english uas kelas vii gasal

ULANGAN AKHIR SEMESTER I TAHUN PELAJARAN 201112012 . SMP KABUPATEN WONOGIRI TEMBAR SOAL Mata Pelajaran Kelas Hari, Tanggal Waktu Bahasa lnggris Vll ( Tujuh ) Rabu, 7 Desember 2011 07.30 - 09.00 ( 90 menit ) PETUNJUKUMUM 1. Tulislah lebih dahulu nomor, nama, dan kelas Anda I 2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda menjawabnya ! 3. Laporkan kepada pengawas Ulangan Umum apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soalmeragukan ! 4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 45 atau 40 butir pilihan ganda, 5 butir soal uraian, dan semuanya harus dijawab ! 5. Dahulukan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah ! 6. Kerjakanlah pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia I 7. Apabila ada jawaban yangAnda anggap salah dan ingin memperbaikinya, coretlah dengan duagaris mendatar untuk jawaban yangAnda anggap salah, dan silanglah untuk jawaban yang benar ! Contoh : Jawaban semula d, diperbaiki menjadi b. 8. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas jika diperlukan ! 9. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu lainnya I 10. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ! PETUNJUKKHUSUS: l. For questions number 1 to 40, choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c or d on your answer sheet! The text is for questions 1 - 5. 23 De*mber 2077 Hi, Da,vi! rfw ze{' of Duember wi[I 6e my \trtftdq,. Wiff you cotne to my \irtftday party an tfu 28d' of Decembu at 4 p.m at my home? Nsvi 1. What is the kinds of the text above? The text above is .... a. Announcement b. Advertisement 2. What is the purpose of the text? a. To invite someone h. To greet someone c. To congratulate someone d. To announce something 3. When does Nevi's birthday? lt is December . a. 23t' b. zgh. c. lnvitation d. Condolence c. 4rrl d. 20,h a b c d X x

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Mata PelajaranKelasHari, Tanggal


Bahasa lnggrisVll ( Tujuh )

Rabu, 7 Desember 2011

07.30 - 09.00 ( 90 menit )

PETUNJUKUMUM1. Tulislah lebih dahulu nomor, nama, dan kelas Anda I

2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda menjawabnya !

3. Laporkan kepada pengawas Ulangan Umum apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlahsoalmeragukan !

4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 45 atau 40 butir pilihan ganda, 5 butir soal uraian, dan semuanya harus dijawab !

5. Dahulukan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah !

6. Kerjakanlah pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia I

7. Apabila ada jawaban yangAnda anggap salah dan ingin memperbaikinya, coretlah dengan duagaris mendataruntuk jawaban yangAnda anggap salah, dan silanglah untuk jawaban yang benar !

Contoh :

Jawaban semula d, diperbaiki menjadi b.

8. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas jika diperlukan !

9. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu lainnya I

10. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas !


l. For questions number 1 to 40, choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c or d on your answer sheet!

The text is for questions 1 - 5.

23 De*mber 2077

Hi, Da,vi!rfw ze{' of Duember wi[I 6e my \trtftdq,. Wiff you cotne to my \irtftdayparty an tfu 28d' of Decembu at 4 p.m at my home?


1. What is the kinds of the text above?The text above is ....a. Announcementb. Advertisement

2. What is the purpose of the text?a. To invite someoneh. To greet someonec. To congratulate someoned. To announce something

3. When does Nevi's birthday? lt is December .

a. 23t'b. zgh.

c. lnvitationd. Condolence

c. 4rrl

d. 20,h

a b c d

X x


4. When willthe PartY be held?a. Morningb. Afternoon

5. What does the word "you' refer to?a. Dewi's friendb. Dewi's sister

The text is for questions 6 - 10.

a. AriWibowob. Astudent

7. AriWibowo was born ...a. in Wonogirib. in 1999

a. sadb. bad

a,- Kitchenb. Bathroom

c. Nightd. Midnight

c. on jalan Sukosarid. in Jakarta

c. nlced. glad

FriendsMr. Broto and Mrs. Anik

. Hello friends. Mv name isAriWibswo, You can call meAri. I am a student of SMP 2 Wonogiri. I am in the first: V"o no*. J lir"'on ,laian Sukosari Wonogiri. I was.born.on the second of February 1P?9 i: i1l11iYy

parents are Mr. Broto and Mrs. Anik. They ire physicians. I am the only son in the family. I am happy to nfetyou. Thank you.

6. What is the text about?

11. This is a part of our house. Mother always uses this place for cooking rice and frying something. What is it?

c. Livingroomd. Garage

Look at the clock. What time is it?a. lt's a half past fourb. lt'sahalfpastfivec. lt's a quarter pastfived. lt's a quarter pastfour .

Which statement is true according to the watch?

a. lt's ten o'clockb. lt's twelve o'clockc. lt's a quarter Past twelved. lt's twelve to ten

14. The man/woman works in an hospital. He/she usually examines people's teeth. The suitable picture with the

sentences is ....




c. Dewid. Nevi





They are physicians. The underlinedword refers to....a. nriwibowp and his parents c. Mr. Broto and Mrs. Anik

b. Ariwibowo and Mr. Broto d. Ariwibowo and Mrs. Anik

They are physicians. What does the underlined word mean?

a. physicists c. Pedestriansb. botanists d. doctors

I am happv to meet you. The synonym of the underlined word is "'.



WHG/SMP -3- Blds.truGsffi,rs/vll/{ {

15. These fruits have yellow or green colours. We usually consume it for making juice ordrink. What are they?a.

b. d f"-r, -lI arJ,,f il II wL{


c. Cautiond. Announcem'ent

c. AfterNovemberl4hd. AfterNovemberl6h

16. 12:. 4 = 3. How to say this calculation?a. Twelve times fourequal threeb. Twelveplusfourequalthreec. Twelve minus fourequalthreed. Twelve divided by four equal to three

The text is for questions 17 - 27.

A singirig contest will be held on Desember 24tt',2011. Participants must sing two songs. Tfrey arelndonesian folksong and lndonesian pop song. The winner wjll get some cash and throphy. Anyoneinterested please register to Mrs. Retno. The registration will be closed on Novembe r 14h,2011.* Free registration




17. What is the text about?a. lnvitationb. lntroduction

a. Certificateb. Money

a. Participantb. Thewinner

Which of the statements is true according to the text?a. The participant must register after May 141h,2011.

b. The winner will get some money.c. The participants willget some cheques.d. The participant must pay for the registration fee.

When must we register the contest?a. Before November 14h

b. Before November 16h

20. The winner: will get some cash and trophy. The underltned word means .. ..

c. Door prized. Registration

21. "They are lndonesian folk song and ...." What does the word they refer to?c. "Some cash and trophyd. Twosongs

22. lt is an animal. lt is grey. lt is very big and strong. lt is mammal. lt has four legs. lt usually has two.tusks.What animal is it ? cM




The text is for questions 23 -25.

Mr.Yusuf gives a paper of shoppingshopping list.

-4- BHS.tNccRls^fll#*l



list to his son. He wants him to buy the things to:him. .Here is the

Shopping ListPencil- case 1

Note books - 4Correction pen 1

Pencils 3

Erasers 2

How many pencils does he buY ?

a. 1

b.2Where.rt'rust he go to buy the things on the list?

a. Grooeryb. Shoe store

25. He wants him to bgy the things for,him. The underlined word refers to ..'.a. his sonb. tvlr.Yusuf

''l:::1'' '

The text is for questions 26 - 27.

To: Rehan

I nded a pair of sport shoes for the P.E. class tomorrow morning. Please return my,'shoes this evenjng.

lwn *i$i

Why does the writer send the message?a. To ask the reader to return his shoesb. To ask the reader t6dxlme to his housec. To make the reader understand about his'scheduted. To tell the reader that he has a P.E. class tomorrow

Please return my shoes. What does the underlined word mean?

a. Let something droPb. Give something backc. Make something betterd. Send something home .

The text is for questions 28 - 31.


c. Drugstored. Book store

c. Mr.Yusufs sond. someone




28. What kind of texts is it?a. A birthday cardb. A get well card

Where does she live? She lives at.."a, Jln Bimo no.11 Wonokarto, Wonogirib. Jln Bimo no.12 Wonokarto; Wohogiric. Jln Birno no.13 Wonokarto, Wonogirid. Jln Bimo no.14 Wonokarto, Wonogiri

A greeting cardAn identity card ,#,

. 1..

NamePlace/Date of birthReligionAd(resFlavourite hobby

TiaraWonogiri,MoslemJln. BirnoSinging

November 28,1998

no. 12 Wonokarto, Wonogiri



When was she born?a. Eight of November nineteen ninety eightb. Eighteen of November nineteen ninety eightc. Twenty eight of November nineteen ninety eightd. Twenty eight of November ninety ninety eight

The antonym of the word hobbvis....a. likeb. agree

The text is for questions 32 - 33.

Bf"BS. I E{S G${lSrul l/lf {






What does Echa do every Mopday?a. EnglishConversation,b. Computer : '

When does Echa practtce scouting?a. On Mondayb. On Tuesday

the * please - white board - clean - !

c. interestd. hate

Mrisic- ..-:-Iable lennrs

c On Fridayd.. On Saturday

c. 2-4- 1 -3-5d. 4-2:1-3-5

c. 3-5-4-1-2-6-?d. 3*5-4-6-5-1-?


c. a doctord. , a housewife



a. 2*1-3-4-5b. 2-1-4-3-5


The text is for questions 36 - 37.

This is Mr. Manto's family. Mr. Manto is an English teacher of SMP Panca Bakti. He goes to work everyday.Mrs. Marta is Mr. Manto's wife. She is a housewife. She doesn't go to work. She takes care of daily needs in

the house everyday.Mr. Manto has three children. They are Adi, Adelia, and Arum. Adi is a doctor in a public hospital in Surakarta.Adelia is a Biology teacher in SMP PGRI. Arum is a student of Senior High School.

36. How many children does Mr. Manto have?

35. her - skirt - does - wear - Shinta - ied - ?1234s6

. a. 3-1-4-2-6-5-?b. 3-5- 4-1 -6-2-?

a. 1

b.237. What is Mrs. Manto? She is ....

a. ateacherb. a student

38. a, isb. am

The text is for questions 38 - 40.

My brother, Mury lives in Solo. He works for a Japanese company. He /38) a marketing manager. His

company makes (39) machines such as tractors.His wife, Susana is a nurse in local clinic. She helps old people. Sometimes she 40 them in their



Time Schedule of Echa's Activity

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

- English Conversation - Music - Computer

- Scouting' TableTennis


p -6- BHS.tNGCRtS/l&U{{

39, a. cheqp lb. expensive

40. a.' visitingb. visited

tl, Essay! '




visit :


Arrange the jumbted words below into ttre correct sentences! (tor number 1 - 3) ):

1. her-for-!- beinq -apologi?e:to- hte'


1 2 3,4 567wateJ : at - f towers - don! - tlre I'gfuq :'forget r !Q-''

12345678' ':

the schoolyard - are - Those - football - plrying - ih - students1234567 .: ,,"'Fitl

in tdi blanks'with:the coriect pronouns! :

Gilangsn6Harisarefriends....(a)arestudentsofsMP,BungaBangsi';Aoth"'btr:,. (b)are-elasqrhatesinthefirst year: They go to schobl on foot because .:i 1c) frouses are near froin the:qehool. Gilang's hobby isvotleybail,'so . lcil pins the volley 6attcttrbrthat is held in the school. Haris joins English Conli6rsation Olub.He wants to be an English teacher likes his uncle. . r ..: ' ' ,., ,

Write a'short description based on this identity card at least 10 sentences!

NamePlace/Dateof'birthAddressHeightWeightHobbySchoolTelephon number

: Medha Ma'harani: Wonogiri, Novembei28,1998 :

: Jl. Urip Sumoharjo 11 Jebres Solo.: 146cm: 39kg: Singing, sport and gardening: SMP N lsurakarta: 085867476000

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