english vocab

Word: NOXIOUS (adj) Meaning harmful or very unpleasant Root of the word NOC/NIC/NEC/NOX = harm Synonyms toxic, poisonous, deadly, lethal, venomous, injurious, deleterious Antonyms innocuous, safe, pleasant Usage The discharge of noxious effluents into the atmosphere has a detrimental effect on human health. English Vocab 5/22/2015 http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=513 1 / 88

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  • Word: NOXIOUS (adj)

    Meaning harmful or very unpleasant

    Root of the word NOC/NIC/NEC/NOX = harm

    Synonyms toxic, poisonous, deadly, lethal, venomous, injurious, deleterious

    Antonyms innocuous, safe, pleasant

    Usage The discharge of noxious effluents into the atmosphere has a detrimental effect on human health.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=513 1 / 88

  • Word: NEGATE (verb)

    Meaning cancel out, deny

    Root of theword neg = not, deny

    Synonyms counteract, undo, reverse, contradict, wipe out, -ify, disprove, make invalid

    Antonyms vindicate

    Usage The opposition feels that its stand has been vindicated while the ruling partys stance standsnegated.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=59 2 / 88

  • Word: NARCISSIST (noun)

    Meaning self admiring person

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms self-obsessed, conceited

    Antonyms modest

    Usage The super star has become a narcissist a victim of his own past glory.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=334 3 / 88

  • Word: LUSTROUS (adj)

    Meaning shiny

    Root of the word lus = light, shine

    Synonyms glossy, gleaming, radiant, shimmering, glistening

    Antonyms dull

    Usage Her lustrous hair has been her crowning glory.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=297 4 / 88

  • Word: LUNATIC (noun)

    Meaning outrageous

    Root of the word luna = moon

    Synonyms an insane person

    Antonyms sane person

    Usage The lunatic troubled everyone in the locality.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=299 5 / 88

  • Word: LUGUBRIOUS (adj)

    Meaning sad and dismal

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms mournful, gloomy, sad, doleful

    Antonyms cheerful, joyful

    Usage A lugubrious atmosphere prevailed over the city following the leaders assassination.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=646 6 / 88

  • Word: LUDICROUS (adj)

    Meaning absurd, ridiculous

    Root of the word lud/lus = play

    Synonyms comical, foolish, stupid, farcical, nonsensical, preposterous

    Antonyms sensible

    Usage The drama was absolutely ludicrous.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=298 7 / 88

  • Word: LUCID (adj)

    Meaning clear, sane, articulate

    Root of the word luc/lum/lus = light, shine

    Synonyms cogent, coherent, logical, reasoned, simple, plain

    Antonyms complicated

    Usage Since the explanation was absolutely lucid I think no one has any question to ask.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LOTUS-EATERS (noun)

    Meaning day dreamer

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms fantasizer, romantic

    Antonyms practical, pragmatic

    Usage These unemployed youth seem to have become lotus-eaters.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LOQUACIOUS (adj)

    Meaning wordy

    Root of the word locu/loqu/logue/logy/lix = speak, speech

    Synonyms talkative, garrulous, rambling, long-winded, effusive

    Antonyms taciturn

    Usage The loquacious speaker kept on talking for three hours.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LOCALE (noun)

    Meaning the scene of an event

    Root of the word loca = place

    Synonyms backdrop

    Antonyms -

    Usage The locale did not get the approval of the Director of the movie.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=295 11 / 88

  • Word: LITERATE (adj)

    Meaning able to read and write

    Root of the word LITERA = letter

    Synonyms cultured, erudite, learned, literary, knowledgeable

    Antonyms illiterate, unlettered

    Usage Kerala has the maximum number of literates in India.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=599 12 / 88

  • Word: LITERAL (adj)

    Meaning taking words in their usual or primary sense without metaphor or allegory

    Root of the word litera = letter

    Synonyms honest, accurate, exact, unembroidered, unembellished, plain

    Antonyms figurative

    Usage Literal translations may sound very bland.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LINGUA FRANCA (noun)

    Meaning dialect, a common language used among people whose native languages are different

    Root of the word LING/LINGU = tongue

    Synonyms lingo, language, dialect, argot

    Antonyms -

    Usage People from different parts of India find it easy to get on in Mumbai as the lingua franca is Hindi.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LIBERTINE (noun)

    Meaning a person who lives an irresponsible life

    Root of the word LIBER = free

    Synonyms debauchee, profligate, lecher

    Antonyms puritan

    Usage The libertine led a life of idleness and dissipation and eventually died penniless.

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    Meaning a person who lives an irresponsible and immoral life

    Root of the word liber = free

    Synonyms reprobate, debauchee, hedonist

    Antonyms puritan

    Usage The libertine did not mend his ways despite being threatened with dire consequences.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LIBERATE (verb)

    Meaning set free; free from conventional ideas about behaviour.

    Root of the word LIBER = free

    Synonyms unshackle, unfetter, free

    Antonyms confine, fetter

    Usage The woman of today is more liberated when compared to her ancient counterpart.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LIBERAL (adj)

    Meaning open-minded, generous

    Root of the word LIBER = free

    Synonyms tolerant, broadminded, moderate, freethinking, laissez-faire, noninterventionist

    Antonyms narrow-minded, insular, parochial conservative

    Usage A liberal pay package alone may not enhance productivity.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LEXICON (noun)

    Meaning dictionary

    Root of the word leg/lec/lex = read, speak

    Synonyms glossary, word list

    Antonyms -

    Usage You may find colloquial words in the lexicon.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LEVITY (noun)

    Meaning lack of serious thought; light-heartedness

    Root of the word lev = raise, lift, make light

    Synonyms humour, cheerfulness, jokiness, flippancy

    Antonyms gravity

    Usage Such levity in religious matters may not endear you to many.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LEVITATE (verb)

    Meaning rise and float in the air

    Root of the word lev = raise, lift, make light

    Synonyms -

    Antonyms -

    Usage The magicians assistant appeared to levitate in the air under the spell of hypnosis.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LEGITIMATE (adj)

    Meaning related to being lawful or legal

    Root of the word leg = law, contract

    Synonyms lawful, reasonable

    Antonyms unlawful, unreasonable

    Usage It is absolutely legitimate for the courts to deal firmly with terrorists.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LEGIBLE (adj)

    Meaning readable

    Root of the word leg/lec/lex = read, speak

    Synonyms intelligible, understandable, decipherable, comprehensible, clear

    Antonyms illegible

    Usage Jonas writing is barely legible.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LAPSE (noun & verb)

    Meaning a slight error; become void or no longer valid

    Root of the word LAPS = slip

    Synonyms slip, momentary failure, come to an end, gap

    Antonyms improve, strengthen

    Usage Even momentary lapse in concentration on busy roads could prove hazardous.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LAMPOONED (verb)

    Meaning ridiculed

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms satirized, mocked

    Antonyms -

    Usage The press lampooned the ruling party for not bringing in any reform in their education policy.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LACONIC (adj)

    Meaning using very few words

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms brief, concise, terse, incisive, compendious

    Antonyms verbose, long-winded

    Usage His style of writing though crisp and laconic is easy to comprehend.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: LABORIOUS (adj)

    Meaning difficult, arduous

    Root of the word labor = work

    Synonyms protracted, lengthy, backbreaking, painstaking

    Antonyms easy, simple

    Usage The manager tried to cover up the teams performance with rather laborious arguments.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: JUSTIFICATION (noun)

    Meaning good reason, rationale

    Root of the word JUR/JUS = law, right

    Synonyms validation, rationalization, excuse, explanation

    Antonyms -

    Usage Many people feel that there is no justification for capital punishment to be awarded to anyone.

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  • Word: JURISDICTION (noun)

    Meaning the authority to administer justice or exercise power, authority, field

    Root of the word jur/jus = law, right

    Synonyms -

    Antonyms -

    Usage The policeman refused to file the complaint as the crime did not take place in his jurisdiction.

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  • Word: JUNCTURE (noun)

    Meaning point in time; a convergence of events

    Root of the word junct/jug = join

    Synonyms stage, moment, occasion

    Antonyms -

    Usage The unfaithful husband left his wife at a critical juncture.

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  • Word: JUNCTURE (noun)

    Meaning a particular point or stage in an activity

    Root of the word JUNCT = join

    Synonyms point, point in time, time, moment, stage, period, phase

    Antonyms -

    Usage There is no point in advising her at this juncture.

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  • Word: JUNCTION (noun)

    Meaning a join; connection; crossroads

    Root of the word JUNCT/JUG = join

    Synonyms intersection, link, joint, seam

    Antonyms -

    Usage Every cross road in Delhi has become an important junction.

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  • Word: JUDICIOUS (adj)

    Meaning sensible

    Root of the word jud = judge

    Synonyms prudent

    Antonyms rash, injudicious

    Usage The doctor told the diabetic that he must be more judicious in his food habits.

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  • Word: JOCOSE (adj)

    Meaning playful or humorous

    Root of the word jocus = joke

    Synonyms jocular, cheerful

    Antonyms sad, serious

    Usage His jocose attitude lightened our mood.

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  • Word: JETTISON (verb)

    Meaning throw overboard

    Root of the word ject, jet = to throw, to throw

    Synonyms get rid of, throw away, chuck out, discard, ditch, abandon

    Antonyms load, accept

    Usage The entire cargo had to be jettisoned as all but one of the engines had developed a snag.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: ITINERANT (noun & adj)

    Meaning travelling

    Root of the word IT/ITER = between, among

    Synonyms wandering, roving, roaming, nomadic, peripatetic

    Antonyms sedentary, settled

    Usage The itinerant nature of a sales job appeals to some but may be disliked by many.

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  • Word: IRASCIBLE (adj)

    Meaning bad tempered

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms irritable, short-tempered, dyspeptic, cantankerous

    Antonyms -

    Usage Socrates had a shrewish wife who was known for her irascible nature.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=664 37 / 88

  • Word: INVOKE (verb)

    Meaning appeal to, evoke, bring into play

    Root of the word VOC/VOCA/VOK/VOW = call, word

    Synonyms call up, pray to, raise, cite

    Antonyms -

    Usage He tried to invoke the blessings of God before his exams.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=369 38 / 88

  • Word: INVINCIBLE (adj)

    Meaning unbeatable

    Root of the word VICT/VINC/VANO = conquer

    Synonyms unshakable, unassailable, unconquerable, indomitable, insuperable, impregnable, indestructible

    Antonyms vulnerable, conquerable

    Usage The Juventus Club seems to be invincible.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: INVESTITURE (noun)

    Meaning installation

    Root of the word VEST = clothing

    Synonyms inauguration

    Antonyms divestiture

    Usage I attended the Presidents investiture ceremony.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=384 40 / 88

  • Word: INURE (verb)

    Meaning to make someone or something get used to something unpleasant so that they are no longer stronglyaffected by it.Root of theword -

    Synonyms harden, toughen, seasoned, habituate, familiarize

    Antonyms sensitize

    Usage He became inured to his wifes persistent nagging.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=637 41 / 88

  • Word: INUNDATE (verb)

    Meaning flood

    Root of the word unda = wave

    Synonyms swamp, overwhelm, deluge, engulf, submerge

    Antonyms dessicate, parch, scorch

    Usage The flooded river inundated several villages.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=262 42 / 88

  • Word: INTREPID (adj)

    Meaning extremely, brave

    Root of theword TREP/TREM = shake, fear

    Synonyms heroic, bold, brave, courageous, daring, gallant, valiant

    Antonyms timorous, timid

    Usage The intrepid traveller went ahead with his journey despite the many obstacles which he had toencounter.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=571 43 / 88

  • Word: INTRACTABLE (adj)

    Meaning stubborn, difficult

    Root of theword tract = draw, pull

    Synonyms inflexible, obdurate, obstinate, pig-headed, wilful

    Antonyms easygoing

    Usage The intractable child refused to say sorry even after being caught red handed while cheating in theexaminations.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=125 44 / 88

  • Word: INTIMIDATE (verb)

    Meaning threaten

    Root of the word tim = fear

    Synonyms bully, frighten, coerce, terrorize, overawe, daunt

    Antonyms encourage

    Usage The local bully tried to intimidate the small town residents.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

    http://www.time4education.com/English_Details.asp?sno=252 45 / 88

  • Word: INTERVENED (verb)

    Meaning interfere, occur

    Root of the word VEN/VENT/VENI = come

    Synonyms mediate, arbitrate, intercede, get involved, intrude, happen

    Antonyms keep away

    Usage The situation would have been worse if the elders had not intervened.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: INTERREGNUM (noun)

    Meaning rebellion

    Root of theword reg/rec = related to a king, rule

    Synonyms mutiny, rebellion, uprising, rising, revolt

    Antonyms -

    Usage During the interregnum when the old king died and the crown prince was coronated, the Prime Ministertook charge of the affairs of the state.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: INTERPOLATE (verb)

    Meaning to add something to a piece of writing

    Root of the word INTER = between, among

    Synonyms insert, interpose, introduce, implant, add, incorporate

    Antonyms -

    Usage We do not know whether the lines are original or interpolated at a later date.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: INTERN (verb)

    Meaning imprison

    Root of the word INTER, IT, ITER = between, among

    Synonyms detain, hold, confine

    Antonyms release

    Usage The dictator got the rebels interned without any trial.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: INTERMITTENT (adj)

    Meaning irregular

    Root of the word INTER, IT, ITER = between, among

    Synonyms discontinuous, blinking, flashing, sporadic, broken, alternating

    Antonyms constant

    Usage The intermittent rain hindered relief operations.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: INTERMINABLE (adj)

    Meaning endless

    Root of theword term = end

    Synonyms ceaseless, everlasting, incessant, perpetual, never-ending

    Antonyms finite

    Usage These days we have to endure many seemingly interminable commercials to watch a movie onT.V.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: INTERJECT (verb)

    Meaning butt in

    Root of the word INTER, IT, ITER = between, among

    Synonyms throw in, exclaim, interpolate, speak, interpose, cut in

    Antonyms -

    Usage He thought of interjecting before the problem took a serious turn.

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  • Word: INTERIM (adj)

    Meaning temporary

    Root of the word INTER, IT, ITER = between, among

    Synonyms provisional, intervening, pro tem, acting

    Antonyms permanent

    Usage Interim relief, in the form of festival advance, was sanctioned for all central government employees.

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  • Word: INTERIM (adj & noun)

    Meaning temporary

    Root of the word INTER, IT, ITER = between, among

    Synonyms provisional, intervening, pro tem, acting

    Antonyms permanent

    Usage An interim committee was appointed to conduct a probe into the scam.

    English Vocab 5/22/2015

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  • Word: INSURRECTION (noun)

    Meaning a violent uprising against authority

    Root of the word SURG/SURRECT = rise

    Synonyms uprising, rebellion

    Antonyms content

    Usage The insurrection was quelled before it took a serious turn.

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  • Word: INSURMOUNTABLE (adj)

    Meaning insuperable

    Root of the word super/sur = above

    Synonyms insoluble, impossible, intractable, undefeatable, overwhelming

    Antonyms easy

    Usage Most of the problems we consider insurmountable can be solved with a bit of determination.

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  • Word: INSURGENT (adj & noun)

    Meaning rebellious, rebel

    Root of the word surg/surrect = rise

    Synonyms uprising, dissatisfied, insurrectionary

    Antonyms loyal

    Usage The armed insurgents attacked the police station.

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  • Word: INSOUCIANT (adj)

    Meaning lacking concern

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms untroubled, blas, heedless, nonchalant

    Antonyms anxious, concerned

    Usage The aged parents were hurt by their sons insouciant attitude towards their problems.

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  • Word: INSOMNIA (noun)

    Meaning the condition of being unable to sleep

    Root of the word SOMN/SOP = sleep

    Synonyms wakefulness, restlessness

    Antonyms -

    Usage Stress is one of the principal causes of insomnia.

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  • Word: INSINUATE (verb)

    Meaning imply

    Root of the word sin = curve

    Synonyms suggest, hint, indicate, intimate

    Antonyms -

    Usage He insinuated that she tends to be very snobbish.

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  • Word: INSIDIOUS (adj)

    Meaning sinister

    Root of the word sed/sid/sess = sit, settle

    Synonyms menacing, subtle, dangerous

    Antonyms beneficial

    Usage The insidious effects of terrorism can be felt in every corner of the globe now.

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  • Word: INSIDIOUS (adj)

    Meaning proceeding in a gradual and harmful way

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms stealthy, subtle, surreptitious, sneaking, crafty

    Antonyms straightforward

    Usage The insidious effects of smoking eventually prove detrimental to ones health.

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  • Word: INSCRUTABLE (adj)

    Meaning impossible to understand or interpret

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms enigmatic. mysterious, inexpressive

    Antonyms expressive

    Usage The ways of destiny are inscrutable to man.

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  • Word: INSATIABLE (adj)

    Meaning voracious

    Root of the word sat/satis = enough, satiate, saturate

    Synonyms unquenchable, avid, ravenous, greedy, unappeasable

    Antonyms quenchable

    Usage His insatiable appetite for money has made him rather ruthless.

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  • Word: INQUISITIVE (adj)

    Meaning eagerly seeking knowledge, prying

    Root of the word QUER/QUES/QUIS/QUIRE = question

    Synonyms questioning, inquiring, interested, nosy, probing, intrusive

    Antonyms disinterested

    Usage Children usually have an inquisitive bent of mind.

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  • Word: INQUEST (noun)

    Meaning an official investigation to find out the cause of somebodys death especially when it has nothappened naturallyRoot of theword QUER/QUES/QUIS/QUIRE = question

    Synonyms inquiry, examination, inquisition, post-mortem

    Antonyms -

    Usage An inquest was held to discover the cause of the officials mysterious death.

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  • Word: INNATE (adj)

    Meaning inborn, natural

    Root of the word NAT/NAS/NATE = born

    Synonyms natural, native, instinctive, intrinsic, inherent

    Antonyms acquired

    Usage Ones innate abilities vary from person to person.

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  • Word: INHIBIT (verb)

    Meaning slow down, stop

    Root of the word habit/hibit = have, hold

    Synonyms restrain, reduce, stall, hinder, hamper

    Antonyms encourage

    Usage Jane is rather inhibited after her injury.

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  • Word: INGRATIATE (verb)

    Meaning to make acceptable by conscious effort

    Root of the word grat = please, favour

    Synonyms charm, win, captivate

    Antonyms repel, disgust, repulse

    Usage He is trying hard to ingratiate himself to his boss.

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  • Word: INGRATE (noun & adj)

    Meaning an ungrateful person. Gratis: free

    Root of the word grat = please, favour

    Synonyms ungrateful, unthankful, unappreciative

    Antonyms grateful, obliged

    Usage The ingrate son sneered at the idea of looking after his ailing parents.

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  • Word: INGENIIOUS (adj)

    Meaning very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas

    Root of the word GEN = birth, class, kin

    Synonyms inventive, creative, imaginative, original, clever, innovative, resourceful, gifted, enterprising

    Antonyms unimaginative

    Usage Children are ingenious when it comes to getting their own ways.

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  • Word: INFUSION (noun)

    Meaning pouring

    Root of the word fus = pour

    Synonyms introduction, instillation, implantation

    Antonyms removal, abrogation

    Usage Infusion of new talent is the need of the hour.

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  • Word: INFALLIBLE (adj)

    Meaning incapable of making mistakes or being wrong

    Root of the word FAL/FALS = deceive

    Synonyms foolproof, watertight, reliable, surefire, flawless, dependable, fail-safe

    Antonyms fallible, erring, imperfect

    Usage All humans are prone to err, no man is infallible.

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  • Word: INEPTITUDE (noun)

    Meaning the quality or the state of being incompetent

    Root of the word APT/EPT/APPRO = correct, fit, skill, ability

    Synonyms unskilled, clumsy, all thumbs

    Antonyms skilful, talented

    Usage Arrogance and ineptitude led to the teams miserable performance.

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  • Word: INDUBITABLE (adj)

    Meaning impossible to doubt

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms unquestionable, undoubtable, undeniable, irrefutable, sure, certain

    Antonyms doubtful

    Usage It is an indubitable fact that no nation in the world can afford to extol terrorism.

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  • Word: INCURSION (noun)

    Meaning sudden attack

    Root of the word CUR, COUR, CURS = run

    Synonyms raid, sortie into, sally against

    Antonyms retreat

    Usage The army was ready to face the likely incursion of the enemy.

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  • Word: INCRIMINATE (adj)

    Meaning indicate as involved in wrong doing

    Root of the word CRIM/CRIT = judge, accuse, separate, criminal, incriminate, discriminate, criterion, critical, critic

    Synonyms implicate, give away, convict, cause to look guilty

    Antonyms exculpate

    Usage There is incriminating evidence that the defendant had lied under oath.

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    Meaning not able to be denied

    Root of the word contra = against

    Synonyms indisputable, indubitable

    Antonyms debatable, controversial

    Usage Please do not call him a criminal until you have incontrovertible evidence against him.

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  • Word: INCOGNITO (adj & adv)

    Meaning in disguise

    Root of the word cogn = know

    Synonyms secretly, undercover, anonymously

    Antonyms openly

    Usage The prince roamed in his kingdom incognito to know the welfare of his subjects.

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  • Word: INCLINATION (noun)

    Meaning leaning, slope

    Root of the word clin/cliv = slope, lean

    Synonyms disposition, tendency, bent, bias, affection, attachment, wish, desire, liking, fancy, allurement, h

    Antonyms unconcern, indifference, neutrality, nonchalance, apathy, insouciance, heedlessness

    Usage Unlike his brother who was a gregarious person, Robert was a loner by nature and by inclination.

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  • Word: INCESSANT (adj)

    Meaning never stopping

    Root of the word CEDE/CESS = yield, to go

    Synonyms relentless, continual, never-ending, unremitting, ceaseless, constant, persistent

    Antonyms intermittent, occasional

    Usage The picnic had to be cancelled with the incessant rainplaying spoilsport.

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  • Word: IMPULSIVE (adj)

    Meaning acting or done without thinking ahead

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms impetuously, rash, reckless, incautious

    Antonyms cautious

    Usage He is usually very circumspect and avoids taking impulsive decisions.

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  • Word: IMPETUOUS (adj)

    Meaning acting or doing quickly and without thought

    Root of the word PET/ PETIT = seek, go toward

    Synonyms impulsion, motion, thrust, drive, movement

    Antonyms cautious, considered

    Usage Avoid taking impetuous decisions lest you should repent later.

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  • Word: IMPECUNIIOUS (adj)

    Meaning having little or no money

    Root of the word PEC = money

    Synonyms indigent, destitute, penniless, needy, poor, impoverished

    Antonyms well off, wealthy

    Usage The minister promised financial assistance to the impecunious peasant families.

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  • Word: IMPECCABLE (adj)

    Meaning without faults or mistakes

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms flawless, faultless, unblemished, spotless, stainless

    Antonyms imperfect, sinful

    Usage His impeccable character was worthy of emulation.

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  • Word: ILLITERATE (adj)

    Meaning uneducated

    Root of the word LITERA = letter

    Synonyms uninformed, ignorant, untaught, not conversant, uneducated

    Antonyms literate

    Usage The growing number of illiterates is a serious cause for concern.

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  • Word: ILLEGIBLE (adj)

    Meaning unreadable

    Root of the word lect, leg, lex = read, speak

    Synonyms scribbled, scrawled, indecipherable

    Antonyms legible

    Usage Please give me a printout as your writing is absolutely illegible.

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  • Word: IGNOMINY (noun)

    Meaning public disgrace

    Root of the word -

    Synonyms shame, humiliation, disgrace, stigma

    Antonyms honour

    Usage The ignominy of being defeated by his arch rival was difficult for him to endure.

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