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1 English CW 2 VIIth std Index Sl no Index Page No. 1. O captain! O captain 2 2. Epitome of courage 4 3. Rice cakes 6 4. On a bicycle 8 5. Fruits of boys labor 9 6. A true friend 12 7. Festivals of china 14 8. Palanquin bearers 15 9. A dolf 16 10. Antiseptic 18 11. Manners make the man 19 12 Your mission 20

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English CW 2 VIIth std


Sl no Index Page No.

1. O captain! O captain 2

2. Epitome of courage 4

3. Rice cakes 6

4. On a bicycle 8

5. Fruits of boys labor 9

6. A true friend 12

7. Festivals of china 14

8. Palanquin bearers 15

9. A dolf 16

10. Antiseptic 18

11. Manners make the man 19

12 Your mission 20


O captain! My captain

I Meanings:

1) Rack: changes in the weather conditions at sea.

2) Exulting: rejoicing in triumph.

3) Keel : the long bar along the bottom of a ship which helps

to balance

The weight of the ship

4) Vessels: Ship

5) Grim: fierce, stern, sullen.

6) Thrill: to sound with tremendous vibrations.

7) Swaying mass: eagerly waiting to welcome their hero.

8) It is some dream: it appears like a dream.

9) Tread: to walk with a more or measured.

II Answer the following:

1. How did the people wait to recite their victorious captain?

Answer. Crowds of people gathered on the shore. The bells were rung, the

flag was flung and the bugle was blown .the people awaited eagerly

with bouquets and ribboned wreaths.

2. My captain

Answer: The captain is Abraham Lincoln. He was assassinated the captain.

The captain was dead and so couldn‟t answer.

3. The ship is anchor‟s safe & sound, its voyage closed and done; find


Answer. The other lines are.

1. The ship has wreathed every rack the prize we sought is won.

2. From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won

4. Our fearful trip is done this sentence is used figuratively to mean the

civil war is. Pick out other

Sentences in the poem which are used figuratively & explain them?

Answer. 1. The prize we sought is won .The prize is the victor in civil war.

2. For you the bugle trills- these lines refers to the state funeral

given to president Lincoln He has no pulse nor will –these lines


refers to Lincoln dead body . He‟s pulse had stop and he has no

wish to rise up.


Answer: The captain is Abraham Lincoln and the country is the ship. Lincoln

fought a civil war against Southern states and steered the country

crear of all difficulties. But he did not remain alive to see the joy of his

countrymen. The poet said that his heart bleeds to see this captain.

Fallen cold and died everybody rejoined over the victory. But the poet

walks with sorrowful step to the deck. Were the president like dead.


1) O captain! My captain! Rise up and hear the bells.

Answer. This line is taken from the poem O captain! My captain: by Walt

Whiteman. The captain Abraham Lincoln who has been assassinated

and is laying dead. The poet asks the captain to rise up and to hear the

bells ringing.

2) This ship has weathered every rack; the prize we sought is won.

Answer. This line is taken from the poem O captain! My captain by „Walt

Whitman‟ there the ship is the United States of America .the country

has successfully come out of all the problem and difficulties by

winning the civil war the preamble is the victory.

3) It is some dream that one the deck you have fallen cold and dead.

Answer. This line is taken from the lesson “O captain! My captain “by

Walt Whitman. The poet just cannot overcome his sorrow

over Lincoln death. He still cannot believe that his leader is dead. He

even now [during the funeral] shown & hopes that it is all a bad dream.

4) But I will mournful tred walk the deck……………….

Answer. This line is taken from the poem.”O captain! My captain by Walt

Whitman. This line speaks of the poets felling of intense and lose. All

the people are singing achievements prays were offered for his soul as

church bells ring .But the poet feels that none of this can bring back his


leader he is still very sorrowful and walks along the deck consoling

himself . This shows that he was unable to bear loss.

Epitome of courage

I Meaning:

1) Epitome : A very fine exg of some things

2) Soar up: Rise.

3) Exaggeration: magnifying unduly.

4) Quick of fate: shift in line of desting .

5) Bent on : keen

6) Clumsy: Awkward.

7) Perplexed : confused

8) To write home about: To speak highly about.

9) Recollect: recall.

10) A fit of frenzy: a violent agitation of the mind.

II Answer the following

1) Who is Dr. Stephen hawking

Answer. Dr. Stephen hawking is a great scientist. He is a legend of


2) How would explain courage?

Answer. Courage is a quality which helps people to overcome all difficulties

of physical and mental in capabilities to achieve goal in life.

3) Give a brief account of hawking early childhood?

Answer. Hawking was born in London on 8th Jan 1942. He was an average

child, a normal teenager. Full of mischief & lots of love for music &

mathematics unfortunately at the age of 17 he was affected with Lou

Gehrig‟s diseases.

4) What kind of disease is Lou Gehrig‟s disease?


Answer. Lou Gehrig‟s dieses that affects the nervous system and eventually

weak all the muscles of the body

5) As a child, how good was hawking muscles co- ordination?

Answer. At the age of 17 , stepher started noticing that he was becoming

increasingly clumsy and fell down a couple of times, for no reasons

even as a child he did not a good muscle co –ordination he had a very

bad hand writing and he was not interested in sports.

6) It is at this dismal stage he began enjoying life the most what does this

tell you about Hawking?

Answer. The dismal stage refer to the time when he came to know about

the prognosis and the doctor said that they could not do much

undaunted Stephen decided to continue his research & even got in

engaged to a Jane wilde. This tells us that hawking was optintics

courageous undaunted perseverance and full of hope.

7) Describe his physical condition when he started to do

his……………….. P.H.D

Answer. When he started his P.H.D he was confined to a wheel chair and

was rapidly

Losing control of his hands and speech

8) Hawking wanted to explain the concept to the “Big bang “in a better

way. What did he invent in order to do so?

Answer. Hawking invented “Bi Algebra” in order to explain of the “Big

Bang “in a better way.

9) How does hawking view the work out for science in the next


Answer. Dr. hawking firmly believes that science will discover the core

secrets of the universe. Its history & may be even predict its ultimate


10) Do you feel moved reading about the life of Hawking? What have you

learnt from the lesson?


Answer. Yes, it is a very touching life story we get inspired by the life

and achievements of Dr. Hawking who‟s undaunted determination

exemplary courage has help to overcome dreadful disease he has

shown to the world how to o overcome the handicap and achieve

excellent in what one wants.

3.Rice cakes


1) “I am going to have a good feed”

a) What was koko going to eat?

Answer. Ko ko was going to eat rice cakes.

b) Who came there as he was about to eat?

Answer. A friend of ko ko Nyi nyi , who was a 9 yrs old boy came there as

ko ko was about to eat.

c) What did ko ko quickly do?

Answer. Koko hid the plate of rice cakes behind the radio on the meatsafe.

2) “Don‟t touch it you‟ll get a big shock if you touch it”

a) What is the it?

Answer. „It‟ is the radio in koko‟s house.

b) Why did koko say that touching it would give a shock?

Answer. Koko had hidden the rice cakes behind the radio & he did not want

nyi nyi to see them.

3) “That‟s too bad”.


a) When did Mi Mi make this comment koko did not want to give the rice

cakes to mi mi, and he said that he had eaten all of them. so Mi Mi said

that it was too bad because he was full & could not eat the banana

filters which she had brought.

b) Why did she feel it was too bad?

Answer. She felt that it was too bad because they could not share the rice

cakes and the banana fritters with each other.

4)”Yes good luck for you, but bad luck for me.

a) Who was it good luck for?

Answer. The good was for tin soe , a friend of ko ko.

b) What did koko feel that it was bad luck for him?

Answer. Ko ko felt that it was bad luck for him because he had to remain

hungry while tin soe & Mi Mi eat the banana fritlers & drank the tea.

5) “Well I‟ll have to take the flowers back, I suppose.”

a) Why had tin soe brought the flowers?

Answer. Tin soe‟s mother had sent flowers as she knew that ko ko‟s

mother had bought a new vase the

Previous day

b) Why would he have to take them back?

Answer. To save the rice cakes which were hidden in the vase, ko ko told

a lie to Tin soe that his mother was allergic to take them flowers back.

6) “I have come to exchange it for her”

A) What had UBATUN come to exchange

Answer. UBATUN had come to exchange the pink vase with a blue one.

B) Was ko ko happy about the exchange? Give reasons for you answer.

Answer. Koko was not happy about the exchange UBA TUN carried away the

rice cakes that were hidden in the pink vase. To protect the rice cakes,

he had to tell lies to his friends and also remain hungry.



1) “Oh, how I have to lie to save my rice cakes,” said ko ko, what were

the different lies that he had to tell? Did they help him in any way?

Answer. Firstly ko ko told a lie Mi Mi that he had eaten all the rice cakes

secondly he told a lie to Nyi Nyi that he would get a bad shock if he

touched the radio. Thirdly Tin soe was told that lies mother vas allergic

to aster flowers. All these lies did not help ko ko because the rice cake

were carried away by V Bat un which were hidden in the pink vase.

On a bicycle

I Meanings:

1) dart ; move forward quickly

2) heedful: careful

3) aught: anything

4) Shod: wearing shoes.

5) Slacken : slow down

6) Bliss: very great joy

7) Period: held in a steady position balanced.


1) The first stanza describes the cyclist ready to go down the hill. How is

he all set to go?

Answer. The cyclist is all set to go with lifted feet, hands still, poised to go

down the hill with a careful mind.


2) “The air goes by in a wind? What picture does this line convey?

Answer. Convey the picture of the air going in single course that is down

the hill.

a) The cyclist feels that it is a golden movement because racing down a

hill like a bird.

b) He Ares this movement with a bird.

c) The phrse “feathery life in air” refers to flying in the air like a bird.

d) Cycling is ……… skating because in cycling one can enjoy flying in

the air like a bird. But in skating one is bound to the level of the


e) The cyclist feels that he floated in his air boat for a while and his feet

fell down on the pedals.

3) The last stanza expresses both disappointment and cheer which lines

convey disappointment? What is the poet optimistic?

Answer. The poet says that if w work hard and again climbs the hill, we are

going to enjoy coming down the hill.

II Explain the meaning of

1) Till the heart with a might left makes the lungs laigh.

Answer. As the boy is riding the bicycle so swiftly, he feels that his heart is

thumping & his lung are breathing faster.

2) ……..I float a while in my airy body. As the boy comes to the end of

the hill, the speed becomes less, and he feels as though he is floating in

his airy boat .Boat refers to the bicycle.

Fruits of boys labor

I Meaning:

1) Assail : attack

2) Scram : go away fast


3) Nibble at : to take small bites of

4) Scurry : move quickly with short steps.

5) Antics : strange, unusual activities or behaviors

6) Quip : clever and amusing remark.

7) Assurance : firm statement promise.


1) Where did the boy go with the basket of fruits? Why did he go there?

Answer. The boy went the place where after his release from jail. He wanted

to give a basket of fruits to him.

2) Who was lady sitting in the veranda? What did the boy known about


Answer. The lady sitting in veranda was Sarojini Naidu. The boy knew

that she was poetess and nationalist, and Gandhiji‟s close friend.

3) How was the boy able to get the fruits?

Answer. The boy worked in the morning and evening in the grandness of a

few rich people and earned enough money to meet his needs. He

bought the fruits from his hard earned money.

4) Why the British did release the mahatma?

Answer. Mahatma Gandhi was by the British. While in pail jail he

suffered by l suffered by Malarie feared for his life and released him.

5) Sarojini Naidu was a true friend of the mahatma. On what basis does

the writer say this?

Answer. Sarojini Naidu was with mahatma to serve him when he was ill, after

his release from the jail. While he rested, she kept a watch and did not

allow anyone to meet him and disturb him.

6) Why did the boy choose or bring only fruits for Mahatma Gandhi?

Answer. The bought only fruits because he knew fruits are easy to digest, and

to regain health. One must eat plenty of fruits.

7) Why did not the boy speak when the mahatma asked him a question?


Answer. The boy did not respond when Mahatma Gandhi spoke to him

because, he had assured Sarojini Naidu that he would not speak to him.

He wanted to honor and to keep up the promise .this also shows how

principled and disciplined the boy was.


1) “The mahatma would not turn me out”.

a) Who made the above statement?

Answer. The boy who wanted to meet mahatma made this statement.

b) Why did he think so?

Answer. The boy was not sure if he would be allowed to meet him, but he

was confident that mahatma was very kind and great, would not turn

him out.

2) Then let me meet the mahatma this meeting is very important”.

a) Whose words are these?

Answer. The boy spoke the words.

b) What does this meeting refer to?

Answer. This meeting refers to the boy presenting a basket of fruits to the

sick mahatma.

c) Why is the meeting important?

Answer. The meeting was important for the boy because he felt that if

mahatma eats plenty of fruits, then he would be alright quickly.

3. Good, study well hard work will bring you success.”

a) Who made this above statement?

Answer Mahatma Gandhi made the statement.

b) Who is asked to study well?

Answer. A boy who presented him with a basket of fruits was asked to syudy


4. Namaste, who are? What brings you her.

a) What does „here‟ refer to?

Answer. „Here „refer to the place where the mahatma was recovering from

his sickness.

b) Whom did Sarojini Naidu ask this question?


Answer. Sarojini Naidu asked the boy who wanted to see mahatma.


1) What made Sarojini Naidu allow the boy to meet Gandhi.

Answer. The boy had brought for the mahatma so , that the mahatma

could regain his health He felt that the mahatma Should get all right

soon . Sarojini Naidu was pleased when he told her that he got the fruits

from with his hard earned money. So she allowed the boy to meet


2) India‟s future is save, I have no doubts on that .Not after meeting

this boy” why did Gandhi think so.

Answer. Although the boy was poor he was very hard working, he went to

the school and also earned money in his free time .It was well a very

well behaved and very considerate to his elders. Gandhi thought that if

children are responsible as this boy, India‟s future would be safe.

A true Friend

I Meaning

1) Flatter : to falsely praise

2) Misery : mental or physical suffering.

3) Whilst : while

4) Crown : British coin once used but no longer current.

5) Scant : insufficient.

6) Prodigal : one who spend s money too freely.

7) Bountiful : generous

8) Frown : to took angrily.


9) Enemy : foe.

10) Fawn upon someone: try to please him /her by demeaning oneself.



a) Why is flatter not a friend?

Answer. A flatterer uses the word which is not true. He praises falsely and

leaves. The person in his suffering.

b) Why is flattery compound to?

Answer. Flattery is compared to the wind flattering – words flow like the


c) What is a true friend?

Answer. A true friend is with you in time of difficulties.

2 ) how does a friend take part in your grief?

Answer. A true friend feels sad when you are in sorrow. He will remain

awake when you cannot sleep.


1) Words are easy, like the wind, faithful friends are hard to find

a) Why are words compared to the wind?

Answer. Haterring birds flows easily like the wind. These words have no


b) What kind of friends is hard to find?

Answer. Faithful friends are hard to find.

c) Who is the author of this poem?

Answer. The poet is „William shakes pear”.

2. “They that fawn‟s on him before use his company no more.”

a) What does they that fawn‟s mean?

Answer. They are flatterers. They try to please a person who has lots of


b) What does the second line mean?

Answer. When the rich person loses all his wealth, these flatterers will be no

more his friends.


3 ……….a flattering foe‟

a) Does a foe flatter us?

Answer. „foe‟ means enemy and flatterers are enemies.

b) What does poet, then mean?

Answer. The poet means that flatters cannot be our true friends; they are

as good as enemies.

C) Composition

a) What certain signs help you to know a faithful friend from a flattering


Answer. In difficulties a flattering foe will live you alone but a faithful

friend will stand by you and try to share the sufferings.

b) Many people love flattery why?

Answer. All people love to be praised, but it should be for good reasons.

Many people want others to flatters then always. They feel that they are

popular. So they go out of their way to speed on flatters.

Festivals of china

I meaning

1) Broth : a thick soup of vegetables or of meat.


2) Dumplings : steamed balls made of flour & filled with


3) Hanglow : a red envelope with money inside given at New


4) Kumquat : a small, sour orange fruit.


1) What is martial art?

Answer: Martial arts are a technical o an art to fight to defend oneself.

E.g.: karate, judo.

2) Why do the Chinese people invite lion dancers to their homes?

Answer. People invite lion dancers to come to their homes or shops to bring

good luck in the next year.

3) What do the serve to the lion dances to their homes?

Answer. The people put out some oranges and hongbao.

4) What is the color used for the new decorations?

Answer. Everything is decorated in red color for the New Year.

5) What 3 things is the monster afraid of?

Answer. The monster is afraid of noise, lights & the color red.

6) How do the people protect themselves against evil spirits?

Answer. People decorate their houses with red banners to protect

themselves against evil spirits.

7) Mention four dishes the Chinese eat on New Year‟s Eve.

Answer. Broth of prosperity, “silvery threads of longevity, can died

kumquats and meat dumplings are the four dishes which Chinese eat on new

year‟s eve.

8) What does the greeting “gong xi facai” mean in English?

Answer. “gong xi fa cai” means “wishing you prosperity”.


9) Why is the dragon boat festival celebrated?

Answer. It is probably stated as a festival to celebrate the planting of rice

crop and to pray for a good rainfall. The highlight of the festival today

is the dragon boat racks.


a) Describe in your own words how the Chinese celebrate the dragon boat


Answer. The highlight of the festival today is the dragon boat races.

Dragon boats are long, narrow boats with a carved dragon‟s head at one

end & a tail at the other. Up to 80 rowers paddle together. A leader

shouts directions and sets the rhythm for the rowers using a large

dram. The races are very noise & exciting.

b) Describe the costume of the lion dancers and how they act the part.

Answer. Two young men from a martial arts school hide under the costume.

They make the lion jump around, lie down and roll over. To make it

rear up on its hind legs, the front man jumps on the other‟s shoulders.

The lion eats the oranges & hangbao & the peel.

Palanquin beares


a) Why is the palanquin compared to a flower?

Answer. Just as a flower sway in the winds, the palanquin also is swaying

along with a song.

b) How do we know that palanquin is very light to carry?

Answer. The palanquin is compared to a flower, a bird , a pearl and a star

which are all light. The bearers are gliding along because the palanquin

is very light.

c) Why is the palanquin with the bride in it compared to a pearl?

Answer. The pearl is light, beautiful and precious. In the same way the bride

is light, beautiful and delicate.



a) She skims like a bird on the foam of a stream.

Answer. She floats like a laugh from the lips of a dream the movement

of the palanquin is compared to a bird that is moving on the surface of

the water of a stream. ait is also compared to the gentle laugh that

escapes from the lips of a dreamer.

b) She hangs like a star in the dew of our song.. She springs like abeam on

the brow of the tide.

Answer. Sarojini Naidu compares the beauty of the palanquin to a star,

and the dew in the early morning. The palanquin also bobs up and

down like a tide –water.

c) She falls like a tear from the eyes of a bride.

Answer. The tears from the eyes of a bride fall very lightly. in the same

way palanquin is also carried very lightly.



1) Where do you think father worked?when could he leave for work and


Answer. Father worked in a coal mine .He would leave for work in the

night and return at down.

2) How would he normally look when he returned home?

Answer. When he returned home he normally looked black and tired.

3) Sometimes father was happy when he returned home .why? When was


Answer. Father remained in the coal mine throughout the night. At down,

when he worked home through the open fields in spring moving, he

was very happy. He loved moving time when he could watch the birds

and hear them chirping.

4) Where did father find the title rabbit? What else did he see there?


Answer. Father found the rabbit on the field path, while returning home

on a spring morning he saw a dead mother rabbit and three little


5) Now, why………

Answer. Father wanted to save the little rabbit which was alive. This

shows his kindness to the animals. He wanted to present the rabbit to

his children, So that they could keep it as their pet this shows that he

cared for his children.


Answer. Mother hated the tragedy of dead pets. She didn‟t want the rabbit

to be kept in the house. She was afraid that the tiny rabbit would sulk

and die.


Answer. Mother was not hurtles. She was concern about her children. They

would be in sorrow if the

Rabbit died.


Answer. The children had wild animals as pets before. They all had sulk and

refused to live. . This caused a Lot of sorrow to the children.

9) The trouble was that the rabbit was unmoving and refused to drink the

milk. The children wrapped it in a old frannel cloth and put it under a

fireplace in the scullery. They placed saurces here and there. The next

morning the children saw the rabbit moving it had also drank the milk

by the evening the rabbit was normal.


1) You know what it will be:

a) Who said this?

Answer. Mother said this.

b) V


Answer. This was said to father.

c) What was meant when the speaker said it?

Answer. It meant that they had pets before which had died and the children

were very sad.


a) Who said this?

Answer. Mother said this.


Answer. This was said to father.


Answer. It meant that at the death of the pets the children had cried.


1) Write a paragraph or two about what was done to help the animal

during the night.

Answer. The rabbit was wrapped in the old flannel. It was carried into

scullery and put under the fire place so that it four to five sources were

placed here and there on the fever. So that if the little creature should

chance to jump about it would fail to come upon some food. When

morning came the children saw that the rabbit had licked some milk. Its

condition had improved.



1) What game was the child playing? Why did it fall?

Answer. The child was playing a game of hide and seek . The child tripled

and fell while running to hide.

2) How did the lady react to the cry of the child?

Answer. The lady moved to the child very swrifty with all the concern and

anxiety of a loving mother. She dabbed the hurt knee with a cotton swab.

3) Why did the lady walk away, leaving the child behind?


Answer. The lady was an actress playing a mothers role, when the director

shouted „cut‟ the see she was enacting came to an end. So she walked away

leaving the child.


1) The poet has deliberated used the word „lady‟ and not „mother‟ .Do you

know why?

Answer. The poet has used the word „lady‟ and not mother because the

lady is not the real mother. She was playing a mother role.

2) Notice the expression „practiced concern‟. How does this suggest what

is to come later in the poem?

Answer. Practiced concern means the feeling which is practiced, not real

this suggests that a practice was going on and that was the acting for a


Manners make the man


a) What was the young man‟s attitude towards a large proportion of the


Answer. The young man found that unhappy and old people formed a

large proportion of the population. He had no sympathy for them.

b) What kind of disease did he get?

Answer. He had an attach of influenza which later developed into

pneumonia and made him dangerously ill.

c) What did he think about the old people in the train?

Answer. He realized that the older people may never get back their

strength again, and understanding in how tired they must be standing in

the train.


d) Why should we be considerate to old people?

Answer. We must understand that the old people have faced difficulties in

their life and are very tired and weak. When it is our turn to suffer

when we grow old, we will feel happier for having helped others when

we could.

e) How should we speak to a person?

Answer. When we speak to a anyone, speak, clearly and distinctly and

sufficiently, loudly for the person to hear.

f) What should we never fail to realize in our life?

Answer. We should always realize that we are humble, unimportant little

people on this earth and try to help the world as much as we can in our

short time here.


1) What kind of a man was the young man?

Answer. The young man was strong and healthy. He did not have any

sympathy for the older people who he called dismar gimmies and old


2) What made him change his attitude towards old people?

Answer. He had an attack of influenza which developed into pneumonia

and he was dangerously ill. He was easily tired and weak. He knew that

he could get his strength back, but the older people will never get their

strength again. This made him change his attitude towards old people.

3) In what ways could you help old people?

Answer. We must respect them, be sympathetic and kind to them .we

must offer seats in bus or train, help them to cross the road, listen to

what they speak and make them feel important.

4) How should you converse with your friends/

Answer. We must speak dearly distinctly and sufficiently loudly for the

friend to hear, we should not say unpleasant things about them behind

their backs.



Answer. Thoreau said,” It takes two to speak the truth”. Sometimes the truth

we speak may mean different things to different people. So we should

make ourselves understood by others.

6) Why do you think you should avoid saying unpleasant things about


Answer. We should avoid saying unpleasant things about someone,

because it is not right as he is not present to clarify it. Somehow those

remarks. Reach the person with your name attached .these can be

misunderstanding & you may fall in more trouble.

7) How do we attain good manners?

Answer. Good manners come from having sympathy with others and form

understanding our own limitations. We should follow the good values

that are thought to us. We should respect elders, be kind to our equals

and understanding with the small ones.

8) What does the author say at the end of the lesson?

Answer. The author says that we should always realize that we are

humble, unimportant little people on this earth and try to help the world

as much as we can. Whenever we get a chance to be kind, let us do it

now because we will not come back to the earth again.

Your mission


1) What second best thing can you do if you cannot sail on the ocean?

Answer. The second best thing that we can do is to help the sailors to launch

their boats.


2) What can you do instead, if you are too weak to climb the mountain?

Answer. If we are too weak to climb the mountain, we can stand within

the valley while the crowed of people pass by. We can sing happy

songs which will help them to be enthusiastic and forget their pains.

3) What best can you do if you do not have gold and silver to others?

Answer. If we do not have wealth to help the needy, we can help those in

pain. And those who are sick, by them sympathy, moral support and kindness.

4) What alternative do you have before you if you cannot be a solider?

Answer. If we cannot be brave solider can carry the wounded solder to the

hospital and those who are killed.

5) Bring out the idea of the first stanza.

Answer. The poet says that if we cannot soil on the ocean, face the

storms, it does not matter we can do our little part. By helping the

sailors in launching their boats.