entering title iiie respite units to a caregiver

Entering Title IIIE Respite Units to a Caregiver

Upload: derick-richard

Post on 17-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • Entering Title IIIE Respite Units to a Caregiver
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  • Consumers
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  • Single left click on the funnel to open the Filter screen
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  • Deming
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  • Deming
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  • 09/2014
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  • The Service Delivery screen will appear with all pertinent in formation already entered; Provider Site (if applicable) Care Recipient Name Service Category Service Subservice
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  • Also notice that at the top of the left hand column, Delivery Type is marked to Caregiver. All Respite Care Units are assigned to the Caregiver and need to be indicated as such in the Delivery Type section
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  • Notice that the Subservice is listed as CG- respite In home 108-2843.
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  • If your organization has an Adult Daycare facility that is funded by the Title IIIE Respite program the Subservice should read, CG- respite Adult Day Care 108-2870
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  • 15.00
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  • Left click on the circle to the left of the space labeled to Caregiver.
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  • Next we want to indicate the Care Program. Left click on the arrow to the right of the space labeled Care Program. A list of Care Programs associate with this Consumer will appear.
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  • From the list single left click on Family Caregiver Support Program Title III (E)
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  • Notice; when you selected The Family Caregiver Program that the Care Recipient information auto filled.
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  • Follow this same procedure to select the Service Category and Service.
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  • Notice; When you selected The Service CG- Respite Care the Subservice field appeared.
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  • Continue by indicating the appropriate Subservice. For this example we stated the Mrs. Armstrong received Respite Care in her home so select the Subservice, CG-respite In home 108-2843
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  • Confirm that the Service Month and year are correct.
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  • If the Service Month and Year are incorrect you can change it by single left clicking on the Calendar icon found to the right of the Month/Year field.
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  • A drop down box will appear with the year displayed across the bar on top.
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  • You can change the Year by left clicking on the arrows to the left or right of the year displayed
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  • You can change the Month by left clicking on the correct Month in the box below the Year.
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  • The box will close leaving the Month and Year displayed.
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  • Next enter the number of units as you learned earlier.
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  • 15.00
  • Slide 111
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  • Once you have entered the Units you can save and close the service delivery by following the instructions for Save and Close.
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  • That is how you enter Respite Care Service Units into a Caregivers Service Record.
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