english 110 faculty retreat slides

Eureka Moments in Research: Teaching Information Literacy with Threshold Concepts

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Eureka Moments in Research: Teaching

Information Literacy with Threshold Concepts

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Eureka Moments in Research: Teaching

Information Literacy with Threshold Concepts

(Or, The Struggle is Real)

Page 3: English 110 Faculty Retreat Slides

What are the central struggles that students encounter in research or multimedia projects?

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Threshold Concepts

● Troublesome● Transformativ

e● Irreversible● Integrative● Bounded

Lu 2015

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Moving from Standards to Framework

1. Develop Information Need

2. Access and Search

3. Evaluate (scholarly is best)

4. Use and Apply



Info Creation



Adapted from Gibson, C. 2015

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The Framework for Information Literacy

Authority is Constructed and ContextualInformation Creation as ProcessInformation has ValueResearch as InquiryScholarship as ConversationSearching as Strategic Exploration

Threshold Concept

Knowledge Practices Dispositions

Adapted from Gibson, C. 2015

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Place each post-it on the frame that best captures the struggle you identified.

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IL and WPA FrameworksWPA: OpennessIL: Develop and maintain an open mind when encountering varied and sometimes conflicting perspectives

WPA: Persistence and FlexibilityIL: Value persistence, adaptability, and flexibility and recognize that ambiguity can benefit the research process

WPA: EngagementIL: See themselves as contributors to scholarship rather than only consumers of it

WPA: MetacognitionIL: Recognize the importance of assessing content with a skeptical stance and with a self-awareness of their own biases and worldview

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WPA ILRhetorical Knowledge: “Understand and use a variety of technologies to address a range of audiences.”

Information Creation as Process: “Recognize that information may be perceived differently based on the format in which it is packaged.”

Critical Thinking, Reading, Composing:Locate and evaluate (for credibility, sufficiency, accuracy, timeliness, bias and so on) primary and secondary research materials, including journal articles and essays, books, scholarly and professionally established and maintained databases or archives, and informal electronic networks and internet sources.

Scholarship as Conversation:“Critically evaluate contributions made by others in participatory information environments; identify the contribution that particular articles, books, and other scholarly pieces make to disciplinary knowledge.

IL and WPA Frameworks

Hannah Lee
How do you think I should incorporate the multimedia literacy connections to the ACRL Framework and WPA Outcomes Statement?
Hannah Lee
If you need other connections, the "Knowledge of Conventions" and "Information has Value" go together as well. The "Processes" and "Information Creation as a Process" also go well together.
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Select a frame and discuss with your group:

● How have you engaged with this frame in class?

● How have you addressed this frame in response to a student’s writing?

● How does library instruction address this frame? How could library instruction better address this frame?

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Select a library instruction example:● Developing Research Topics: bit.ly/110example1● Integrating Sources into an Argument:

bit.ly/110example2● Finding and Identifying a Variety of Sources:

bit.ly/110example3● Historical Inquiry with Primary Sources:

bit.ly/110example4● Trajectory of a Multimodal Assignment:

bit.ly/110example5● Engaging with Digital and Traditional Souces:

bit.ly/110example6● Identifying Scholarly Conversations: bit.ly/110example7

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How could this lesson plan address one of the student struggles you identified earlier?

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Fall 2016 Pilot Project

Instructor Participation:● Assign Canvas module (video series and quiz)● Collaborate with librarian on instruction session● Contribute student writing for assessment● Participate in a follow-up interview

Goals:● Introduce foundational skills prior to library

instruction● Develop lesson plans that engage with the

Framework ● Increase collaboration between instructors and



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Resources and Contact Information

● Pilot Project Information: guides.lib.udel.edu/e110pilot

● Lesson Plan Examples: bit.ly/110lessonplans● Multimedia Resources:

guides.lib.udel.edu/multimedia● Video Tutorials: library.udel.edu/instruction/tutorials

Meg [email protected]

Hannah [email protected]

Lauren [email protected]