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  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component



    COMPONENTDrama: Gulp and Gasp

    Ayzad Zaqwan Bin Zainal


    Amethyst 411513

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component



    This a melodrama about Lord Septic, a very wealthy

    villain who meets his match in the hero,Percy Gatsby.

    Lord Septic is greedy for more power, money and fame.

    he is so villanuos that he is capable of committing

    murder to get what he wants. he owns the railways andis after the Gatsby gold. Crouch, Lord Septic's

    manservant, is a slimy person who as his name suggests

    crouches to the demands of Lord Septic. He is a big bully

    who grovels for his living. Rose is a damsel in distress

    who makes a living out of selling flowers. She is blind and

    hopes to have enough money to heal her sight and to

    look after her sick mother. She meets Percy, the hero

    who comes to the station and rescues her from Crouch.

    They fall in love and he rescues her from a bloody death

    at the railway tracks. Later, Percy learns he is the heir to

    the Gatsby gold and is known as Sir Percy. Lord Septicloses everything.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    THE PLOTEXPOSITION - Lord Septic, the villain,and his manservant Crouch, a groveling

    bully, are waiting for the midnight

    express at the train station. Lord Septic

    owns all the train stations and he wants

    wealth and power.


    blind flower girl comes to the station.

    Crouch bullies her and Percy, the

    dashing hero comes in to help her. He

    tells her about himself.

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    CLIMAX - Lord Septic hits Percy and ties

    Rose to the train track. Percy runs off to

    try and stop the train coming down the


    FALLING ACTION - Percy stops the train

    and Rose is saved. Percy learns that he is

    Sir Percy Gatsby and heir to the GatsbyGold.

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    RESOLUTION - Lord Septic and Crouch,

    the villains, are tied up and waiting to be

    picked up by the police. Percy, the hero,

    proposes Rose and she agrees to marry


  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    THE THEMESGreed and MaterialismLord Septic yearns for more money although he

    is already rich. He aims to be the richest man inthe world. He and his father killed Lady Gatsby

    for her gold. He married his wife because she

    owns a gun factory. To cut cost, he does not

    care for the safe storage of matches at his


    Justice prevails

    In the end the truth is known. Lady Gatsbys

    murderer is found and the gold is returned to

    its rightful owner. Lord Septics greed leads to

    his downfall, as Percy and Rose are prepared to

    expose his crimes.

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    THE SETTINGSy An empty train


    y A cold foggy night.

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    Characteristics: Poor and humble

    Textual evidence:

    She lives in poverty and sells flowers for a living. The

    hardship that she is going through made her lead a

    simple, humble and homely life. When she came to sell

    the flowers at the railway station, she has not eaten for 3

    days and she is greatly hoping to earn some coins. Her

    house is in a very poor condition and the attic room has

    dry rot.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    Characteristics: Blind and innocent

    Textual evidence:

    Rose is blind due to the flames at the match factoryowned by Lord Septic. She has to lead a hard life as she

    lost her eye sight. Though she is blind, she is honest in

    earning money for living and her deed of working as a

    flower girl reflects her innocent attribute.

    Characteristics: Hardworking and strong


    Textual evidence:

    She is hardworking and strong determined as she iswilling to take all the trouble to walk all alone and sell

    the flowers at her own risk. She wants to save up for an

    operation on her eyes.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    Characteristics: Caring and devoted

    Textual evidence:

    She cares for her sick mother, so she sells flowers inorder to pay for her mother's medication and

    treatments. She is a devoted child who looks after her

    ailing mother although she is blind.

    Characteristics: OptimisticTextual evidence:

    She is also optimistic as she never gives up in her effort

    to earn money to treat her mother and for her eyes

    operation. She is a person who is always hopeful and

    expects the best in all things.

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    Characteristics: Smart and efficient

    Textual evidence:

    She discovers the identity of Lord Septic, accuses him ofvictimizing her and threatens to expose his crimes by

    showing a courageous spirit to fight for her rights.

    Besides that she is also quick in finding out about Percy's

    background and gives moral support to him to regain his

    family fortune. She helps in unraveling the mystery of the

    key in order to tie up all the loose ends.

    Characteristics: Romantic

    Textual evidence:

    Her romantic admiration towards Percy is revealed

    through her speech: "Oh, Percy! You're my hero. My

    knight in shining armour. My good knight." She also said,

    "It could be the key to my heart!"

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    PERCYCharacteristics: A helpful orphan

    Textual evidence:

    Percy's mother was killed on the railway line and he

    became an orphan living in poverty and hardship. He was

    found in the litter bin at the railway station, wearing a

    purse containing a key bearing the initials, NSL. He wentthrough a poor life without realizing that he is actually

    the rightful heir to Gatsby Gold. Although he is an

    orphan, he is a selfless and helpful. He helps Rose to pick

    up her flowers which is thrown by Crouch, and rescued

    Rose from being killed by Lord Septic when she is tied on

    the railway tracks by Crouch.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    Characteristics: Generous

    Textual evidence:

    Although he is poor he is sympathetic towards Rose and

    he really wish he could give her some money when he

    first meet her at the railway station. When Percy came to

    know that he is rightfully the heir of Gatsby Gold, he

    willing to share his gold with Rose.

    Characteristics: Intelligent and resourceful

    Textual evidence:

    Percy is quick in thinking as he managed to stop the train

    before it runs on Rose. He is smart enough to dab his

    bleeding nose with his pants until it become dark re. then

    he climbed up the gas lamp at the far end of the station

    and put his pants over the lamp.The train driver thought

    it was a stop light, so his pants brought the train to a


  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    Characteristics: Kind hearted and humble

    Textual evidence:

    Percy is willing to share his wealth with Rose although heis an aristocrat. He propose Rose as he is willing to marry

    her out of love . He willing said that half of his wealth is

    for her, so that she can pay for the operation to regain

    her eyesight and pay for her mother's pills to make her

    well again.Besides that he wants to buy a home and

    marry Rose and be her life partner.

    Characteristics: Brave and fights for justice

    Textual evidence:

    He grabs Crouch by his color when Crouch treated Rose

    badly. He rescues Rose from being killed by Lord Septic

    and he manages to chain him and his servant so that they

    cannot escape from their evil deeds. Finally the villains

    are left to their fate as the police are approaching the


  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    LORD SEPTICCharacteristics: Cruel and greedy

    Textual evidence:

    Lord Septic is a cruel owner of the match factory where

    Rose worked. . When she lost her eyesight due to the fire

    in the factory, he did not pay her for the damage. Besides

    that he treats Rose like a beggar and chases her form therailway station. Although he is rich, he want more and

    more wealth, he seeks more power and willing to kill for

    it. He wants to be the richest man and wants to find the

    Gatsby Gold.

    Characteristics: Hot tempered and egoistic

    Textual evidence:

    He grabs Rose by the wrist and demands Crouch to tie

    her up. He takes control of the situation and he said that

    no one ever tells him what to do

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    Characteristics: violent

    Textual evidence:

    He creeps from the shadows and mercilessly hits Percyon his head with his stick.Then he slams Percy against the

    locker. He commands Crouch to tie Rose with the rope to

    the tracks as he hears the train coming.

    Characteristics: SelfishTextual evidence:

    He did not keep the match factory safe because it would

    cause him money. As a result there was a fire out break

    which has caused harm and trouble to the poor workers

    who earn their living working in the factory. He even has

    no respect for his wife and calls her a nagger and he

    confesses that he married her wealth as she own a gun


  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    Characteristics: Evil in nature

    Textual evidence:

    He threw away the Gatsby Kid in the litter bin withoutany sense of humanity. He mistreats his workers and is

    very rude to Crouch, Percy and Rose. He is impatient and

    ill-mannered as he plans to sack the driver and everyone

    if the train does not arrive.

    Characteristics: Rude

    Textual evidence:

    He is rude and uncouth in language and he looks as

    though he lacks breeding although he retends to be

    someone from upper crust. His rudeness is revealed from

    the way he talks and treats Rose, Crouch and Percy

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    CROUCHCharacteristics: SubservientTextual evidence:

    Crouch is a servant who is so devoted and

    submissive towards his master. Lord Septic. He

    gives too much respect to his master. He is dim-

    witted as he simply agrees with whatever his bosssay and instructs.

    Characteristics: BullyTextual evidence:

    He bullies Rose and throws away her tray of rose

    across the platform. He has no sense of humanity

    although he knows that Rose is poor and blind.

    Characteristics: CowardTextual evidence:

    He is actually feeble has he confesses that he is just

    following orders from Lord Septic and he doesn't

    want to be blamed for the evil acts he did.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    Characteristics: GrovelTextual evidence:

    He has no self dignity and grovels for a living. Hegrovel at Lord Septic by saying that he is such a

    great man and he has a big lordship. He even

    grovels at Percy by saying "By all means, sir.

    Anything you say, sir."

    Characteristics: Power crazyTextual evidence:

    He enjoys the time when he is given power to chase

    Rose from the railway tracks. Thus he is also power

    crazy like his master.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    THE MORAL VALUESWe should be sensitive to peoplesfeelings.

    Crouch is unkind to Rose. He knows that Rose is

    blind but he bullies her by throwing away her

    flowers. In contrast, Percy is kind to Rose. He

    helps her pick up the flowers and tries to cheer

    her up. He also offers to pay for her eye


  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component



    We must be responsible in life. Lord Septic is

    not a responsible employer. He did not pay his

    workers and does not care for their safety.

    Rose, on the other hand is very responsible.

    Although she is blind, she sells flowers to earn

    money so that she can help her mother.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    THE LANGUANGEPuns:A play on words that sounds the same but

    have several meanings and would create a

    certain degree of confusion.


    Percy: What a rotter that manis! They

    have just go on a strike on one of his factories.

    They all want a shorter wick.

    Rose : [laughing] I think you mean WEEK. They

    want a shorter working WEEK.

    Percy: No it is a candlefactory.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    Confused language:

    The use of different words in replace of the

    more appropriate words.

    Example :

    Lord Septic : It is just like the night many years

    ago. I stood right here as my father tied Lady

    Gatsby to the sametrack.She was the riches

    widow in town. He tricked her to meet him on

    this station one dark night.

    Crouch : Killer trains must runs in your family,sir!What Crouch should have said is Killer

    veins that means killing streak must have been

    hereditary.But instead he uses killer trains

    because the killing happened ina train station

    and Lady Gatsby was runover by a train

    aswould be Rose.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    Tongue twisters :

    a phrase that is intended to be difficult to say,

    especially when repeated quickly and often.

    And it also sounds comical when the characters

    say their lines quickly.

    Example :

    Percy is purse and purple pants popped these

    plotters and their pranks.

  • 8/3/2019 English Literature Component


    BACKGROUND OFTHE AUTHORThe Playright John Townsend

    John Townsend is a childrens writer of over a

    hundred books, many of which arenon-fiction

    covering diverse subjects such as history,

    geography, science, medicine, crime, and natural

    history. Having taught in both primary and

    secondary schools (including running a special

    needs department in a comprehensive school),

    he has experience of all ages, abilities and most

    curriculum subjects includingdrama&writing/producing the dreaded school
