.Choukhamba Sanskrit Series, Banaras, 37

11.Gaikwad Oriental Series, Vadodara,

12.Sayaji Sahityamala Vadodara

13.Mahadev Ramachandra Jaguste,Bookseller,Ahamadabad

D05-Modern References

•Urdu Books-21

•English Books-100

•English Journals-10

•Bengali Books-16

•Marathi Books -15

83 Sanskrit titles of chapters in the text related to engineering.

D06-Narad shilpshastra

E01-Narad- The Shilpashastra Preacher

•Narada is one of these eighteen divine engineers.

•Narada has compiled a book on Music (Sangitshastra) and a

book NaradaSamhita on Shilpashastra.

•Narada Shilpashastra is a rare Sanskrit text on


•Narada Samhita (1937) – a text on Astrology,


•NaradNiti – A book on policy

•31 books are contributed by Narada.

•E02-Science Worship in Ancient India

1-Gaint Hindu Tank near Kodaturu.TN

2-River Bhagirathi or a Man made Canal

3-Strategic importance of Ganga Canal

4-Town Planning of Kanjivaram-Unique in the world

5-Wizards of paintings-Cave Paintings of Ajanta

Joshi describes following aspect s of India’s Contribution

E03 –Extent of Indian Shilpashastra as per


•Three volumes of Shilpashastra

•Ten sub parts –Shastras (Sciences)

•32 Techniques-Vidyas

•64 Arts-Kalas

Joshi explains the extent of Shilpashastra

E04- Vishwakarma Sect and its followers

•Mythological and traditional information about Vishvakarma

•Descendents of Vishvakarma

•Shilpashastra texts attributed to Vishvakarma

•Vishvakarma One or More?

•Conclusions of modern research on Vishvakarma

Vishvakarma is worshiped in India as a divine Engineer

E05- Shilpashastra Preachers of ancient India

1. Aniruddha – AniruddhaShilpa

2. Atri- AtriSamhita, Atreta Shilpa , Atreyatilakam

3. Aushanas- Aushanasshilpa , Aushanas Dhanurveda

4. Bharadwaja- Bharadwaja-Shilpa, Bharadwaja-

Dhanurveda,Bharadwaja- Arthashastra

5. Bhaskara- Bhaskariyashilpa

6. Bhoja (King of Bhopal) - SamaranganaSutradhar

7. Bhrugu- Brugushilpasamhita, Bhrugumat

8. Bramha- Bramhiyashilpa , Bramhiyachitrakarmashastra

9. Bruhaspati - Bruhaspatishastra, Bruhaspatiyam,


10.Chitrakarma – ChitrakarmaShilpa

11.Feruthakkar- FeruthakkarVastu

12.Hanumant- HanumatShilpa

13.Ishaan – IshaanShilpa, Ishaanshivgurudevpaddhati

14.KauNapdant- KauNapdant Arthashastra

15.Kautilya- Kautilyiya Arthashastra

16.Kumara – Kumarashilpa, Kumaragama, Shilparatnam

17.Manasar- Manasaar

18.Mandan- VastuMandan, Kodandamandan, Vasturajvallabha,

Prasadmandan, Roopamandan

19.Manu - Manutantra, Manusaar, Manusmruti, Manavsutra.

20.Markandeya - Markandeyashilpa

21.Munimaya- Mayamatam , Mayashastram ,Mayadipika,

MayaSangraha, Mayamaya,Mayavidya, Mayaratnam

22.Nagnajeet - Nagnajeetshilpa, NagnajeetChitralakshyaN

23.Nala- Nalatantra, NalapakdarpaN

24.Narada - Naradashilpa, Naradiya, Naradanitishastra*

25.PaNini – PaNiniShilpa

26.Prabodha- PrabodhaShilpa, Prayoga- PrayogaShilpa,

27.Prajapati – Prajapatishilpa

28.Prashuddha –PrashuddhaShilpa

29.Rhushimaya- RhushimayaShilpa

30.Rudrayamal –RudrayamalVastu

31.Sanatkumar- Sanatkumar Vastushastra, SanatkumarGruhashilpa

32.Saraswata- SaraswataShilpa, Saraswatiyachitrakarmashastra

33.Shatrughna- Shatrughna Shilpa

34.Shounaka – Shounakashilpa

35.Sukhanand- SukhanandVastu

36.Twashtra- Twashtratantra

37.Vajra- Vajrashilpa

38.Valmika- Valmikashilpa

39.Vashishtha- VashishthaShilpa

40.Vasudeva – VasudevaShilpa

41.Vishalakshya-Vishalakshya Arthashastra

42.Vishva – Vishvashilpa



45.Vishvamitra- Vishvamitrashilpa, VishvamitraDhanurveda

46.Wasudev- Wasudev Vastushastra

47.Yama- Yamashilpa

F01-64 Skills of Shilpashastra

•Skills as per Jayamangal

•Skills As per Shukracharya

F02-List of followers of Late G. G. Joshi

F03-List of Library Sources in India

F04-List of Book Sellers in India

F06- Sample of Handwriting of G.G.


About the Editor of this bookDr. A.S. Nene

•Professor & Dean (Retd), VNIT Nagpur, Geotechnical Consultant.

•Recipient of Khosla Memorial Award (1987) by Roorkee University .

•Nominated member of Tech. Committee TC-19 of International Society

of Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering ISSMFE on "Preservation of

Historical Sites"

•Research Topics: Anchor foundations, Geosynthetics, Software

development, Mnemonics and Shilpashastra

•Research Papers –More than 50 papers in National and International

journals and conference proceedings.

•Presentations – More than 50 presentations on science and technology

in ancient India are available on web (search words –asnene OR ancient


•Author of 4 Print books and 7 E Books on Shilpashastra.

This book would serve as a valuable reference text for Engineers and Architects.


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