english speaking tips


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Post on 02-Oct-2015




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Try not to translate what you hear into your native language in your head. It is a very hard habit to get rid of, but it slows down the process of communication and makes concentrating on producing correct English sentences harder, because you are distracted by the rules and grammar of your own language that differ in many aspects from the English ones.

2. Remember not to speak too fast.Of course, you need to speak in the natural rhythm of the native language, but if you speak too fast your conversation partners will not be able to understand you properly.

3. Try to relax when you speak. Not only try to get rid of the psychological side of your stress, but also of the physical one

44. Keep it short and simple. Do not overuse complicated vocabulary if you can say the same thing in a fewer and simpler words. Also: do not build too long sentences. Firstly, they might be too difficult for your partners and secondly, you yourself can get lost in them and forget what you wanted to say. This would be quite embarrassing, so try to avoid such situations at all costs.

5. Do not worry too much if you forget a word; it happens to everyone. In such situation just act as natives do: use so-called fillers of the conversation, such as er, um and carry on as if nothing happened.

6. Try to find people with similar interests to yours.You will have more things to talk about and your relationship will naturally develop into friendship. The more people like you, the more they are willing to talk with you, devote their time and help you and give you guidance.

77. Train all your English skills: listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary.Do not forget about any of them, do not train only one separate. Any single one skill cannot be developed in isolation, because every language is a complex structure build from many little elements. Every unit has its place and is connected with others.

88. Do not use too much slang language or idioms. . If you do not talk with a native, there is a high chance that you will not be understood. And even if you do talk with an Englishman, there is a possibility that you will misuse an idiom and will not be understood properly.

9. Remember about the intonation. Every language has a different intonation and using the Indian one in the English sentences may cause many misunderstandings. The intonation and accent are one of the most difficult features to learn in every language. You need to train your ear to be able to hear the nuances.

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