english tawjihi 3rd level quiz by teacher ziad yasin abu ghoush 0796939361

English Grammar questions and answers for 3 rd level 2012/2013 – By teacher: Zaid Yasin Abu Ghoush 00962777571734 ة ي ز لي ج نلا ا ة غ ل ل ا ث ل ا ث ل وى ا ت س م ل ل زحة ي ق م # لة$ ث س$ ل وا م ع ة ورق2012/2013 ة ي ج وذ م ن ل ا ات اب لاج ع ا م ي ه ي ج و ت ة’ ي ز لي ج نلا ا ة غ ل ل ا ث ل ا ث ل وى ا ت س م ل ا2012/2013 وش غ و ت اD ن سي ا اذ ب ب ر اذ ث سلا ا--- ات وب ت س م ل ا ة لكاق ة ي ز لي ج نلا ا ة غ ل ل ا ي ه ي ج و ت ل ا لات ط س ي در ب ي ف ص ص خ ت م اذ ث س ا00962777571734 / 00962796939361 0796939361 ==================================================== Text A:- ======== In the early 19th century, the most important industry in Ireland was agriculture but the farmers were poor and they used old fashion methods. Because they heard that they could earn four times as much in America, some farmers emigrated. But between 1820 and 1840, the economic situation in Ireland deteriorated and in 1845 the Potato Famine began. Disease destroyed 75% of the year’s potatoes – the main food for most of the population during the next two years, 350,000 people died of starvation and there was a huge increase in emigration to America. Ziad Yasin Abu Ghoush – English Tawjihi 3 rd level ( 0796939361-0777571734) 1

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English Grammar questions and answers for 3rd level 2012/2013 –

By teacher: Zaid Yasin Abu Ghoush


االنجليزية اللغة الثالث للمستوى مقترحة وأسئلة عمل ورقةالنموذجية 2012/2013 االجابات مع

’ توجيهي االنجليزيه اللغة الثالث االستاذ --- 2012/2013المستوى ابوغوش ياسين زياد

لكافة االنجليزية اللغة التوجيهي طالب تدريس في متخصص استاذ المستويات

00962777571734 / 00962796939361



Text A:-


In the early 19th century, the most important industry in Ireland was agriculture but the farmers were poor and they used old

fashion methods. Because they heard that they could earn four times as much in America, some farmers emigrated. But between 1820 and 1840, the economic situation in Ireland deteriorated and in 1845 the Potato Famine began. Disease destroyed 75% of the year’s potatoes – the main food for most of the population during the next two years, 350,000 people died of starvation and there was a huge increase in emigration to America.

By the end of 1854, a quarter of the population of Ireland had left for the United States.

Tristan da Cunha is a small island in the South Atlantic Ocean. In August 1961, earth tremors started and gradually became more

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frequent. At the beginning of October, the government decided that the island was no longer safe and the whole population of 268 people was evacuated to a nearby island. A ship picked them up and took them to South Africa. As they passed Tristan da Cunha, they saw the volcano erupt.

Later the people were taken to England, where they stayed for the next two years. In 1963, the volcanic activity on the island stopped and most of the people voted to go back. However, not everyone returned: 14 people had adapted to life in England and decided to stay there, and five elderly people had died. There were other changes too: ten couples from the island had married, and eight babies had been born.

The economic success of the 1960s and 1970s saw the Arabian Gulf countries transformed into modern and wealthy states, funded by oil and other precious natural resources such as natural gas.

The needs of the oil and construction industries led to a huge demand for skilled workers. Many thousands of people moved to the region to help build high-tech cities all over the Gulf. These workers, from many regions of the world, were able to find a better life and help with the development of the region.

1- According to the text , there are some important precious resources Name (mention, indicate, state, find) two of them. a. Oil and natural gas.

2- Find a word in the text has the same meaning as “ a serious shortage of food leading to great hunger on a large scale” Famine or starvation

3- Quote a sentence from the text which indicates that “a 25% of the people evacuated from Ireland.

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By the end of 1854, a quarter of the population of Ireland had left for the United States.

4- The writer said “The needs of the oil and construction industries led to a huge demand for skilled workers” is he justified in this? Explain.Yes, he’s justified in this because nothing can be achieved or done without skilled workers.

5- What does the underlined pronoun “They “in the fourth paragraph refer to?

“The people “

6- What does the underlined pronoun “They “in the first paragraph refer to? Farmers

It’s mentioned in the text that many were killed due to famine, how many are they? And why? 350,000 people died of starvation and there was a huge increase in emigration to America.

Critical thinking: -_________________ The economic success depends on many factors, in two sentences write down your point of view.

To the point of my view it’s absolutely correct to say that “The economic success depends on many factors, I think we need skilled workers and precious resources.

Text B:-


Desertification, which is the process in which productive land changes into desert, is an increasingly serious problem

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in over a hundred countries of the world. One billion people, out of a total world population of six billion, suffer from its effects.Desertification usually occurs in dry areas where there is no rain and where the climate is harsh. In these places, the top layer of soil is destroyed so that the land can no longer be used for growing crops or grazing animals. This means that people who depend on the land for food have to move to ‘greener’ areas in order to survive. A proportion of the population may survive by moving, but others may die because of shortages of food and water.

Although natural changes in the climate often start the process, the activities of human beings are often the real cause of desertification. Because there are growing numbers of people to feed, farmers tend to over cultivate their land, with the result that the soil becomes poor and unproductive. Other farmers overgraze their land and this permanently kills off grass and other plants. In addition to the effects of farming, deforestation – the cutting down of trees – also erodes the soil. Trees are usually cut down to make more agricultural land, but once there are no longer trees and plants on an area of land, there is nothing to stop the wind and rain from blowing or washing away the top layer of soil. The dust which this produces can travel long distances and affect the health of people living in cities thousands of kilometers away.But this is not the end of the story: desertification can create conditions which produce strong winds and dangerous wildfires and this leads to even greater pressure on the Earth’s most preciousresource, water.

1- Define desertification? Desertification, which is the process in which productive land changes into desert, is an increasingly serious problem in over a hundred countries of the world.

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2- Find a word in the text has the same meaning as “putting animals in a field so that they can eat the grass “ grazing

3- The desertification can take place in some conditions, mention two conditions that desertification occurs in.

a. desertification usually occurs in dry areas where there is no rain b. where the climate is harsh.

4- The writer said that “this means that people who depend on the land for food have to move to ‘greener’ areas. Is he justified in this ? Explain. Yes he’s justified in this because they need the most important precious resources such as water and food in order to survive .

5- Quote a sentence from the text which shows that “people move from place to another for their daily living. A proportion of the population may survive by moving, but others may die because of shortages of food and water.

6- In the text above, some factors are the real cause of desertification, mention two of them. a. Shortage of food and water b . cutting down trees.

7- What do the underlined words (it’s, their) refer to?

Desertification , farmers .

Critical thinking: -_________________ Desertification everywhere affects the climate in many aspects, in two sentences write down your opinion.

The above statement (sentence) is absolutely correct because desertification usually occurs in dry areas where there is no rain and where the climate is harsh. In these places, the top layer of soil is destroyed so that the land can no longer be used for growing crops or grazing animals.

Text C: - ==========

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The Eden Project, which opened in the year 2000, is a living plant museum in the countryside in the south-west of England. It is a very popular attraction and millions of visitors come every year to see plants from all over the world growing in this special environment.Some plants grow outside, but many are in specially-built domes, called ‘biomes’, where the temperature and humidity are carefully controlled. The biomes are like giant greenhouses and one, the Humid Tropics biome, is the largest greenhouse in the world. It is over 55m high and 200m long and contains many thousands of exotic plants not found in England.

One of the purposes of the project is to show how dependent human beings are on plants and to educate people on the importance of preserving our natural environment. Aside from the plant life, the Eden Project has fascinating enter active exhibits for people of all ages. Many of the visitors are groups of school children and the Eden Project combines educational value with scientific interest and a huge variety of spectacular plant life.

1- Why Eden project is very essential and important? , write down two reasons.A. It is a very popular attraction B. The Eden Project has fascinating enter

active exhibits for people of all ages.

2- Find a word in the text which means “unusual, foreign “ Exotic

3- Quote the sentence from the text above which indicates that the objective of the project is to keep and save our environment.One of the purposes of the project is to show how dependent human beings are on plants and to educate people on the importance of preserving our natural environment.

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4- According to the last paragraph the project implies some values, mention two of them. a. Educational value with scientific interest and b. A huge variety of spectacular plant life.

c. Is the writer justified in saying that “the Eden Project has fascinating enter active exhibits for people of all ages? Explain yes he is , because Eden project has some values such as educational value with scientific interest and a huge variety of spectacular plant life.

5- What does the underlined word “it “refer to? Eden Project

Critical thinking: -_________________ Scientific Exhibitions are very essential in every country, in two sentences write down your point of view. That’s true to say “Scientific Exhibitions are very essential in every country “ because they make the country very famous and millions of visitors come every year to see.

Text D: - ==========

It may seem very strange, but plants are always in danger from animals which want to feed on them. If this happens, the plant can be damaged or even killed. So, because their roots, trunks, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds are under constant attack from mammals, insects or birds, plants have developed ways of protecting themselves from these enemies. Here are some of the ways plants stop animals from attacking and eating them.Sharp thorns and stings Some plants which grow in dry climates, for example cactuses, store large quantities of water in their stems. To protect themselves, they have sharp thorns. Animals will hurt themselves if they try to get to the water from these plants. Other plants, like stinging nettles, can ‘inject’

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painful or irritating substances into their enemies by means of the sharp hairs on their leaves.Poison There are many plants which protect themselves by poisoning their enemies. In some cases the poison they contain is so powerful that it can kill any living thing which touches or eats them. The poison can be in the leaves, the seeds or berries, or in other parts of the plant.InsectsSome acacia trees in hot African countries are protected by ants which live permanently on their branches. If an animal starts to eat the tree’s leaves, the ants attack it.Sticky gumSome plants, such as horse chestnut trees, are covered with a sticky substance, like wet paint, which can prevent insects from eating them. Sometimes this substance is so strong that insects’ feet or wings get stuck and they cannot escape.

1- Why plants are always in danger from animals? Because they want to feed on them .

2- Mention two methods that can help plants to prevent animals from attacking and eating them.a. Poison b. sticky gums

3- What do the underlined words (they ,them, it) refer to? Animals ,Plants , poison

4- Find words in the text have the same meaning as A- ” a sharp pointed part that grows on a plant,

e.g.A rose” thorn

B- “the main part or large stem of a tree “ trunk C- hard part of a plant from which a new plant can

grow seeds

5- Quote the sentence from the text which shows that: some trees can protect themselves from enemies. Some acacia trees in hot African countries are protected by ants which live permanently on their branches.

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6- Explain how poison can protect trees. In some cases the poison they contain is so powerful that it can kill any living thing which touches or eats them.

Critical thinking: -_________________ Animals can feed on plants, but this method isn’t always saved, in two sentences write down your point of view. Because there are some ways that enable plants to protect themselves from animals by poising the animals ,use the sharp thorns and stings

Q1: correct the verb in bracket: -

1- Every country (develop) its own code of law over hundreds or thousands of years. has developed

2- He (be, study) law for three years. has been studying 3- In 1854 a quarter of the population of Ireland

(immigrate) to America. immigrated4- By 1854 a quarter of the population of Ireland

(immigrate) to America. had immigrated 5- When they sailed past Tristan da Cunha, the volcano

(erupt).had erupted

6- Samar didn’t feel very confident about taking her driving test. Because she (fail) twice. had failed

7- Mohammad Adam didn’t recognize his friend, Jad. Because he (not see) him since long. hadn’t seen

8- Samar found it difficult to get up this morning. Because she (work) late the night before. had worked

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9- Irish people emigrated because so many (die) of starvation. had died

10- They (study) at university for five years . have been studying

11- Saba (write) her economics essay all morning.Has been writing

12- By 10 a.m. on the last day the clouds (disappear) and the sun (come out). had disappeared , had come out

13- My brother (spend) many hours talking on the phoneSpends

14- Newspapers and magazines (contain) too many adverts. contain

15- We (not spend) much time together. don’t spend16- I’m really tired. I (not sleep) very well recently.

haven’t slept 17- I _______ (dream) of visiting China for many years.

have been dreaming

Q2: Give the meaning of underlined multi part verbs: - (You can choose the answer from given below in the table): -

1- Things are moving so fast – it’s impossible to keep up with the changes. know the latest information about

2- Supermarkets should cut down on packaging. reduce3- We’ve come up against serious problems in our plan

to recycle rubbish. meet / face4- I’m looking forward to the day when 100% of our

rubbish is recycled. wait with pleasure for something to happen

5- Scientists have just come up with a new way of reprocessing plastic. invent / discover / find

6- People living near the bus station put up with a lot of noise.accept / stand / tolerate (something unpleasant)

accept / stand / tolerate (something unpleasant)

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invent / discover / find know the latest information about meet / face reduce wait with pleasure for something to happen

Q3- There is a similar meaning for the underlined words below:- Select the answer from the below mentioned table:-

1- When he accused me of being wasteful, I got very angry.to see red

2- We’ve got to stop companies from polluting the environment.To put someone on the blacklist.

3- We should tell the public they have done something wrong.red tape

4- They’ve said yes to the building of a new incinerator. to give the green light

5- The rules clearly say that we must not leave rubbish outside Our homes. Look, it’s printed here….to be in black and white

6- It’s almost impossible to get a passport quickly. There is so much paperwork and administration. red tape

7- I heard this morning, unexpectedly, that I’d won a writing competition. out of the blue

1-out of the blue2-red tape 3-to be in black and white 4-to see red

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5-to give the green light6- To put someone on the blacklist.

Q4- In which sentences do the speakers express regret ? ◗ in which sentences do the speakers express criticism or annoyance? - I wish people would take the problem more seriously.- I wish we could recycle plastic more easily.- I wish every country had a system like that.- I wish I were in charge of our company.- I wish they wouldn’t do that.

Re-write the following sentences as example given below: -

1- The weather’s too hot at the moment.2- Ahmad wishes the weather wasn’t so hot .

Or : the weather was cool .

3- People drive too fast in the city Centre.

Hayat wishes the people wouldn’t drive that fast in the city center or : the people would drive slowly in the city center.

4- The streets are very dirtyI wish the streets wouldn’t be very dirty

5- My brother spends many hours talking on the phoneI wish my brother didn’t spend many hours talking on the phone

6- We don’t spend much time together.I wish we spent much time together.

7- I’m not old enough to go to university.I wish I was / were old enough to go to university.

8- Samar speaks really quickly.I wish she didn’t speak quickly . or: I wish she spoke slowly.

9- Rawan can’t speak French.I wish Rawan could speak French.

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10- You’re always losing things.I wish you weren’t always losing things.

11- We have to start work very early tomorrow morning.I wish we hadn’t to start work very early tomorrow morning.

12- Going to the theatre is expensive.I wish going to the theater wasn’t so expensive.

13- I can’t sing very well.I wish I could sing very well.

14- I didn’t have enough money . I wish I had had enough money . Or : I wish I did have enough money.

15- My friend won’t give me my CD back.I wish my friend would give me my CD back

16- I don’t have enough money I wish I did have or I had enough money

17- I can’t remember where I left the newspaper.I wish I could remember where I had left the newspaper

23- I’m really tired, but I can’t sleep at night.

I wish I wasn’t really tired , so I could sleep at night

24- I have no friends …. I wish I had friends or I wish I did have friends .

25- I had no friends, I wish I had had friends.

26 I don’t have friends , I wish I did have friends or I wish I had friends

27- I didn’t have friends …. I wish I had had friends.

Q5- Fill in the blank with suitable word/s: such as: - (To, in order to, so that, so as to, with the result that,

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(Lead to, the real cause of, in order not to , because)

1- Trees are usually cut down in order to / to / so as to make more agricultural land.

2- Some people move to greener areas in order to / to / so as to survive.

3- Environmentalists should use Awareness-raising campaigns in order to / to / so as to highlight the importance of recycling.

4- The Amazon rainforest has an important effect on the climate of the world because It covers such a large area.

5- Large areas of forest have been cut down; with the result that the soil is now dry and dusty.

6- Farmers need more land so that they can grow more soya beans.

7- Loggers cut down trees in order to / to / so as to sell the wood.

10 In the future, sea levels will rise because the polar ice is melting.

11 - People are cutting down forests in order to / to / so as to have more land for growing food.

12 Many people recycle their rubbish in order to / to / so as to use up the world’s resources.

13 Scientists are trying to produce new fuels so that people can continue to use their Cars without damaging the environment.

14 Some people are moving out of their homes on the coast in order to / to / so as to escape future floods.

15 We should stop burning coal and oil in order not to cause more global warming.

16 Scientists are worried about climate change because it is a threat to life on Earth

17 Drivers can easily fall asleep in tunnels because the view never changes – there is nothing to keep themawake. this can lead to accidents caused by vehicles driving into the sides.

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18 - Wildfires can lead to greater pressure on the Earth’s most precious resource: water.

18- Irish people emigrated because so many had died of Starvation.

20- smoking is the real cause of many diseases .

21- Environmentalists are working hard so that they could find

New ways of saving energy.

Q6- Fill in the blank with (for ,from, in ,of ,on, with)

1- Human beings are dependent on plants.2- While she was at the Eden Project one girl became

very interested in biology.3- I’ve never been keen on museums.4- The Eden Project is quite different from a normal

museum.5- On wet days the biomes are full of visitors

sheltering from the rain.6- Visiting the Eden Project makes you aware of the

importance of plants.7- The Eden Project is particularly famous for its huge

biomes.8- It’s expensive to get into the Eden Project, but we

were very satisfied with our visit.9- Cactuses depend on their thorns to protect them.10- The acacia tree is famous for being protected by

ants. This makes it different from most ordinary plants.

11- I’ve always been interested in plants and trees, but I’m not keen on insects.

12- My Encyclopedia of Nature is full of interesting facts about plants.

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Q7- Answer the following questions: -

(1) It can’t be an interesting place to work.(2) It must be an interesting place to work.

- You feel sure it is. (2) - You feel sure it isn’t. (1)

(3) The crowds might have spoiled it for me.(4) The crowds might spoil it for me.

- You think it is possible in the future.(4)- You think it was possible in the past.(3)

(5) Some people might have come from Africa.(6) Some people must have come from Africa.

- You think it was possible. (5)- You feel sure it was possible. (6)

- Rewrite the following sentence by using the word below :So that ,

I like to have good grades in Tawjihi Exam in order to join

university ( so that ) I like to have good grades in Tawjihi Exam so that I can



Q9- Complete these sentences about the city of Amman using the active or passive forms of the verbs in brackets. Verbs may be present or past.

Amman (located) locates in the north-west of Jordan and sits on 19 hills.

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Amman was formerly a part of the Nabataean Kingdom. It was the Nabataeans who (construct) constructed the incredible city of Petra.It has been the site of many ancient settlements until the current city was chosen (choose) by King Abdullah I as the capital of His new state in 1921.The city (remain) remained quite small until the 1950s.

Q10- choose the correct answer: -

1- They …………… their lunch already – they only started eating five minutes ago. a. Can’t have finished b. must have finished c. can’t

finish 2- Adam’s car lights were on all night.

a. He must have forgotten to switch the lights off b. He can’t have forgotten to switch the lights offc. He might have forgotten to switch the lights off

3- Saba lives in a big house and drives a grand car. she …………. very poor.(Can’t be, might be, must be)

4- Ali has drunk two liters of water. He ………………….. very thirsty.(Can’t have been, should have been, must have been)

5- In the sentence," he might be the manager", the speaker is ………………Sure that he is the manager,Sure that he isn’t the managerNot sure if he is the manager

6- Adam’s looking at the engine of his car. (It might be broken down, it can’t be broken down, it must be broken down)

7- Hala has a very good English accent.

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(She might live with an English family; she must live with English

8- Adam wants to be a teacher when he graduates from university because he’s very interested in Education(In, on, at, with)

9- Hayat didn’t phone me, she ……………… (Can’t forget, may have forgotten, must have forgotten)

10- It …………… easy designing and building bridges – they’re complicated structures(Must be, can’t be, can’t have been)

11- Saba said she would phone you, but she hasn’t. You are sure she has not forgotten.(She must have forgotten, she can’t have forgotten, she (mustn’t have forgotten)

12- Someone waves to you from a car. It looks like your friend’s father’s car. (It might be my father’s friend, it might have been my father’s friend, and it can’t be my father’s friend)

13- Your sister has worked very hard. You feel sure that she has got good grades in her exams.(She must have got good grades in her exam, she must get good grades in her exam, she might get good grades in her exam.)

14- You hear a car approaching, but you know it isn’t your uncle’s car because it doesn’t sound the same. (It can’t be uncle’s car, it might be my uncle’s car, it must be my uncle’s car)

15- A new building is going up in your neighborhood. You think it is probably a school. (They might construct a new school building, they must construct a new school building , they must have constructed a new school building )

16- If you want to improve your health, you should reduce the

amount of sugar and fat you eat. The underlined word means : (cut down on, put up with, invent)

17- My journey to work gets worse every day. I don’t think I can stand it for much longer.

The underlined word means :-

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(put up with , come up with ,come up against)

18- We have faced a serious problem yesterday .19- The underlined word means :-

(come up with , came up against , tolerate )

Q11- Fill in the blank with the suitable word as in the table below : -

black / blue / brown / green / red / white / yellow1- Is that a letter you’re reading?

Yes, it’s from an old friend. It came this morning – completely out of the blue

2- Have you heard? The government has given thegreen light to the building of a new airport.

3- I think it’s just a rumour. No, it’s in the newspaper. Look – it’s here in black and white Calm down.

4- Sorry– Charefah accused me of being lazy and I just saw red

Deteriorated/precious/ famine/principle/jury/cultivate/over graze/ exotic/ over cultivate

5- Every nation has a principle that shouldn’t be broken down.

6- Some farmers overgraze their land and this permanently kills off grass and other plants.

7- between 1820 and 1840 the economic situation in Ireland deteriorated and in 1845 the Potato famine began.

8- The most precious resource in whole world is water. 9- a group of people in court who decide whether

someone is guilty is called jury10- many thousands of exotic plants not found in


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11- farmers tend to over cultivate their land, with the result that the soil becomes poor and unproductive.

12- A jury is group of persons who are chosen to hear evidence and render a verdict in a court of law

misread / mishear /misbehaved /rewrite/redo /misuse / misunderstand/rebuilt / reorganize

1- I’m sorry, I mishear you. I thought you said you’d prefer tea.

2- I did my homework too quickly, so the teacher asked me to redo it.

3- As we have some new employees, we will have to reorganize our office.

4- If you misuse the equipment, it will not work properly.

5- I spilt tea on my homework, so I had to rewrite it.6- During the storm, three houses were destroyed and

had to be rebuilt7- The children were very good. None of them

misbehaved in any way.

— Q12 – fill in the blank the missing word as given below :-

Trunk / thorn /fraud/ temperate/ sustainable/ fake/ mean

8- Criminals use computer to commit old crimes like theft and fraud

9- The word mean is just opposite of the word generous 10- some of the ways plants stop animals from attacking

and eating them are sharp thorns and stings.

Ziad Yasin Abu Ghoush – English Tawjihi 3rd level ( 0796939361-0777571734) 20

Page 21: English Tawjihi 3rd Level Quiz by Teacher Ziad Yasin Abu Ghoush 0796939361

11- 4- Some people migrate only if they need to find food or for more temperate weather.

12- criminals may persuade people to pay for something worthless or to support a fake charity organizations .

13- Nearly all new paper is made from wood grown in sustainable forests.

1111211-— Q13 – correct the verb in brackets :-

14- My weekly earnings are twice as much as they were last year. (earn)

15- A huge destructive earthquake caused the of San Francisco in 1906. (destroy)

16- Two disastrous potato crops led to mass starvation in Ireland. (disaster)

17- The majority of the world’s migrants move to find a better life. (major)

18- The people of Tristan da Cunha left because of volcanic action (act)

19- The economic success of the 1960s and 1970s was funded by oil. (economy)

20- These workers were able to find a better life and help with the development of the region. (develop)

21- The Gulf of Aqaba is an area of great natural beauty. (nature)

22- Careless drivers can seriously threaten the safety of pedestrians. (threat)

23- In my city there is a wide variety of entertainments to choose from. (vary)

24- I’d like to live in a small peaceful village near the sea. (peace)

25- The storm damage is a lasting reminder of the power of nature. (remind)

26- I’ll never forget the excitement I felt on my first day at school. (excite) %15%

27- Many people believe that the worst crimes are murder and other violent acts. (violence)

28- There would be a chaotic situation in society if there were no legal systems.(chaos / law)

29- It can also be difficult to prosecute a computer criminal (success)

Ziad Yasin Abu Ghoush – English Tawjihi 3rd level ( 0796939361-0777571734) 21

Page 22: English Tawjihi 3rd Level Quiz by Teacher Ziad Yasin Abu Ghoush 0796939361

Successfully 30- He left court a free man because he had proved that

he was innocent . The jury said he was not guilty (innocence / not guilt).

31- The drugged man was talking chaotically ( chaotic)

Q14- in the following table below you’ll find some spelling mistakes correct them as per underlined words : -

T he economic situation in I reland deterior a ted and in 1845 the Potato fam i ne began

T he main food for most of the popula s ion . population During the next two years, 350,000 people died of starva s ion starvation and there was a huge increase in em i grat i on to America

S ome plants grow outside, but many are in specially-built domes, called ‘biom e s’ where the temp e rature and hum i dity are carefully controlled.

Q15 -

Read the information in the table below by using the appropriate linking words such as : - ( but , so ,and , in order to, so that …etc )

Ziad Yasin Abu Ghoush – English Tawjihi 3rd level ( 0796939361-0777571734) 22

Page 23: English Tawjihi 3rd Level Quiz by Teacher Ziad Yasin Abu Ghoush 0796939361

Modern technology : there are internet connections , mobiles , fast communication , easy to get information , save time .

Traditional technology : late results , wasting time , slow response ,Very difficult to enter act

Own writing :- ------------ I’m going to write about the modern and traditional technology , both are having advantages and disadvantages , in the modern technology we have an internet connections , mobiles and fast communication.So that it can be easy to get information in order to help us in many things too. The traditional technology has advantages but it’s disadvantages are more than the modern technology too.

Write in one of the following subjects : - (1) The population of your region is growing quickly and in a few years there will be a serious shortage of houses and apartments.

Write an essay describing how will you provide more houses and apartments , suggest some solutions to do so .

(2) Air pollution has become a big issue in the world , what do you need to reduce or prevent this problem ? (3) “ A friend in need is a friend indeed “ describe this statement by writing an E-mail to your friend inviting him to visit your country.

Ziad Yasin Abu Ghoush – English Tawjihi 3rd level ( 0796939361-0777571734) 23