engle za

Civilization: 1.3. “Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but its disadvantages shouldn’t be overlooked. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.” From my point of view tourism has become today an important brunch in the sector of economy. Its goals are to organize and conduct trips leisure, recreation of people from different activities. To my knowledge tourism plays a great role in economic and social life. It is a dynamic part of global trade system. It reduces the inter-region gap, fact as a part of education and training. Tourism helps to maintain the biological and physiological balance of people. It’s a means of education. It contributes to the reshaping of work facilities, the exchange of ideas and opinions which enlarge the cultural horizon. It’s a factor in indentifying links between nations. It protects the environment and fundamental values of human existence. While tourism can be a powerful positive force for change in poor countries, it can also be seriously demanding for the local environment and culture. I’m convinced that an increase in mass tourism can ruin areas of natural beauty. It can damage coral reefs, pollute beaches and destroy the habitats of wildlife as roads and hotels are build. Another negative effect is that the increasing numbers of airplane flights are a major cause of global warming. The profits earned from tourism go straight into the bank accounts of big companies and little money enters the local economy. By purchasing souvenirs, food and other goods from local people you can help to spread the benefits of tourism. Finally, tourism can have an adverse effect on local culture, traditions and way of life. Let be more educated and appreciate the beauties that God left us. Civilization: 2.3. “ How would you describe your country or region and the people who live there?”

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Civilization: 1.3. “Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but its disadvantages shouldn’t be overlooked. Use

specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”

From my point of view tourism has become today an important brunch in the sector of economy. Its goals are to organize and conduct trips leisure, recreation of people from different activities. To my knowledge tourism plays a great role in economic and social life. It is a dynamic part of global trade system. It reduces the inter-region gap, fact as a part of education and training. Tourism helps to maintain the biological and physiological balance of people. It’s a means of education. It contributes to the reshaping of work facilities, the exchange of ideas and opinions which enlarge the cultural horizon. It’s a factor in indentifying links between nations. It protects the environment and fundamental values of human existence. While tourism can be a powerful positive force for change in poor countries, it can also be seriously demanding for the local environment and culture. I’m convinced that an increase in mass tourism can ruin areas of natural beauty. It can damage coral reefs, pollute beaches and destroy the habitats of wildlife as roads and hotels are build. Another negative effect is that the increasing numbers of airplane flights are a major cause of global warming. The profits earned from tourism go straight into the bank accounts of big companies and little money enters the local economy. By purchasing souvenirs, food and other goods from local people you can help to spread the benefits of tourism. Finally, tourism can have an adverse effect on local culture, traditions and way of life. Let be more educated and appreciate the beauties that God left us.

Civilization: 2.3. “How would you describe your country or region and the people who live there?”

I think that every person on this planet should love his country. That’s why we call it homeland. My homeland is Moldova. I still live in it and I love it because it keeps fascinating me every day with new people and places. Moldova is a picturesque country, all rolling green hills, whitewashed villages and sunflower fields, with an old-world charm that’s hard to manufacture. I think it’s one of the most beautiful places on the Earth. As every country in the world, Moldova has a lot of places of interest that are worth visiting. The Old Orhei is one of the most important historical places of the Republic. A Moldovan quote says: “The person who has failed to build a home, to raise a son, to dig a well and to plant a tree has wasted his life”. That’s why one of the beautiful places in Moldova is a village. Moldovan villages are so green, houses are beautiful and you can see wells along the streets. My story about my country, Moldova, wouldn’t be full if I don’t say anything about Chisinau which is the capital of Moldova. Chisinau is situated in the center of the Republic of Moldova and I like it very much. Here we can see many interesting

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monuments, museums, theatres and more another. I think that everyone who was born here or even has visited my country could understand my feelings. There is no need to be a patriot to praise the beauty of my motherland and hospitality of our people. Of course, there are some unattractive sides of life here, but where have you seen a perfect one.

Civilization: 3.3. “One of holiday celebrated in Great Britain/Moldova/USA in greater detail”

In the world exist many holidays which are celebrated different in every country. I’d like to characterize Christmas in three states from the world as Moldova, Great Britain and USA. I choose this holiday because it is one of the most festive holidays in many countries around the world. It is a Christian holiday in memory of Jesus Christ’s birth and most people celebrate the day on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar, but many Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day on January 7 like Moldovans. There are many ways to celebrate Christmas and people from different countries blend their cultural traditions with more universal Christmas celebration. For Moldova, Great Britain and USA are specific to have decorated Christmas trees, either real or fake. Although Moldovans usually decorate Christmas trees on New Year’s Eve, and some call it the New Year tree. The Christmas trees for British and Americans or New Year tree for Moldovans are beautifully decorated with colored lights, angels and bright ornaments. In Great Britain in addition on the tree are hung little packets with nuts, candies and special biscuits. In USA and Great Britain are present traditions to decorate the exterior of house with small, bright-colored lights. In my opinion it is looking very beautiful and creates a wonderful atmosphere. Also in these three state people buying gifts to present each other and sending Christmas cards. Children waiting to receive gifts from Santa Claus. In USA and Great Britain he puts his sweets into the Christmas stockings, but in Moldova Santa puts his gifts under the Christmas tree. I don’t really believe in Santa but I believe that Christmas is a very unusual holiday when the wonders happen and all dreams may come true. Usually children from these states come around in the evening to the front doors and start singing carols and the people living in these houses give children candies, nuts, and pies and so on, to thank them for carol singing. When the meal is ready the real Christmas comes with the big dinner, gifts, sweets and illumination. Christmas time is the most beautiful time of year, the time of love, joy and hopes. It is a special holiday for all the people around the world and it has its traditions which are different or similar.

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Civilization: 4.3. “Do you think it is dangerous thing to judge about a nation by existing stereotypes?”

In my opinion it is a dangerous think to judge about a nation by existing stereotypes, because stereotypes is a fixed idea that is generally held about the characteristics of a particular type of person which are wrongly believed to be shared by all the people of that type. Many of these stereotypes say about people. For example not to judge the Chinese about their stereotypes: “All Chinese look the same”. This thing not true, because everyone Chinese are unique in China. Many say what: “All Arabs are terrorists” which says that all Arabs including children are terrorist, but this thing true. Even stereotypes applied to a racial group become inconsistent when members of that group are broken down by national origin. A case in point is that stereotypes about black Americans differ from those about blacks from the Caribbean or blacks from African nations. Such discrepancies indicate that stereotypes make little sense and aren’t useful tools by which to judge others based on just a few aspects of their identity. Negative stereotypes are a schematic idea of someone. Usually they are formed when people are required it wrong. In the minds of many were root negative stereotypes and that Jews are smart, Russians - drunks, Ukrainians - stingy, Lithuanians very slower and Georgians – aggressive. In the middle of every nation there are people smart, drunken, greedy, aggressive. Nationalities not determine these traits or specific human behavior, but education, some psychological traits we should not make a wrong picture well that there is no bush wood forest. Also I would like to say that stereotypes are a part of human life, though they may present one sided exaggerated view on religion, social, ethnic groups of people as well as of classes of people. Stereotypes are certainly not reliable description of individual people, but they still exist. As a conclusion must not judge about a nation by existing stereotypes. For my knowledge stereotypes doesn’t represents every person from society and so I say that we can’t characterize all people from any country after the dominant characteristic in it.

Civilization: 6.3. “Can you name any place in Great Britain which is internationally known? What is noted for?”

I would tend to think that Stonehenge is surely Britain’s greatest national icon symbolizing mystery, power and endurance. Stonehenge is without a doubt the most interesting monument in Europe. Stonehenge is both traditional and unique in Britain colorful history. The ring of stones standing in the open vastness of Salisbury Plain is an evocative image of wonder and mystery. Its original purpose is unclear to us, but some have speculated that it was a temple made for the worship of ancient earth deities. It has been called an astronomical observatory for marking significant events on the prehistoric calendar. Others claim that it was a sacred site for the burial of high-working citizens from the societies of long ago. While we can’t say with any degree of

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certainly what it was for, we can say that it wasn’t constructed for any casual purpose. Only something very important to the ancients would have been worth the effort and investment that it took to construct Stonehenge.

Civilization: 7.3. “Different countries have reputation for being good at different sports. Think of some examples.”

In the world exist much type of sports. Some of these are more interesting than others for different people. It can be explained by the size and variety of country. For example, Americans have reputations for being good at baseball, rugby and basketball. The British are great lovers of sports and they have reputations for being good at football, rugby and tennis. Professional football is a big business in Great Britain. Wimbledon is the centre of lawn tennis. Furthermore English men pay much attention to swimming, rowing and walking. In generally, in Great Britain we cannot say about the reputations for being good at one type of sports because many kinds of sports have taken the origin in England. The Australians has a good reputation for being good swimmers, the Chinese are the best gymnastics and Spanish has a good reputation at soccer. Different countries have reputations for being goods at different sports because it is influenced by territorial and ethnic characteristics such as climate and topography of the country, the culture and traditions of the people who inhabit in it. In colder climates are better developed winter sports, and closer to the Equator – summer sports. If the entire country is plain, it is not likely to be good at alpine skiing. Some traditional sports in any country which are few popular in the world promote successes in other sports in certain countries. The success of Brazilian football players did not achieve without capoeira. But curling didn’t a final role in what Canadians do on the hockey site. Finally, I want say that The Moldovan athletes are making significant progress at the global level, not at all typical sports such as, for example, the Greco-Roman wrestling. And Moldovans has reputations for being good at weightlifting. This year Moldova took three medals at European Championship. But the reputation of the countries is due primarily to climatic condition. In a country where winter prevails, will practice winter sports and where the prevailing climate is warm, will be practiced summer sports.

Civilization: 8.3. “Describe things which are associated with the Scots.”

Scotland is a country that is a part of the United Kingdom. To my knowledge it occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain and it shares a border with England. I can assert that in the world exists something which is often associated with the Scots. I am convinced that they are: bagpipes, the Loch Ness Monster, the Scotch Mist, the Jacobite Steam Train and the Scotch whiskey. The bagpipe is a wind instrument consisting of three drones and a melody pipe which are fed continuously by

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a reservoir of air in a bag. The Loch Ness Monster is a mythic monster that is believed to live in the Loch Ness Lake. The Scotch Mist is the Scottish weather described as torrential rain. The Jacobite Steam Train is the train which was made famous when it appeared in the movies about Harry Potter. And, finally, the Scotch whiskey is malt whisky or grain whisky made in Scotland.

Civilization: 10.3. “Famous people of the USA are you impressed by?”

I am impressed by Benjamin Franklin. He is an American political figure and role model. Franklin was a man of many talents as he was an author and printer, satirist, political theorist, politician, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman and diplomat. He was one of United States of America’s founding fathers. Franklin also signed the Declaration of Independence for which helped to put together and the United States Constitution. He invented the glass harmonica, lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the flexible urinary catheter. His inventions were not only meant to be useful for himself, but others as well. He worked to make his voice heard and that is why we remember him today and his face is on the hundred-dollar bill.

Essays: 1.4. “The way you treat yourself sets the standards for other.”

There is no doubt that if you treat yourself with respect, others will treat you with same respect. And vice versa, if you don’t respect yourself, then others will do the same. None of us is perfect; all of us have made mistakes. What we need to know is this: no matter what mistakes we’ve made be still have the chance to overcome them. Regardless of your past, your future is a clean slate because today is the beginning of the rest of your life. It is a clean slate, move forward, leaves your baggage behind because no one cares about it. You can be who you want to be, just making sure your attitude is right. You have choices every day now, make them count for you. Love yourself and all rest people will love you. Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. Plant your own flower; decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring your flowers. Instead of treating yourself poorly and not taking the care that you need to take in your life, including thing like the continual education, and development of your spiritual and physical body, treat yourself like you want others treat you. You are the person that what you need, what you want and how to behave with your own person. It is indispensable to treat yourself as well you can. I’m pretty convinced that treat yourself as you would like others to treat you is one of the most important things in life. You must never forget that the way you treat yourself sets the standards for other persons.

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Essays: 3.4. “There is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language”

Have you ever wondered who taught you to talk the way you do? People learn to talk and to express themselves everyday of their lives. Starting from the day you were born you used language or some form of it to communicate with those around you. Everyday express our point of view to others in some form of language. We as human beings don’t realize how much language has to do with our lives. The three main contributing factors to how we express ourselves and the three places where language used are school, friends, and most of all our families. Going to school can teach you many things, even more than can imagine. Where do you think you learned that a comma should be placed here, or that you shouldn’t end a sentence with a preposition? School is very rewarding and is a place where you develop and improve your language skills. The second place where you receive a hearty serving of language is our day by day discourse with friends. It’s definitely true that the majority of your spoken language comes from your peers. The last and most important place you receive language from is your family. The people who first heard you speak, you walk and first helped you to read, have the majority of influence on the way you communicate. You grow up your whole life thinking what your parents say is entirely right and in no way could they ever be wrong. The truth is that all three ways teach us how to communicate and express ourselves to one another. This is how we are able to communicate with such a wide range of people. So this way, our life is completely influenced by communication, that means language in all our activities.

Essays: 4.4. “Happiness is a value worth pursuing.”

Most of us want to be happy. But what is happiness? It’s a difficult question and I’m definitely sure that happiness can’t mean the same to all people. Maybe for elderly people who have lived a long life it’s easier to find an answer for this question, but nevertheless I’ll try to give my own understanding of this phenomenon. Happiness is something that lives inside each of us, but not all the people are able to feel it. You can neither buy happiness, nor sell it, you can never win it in the lottery, and the only way to be happy is to grow your happiness. Have you ever noticed that some people are always grumbling about their endless problems, dissatisfaction in life and even about the dull weather that annoys them? Such people see only dark sides in everything and it prevents them from being happy. But look at other people! At first sight they have nothing in life: they don’t have stable jobs or their own apartments, but they are really happy, they meet every day with a smile, they laugh and receive pleasure from life. Isn’t that great? I’m sure I’m a happy person: I have a good friends, loving parents, goals in my life. I try to enjoy every day of my life and be happy all time: to smile when I wake up because the sun shining directly in my window, to feel happiness somewhere deep

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inside playing snowballs or swimming in the sea, to feel pleasure when I see child happily laughing or when I look at a large rainbow after a downpour. I am sure that the happiness is in our heart! Follow your heart, your passion and your dreams to be really happy! This is the easiest and at the same time the hardest way to achieve the happiness. So be happy!

Essays: 5.4. “People are often affected by their success and fame.”

Almost everybody dreams about being famous sport star or a great actor. But does everybody know how hard it is to have such kind of job? In my opinion being famous is very difficult and people who are famous deserve all the money they earn. A star should be polite and kind because he or she is an example to be followed for many young people. Famous people work hard long hours every day and do their best for their fans. Also I think that famous people don’t have private lives, they don’t see their relatives and friends often. A lot of stars lose them and pretend a lot. They are who their fans want them to be. Many people when become famous forget about humanity. They are very proud vainglorious. Success brings them a big wreath. I think that it’s not right, because you must keep your humanity and you have to love your friends, family and all the people even if they have less success than you. I’m convinced that our life is a boomerang and you must keep good relations with the other people. Success and fame don’t give you love, heat and friends. As for me, I agree that being famous sounds nice, but it’s very hard. I guess I don’t want to be really famous. Yes, famous people have everything: money, popularity and fame, but stars lose much more- their private lives and their friends.

Essay: 6.4. “The future role of technology in the world. Advantages/ Disadvantages.”

I can assert that the 21st century will be a time of rapid innovation and technological change that will be spurred on by the grand challenges that we face. Significant opportunities for technology – based products and services will emerge from increasingly open, competitive and affluent global markets. For decades, technology has been dramatically changing not just the lives of individuals in developed country, increasingly the lives of the people throughout the developing world. Looking out to the future, there is no single story to be told about how technology will continue to develop. Although technology and invention have many advantages and disadvantages. First of all, things are invents to make a task easier to perform , we don't need to do repetitive and uninteresting job like washing-up and this gives us more time to do other things. What we do with this time depends upon the individual. Secondly, for people, who are less able to do these jobs, like elderly or disabled people, these machines are a great help. Future developments may be able to help them even more. I

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think, this is the most positive side of technology. On the other side, technology can make people lazier, products are made more cheaply and technology can have adverse effects on a person’s health and safety. As I mentioned, it is up to the individual what they do with this extra time. Unfortunately, instead of doing everyday tasks people tend to watch television or play video games. Furthermore, television companies encourage us to watch as much TV as possible. This can lead to an inactive lifestyle and people are becoming overweight and unhealthy. This is the negative part of technology. In conclusion, the positive side is that because machines and automation do the things we do not like doing we gain more time to do other things, and people who cannot do certain things are able to do them with the help of technology. However, on the negative side we lose the daily activity involved in washing-up, vacuum cleaning and so on, and for some people, this may be the only kind of activity they do. The danger is that we do not replace these activities with others.

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Civilization: 5.3. “Choose one of the characteristic you remember well from your favorite book(s). Describe.”

Book is a source of knowledge. Many of us read book because they search some interesting and discover new types of characters. One of my favorite books is “Baltagul”, written by Mihail Sadoveanu. It is an interesting novel, where the principal character is a woman, whose name is Vitoria Lipan. She is a strong woman, a lovely wife and a careful mother, and is a very good detective. She is skillful and hardworking. She conquers through her beauty and frame’s charm. She is not youth more, because she is fourteen but she has a rare beauty in the glance. With all these is a superstitions person, believing in signs and dreams. She is a representative figure by popular hero, involving all fundamental qualities of a simple men from village, characterized by culture for the truth and rightness,  observing the traditional laws and customary.

Civilization: 9.3. “Present interesting facts about the British Royal Family”

The British Royal Family is the group of close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The term is also commonly applied to the same group of people who are , the relations of the monarch in her or his role as covering of any of the other Commonwealth realms, thus sometimes at variance with official national terms for the family. The head of the Royal Family is the Queen Elizabeth II. Her husband is Prince Phillip. The Queen and her husband have a great, great grandmother in common: Queen Victoria. They two have a daughter and three sons. Queen Elizabeth II has a total of nine thrones and she was first monarch ever to educate her children in boarding schools. One of the famous members is Princess Diana, the wife of Prince Charles, who after her death, married again with Duchess Camilla. First of two have two sons, Henry and William, who married on 29 April 2011 with Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine.

Civilization: 11.3 “Why do you think the English language is taught in many countries of the world?”

English, which is often referred to as ‘the language of the planet’ is spoken by more than 750 million people worldwide. This global phenomenon, if not spoken by millions as a mother tongue is spoken by many as a second language or taught in educational institutions as a foreign language. The diversity of its speakers has sparked considerable amount of interest, along with the types of English used in many countries. Alongside an immense number of speakers of a single language come the various type of speaker: those who’s English is a mother tongue, those of whom whose English is a second language, and those for whom it is a foreign language. It is widely spoken on six continents. The primary language of the U.S.A., Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and various Caribbean and Pacific island

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nations, it is also an official language in India, the Philippines, and many sub-Saharan African countries. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, the mother tongue of more than 350 million people, and the most widely taught foreign language. English easily borrows words from other languages and has coined many new words to reflect advances in technology. Of course English is a global language; you hear it on television spoken by politicians from all over the world, wherever toy travel, you see English signs and advertisements, whenever enter a hotel or restaurant in foreign city.

Civilization: 12.3. “Every nation has its own customs and traditions. How can you explain why people keep up their traditions and practice them for centuries?”

Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs. It’s very important to know traditions and customs of different people. It will help you to know more about the history and life of different nations and countries. One cannot speak about country without speaking about its traditions and customs. The combination of the words tradition and custom means a usual manner of doing something, a belief of principles, of conduct passing from generation to generation. All of them should be taken into notice, because they are in the key position for each country. All traditions and customs in the world are really diverse. There are some which are famous all over the world. In addition, the greater part of people prefers travelling during holidays. Sometimes between people of different nations during their communicating emerge various misunderstandings about their conduct. If you don’t know some traditions of the country, it can lead to offences; it can even sow seeds of discord between nations. So before going somewhere abroad it’s better to learn at least the most important points of culture of the country. In conclusion, there are a lot of nations in the world and a great amount of different customs. Some of them can be beyond one’s mentality. But people should respect and claim their attention to all traditions, because they mean not only way of life, but also culture and history.

Civilization: 13.3. “Think of some people who have excelled in the world of music, art and cinema. Write about one of them.”

Michael Joseph Jackson was an American recording artists, entertainer, and businessman. Often he referred to as the King of Pop. Jackson is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time by Guinness World Records. His contribution to music, dance, and fashion, along with a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades. He debuted on the professional music scene along with his brothers as a member of The Jackson 5, then the Jackson in 1964, and began his solo career in 1971.

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Civilization: 14.3. “What are the main values of European Union?”

The European Union is an economic and political union or confederation of 27 member states which are located in primarily Europe. The European Union has a set of basic values, general human values that are to be considered in its political and social activity: human dignity, freedom, and equality, respect for human rights, even for homosexual, because they are humans, too. There is no place for discrimination and all the relations between its members and citizens of this Union are directed by the principle of justice, solidarity and tolerance. The European Court for Human Rights is the ultimate judicial organism of Europe; either it is not a part of the European Union, and deals with violation of human rights, in case if these complaints were not solved inside the country. “Liberté, égalité, fraternité” – under this slogan were held the revolution from 1848 all other the Europe, when people were demanding for better work conditions, equitable treatment and freedom. During the ages, the values remained almost the same, with some exceptions, that have appeared this century – equal rights for men and women, rights for all types of minorities and tolerance to criminals. I want to criticize the way European Union treats the conflicts: they try to follow the low with any price and often more people have suffer from the procedure that from the conflicts itself.

Civilization: 15.3. “What are the major events of national and social importance which are traditionally celebrated in the USA?”

USA has a lot of major events of national and social importance. I choose to talk about the Independence Day of U.S.A. which is celebrated on 4 July. Independence Day is regarded as the birthday of the United States as a free and independent nation. Most Americans simply call it the "Fourth of July," on which date it always falls. The holiday recalls the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. At that time, the people of the 13 British colonies located along the eastern coast of what is now the United States were involved in a war over what they considered unjust treatment by the king and parliament in Britain. The war began in 1775. As the war continued, the colonists realized that they were fighting not just for better treatment; they were fighting for freedom from England's rule. The Declaration of Independence, signed by leaders from the colonies, stated this clearly, and for the first time in an official document the colonies were referred to as the United States of America. It is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts and fireworks. The flying of the American flag is widespread. On July 4, 1976, the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence was marked by grand festivals across the nation.

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Essays: 2.4. “The Internet has forever changed the way we live”

Nowadays, in my opinion no one can deny the importance of Internet because it is influencing our daily life. Sitting in front of a computer, clicking a mouse three times, we can get access to the information high way, which provides us a lot of valuable source of information and communication. The Internet plays a major role in the life of everyone. It brings people of the world closer together. It makes the world smaller because through the Internet we can communicate with people from all over the world. The Internet can be very useful for finding information for work, school or fun. There are many positive aspects of the Internet because the Internet has helped us a lot in improving our lives. But the Internet may also have major disadvantages. The Internet resources help people get latest news, improve knowledge by providing access online libraries. It is the center of attention for business, governments and individual person around the world. It has spawned entirely; new industries transformed existing ones and become a global cultural phenomenon. Communicating through the Internet gives the opportunity to know and other people of another nation and find out their culture to make comparison between regions and even to learn new things form that communicated with. I can assert that the Internet will change our lives in every aspect of life. Without a doubt I can say that the use of the Internet around the world is doubling every month. The Internet is becoming faster all the time and we can already watch video and communicate with each other more easily. I suppose that many people now work at home via the Internet. It has created unlimited new business opportunities. I strongly believe that nowadays more and more people need to go out and meet other people. People from the world use email address instead of writing letters to keep in touch with their friends. The Internet communicating is very popular among us, the teenagers. We love to talk to our parents who sometimes are far away from us, or with our dear friends, sending them all sorts of funny pictures, music and movies. But all this can lead to estrangement, lack of real communication, insulation if we use it in excess. But I have no doubt that the Internet will not change everything in our lives because people need to go out and meet other people. People need to draw fresh air because they must to be healthier. I’m afraid I don’t agree reading so much on a computer screen because it is uncomfortable and has negative influence especially on our eyes. That’s why people will never stop wanting to read, listen to music and be entertained in traditional ways. Finally, I’m pretty sure that the importance of Internet will continue to grow. And to my mind, life without the Internet would be dull, but we need to live a real life, not a virtual one. I really can say that the Internet has forever changed the way we live.

Essays: 7.4. “Write the headlines and a short story for something that has happened recently in your town”

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Essays: 8.4. “We are using up the Earth’s natural resources faster than even.”

We are totally dependent on natural resources. Everything we have or use is made of natural resources, or raw materials and energy obtained from the environment. The clothes we’re wearing, the chair we’re sitting on, our house and TV and school and books, city streets, whatever we ate for breakfast, are made of natural resources. I can conclude that natural resources sustain human life. People use many of the Earth’s natural resources. All of the products we use have a natural resources base. Minerals, forest, products, water, and soil are just a few of the natural resource humans use to produce energy and make things people use. The big point of this section is to look at the idea that humans have a finite amount of material on this planet. Not only are humans are using these materials, but nature using them too. The difference between humans and nature is that nature doesn’t waste. Our use of natural resources affects the environment in many ways. Our use of natural resources has impacts that go far beyond simply using materials that are limited supply. The environment is affected at every stage of the chain of extraction – processing – manufacturing – marketing – consumption – disposal. Same products we buy are necessary to our health and well-being, or improve the quality of our lives. We need clothes and stoves and so on. We wouldn’t want to give up books and music and other things that enrich our lives. But we can reduce level of consumption we are using up our natural resources and our environment for things that we don’t need and that don’t really enhance our lives. A healthy environment and a supply of natural resources are basic to our well-being. When we live in highly consumptive lifestyle, we use more resources and create more pollution. Many environmental problems are tired to our rate of consumption of material goods and thus of natural resources. The most basic method of caring for our environment is to reduce, reuse and recycle. Finally, I can say that we are using up the Earth’s natural resources faster than ever and so we destroy the nature. We need to realize this fact and protect the Earth.

Essays: 9.4. “A good reputation is more valuable than money”

It seems that the two concepts: reputation and money have become more closely nowadays. Indeed, a good reputation is more valuable and more important than the money because a good reputation can bring you a lot of money, but if you have a bad reputation, money will never influence your reputation. My father often says that you must work for your “name”, to make it famous, well-known in a positive way, so then your name can work for you and bring you profits. If you have a good reputation people want to work with you, they believe in you and your projects and they are confident that nothing wrong can happen. But if you have a bad reputation nobody will risk investing money, time and their own reputation. Well, the conclusion is that

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we always must be attentive with our actions, with that we say and with what we do, so nothing can damage our reputation because once it is damaged you’ll never establish your good name.

Essays: 10.4. “Leisure is time for doing something useful”

All people have to have a time for leisure after work or school day. I can affirm that people in different ages use their time in diverse ways. To my knowledge nowadays more and more new activities in which we can take part in our spare time are appearing, as a result of the wide spread of the technology. Somebody prefers only to sleep in their leisure time, but most of us prefer to do a great number of interesting things. It can be reading, practicing various types of sports, watching TV, listening to music and so on. Teenagers hang out with friends at cinema, at concerts, also feeling better.  If we speak about those who have too much free time and do not know what to with it, as an advice I would propose voluntary work, to help the elderly people. I can say that time is very precious and we must appreciate it. If we have leisure time we must consume it rationally, do something useful that will help the society. Generally everyone has free time, how little would be, and each tries to get involved with something good, not just to get for nothing.

Essays: 11.4. “A heart that loves is always young”

A heart that loves is always young. But what is love? Surely all the people who lived before us on Earth asked this question, but in the XXI century, we have no answer to this question. If you ask people “what is love?” they will hardly have enough words to describe it. All people are waiting for it. Love is the greatest mystery of all time. It is not important how old are you, if you’re in love, you feel young. Love will never grow older and won’t go away. Years pass away, but it doesn’t matter if in your heart live love, it will warm you when you’re old. When love is in your heart, all the colors seem brighter and you can hear the angels singing. Happens often those in park submitted elderly couples that walk arm in arm or by the hand. They smile nice one to each other, talk about different think and look tenderness. Love that carries the soul of one another makes them fell young. It make them hearts beat faster and feelings do not grow old ever. Love is the elixir of the youth.

Essays: 12.4. “Your time, energy, relationships, and finances are your most valuable assets. Handling them wisely enhances your ability to succeed.”

Obtaining success is a very big task that needs a great deal of work and patience. However, success or failure depends on the way on how you measure it. Your success could look like a failure to others. Success is getting what you expect. Change your expectations. If you combine hard work, good ideas, treat those who work for you with integrity and not as robots doing your bidding and share some of the wealth for

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the hard work they did you are great success. Wanting to do something and motivating yourself to actually do it are two different things. So, what’s the difference between those who never reach their goals, year after year, and those who achieve one goal after another? Often, it’s their self-motivation. In my opinion, self-motivation is the force that keeps pushing us to go on – it’s our internal drive to achieve, produce, develop, and keep moving forward. When you think you’re ready to quit something, or you just don’t know how to start, your self-motivation is what pushes you to go on. By developing a general level of self-confidence in yourself, you will not only believe you can succeed, but you’ll also recognize and enjoy the motivation. It’s important to look at things positively, especially when things aren’t going as planned and you are ready to give up. Examine ways to improve your self-motivation, and regularly reassess your motivation levels. If you actively keep your internal motivation high, you can significantly increase the likelihood of achieving your hopes, dreams, and visions of the future.

Essays: 13.4. “The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives’’

This quote belongs to Anthony Robbins. Communication is an essential skill for successful professional and personal relationships. Effective communication is the key to get you to where you want to be in your life. Yes, there is power in the spoken word. But, most of us aren’t aware of what we say, how we say it, and how it affects every aspect of our lives. Too often we get into bad habits and say whatever pops into our heads without thinking. Good communicators are aware of what they say, how they say it, and how well they listen. Talking is possibly the smallest piece of the communication puzzle. It’s important to choose words carefully and wisely, to listen to yourself, to be clear and concise, to be aware of what you say, and to show respect for the listener. Perhaps the most important aspect of healthy communication is listening. A good listener maintains eye contact, gives full attention to the speaker, is able to paraphrase what is heard, asks open ended questions, and shows encouraging body language. To ensure you don’t fall into the rut of ineffective communication, pay attention to your words, body language and listening skills.

Essays: 14.4. “Good manners aren’t natural and have to be taught. In today’s society, you see disrespectful acts on television, in movies and in your everyday life.

That’s why it’s so easy for a teenager to get caught in the trap of rudeness.’’

Good manners are a set of behaviors which mark someone as a civilized and cultural member of a society. Nowadays society manners are learning from TV and movie. Each of us needs to know which are good and which a bad manner is. Good manners are not natural and have to be taught of childhood. Manners can be taught in a big family but and school plays a big role to learn a good manners. If you learn good manners you a gentleman for others and you get respect. Good manners go a long way

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in most societies. Mannerly people are more likely to get ahead in the world of business, and they also find themselves more commonly invited as guests and welcomed in society. Life is a teacher of manners for all years. Good manners are extremely important in life, in school and the workplace. Without manners people in this world would be unable to communicate between anyone. Manners should be instilled in a child at an early age so that when they grow it will be natural, and not a problem.

Essays: 15.4. “Write about the effect of a parent, teacher or friend on your life.”

The world’s population has already reached seven billion people, but there are only two in front of whom I am ready to bow my head and say “Thank you!” Thank you for loving me even when I was the cause of your countless sleepless nights. Thank you for finding time to read me fairytales before bed, even if sometimes you were falling asleep before I was. Thank you for listening, for always being there, for giving up everything you had for my well being. If somebody were to ask me about my hero, I would definitely say that my parents are the ones. Therefore, because I have always looked up at them as my heroes, their impact on my life is essential. They have influenced me, first of all, not by the long educational speeches that I have heard so many times, but by showing me how to put their pieces of advice in practice. I learned from them the most of all by following their example.