english language exam writing questions

Part two – the long writing questions Learning Objectives: 1.Understand how you are expected to answer the two written questions in Part B (the writing paper) of the Unit 1 2.Revise persuasive techniques and see how these techniques can be applied to a persuasive text 3.Plan an answer to the 24 mark question and write an answer individually

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AQA English Language Unit 1 section : writing. Some tips on how to approach the two writing questions in this exam


Page 1: English language exam writing questions

AQA GCSE English Language Unit 1Part two – the long writing questions

Learning Objectives:

1.Understand how you are expected to answer the two written questions in Part B (the writing paper) of the Unit 12.Revise persuasive techniques and see how these techniques can be applied to a persuasive text3.Plan an answer to the 24 mark question and write an answer individually

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English Language• 40% Coursework

a. Of Mice and Men Essayb. Don’t get me started…/relationships storyc. Spoken language study (Waterloo Road)

• 20% Speaking and Listeninga. Presentation – Relationships poemb. Discussing/Listening c. Role Play

• 40% Exam – 1 paper: 2hours, 15 minsa. Reading (1 hour)b. Writing (1 hour)

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Today we will look at the writing paper

• 40% Exam – 1 paper: 2hours, 15 minsa. Reading (1 hour)b. Writing (1 hour)

In this writing section, there are 2 questions to complete in an hour:•a question worth 16 marks which should take 25 mins to complete•a question worth 24 marks which should take 35 mins to complete

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Write to either:

Inform orexplain ordescribe

Write to either:

Persuade orargue

16 marks

Should take25 minutes to


24 marks

Should take35 minutes to


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Unit 1 Section B1.Writing to inform, explain or advise (16


•Spend 25 minutes on this writing task•Use a suitable register to suit the task (ie a formal tone if you have been asked to write a letter to someone in authority)•Organise your ideas into linked paragraphs (aim for 3-5 paragraphs per A4 side)•Use a variety of sentence structures and sentence lengths (you must aim to show you can use simple, compound and complex sentences structures)•Use vocabulary that is appropriate to the task and is the best that you can come up with – always search for the word that can say it better•Use connectives to link you ideas

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Possible questions:

1.Describe a recent journey you have made and explain how it made you feel.2.Write a letter advising a friend on how to cope with feelings of anxiety.3.Write an article for a magazine advising young people how to make the most of their summer holidays.4.Write an article for a teenage magazine describing your bedroom.5.Describe an event that has had a huge impact on your and your life.

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The last question in Unit 1 will ask you to write to persuade, advise or argue

• This is your chance to score lots of marks• It is marked out of 24 and you should spend

about 35 minutes planning (!) and writing

Remember the G.A.PYou will be told what kind of text to write and who for You must make sure your writing is appropriate to task

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Alliteration and anecdote

Facts, flattery


Repetition, rhetorical question

Emotive language, exaggeration

Statistics, second person narrative

Three – the rule of three, tone

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A Persuasive writing checklist

•It is personal – use ‘I’ and ‘you’ and ‘we’•There are imperatives – ‘must’, ‘should’•Use emotive words•Tell an anecdote to prove a point•Use powerful words•Include two or three short sentences at crucial moments•Use a rhetorical question•Use some exaggeration – not too much•Include facts and statistics•Enliven your writing with metaphor, simile, alliteration•Repetition of a word or phrase will help convince the reader•Vary your punctuation – one of two question marks and exclamation marks would be effective

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1.Write in a suitable register (formal or informal) for purpose2.Organise your ideas into paragraphs (3-5 paragraphs per A4 side)3.Start and finish each paragraph with a short sentence (this really makes your writing much more effective)4.Use connectives to develop your argument (Furthermore, Another reason, On the other hand etc)5.Write AFOREST down and tick off the persuasive features as you use them.6.Use counter-argument (Many people seem to believe that ….; however, statistics show that ….)

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Q: Some people think it’s wrong that primitive peoples and their communities are disrupted by tourists and TV crews and that they should be left in peace. (24 marks 35 minutes)

Write an article for a travel magazine which argues for or against this idea.

Some people may say that……..; but, evidence shows….

Of course, we all think we know that….; but …

If only …

Do you think……?