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Social Media facebook strategies & positioning Top 10 french e-com Sept / Oct 2012 http:// www.graphinsider.com https:// www.facebook.com/graphinsider

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Social Media facebook strategies & positioning Top 10 french online retailer Graph insider


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Social Media facebook strategies & positioning

Top 10 french e-comSept / Oct 2012



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Executive summary :e-tailers strategies are ROI oriented

• GRAPH INSIDER exclusive study on facebook fan pages engagement of french top 10 e-tailers

• GRAPH INSIDER methodology: unique deduplicated engagement

• Key Learnings on e-commerce actors:

– Positioning & strategies are not the same

– Race fans is not the primary objective, engagement is key for brand preference & traffic generation to website

– Engagement on branded content is critical to generate earn media & social recommendation of products and services

– The most engaging posts are about products / services / promotions

– Facebook Ads leverage reach and visibility of engagement on branded content

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facebook fan pages : top 10 french e-tailers

1. Amazon

2. Ebay

3. Cdiscount

4. Fnac

5. Priceminister

6. Groupon

7. Voyages-SNCF

8. Carrefour

9. La redoute

10. Vente-privée

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Graph Insider methodology

• Double-entry analysis– quantitative based on KPI Graph Insider platform– qualitative through most engaging posts

• Reprocessing facebook insights

• Deduplication of engagement on fanpage & posts to allow vision of interactions on a unique basis for comparison

• Daily monitoring of the 1100 first French fanpages

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7 Key Performance Indicator to measure success

• Declared fan / engaged fan– A declared fan is a fan of the page.– An engaged fan is an individual fan who has interacted at least

once (like, comment, post) with the page during the selected period.

– Example: Antoine has liked and commented on the page; Antoine is counted just once

• Interaction– An interaction is an engagement: like, comment, post made on

the page

• Repetition– Average number of interactions per engaged fan. This is

therefore an indicator of your fanbase's activity. – If the average repetition of your fanpage is 2, that means that

your engaged fans have interacted on average twice with your fanpage

• Fanpage posts– The number of posts made by the page as well as the page's

profile picture changes

• Engagement rate– The engagement rate is the number of individual fans who have

carried out at least one interaction with the fanpage. – This corresponds to the percentage of your fanbase who were

actually engaged during the selected period. – A 10% engagement rate means that 10% of your fans

interacted at least once with your fanpage over the selected period

• Page activity rate– The page's activity rate is the percentage of responses the

page makes to user comments and posts. – With an activity rate of 10%, this means that you respond to 1

post / comment made by your users out of every 10.– Please note, we only count responses from the page itself, not

from community managers who have a different profile

• Page response rate– The page's response rate is the percentage of responses to

user posts from the page. – Please note, we only count responses from the page itself, not

from community managers who have a different profile

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With an average of 230,000 fans, fanpages studied are more dynamic than the French average

A real engagement dynamic :• Fans are active, with an engagement rate of 2.6%, 10% higher than the average French• Community managers are reactive with a high average rate animation of 18.1% (7 times

higher than the French average)

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Disparate situations : Groupon interacts, Amazon is completely silent

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Over the last 4 weeks, Cdiscount recruited 70% of new fans in the Top 10.

• La Redoute and Cdiscount fanpages are by far the most powerful in volume and weigh nearly 2/3 of the total.

• Recruiting fans is dynamic and guided by two fanpages:

– Cdiscount made significant recruitment efforts (+76 500 fans a month, & maintaining best engagement rate to 6.5% of the fan base!)

– Amazon (smallest fan page) developed his fan base with a +60% volume in a month thanks to Sponsored posts

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• Lot of posts from community managers, more than 1 per day on average

• Repetition averaged 1.7 is fairly homogeneous on all players, except for Vente-privée which involved most loyal fans (2.2 interactions per fan only)

• 9/10 actors give themselves the means to animate and respond to requests from fans (18.1% on average)

• La redoute is the most active fan page in rate animation. 25% of posts or comments from fans brand interaction

Fanpages more interactive than the national average, but only 1 of 5 fan gets a response from the brand

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•CDiscount: first actor in terms of engagement : fans of the brand represent 25% of the total, but by listening, mark weighs 62% of the commitment of the Top 10!

•Voyages SNCF & Expedia overperform their marketshare also

The e-commerce players have attitudes more or less active with their fans

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• Cdiscount generates far more engagement volume interactions.

• Over the period, Saturday is the day most active

Except Amazon, Top 10 players let their fans comment on the fan page

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• The first 9 posts are related to products / services / promotions. This brings up a new behavior within Facebook, highlighting the concrete expectations of fans

The most engaging posts are related to products, services or promotions

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1st post in terms of unique engagement : Carrefour

Launch Christmas catalog with contest

Reference to catalog and website dedicated



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2nd post in terms of unique engagement : Voyages-SNCF

Bookings are now open for holiday




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6th post in terms of unique engagement : Cdiscount

Offset positioning with reference to product page

• Over 5000 likes

• More than 2000 shares

• Nearly 200 comments



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Focus Cdiscount: positioning offset that works well with the community

• Cdiscount positioning is shifted but always a goal "product" and traffic on site.

• These actions are paying off and fanpage is very active:– 38 posts, just behind Priceminister with 39 posts– 6.5% rate of engagement (the most engaged fanpage)– 15.5% growth in the fan base vs. 7% average growth of the top 10 e-commerce & 4.6% average growth for

French Fanpages– 14% rate animation

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Conclusion• Different social strategies implemented by actors in e-commerce

reflect their positioning & maturity

• The posts are most engaging about products / services / promotions, which clearly highlights importance of having fans that correspond to its positionning.

• An effective social strategy is broken down into steps– Engagement through branded content– Creating a virtuous circle, word of mouth and Earned Media– Leverage reach & visibility through advertising

• Sector historically late on Facebook that actively engages and does not hesitate to use advertising to maximize the reach and scope of its social actions

• The challenge for e-retailers is now to integrate social recommendation on their web site to personalize the customer experience.