engleza pentru nivel intermediar lectia 13-14

LECTlA 13 - PARTEA iNTAI , Sa incepern Ctl recapitulaTea vocabularului: A Complc1ati propoziliilc in limbs englcza ell cuvintele unnliloare: J. platc 5. salt 9. napkin 2. fork 6. egg 10. toasler 3. spoon 7. saucer 11. egg-cup 4. salt-c:ellar 8. toast Solnil3 s·a golil din nOll. - The IH:dlar is empty again. Ea $i·a mai pus citeva legwne io farCune. - She put some more vegetables on ber >plate. Acestc Duli nu mai sunt proaspete. - These>e I.!' arc no longer fresh. Feliile de paine prtjiti sunt prea fierbinti. - The >l(Jo I is too hot. Mai e paine in apannul de prajit paine? Pune cea¥=3 pc faTCurie. Nu pune prea mult3. sare. Auste QUa sunt prca mari pentru paharele noastre pentJu oua. fUfCulita pcntnl acest rei de came. AceSlea sunt linguri de arginl? Langll fiecare farfurie era cale un $crvetel cural. - Is there any bread in the >t, lI:r1 - Put the cup on the >-auccr. - Don't use too much >sail. - These eggs are 100 big for our >C8&...(;ul15. - Use youPlork for lhis meal. - Are Ihese silver >spoons? - There was a clean >napkm neXllo each plale. B. Acum completali propoziliile in limba engleza cu cuvinlele corespunz5toare: Fierbe acesle ou5 timp de cinci minule. De ce mereu grabit? Penlru asia se cutitul? El s·a mull prea multo Te rog sa tomi ceaiul. IIi plac cartofii praji1i? Da·mi solni1a, te rog. Are un gust delicios, nu·i Nu pot sA tradue aecasta serisoare. A mai spus altceva? la nu este goala inca. Nu le·am spus. I - >Boil these eggs (or five minutes. - Why are you always >In a hurry? - Do you >l.lse a !mire ror Ihal? - He has grown much 100 >fal. - Please >pour out Ihe tea. - Do you like >fncd potatoes? - >Pa&,.' me the sail-cellar. please. - It lastes >dcIIC"IU doesn't it? - lean 't >111UI Lak this letter. - Did she xay anything else? - Your cup isn't >c npty yet. - We haven't >1 ld them.

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  1. 1. LECTlA 13 - PARTEA iNTAI, Sa incepern Ctl recapitulaTea vocabularului: A Complc1ati propoziliilc in limbs englcza ell cuvintele unnliloare: J. platc 5. salt 9. napkin 2. fork 6. egg 10. toasler 3. spoon 7. saucer 11. egg-cup 4. salt-c:ellar 8. toast Solnil3 sa golil din nOll. - The IH:dlar is empty again. Ea $ia mai pus citeva legwne io farCune. - She put some more vegetables on ber >plate. Acestc Duli nu mai sunt proaspete. - These>e I.!' arc no longer fresh. Feliile de paine prtjiti sunt prea fierbinti. - The >l(Jo I is too hot. Mai e paine in apannul de prajit paine? Pune cea=3 pc faTCurie. Nu pune prea mult3. sare. Auste QUa sunt prca mari pentru paharele noastre pentJu oua. Fol~le fUfCulita pcntnl acest rei de came. AceSlea sunt linguri de arginl? Langll fiecare farfurie era cale un $crvetel cural. - Is there any bread in the >t, lI:r1 - Put the cup on the >-auccr. - Don't use too much >sail. - These eggs are 100 big for our >C8&...(;ul15. - Use youPlork for lhis meal. - Are Ihese silver >spoons? - There was a clean >napkm neXllo each plale. B. Acum completali propoziliile in limba engleza cu cuvinlele corespunz5toare: Fierbe acesle ou5 timp de cinci minule. De ce e~li mereu grabit? Penlru asia se rolose~te cutitul? El sa ingra~at mull prea multo Te rog sa tomi ceaiul. IIi plac cartofii praji1i? Dami solni1a, te rog. Are un gust delicios, nui ~? Nu pot sA tradue aecasta serisoare. A mai spus ~i altceva? Ce~a la nu este goala inca. Nu leam spus. I - >Boil these eggs (or five minutes. - Why are you always >In a hurry? - Do you >l.lse a !mire ror Ihal? - He has grown much 100 >fal. - Please >pour out Ihe tea. - Do you like >fncd potatoes? - >Pa&,.' me the sail-cellar. please. - It lastes >dcIIC"IU doesn't it? - lean't >111UI Lak this letter. - Did she xay anything else? - Your cup isn't >c npty yet. - We haven't >1 ld them.
  2. 2. in unnfltorul exercitiu de gramaticll vorn recapitula imperativui ~i imperative. Traduce1! propoziliile urmlitoare in limba engleu: 37.1. 27.1.-27.6. ~ c. A~teaplA aici! Senel! aceste cuvinte! Deschide televizorul! Da-i asta fralelui t;u! Ne-am intiilnit cu ei vizavi de hotel vinerea trecuUI.. in ultimul an ne-am petrecut vacanla in Belgia. Am vorbit cu ea in piala. tOpiC. in propoziliile > Wall here' > intl: d" .... n the. .... ord ' > S'" lIch on the Iclc'l lUll. etl > (i"c this to your brother' > 1,.'1: met them opposne the holel la! Fml.Jy > Lht 1:;11e ~r.:nl our holiday In A" III > I I" 0: 1 h r In he market pliKe Ne vom intalni aici diseari 101 ora Opl. Meciul va incepe 101 doua $i jumitatc dupa-amiaza. onl "'0 Ei s-au inleles sill se intalneasca acola marti la ora zece. Adesea ellasa u$a deschisa. > TI i!'"cJ 0 be there at ten (,'dueL. 'n I d.I}'_ > lie nllcn leaves The door open. intotdeauna comut pe aceSI post de radio. > I a~~ tUlle mil) thIs "lallon Nu am mai vazul 3~3 ceV3. EI niciodal3 nu se culca prea tarziu. Uneori suntem ingrijorali pentru ea. Acolo se preda ~i limba franceza. Uneori ei sunt greu de incles. Aiei nu este niciodata foarte cald. It was often very noisy there. 2 > .: In:~ ne-er een II belt)l'C > H~ ne-er g{l~S toJ bed 100 t We nlCumcs.... m about her > They also lea,,;h Fr~,,;h thcre > Thc- II.: omctllncs f,hfficullto under..lanJ. > It h Il [mlu:zi~nJ - muzician, eanlAre pop musIc > [pop nllu:zlkj - muzieA pop group > (~rru,p] - forrnatie, grup teenager > [ti:ncldJoi'] - adolescent drums > (drarnz] - lobe, balerie beat > (bl.l] - bataie; ritm drununer > (drama'] - baterist guitar > [glta:') - ehitam guitarist > [gua:n:..t] - chitarist orchestra > lo:'le!J.r.a] - orchestrn." .-; . conductor > (kandllkta'] - dirijor instrument > [irbtr.unantJ - instrument ~ Sa Ie repetarn acum in alta ordine: beat > [bl t] - Mtaie; ritm guitar > (glta:') - chitarn instrument > (instramanl] - instrument pop musIc > [pop mlU:LIL] - muzicA pop drummer > [drama!] - baterist conductor > [kandakta'J - dirijor teenager > [ti:neldla'j - adolescent group > [grup] - formalie, grup mUSICian > (miu.7i~n] - muzician, cantare drums > (drnmz] - tobe, baterie orchestra > (o:'lc!;lraJ - orchestrA -.guitarist > [glla:nst] - chitarist 3
  3. 4. Unneaza un dialog in care apar toale cuvintefe noi: DREAMS AND PROFESSIONS Laura: My son has joined the school orchestra. Chris: What instrument does he play? Laura: In the orchestra he plays the drums, but he can also play the guitar. The conduc- tor says he is the best drummer in school. He can really feel the beat of the music. Chris: That's great! Is he going to be a musician? Laura: That's what he says now, but we'll see. When I was a teenager 1wanted to be a Singer. Chris: Yes, I remember. You were even in a group, weren't you? Laura: Yes, I was. That's how I met my husband. He was the guitarist in our group. Now I'm an English teacher, but I'm still interested in pop music. Acurn exersali pronunlia fiecarei propozilii ~i relineli traducerea in Iimba romana: My son has joined the school orchestra. What instrument does he play~ In the orchestra he plays the drums, but he can also play the guitar. The conductor says he is lhe best drummer at school. He can really feellhe beal of the music. Thai's great! Is he going 10 be a musician? That's what he says now, but we'll see. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a singer. > mal 10 hi dl td o a u:1o'k troll > '1 irt$tr.unam 11~7 h pl~l > n 0'1 o:rk tf3 hi Dadrnmzh Ihl 1. 01 pie, f) Ii ' IIa: > ID a k.and~kl I 17 n .1 lleSi dr81 et ku I) > fhl' ken Ii 1,11 IIY,I bu 1 f) ,III1IU:/II..J > IU H~ glTlt 17 hl: gau/nlg ) II hi a nllu"i nl > D Is Ilt hi lei nau I Ll I.) > I en., "oz .li:neldJ~ ioL ontid tu bl. mg - Fiul meu a intrat in orchestra ~olii. - La ce inslrument cinti~ - in orchestra canUi la lobe, dar ~tie sa cante ~i la chitara. - Dirijorul spune cA este eel mai bun baterisl din ~coala. - EI simte cu adevarat ritmul muzicii. - Grozav! Vrea sa devina muzician? - A~ spune el acum, dar vom mai vedea. ~ Cand eram adolescenl3 voiam 51 fiu cantAreati. Yes, I remember. You were > even in a group, weren't you~ Yes, I was. Thai'S how > I met my husband. Ie nmrmba' IU ' I' magrup .nllfU) Ie "Oz [) ~ 'l.:1u t mal huhlmlj 4 - Da, imi amintesc. Ai fast ~i intr-o fonnaie, nu? - Da. AfB I-am cunoscut pe soul meu.
  4. 5. Acum completati Propoziliile in Iimba engleza ell subslantivele nou inviolate: >Ihi UtU fY.l glla:nst In lIua' gru pI >(nau wm ..n inl~l};h. li:l~a' bal 31m sllllninsiul In pop 1n1l1:1:I"J - El era chitaristul formatiei noastre. - Acum sunt profesoara de engleza. dar rna inlereseazA in cOl1tinuare muzica pop. - The >beal of the music is very exciting. - That ~roup no longer e:tists. - It is not only the >teenagers that like pop mUSlC. - Many people learn to play an >mMrument. - The ~onduclor was not satisfied with the way the orchestra played. - Would you like to be in an >ofche-stra? - Don't think that the >drumJl afC easy to play. Formatia aceea nu mai e:tistlt Dirijorul nu a fosl multumit de modul in care a cantal orchestra. Multi invata sA cante Is un instrument Nu nurnai adolescenlilor Ie place muzlca pop. Ritmul muzicii este foane incitant. Now I'm an English teacher, but l"m still interested He was the guitarist In our group. Ai vrea sa can,i intr-o orchestra? Sa nu crezi d. e u~r sl ba{i la lobe. . . lD pop musIc. Acel chitarist ~ia asigurat degetele. - That :>gUlLamt has insured his fingers. Muzica pop po3te fi cantata cu 0 orcbestri mare. - >Pllr musIc can be played by a large orchestra. Cine este balcristul aceslei formalii? - Who is the >drummer of this group? PUlini muzicieoi devin foarte bogali. - Few :>mu.'lclan~ become very rich. Sa invalm acum un nou set de cuvinte: popular > [poplUlu'] - popular; cunoscul 10 release >ltu nll:sJ - a publica, a scoale (pe piufti) classical >(L.IEslL.aIJ - c1asic to cheer >[ IU ~Ia') - a aclama, a aplauda middle-aged >[miJlcldIJ) - de virstl mijlocie to tune >1 tu tlu:nj - a acorda (un instrument) instrumental >[ m"'lIammll) - instrumental; pies! instrumentall to perform >[tu p;.I'fo:'m1 - a interpreta; a cinta 5
  5. 6. vocal >[ ..aukl) - - vocal to dance >(IU da.ns) - a dansa musical >(rruuZlLilIJ - rnuzical 10 conduct >(tu kaodaLl] - a dirija lata noile cuvinle in propozitii: The group was loudly cheered. > (D'a g:ru:p OL laudll lila'd] - Fonnalia a fOS! zgomotos aclamati.. He is a popular writer. >( hi 17 a poplular raltarJ - EI este un scriitor popular. Classical music is liked by many young people. > (ldEslkal mlU:zlk 17 lalkt bal mEn! lanl 1 pi:pl} - Multor tineri Ie place muzica clasica. Completa!i unnatoarele Propozilii in Iimba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzaloare; > [al lalk D/a vuukl pa"ts nest] - Cel mai mult imi plae pMtile vocale. EI a dirijat adesea aceasta orchestra. - Cine dirijeaza in seara aceasta? - Cand va aparea noullor disc? - Aceasla chitan'i trebuie sa fie acord3ta. - Ea provine dintr-o familie care iube~le muzica fcarte mult. - Ei nu au cantal niciodata aici. - AceastA fonnalie este indragita mai mult de cei de vanta mijlocie. - Noua ne place fcarte mult sa dansam. - AI this factory they make >mlbtCal instruments. - This is a >()Cal piece for three male singers. - This book wiU be >relc cd next week. - He has often >condUl:led this orchestra. - Can you >Iune your own instrument? 6 >lhu: IL killldllktlnl,ltunalt] > (IYel hEv nt'va' pa'fo:'md hJa'] > hi: kamz from. t'tl fTlIu:zlkal fT.mlhJ > ( IYIS ~ru:p 17 mausl II lai.1 hal rnidlcldJd pi:plJ > [Ul: lail.. u:I:n~m t'n mat'll > l D'IS gila:' lIl:UL tlu:nll1ll1)] > [Ucn II [)~I' ncbt rt'ko:'d bl nli: tJ POli sati acordezi singur instrnmentul? Aceasla carte va aparea sapt!lmana viitoare. La aceast! fabric! se fac instrumente muzicale. When will their next record be released? This group is mostly liked by middle-aged people. We like dancing very much. Ilike the vocal pans best. They have never perfonned here. She comes from a very musical family. This guitar needs tuning. Who is conducting tonight? Aceasta este 0 piesa "ocala penlru trei cintareli.
  6. 7. Esle prima carn cand am interpretat asta. Toata lumea a aclama! cand au aparu! dintiirelii. Ei au devenit foarte cunosculi anul acesta. Penlm muziea instrumentala nu estc ncvoie de vocali~ti. Nu pot dansa pc aceasU muzica. Damnul Brown estc de varsla mijlocie. Ea prefera muziea clasica muzicii pop. - This is the first time we have >pcrfonneJ it. - Everybody >thccrcd when the musicians appeared. - They have become very >popular this year. - For >lnslrumcnlal music you need no smgers. - I can't >dJllceto this music. - Mr. Brown is a >middle-aged man. - She prefers >classlcal music to pop music. - Poti cheltui toti banii. in partea de gramatica veli invaa noi verbe modale ~i folosirea lor. Verbu! modal may - [mcI]- "a pUlea" exprima posibilitatea 1a limpu] Simple Present. De exemplu: You may spend all of the money. . . . permlslUnea $1 May I sit down? They may arrive early. It may rain this afternoon. May you live to see it happen. Long may she live! - Pot sa iau loc? - Poate ca ei vor sosi devreme. - S-ar putea sa ploua in aceasta dupa-amiaza. - iti doresc sa traie~ti ea sa vezi a~a ceva. - Fie ca ea sa traiasca multi ani! (ii dorim multi ani.) CD in propoziliile in care se exprima 0 urare may precede subiectul. Verblll may nil are forme la timpllrile compllse, dar tn aceste cazllri sefolose~te cOllstruclia to be allowed to cOlljugata la timpul verbal respectiv. ca de exemplu: Up to now I haven't been allowed to write 10 them.. , Tomorrow she will be allowed to leave half an hour earlier. - Pima acum nu am avut voie sa Ie scriu. - Maine ei i se va permite sa piece cu jumatate de ora mai devreme. CD AceastaconstnlClie esteJolosit6,fi pentru a exprima permisiullea la timpul Simple Past, ea de exemplu: We were not allowed to tell anyobody. 7 ~ Nu ni s-a permis sa spunem nimanui.
  7. 8. o construclie care are un sens similar cu to be allowed to este: to be pernlltted 10 >( Iu hi pa'mlud lu: J - a aVC3 voie 51. a 3vea I primi pennisiunea sa - Var avea voie sa vadi cum (actrn tuburile c3todice? Will they be permitted to see how we make the picture tubes? $i aceasta construclie este folosit! penlrU a fanna timpurile compuse ale verbului may. ca de exemplu: Penrru a exprima penni.rilllrea 10 rimput (recut in l'Orbireo indirectii sefa/oselle 'erbllf might Imalt]: CD IIOld him that we hadn't been permitted to build such a high office there. He said that I might not do that in a live programme. - I-am spus ca. DU oi s-a dat voie sa consuuim 3eo10 o c1adire alai de ioalta. - E1 a spus eli nu am voic sa fae asta inlr-o emisiune transmisa in direct. Pelllru (J. exprima posibilirotea redusQ co 0 ac,iune so.re inuimple. verbul mighl sefolosefte ma;mult decof may sau could: CD My cousin might telephone. - Sar pulea sa. sune vArul meu. CD Might sefolosqte # pentru a oprima 0 criricasau 0 sllgesfie releritoare la eeea ce ar frebu; salaca cealalta persoana: You might ask before you borrow my car. You might hclp your sister. - AI putca sfii-mi ceri vOle inainlc sA-mi ICI ma$ina cu impromul. - Ai putea sa-Ii ajuli sora. Traduceti unnlltoarele propozilii in limba engleza: Po{i sA ici discurile mclc cu imprumul. > You may ntITO my rCC(lnl.. Vei avea voie sa. participi la ~edintll? > WIll vou he ,llIowcd to ,Itcnd the meeung'? Ea a spus cll s-ar putca sa piece inlr-un sfert de orA. > Shl. ..aid she might lea...e III a qlmrter of an h(,w Ni s-a permis s nc intoareem cu uhimul tren. > c were al1o",~ 10 return lly Ihe 1;1.,1 IQIn Sar putca sa facA asta dacA le-o ceri. > Ih ] ml~ht Jo It II vou a.4. tbern Ai putca sa muncc$li mai mult. Soar putea ca ei sa inghele zdravAn aeolo. inCA nu am primit pennisiunea sa uream la bordul avionului. > (" haven't been alll1" cd 111 board 1 plane )('1, Se poate ca lucrorilc sA se schimbe in cUlind. iti doresc sa obtii ce Ii se cuvine. > ') h1l12s Ina" change 'n > MlIY you get whal you hac II gbtlO. 8
  8. 9. LECTIA 13 - PARTEA A DOVA A Completai propoziliile in limba engJez3 eu unnatoarele cuvinte: I. anns 5. fingers 9. wrists 2. knees 6. belly 10. wrist-watch 3.loes 7. chest II. back 4. nails 8. elbow 12. shoulders Ma donre un deget de In pidor. Degetele de 1a maini mi-au inghclat alat de tare, ell nici nu pOI scrie. Unghiile Ii-au crescu! prea lungi. Ea ~i-a cumparal un nou eeas de mana. Copilul slaten pc umerii tatalui sau. Pasarea a fost impu~cata in piepl. Ea ~ia lua! copilul in brale. Cainelui meu ii place sa sIca pc genunchii mei. Este 0 gaura in maneca-, in dreptul cotului. EI avea 0 burUi enonna. Acel docher are incheieturi foarte groase. - One of my >Ioes hurts. - My >fingers are so cold that I can'I write. - Your >mllls have grown 100 long. - She has bought a new >wnst-watch. - The child was sitting on his father's >should~rs. - The bird was shot in >chcsl. - She took her baby in her >a.nns. - My dog likes sitting on my >knl:c'!;. - There is a hole in the sleeve althe >elbow. - He had an enonnous >belly. - That docker has very thick >vmst:;. B. in exercitiul de mai jos veli completa propozitiile in limba engleza: in ziua aceea a cazut putina zapada. - Little snow >rell that day. Ai prins ultimultren? - Did you >catch the last train? Chitarele electrice sunl scumpe. - >Electric guitars are expensive. Ei au conslruit-o inainte de razboi. - They >bUllt it before the war. Pari foarte obosit. - You look very >lLred. A inceput acum cinci minute. - It >bcgan five minutes ago. , Celor mai multi copii Ie plac sucurile dulci. - Most children like >swc~l juices. De ieri ea se simte mai bine. - She has >fclt better since yesterday. Aceasta este singura ocazie pe care 0 ai. - This is the >only opportunity you have. Are un gust oribil. - it >tastcs horrible. 9
  9. 10. in exercitiul de gramatica de mai jos veti rccapitula cuvinlcle "many", "much", "little", "few", "a lot", ~i formele lor la gradele comparaliv ~i superlativ. Traduccti in limba engleza propozitiile urmatoare: 12.1.-12.4. 10.17. ~ c. Cate fonnatii VOT cantu aeola? Sunt mai muUe persoane decal anul trecut. Ei au inregistrat cele mai multe discuri. Ai pus prea multa sare. Maine va ploua mai mult. Aceea esle regiunea eu eea mai mare cantitate de zapada pc an. Ei folosesc muUe ingra~aminte. Sunt multe pasari pc acoperi~. PUlini i~i amintesc de aeeic vremuri. in aceasla tara lot mai putini oameni citesc carli. Ea a avul cele mai pUline ~anse. Pentru asia nu ai ncvoie decal de pUlini bani. Cu cat auzi mai pUlin despre asia, ell alai mai bine. A clat un raspuns nea~teptal. Au mai ramas pUline frunze verzi. Inca exisHi putin entuziasm in randul studentilor. EI a vandut cele mai putine amplificatoare. Va dura mai putin decat crezi lu. Multe birouri sunt inchise asUizi. Saptamana aceca s-au tacut putine progrese. Este bine sa manclim mai putin. Acum lot mai multi cumpara televizoare portabile. Acest difuzor costa eel mai putin. Acest baiat face mai putine gre~eli. 10 > lIow many groups .....Ill perfonlllhcrc') > There arc more people than last year. >Thcy have recorded the most records. > You have put 100 much salt on It. > More ram will fall tomorrow. > That IS the regIOn With Ihe most snow every year. > They usc a lot oflcrlillzers. > There are m,,tny bIrds on the roof > Few people remember those times. > Fewer and fewer people in this eounlry read books. > She has had the fewest chances. > Only little money IS needed for It. > The less you hear about II the better. > He gave the least expected anscwer. > There are few green leaves lefl. > There is still so little entliSla.~m among the students. > He sold the fewest amplilicrs. > It WIll take less tIIne than you think. > Many offices are closed today. > Little progress was made that week. > It II; better to eat less. > More and more people buy portable televIsion sets now. > ThIS loudspeaker costs Ihe least. > ThiS boy makes fewer mIstakes.
  10. 11. Sa invatam cateva cuvinte noi: disc jokey >1 diskdjoJ.aj - disc jockey disco >[dhlauJ - discoleca, disco record-shop >lrelo.'d !'op] - magazin de muzica; magazin de discuri melody >( meladl] - melodic perfonnance >( pa' lo:'mans) - spectacol, inlerpretare, recital r,n >{fln) - fan, suporter, suslinator single >' In' 'IJ - single pop festival >{ptlp !t'sllall - fcstival de muzica pop lyrics >( Iink.J - vcrsun (ale unei picse ",u=icale) tune >{ttL-nl - mclodie plano >(pla:n.luJ -plan composer > kampauza') - compozitor Sa Ie repetam acum intr-o alta ordine: single >[sm' 'I) - singlc tune >[IIU nj - melodic record-shop >[ rf'lo:'d ~orJ - magazin de muzica; magazin de discuri composer >[bmplluLa'l - compozitor disc jokey >[dlskdJoklj - disc jockey plano >[plll:nauj - plan melody >[meladl] - melodie disco >[ dhkauj - discolcca, disco lyrics >{Iinks] - vcrsuri (afe rmei piese mllzicafe) performancc >{ pa' lo:'ma.l1:'>1 - spectacel, interprelare, recital rnn >{ fln] - fan, suporter, sustinator pop festival >(pc r) ft'~tlall - festival de muzica pop
  11. 12. Acum cititi cu atenie propoziliile in care apar noile cuvinte: I have heard that tune before. > [al hEy ha'd IYEt till.n blfo:'] - Am mai auzit aceasta. melodic. He buys all his records al that record-shop. It was a great perfonnance. There will be a pop festival on the third of May. I am not a fan ofthat group. The disc jockey announces and plays the records. The disco was crowded as usual. Can you remember the lyrics of that song? That melody is not easy to play. Do you ever buy singles? She learnt to play the piano at the age of five. He is one of the greatest composers. > [hi. bat7 0-1 h,z reh.'dz ellYEt reka:Td Op] > [II-oz a ~)'(:II pa'fo:'mans] > IlYer 'II hI a pop felillil on D'a Pard av mCl} > [al Em not a non av D'H gJU'p) > [D7.a dhkdJokl lD'a dlskau YO? kraudld Ez IUJual] > (kcn IU: rJmt:mba' IYa links av D'Et ~lnl;)] > [D7 EI meladllZ nol i:zl lu plel] > [du IU e,a' bat in'l-llz] > 1':'1' la'nt Iu plel lYa pi.:nau [t lYi CldJ a.. fal'o'l > [hI. ullan av 0 a greliist kampaULJ'LJ - EI i~i cumpAri toale discurile de la acel magarin de murica.. - A fost 0 interpretare splendida. - Pc trei mai va fi un festival pop. - Nu sunt un fan al acelei fonnatii. - Disc jockey-ul anunl'i ~i pune discurile. - Discoteca era aglomerata, ca de obicei. - iti pOli aminti versurile acelui ciintec? - Nu e u~r sa canli (la un instrument) acea melodie. - Cumperi vreodall discuri single? - Ea a invltat 53 cinte la pian la varsta de cinci ani. - EI este unul din cei mai mari compozitori. Completati propoziliile in limba engleza.: Disck jockey-ul a anuntat ultima piesa. Festivalul pop a durat trei zile. Acel compozitor a trait in secolul al optsprezecelea. Am de gand sami vand toate vechile mele single-uri. Acea melodie era de succes acum douazeci de ani. Mii de fani au fosl dezmagili. in o~ sunt cateva magazine de muzica. 12 - The >dlsc Jockey announced the last record. - The >pop festliallasted three days. - That >composer lived in tbe eighteenth century. - J'm going to sell all my old >slngl~ - That >tune was popular twenty years ago. - Thousands of> fans were disappointed. - There are several >recordshops in the town.
  12. 13. Pianul era in camera de zi. Aceslea 'Sunt versurile ultimului lor cantec. Suml ca 0 melodie c1asica. Noi mergem la discoteca in fiecare samblita seara. Ea va cumpara bilete la ultimullor spectaco!. lata un nou set de cuvinte. Citii-Ie cu voce Iare: relatively >Ir~l.all'h to scream >[lo_lo.n m) obscure > [ohlIUdr } to compose > (l.ampauzJ out oftuRe >lautav llu.n) to faint >(tu feml] melodious > Imll:iudla.~) colourful > (kala'fulJ to adapt > Iadt:pt) immortal >[Imo:rtl] to replace >(Iunplels] - The >plano was in the living-room. - These are Ihe >lync~ oftheir last song. - It sounds like a classical >melody. - We go to a >dISCU every Salurady night. - She is going to buy tickets for their next >pcrfonnance. - relativ - a tipa, a urla - obscur, neclar, incifrat - a compune - dezacordat (despre instrument); fals (despn interpretare) - a le~ina - melodios - colorat - a adapta - nemuritor - a inlocui Sa folosim noile cuvinte in propozitii. Citili cu atentie, cu voce tare: >110: :l:' sin1.lint 1 aut ,Iv llU_n] - Ciinli fals. (Falsezi.)You are singing out of tune. The lyrics of thai song are very obscure to me. Dozens offans fainted. Who will replace their sick drummer? You will find a lot of screaming teenagers there. >( lYa links av IYEt son1.) a:' vtri obsklua' tu nll:) >[ damz av tEnt femlldl >( hu: 'II nrl~ls lYen -Ill. dr.mar) >{ IU ull famd ,J. lot a' sKri:mmlll ti:ncldla z 0 ea' 13 - Nu inteleg deloc versurile acelui canlec. - Zed de fani au le~inat. - Cine il va inlocui pc bateristul lor, care esle bolnav? - Acolo vei gasi 0 mu1time de fani care tip!.
  13. 14. Anul trecut el a intrat intr-o formalie necunoscul!t - He joined an >obscure group last year. Complelali urrnatoarele propozilii in limba englezA: >(001 hum "oz II kampaU2dJ - De cine a fosl compusa? - Ea are 0 voce foorte melodioasi. - Ei ii place sa poarte haine colorale. - (Piesa) a fost adaptata pentru o orchestra mai mare. - Discurile single sunt relaliv scumpe. - Muzica serisa de ei esle nemuritoore. - It is >r"datn.ely easy to get tickets. - The memories he left behind are >ttrunortal. - The drummer was wearing a xolourl'ul shirt. - It was difficult for him 10 >.tt.Iapl to his new job. - This componenl has to be xeplaccd. -. Thai song was xompose:d by their guitarist. - Can't you hear the piano is >out of lune? - After being hit he lay >screamlllg on the ground. - They >famtcd when they saw their idol. - This music isn't very >melodious, isn't it? 14 , >[ It hEl hl.n adEptld fo' aJa-rdJ o:'lcstro] >; ~I: hEz a ~ri mlliudlas -'O/SJ >1 rruU:ZIL ritn ballYem lZ Imo:rtlj >hl: lalu 'tann") l.la'lul klauIYJ'J >[ sln(MllL a.r rtlallv!l Ikspen. '"J Ete au le~inat cand $i-au vlizut idolul. EI a lisat in unni amintiri nepieritoare. E relativ ~r sa procuri bilele. Nu auzi ci pianul este dezacordat? Aceasta muzica nu csle foarte melodioasa, nu-i a~? Dupa ce a fost lovil s-a a~ezal pe pamant, lipand. Acel cantcc a fOS! compus de chitaristullor. Singles are relatively expensive. Baleristul purta 0 cam~ colorala. Aceasla componenl3 trebuie sa fie schimbala. Music written by them is immortal. By whom was il composed? A fost dificil pentru e! sa se adapteze la noua lui slujba. She has a very melodious voice. It has been adapted for a large orchestra. She likes wearing colourful clothes.
  14. 15. CD In partea de gramatica vom discuta mai amanuntit folosirea verbelor modale pe care Ie 'ititi deja. Vom introduce un nou verb modal care exprima obligalia. Verbul must sefolo.~efte/a timpul Simple Present pentru a exprima: I. un ordin: ill roale exemplele urmiifoare, must estefolosit la vorbirea indirectii, ca de exemplu: CD You must give the book back! You must leave now! 2. celio ce esle necesar sau inevitabi/: He must be careful not to say too much. They must leave now if they wan! 10 catch that train. All people must come. 3. voin(afermii a lorbitaru/u;: I must know what happened there. I must get what I have a right to. 4. ceea ce se crede aft aproape sigllr: It must be clear to everybody thai I could not do anything else. They must be there now. 5. emoril' (de obiceifuria sau iritarea): Must you be late again? Ofcourse you must ask a stupid question like that. .kHe said that I must gIve the book bac . He told me he must be careful not to say too much. They .'laid they must leave to catch that train. She told us that she must know where her son went every night. 15 - Trebuie sa dai cartea inapoi! - Acum trebuie sa pleci! - El trebuie sa aiba grija sa nu spuna prea mulle. - Ei trebuie sa pIece aeum daca var sa mai prinda acel Iren. - Toi oamenii trebuie sa vina. - Trebuie sa ~tiu ce s-a intamplat acolo. - Trebuie sii. oblin lucrurile la care am dreplui. - Trebuie sa fie clar tuturor eli. nu puteam sa fac altceva. - Ei trebuie sa fi ajuns de-aeum. - Chiar trebuie sa intarzii iar? - Bineinteles ca trebuia .'Ii pui tu o intrebare prosteasca ca asta! - El a spus ca trebuie sa dau cartea inapoi. - El mi-a spus ca trebuie sa aiba grija sa nu spuna prea multe. - Ei au spus cft trebuie sa piece ca sa prindli. acel tren. - Ea ne-a spus eli. trebuie sa ~tie unde mergea fiul ei in fiecare searli..
  15. 16. Verbul must nu are!orme la timpurile Prese~( Perfect li Past Perfect ~i timpul Simple Past. Pentrll a exprima aceste limpur; sefa/osel,e verhul "to have to ": Sa vedem acest verb in propozitii: We ""ill have to be careful not to say too much. He has always had to walk to work. Will she h.'e to stay here till the evening? They had to sell their house last month. - Va trebui sa avem grijA sa nu spunem prea multe. - EI intotdeauna a trebuil sa meargl pe jos ia scrviciu. - Ea va trebui sa. sIca aid pint discara? - Ei au trebuit sa-~i yanda casa luna tTeCuU. CD Forma corespun=alool-e a verbului "to have to" poatejifolositiiin vorbirea ;ndirec1(;, co deexemplu: He told me he had to feed the cows first. - El mi-a spus ell mai intfli trtbuie sa dea de maneare vacUor. CD Pentnt a exprima 0 ;nterdierie sefolusqte must not. Forma prescurlutd a ucestllia este "mustn ~ ": You must not walk on the grass. You must not smoke here. He must not be admitted without a ticket. They mustn't enter the room yet. - Nu ai voie sa calci pe iarba. - Nu ai voie sa fumezi aici. - Lui nu i se va pennite accesul tara bilet. - Ei nu au voie sa. intre inca in camera. CD Nu uita/i co "must not" nu este forma negatil'o a verbului "must" li cd in limbo romona el nu inseamno "nu lrebuie": Propozi(iile care i"cep cu "You must nol... "polfi tradu.~ela modul impersonal "Nu eSle vaie..... sou pot exprima 0 imerrJicrie pentru persoana a doua singular sau plural. "Nu ai voie sa... ". Sa invatam acum un nou verb modal, ought to lot tuJ. Acest verb esle folosit penlru a exprima: I. 0 obligalie morala sau ceva se cuvine flicut: He ought 10 help them. 2. 0 presupunere: Go and ask him.. he oughl to know. It oughtn'llo be too expensive to repair it. - Trebuielse cade ca el sa. ii ajute. - DU-Ie ~i intreaba-I, el trebuie sl ~tie. - Reparatiile n-ar trebui sl coste prea mult. in limba romana "ought to" se traduce prin 'oar trebui sa", "a se cuveni 51", "a se c1dea sli". 16
  16. 17. Traduceli propozitiile urmatoare in Iimba engleza: Ei pot pleca din tara daea vor. POI sa pun planla pe masi? S-ar pUlea ca el sa uite (despre aSia). Poate ea 0 vor eumpara in drum spre easa. Ea are voie sa eileasea loale serisorile. Copiii vor avea voie sa vada emlSlUnea. Nu Ii se va permite sa faei asta. El ar fi venit daci ar Ii avut vOle. Ea a spus cli s-ar putea sa piece devreme. S-ar putea s3-1 gasesc daca am sa rna straduiesc. Sar putea sa reu~e~ti daca toate vor merge bine. Trebuie sa vii cu mine. Trebuie sa faca lot ce ii sla in putintii ca sa 0 opreasca. Trebuie sa mai am 0 astfel de ocazie. Simleam ca ceva Irebuie sa fie in neregula. A trebuit sa liu acolo la ora opt in liceare dimineala. Va trebui sa platim pana sambiita? Pana acum nu a trebuit sa imprumularn bani (de la nimeni). Nu ai voie sa-I iei acasa. EI Irebuie sa ~tie mai bine. Nu ar trebui sa lie prea grcu sA ngiise~ti. >They may leave the country If they want to. > May 1put the plant on the table? > Ilc may forget about II. > They may buy lIon thclr way home. > She IS allowed to read ailihe lellers. >The children will be allowed to watch the progrnmme. > You won't be pemlltted to do that. > lie would have come ifhe had been pcnnlltcd to. > She said she might leave early. > 1might lind it If I try very hard. > You mIght succeed If everyhtmg goes well. > You must come With me. -> lie must do all he call to stop her. >, must have another opportumty. > I felt there must be sOl11ethlllg wrong. > I had to be there at eight every mornmg. > Shall we have to pay before Saturday'! > We-haven't had to borrow money so far. > You must not take It home. > He ought 10 know beUer. > It ough.uw be hard 10 lind him. ~i dialogul unniilor este tot un exerciliu de traducere, care va va ajuta sii relineli mai bine noile cuvinte: laura: A fost un spectacol formidabil, nu-i a~a? Chris: Da, a fost Impresionant. Oar spune-ml cum ai facut rest de bilete. 17 > That was a great performance, wasn't It? > Yes, II was impressive. But tell me how you got the tickets.
  17. 18. laura: La-am lust de la un prietan de-al meu care asia disc jockey. EI ~tie dI sunl un adevarat fan al acestei formatii. Chris: Tu ai loats discurile lor'? Eu nu am decAl cateva single-uri vechi. Laura: Crad ell Ie am pe toate. Vrei sa 1i Ie Imprumut? Chris: Mu~umesc, dar cred eli. maine am sa rna due Ie un magazin de muzicA sa. 'lad ce pot gasi acolo. :> I gollhem 'rom a fnend of mine who ,$. d sc Jockey. He knows I'm a real fan of thiS group :> Do yOU have allthetr records? I only have a lew old singles. > Ithmk I have all of them, Do you wanllo borrow them? :> Thank you. but I think I'll go 10 a record shop tomorrow and see what they have. La finalul aceste lectii '10m (ace un exerciiu de pronuntie. Citili cu voce tare cuvintele urmlitoare, care au in cornun anumitt sunete: [auI IiU:] IEJ I'J vocal musical fon be., compose tune classical release open usual adapt SCT"am sold queue c.n teenager those usod plano beast 18
  18. 19. RECAPITULAREA LECTIEI 13 13.1. Verbul modal "may" exprima permisiunea, posibilitatea sau 0 dorinta, toate la timpul Present Simple: They may arrive early. Long may she live! - S-ar putca ea ei sa soseasca devreme. - Fie en ea sa traiasca mU]I! ani! (Ii dorim multi ani.) 13.2. La timpul Past Simple, pennisiunea se exprima folosind constructia "to be allowed to": We were not allowed (0 tell anybody. - Nu am avul voie sa spunem nimanui, 13.3. Constructiile "to be allowed 10" ~i "'0 be permitted to" sunt fclosite penlm fonnaTea limpurilor compuse ale verbului "may": She will be allowed to leave an hour earlier. - Ea va avea voie sa piece Cll 0 ora mai devreme. 13.4. "Might" esle folosit penlro a exprima permisiunea in vorbirea indirecta: He said that 1 might not do that. - EI a spus ea nu am voie sa fae asta. 13.5. "Might" mai este folosit pentru a exprima 0 posibilitate redusa sau 0 sugestie: She might forgive you one day. - S-ar putea sa te ierte intr-o buna zi. You might help your sister. - Ai putca siHi ajui sora. 13.6. Verbu! modal "must .. este folosit este folosit la timpul Simple Present pentru a exprima, prinlre alte lucruri, un ordin sau un lucru care este neeesar sau inevitabil: You must leave now! All people must die. - Aeum trebuie sa pleei! - Toti oamenii sunt sortiti sa moara. 13.7. in vorbirea indireeta se folose~te intotdeauna "must": He said that I must leave. - EI a spus ca trebuie sa plec. 13.8. Timpurile eompuse ~i limpul Simple Past al verbului "must" se formeaza cu "to have to": We shall have to be very careful. He has always had to walk to work. 19 - Va Irebui sa fim foarte atcoli. - EI inlotdeauna a trebuit sa mearga pc jos la servieiu.
  19. 20. "Ought 10" se folose~le pentru a exprima 0 obligalie moralil. sau 0 presupunere: 13.9. "Must not" exprimft interdictia: They must not enter the room yet. 13.10. He ought to help them. That oughln't 10 be 100 difficult. 20 - Ei inca nu au voie sa intre in camer!o - El ar trebui I se cuvine ca el sa-i ajute. - Acest lucru nar Irebui sA fie prea difkil.
  20. 21. -TEMA PENTRU ACASA 13 A Traduccli unnalOarele propozitii in limba romana: I. You may go after you finish your work. 2. She would have come but she hadn't been allowed to. 3. They had to leave in a hurry. 4. You must nOI damage other people's property. S. It may be necessary 10 build other faclories. 6. They ought 10 look after their children. B. Traduceti unnitoarele propozi{ii in limba englczi: 1. in acea zi el a avul voie sa vorbeasca cu ta. 2. Ea a spus c! pol 54-I iau cu mine. 3. Va trehui si conduci incet. 4. S-ar cuveni sa Ie imprumutam ni~te bani. 5. Pot sa merg discafa la cinC'malograf? 6. Cred c! ar lrebui sa faei ceva pentru frattle lau. c. in fiecare din propoziiile de mai jos exist! calc un cuviint din care lipsesc doul vocale. Completali cuvintele respective: 1. All the people seT med when they heard the result. 3. Their new record will be reI sed next month. 2. Are t__nagers interested in classical music? S. All their children are music ns. , 21 She r nted when she saw him.4. Succes!
  21. 22. LECTIA 14 - PARTEA iNTAI in primele exercilii ale aceslei leclii vom face 0 recapitulate a vocabularului. A. Comp1etali propoziliile in Iimba engleza cu unul din unniUoarele cuvinle: 1. platform S. hammer 9. meat 2. glass 6. vegetables 10. news 3. accidents 7. key II.wood 4. ashtrays 8. story Ea inloldeauna se uiti la ~tirile de la ora Opl. - She always watches the eight o'clock >riC"':>. Mai pUDe ni~te lemne pc foc. Trenul va pleca de la peronul cinci. La magazinul de legume ,i frocte gisqti intotdeauna legume proaspete. Un pahar cu apa Ie va face sa Ie simti mai bine. Copiilor Ie place acest gen de poveste. EI nu mAnand multi came. Aceasla este eheia de la u~ din falii? Penlru asIa am ncvnic de uo ciocan. In aceasti camera nu sunt scrumierc. B. Complcl31i propozi{iile in limba engleu: Ai Ii putut 54-1 ajuli pc batranul acela. Te rog 51-1 inchizi acum. Nu avern ce face. Voi fi bucuros sa te ajul. Nu e nimeni care Ia v~zut? Mrl tern ca s-a vandul. Pune ni~le ~rvetele curale pe masa. Sper eli I-au glisil. Noi am cumparal perdele noi. Ei au lasal lolul in Ulma. inca nu ai curnlat cavorn!. Toa~ lumea crede ca acest fapt nu are importanta. Henry s~a lovit la genunchi. 22 - Pul some more >"00l.! on the fire. - The train will leave from >pl:lllorm five. - There are always fresh > c~("lahle at the greengrocer's. - A >glib of water will make you feel better. - Cbildren like this kind of >~Iory. - He doesn't eat much >meat. - Is this the front door >ke)? - I need a >hammer for this job. - There are no >J"hlr,l) in tbis room. - You could have helped Ihat >old man. - Please >:;-Itch it >otl now. - There is >nothlllg we can do. - I'll be glad to >hclp you. - Is there >nllboJy who has seen him? - I am afraid it is >sold out. - Put some xll.:an napkins on the table. - I hope lhey have >found it. - We have bought >ncw curtains. - Thay have left >ccrythm > behind. - You haven't xlcm..:d the carpet yet - >EoeT)body thinks that it doesn't matter. - Henry has >hI his knee.
  22. 23. in exercitiul unnator vom recapitula numeralele. Completali urmtltoarele propozitii cu numeralele corespunzAtoare: 12.1.-12.9. c. Tati! meu are 86 de ani. intr-un an sum douasprezece Iuni. EI ~i-a schimbat slujba dupa treizeci ~i cinci de ani. Patru duzini insemana patruzeci ~i opt. Ziua lui este pe 20 maio Jeri la ora opt I-am intilnit pentru a ITeia oaca. De doua on i-am spus sA nu faea asia. Unchiul meu va vcni pc data de douazeci 'li 'lase. Nu vei avea 0 a dOlia pns.i. Ar trebui sa Ie bucuri ci nu s-a intarnplat decal 0 data. Saptlmana viitoare el va implini optsprezece ani. Trei minus Irei Cae zero. Ziua de 22 decembrie esle eea mai $Curti din an. odati 13 palm ani luna februarie are doulzec:i $i noua de rile. Noi i-am vizita! pc ei de cinei ori. Rezultalul a fost doi 13 zero. in acea iama temperatura nu a prea sc!zut sub zero grade. Ce ai tacU! pe data de nou1? Un seeol are 0 suti de ani. Ziua de Craciun esle pc 25 decembrie. Greva a incetat in cea de-a patruzecea zi. 23 - My father is ~Igbt)' SI' years old. - There are ::>t",eh e months in a year. - He changed bisjob after ::>thIrty live years. - Four dozens is :>fOUrly eight. - His birthday is on ::"",o:nlleth of May. - I met him at eight o'clock yesterday for the ::>'hlrd time. - We told her >twice not to do it. - My uncle will come on the >twenty sIxth. - You won't get a >..:econd chance. - You ought to be glad that it happened onIY>onl:e. - He will be >cIghteen next week.. - Three minus three leaves >nought. - The >twcnty second of December is the shortest day of the year. - Every >loorth year February has twenty nine days. - We visited them >fi e times. - The result was Iwo to >ml. - That winler the temperature hardly ever dropped below >7ero. - What did you do on the >Olneth? - A century has >one hundred years. - Christmas Day is on the >t", I:nty fifth ofDecember. - The strike ended on the > fortIeth day.
  23. 24. Sa repetllm acum aceste euvinte in alia ordine: -pianist -succes -cap de inregistrare -claviatura, instrument eu clapc -compozilie, piesa -mierofon -adaptare -sceni -clapa; cheie, tonalitate -instalalie; utilaje; eehipament -public, audientli, speclatori -realizare, implinire -compozitie, piesli -succes -public, audienl!. spectatori -c1aviaturi, instrument cu c1ape -pianist -c1apa; eheie, tonalitate -microfon -cap de inregislrare -scena -realizare, implinire -instalatie; utilaje; echipament -adaptare 24 > (pi:amst] >[a~bmant] > [o:dlans] >[o:diansJ keyboard pianist Sa invatam in continuare alte cuvinte noi, din sfem muzicii: success > (s,lkses] recording-head > Inlo:'dm111 hal] composition > 1t.ompazi~nl adaptation > [[dapte,~n] microphone > Imalmfaun] key >Ikl:] stage > Isle/dJ) equipment > [lkUipmanlJ audience achievement keyboard audience composition >lkompan~nJ success >(sakscs] microphone >( ma/krafaun) pianist >[ pi:amstJ key >( kl:) recording-head >lrlko:'dmtIJ hcd] slage >( stc/dJ) adaptation >fEdaptl'/!;n] achievement >[tlt.:}i:vmant] equIpment >( IkUipmant)
  24. 25. Citi!i eu ateDlie propozitiile in limba engleza $i acordali atcnlie special! traducerii lor in limba romana: Do we need all this equipment'! The audience was not so large as on the first day. The fans did not want 10 leave the slage. Writing all that music is quite an achievement. The pianist is lile youngest. Do you like this adaptation? He wrote that composition at the age of ten. It has three recording-heads. =tdu ~l' Ill'd 0:1 O'h Ik~ipmuntl =tlYl O:dlansllul l'Il.t SOIU la.reI] F.l' on lYa raPit dCI] D'a rEnz did nOI "ont tu 11. fha ~teldJl >[raJhn'l) 0'1 D-..H mlu:71k 1; k-alt an al: i:'mant] 11II, raul D7U kompazl.;m E IYI IllJ a, ten) >tII hi L T n. nk.o:'dm'lt hedrJ -Avcm nevoie de loale Bceste inslalalii? - Nu au fost atat de multi spectatori . . .ca In pnma ZI. - Fanii nu au vrut sa paraseasca scena. - E 0 marc realizare sa scrii toatli muziea aeeea. - Pianistul cste eel mai tanac. - iIi place aceasta adaptare? - EI a compus acea piesa. la virsta de zece ani. -Are trei capuri de inrcgistrarc. Their success was enonnous. 1 0 elT eli ~oz ,"0: mas] - Ei au avut un succes uria$. Why are there black and white keys? You are standing too far from the microphone. Most modem groups have one or more keyboards. >[U1I1 n' O'ea' bllk End "all k1'7) >llu' tEndllJ' 'tu: fa" fro.." n ama!krnlaun) >Imaust modam i!-ru'p~ hEv "an lIT mo:'ld:bo:'dz] - De ce clapcle sunt negre $i albe? - Stai prea departe de microfon. -Cde mai multc fonnalii modeme au unul sau mai multe instrumenle cu clape. Completatl propozltule in limba engle7.a: v.a dorim mull socces! - We wish you a lot of>:;uccess. Aceasta este 0 adaptare in stil clasic a acelei piese. - This is a classical >adapl81h1n oflhat song. Este scena destul de mare pentru orchestra? Spectatorii tipau IOllimpul. Multe instrumente cu clape sunt portabile. Pisica mergea pc clapc~ pianului. Ai mai auzit aceasla compoz1lle? Microfonul este prea sus pentru copi. Trebuie s3 $tergi regulat eapul de inregistrare. 25 - Is the >..tagc large enough for Ihe orchestra? - The '>aUlhcnce were screaming all the lime. - Many >kcyboanL are portable. - The cat walked on the piano >key - Have you heard Ihis >composl1lon before? - The >mlcrophollc is too high for the child. - You have to clean the >reCt. rdmg-head regularly.
  25. 26. Aces! echipamenl esle mult prea greu pentru mine. - This >cqulJlment is much 100 heavy for me. lata ullimul grup de cuvinle noi pc. care Ie vom invla in accasta lectie. Cititi-le, ea de obieei, Cll voce tare ~i Cll mare atentie: successful > lsab sfull - de succes; reu~it to achieve >llua40bl - a realiz8 frequenlly > Irri:k~anthl - freevent, adesea 10 account for > Itu "laun! fo') - a cxplica, a juslifica by heart > Ihal ha"tl - pc de rost, pc dinafarn 10 postpone > Itu paustpaunl - a amana nervous > In.il''8sl - nervos, agitat; emotional 10 imitate > 'll lmndt) - a imila, a copia deaf > kkfl -surd to equip > tll Ik 'ipl - a dcta, a instala deafening > 1ill'lamn'l~ - asurzitor to pick up > .1 Plio. apl - a lua (jH cineVQ dintrun loe); a ridiea de jos, a culege - Ei erau bine echipali peotru c!latorie. - Acea muzica rna enerveaza. - Cum i~i justifica el absenta? - la-rna de la hotel. - POli imita multe instrumente 10' III muzicale cu acesta. - Tell me about his >.u,:h.o:cmo:nb. - The >P130lSI sat down and began to play. 26 >lD'el ar"elll; ijll f(l' D'a d,.. nlJ >[ptl fit: ap r.l lYa h.llIlell > {IU, "'En imllelt m....nl mlU:...kal in 1l1lmants > Irn.Em Auld pi:rll-!rau def] - Multi biitrini surzesc. > [al' jt,l:d o. III "oz }!llWn' - Am realizattot ce miam propus. tu du, > [D'I:I mlU:Llk mClks ml' na'asJ > lllau da7 hI. akaunl for hl/ ":hsansJ Pianistul s-a a~ezat ~i a inceput sa canlc. lata acum noile cuvinte in prapozitii: How does he account for his absence? Spunemi ce realiza.ri are. Pick me up at the hotel. J've achieved all J was going to do. Many old people grow deaf. That music makes me nervous. You can imitate many musical instruments with it They were weUequiped for the journey.
  26. 27. Completati aeum propoziliile in limba engleu ell cuvinlele pe care tocmai Ie-ali invatat: - That >a..:count:i for their success. Eu curat adesea capul de inregistrare. - tn acea luna membrii grupului s-au intalnit adesea. - Ea ~tie versurile acestui cantec pe de TOSt. - in fabrica zgomolul era asunitor. - Aces! lucru nu mai poale fi amanat. - Era vorba despre 0 adaptare de succes a unui vechi caolce. - I >Ir~quenlly clean the recordinghead. - Why are you so >ncrHKb? - The >deaf~mn! music could be heard at a great dislance. - You will >achleC nothing this way. - They ~4UlrPCd us wilh portable radios. - They want to >pldlUnnl'l O'Et manP D/a lncrnba',. 3 D/l:l gm:p mel fri:k"antIiJ >1 it la_ot hi: pauslpllund [0I100"'ga1 >(In D'a IEkWn D'a S[ ... n;lUL IYa lin.[ II 07 a !iakse lui E.:daptt'l n iI an auld sonllPJ Ei ne-au dotal ell aparate de radio portabile. in felul acesta nu 'lei realiza nimic. It can'l be postponed any longer. It was a successful adaptation of an old song. During that month the members of that group met frequently. Acest fapt explica succesullor. Ei 'lor sa amine feslivalul de muzica pop. In the factory the sound was deafening. She knows the lyrics of this song by heart. Muzica aceea asurzitoare putea fi auzita de la mare distantA. De ce e~ti atat de emolionat? Voi veni sA te iau la ora ~apte. - I shall come 10 >pIck you >up at seven. El ~tia scrisoarea de la ea pc din afari. - He knew ber letter >by h~art. Ea poate imila cu u~urinllll alte persoane. - She can easily >lmltalc other people. Muzica zgomotoasa poate duce in cele din unnala surzenie. - Loud music can make you >dcaf in the end. EI este un dirijor de mare succes. - He is a very >slIcccssful conductor. Acum veti invala noi reguli de gramaticA referitoare la folosirea verbului "need", precum ~i verbe modale Doi. CD DupO verbul nud cu sensul de "a avea nel'oic" unnea:li complementul direct. Need are rolul de 'erb principal. iar intrrMrile Ii negariilc scformea:a cu ajularul auxiliarului "do/does H: Do you need this book now? - Ai nevoie de aceasta carte acum? She doesn't need a new coat. - Ea nu are nevoie de a haina nouA. 27
  27. 28. Calla are aear inleles. need poole Q'ea forme pentru timpllrife Simple Past $i Simple Future: They needed more inform:ltion. We didn't need this record-player. Will you need morc tickets? - Ei aveau nevoie de mai multe infonnatii. - Noi nu aveam nevoie de acest pick-up. - Vei avea nevoie de mai multe bilete? Dllpfi need Sf! poote/alos; Ii infinitivul. "need" exprirn/ind necesirotf!a sau obligalio. jar sensuJ sau este sImilar eu "mu~t" sail "hal'l! to ". in aeesl caz "/leed" poole Q'ea roJ de verb pdncipa/ sau de 'f!rb modal. Ialii carel'a exemplI!: oj w!rb principal Do you need to leave so early? I need to buy a new bicycle. h) verb mOllul You needn't be in such a hurry. Need you work so hard? - Chiar trebuie sa pled ap. devreme? - Trebuie sa eumpAr 0 bicicleta noua. - Nu 'rebuie sa Ie grabe~ti a~a tare. - Trebuie sa muncc$ti atal de muJt? CD Co verb m()(Jal. "need" este folosit cel ma; adesea ill Propozilii ill(erogative $; negalive 10 rimplll Simple Presem. "Need" in calitale de 'erb modal poatefi folosit Ja l'Orhirea indirectti, dllpO cum urmea=a: We told her Ihal she needn't write Ihatletter. - I-am spus ca. nu trebuie sa serie acea scnsoare. CD Conslructia Needn't hne + Past participle sefolosqle pel/tru a exprimafoplul co nu era nel'Oie ca lin alll/mit lucrll stifiefdcllt. co de exernplll: She needn't have written that leter. You ndn'l have bought the tickets. I've already bought them. - Nu era nccesar ca ea sa serie acea serisoare. - Nu trebuia sa europeri bilete. Tocmai am cumparat eu. CD Verbul dare (lka'lpootefuncliono co verb modal sou co verb principal. In calitate de 't'rb modal. dare esre cel rnoi odeseofolosit in propozitii negative Ii i"rerogative 10 timpurife Simple Presem Ii Simple Past, co de exemplu: He dare not say it. Dare he say it? Daren'. he say it? He dared not say it. Dared he say it? 28 - EI nu indrazne~te sa. spunA asta. - indrhnc$tc sa spuna asta? - Nu in~te sA spunA as13? - EI nu a indraznit sa. spuna. asta. - A indriznil el sA spunA asta?
  28. 29. CD in ellgleza modermi selolose~te mal des co verb principal/a timpurile Present Simple. Past Simple ii Future. La persoana a treia singular a timpuJu; Present Tense se adaugu termilJ(lfia "-s", jar propo=ifiile imerogollve ii negative seformea=tiJolosind verbe Quxiliare. lata cateva exemple: He dares to say II. - EI indrazne~te sa 0 spunl. He dared to say it. - EI a indraznit sa 0 spunl. He will daR to say it - EI va indrazni sa 0 spunl!.. He doesn't dare (10) say it. - EI nu indrame~te sa 0 spuna. Does he dare (to) say it? - indrizne~te sa 0 spunl? He didn't dare (10) say it. - EI nu a indraznit sa 0 spuna. Did he dare (to) say it'? - A indraznit sa 0 spunlil' Cand exprima indignarea in Propoziliile interogative, "dare" nu poate fi folosit decat ea verb modal. - Cum indri.zn~te sa spunl asta? > leed you wrnp II up'.' > 1 Id he needn't haH': done II. > Dared be ol-crta1.e the other car" > They (lidn"1 dare {Iol touch II. > Ihey needed m(lTl: n;1I1.. > 110.... dan: you come here" > He ,aId I needn't p;ly yet. > We needn't sp.:nd alllhe monl:Y > lie necd~ to Im cI a lot. > You needn"t ha'c ",aIled for me > lie needn't change It. El trebuie sa ealatoreasea foarte multo Am spus ca nu trebuia s faea asta. EI nu indrizne~te sa rna intrebe. El a spus ea inca nu trebuie sa phHese. Ei nu au indriznlt sa il 3tinga. Nu e nevoie sa eheltuim toti banii, 29 Ei aveau nevoie de mai muhe cuie, How dare he say it? EI nu are nevoie sa sehlmbe asta, A awt euraj sa depa~ease! eealalta ma~ina? Dupii cum plVbahil ari ohservat. "dare" este urmat lie "to" in propozifiile ofirmative. pe ctind in cele negative 1; interogalive "to" 1111 este ohligutoriu, Nu trebuia sa rna 3~tepli. Traduce!i in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitli: Cum 1ndrazn~ti sa vii aici? Trebuie sa it impachetezi?
  29. 30. / Verbul used to [Ilud IU] + infiniliv exprima aqiuni care au a"ulloe ell catva limp in unnl. in limba romana se traduce ell verbul "3 obi~nui sa" sau adverbele "inaintc", 'odati" "caodva", "odioioara", "pe vrerouri", lalil cateva exemple: There used 10 be (anns where there are houses now. I used to think that all people were good. - Ynainte, pe locul node sunt acurn case se aOau ferme. - Cindva credeam ca to~ oamenii sunt buni. Used to mai este folosit penlro a 5e exprima actiuni care 5e repetau in trecut: He used to go for a walk every morning. She used 10 return by the lasl train. - EI obi~nuia sA se plimbe in fiecare dimmea!a. - Ea obl~nula sa se inloard cu ultlmul tren. / CD Cond forn/ulan! propozi,ii imerogatil'e. oroillea se inversea=ti. "used" fimd preudat de subiect. Forma negatiwI Q aceslu; verb este "used not'sauforma sa prescurtatti "USI!1l} n. Used he to go for a walk every morning? He used not (usen't) to say much. - Obi~nuia sa se plimbe in fiecare dlmlnC3i? - El nu obi~nuia sa voroeasca mult In forma coloc>jalii a limbii engleze. in cozul propo=i{iilor negatiw Si interogalive se.folosqte. mai curiind auxiliarul "did" ;'1 combina{ie cu verbul "use ". Did he use to go for a walk every morning? He didn't use 10 say much. - Obi~nuia sa se plimbe in fiecare dimineata? - El nu obi~nuia sa voroeasca mult. Forma de paniciplu "to be used to" inseamn.a ". Ii obi~nuitldeprinsl invi!al eu" ~i poale fi folosita la toale limpurile. Daci aceasti formi esle unnal.i de un verb, atunei are fonna de gerund (are teminatia ing). Cititi exemplele: I am not used 10 it. He is not used 10 walking so much. She was used to getting up early. - Nu sunt obi~nuit cu a~a eeva. - EI nu este obi~nuit sa mearga pc jos alat de multo - Ea era obi~nuiti sa se $Coale devreme. In aceaslticonstruerie "to be" poolefi inloeuit ell "to get ". 1I0ua expresie. "to get used to", insemniind "0 se obi~'nuilinl'(i{a/depr;ndecu ": I got used to getting up early. 30 - Mam obi$nuit sa rna seol devreme.
  30. 31. Complelali propozitijle in limba engleza cu forma corecUi a verbului: Ea nu ar trebui slj ceara ma~ina. Trebuie sa Ie mullumim? - She >needn'l ask for his car. - > -eel! we tbank them? EI a spus d. nu e nevoie sa-i inapoiem cartea. - He said we >needn't relurn the book. Nu suntem obi~nuiti sa lucrarn pana alat de larziu. - We >arrn't used to working that late. Exerciliul urmator va vll, ajuta sa relineti cuvintele noi. Traduce1i in limba engleza dialogul unnator: > Well I think It w II be better If we move tllat mIcrophone there. > I'm alrald the stage IS too small lor all thiS eqUipment. ~ He > u~cd 10 get up early then. - I >need a new battery. - > u-ed they to meet there? - They >darcn't make enquiries. - >Doo'l we need 10 write it down? - >Did they >dare (to) speak 10 him? - We >d.,red to attack them. - We don't see her so often as we > u -ed to. - We >""111 need to change course. - > DIdn't they > wre(10) speak to him? - She >had to stay there longer. - He >wte!lo to refuse. - How >dare she come without the money? - There >u~ed lobe many faclories in tbis town. - Children >used to play here. - They >dldn'l use to earn much. - She >h d to stay there. - She >u:-cd to go shopping in the afternoon. - He >150't used toit yet. - I >lhdn', dare (to) drive so fast. Ma lem cs scena esle prea micA penlru tcate aceste instala~i. 31 Atune; cred ca ar Ii mw bine sA mutAm aJci microfonul acela. inalflle ea l'acea cumparillurile dupa-amiaza. Chris: Laura: inalflte emu multe fabrici in acest ora~. inatnle ei nu ca~tigau mult. Pc atunci el obi:muia sa se trezeasca devreme. Ea a mbuil sa mai stea acolo, Nu 0 mal "edem atat de des ca inainte. Noi am indraznit sa-i atacam. EI inca nu s-a obi~nuit cu :lsta. Nu am avul curaj sa conduc atat de repede. Ea a trebuit sA stea acolo. inainte aici se jucau copiii. Va trebui sa schimbam ruta. Ei nu indraz:nesc sa ceara infonna1ii. Nu e nevoie sa nc notam asta? Nu au indrnzml sa vorbeasca cu el? Au indraznit ei sa vorbeasca cu el? Acolo se intalneau ei (inainle)? Cum indrazne~lesa vina lara bani? Am nevoie de 0 baterie noua.
  31. 32. SA exersam acum pronunlia urmatoarelor cuvinte, care au in cornun anurnite sunete: I, 1'1 [oj I""J ",y succ~ss board postpone people deaf audience home achieve 1 Youre nght The piaOist WIn have JTlOfe space then. > I'm gen1ng more and more nervous about the performance 01 our chJIdren. Aren't you? > Just a Mtle, rm sure the performance will be successlul, They know all the composItions by heart. > Yes, and they've ~ayed many tImes before a large audience, Lefs go home and I'll pIck you up at SIX, Spectacolul pe care trebuie s8-1 dea copiii no~tri rna face sa am emolii tot mai mario Pe tine nu? Mu~umesc. Atunci ne vedem la ora ,ase. > Thanks, See you at Sill then, Da, ~i au mai cAntal de muhe ori in fata unui public numeros. sa mergem acasa. acum. Am sa trec sa te iau la ora ~ase, Un pic. Sunt sigura ca spectacolul va fi 0 reu~ita., Ei ~tiu toate piesele pe de rost. Ai dreptate. ~, pianistul va avea mai mult loco Laura: Chris: Chris: Laura: Laura:
  32. 33. LECTIA 14 - PARTEA A nOVA, Ea nc-a spus ca lrebuia sA mearga aoolo freeven!. >Shc lold she;- had to JO mere frequently. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii ~i fili ateni indeosebi la verbele modale: Acum poti sa iei Joe. Poole cil ei nu ~tiu inca. iti doresc succcs! EI a spus eil nu avem vaic sa vorbim cu nimeni. Dupa ce am a~teptat mult limp am avul vaic sa mlru in camern. Maine copiii vor avea vaie sa mmana aeasa. Niciodatli nu am avut vaic sa vedem inelul acesta. Vei primi pennisiunea sa vinzi aceste bilete? POI sa fumez 31Ci1 ASlazi s-ar putea sa ninga. Trebuic sa a~lepli! Trebuie sa ~tiu ce inseamna asta. Trebuie sa ai grijA sa nu uili nimic. Chiar trebuic sA fumezi loati ziua? Ea a spus ca IrebUie sa piece. El a spus cd poale sunt obosita. Trebuie sa curatam ma~ina in fiecare zi. Va trcbui sa muncc~ti mai multo A trebuil sa facem acest lucru ani in ~ir. Nu trcbuie sa risipe~ti atiita apa, Sar cuveni ea el sa Ie dea lor easa. Ar Ircbui sA aiba ci ni~te bilete. 33 > You may Sit down nnl, > Thc~ ma~ nol Kno"" yet > May ~ou hi: uccel'~lu]l > lie $,Ild ~e !nIght mIt speak to anybody. > Aher Walling for a JlInll11me I .... ala allowed 10 ~nlcr the room. > The children .... III Ix alloYtcd to day home ltlmllrTUW >We h;lc neer ocen allo....cd 10 lice that ring. > Will )OU be pcnmncd to IlClllhe~c tickeb",' > ta~ I nwl..c here" > It might IdJOW h>day > You rou:.1 waitt > Imul>( know h.llilus mC You must be: careful npllo forgcllmvlhlOg. >, 11 ...00 smo~... all day' > S~ ::ud th..t he musl eac. > lie sail! I must be IJreJ. > We havc You", III ha ... 10 "[lr~ h nkr > We ha c had to do that lor years > You lIlU~t not wash: slllluch waler. > lie oughl III I'e Ihe house 10 !.hcm. > rhey ought 10 baH' 'me llcket
  33. 34. lata $1 ultimul exerciliu din acest caiet, in care va Irehui sa completali propoziliile in limba engleza: Nu trebuic 53-1 citeasci inlai? Trebuie sa mai spun asIa 0 data? Nu e ncvoic sa mergi acolo alai de des. Nu trebuia sa-I cumperi. EI a spus eli nu trtbuie s3mi fae griji. Ea D-ar fi trebuil sa sufere alaI de mult. Nu lrebuie sa fierbi inlai ouale? Trebuie sa-1 aduca inapoi? Trebuie sa vorbesc cu fratele mcu. EI avea ncvoie de bani. A trebuit ea ei sa 0 verifice din nou. Ai indraznit sa ramai aeolo? EI nu a avUI curaj sa ia avionul. Ei nu indrazntse sa intre in greva? Ea a avut curaj sa. lase copiii singuri. Cum indrazne$ti sa rna inlrebi? inaintc el era faane gras. inaintc aiei se afla 0 macelirie. Obi$nuiam sa mergem aeolo impreuna. Obi$nuiam sa merg la birou cu bicicleta. inainte ei se plangeau mult? Ea nu obi~nuia sa se uite la emisiunea aceea. CaHitoreai mult? inainte nu uitai asemcnea lucruri. De-acum ne obi~nuim cu asta. Ei nu sunt obi~nuili sa calatoreasca atit de mult. Ea nu se poate obi~nui cu asta. 34 - >~eedn't they read it first? - > _ cell J say that again? - You >n~nOt go there so often. - You >nct.-t!n! have bought it - He said I >needn't worry, - She >necdn"t have suffered so much. - >1) m't you >need to boil the eggs first? ->Doe he >necutobring it back? - I >ne"J to speak to my brother. - He >nccdcd the money. - They >had to check it again. - > f)an:lI you stay there? - He >l.hdnOt tJare(to) fly. - > Don't they >tJare (to) strike? - She >dare to leave the children alone. - How >.....:are you ask me? - He >u r:d be very fat. - There >lL d tl be a butcher's shop here. - We > oJ 10 go there together. - I >u:-oed 10 go to the office by bicycle. - Did they >usc to complain a lot? - She >t1St=n', to watch that programme. - >Did you >w;c '0travel much? - You >thJnt li:K to forget such things. - We ate getting>' .cd tl. it now. - They are not >u oed IIHravelling so much. - She cannot>gt u. d it.
  34. 35. RECAPITULAREA LECTIEI 14 14.1. "Need" ca verb principal: a) cu un complement direct They needed more information. I don'l need those books. b} cu infiniliv She needs to write. Does she need to write? She didn'l need to write. - Ei aveau ncvoic de mai multe infonnatii. - Nu am ncvoie de carti1c actlca. - Ea trcbuic sa sene. - Trebuie sa sene? - Ea nu a Irebuil sa serie. 14.2. Folosirea verhului "need" ca verb modalla limpuJ Present Simple (in intrehari $i negalii): She needn't write. Need she write? - Ea nu trebuie sa serie. - Trebuie sa serie? 14.3. Folosirea verhului "need" la vorbitea indirecti: We told her that she needn'l write. - I-am spus ci nu trebuie sA serie. 14.4. Consuuctia "need have" + Past Paniciple esle folositi cand se arah eli. nu era ncvoie ca un anumit luctu sa. fie fAcut. She needn't have wrinen that. - Nu trebuia I era nevoie ca ea sa serie asta. 14.5. Folosirea verbului "dare" in propozitiile inlerogalive ~i negative la limpurile Simple Present ~i Simple Pasl ca verb modal ~i ca verb principal: He doesn'l dare (10) say it. He dare nOI say it. Does he dare (10) say it? Dare he say it? He dared nOI say it. He didn't dare (10) say it. Dared he say it'? Did he dare (to) say it? - EI nu indrazne~te sa 0 spun!. - jndrnzne~le sa 0 spun!? - EI nu a indraznit sa 0 spuna. - A indriznit sa 0 spuna? 14.6. In propozitii1e afinnative "dare" esle intotdeauna ro10sit ca verb principal. He dares to say it. He dared 10 say it. 35 - EI indrazne~le sa 0 spuna. - EI a indrnznit sa 0 spun!.
  35. 36. 14.7. Ciind exprima indignarea, "dare" eSle inlotdeauna folosit ca verb modal: 14.9. "Used 10" in ProPoziliile interogalive ~i negative: - Nu sunt obi~nuit cu a~a ceva. - Candva credeam ca toti oamenii sun! buni. - Ea obi~nuia 51 se intoarcA cu ultimul Iren. - Nu rnA pot obi~nui sa rna trezesc devreme. - inainte aici era 0 fabric!. - EI flU estc obi~nuit sa meargA pc jos atal de mult. - Cum indrizne~te sa spunl asta? - E1 nu spunea multe. '--'" .' - Obi~nuia el sA se ducA la plimbare .' .' in fiecare dimineata? Exemple: 36 How dare he say Ihat? I cannot get used to getting up early. He is not used 10 walking so much. There used 10 be a factory here. '"To get used to" inseamna "a se obi~nui cu": 1am not used to it. She used to return by the last train. Used he to go for a walk every morning? S.u Did he use to go for a walk every morning? I used to think all people were good. He used not (usen't) to say much. S.u He didn't use to say much. 14.8. "Used 10" + infinitiv exprima actiuni sau condilii care au avut loc in trecut sau aqiuni care s-au repetat in trecut: 14.1O. Constructia "to be used to" are sensul de "a fi invltatlobi~nuitldeprins 51". Acestel construelii nu lrebuie sl i se aplice regulile valabile pentru "used to":
  36. 37. TEMA PENTRU ACASA 14 A Traduceli unnatoarele propozitii in limba romana: I. Need you listen 10 them? 2. You needn'l have read all of it. 3. They had to believe what they were lold. 4. Dare you be late for work? 5. They are used to earning much. 6. He used to be fond of it. B. Traduceti urmatoarele propoz1tii in IImba engleza; 1. Noi obi~nuim sa bern cafea. 2. Ea nu era obi~nuita sa mearga pc jos 13 serviciu. ). EI nu indrazne~te sa inchida aparatul de radio. 4. Candva ea a fost sora medicala. S. A indraznit sa iI ia Cll el1 6. Ei au indraznit sa ii spuna sa piece. C. Asociati fiecare cuvant din coloana A Cll descrierea sau cuvantul corespunzjjtor din coloana B: A B I. audience ,. not able to hear 2. nervous b. oflen 3. deaf c. worried 4. achievement d. people watching-a'perfonnance 5. frequently c. success 37
  37. 38. VOCABULARUL LECTIILOR 13 81 14, , to account for > [IU ..l.aun! fo'] - a explica, a justifica to achieve > llua~i:"'l - a realiza, a indeplini achievement > ldtsbmant] - realizare. irnplinire 10 adapt > [adEpt] - a adapta adaptation > [Edaplel~nJ - adaptare audience > [o:dlaDs] - public, audientli, spectatori to be permitted to > [IU hi pa'milld Ill] - a i 5e permilc sa, a primi permisiunea sli to be used to > [tubl' luSllU] - a fi obi$nuit/invlilatldeprins sa be" > [bl:t] - bataie; dIm by heart > [oolll 110 I:jl' a} - a aclama, a aplauda classical > [klE:slkaIJ - clasic colourful > [k.alarfuIJ - colorat, plio de culoare to compose > {IU l..amrau.lJ - a compune composer > (l..ampiuza1 - compozitor composition > [kompazl 0) - compozilie, piesa to conduct > Itu landa!.:t] - a dirija conductor > [kandakta1 - dirijor 10 danee > rlu da:ns] - a dansa to dare > [IU deaf] - a indri1zni, a avea CUI1I] deaf > lde~ - surd deafening > (defanmtll] - asuczitor disc jockey > ldisk.dJoL.l] - disc jockey disco > (dhlau} - discolecA drummer > Idroma'] - baterist drums > (dramz] - lobe; baterie 10 equip > ltUlk"ip] - a dota, a echipa to faint > llu fem1j - a le$ina f,n > [fEn] - fan, suSinlilOr 38
  38. 39. frequently > [frik~.mthJ - (recvent. adesea to get used to > Ituget/u"ttu) - a se obi~nui sa group > [gm.p] - fonnatie, grup guitar > [gila:'] - chitarl guitarist > [l!lta:f1:-.t] - chitarist to imitate: > llu imllclt] - a imita. a copia immortal > 11Jl1O:'IIJ - nemurilor instrument > IinslramantI - instrument instrumental > [mslramenll] - instrumental; piesa instrumentala key > llo.] - clapa; cheie. tonalitate keyboard > IH>o'dj - instrument cu clape lyrics > [links) - versuri (ale unu; canlec) m,y > ImCI] - a putea. a avea voie (verb modal) melodious > [rnd:Hldla"j - melodios melody > (meladlJ - melodie microphone > [IDa/kr"I,lImI - microfon middle-aged > [midlcldld] - de virsta mijlocie musical > LtnlU:ZlLdJ - muzical mUSiCian > [mlU:zi,n] - muzician. cantaret nervous > (ni'va,,] - nervos; emotionat obscure > [obskIU,lr] - obscur, neclar orchestra > [o:"kcslra 1 - orchestra ought to > [O,IIU) - se cuvine I se cade si , out of tune > taut a.. lIu:n] - dezacordat (desprl! instrument) fals (0 canto) to perform > !lupa'lo:'m] - a canta, a evolua. a interpreta performance > [pa'fo:'man] - spectacol, interpretare, recital plano > [planilll] - plan pianist > [pi:anist} - pianist 10 pick up > [tu plk all] - a lua (pi! cinevo dintr-un foe); a ridica de jos, a culege 39
  39. 40. pop festival > (pop festllj - festival (de muzicl'i) pop pop musIc > (poptnJu:J.:lkJ - muzicl'i pop popular > l'IofHula] - popular, cunoscut to postpone > (IU pJuslp:wn I - a amana recording-head > (nko:'dm1sl he'd. - cap de inregistrare record.shop > [rl'ko:'d upJ - magazin de muzicl'i relatively > (rclatlvl1] - (in mod) relativ to release > Itu nIb] - a scoate pe piata to replace > (II npll'l I - a inlocui to scream > lu kn.m] - a lipa single > m IJ - single Slage > IJI - scenli success > I "I' 1 - succes successful > [s;Jheslulj - reu~it, de succes teenager > (ti:ne/dJa'l - adolescent tune > (1Ill n} - melodic to tune > (tu tlu.n] - a acorda (Ull instrument) vocal > auklJ - vocal 40