englisih edition official gazette · upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to: .\.nd whereas bv our...

:.-.,., ... ,;;_;~f i ff EngliSih Edition Official Gazette of the Protectorate of 5outh West flf rica in Military Occupation of the Union Forces Published by Authority Price 3d. Windhuk., 13th January 1916. No. 6 Th e following HovaJ Proclamalions relating lo Tt;1. ding with the .. Ene111y :irt · published fo1· general infonuation in the Protcdo1atc. BY THE Kl?\G. A Proclamation HELAT I .'.\'G TO TR.-\DIK(; WITH THE E\'EJIY. (;EORGE H. I. WHEHEAS it is desirable to amend Our Pro- damalion of the 9th Sc ptmnher, 1914, called ,,Trading with the Enemy Proclama t ion, No. 2"; . Xow , therefore. We 'ha;re thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Privv (A:>m1cil. lo issue this Our Boy~l Proclama tion de clar in g and it is hereby de- clared as foll ows: l. Parag 1·aph 5, headin,g (vi), or the Trading with lite Enemy Prod:11nation, No. 2, is h ereby re\ ·oked >.1..:.1 d in lieu thereof the following he~1ding sh.111 be ~\ serted in the said paragraph S as fl'Om the d,1te her e of: · .. not to make or cnlcr into n.nY new marine. °iife, fire, or other poliey or co;1lracl of insur~ ancc ,_including r c-ins1m mce; with or i'or the hene fil of an enemy ; nor to accept, or gi,·c cfkct to ~my ins uran ce of, any risk arising under any policy or c ontraet of ill$Ur.mce : including rc-insnnmce 1 made entered iuto ,Yith or fm- the bene fit of an enemy befor e t he ou tbreak of wa ; ;u1d in particular as regards treaties or contra cts of re-insurance cur rent at the outbreak of wac to which an enemy is a party or in which an enemy is interested, not" Lo rcrl~ to th e {'ne my or lo accept f; ·om the enemy under an y such treaty or cu n irnct :m\ risk arising under any , μoii cy 0 1.· contract· of insurance incl ud ing r ,' -insu ra.nc.c) made or entered into after the o utbreak of wa,·, or any s hnrc in any suc h risk.'· 2. (i'_ The expression ,, Order in Coundl made an d . p.1 b!i shed on the recommciulnt ion of a S0c1·etary of Sla t e" in parngrap!J 5, he adin g <x\ of the Trad ing with lhc Enemy Prodanrn.lion, 1\n. 2, shall. as 1·e.gar d.s 1 :er ~o ns resident can -y i ng ·on business or being in Our Domini-ans b eyond the st>:1s ,. he taken lo me an an 01·<lcr· of the Governo1·-i11-Council pnbfo;l1ecl in the Official G.1zctle. .H; The exp1·ession ,,Governor -in -Council' · in this paragraph means as respects Canada the Gove.rnor- General -Of Cmrnd,1 in ·-CoLmeil, as respects India the Govcr11or-Gen0 ral of India in ' Council, as respects Au.strati.a th e Go,·crnor-Gener · al o Au s tralia in Coun- ciL as rcspcds Xe,,· Zealand the Govcmor of New Ze.al.ancl in C ou ncil. as respects the Union of ~outn Africa lhe Govern-0r-Gencral of the Union of Sonth Mrica in Council, as respects Newfoundlan<l the Governor of Xewfoundl.and in Council , andl as respects any other British possession the Governor of that possession in Council. 3. The power to grant licences on Our behalf rnsted by parag-ra.ph 8 of the Trading with the Enemy Proclamation . No. 2, in a Secretary of State may be exerci sed in C::uinda, India , Australia, and the Union of South Afri ca by the Governor-Gener al , and in any British posses-, fon not included within th e limits of Canada, lndia . :\u.slrali:i, or Sonlh Africa hy the GoYernor. 4. In thi s Proclama tion the expr ess ion ,,Governo!'- Cencral " includes any person who for lhc time being bas thr powers ot the Govern or -General, and the exprc-'ision ,,(~m·ernor" inch1(les th e officer for the time b eing ad minis terin g the Gove.rn1ncnt. ;). Not.withstanding an y thing contained in μ arn - g-raph 6 iOf the Ttading wi th the E nemy Pro clamation , Xo. 2, wh ere an enemy has a branch locally situated in Briti sh. ,\lli cd. 01· .\'culral L errilm:,' , ,vhkh carri es on the bu s iness ur insurance or t·c-in;;m' ancc of ,vhJt- eYvr rn1lme., t raw, acliflns ]) y or wi th such branch in respect - of th e husiness of ·in.s :tn'i mce or re-insuran<'e shall be c ..<rnsi d C' rcd as transacli -0ns h :v or with an enemy. G. T hi s Our Roy:ll Prndnmation shall be read as one ,Yith t he T radi 11g wit h the Enemy Proclain.1tion,. Nu. 2. Civell :1:. OuT Court at B uckingha m -Pnlnce, thi s Eighth d ay of Octo b er, in th e yea.r of Our Lord One thou sand Xine lrnndrc,d a nd Foi.u·teen. and in the Fifth Yc1u- -of Our Reign. · GOD SA VE THE KING.

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Page 1: EngliSih Edition Official Gazette · upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to: .\.nd whereas bv Our Proclamation dale.d the 8th da_y ·of October, fol L the Trnding with the Enemy Proclamation

:.-.,., ~ ... ,;;_;~f i


EngliSih Edition

Official Gazette of the

Protectorate of 5outh West flf rica in Military Occupation of the Union Forces

Published by Authority

Price 3d. Windhuk., 13th January 1916. No. 6

The following HovaJ Proclamalions relating lo Tt;1.ding with the .. Ene111y :irt· published fo1· general infonuation in the Protcdo1atc.

BY THE Kl?\G. A Proclamation



WHEHEAS it is desirable to amend Our Pro­damalion of the 9th Scptmnher, 1914, called ,,Trading with the Enemy Proclamation, No. 2";

. Xow, therefore. We 'ha;re thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Privv (A:>m1cil. lo issue this Our Boy~l Proclamation declaring and it is hereby de­clared as follows:

l. Parag1·aph 5, headin,g (vi), or the Trading with lite Enemy Prod:11nation, No. 2, is h ereby re\·oked

>.1..:.1d in lieu thereof the following he~1ding sh.111 be ~\serted in the said paragraph S as fl'Om the d,1te

hereof: ·

.. not to make or cnlcr into n.nY new marine. °iife, fire, or other poliey or co;1lracl of insur~ ancc ,_including r c-ins1mmce; with or i'or the henefil of an enemy ; nor to accept, or gi,·c cfkct to ~my insura nce of, any risk arising under any policy or contraet of ill$Ur.mce : including rc-insnnmce1 made m· entered iuto ,Yith or fm- the benefit of an enemy before the outbreak of wa1· ; ;u1d in particular a s regards treaties or contracts of re-insurance cur rent at the outbreak of wac to which an enemy is a party or in which an enemy is interested, not" Lo rcrl~ to th e {'nemy or lo accep t f;·om the enemy under any such treaty o r cu nirnct :m\ r isk arising under any ,µoii cy 0 1.· con tract· of insurance including r ,'-insu ra.nc.c) made or entered into after the outbreak of wa,·, or any shnrc in any such risk.'·

2. (i'_ The expression ,,Order in Coundl made and .p.1b!ished on the recommciulnt ion of a S0c1·etary of Slate" in parngrap!J 5, heading <x\ of the Trading with lhc Enemy Prodanrn.lion, 1\n. 2, shall. as 1·e.gard.s 1:er ~on s resident can-ying ·o n business or being in Our Domini-ans beyond the st>:1s,. he taken lo mean

an 01·<lcr· of the Governo1·-i11-Council pnbfo;l1ecl i n the Official G.1zctle.

.H; The exp1·ession ,,Governor-in-Council'· in this paragraph means as respects Canada the Gove.rnor­General -Of Cmrnd,1 in ·-CoLmeil, as respects India the Govcr11or-Gen0ral of India in 'Council, as respects Au.strati.a the Go,·crnor-Gener·al o f· Aus tralia in Coun­ciL as rcspcds Xe,,· Zealand the Govcmor of New Ze.al.ancl in Council. as respects the Union of ~outn Africa lhe Govern-0r-Gencral of the Union of Sonth Mrica in Cou ncil, as respects Newfoundlan<l the Governor of Xewfoundl.and in Council, andl as respects any other British possession the Governor of that possession in Council.

3. The power to grant licences on Our behalf rnsted by parag-ra.ph 8 of the Trading with the Enemy Proclamation. No. 2, in a Secretary of State may be exercised in C::uinda, India, Australia, and the Union of South Africa by the Governor-General, and in any British posses-,fon not included within th e limits of Canada, lndia. :\u.slrali:i, or Sonlh Africa hy the GoYernor.

4. In this Proclamation the expression ,,Governo!'­Cencral" includes any person who for lhc time being bas thr powers ot the Gover nor-General, and the exprc-'ision ,,(~m·ernor" inch1(les the officer for the time being ad ministering the Gove.rn1ncnt.

;). Not.withstanding anything contained in µ arn­g-raph 6 iOf the Ttading with the E nemy Proclamation, Xo. 2, where an enemy has a branch locally situated in British. ,\llicd. 01· .\'culral Lerrilm:,' , ,vhkh carries on the business u r insurance or t·c-in;;m'ancc of ,vhJt­eYvr rn1lme., traw,acliflns ]) y or wi th such branch in respect -of the husiness of ·in.s:tn'imce or re-insuran<'e shall be c..<rnsidC'rcd as transacli-0ns h :v or with an enemy.

G. T his Our Roy:ll Prndnmation shall be read as one ,Yith the Trad i11g with the Enemy Proclain.1tion,. Nu. 2.

Civell :1:. OuT Court at Buckingham -Pnlnce, this Eighth d ay of October, in the yea.r of Our Lord One thousand Xine lrnndrc,d and Foi.u·teen. and in the Fifth Yc1u- -of Our Reign. ·


Page 2: EngliSih Edition Official Gazette · upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to: .\.nd whereas bv Our Proclamation dale.d the 8th da_y ·of October, fol L the Trnding with the Enemy Proclamation

OFFICL\L G.\ZETTE, 1:-llh .January, Hll6i


A P1·oclan1atio11



WIHEBE,\.S b,· Our Piol'iamation dated the 9tb clay of .Septembe1-'. lHl L ('alll'd the T1·a,ding with the Enemy Pn)(:la·mati'lrn, i\"o. :2, certain prohibitions as therein nwre specifically set fol'lh, were imposed upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to:

.\.nd whereas bv Our Proclamation dale.d the 8th da_y ·of October, fol L the Trnding with the Enemy Proclamation. No. 2 was :lllll'l1dPrl as !h(•rein more s peeirica lly set forth:

And whereas b1· Our Prodan1.utio11 dated the 5th (iav 01' ~m·emb{:r. Jl)ll. ii \Yas declared thal the aforcst~id Pr·nclarnation'i. amongst others. '>hou Id apply to the ·suite of \\':1T ex isling 'bet 11-ecn Fs and the Sultan of Turkey:

And. wherens it is desirable to <'xle11d th~• scope of the 1n·ohibilio11,; rnntaincd in tt1e aforesaid Pro­clamalion':i in th{' ·11rnum·r herein alter :1 ppei.u'ing:

!\·ow, UH.'rcfore, \\'c have thought f'iL hy and with the .advice of Our Pt·in· Conneil. lo issnc this Our Hoyal Pr-oclamation, 1k·claring, ;md iL is hert~h~· de­clared. as follows:

1. I\'otwithst:mding an_\·thing cont.ained iu parn­graph ti !of the Trading willl l he Eru•m~· l'roclamation N-o. 2 transactions hereafter entered into by persons firms or companies resident carr:·illg on h1tsines.s or being in the United Kingdom

:i · in respect ol' banking business with a branch 1,;iluated outside the L,nited Kingdom ol' .a11 enemy person firm ,or company, or

l:>; in respect ol' any de.scripti,on of business wilh a branch situu~crl ,wlsicle the Cniled Kingdom' or a11 enemy bank.

\:hall be eortsid<•rcd as tn1w,actio11s with an enemy:

P1'0Yided lhal the acceptance payment or ot.her dealing with any negol.iabh> insl.rmnent whicll was drawn before the dal<' of this Proclamation shall noL if othenvis<' lawfuL l)(' deemrd t0 he :1 lra11s~H:tiou hereafter enlc·n•d_ into within iile me..:ining 'JI' this pnnigraph.

2. Tilt• power to grant licences on Our behalf vested by paragraph 8 of lhc Trading with the Enemy Proclmnatlon . No. 2 in ;1 Senetary or State, 01· the Board of Trade, may also be exerdsed b1· the Lords Conunissimw, s or Onr T,·ea<;ury. ·

:i. If the (ion~rnn;· in Council of any British pos­session sh.all i-'>sue ., Prnelamation extending l11c proYisi{llls or this Proclamation to transactions by pr.rsons firms or companies resident carrying on business ;or ]wing in that pnssession snch first mentioned Pr{)<'inmalion shall havr cffcd HS if ii were part of this Prnelamalion.

·L This Prot:lamation shall he read ;,1,-; one with the Trading with the Enemy Procl.unation No. 2. and. with Our Proclmuali{)n dated the 8th day of October amending lhe s..1me.

(;iveu at. Our Court al Buckingham Palace, this Seventh day .of January, in the yeat· of Our Lord One lhonsand Nine hundred and Fifteen. ;md in the Fifth ye:a:r of Out· Reign.


BY THE Kfi\"t;.

.\. Pro<~la1nation RELATL\G TO TR\.DI.\'G WIT!! THE E:\EMY



\YHEHL\.S .. ;a1s a result of Ilic ptcscnl ,rnr, cc1.t.1i11 territ·ory forming P:arl or I he lerrilor_\· of an encm.,· country, is 01 may be in· the effedivc military oc ­cupation ,of Us or Our ,\.Hies, or of a Neutral Stal,· ' in this Pr-oclamntion referred lo as . .lerrilon· i11 friendly occupation"\ and certain ten-itory l'ot:min~ part of Oue terr·ilory or of that of an A.llir·<l or :\"euti-:11 State. is or nwy br in the effectivP military occupation of an enem_\. in (hi-; P1·oclamalion rl'l'crrt'.cl to ns ,.ler;·itory .in lwstilP oec11pation" :

.\ml \Yhere11s it is expedient in Our inkrest. ancl in that of Our ,\!lies lhal tlw Proclamations ,·dating [;i

trading with Ille e11emy slt,onld :1ppl~- In Lerritor-~· i11 friendi~· o<·cnpatinn as Lhey apply to Our terl"itor_v or Lhal nt.· Our .\!lies, and shonlrl appl~- lo tcrl'iton· in ltoslite oc·cup.atio11 as lhe~- appl_\· lo n11 c·nemy country :

?\ow. tlierefore. we ha\'c thougltl l'il, liy and wil l, tile ~1dvicc> nl' Ow· P1·iv.,· Council. l'o issul' tllis Our Hoyal Proelamation derlaring. and it is lterdiy d<'­clared, as follows:

L The Prociamalious l'or lhc lime h<'ing in forc·i; relating lo lr:icling with Ille enemy shall app ly Li territ•ory .in friendly occupali.011 a.s Ille_\· apply lo Our terril•ory or !hal or Our .\lliP.s, and t,i tcnitory in hostile occupation as the~· apply to nn enemy counlry .

2. :\11\' references to lhe oulh1·eak of the wae i11 any Prncliuna[iQn so ~1pplied shalL as 1·espeets lcr,·i­lory in friendly or hostile occt1pation, he c<mstnwd as rc['(':·r•nces to the timr• al which UH· I L'.1Tilory .,o b(•t·a me· in l'riendly or hostilr occu palion.

:L Tlw ccrlificalc- -of any person antl101·ized by a Secretary of State lo girn such certificates that any territory is in friendly m· hostile orcup:1tion witbi11 the meaning oi' lhis l'rnd:11natio11, or as to the timl: at whi<"h m1Y tctTilorv so bec·ame 01· ('.C:tsed. to Jw Lenitory in lriendl,v o~· hoslile ot-cupalion, shall, fur lhe purposes (){' this Proclmnalion. hl' final and co11-cl11sive.

L \'olhing in Ibis Pmc-lanwlion sha.11 be lnken to prohibit anything which nHt)· be expressly permill by Our licence {ll' I)~, a licence given on Our helwlf by ~1. Secretary or Stale, or the 13oa1·d of Tracie. or the Lords t){)mmissioners of Our Treamrr. whetJH·r such licences be specially granted to individuals or be announced as applying to cl:1.sses of' pe1-~(ms, o i·

to prohibil any special arrangements which may l,_· made lw anv such licence or ,>llierwise with 0-<.r autlwril;- for. speci~i l lrP.ahnent or an~· oc:c1tpie(l tei-ri­tory -Or persons in any such occupied territory entitled lo such special trealnient.

;'5. This Proclamatioll shall lw called the Trndin~ ~vith 1hr Enemy '°Oc·c11pied Terrilor~·' Pr·oclaniatio11: I!ltii

Given at Ou1· Coni-1 al. B11ckingl1am Palace. Lili, Sixteenth day ·of February, in the year of mu- Lord One lhom,:1nd Nine hundred mul Fillecn. -and iu the Firth ye:ir or Our Heign.


Page 3: EngliSih Edition Official Gazette · upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to: .\.nd whereas bv Our Proclamation dale.d the 8th da_y ·of October, fol L the Trnding with the Enemy Proclamation

UFFICL\L GAZETTE, 13th .Janu:u·y, mm


A Proclan1ation



WIIEH.EAS iL is t>xpedienl that the transactions oetwecn British suhjecls nnd penons of enemy natio:n.­ality l'Csitlent or c.a1-r.,·ing on husiness i11 China, Siam, Persia . or Morocco should be restricted. in manner provided by this Prndamation: ·

Now, therefore, ,ve haYe thought fit, by and with the adYice or Our Privy Council, to issue this Our Hoyal P roclamation d eclming, and it is hereby de­d.ared, as follovv-s:

L The Proclamations for the time being in force relating lo Trading with the enemy shall, as from the l wentysixth day :of July, nineteen hundred and fifteen) apply Lo any person 01· b ody of persons of enemy 1iati-onalily resident •or carrying on business in China, Siam, Persia, ·01· iforocco in the same manner as lhey apply lo persons or !Jodies of persons resident or C'ar rying -on business in a n enemy c-0untt·y.

Provid ed that where an enemy bas a branch 'wally situated in China, Siam, Persia, or :\Iorocco, n othing in ,:\rticle 6 of the Trading with the Enemy Proclamation No. 2 shall b e consti-ued so as lo prevent t;ansaction by or with that branch J)eing treated tts lransact~on by or ,vith an enemy.

2. Niothing in this Proclamation shall be taken to p1"ohibit anything which may be specially permitted by Our lk ence or by a licence given on our behalf by a Sc.crctru·y of State -Or the Boar d of Trade 01· the Lords Commissioners of Our Treasury.

:1. This Proclamation shall be called the Tl'ading wilh the E nemy (Chiila, Siam, Persia, and ?lforocco) P ro.clamation, Hl15.

Given at Our Court at Dudtingham Palace, this l wenly-fifth day of June, in the year of Om· Lord One thousand Xinc hundred and Fifteen, and in the Sixth year of Our Reign. ·



cl. Proclaanation HEL.\TIXG TO THADIXC~ WITH THE E~E:\IY.

LEORGE H. I. WHEREAS do ubt;; have arisen us respects the

· /Osilion under the Proclmn alions for the time b eing in force 1elaLi11g l-o Trading with the Enemy or in­corpo1·ated companies or bodies of persons which, lh uugh not. incorpornted in any enemy country 01· in k nilory in hostile occupation, carry on business in a ny such counlTy or Lerdlory:

,\ml whereas it is cxpedien l lhal. the position of those companies or bodies fo t· the purpose.s of !·hose Proclamations shou ld he defined:

:'.\ow, lherci'o;-e, \Ve have thought fiL hy and with the advice of Our Privy Council, to issue Lhis Om· Hoya: Prnclamalion d eclaring, and il is h ereby de­d ,ir<'d as folh)\vs:

For the purposes of the Proclamaiions for the · bmc bein g in force relating to Trading with the Enemy. the expre~si-on ,.enemy", notwithstanding a n y­thing in the said Proclamati,ons, is het·cby declared l{1 includ e, and to have included, any incorpor ated

comp.any o,· body of persons ~whctcver .incorporated) ~arrying on business in an enemy country or in any territory for lhc lim e being in host.He occupation.

Given at Our Crrn; t at Bnckingh:am Palace, tllic; fourteenth d ,1y or September, in the year of Oui~ Lord One thousand Nine lnmdrcd and Fifteen, and in the sixth ye'.ir M Our Rejgn.




No. 23, 1915.j

WHEHEAS it has been found nec.e:;!-iary to amend in certain respects lhe provis~ons of Proclamation No. 11 nf 1913, by which Provisional Courts for the Administration of Justice in Criminal Cases were constituted in the Protectornte;

xo·w THEREFORE under and by virtue of the authority in me vested, I ,do hereby d:;,•clare, proclaim and make kn,own as follows.:

l. Section ;> of 'Proclamation No. 11 of 1915 is amend!3d

a; by the addition after the word ,,per:;on" in the senntcenth line thereof uf the wor ds ),lo be styled the Crown Pro.seculor ftw the Pro­tectorate'', and

h: by the deletion or the words ,,committed; for trial ".

2. Sect~on 7 \of Proclamation l1 of 1915 fa amended by the deleti,on 1of the words ,,tried by th'e said Special Court" and the substitution lhe,:efor. of the words .. dealt with ia.s the Crown Prosecutor shall dir ect. iii accor da nce 'with lhe powers and rights con­ferred upon him: b:, this Pr-0elamation 01· any amend­ment t,I1ereof".

3. Section 8 of Proclamation ~o. 11 of Hl15 is amended })\' tl1c- deletion fr.om lhe last line thereof of the words ,,before the Special Criminal Court".

4. In r cga.l'<l to all Criminal eases which may now or hereafter be pending within· the Pt•otectorate and in rcga1·d to the prnseculion or all climes and offences which may baYe been or m ay be committed therein, the Crown Pr·osecutor for the Protectorate shall within the Prolecloratc b r ,·cstcd with and exercise all and singular the ,·ights,. po\YCrs ::md funcli:rns ~onfcrrcd Ol' imposed hy Ja,Y in t·egard lo the Trans­vaal ProYince •of the l'nion of South Africa upon the :\tlorncy (;enerai of Lhc said Province. ,

:i. F orllnvith upon lhe comrnitmeut by any Mili· fory :\Iagistrale's Court ;of any pet··son for l1ial the officer p ,·esidlng O\'er s'ncll Con.rt shall transmit the or iginal record of the prnceccling,s or tl trnc copy there:oC t o lh~ C;·own Prm:ecuto,· for h is considernti-on.

6. The Cro\vn Proscn1tor may in his disc.cetion remit to ihc :\Iilitary l\fogistrate's Conrt for trial any case commi lted for· trial other than a case of Leason, murde,·, culpable h o.micidc or rape, with juri.sd;iction to impose on conviction in a ny ca<;e so remi tted the punishments specified in Section 3 of Proclamation No. 11 of 1915 or the pun ishments specified in the next succeeding section hereof.

Page 4: EngliSih Edition Official Gazette · upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to: .\.nd whereas bv Our Proclamation dale.d the 8th da_y ·of October, fol L the Trnding with the Enemy Proclamation

0-,0 )

4 OFflC.B.T. GAZETTE, 13th .J,umat·y, HHS,

7. Up,on the t~onviction or an aceusL'<l person whose c:.'lse has be>en remitted for trial ns afol.'csaid. wilh lhc jurisdidion sp.eeified in this Sec.lion, lhe :\filitary Magisl'i·atc·s vourl may sentence him lo a iinc not cXC'CCding Two lnmdred ponnds :>r to .im· pris-01uucnl "ilh ot· without hard l;1bour for any 11criod n:0t cxcercling one :·Nu· or to whippi'ng wh t·n ~.uch 1rnnishme.nl c:tn by law lw inl'litlt>d for lltl' offence in -any numbt'r •ot' ·strokes 11ol <'Xcecding twenty five -or I<> both such fine and su-ch illlpl'ison­mcnt or l-0 sneh imprisonment :md snclt whipping .. oi- to such Jine and .sncll impl'ison1.nenl and such whipping; pr-oYickd lhtll whipping shall nol except when specia\l~· imposed b>· law for a l'irst offence be inflieted cx-crpl · (a " in the ease {)f a sec:>nd or suh~cqnenl c~m\·iclion o[ some offence within lhe ~pace of ' thrC'e ycm·s. <w ' I>"_, in tltc c:ast' or a 1nnle person 1md<•r I. hr age •ot' sixteen yc:n·s.

8. Tlw pr-ol'isions ol' Se<'lion :; o[ Prodamation N-o. 11 oi' 1915 in reg.ird lo the rc\'icw or Ilic pH>cccct­ing,'> or i\lililnry \ta.gisti:ale's C(H1rts .shall apply to rnscs rcmilled b,· l'he C1·own t>ros<·cutor to snch Courts under I he· prods ions or !his Pi·odamation.

~l. In addition l'O the powers c.onfc,Ted upon the Milit.arv ,{r0n•1·nor b,, 8C'l'ti-On :J of Proclamation ·~ n. ·t I of 1'915 and now t·xr rds()(I b,· the .\dminisb·:tlor bv virtue -of Proclamation o l' tl1c Minister of Det'cn<:e. dated October 28th. Hll3. lhe Administrato r rnav <1uash the ·who!<' or a ny pai;t or :my crirniual p1·oct·cd· ings in a l\li}itary ~Iagislrate·s Court. and take any such further -.,ction lhe1·ei11 as he may ckem p1:-<:iprr.

10. The penalty of whipping pr-0,·ide<I b.,· Section 3 of P1socl:nn.a:lion 11 of 1!l1;°J shall not except when ~pecially impose.d by law for a. l'frst offence !be inflided cxcepl

a·; . i11 · Uw case ~)f a scc-ond 01· subseqncut ton­victi-on of some offence withiu the space or t.hree yem-s. or

l?"i in the c:.!lsc ol' ;i 111:ik pcr<;,nn 11nd{·1· 1h r :tge ,ol' sixteen years.

11. Upon ilw <·oo,·ic tioo by any Court or a male person undee U1<' age o-f .sixleen _vc:trs or a1iy o t'fenc-e the Courl m.::iy in li r.n .of the punishment prnvidcd by law for such _ ol'feuce scnlc.rH•.c such person to a whipping. s11eh whipping tn be :.1cl111inhl1·r<.•d with ll lig.bl. <-:uw '()r 1't)d. aud bx s-uch 1wrson and in snch pince ~,~: I.ht: Court may direct.

.12. Punishment ol' whipping sh .. "'1.11 in n·o case be impo~e.d. by any Court upon a fem.al<'.


t_;in,n nndt•r my hnnd al Wirulhuk lhi -; :Hsi d.ty of D!!C-ClHhCl'. 191;;.

E. JI. L (~OH(~ES :\chu inistrato1·.

No . .l. 1916.j

\VllERFAS il i.., nc.n ' ss,1n· t,) i' l~Ybt• and amend tlw 01'<lintrnces d:iled 15th Fel;n1~l.f•_v HlOU :11ul •Ith Ck­tobcl' Hl!O ~md lo n:pea l lhl' Prodamalion issncd al \\'ill(lhuk 'ii./.11 tlH· 29th .Tamwry t!ll ,i h." IIIC· lmpl'ri:il GoYCl'll~).· or (;t'rrnan South We,l .\1'-·it-:1 rdaling lo the hunting -or g:rnH· in llw Pi·nl.t:t·.lo t·,ttc ;

?\ow. l.hercfo1'<•. r <fo hl'reb.,· clt•dm·t·.. proclaim and 1nakf• known:

l. The Prodamal.ion issued al \\"imlhuk 011 the 2Hlh ,l:.umar.,· Hll;i by Uu· lmpc.i·ial (;m•crn·or e>I' (~cr­man S011lh \\' est- Al'l:ica wh.<•reby <.'trlain pl,n·isions of the said Ordituuwcs WCl"C a ltci·rd nnd sn,-;iw ndcd during the <•ont.inuane<.• iOf hosliliti<'s shall l><· and is herch~- 1·epcaled.

2. T IH.· following ,1llt'r:1linns. snbsl ilnl ion-.; an<.I nddiliorn; shall 1w and :u·<•. hc;•eb~· dcc•tn{'d lo .hc- nrn<h' [md i11<..-orp-0,·ated in the said Ordinances:

n" ~o J)<'l'~Oll oth1•r lh:lll lhe lawl'ul holctet or a perinil issued b~· lhc .\dminisl1'1ltar shall :ii any time hnnt an>· or I Ile following aninrnls :

Eh' phanl, llippopola mus, t-: hinoec·ros. Bu~·­fMo: C:irn!Ic. Zebra. Eland. Ostrich. (;0111-

pna11w ·Eu podol.is JZori ·, Vulture, St;rreta1 >. bird, Locust. bird . Owl, Toucan. Flnmingo.

Tlw co\\· or· the hornless >·,>ui1g ol' Kudu and. llnp:da.

Tlw hornless yot1ng or <_;nu, llarl(•hcc~t. (;cmsbuck. Ho:m Antelo pe. Sas<.;ahy. Sable .\nl clope. l~eccllnwk :ind Blc',huck.

A permit may tH· issued. on sul'h <.:ondilion, a.s lo aowu nl. b l' l'C{' payahk. mrntlwr ot' ,H1imiih t,o Jw l:i.hn nr shol. time when :rncl locality where the lninling is pc;'ll1 iltcd. :md generally . H.S tlw :\<lministralor haYing clnl' regard to tile pn1'po~cs. whclller sc:icntil'ic or othc:rwi.•,,:. for which Uir. p1·1·mil is required.. sh.all dcrm Jit.

b) ~o person o thc;• than the l:\\vl'ul hold.er ol' ,, • .. spc("ial game licctw<'" issurd. bJv lhe ,\clmini ,­

lr.,toi shall h11nl a11>· or the following nnimals, ,·i7. :

.-\clnll males or Kwlu :1n.d Tlllpahi.

Ad.ult m;1les ·<ii' l'emalcs ot' (;nu, · lfai·tcbcesl , t;e1111;.hnck. Hoa11 :\nlclope, Sass.ii>~·- Sal,ll­.\nlclopr. Hecdlm<·k, Blcsbuck.

S-m·h licence will enal?lc I.Ile lawfnl hold·:r Lo hnnl s uch rmim:ils clurinl{ the open sca,<;on within · such clales and in such locality ,:1-;

ma\' be stnlt·d on the licence. The fee for t he licl:nce ~ih.1ll'be .t 2fl. and ii. shall be issued suh­jc<:L to -lhc i-;pccial (~OtHlilions !hat nol more th.an three males and two rem,iles or any one specie, or morn 1.h..rn Lw1•.11ly aninrnls in all of ll1 t· abo\'cnwnlioncd s pc("ics may be shot or cap­tured undc;· such· liccucc, and l.n sneh o tlwr condition-.; as lht :\cln1inistr:1lo.-, with ,l vip,,· 1~1 cnsmin" compli.u1ce with lhc p .-odsions ,,l this da~1se. m:l\' clrem nt lo imi'lm;c.

The 1mss1·ss ion o( ;i licence uu<l<:r this clrmse shall e1rnhlc· th~ lawrul hold.er <Jurinµ thl~ <1.n·; enev there-or lo hunt the ~nmc H•fern:-d to in the r{exl suc<~e<.><ling dauscs (c , :md ~di wilhoul f'urlh et· lie<·nr1·.

c; ~o person othe:' th:rn lhc la,,inl holder or ;1

i ,.game lice.nee' · issued b,· a \lftgistrale sht•" V h1mt nn:· Springh11ck or 'other or tlH' smalh

\·aridic.s of ante.lope, 1>1' any wild pi/:{, or any P:w.1rn· :_not bring a (;1>mpaauw; or Knorhiw~ S.uch licc1H·r. will c11a.blc I.he l'.nvfnl -h,lldcr ~ hunt Slt(' h animals durin.g the. s1pen se:l.-:;() ll o:nly. The rec fo1• su\' h liccn<·c shall lH, £:I for the opt·-11 seas.on or l:"'>_, • fo;· an.Y month 01· portion of a nwnlh within llw op1'11 season.

The posst'S-;ion or a liccncl' u11dcr thi ~ dau.se shall cnlillt Ille 1,rn, rn1 holder during the c·nnt•ney the.reol' t·o hunt the gam<· , l'l'c,:1 NJ to in. 1hl' nr.xl srn:cre<.Jin.g clause (d :.

d; The hunting o l' hart's and gamehinh; ll =>t mcnlionul in ltn~· ,or tlw rore.goiug f'lmrscs (a, (b: or (c: sh.all lie pcrmiUrd. at any period or the ye;u-. snhjcd lo the posse.;.-;ion I.>>· th --: hunter ,i r a lic-enct'. lo h1· ll:H u ed a ,,small gan: :· linmcr'· whi<:11 may l>t> issul'fl b.,· an.,· :\[ngis-.._ Irate ~lll p-aynwul 1>1' a rcr of .£ En•i:y· stH'h licenc:1· s·h:.ill hl' valid. r.)r I.lie calC'ndal' yc::n· during- which it is issued.

Page 5: EngliSih Edition Official Gazette · upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to: .\.nd whereas bv Our Proclamation dale.d the 8th da_y ·of October, fol L the Trnding with the Enemy Proclamation

,;,~ .•.

OFFICIAL GAZETTE, 13th Ja.m.tary, 1916. 5

3. a; c\ny perso n wlu !runts any of ti1<' animals menlion('d in clause ·a _, of section 2 hcn•of without the nrressai·.v permit and. any per­Hm who cont.ravC'n cs an,· of the eondilim1s or his permit shall ht g·uilty of an offence :ind shall up-on ('.IO nviclion he liabk to a rine not exceedinl-{ five hundred ponncls ste1 ling or in clefanll ·o l" paymcnl lo imprison ment with 0 1· wilhou l ll~\;·d, labo11 1· ro r a period no ! rxcccding l\\'O ~·e-tu·s.

b) Any pcr,011 wlw hunts any or the animals mentioned in chntsc · h or sect ion 2 hercoi ,silhm1 l llte ltt-(:cssn'ry ,.special ~mnc Ii­cencl'" or during· the l'lose sc11so11 and any person who contrnvcncs any or llw con­ditions or s t1{'h l.icence shal.l be gnilly of an offrnee and s hall up-011 COtlYiction })(' li:1blc t~> a line 1;ol L'Xc·ectl.ing o ne lru11dn•<l pounds sterling o_,- in dt'faull o r pay1!1enl to impri­sonmcnl with or wilhoul lia1d labour ror a period no l t·xcccdin.g six months.

c,. Any pcr~on who hunts any or the animals mcnlionrd iu c-lalls(• ,~c of sedion 2 hereof without the n<'CC-'isary .,special game li ­cence'· or ,.g:unc li<-cncc" nr during the close seas.on shall he guilty or :111 ofl'encc and shtlll npon eouvi<~lio n be lia bl e to a fine 1w t exceeding twe nty five [HHIIHls sterling or in dcFnull o l' p:iymc nl lo imp,-isonrncnl with nr willmul har-d labou1· fo1 · a period not exc<'eding thrct· months.

d ) Any 1wrsm1 who hunts any or the a nim.ds referred to in <'l.ause 'd o f scclion 2 h ereof without I he nc<"cssary ,,special g-mnc li­cence". ,.gamt• licence·', or ,,small game li­cence" sh .. 'lll b e guilty •of an i)ffencc and shall upo n couviclion be liable to a !'inc not exceeding fi\'C pounds sterlin~ or in default o i' p.iyment to impri~onmenl with 0 1· with­out hard l~1h:>u; !'o r a pc1 iod nol l'Xcccdiug one month.

4. Tht· open Sl').I S-tHL dm·in.g which ga me may be hu.oted as is provided in parngr.Jphs (b '. and (c:, o l' s t."Cti<on 2 hereo r stmll be li.milccl Lo the p eriod pll'.­tending J'rom the 1st ,Lay ti) 31st October in each yt>-..ar. The remaining monUis ,)I' the yca1· shall for the purposes u f this P , odamalion and the Ordinance..; her ein referred ti> b e d,~c ine.d b be lhe close se.;.1sou.

5. :\'otwilhslmuling :rn,\'llli11g t-0 the c:outrary con-" 1 tilined in eilher or lhc Ordinanees r el'en·ed to her,0 in,

Lhe owner or lessee of land. ,vhethcr fenced or un­fenced, in this Pr{)lcdomlc sh.all nu l he exempted r.i~om the p rovisions of dauses ~a ,: and. (b : of sC',ction 2 of this Proclamation in 1·cspcct o l' gam e four1d on

] UCh land ; hut in a ll o ther respects the cxi-.;Ling rights ."' -f stlch ownCJ· or k ssce s hall be ·t>reser \'ed.

'-, ;

6. The t'irs t para;3raph -o r lhe 12th section ol' the Ordin.::mce M the Imperial ( ;on·rno1· o f (;erman SouU1 West 1\frica d.1 ted 15th .F<:>b1-uarv Hl0\1 as amended on the 4th Odobc r 1H1U is herei>y n ,p('.nie<l and the following substituted. lhel'cfor :

.,The Coltd ltlil.V {)rder that a ny g~urn.· or bil~ t(Hig -or anv skin. hidt'. horns. tu sk,; o r (·a1 -case of gnn~e roun~l in llw po~ses..;io1i' or any person c-on­victe<l of H contraw nlion .ii' this. Pi-oelamation n r or the Ortlin,'l nce.s :11:>ove mentit)ncd nia \· be scizl'd and fo r fril ed and nu~· c.:m cel a ny lit;encc granted to :my such. pe,.·so11 under lh is Pi-oda­mn.tion or the s..'lid Ordinances."

7. n ; The p-0sses..;ion or t11e ('arca-;cs meat. skins, IJ ides. horns 01· tusk;.; of fres hly kille<1 game ~hall be p rim. a far i e ,·videncc against a ne.r\ .Oll .:H·c:1:.sctl of l'0ntr-avenin~ this Pro-,ne h)llu-~. ·

clamalion 01· the Ordinances herein before mentioned that he has hunted such game.

b ) Any per~on charged with doing any act for which by this Pt·oclamation or the Ordinances h~rein bpfore mentioned a li­cence ,or permit is required shall be deemed to be without such licence or permit unless be sha ll p.Nidnce the same to the Court o r give other stttisfaclo1 ·y prriuf of possessing the same.

c·; The burden or lH"OYing a ny fact which would b e a defence to a charge ot' contra­vening this Proclamation or the Ordinance . .., licr.r.in before mentionr d shall lit• upon Uli.; person charged. ·


Civcn und(•s my hand at Wintlhuk this Hlh d~ty of .January, 1916.

~o. 2, Hllti. i

E. f l. L. GOHGES A.dministrnto1·.

\\"IIEHEAS i l is nccesS-.1.i-v to am end the la\v in force in this l'n>lect01·atc in ·rcg~u-d to :\{as ters and Servants.

?\ow lhcrcfo i'c unde r and by \·it'llte ot' th(· autho ­rity in m e n •.<;tcd ( do here i}_v declare. prnclf,im and ma ke kn.own:

l. For the purposes or tl!is Proclamation ,,Ser­Ya nt" s-hall mean anv native or coloured pers.011, male or remal~, employed for wages o r o ther r emuneration in any d omestic. a;1:ri ­cultural 01· manual labour ;

,.Master" shall m ean any person, malt: nr !'<:male. {'mpl-oyi ~1g any servanl :ts defined above ; ·

,.OffiC'cr in charge ol' Nath·£· :\l'l'airs" shall mean any '.\lagistrak or other ol'ficcr cluu·gcd bv the Adm inis lr·ator with the· supen·isio n ol ,ativ(• Affoirs in any Distrid ,11· Sub-District.

2. :\n.v servant wbo without la wful cause, by m isconcluct breaks anv of lht; conditio ns o t bis employment shall~ upon conviction ht: liable to a fine of three pounds slcding or in default or payment Jo irnpri)onmcnt wjth or without hard labour for a pcdod not ('Xceed:­ing one month .

In the ('a.sc iO l' a second f /l' sub-.;equenl con­viction umler lhis secli-o n ,vilhin lhc s pace of two vears next -after :my former c-onviction, !he offender shall be lin l.; lc\ t :> a firw not ex­CCC'-ding ten pounds sterling or lo imprison­m ent wi th or ,vilhoul h::uxl labour t'or a period not t·xc<:>ed.ing three months. o r tn hoth sur.h l'inP and sueh i m pris.on nwnt.

3. Scd.ion seventeen o l' lht Ih:t:rec or lhc hn­perial Ch~lllCl' llor with regar·ci t0 lhc exercise of Criminal Jur isdiction ovec Natins in lht· l;ernwn P:,-otr ('to ratcs or Easl .\fri~1, Eamcruu ~md Tog·o, dated the 22nd Apri l, 18%, applied Lo llH\ Pro tedor,1le or t:c.rrna n Soul h \Vest :\frica bv Drt:i-ee of the C1.>n ·1·11 or datc·d tlu: 8th l\ov~mbcr. 189£. s hn ll ht· ,rnd is hcr·ehy n:pe,1le<l.

4. In the nbsencc o f _rwoof to the contrary, every contract o t' service shall b e deemed -to be ;a monU1lv ·<'ontract and to comm encf' frnm the dHte of. tntry u pon the employ ment

Page 6: EngliSih Edition Official Gazette · upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to: .\.nd whereas bv Our Proclamation dale.d the 8th da_y ·of October, fol L the Trnding with the Enemy Proclamation

OFFICIAL (iAZt~TTE, 13U1 .hf!ltuu·y. 19W.

5. , '<O eontr.acl of service mad.c after the date or this Prod.unalion slrnll be valid unless made in \vrilin.g before and a pproved by an oHi<'C'r in cha1·ge_ of NaliYe Affoirs.

ti. A rt'CDl'd or all eontrac.:ts of sei•\·ke entered int,) before any officei' in <.:hal'gc or :\ ative Affairs shall be kept by sn ch oHicer. :\ cer­tifica te or the terms Df any s uch conlract si,gned h}; ,suc:h officer shall, u pon pl'Oduction in a ny Courl of law. h e p ,: ima facie proof of such terms.

7. A master shall on Uw du,~ dale pay to a ser­vant in his employ th<' wages or remnnern.lion -due.

8. A master who at the dale -or tii is P1'oclam;iiion owes wn,~_es ,or othe:s rem t1 ne1·a lio n lo a ser­vant then or f.o ;-merly in llis employ shall pay tlH~ sam e within one month of such d ate.

9. A mi\sler sh all not, save ttnde,· lawful right, hinder the Temoval of or 1.·eftt<;e lo deliver any moYablc property, lawfully . upon any land P! _premises in su ch ma.c;ler's _ownership or possession, of a sel'vant then or for·merly in his employ.

10. A master who fails to wm,ply with . any of the provisions of Sedions 7, 8 and · 9 of this Pr-0clamalion shall b e guilty of an offence and sha ll upon e-onvicUon he liable lo a fine not exceeding Len pounds sterling .01· in default of payment lo impri~onmcnl with ot· without hard Jahom- for a pedod not exceeding one month.

11. Upon lhe conviction or a .masler t'mdct· the p ,ovisions of scv tion 10 hereof, the Court may in addition to . an.\' punbhmenl inflicted , or in

substitution lherefo,·, Ol'd .e.1· the payment ,.,,ith­i:n a ·tiime to he fixed. b y the Com·t of the wages or reJ11uneration ·due·. 01· o rder the dcli,,en · to U1e servant within :,· lime to be fix.ecl bv • the Cour t ,of the propl' r1.y i,n tJnestion -or ii1 the alternative lh<'. ·payme.nt to the SCl'\' :int of its valu e as estimated. hy the Courl.

12 . . \ m:astcr who fails t :'! compl~· with an 0 1' d1:r macle under sec.:tion t>levcn hc,•eof shall Lie -g.uilly -of an offen<'l' and s hall upon <.:011-dction be liabk lo .i fine not cxceeuing l\YO p ounds sterlin . .g ro,· t•,tch day oJ defau lt, such fine however not to cx.cced the sum of lwenly po unds in nl l. In default -o f paymcnl such master may be sentcuccd. lo impi-isonmcnt with or ,vithout hard la.hour fo r·- ,l period nol exccctling one month .

13. Out or th<' procccd.s or such fine. the,·e shall be paid to th(' scrYant. the sum due unde1· s uch order.

14. ~\fter d clivei·ing judgment in any proseculion under the p1•oyisions of thb Proclamation, the Court may al th e ins tance of eithe,· party or of its own motion eith er _before 01· after passing sentence declare llw contract {)f ser­\'ice lo be at an end. as fr om a date specified by the Court or lo remain or l'ull force and effect , as nuty seem pro1~er.

In accur dance wilh such declaration. the contrnct shall cease o r continue. ·


Givc.n un-der my twn<I al \\'inditmk this -6th day of January, 1916.

E. ll. L. GOHGES Administrator .

GOVERNMENT NOTICES. . The fo!lo"~i~1g Governmenl Notice~ are published ·

!'i'r general inf.ornrnlion. That marked with a.u asterisk ,(*) has already been issued in poster form on the date indicated al the head of the notice.

J. COLLIE . Secr<'tary · fo1: the r>.i·oleclorale.

Administrator 's Office, Windhuk, 12th .Janum·s, Hll6.

Xo. -12.j 12th N-ovcmhcr, HlL>.


It is nolificcl for gene.:·a t iurorma\ion lhal -Licutc- I

11anl G. K. Mackenzie. -llli S. A. M. fl.. has heen ap­p,>ir1ted to . act as delaclre<l Assistant .Milibry :\:lagistrate al l\Ialtahohe d u1·ing th_e aµsenc:<: on leave of Major C. l\t S. F o!'sbrook.

Ko. ,n . .1 _12Lh Novcmbe,·, l \Jli:>.


ll is nolHied J;or gene;·al informa:ion that Lieute• nant C. A. Brooke-Smith . 4th S. A. M. R. , h as been aJ)· pointed by tlle Administralm· under the fl_l'OYisions or $ection 1 of Proclamation No. 11 ·of 1915, lo act us Detat'hed Assistant · Military Magi.strate, al A US. nnd t:o preside over the )-Iitilary Magish·ate's Court at that place.

No. 44.) L2-tth ;\'ovember, 191.J.


It i s no til'ied for general information that Captain K. R. T homas has been pr,n·is;orn1l!y appointed by the Administrator to act as Detached Assistant ;\lili­tary Magi!>trnle, .at OkaJ.undja , in place or Lientena-n':.:. M. M. Jacks-on, w ith ('Jfect from the dnte of nss·nmption of duty. ·

No. 45.J !.2-tth Novemhe1•, 191;> ..


It is n·oli!'ied for genel'al i11formalioll Lhnt ;\lajOl' T. Ed·wards has b een I)l'0\'isionally appointed by thi: Administrator tro a.ct as. \ filitary Magis t .-atc at Omarmu in place ,of Licutcuanl ?\. Kennedy, with effect from the date -of assumption of tluty.

No. -rn. ·, ;aOth ~ovembei·, 191:·1.


It is hereby no tified fo~· general infomrntion thai the place nnclslati-on known :i s JOlL\:--.1:'\' ALBHECHT'S HOIIE wil I from this dale· be known as ,\LBREC:HTS ..

Page 7: EngliSih Edition Official Gazette · upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to: .\.nd whereas bv Our Proclamation dale.d the 8th da_y ·of October, fol L the Trnding with the Enemy Proclamation

OFFlCIAL GAZETTE, 13th J ~u1uary. 1916. -I ;-;,i. 17.' __ 3rd Dccc111 ber, 1915.


ll is hcrehy notified for general information that lh~: German version of tile T :triff of Stamp Duties publi'.>he<l nnder (~OH!.rnment :'\otice No. 2, of the 20th Odnber Hll.\ is amended !Jy the inscL•ti,on of lhe a mount . .Is Od'' in the colmnn l1ead::-.d ... \mount of Duty'·. o'i°>posilc' lo Scdion :w 2, o!' the said Tariff.

:\o. 18. :;>th Deceml)(.: t-, 1!H:i


It is n-0til'icd for gcnei·al information that a Periodical Court t'or the trial Di' offences committed o.l and in th e dcinilv of ;\farie11l.1l will he h eld al r.L\RIE:\:L\I . h.,· LIH' .. \Iii itary \fagistratc of GibcDn t>ll THCHSDAY. tile tilh .Tanunn·. mm and thereafter on the first Th111·sdny in each ;11ontll.

i\'.o. 4-fJ_ ; )th Dl'<'ember, 191J.

.\ PPOI\'TME.'-:T OF l)J-:T.\.UIED .\ SSISTANT :\fl LIT,\HY :\L\l;ISTR:\TE, OUT.JO.

II. is 11-olificd. l"o r general information that Captain _H. D . G. Tennant . has heen prr>visionally appointed ' ,v I.he .\dminis lralo1· I:> acl as dct.aclH·d .\.ssislant .~-iilitary i\lagisl:ralc nl Outjo in place of Licnlena.nl P . P. Shannon. w ilh dfeel frl>ln .the d nte or assumption o!' d"ttt,\·.

~~> . .'io.· )th Dt•<·e.mber, l!Hi'>.


II. is nolifiecl for general inrormalion that Captain L. \V. Wilkins has hecn prnvisionally appointed by tile :\clrninislrator Lo act a.s detached Assi.sl:mt .\filit.try J\[agislratt' al G-oball is i11 pla<'e of Lieutenant K. M. Bentle~:. wilh efl'c<'I from th<' dcllr or assumption ol' duly .

'" ~·<>. :i i. _20th December, 19Li.


Regulations governing th(' sale and supply of Liquor in the Proteclorntc ,: Nos. 20 lo 28) issued under ~Iartial Law b.Y and with t he appl'oval ·of His Honour the Administrato1·, and tD haYC effect on and frorn the 24th December, 191;>.

20 . .\[artial La"· Hcgnlation :\"o. 1l puhlis hed in th e Official Gazette o f the Protectorate dated the 13th

·:,'.\ugust. 191:i. shall be .and is hereby repealed.

• 21. Intoxicating Liqu-0r shall not be sold or sHpplied nuder a ·wholesale liquor licence or a bottle li(fuor licence except. hctwc·cn the h-om·s of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m .

22. lnto:dcaliog liqn1Jr s hall not be sold, supplied or consumed on iany premises in respect of which a retail li<fll-01" licence h-as been issued except between the hours of 12 noon and G p. 111. and between the hours or 8 p. m. and H p. m. A further cx.ception

1 shall be and is hereby authoritecl in the case of an_y hotel which possesse-; suc h a licence to the extent that intoxicating liquor may be sold and supplied in the dining-room thc-reof between 12 noon and 9 p . m . during the regular mea l llmu·s to any person bona fide p artaking of a meal therein for consumption at. snch meal. ·

23. Jnloxic.ating liquor s h.all 11ot he sold 01· supplied under wholesale, bottle o,· retail Iiquot· licence on a.ny of the following days, vit. Sundays , Christmas

Day, Good Friday o r Ascension Day. An exception, however, shall be ;and is herebv authorized in the ca,.<;e -of ~my hotel \Yhiah possesses a retail liquor licence to tf he extent that in~oxicating liquor may be sold and supplied in lhe dining-r-oom thereof during the regula1· meal hot1rs afler 12 noon to any person b o 11 a f i-d e partaking 10f r1 m eal therein for consump­tion at SU('h meal.

24. lntoxicatiug liqu:or shall not be sold or supplied to or for the use or .any coloured or nativc person. and no such pers.-0n shall h ave. in his possession any inLoxicating liquor, provided that nothing herein con­tained shall be 'deemed . to prohibit the supply or intoxicating liquor to any such person for ho n a f id c medicinal purposes upon a prescription of ll

dllly qualified medical practitioner, or the carrying or temporary custody -ol' intoxicating liqu-or oa behalf of his masler hy a eolourcd or native ser-vanl acting in respect of suc"i1 intoxicating liquor ll!lder the written authoritation of such master.

2:i. SaYC in the case ,of intoxicating Jiquor .supplied in the ·dining-r-0orn of an hotel at regular meal hours liquor sha ll not be sold 01· supplied undler a retail liquor licence except in the bar, saloon, apartment or 1·-0om spedally set aside for the purpose on the license-d premises and apprond by the :\fag:istrate of the District, and the sale or supply of intoxicating liquor ·unde.rthe sa,me licence in any other bar, saloon, apartment or room on 01· ad_j.acent lo the sa.m.e· pre-mises or -ou any other premises is prohibited. .

. 26. \otwithslanding anything in tllesc Hcgul,llions · c-0111.ained intoxicating liquor shall not be sold or s·npplied nuder oottle liqnor licence or retail liquor licence lo ,anv ni.ember of the Union Forces in t.iniform before !he l~oui' or :.1 p. tu. on any da)' on whicli liquo1· may be .sold. An exception, however, s hall be and is herebv authorized in the case of any m ember of the s;id Forces in uniform hon a f id c partaking .of a meal clur ing the rcgnlar meal h ours at anv lime after 12 noon ill the dining-roo1n of an hotel· which pos.sesse':> :a retail liquor licence to the extent that such liquor ntay be sold and supplied' to him for eonsumption at such meal.

27. The prndsions of these regulations s hall apply equally to a ny refreshment room situated. on Railway premises, san and except that (a) when a passengel' train arrives or leaves on a Sunda~· or other day or at an hour "dt1ring which·· the sale of intoxicating liquor hy:. the holders -of retail liquor licences is prohibited, such refreshment r·oom may be opened for the sale of intoxicating liquor during u period not exceeding o ne half hour wh ile such passenger train remains in the Railway station, (b) the Officer Commanding the Railway Hegirnent shall be and is hereby empowel'ed to ~rnthorize by written permit the sale and supply of beer at any hom named in such permit t,o ~111~_; me.rnbet· of the Railway Regiment or other servant o f the Railway Administration at any such rcfreshmerit room, and this prnvision :-;hall apply mu tat i s mu t an-dis to the Officer Com­manding any other unit or detachment of the Union Forces in the P1"10teclorate in respeet of m emb ers of such unit or detachment.

28. .\ny per~{)n contravening any pl'O\'ision of these Hegul.ations shall he guilty or an <.irfcnC'e, nn.<j u pon oonviction shall be liable to a line not exceeding -one hundred p,ounds sterling (£100). or in default of payment t-o imprisonment, with or without hard labour, f-o1· a period not exceeding six months, ot· lo both Sllch fine .and such imprisonment, nn d when the pers-on oonvicted. is the holder of a licence of any of I.he descripli,ons named in these Regulations such person shall further be liable lo the cancellation of such licence and the closing of the premises in

Page 8: EngliSih Edition Official Gazette · upon all persons llwrein refe1·red to: .\.nd whereas bv Our Proclamation dale.d the 8th da_y ·of October, fol L the Trnding with the Enemy Proclamation

OFFICIAL GAZETTE, l:1lh J.111ua1'y, HlHi·.

,·espect or which such licence was . is.sued. In the cn.se of any peL~on convi~te(l of selling or supplying intoxil·ating liquor lo or for the use ·or any colou1-ed. 01· native pe:r.,-0n , the minimum sentence to be imposed li~- the Court shall be a fine of twenty five pounds , tt!rling (£2ii; m· in defaull of payment imprisonment; \\i lh u,· wilhoul lwnJ ):1hrit1 1·. for a pe:·icH.l of n Qt j:•,s llwn --1:i u :1ys.

APPOI :\T.\I E.\'T OF PU3Ll C Tl{CSTEE. ll is nolified for general information that J A:\!ES

COLLIE FSQ., Secrel.1sy for the Pi-olectorale.:' Wind­Ind,, lu1s hecn :1ppoi11terl in lerrns of. the p1'ovisions of \ !'ct.ion I of the ·:\Iilitan- Go,·ernoi-'s .l'roclamation '.\ n. 20, <lated the 23tl.i o"etoher, 1915, to exet·cisc ex o r f i c i o, the functions of Public: Trustee fm· the Protectorate.

!\o. 53.J l 21st December, 1915.

<,·EH;\L\"'.\: BA~KNOTES -- Discount of

lt is hereby notified in lel'ms of paragraph (b) ol Prod.mnalion :'\o. 7 of the 16th Jillv 1915: that the ralc or discount at whieh :'\oles of .the GeJ.·man !kichskasse :md of the Berlin Heichsbank may be ac­('.epled in Government Offic~,s in the Protectorate has u nm furlhc;· nolicc, been fixed at twenty seven and ::nc lwlf ma.i ks to the pound ,stcrlin.g-. Twenty marks will he rega:rded as equivalent to fourteen shillings and sixpence.

Goyemment Notice l\o. :34 of the 6th l\ovember, W15, is cancelled.

!28th December, 1915.

H is nolified f-ot ~eneral infor mation that the Ad-111inist:.rator has, in terms of Section I of Proclamation No. 17 dated the 21st Se1;tembci· Hl15, d~signated ea.ch ol the undcrmenlionc<;I persons to be a Commissioner ,if Oaths during pleasure, wilh jurisdiclion through­out the Protcctor·a tc


~o. ,>6. : : :nst lJ<'Cl'Jll her, 1915.

.-\..PPUJYJ'ME~TS Of Il\'SPECTOH A:\U ])i<:t>UTY


It is notified for gcnernJ information lhat C. E. L\..l\GLEY. Esquire, InspedOi" nf .\lines. an(l F. C. Fl{EE:'.\L\:'\, E squire. hoth ()f the Adminis tra tor's Ofic:e. Windhnk, h~n-c hecn provisionally ;tppointcd by the ,\dminislr.alo r· t,> act a s Inspedor of Exp!osive.s and Deputy Inspector o f E xplosives, Tc,-,.pcdivcly , and to exer cise w1thi11 lhc l' rn le.clornlc the functions 9f the administraliY(' aulho,·itics mcnlione<l in Scc·­tion 11 of Ille Ordinaw·ti or lhe (;ovcn1or of th e tcr-ri ­ton· hc,'cto rore known ~1s ( ic., man Sonlh \\' est ,\frica. dated the 2-1-lh .lut1l' lHl 1 aid rel a ting to • the tr-affi e in ex pl:.>si ,.<'s .

?\o. 57.


It is uotified for gcnernl information that Captain T. J. CARLISLE has been provi~ionally appointed hv the Administrator to act as Controller of Looi Stock for I.he Protectorate in place of Captain T. :M · Davidsoi1. ;'>th S. A. M. IL v-,ith effect from the date of'" a,:;sumption of duly.

~O. 58.] [31st December, 1915.


It is notified for general information that Lieut W. H. CHA.TL\ WAY_ 1st S. A. l\I. H., has been ap­pointed to act ~'s detachN~ .\.ssic;t.a.nl Military ifogish·ate at Nanrnton.i, with effect from date hereof, for the purpo~c or tr'ying such case-; as cannot conve.uiently be bronghl. t-0 Tsumeh fo l· trial.

I\o. l.J


It is notified for general informalion that Lienten­::i.nt P. C. WOODLEY, -ith S. :\. :\f. R., has been p_ro·­\·ision:illy appointed by tlw Adminis trato r under tllt<"

provisions of Section 1 of Pmclamalion Xo. 11 oi Hl15; t:o ad as Detached Assi:tant :\lililary :\Iagistrnk' at Aroah in p lace uf .Liculcnant F. E. \Vaknncycr , \Yith effect from th e <.ki ll' of assumption of duly.

i\O. 55.; l:·H -;l December, 191G. Xo. 2_


ll is notified for gcncrni int'ormalion that i\fajor .r. N. CORMACK has been provisionally appointed i,-v the Administra l.or t,o aet as . DireclOL' or Works t<.;r the Pr-0teclorate in place or Ma_joi· P . Eagh-, with cl'fect from the 15th December, 1915.


It is noliiied Joi· general inl'onnation that J. H. GllEE>J Esq. has b een a ppointed l>y the ..\dministrato1 .

to act as _:\lilitat·y :\Iagistrale at Grootrontein during the absence on duty -of °Jiajo,· J. H. E . :\Iayne.