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Post on 24-Nov-2015




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Scary Movie

Saw In the series' narrative, jigsaw is a former civil engineer dying from an inoperable frontal lobe tumor that had developed from colon cancer. After a failed suicide attempt, jigsaw experienced a new respect for his own life and set out to force others through deadly trials to help them appreciate their own lives by testing their will to live through self-sacrifice. As opposed to other killers, Jigsaw does not actually intend to kill his subjects; the purpose of his traps is to see if the subject has the will to survive, and thus inflict enough psychological trauma for the subjects to appreciate their life and save themselves from their own demons

Ju-onJu-on is japanese horror movie. Thismoviehas threesequel, ju-on 1 until ju-on 3. Ju-on in english means the curse.Thismovietells the story of a curse created by a murdered housewife in a house in Nerima. It was said that when one person dies with a deep and burning grudge, a curse is born. The curse gathers in the place where that person has died or where he was frequent at (in the series' case, the house in Nerima) and repeats itself there. The curse manifests on those who encounter the curse by any means, such as entering the house or being in contact with somebody who was already cursed. The curse's manifestation is mainly death, where the victims' bodies may or may not disappear. The following deaths create more curses and spreads the curse in other places.

Malam Satu SuroThe ghost displayedhereisSundelBolong.Uniquely inthis film,theKuntilanaknot portrayed asvillains,butthe protagonist.Spookyand memorablescenesfromthe moviewhose name isSundelBolongSuketiplayingb pianoinher husband's houseas a parting gift.