enterprise software implementation

Enterprise Software Implementation 1/19/20 12 V:1.0 What is Enterprise Software? © 2012, Brett Harvey

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Basic Enterprise Software Implementation Plan.


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Enterprise Software Implementation


What is Enterprise Software?

© 2012, Brett Harvey

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Enterprise Software is: An Integrated system used by businesses to combine,

organize and maintain the data necessary for operations. Enterprise software systems merge each of the company’s key departments into one software system. For many companies, the Enterprise software is the heart of their operations and the backbone of the organization.

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Enterprise Software Implementation

• All companies at some point are faced with the need for software implementation.

• 40% Fail so don’t leave to chance.

• Failure is costly.

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Enterprise Software Implementation

Why do you want Enterprise Software?

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Enterprise Software Implementation

Why?• Organizations want the software to add value by

improving efficiency and increasing profitability.

• Eliminate multiple software applications.

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Enterprise Software Implementation

Follow some general guidelines and checkpoints when

evaluating software vendors, their solutions and core

competencies for deploying enterprise systems.

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Checkpoint 1: Domain/Industry Expertise

• Conduct thorough research on potential vendors.

• Experienced in implementing solutions specific to your industry.

• Have their consultants lived this life prior to learning the software? Industry experience?

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Checkpoint 1: Domain/Industry ExpertiseContinued

The need for a vendor with a proven track record

in your niche as it provides credibility and a

foundation of consistency. This assures that a

particular vendor will continue to serve your

industry and business in the future.

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Checkpoint 1: Domain/Industry ExpertiseContinued

• Take a look at their current clients to determine if they fall in your industry.

• Speak with users of their software as resources to the validity of their solutions and claims.

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Checkpoint 2: End-User Endorsement

This Is Crucial For Success

• Make sure your end-users will institutionalize your software solution.

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Checkpoint 2: End-User Endorsement Continued

• The end-users are the nucleus of any software implementation and are one of the biggest influencers as to whether an implementation will be successful or not.

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Checkpoint 2: End-User EndorsementContinued

• End user acceptance. Qualified internal resources that have accepted business change and acceptance at this level before.

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Checkpoint 3: Dedicated Communication Strategy

• Communicate openly with Users.

• Business processes are reviewed and many times will need to be revised.

• Making decisions quickly and communicating them across the organization helps set realistic expectations and mitigates the pain of misguided intentions.

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Checkpoint 3: Dedicated Communication StrategyContinued

• Form a project steering committee with appropriate staff.

• Internal “Champion” for the project. But it’s a team effort.

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Checkpoint 3: Dedicated Communication StrategyContinued

• Regular progress reports to steering committee.

• Divide up responsibilities among sub-teams to help steer project during certain phases.

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Checkpoint 4: Training Program

• Train end-users from the beginning. User empowerment must start day one by training end-users in the design and functionality of their new systems. This ensures that you are not reliant on the company implementing your software solution for every minor tweak and modification.

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Checkpoint 4: Training Program Continued

• By quickly educating and training your staff, this provides them with ownership of the solution and allows for a faster and more efficient response to problems and upgrades.

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Checkpoint 4: Training Program Continued


Paint yourself into a corner. If you prefer to rely more on the outside consultants than your internal staff, make sure that you have a high-level understanding of your new software and use the same experienced consulting group that implemented the solution for any upgrades and revisions.

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Checkpoint 4: Training Program Continued

• Being trained and educated about the solution may not be a priority of all companies, but having the option goes a long way in providing quick solutions when needed.

• Many companies say they do not want to be on the bleeding edge of technology. System implementations may not be for the faint of heart, and there is no set process that will ensure a successful software implementation.

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Checkpoint 4: Training Program Continued

• However, if you follow these guidelines and choose a solution provider that understands your business needs, your implementation will be more manageable and success more attainable.