environmental education & green jobs. environmental education (ee) is a process in which...

Environmental Education & Green Job

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Environmental Education & Green Jobs

Why Environmental Education?

Components of Environmental Education

Green is the link between the environmental movement and sustainability

Green livingvs.

Living green

What is Green?

What is Sustainability? - More than Just Being Green…

What are green jobs?

Why do we need Green jobs?

Green Jobs on cards

What About Other ‘Green’ Careers?

Biggest job creation sustainability risks/opportunities are related to climate change & energy use solutions.

- Behavior as important as Technology…

Second largest risk/opportunity is Water, and often water & climate change issues are closely linked.

The third is the shift in mainstream consumers towards ‘green’ sustainable products (and not just cars).

What Business Sustainability Risks & Opportunities Are

Creating Jobs?

What the Financial & Corporate Sectors Think of


High potential sectors

India may see about 1 mn 'green jobs' by 2013

Green Jobs in India

Source: Pew Charitable Trusts, 2009, based on the National Establishment Time Series Database; analysis by Pew Center on the States and Collaborative Economics

Growth potential

Source: Pew Charitable Trusts, 2009, based on the National Establishment Time Series Database; analysis by Pew Center on the States and Collaborative Economics

Growth potential

TREE Objectives

E- Learning Contact sessions Field training

Training Strategy

Research Intiatives