enlarged contexts of learning in pre- primary education for teachers’ professional development...

Enlarged contexts of learning in pre-primary education for teachers’ professional development Learning in informal contexts to promove learnfare perspective Chiara Urbani Academic Year 2013/2014 Phd in Science of Cognition and Education University Ca’ Foscari Venice

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Page 1: Enlarged contexts of learning in pre- primary education for teachers’ professional development Learning in informal contexts to promove learnfare perspective

Enlarged contexts of learning in pre-primary education for

teachers’ professional developmentLearning in informal contexts to promove learnfare


Chiara UrbaniAcademic Year 2013/2014

Phd in Science of Cognition and EducationUniversity Ca’ Foscari


Page 2: Enlarged contexts of learning in pre- primary education for teachers’ professional development Learning in informal contexts to promove learnfare perspective

The european framework of Pre-school education-1

2 European models(OCSE-Eurydice, 2009)



European policy to improvement for education and training

systems( Smart,sustainable and inclusive growth,

COM 2020)

Youth on the move: •At Ue level: “promote the recognition of non-formal and informal learning”

•At National level: Promote: “...efficient investment in education and training systems at all levels (pre-school to tertiary)” and “... improve

educational outcomes, addressing each segment (pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational and tertiary) within an integrated approach,

encompassing key competences and aiming at reducing early school leaving;

European Training 2020: “…LLL [...] is designed to cover learning in all contexts — whether formal, non-formal or informal — and at all levels: from early childhood education

and schools through to higher education, vocational education and training and adult learning”

“... Educational disadvantage should be addressed by providing high quality early childhood education and targeted support, and by promoting inclusive education” [Council conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a strategic framework for

European cooperation in education and training ( ET 2020 )

Early childhoodeducation services

(child care)

Pre-primary school(early education)

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The european framework of Pre-school education-2

0-3 year-olds 4 year-olds 3-6 year-olds

Average in OCSE

Average in Italy

Fig.1. Enrolment of 0-3 year-olds in child care Fig.2. Enrolment of 4 year-olds in early education Fig.3. Enrolment of 3-6 year-olds in early education

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Head start (HS) USA 1965

Early years evaluation (EYE) Canada 1971


Status and pedagogical task of preschool to be strengthenedSweden 2011

A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Europe COM (2010a) 2020

Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe: Tackling Social and Cultural Inequalities

OCSE-Eurydice 2009

Il lavoro educativo con la prima infanzia. Tra progetto pedagogico e scelte organizzative

Università Milano-Bicocca 2008

I servizi educativi per la prima infanzia a carattere innovativo

IRER Lombardia 2004

The child care transition; A league table of early childhood education and care in economically

advanced countiriesReport card UNICEF 2008



...to most recent policies:What’s the actual


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New frontiers emerging from policiesPolicies do not determine the behavior


point of view

• EDUCATIVE point of view

Prevention of discomfort and socio-cultural disadvantage: pre-school education as insurance for life? (Head Start, 1965-2005; Carolina Abecedarian Project, 1972, Perry Pre-school Project, 1962-2006; Effective Provision of Pre-school Education, 2003, OCSE- Starting Strong II, 2006; OCSE-Eurydice, 2009;)

Conciliation female employment/ maternal role: reduce public spending and encourage the work re-integration? (Unicef Report card, 2008; OCSE-Eurydice, 2009;)

Enhancing school learning prerequisites: to facilitate the transition from child to pupil? (OCSE 2006-2009; G.S. Becker, Human capital, 1964)

The benefits of early socialization: the “wrong myth” (OCSE, 2006-2009)

Qualification of educational relationship (UNICEF Report Card 8, 2008)

BUT:Contradictory results on

the long term effects (Unicef Report card,


BUT:No evidence of actual

correlation (OCSE-Eurydice,

2009, Pfau-Effinger, 2010)

BUT:The response of the

Neurosciences (Harvard

Research,2007; National Research

Council, Washington D.C., 2000, 2001)

BUT:Different needs...

individualized respons(IRER Piemonte, 2004)

BUT:Too many variables (Unicef Report card,


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Releasing personal dimension with its

employability translation

The personalization of welfare: Transition to flexibile and innovative

systems of learnfare(Margiotta, 2012)

Sen,1999; Nussbaum, 2011

Umanizing re-foundation:The individual Agency

(Costa, 2011, 2012)

Development (personal and professional) as like...

“...personal freedom to choose the life that give value”

Critical issues


Trought integrated relationships emerging from enlarged contexts of learning: social (parental and intergenerational) interacting

and professional (community of practice) contexts.

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Life-long training and professional development of pre-school teachers

Initial – Induction - Continuing

Professional development TALIS

The italian framework

• Early childhood services educator• Pre-school teacher

Proposal for a planning of the

new profiles

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Professional development in capability approach

The value over the COMPETENCE APPROACH


• Freedom to act and freedom to... achieve (Sen, 1999)

• Capabilites and functionings (Sen, 1999; Nussbaum, 2012)

• Conversion factors

• The device of transformative reflexivity (Mezirow, 2003)

Not just...teacher’s reflexive and transformative competence

...to: support capabilities development and qualify a new participatory idea of professional teacher’s development

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INNATE capacities



INTERNAL capacities

COMBINED capacities

Environment factorses. education (Nussbaum, 2000)

CONVERSION factors(Social, political etc.)

Opportunities/ Conditions to build capability to realize...as


No-functioningsFine functionings


Functionings of life

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The research settingFind correlation between:

Teacher professional development & capability processFor a new define of pre-school educational policies

Conversion factors:

2. Institutional and regulatory framework

1.Resources framework

3. Organisational and processing framework

4. Other available resources (latent resources)

Continuing trainingInternational and professional mobility

Institutional, regulatory, contractual guaranteesContractual provisionsCareer plansProfessional recognitionNational Guidelines for the over-all pre-school education

Professional Communities of PracticeCollegialityIntra- and extra- school relational contexts (parentaland intergenerational)

Informal learning contextsNetworks (intra- and extra- curricular)Social contexts of local governance

Research question:

A new plan for teacher professional developmentlooking for value beyond the competence/skill

trought personal agencyfor capability empowerment


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Objectives: aIdentify areas of competences of the professional development in

pre-school education:- Early childhood care services (child care)- Pre-school education (early education)

Mixed studies:quali-quantitative

Methods: Quantitative study

Qualitative study

• Qualitative semi-structured interview

To realize a continuing professional development pilottrought capability process

based on the integration of enlarged contexts of learning(social, parental, and intergenerational)

•Questionnaires on self-perception skills

•Participant observation by action research

Expected results: Identify development frameworks (conversion factors)Define a teacher professional development modelDefine and develop a new pre-primary education policy

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