eoi luarca magazine 2009-2010

EOI Luarca Magazine p 1 CURSO 2010 2009 UN AÑO EN LA EOI DE LUARCA ................... 1 ACTIVIDADES COMPLEMENTARIAS ........ 3 VUESTROS TRABAJOS..................... 20 Luarca RESUMEN DEL CURSO EN LA ESCUELA OFICIAL DE IDIOMAS DE LUARCA Este año todos hemos trabajado duro para mejorar, sin dejar de lado el disfrute de los idiomas y la cultura de los paises de habla inglesa o francesa. A través de esta revista os damos las gracias a tod@s de corazón por hacer de la Escuela un centro en que todos hemos podido aprender de todos, El equipo docente Thanks, merci, gracias Parece que fue ayer cuando empezá- bamos este curso 2009-2010, un poco tristes porque se terminaba el verano, pero llenos también de ilusiones y pro- yectos. En estos meses no sólo hemos intentado aprender un poco de inglés y de francés o nos hemos encontrado con el gran “Frankenstein” y el peque- ño “Nicolas”, sobre todo ha habido personas, en algunos casos anónimas, que han puesto vida en los actos y actividades que nos han ayudado a llenar esas expectativas que teníamos en el momento en que decidimos for- mar parte de esta comunidad. Por eso, si tengo que resumir mi visión de lo que ha sido este curso, lo resumiré con la palabra GRACIAS. Gracias a Esther, a Loli, a Daniel y a Clara, que a veces no los vemos, pero hacen que el centro se mantenga lim- pio y con ello más agradable nuestra estancia; gracias a Ramón por toda la atención que nos dispensa desde la conserjería; gracias a Rosa por el celo con que mantiene nuestros papeles y expedientes; gracias a Carmen por hacer que nuestras cuentas cuadren año tras año; gracias a Mª José por su disponibilidad; gracias a Paula por su paciencia; gracias a Antonio por tantas horas dedicadas a la Escuela; gracias a Andrei por su amabilidad; gracias a Celsa y Silverio por hacernos de emba- jadores, y a todos los alumnos por su esfuerzo en el estudio y su inestimable participación y colaboración en las ac- tividades que se les han ofrecido. Gracias a todos por hacer de la Escuela mucho más que un centro de enseñanza y espero que tengáis como yo la sensación de que ha merecido la pena. Luisa M. Miguel Esteban , Directora ¿Sabías que... El inglés es el idioma de Internet? Con más de 280 millones de usuarios adelanta a la lenguas chinas, que tienen 170 millones; el español se mantiene en cerca de los 70 millones de usuarios en total, sin desbancar aún al francés (82 millones de navegan- tes), que ha crecido mucho en 2010, al igual que el alemán, que ya cuenta con 62 mi- llones de internautas. ¿Y tú, en que idioma hablas en la red? Magazine

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Luarca


Page 1: EOI Luarca Magazine 2009-2010

EOI Luarca Magazine — p 1


DE LUARCA ................... 1




TRABAJOS ..................... 20



Este año todos hemos trabajado duro para mejorar, sin dejar de lado el disfrute de los idiomas y la cultura de los

paises de habla inglesa o francesa. A través de esta revista os damos las gracias a tod@s de corazón por hacer de

la Escuela un centro en que todos hemos podido aprender de todos,

El equipo docente Thanks, merci, gracias

Parece que fue ayer cuando empezá-bamos este curso 2009-2010, un poco tristes porque se terminaba el verano, pero llenos también de ilusiones y pro-yectos. En estos meses no sólo hemos intentado aprender un poco de inglés y de francés o nos hemos encontrado con el gran “Frankenstein” y el peque-ño “Nicolas”, sobre todo ha habido personas, en algunos casos anónimas, que han puesto vida en los actos y actividades que nos han ayudado a llenar esas expectativas que teníamos en el momento en que decidimos for-mar parte de esta comunidad. Por eso, si tengo que resumir mi visión de lo que ha sido este curso, lo resumiré con la palabra GRACIAS. Gracias a Esther, a Loli, a Daniel y a Clara, que a veces no los vemos, pero hacen que el centro se mantenga lim-pio y con ello más agradable nuestra

estancia; gracias a Ramón por toda la atención que nos dispensa desde la conserjería; gracias a Rosa por el celo con que mantiene nuestros papeles y expedientes; gracias a Carmen por hacer que nuestras cuentas cuadren año tras año; gracias a Mª José por su disponibilidad; gracias a Paula por su paciencia; gracias a Antonio por tantas horas dedicadas a la Escuela; gracias a Andrei por su amabilidad; gracias a Celsa y Silverio por hacernos de emba-jadores, y a todos los alumnos por su esfuerzo en el estudio y su inestimable participación y colaboración en las ac-tividades que se les han ofrecido. Gracias a todos por hacer de la Escuela mucho más que un centro de enseñanza y espero que tengáis como yo la sensación de que ha merecido la pena. Luisa M. Miguel Esteban , Directora

¿Sabías que... El inglés es el idioma de Internet? Con más de 280 millones de usuarios adelanta a la lenguas chinas, que tienen 170 millones; el español se mantiene en cerca de los 70 millones de usuarios en total, sin desbancar aún al francés (82 millones de navegan-tes), que ha crecido mucho en 2010, al igual que el alemán, que ya cuenta con 62 mi-llones de internautas.

¿Y tú, en que idioma hablas en la red?


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En continua mejora

Seguimos intentando hacerte más fácil y

divertido el aprender un idioma.

Un año más, en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas

intentamos superarnos para darte lo mejor

dentro de nuestras posibilidades.

Hemos mejorado el equipamiento de la Escue-

la, tanto en material informático en aulas y en

el Aula Modelo, que ahora cuenta con un pan-

talla de proyección, como en el uso de las mismas por parte del profesorado. Nos hemos

formado para poder ayudarte a través de las nuevas tecnologías disponibles, y hecho un

gran esfuerzo para agrandar la biblioteca y hacerla un lugar relajado para el estudio y el

aprendizaje. Además, hemos invertido muchas horas en mantenerla a tu disposición du-

rante prácticamente todo el horario de tarde.

Además, hemos traído a la Escuela los más diversos actos teatrales y musicales, junto a

conferencias y otras actividades en las que, con tu participación, hemos hecho realidad

el ser mucho más que un centro de aprendizaje, algunos de los cuales se recogen en esta


Con tu ayuda, el año que viene tod@s seguiremos esforzándonos para mejorar.


Nueva localización

La biblioteca ahora es mucho más. Tienes a tu disposición libros, revis-

tas, películas, docu-mentales, etc., tres or-denadores para mejorar tu aprendizaje y un area de studio disponible du-rante el horario de aper-

tura del centro.

DVDS Digitalizamos los ‘clásicos’

Hemos pasado a DVD aquel-

las cintas VHS con películas

anteriores a este formato,

ahora en desuso. Así podrás

disfrutar de ellas en caso de

no tener un lector de video.

Recuerda que es recom-

mendable ver en idioma ex-

tranjero una película que ya

conozcas, y preferentemente

con subtítulos en V.O.

LA WEB: WWW.EOILUARCA.COM Desde el comienzo de curso, nos hemos esforzado en mantenerte informad@ de todas los horarios, plazos, actividades, bajas del profesorado, becas y otras informaciones rela-tivas a la EOI. La nueva web da más servicio e información, y está mejor organizada, y está a tu disposición 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana.

Es la mejor y más rápida vía de comunicación de la que disponemos. No dudes en consultarla frecuentemente. ¡Te interesa!

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Actividades complementarias

Demostramos que nada es imposible

con el esfuerzo y la colaboración de todos.

Todos en la Escuela, alumnos y profesores, colaboramos para que aprender y usar la lengua sea algo que no sólo pase dentro de clase. Este curso han tenido lugar un exten-so ciclo de obras de teatro, conciertos, conferencias, concursos, películas, actividades lectoras y diversas iniciativas que nos han hecho disfrutar de los idiomas también fuera del aula.

En el concurso de postales navideñas, la original postal ganadora fue diseñada por Orlando Pérez Torres, 2º NA Inglés También se realizó un concurso gastronómico, en el que todos pudimos

disfrutar de suculentas recetas. Algunas de las propuestas ganadoras han compartido con nosotros sus secretos culinarios.

Triple-chocolate Brownies Cooking Time: 40 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Ingredients:

4 squares white chocolate

2 squares unsweetened black chocolate

1 cup of cream

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter

2 eggs

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup sifted all-purpose flour

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 cup chopped nuts

½ cup of chocolate sauce Preparation: Directions for chocolate mousse: In a small saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate and cream. Stir until smooth and shiny. Cool in the fridge. Directions for brownies: In a small saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate and butter. In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs until light and foamy. Add sugar gradually, beating until fluffy and thick. Stir cooled chocolate mixture. Stir in flour and chopped nuts. Spread batter (butter?) for brownies in a greased and floured 8-inch square baking pan. Bake brownies at 350° for about 25 to 30 minutes, or until firm. Cool completely and cut into squares. Cover half evenly over of chocolate mousse layer and cover with the other half. Finally, bathe in chocolate sauce.


Francisco Fernández Fernández, 2º Intermedio, Inglés

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300 g de chocolat noir 70% de cacao en morceaux 12 marrons glacés 100 g de beurre à temperature ambiante et coupé en petits morceaux 75 g de sucre très fin 3 jaunes d’œuf 375 ml de crème pour fouetter ½ petite cuillère de vanille liquide Des feulles de menthe 3 kumquats ou des oranges chines (optionnel) Pour le sauce 100 g de confiture d’orange amère 2 cuillères d’eau PRÉPARATION Fondre le chocolat dans le four à microondes et ajouter le beurre. Battre les jaunes d'oeuf avec le sucre jusqu'à ce qu’il soit éclairé. Ajouter la vanille et le chocolat, mélanger bien. Fouetter la crème du lait. Ajouter deux cuillères de chocolat. Mélan-ger et continuer à incorporer la crème peu à peu. Couvrir six moules avec du film étirable et les remplir jusqu'à la moi-tié avec le chocolat. Mettre un marron glacé en petits morceaux dans chaque moule et remplir avec le chocolat. Laisser les moules dans le réfrigérateur.

Ajouter de l'eau sur la confiture, mettre à petit feu jusqu'à ce que la sauce soit consistante. Au moment de servir, démouler, placer un marron glacé sur chaque grande truffe et un peu de sauce d'orange. Déco-rer le plat avec les qumquats et les feuilles de menthe. Moi, j'ai utilisé des morceaux d’orange glacée au lieu des qumquats. C'est facile à faire, il ne prend pas beaucoup de temps, à peu près 30 minutes; la réfrigération est nécessaire; on peut les préparer un jour d'avant ou encore plus. Il peut se conserver quelques jours dans le réfrigérateur.

Mª Luisa Fuentes Santamarta (Deuxième Année- Niveau Avancé)

Además, los alumnos del Convenio de inglés para Jóvenes 18-30 comparten también sus especialidades.

‘RUSSIAN’ SALAD Ingredients.

2 potatoes. 2 eggs. 2 carrots. 5 asparagus. Peas. 12 Olives. 1 Pepper. Mayonaise.

-Boil the water. -Add to the water some potatoes, two eggs and two carrots. -Drain the potatoes, the eggs and the carrots. -Put in one table one pepper, twelve olives, five asparagus a lot of peas the potatoes and the eggs. -Dice all ingredients. -Add a little of mayonnaise and blend very well. Juan Ramón Iglesias Alonso—Grupo A2 Ortiguera

CHEESE FLAN 1/2 L of fresh cream 1/2 L of milk 1 tin of San Millán (or Philadelfia) cheese 1 cup of sugar 2 or 3 envelopes of cuajada curd Mix everything in a blender and cook over low heat until boiling, stirring constantly to avoid sticking.

Bon appetit!!!! Nuria García Iglesias—Grupo A2 Ortiguera

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No podía faltar...

Asturian Beans Preparation: Step 1: Soaking the beans

Clean the beans an put them in a bowl and cover with water to soak overnight before cooking.

Step 2: Cook the beans with the “compango” (the meat)

Put the drained beans in a big pot with the cloves of garlic, the whole onion, the red pepper, the tomatoes, the pork sausages, the blood sausage, the meat, the piece of ham and the bacon. Cover with cold water and add the praprika, a jet of olive oil and a bit of salt.

Here, we call “compango” the different meat we cook in casseroles, food which is eaten with bread.

Step 3: Boil the casserole

Place on fire and turn on hight for boiling.

Step 4: “Asustar les fabes” (To frighten the beans)

When the water starts to boil, add a cup of cold water to stop the water boiling. That is known as “asustar les fabes”. Then, reduce to medium fire and let the pot without putting the top at all.

Step 5: Clean the water

Clean the foam, or the impurities that come up while the water is boil-ing, with a spatula. Big spoons or other mustn’t be put into the mixture. To move the beans, only hit the pot softly.

Step 6: Your beans are cooked!!

Three hours and a half later (maybe, four) the beans will be soft. Get it out of the fire.

Step 7: Tasting the flavour

Taste the salt and the spice and add salt or parpika if it is necesary.

Step 8: Tasting the texture

Take out the whole onion and the cloves of garlic. If the sauce is very liquid, blend it and add to the beans. You can also let the beans resting to get thicker.

Step 9: Preparing the dishes

Put aside the meat, sausages, ham... and cut it in pieces.

Step 10: Ready to eat!

Serve the beans at first and then the meat or compango. Eat with bread and drink cider or a good red wine.

Now, have a nice and hearty meal!!!!

Leticia Rodríguez González- Grupo B1, Navia

Chicken and Ham Pudding Ingredients:

300 g chicken breast

300 g cooked ham

300 g Serrano ham

2 eggs

Ground nutmeg

Freshly ground black pepper

Some sherry


1 kg. dry beans 2 litres of water 2 red pork sausage 1 asturian blood sausage (with onion) A piece of ham A piece of bacon A piece of meat 1 onion 2 tomatoes 4 cloves of garlic ½ red pepper A teaspoon of salt 2 teaspoons of sweet paprika 1 teaspoon of hot paprika 2 or 3 spoonfuls of virgin olive oil (a little splash)


Mince or shred both types of ham and the chicken, and mix everything in a bowl.

Beat the eggs and mix them with the minced meat. Then season with the spices and add a splash of sherry to the mixture. Stir well.

Pour the mixture into an ovenproof dish and bake in the oven until set.

Keep it in the fridge for 24 hours before serving.

Serve sliced.

Paloma García Oliver, 2º intermedio , Inglés

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From the best… a professional recipe!

Seared Marinated Salmon


600g/1¼lb salmon fillet, with skin 4 lemons splash white wine 2 tbsp thyme leaves 2 tbsp rosemary leaves 2 tbsp dill fronds 300ml/½ pint olive oil 2 tbsp chopped parsley Maldon sea salt and cracked black pepper


1. Cut salmon in four and score the skin. Put in a non-metal dish. 2. Zest and juice two lemons. Halve remaining lemons. 3. Combine zest and juice with wine, thyme, rosemary, dill, one-third of the oil and half the parsley. Season. 4. Preheat oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. 5. Pour marinade over salmon and leave for 30 minutes. 6. Remove salmon, drain off marinade and fry, skin side down, for 1 minute. Turn and seal other side. 7. Lay salmon, skin side up, in a roasting tray, sprinkle with salt and roast for about 10 minutes or until just cooked through. 8. Put on serving dish, drizzle with remaining oil, sprinkle with remaining parsley and serve with lemon halves. Miguel Fernández Fernández-Grupo A2, Navia (Liceo) He is currently training to become a chef. Best of luck with your career! And a last treat!

Chocolate cookies Serves 4 people (20 cookies) Ingredients: 130 g of sugar 100 g of butter a bit of sweet vainilla 150 g of flour 100 gr of chocolate 1 egg 1st step: Break the chocolate in little pieces and put it into a bowl 2nd step: Heat the butter until it melts 3rd step: Whisk the eggs 4th step: Drop all the ingredients in the bowl and whisk the mix 5th step:Put aluminium paper in to a tray 6th step:Spread the aluminium paper with some butter 7th step:With the help of a spoon make little balls with the mix and put it into the tray 8th step:Introduce the tray into the oven at 200ºC during more or less 10 minutes 9th step:Before taking off the tray of the oven let the cookies cool down and then you have got the cookies ready to eat!

Gemma Pérez Mendez, Grupo B1, Navia (Liceo)

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Relatos navideños Los ganadores del concurso narrativo demostraron

una gran imaginación y dominio del idioma.

Sweet Death

“Do not move! I told you to hold your breath when humans are close to us!” – the

little shepherd whispered to his colleagues.

“At what time does the child go to sleep?” - asked Melchior, one of the Three Wise


“I think at ten” - answered Caspar as he was sitting on his camel – two hours more we must wait, he added.

For three hundred and thirty five days the plastic figurines from the nativity scene had been waiting to be exposed in

the corner of the living room, just opposite the fire place. Happy though they were, they should try to keep quiet in

front of people, otherwise their secret would be revealed. Miky took a final glance to his Nativity scene from the door.

Very proud of his work he was. Switching off the light and closing the door behind him, he went to sleep.

Suddenly, as soon as Miky left the room, the little town got alive. The little figurines started turning into delicious

chocolate ones, moving all up and down the town. The mill started working grinding the corn seeds, the washer

woman was doing her laundry scrubbing the clothes to leave them immaculate, the shepherds were announced the

birth of Christ by the angel, and the town had been flooded with happiness and revelry.

The river crossing the town was a bit unusual as it turned into a dark bright chocolate one. The brick houses were

transformed into delicious white chocolate ones with marshmallows instead of snow covering the roofs.

Every night since the first one they were taken out from their boxes in the garage, the transformation was taking place,

and the magic of Christmas was being spread. The second night came and the transformation was happening again as

usual in the last ten years, since they arrived into Mike’s house. But that night was not as quiet as they had expected it

to be. Suddenly, they heard how Mike’s steps were approaching the living room and with them, panic and stress broke

the peace and happiness that were flooding the town. The chocolate-human figurines transformed again into plastic

ones, but the houses and buildings did not have enough time to do it. Miky, thus, discovered them and very surprised

he claimed:

“I must be dreaming” – and he started eating one of the dark chocolate buildings: the well. After eating three more

chocolate houses, he felt full and returned again to bed. The night after, he came again to the living room and he

started eating Herod’s castle. A week later the figurines were very scared of little Miky eating the stable at Bethlehem,

as they listened to him saying that this was for the final day. All the population started drawing up a plan to avoid being

eaten. They could not believe he preferred eating them rather than keeping playing everyday.

The following night as soon as he went to sleep, the figurines stepped into Mike’s room and they saw him sleeping in-

side his bed: a giant chocolate figure calmly asleep.

Not only were the figurines suffering the night-chocolate transformation, but Mike as well.

They started biting his face and eating him all. There was no time to lose. When they finished with Mike they returned

into the living room, and with the dawn, they went to their places already transformed into plastic, waiting for another

quiet and monotonous night to come with no dangers around.

Elena García Pérez 2º Avanzado, Inglés

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Misfortunes always come in threes One day, Santa Claus was preparing the presents for all the children in the world when, suddenly, a pair of thieves went into Santa Claus’s castle. They ran to Santa Claus and shot him in the right leg, and they caught all the presents and escaped from the castle while the reindeer tried to stop them, but they had a car waiting for them. The reindeer took Santa Claus to hospital. Santa Claus was furious and absolutely sad, because he remembered the poor children that wouldn’t get any presents. Quickly, Santa Claus stood up and called his friends, the Three Wise Men, to help him to recover the presents, because without any presents, nobody would have Christmas.

The Three Wise Men went to the hospital to talk to Santa Claus and they decided that they should help Santa Claus and recover the stolen presents. The Three Wise Men rode their camels and started to investigate the crime. Five weeks later, the Three Wise Men got a letter from Rudolph (Santa Claus’s most loyal reindeer). This letter said that Santa Claus had died, because he was allergic to hospital food. They mourned the death of their friend and continued the search for the presents in honor of their friend. Two days later, they found the cave where the thieves had hidden the presents, they caught them and punished the thieves this way: they would have to carry the reindeer and all the presents on their shoulders forever. Because of Santa Claus’s death the Three Wise Men replaced him, and the next years, all the children got more pre-sents than with Santa Claus.

Pablo Antonio Peralta Rodríguez , 2º Básico, Inglés

A Christmas story A beautiful and a very sad woman was sitting on a bench in the middle of a park. She was wearing a red dress and only one red shoe; she had lost her other shoe and she was crying. An old man who was walking with his dog saw the beautiful woman cry and then he felt terribly sad so he didn’t see that his dog had run out behind a dark cat which was running behind a small mouse. The mouse came into a hole, the cat climbed a tree and the dog crossed the street. A street-sweeper shouted at the dog and the shout frightened the baker’s wife. The baker’s wife was a woman who liked love films, she had been an actress when she was very young and she had always dreamed of getting married to Clark Gable. Her husband was a good man and he was much in love with her… Every Saturday night, he made bread hearts to have breakfast on Sunday. That morning, when she was having breakfast, when the street-sweeper shouted, when the dog crossed the street, “The Times” announced that a big star had been seen in the east. Was it Christmas? On the same day, in the same world, a waiter was making a coffee for somebody, when a girl came into the bar and asked him for an ice-cream. The waiter opened the freezer and he was surprised to see a red shoe among the ice creams. He took it out and said: -it must belong to a princess On the same day, in the same world, a child was born, and the sun shone and the grass grew. -Merry Christmas – said the baker to his wife.

Mª Amparo Iglesias Malnero, 1º Intermedio, Inglés

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Sailing home

Paul had woken up very early that morning but he lazily lay in

bed enjoying the smooth and warm contact with the sheets.

Outside it was snowing and he could see that from the bed.

Paul liked thinking for a while before getting up because he

preferred the world of dreams and found it very difficult to

come back to reality. Although over thirty distressing days had

gone by since what happened to his father, somehow that day

he felt sadder. It was an icy-cold Christmas morning. “At least I

won’t have to stand the heavy tricks from my peers at school”,

he thought, and this reflection cheered him up a bit. Although he was the brains in his classroom, he was sometimes

ridiculed by other children because he didn’t seem any interested in quarrelling or brawling as other peers did, he was

quite clumsy at playing football and, what is more, playing computer games was not his strong point. Instead of that,

he enjoyed reading those gorgeous adventure books which his father gave him when returned home from his trips.

“Paul, get up quickly! Mum is waiting for us to do the shopping. Don’t you remember that today is Christmas

Eve?”, Nina, his younger sister, shouted, getting him out of his thoughts.

Snow was falling heavily when they went out into the street but that didn’t worry Paul in the least. At shopping

centre brightly coloured lights and Christmas ornaments were placed everywhere. Many people crowded the mall and

sometimes they had to make their way through the crowd. Most people seemed excited and a smile was drawn on

their faces. “Mum, why are people smiling?”, asked Paul. “Because it’s Christmas time”, answered his mother. “What a

stupid thing!”, he thought.

At dinner Paul wasn’t in a better mood. Nina sang loudly and burst out laughing now and again. “She is a silly

small child”, Paul thought. “When I was 10 like you Paul…”, started his grandmother. Paul really thought that grandma

was as wise as an owl, but this time he didn’t want to hear her stories and he kept eating silent. “What’s the matter,

Paul?”, asked his mother. “Don’t worry, mum, I just feel a bit sick”, he answered. “Well, don’t eat more sweets or you’ll

really get ill”, replied his mother. “I miss my father, mum”, he wanted to say, but the words failed him.

At twelve o’clock his mother turned on the lights of the Christmas tree and suddenly countless coloured gleams

flooded the room. Paul didn’t see the gift boxes which lay on the floor as he strongly closed his eyes and started to sob

his heart out because all at once the repressed emotions forced their way into his mind. And he remembered how

happy he had felt on seeing that wonderful pirate ship which his father had given him last Christmas. He remembered

how many times he had imagined himself as a brave pirate, in search of buried treasures, plying the South Seas…But

his pirates had never kidnapped fishermen!

His mother hugged him drying his tears. “Don’t cry Paul, you’ll see, dad will be free soon and come back

home”, she said to comfort him.

Before he could react, he heard Nina’s voice. “Paul, you are as deaf as a post!, you have a message from dad!”,

shouted Nina, giving him his mobile phone. Feeling as if his heart was running away from his chest, Paul pressed the set

button and could read: Merry Christmas, Paul! We are free and sailing home!

Mª José Gasch López, 1º Avanzado, Inglés

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An e-mail to the Three Wise Men From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: I have been good, polite and friendly. Bring me every-thing.

Dear Wise Men: My name is Abundio and I’m twenty-nine years old. I live in the town of Concernoso, in Spain. This year, I have been a bit naughty, but I have never cheated and I have often helped my wife with her housework. And I always say thank you, which makes me very polite. That is why I think I deserve a lot of presents this year! (well, I'm so good that I’m leaving a lot of grass for your camels in the garden.) Please bring all these things for me and the people in my life:

For S. Joseph, please bring new woodworking tools. For the mayor of Valdés, please bring a notebook: He notes his electoral promises there! Can you bring the heads of TV channels a bit of dignity? This gift is urgent!!! For my mother and for my wife, please bring a lot of patience. I’m very messy and they are stressed. For our teacher at the Language School, please bring a lot of patience too (because we learn slowly). For my students (I’m a teacher, but not a t-shirt), please bring love for reading. They do not read the works of Cervantes and I’m sad. For me, please bring old and valuable books. I love books. Oh, if possible, bring fortune, tranquility, serenity, free time, a lot of money, a new car and a yatch (coxswain included) for my family. But if you can’t, just remember that, more than anything, what I really, really want is a new computer, fast, powerful and very modern. I have a prehistoric computer…

Sincerely: Abun

PS: I remind you also that I like chocolate, and champagne :) PPS: The draw of the National Lottery is on December 22. In the language school we have bought lottery. The headmis-tress has chosen the number this year too… She cannot predict the winning number, so we never win anything. Abso-lutely nothing. Bring a little luck, a lot of love and lots of health to the teachers (including the headmistress, after all), and the students. Thanks! Manuel Fernández González, 1º Nivel Básico, Inglés

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Le Blog de Mère Noël Salut chers admirateurs! Bienvenus au blog de Mère Noël. Aujourd’hui, je vais vous raconter mon dernier jour de travail. Comme vous savez déjà, je suis la femme de Père Noël et je suis chargée de composer les chants de Noël chaque année. Je vais présenter mon nouvel album le mois prochain, donc j’ai décidé de raconter ma routine à tout le monde! Toutes les journées d’enregistre-ment sont très stressantes, mais je crois que vous profiterez en lisant ce récit. Ce jour-là, je me suis réveillée à neuf heures pile quand le réveil a sonné. J’avais dormi à poings fermés, donc je me suis levée avec un grand souri-re. J’adore les journées d’enregistrement et surtout les concerts qui ont lieu le 24 et le 25 décembre à la Place de la Concorde. Il faut que tu dor-

mes bien pour résister les jours avec beaucoup de travail. C’est la raison pour laquelle je me suis couchée tôt la veille. À neuf heures et demie, j’ai pris le petit déjeuner et, après, j’ai pris un bain relaxant. J’aime beaucoup passer le

temps à profiter de l’eau chaude et de la mousse du savon. Puis, je me suis habillée et je me suis maquillée. Mon mari dit que je suis très coquette, mais je ne pense pas la même chose!

Ensuite, j’ai appelé mon chauffeur, Marcel, qui s’occupe de conduire le traîneau à rennes. À dix heures et de-mie, je suis arrivée au studio. Ce studio, qui s’appelle «Studio flocon de neige», est dans l’avenue des Champs Elysées.

Finalement, j’ai commencé l’enregistrement de la chanson «Noël approche» à onze heures. Cette chanson pas-sionnante parle du véritable esprit de Noël, propre aux enfants. Vous pourrez télécharger cette chanson la semaine prochaine, pourtant je peux vous avancer le refrain:

Noël approche! Les flocons de neige tombent,

Les rues s’illuminent et les enfants jouent.

Tous sont pleins de joie, tous célèbrent l’arrivée de Noël.

Quand j’ai fini d’enregistrer, je suis rentrée chez moi. J’étais si fatiguée que je n’avais envie de rien faire, donc j’ai fait la sieste jusqu’à ce que mon mari soit arrivé.

J’espère que vous aurez passé un bon quart d’heure à lire cette histoire et j’invite tout le monde aux concerts! En plus, je peux vous assurer que Père Noël est prêt pour le 25 décembre. Les cadeaux sont en bon chemin, mais vous pouvez encore lui faire parvenir vos pétitions à son blog.

Joyeux Noël! À +! María García Fernández (Première Année Niveau Intermédiaire)

Une histoire de Noël

Marie était une jeune fille. Elle avait dix-sept ans et elle était étudiante. Elle faisait des études de terminale au lycée. Elle avait de très bonnes notes. Elle habitait dans un petit village, loin de la ville où elle allait étudier au lycée. Elle avait trois frères et elle était l’aînée. Ses parents étaient agriculteurs très humbles.

Marie avait une illusion : pouvoir étudier. Elle voulait aller à l’université et devenir médecin, parce que quand elle était petite, sa grand-mère avait été très malade et un médecin l’avait visitée et l’avait soignée. Dès lors elle voulait devenir médecin et soigner les malades. Mais ses parents n’avaient pas de ressources ni d’argent pour qu’elle puisse étudier loin de son petit village.

Un jour, avant Noël, un professeur de Marie entendit commenter sa copine qu’elle ne pouvait pas continuer à étudier parce que ses parents n’avaient pas d’argent. Le professeur appela Marie et lui demanda si ses parents pou-vaient venir parler avec elle.

Ses parents allèrent au lycée et parlèrent avec le professeur. Celle-ci leur dit qu’elle lui payerait ses études à l’université. Ses parents refusèrent, mais elle insista.

Marie finit ses études de médecine. Maintenant elle travaille comme médecin dans un grand hôpital. Son désir s’accomplit. Elle eut sa bonne fée et son rêve devint réalité.

María Jesús Suárez Rodríguez (Première Année Niveau Avancée)

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Christmas Survival Guide

If you are fed up with some Christmas routines and you want to find a

remedy, you must read this guide. It’s about time you stop to think be-

fore Xmas arrives again, so try to follow my advice and you won’t be

out of your mind!

The first thing that strikes me is the mad shopping spree. Is this really

necessary? Every year you tell yourself you will go shopping earlier in

order to avoid the rush, but you never fulfill your promise. Loads of presents invade your house in the run-up to Christ-

mas. You have tried your best for them to be original and most importantly, within your tight budget! You have even

managed to remember your most distant relatives, like the aunt who always knits an awful jumper for you. I’m sure

you have a dozen of them at the bottom of the wardrobe. I believe that buying so many presents for people who you

hardly see isn’t essential. So, why don’t you try buying presents just for your closest relatives?

What’s more, just when you think you have finished doing the Xmas shopping, you realize you will have to look

for the New Year’s Eve outfit. You must hurry to get something smart and dashing year in year out. Despite the fact

that you will only wear it once a year and you have bought the best gown the year before, you can’t be seeing wearing

the same again, no way! If I were you, I would try swapping it with friends or I’d break with this silly tradition.

And what about Xmas family dinners? It’s the same every year, mountains of delicious food cover the table,

and you wish you were at least a bit hungry! After having too many heavy meals, especially the work’s dinner, here

comes Christmas Eve. You feel obliged to eat what you would normally have eaten in one week or even more. More-

over, you have to put up with your aged aunt, who keeps nagging at you because you don’t eat enough. If you want to

survive Xmas dinner, you could say that you were sick all the previous night or even that you have become vegetarian.

Another annoying tradition is musical torture! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way through Xmas! Never

mind noise pollution, shopping centres and town halls are determined to torment us with carols full blast all day. If you

don’t want to go a bit deaf or mad, you can either buy yourself a ridiculous set of ear muffs, which I wouldn’t recom-

mend, or avoid being close to these unbearable places.

If you are in charge of decorating the house for the festive season, you’re always faced the same silly problem

when it comes to the time to put up the Nativity Scene. Why does one of the three Wise Men’s figurine always break?

If only figurines didn’t break so easily, you wouldn’t have to spend ages looking for a new one which matches in size

and colour and doesn’t stand out too much every year. I still haven’t sorted this problem out, but I’m sure there’s a

solution for this. Try to find it!

These are the most relevant pieces of advice to survive Xmas traditions. Don’t get me wrong, I really love Xmas

time. It’s just I find amazing that we don’t wise up and make our lives easier for ourselves in this time. So, have a wise

Xmas and don’t get tangled with the tinsel!

María García Fernández, 1º Avanzado, Inglés

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Idiomas en acción

La lengua cobra vida sobre una tarima. La Escuela sigue apostando por

acercarte los idiomas de una forma atractiva y divertida.

Andrew Marshall nos mantuvo riendo durante más de dos horas con dos de sus desternillantes ocurrencias. En una primera obra, nos trajo el clásico ‘Three Little Pigs’ en la versión de Roald Dahl, para posterior-mente enseñarnos un curioso método para aprender inglés con ‘English is easy!’

Hubert Gallinal realizó una completa y ame-na presentación sobre Bélgica. La conferen-cia 'La Belgique, cette grande incconue', fue muy interesante y nos ilustró la belleza y gran atractivo del país belga, incluyendo la lengua pero también el cómic, la cultura y la música.

Daddy Blues, la aclamada obra de Bruno Chapelle y Martyne Visciano , representada por la compañía de teatro amateur Théâtre du Lac , un delicioso enredo que nos trajo lo mejor de la comedia de situación francesa a nuestro salón de actos.

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An incredible performance, with lots of fun and a wonderful play! Last month, the EOI gave us the opportunity to go to the theatre in English. It was in Luarca, at the High School. The company, Moving ON, is a group of people who do this acting all around Spain and they are native English speakers. Full of entertainment and fantastic protagonists, this play is a resounding success. The most original aspect was the partici-pation of the audience, especially my classmate Alicia! I can´t explain the plot very well because I had the opportunity of taking part in the performance. But I can say that the ac-tors were amazing, very good. It was funny because they were all the time in contact with the audience. A young man has a restaurant, but the business is not going very well and he owes money. He must pay bills and pay money back to his friend. This friend arrives at the restaurant, and she discovers the situation. Then, they develop an imagi-nary state of affairs with others characters to make things come true. The company was amazing! They did an excellent job. The music was very good; above all, when Alicia sang! It was very funny! The audience liked this play a lot because people laughed during all the performance. I would recommend it to anyone who really wants to have a great time!

Alicia Carreño Suárez & Sandra Santiago Álvarez, Convenio jóvenes 18-30, Grupo B1

I am very keen on theatre and I was sure I would enjoy this play de-spite the fact that I am not used to watching plays in English. Although at first the title was suggestive of something philosophical, as soon as I sat down I realized that it was going to be something completely dif-ferent to what I had expected. It was a thoroughly enjoyable innova-tive comedy. For one thing, the plot was really hilarious; for another thing, the bub-bly actors singing and interacting with the audience made me take to it immediately. Harry is the hard-up owner of a one-table restaurant called “Food for Thought” which has neither customers nor food. Bob is a friend of Harry´s who cannot help showing off about her sup-posedly wonderful life in Hollywood.

The play is set in Harry´s London restaurant where he received a postcard from Bob, announcing him her imminent visit. This does not come at a very good time, as Harry is struggling to survive. The play goes on with the attempts from both of them to impress the other. The harder they try the more absurd the situation becomes. No sooner does Bob realize that Harry is bluffing than she is found out too. Instead of arguing, Bob comes up with an excellent idea which is to sell fantasy at the restaurant because this is the only thing they have left. They involve members of the audience who turn into a magic cook, a charming waiter, Antonio Banderas, Melanie Griffith and Chikiliquatre. There are some special traits which make this play special such as the songs, the comedians, and the lively and fast-moving plot. However, in order to watch it you must understand a little bit of English and it could be considered to be aimed at children. To sum up, Food for Thought is a beautiful play. It´s well worth seeing, although it may be the children who enjoy it the


Inmaculada Pérez González, 2º NA Inglés

La compañía Moving On nos deleitó con una delirante obra

sobre un loco restaurante. Varios alumnos escribieron una

reseña sobre la obra, llamada ‘Food for thought’.

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Carnaval, te quiero Hablar un idioma es ser otro.

Todos jugamos a ser alguien diferente dentro de clase.

Y en Carnaval, fuera de ella también.

Este año propusimos un concurso de preguntas y respuestas, y varios misterios y

acertijos para resolver entre tod@s.

Sherlock Holmes presents… A Murder Mystery

Oh dear, there has been another murder on the Orient Express! The victim was found lying in a pool of blood. The po-

lice did not have to look for the weapon: the knife was still sticking out of the victim's chest in a way that left no doubt,

not only about the cause of death, but also about its circumstances: Mrs. Chambers was murdered. Help Sherlock to

find the murderer, their profession, their compartment, the clothes they were wearing, and their weapon.

When the body was discovered, all the passengers had already left the train. However, the police found some clues

which allowed them to establish the following facts:

The lawyer, Mrs. Peterson, was in compartment number one.

The woman with the poison was in the compartment next to the woman with the brown sweater.

The woman with the knife wore a grey jacket.

The woman with the axe wore a black jacket.

The politician, Mrs. Crane, wore a brown sweater.

The businesswoman, Mrs. Colcord, was next to compartment number four.

The woman with the poison was in compartment number three.

The woman with the gun was next to the woman with the blue dress.

The businesswoman had a rope.

The doctor, Mrs. Malone, was next to the women with the black jacket.

The accountant, Mrs. Tortelli, wore a green sweater.

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Leer es poder Estos son algunos de los libros que hemos leido este año.


332 sonrisas

Con motivo del día del libro, celebramos un Mercadillo, en el que

muchos alumnos y parti-culares participaron do-

nando libros, CDs, vídeos, etc., y se recaudó la increí-ble cantidad de 332 euros, que se entregaron a Cruz Roja de Luarca y que han

ayudado a aportar nuestro granito de arena a la recu-

peración de Haití tras el desastre.

Todos en la Escuela, alumnos y profesores, colaboramos para que aprender y usar la lengua sea algo que no sólo ocurra dentro de cla-se. Este curso han tenido lugar un extenso ciclo de obras de teatro, conciertos, conferencias, concursos, películas, actividades lectoras y diversas iniciativas que nos han hecho disfrutar de los idiomas tam-bién fuera del aula.

The “Wimpy kid” series. All five books available in the library now!

“Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The Last Straw” by Jeff Kinney

When last November I started reading this book, chosen by my

English teacher, I never thought I would enjoy it at the point I’m becoming a Jeff-Kinney’s-

wimpy-kid books addict.

This is the book which tells us the story of Greg Heffley, a twelve-year-old school-

boy who is very different from the rest of his mates. In his own words, at the beginning,

and about his New Year’s Resolutions: “I’m already pretty much one of the best people I

know.” Then he decides his resolution will be to tell other people their faults.

The main characters in this hilarious book are his Dad (a chocoholic), his Mum

(always on the phone), Rodrick (his heavy metal oldest brother), Manny (his toddler little

brother) and his friend for life Rowley (who is seen by Greg as a hopeless case). And, of

course, his school mates (always bullying him) and the fascinating girls, starting with Holy

Hills, the girl he likes.

The book starts in January and ends with the arrival of the summer holidays. Greg

is always a victim of the bullies at school. He constantly seems to be in the wrong place at

the wrong time and has the typical teenage problems: his parents argue with him about his

video games and his failure in sports; his older brother picks on him; his little brother gets

him into trouble, and the girls in his school think he is a waste of their time. He is not a

good student and is always trying to be cool, but he doesn’t succeed in his attempts. When

he comes up with a brilliant idea, it never works as he expected.

The book is very funny and easy to read, although it is full of colloquial expressions,

quite normal because is theoretically written by a teenager. It is handwritten and full of

clever illustrations which are a fantastic way to play up the already great humour in the

book. In conclusion and in a few words: if you want to spend a hilarious week end,

maybe recalling the memories of when you were at school, you would have to read this

book as soon as possible.

Orlando Pérez Torres, 2º Avanzado, Inglés

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Frankenstein Una gran (y grata sorpresa).

Nos sorprendió mucho Frankenstein, que leimos todos los alumnos de ingles, en una version adaptada a nuestro nivel o

en el original, en una actividad sin precedentes. Además, realizamos un concurso en línea y vimos la película de Kenneth Branagh, con Robert de Niro. Y todo esto sin pasar nada de miedo (bueno, ¡solo un poco!)

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, a review You may probably have the same idea about Frankenstein that I had before reading this book. Novelist Mary Shelley helps us to understand the real facts for which this monstrous creation became cruel and embittered. This fantastic writer, who wrote Frankenstein when she was just of age, blends Gothic horror and romance in this world-famous story.

The entire monster’s story is told by Victor Frankenstein, his creator, to Robert Walton in the Arctic, where Victor is pursuing his monster. Walton is a traveller who had just seen the figure of the monster pass through the mist in a sledge. The book shows how, at the same time, Walton is writing this story to his sister Margaret Saville. Victor Frankenstein is a young, idealistic student of natural philosophy who, finding the secret of giving life to matter, creates a living being. But he will soon regrets doing it. The monster will take a hideous revenge on his creator later on. In order to acquire all his knowledge, Victor has to study very hard and to travel a lot around the world. The book made me feel as if I were enjoying all the idyllic landscapes he sees in his travels. He describes in detail all the wonderful natural scenes he observes and every feeling they produce on him. The beautiful snowy banks of mountains and the fast movement of clouds above them. The innumerable fish swimming in the clear waters and the pleasant waves which move the boats. Frankenstein also describes his childhood and the relation with his family and friends. He speaks about the good rela-tion with his father and the sad early death of his mother. Victor speaks about Elizabeth as well. This thin and fair girl was adopted by Victor’s parents as a child. Since her arriving at his house, Victor starts loving her. Her beauty and calm character makes her the adored companion of all Victor’s occupations and pleasures. Although he calls Elizabeth by the name of cousin, Frankenstein always thinks about her as more than a sister. Reading this book you will discover how this relationship finishes. Ernest and William are Victor’s real siblings. Younger than him, these two vigorous guys have different destinies you can discover through the pages. Justine is another character of this book. Victor’s mother educated and looked after her while her mother treated her very evil. Living with Victor’s family, Justine attends the mother’s illness with the most anxious affection and gains the tenderly love of all the family, especially Elizabeth’s. Victor Frankenstein also speaks about his closest friend, Henry Clerval. Clerval is deeply read in books of chivalry and romance and his hope is to become a man whose name will be recorded in history. Not only had they spent their child-hood together, but they also meet each other during their lives. I really enjoyed Frankenstein mostly because of its descriptions. I could feel all that the characters felt. Especially I was interested in the monster’s behaviour and his change of personality due to his different experiences. Increasingly alone and rejected by every human being, he became cruel to his creator. He would have conserved his tender-hearted and gentle nature if Victor had given him a companion. But, anyway, these are the terrifying consequences of playing God.

Patricia Díaz Araújo, 2º Avanzado, Inglés

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Le Petit Nicolas Tenemos un pequeño nuevo amigo.

En francés también hemos leido una serie de libros en todos los niveles. Si-guiendo las aventuras de Le Petit Nicolas, los alumnos pudieron completar un

concurso en línea y disfrutar de las aventuras de Nicolas y sus amigos.

¡Aprovecha para ver la película ahora que se estrena en España!

Otras lecturas.

Además, leímos mucho más, tanto por propuesta de los profesores como por iniciativa propia. De hecho, la biblioteca se ha convertido este año en uno de los principales recursos de la Escuela, ofrecién-dote libros, revistas y películas para mejorar tu idioma y divertirte a la vez.

Anímate a usarla, está a tu disposición con tu carnet de estudiante.

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¿Qué será de ti? ¿Dónde está tu voz? Saliste de la isla

Mirando al mundo con el color del sol.

Con una maleta de frágiles sueños Y tu corazón

Entre la gente que vive cantando en las calles Y en el malecón,

Entre los hombres que piensan Que vales dos pesos y un trago de ron.

La vida para ti

Era una canción, Una radio a lo lejos, Un vestido de flores, Un trozo de espejo

Donde guardas el beso De los sinsabores

Y ese andar sin reloj.

Una trova, un requiebro, Una carta, un te quiero,

Un pedazo de son, Un paisaje en un sello, una historia de nadie, zapatos de tacón,

Un retrato en blanco y negro, de la revolución.


En esta Escuela tenemos mucho ritmo y cantamos en ingles (y francés).

Tuvimos la enorme suerte de que nos pudiesen visitar Mestura, un dúo formado por Marisa López (voz) y Luis Suárez (guitarra). El grupo nació, en gran medida, como resultado de su interés por las lenguas y las culturas, como lugar de encuentro y enriquecimiento, un instrumento de comunicación universal capaz de unificar a mucha gente en un

acto único que sepa conjugar la sensibilidad y los valores propios de cada cultura y compartir con los demás lo mejor de nosotros mismos. En su repertorio incluyen interpretaciones y versiones en varias lenguas: caste-llano, asturiano, gallego-asturiano, portugués, francés... además de temas pro-pios y originales. Su música tiene un estilo muy variado que combina temas inti-mistas, melodías con mucho ritmo y canciones de un marcado sabor asturiano. Todo ello le da un carácter muy personal que se acerca a un público también di-verso. Fue una delicia tenerlos con nosotros y compartir una tarde mágica.

Discografía: Agua Del Norte (2006) Poemes De Carambelu (2008) Ea, Ea, Ea, Añaes Asturianes (2007) Conceyo De Cantares (2010)

Road Roller ROAD ROLLER is a band formed by musicians who come from very different styles of music and who have found their point of inflexion in rock´n roll. They started putting some ideas in common in March 2009 and began to create what would be their first album: “WE RULE THE ROAD”. An album with thirteen tracks in which they have mixed all their different influences with a fresh and original sound as a result.

Jorge Carbajales Cuevas, 2º NA Inglés Road Roller lead singer and guitar

Listen to some of their songs at: http://www.myspace.com/roadrollerband

Más información y canciones: http://mestura1.wordpress.com

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Vuestros trabajos Hemos trabajado duro este año para mejorar

Estos son algunos ejemplos de redacción realizados en clase por nuestros alumnos.

The day I realised my family were vampires.

Hello, my name is Laura, and I’m going to tell you one of the scariest stories you’ve ever heard. I lived in a little house among the mountains with my family, and we haven’t got many neighbours. I used to spend my days with my sister, who had always been a strange girl, but I

didn’t know how much she was until the day of my 18 birthday.

It was 1 November when this terrible story started. My parents had woken up early because they wanted to do the breakfast for me, as a present. The food was delicious, but I couldn’t say the same about the drink. I had teasted wine in other times but, not a wine like that. As I was drinking, my parents were looking like a mother who saw her little boy walk his first steps. I felt strange. Why did my family allow me to drink wine at breakfast and why was this fact so mov-ing for them? When I had finished, I came to my bedroom and I found a box on my bed. It was a gift! I opened it but the present was….well, weird. It was a black dress with a note inside, where I could read: “today is your day. You will be like us”.

You can imagine my face when I read that, and, after a while, my parents and my sister came in my room. They were all dressed in black, and their skins were pale. I couldn’t understand anything. My father started to talk: “Darling, today you must join us and be a vampire. Don’t be scared. We will teach you”. I told them “okay”, but my real plan was to escape. When they weren’t at home, I took all my things and some money and I went away, very far. Today, two years after this, I still feel the fear. I hope they’ll never found me.

Tamara Gayol Moreno, 1º Intermedio Inglés

The revenge of the zombie teachers “It was a cold morning in the middle of October. We were having a Maths lesson. It was boring and some of my classmates were sleeping. The teacher, Mr Mendez, hated the kids. I think he had never been a child. Suddenly, the door opened and Mrs Manuela, our Literature teacher, entered the room. She said that she had to talk to Mr Mendez. They spent ten minutes chatting in the corridor. Then, they returned to the class. The atmosphere had changed. All the students were paying atten-tion to them, we expected something interesting to hear. Unfortunately, we didn’t want to hear anything SO interesting… and frightening! ‘I know you have cheated in my exams‘ –commented Mr Mendez. ‘And I know you have stolen a lot of books from the library!‘ –continued Mrs Manuela- ‘ So you will be punished. ‘ ‘You will be punished with… death!‘ –Mr Mendez shouted. Obviously, all of us started laughing. The incident was forgotten and and we started stealing books and cheating in ex-ams again.“ This morning is the coldest I can remember. Fortunately, the central heating has been repaired (what a miracle!) and we are very comfortable in the room. Time is passing and we have realized that something isn’t OK. Mr Mendez hasn’t arrived yet. Surprisingly, it doesn’t make me happier. We are very nervous. Outdoors, the atmosphere is misty. The fog and the rain are getting thicker. It isn’t a beautiful day! Now we can hear some weird noises. It seems to be someone knocking on the door. Tommy fells very scared. He had said he wants to go with his parents. He is crying. Someone has opened the door! We can see nothing, because the lights have been switched off. We can hear a voice: ‘ You will pay for your insolence… you will go to hell! ‘ The girls have started screaming. I feel more and more frightened. I can see someone walking slowly… It is… no, it can’t be possible… It is a zombie version of Mr Mendez! He is holding a Maths book covered with blood in his hand!! We will try to escape! We will jump from the window! If we don’t jump, Mr Mendez will kill us!! I fell of my bed and I broke my wrist. It had only been a dream! But a very scary one!! If I told my mother, she wouldn’t believe me. I decided to shut up. Oh, Maths, what a horrible subject! Diego Sierra Castro, 1º Intermedio Inglés

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Le bénévolat

En l’occurrence, je vais vous parler du bénévolat parce que je trouve que c’est une aide très importante dont dépend notre société, mais hélas, on ne s’y met pas trop. Par définition, une personne bénévole c’est quelqu’un qui fait des travaux d’une for-me continue pour le collectif de la société, librement et sans salaire. Moi, je crois, qu’en plus on doit avoir une attitude active et il faut qu’on soit dans une organisation parce que comme ça, il y aura plusieurs personnes luttant pour une même cause.

Il y a beaucoup de champs de travail. On peut apporter son soutien social, culturel (pour la conservation des monuments historiques), éducatif (dans les pays en voie de développement), environnemental, sanitaire… Je crois que quand on pense au bénévolat on n’imagine que des activités du temps libre, parce que ce sont les plus connues, mais comme vous voyez, il y a beaucoup de choses à faire.

Moi, je réalise une fois de plus qu’il y a très peu de personnes qui font des travaux sans obtenir de bénéfice, par charité, en suivant leurs idéaux, ou simplement par solidarité. C’est pour cela que j’admire ceux qui font du bénévolat, et j’espère, pouvoir y participer dans le futur.

Olaya Alonso Juarros (Deuxième Année Niveau Avancé)

Les ados espagnols

Je vais vous parler de l’article qu’on a lu à propos des Espagnols. Cet article nous raconte un petit peu ce que les Français pensent de nous, mais il a aussi l’intention d’informer sur notre situation parce qu’on va prendre la présidence de l’Union européenne.

Pour réussir à le faire il nous parle de quelques sujets sociaux qui sont actuellement dans le collimateur de tous les Espagnols. En plus, il le fait en prenant l’opinion de quelques person-nes, surtout des adolescents. Voilà les thèmes qui font débat de nos jours.

D’abord notre manière d’affronter l’homosexualité, pour cela, l’article mentionne la matière « éducation pour la citoyenne-té » et les problèmes qu’elle a causés avec les parents. Mais surtout il trouve assez choquant que les mariages homo-sexuels soient autorisés il y a déjà quelques années, parce qu’on est l’un des seuls pays dans le monde qui le permet.

Ensuite, les Français voient bizarre aussi notre examen de sélection pour accéder à l’université parce qu’ils trouvent ridi-cules nos critères pour mettre la note limite. Ces critères dépendent de la difficulté de la filière choisie, mais aussi du pres-tige de l’université. Pourtant les étudiants en Espagne cohabitent avec cela et ils le voient assez normal.

L’article aborde aussi notre taille. Selon lui on a grandi et à l’heure actuelle les jeunes espagnols sont déjà dans la moyenne européenne grâce aux progrès de l’alimentation et de la médecine. D’un autre coté l’immigration, l’accueil d’étrangers qu’on fait depuis dix ans et les conséquences qui en découlent, comme par exemple la formation des premiers couples mixtes mais aussi le racisme associé aux problèmes économiques.

D’après l’image qu’on voit sur le document l’idée « olé, olé » que les Français ont de nous n’a pas encore disparu, ils pen-sent qu’on a évolué et qu’on est modernes mais qu’on s’attache aussi à nos traditions.

Un des préjugés sur les Espagnols que je déteste le plus, peut être parce que je suis en train d’étudier, c’est celui qui concerne l’abandon scolaire, c’est vrai que dans notre société il y a beaucoup d’adolescents qui quittent le collège sans di-plôme à seize ans, mais je ne crois pas que cela soit pour généraliser, à mon avis en Espagne il y a aussi de très bons élèves.

La crise, c’est un autre sujet important, et elle nous pousse à rester chez papa-maman plus de temps, c’est à cause de cela qu’on est devenus les « Tanguy » de l’Europe. On arrive comme ça à l’avortement libre dès seize ans et les tentatives de changer les lois, le débat qu’il y en a à ce propos, et les comparaisons avec les autres pays. L’article touche aussi le machis-me et les problèmes qu’on trouve pour réussir à être tous égaux.

Pour finir, le dernier problème traité, c’est le temps libre des ados, toute la France nous connaît grâce au « botellón » et à notre manière d’être, on vit davantage dans la rue, on ne reste pas chez soi, on aime la fête et on est sociables, on a même notre propre réseau social.

D’après moi, cet article montre en quelque sorte le plus mauvais de notre pays, mais l’Espagne a beaucoup de bonnes cho-ses aussi.

Elena Lanza Quintana (Deuxième Année Niveau Avancé)

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Mon cher Su, Je viens de louer une grande maison à Ribadesella pour passer les vacances d’été avec mes enfants et des amis. La maison a six grandes chambres, et elle a une totalité de douze lits. Natalia et Viky viendront avec leurs trois enfants et moi avec mes deux enfants, donc il y a place pour toi et tes amis, si tu veux. J’espère que cette année tu pourras venir me visiter. Tu me manques. Je re-grette nos longues conversations. Je souhaite que tu passes ton examen et que tu ob-

tiennes le travail à l’ambassade, je suis sûre que tu vas l’avoir. La maison est à côté de la plage, au bord de la mer. J’apporterai tous les vélos pour nous promener. Si tu viens nous pourrons aller visiter les grottes de Tito Bustillo où il y a des importantes peintures archéologiques, nous pouvons aussi faire la descente du fleuve Sella en pirogue. Bon, j’espère qu’avec tout ça tu auras envie de venir me visiter. Grosses bises

Mercedes Bazán Solera ( Première Année- Niveau Intermédiaire)

Les Asturies : un paradis naturel

Ce slogan définit très bien les caractéristiques de cette région. Elle est située sur la côte nord de l’Espagne, entre Galice et la Cantabrie. Elle est baignée par la mer Cantabrique.

Son climat est océanique : les températures sont douces tout au long de l’année. Cette principauté est un mélange de paysages de haute montagne, comme les « Picos de Europa » et de paysages côtiers, toujours verts.

Nous pouvons visiter aussi des villes historiques très importantes comme Oviedo (son chef-lieu, où il y a beaucoup de monuments médié-vaux, uniques existants dans le monde, appartenant à la Monarchie astu-rienne), Gijón ou Cangas d’Onis, (où se trouve l’ancien chef-lieu et l’origine de cette principauté).

En plus, il y a beaucoup de petits villages côtiers très intéressants comme Luarca, Tapia de Casariego, Candás, Villaviciosa, Cudillero ou Llanes, parmi d’autres. Tous ces villages sont situés sur la côte verte et sur des falaises éle-vées. Ils ont un élément en commun : leurs maisons d’indiens, très belles maisons avec palmiers et plantes exotiques. En général, ce sont des villages touristiques et de pêcheurs.

A l’intérieur de la région, il y a beaucoup d’endroits fascinants : des routes, des paysages, des villages… comme les Lacs de Covadonga, le village de Bulnes, la route de la rivière Cares, etc.

La gastronomie est un de ses points forts. On peut déguster de nombreuses spécialités comme par exemple : « la fabada », le riz au lait, une grande variété de poissons et de fruits de mer, du fromage… tout accompagné de cidre, une boisson typique des Asturies.

Venez et voyez : les Asturies vous attendent .

María Jesús Suárez Rodríguez (Première année Niveau Avancé)

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Le mal de Chagas

Jeudi dernier alors que je conduisais vers l’Ecole de Langues

pour assister à mon cours de français, j'écoutais la radio dans

la voiture. On parlait d'une nouvelle qui m'a beaucoup

étonnée. Je vais vous la raconter, je crois que c'est important

que ça soit connu.

Il s'agissait d'une interview à deux femmes, une scientifique

et une écrivaine. La première est allée en Amérique du Sud il

y a douze ans comme scientifique et y est restée pour aider à

mettre fin au mal de Chagas. Je vous l'explique ensuite. L'au-

tre a écrit un livre sur l'histoire de cette femme. C’est la ma-

ladie ce qui m'a laissée stupéfaite

Bon, le mal de Chagas est une maladie des pauvres; Chagas a été le scientifique qui l'a découverte il y a déjà cent

ans, mais on n'a rien fait pour améliorer la situation des gens qui subissent cette maladie. Elle est provoquée par la

piqûre d'un insecte, une sorte de punaise qui habite et met ses œufs dans les murs des baraques des petits villages

indigènes en Bolivie, les guaranis. Ils sont très pauvres, ils sont mal nourris, n’ont pas de vêtements, ni d'eau, ...

mais leur aquifère est exploité par les multinationales et leurs terres sont bien riches. Leurs baraques paraissent

des étables, sans porte, sans lumière, le sol de terre noire….

Pilar Mateo, la femme scientifique, a découvert il y a dix ans à peu près une peinture traitée imprégnée d'un insec-

ticide chimique qui se libère peu à peu et tue l'insecte et les œufs aussi, son effet dure environ deux ans. Comme

ça on peut contrôler les insectes - appelés "vinchuca"- et éviter les maladies qu'ils transmettent. Alors, rien qu’avec

la peinture des murs de leurs maisons délabrées on pourrait venir à bout de ce fléau. Elle est passée d'être scienti-

fique à vivre comme indigène et s'est consacrée à peindre avec sa brosse les baraques de ces gens pour erradi-

quer la maladie. Il a fallu même changer quelques habitudes, une action de prendre conscience du problème.

Elle n'a pas voulu vendre le brevet pour mieux diriger et contrôler l'application de cette peinture. Elle a eu

un tas d'obstacles dus aux intérêts économiques, voire politiques, mais à la fin elle a franchi son cap. En ce moment

elle a l'aide des pays comme l’ Espagne pour construire de nouvelles maisons. Même la peinture a un effet très

bénéfique et salutaire pour les guaranis, c'est comme un luxe qui augmente son estime de soi. On a considérable-

ment réduit la mortalité infantile.

Elle signale que cette maladie des pauvres n'intéresse guère les laboratoires parce qu'aucune personne ne

pourrait payer les médicaments; elle dénonce l'immoralité des pays du premier monde qui ne font rien pour en

finir avec la pauvreté.

Elle appelle le mal de Chagas génocide silencieux et étouffé. Elle insiste sur le fait que la science doit être

unie à la mobilisation sociale pour changer la vie des peuples exploités ou laissés pour leur compte.

Maintenant on peut lire le livre "El vampiro de los pobres" de Charo González Casas, editorial «La esfera de los li-

bros», pour connaître le travail de cette femme courageuse et aussi les conditions de vie des guaranis et les efforts

déployés pour que tout ça change

Mª Luisa Fuentes Santamaría, Deuxième Année Niveau Avancé

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Somos viajeros

No sólo usamos los idiomas aquí, sino que nos sirven para conocer el mundo.

Ya sea en Valdés, Londres, Nápoles o Valencia, siempre podremos

hacer uso de lo aprendido para comunicarnos con los demás.

Algunos alumnos nos cuentan sus experiencias y lugares preferidos.

Voyage d’etudes

Après cinq mois de cours, finalement nous sommes partis en bus pour faire le voyage d’études.

Samedi vingt mars: Nous sommes partis samedi parce que le parc Port Aventura ouvrait le vendredi 26. Nous avons fait un voyage très amusant et un peu long.

Dimanche vingt-et-un mars: C’est le premier jour de vacances et après avoir dormi à Gandia, nous avons pris le bus pour aller au Musée des sciences. Nous avons vu ce musée qui est très intéressant. Nous avons vu L’Océanographic et L’Ima-ginarium. J’ai mangé au restaurant sous-marin jaune, avec beaucoup de poissons. Pendant la soirée les élèves sont allés à La Máscara et les professeurs sommes allés dans un petit bar pour rentrer tôt.

Lundi vingt-deux mars: Pendant la matinée nous avons fait une visite guidée dans Valencia, nous avons pu voir les instal-lations de la Coupe d’Amérique, la plage et tout de suite le centre de Valencia. Nous sommes entrés dans la mairie pour faire des photos, nous avons mangé des glaces très vite, et l’après-midi, nous avons vu le Musée des Artistes Falleros. On a dormi parce que nous étions très fatigués.

Mardi vingt-trois mars: Nous sommes allés jusqu’à Salou pour changer d’hôtel et de ville. Après avoir laissé la valise à l’hôtel et avoir mangé, nous sommes partis à Tarragona pour connaître sa culture.

Mercredi vingt-quatre mars : Cette journée a été la plus intéressante pour nous élèves, parce que nous sommes allés à Montmeló, où les bolides roulent à toute vitesse. L’après-midi nous avons connu l’histoire de Gaudi parce que notre guide nous l’a racontée.

Jeudi vingt-cinq mars: La journée la plus accidentée, la patinoire à Barcelona, près du Camp Nou qu’ils ont visité avant d’aller faire du patinage. Ça a été très sympathique.

Vendredi vingt-six mars: Nous sommes allés à Port Aventura, les élèves étaient impatients de connaître le parc. Il y a des attractions très dangereuses ou très énervantes.

Samedi vingt-sept mars: Finalement, nous sommes rentrés à Luarca pour profiter des nos vacances dans la région plus jolie, Les Asturies.

Dionisio Rilla Muslera ( Première Année- Niveau Avancé)

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London Trip

At the end of January one afternoon when I came back home from work, I re-ceived a call from “Trisquel Studies” in which somebody told me I had won a weekend in London for two people. At first, I couldn’t believe what I was hear-ing, and I thought it was a joke, but in the course of conversation, the man who had arranged the draw explained to me the reasons. At that moment, I began to understand the situation. The requirements to opt for the prize were to have taken part in some of the activities the Official School of Languages offer to the students.

I had participated in a course called “Swimming in English” which consisted of spending a weekend in a camp, in Llanes, with students from other Official Schools of Languages from Asturias, with only one aim: speaking in English by making different activities.

Wow!! What a surprise!! I was so happy! I felt a privileged person because I was the only person in As-turias who had been chosen for this event.

During the following days I prepared my trip look-ing for bus and tube time-tables, important things to visit in London and checking the weather forecast.

It’s time to fly!! The 25th of February arrived and my boyfriend and I had our flight at 12.30 p.m., but for meteorological problems we had to wait an hour more in Ranón. That was not the only thing that happened to us. From Stansted Airport to London city the bus was delayed an hour an a half because of a traffic jam. We spent a lot of time looking for the hotel and the worst was that it rained so much that we ended up completely soaked. Honestly, a day to forget.

The following day the sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky, so we decided not to take the bus and go on foot. We crossed Hyde Park to St James’s where we visited Buckingham Palace and Queen Victoria Memo-rial, but we felt a bit disappointed because we couldn’t see the changing of the guard. We continued through St James’s Park, enjoying the variety of birds there are, to Westminster Bridge, visiting the Horse Guards Pa-

rade, the Parliament, St Margaret’s Sanctuary and the beautiful Big Ben. Then, we got on London Eye to appre-ciate and enjoy the wonderful views of London. I really recommend to everyone if you have the opportunity to go there, to get on, it’s worth. We spent the rest of the day in Oxford Circus, buying things in the shops.

Saturday 27th we flew back really early, so we didn’t have enough time to do sightseeing. It was a very short week-end but it was an enriched experience.

I would like to thank “Estudios Trisquel Media” and the Official School of Languages of Luarca for the wonderful treatment I received from them all.

Carla Díaz Fernández,

antigua alumna de Francés e Inglés de la Escuela

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Un voyage : Naples

L’année dernière, pendant la Semaine Sainte, un groupe d’amis sommes allés en Italie, concrètement au sud, à la région de Naples.

Nous sommes partis de l’aéroport de Madrid- Barajas et nous sommes arrivés à l’aéro-port de Naples- Capodichino. La durée de ce voyage a été courte : deux heures

Nous avions réservé un hôtel au centre ville, alors (et comme l’aéroport est situé dans la banlieue de Naples) nous avons pris l’autobus.

Naples est une ville très sale et bruyante. Le linge est accroché dehors, à l’extérieur de la maison, dans le séchoir. Les rues sont étroites, sales, mais ravissantes. Il y a beau-coup d’activité, de bruit, de circulation…, mais les gens sont aimables, gentils, « chouettes ».

Cette ville est placée sur une longue baie, bien communiquée par terre, mer et air.

Près de Naples et au pied du Vésuve, c’est Pompéi. Pompéi est un site antique et archéologique, célèbre pour avoir été détruit par l’éruption du Vésuve.

Nous avons été à Pompéi pendant toute la journée. Nous avons visité tous les sites antiques : les rues, les mai-sons, les monuments publiques (le théâtre, le cirque, l’amphithéâtre, les nombreuses basiliques, les thermes…). Lorsque nous sommes rentrés à l’hôtel, nous étions si fatigués qu’on n’a pas pu dîner et on s’est couchés rapidement.

En plus de Pompéi, nous avons connu l’île de Capri. Capri est une île de la baie de Naples, située en face de Sor-rente. Comme c’est une île, nous avons pris un bateau. C’est une île où habitent les riches, parce qu’ il est nécessaire d’a-voir beaucoup d’argent pour vivre dans ce bel endroit extraordinaire. En face de Capri se trouve Sorrente, un village très touristique.

Finalement nous avons visité Paestum, un village grec très important parce qu’il y a trois temples impression-nants.

María Jesús Suárez Rodríguez ( Première Année Niveau Avancé)

Off the beaten track in Cudillero & Valdés

La Regalina is one of the best places to visit in Asturias. It’s in Cadavedo. From there, when the sun is setting, you can take really beautiful photos of a beach with small boats.

Verónica Peláez Álvarez, A2

If you love plants, flowers and nature in general, you must go to "Jardínes de la familia Rivera" in the Chano of Luarca, called "Panrico" too. It has 10 hectares with more than 5.000 species of flowers and trees. Besides, "Panrico" has three impressive view points where you can see the best views of Luarca, its beach and its port. Eva González Suárez, A2

El Valle de las Luiñas … is the most beautiful place I've ever been to. You can walk along / through the Brañas Va-queiras and, on a clear day, see all the valley. You can also visit the old, stone buildings where the Vaqueiros used to live. In the villages, you can choose among many good restaurants where you can taste the Pote Asturi-ano and Arroz con Leche, the typical food of the place. The people are very nice and they help foreigners to feel like at home.

Estela López Cano, A2

Alumnos del Convenio Inglés para jóvenes 18-30

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La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Luarca es un centro de apoyo tutorial en el programa de educación a distan-cia That’s English para aprender inglés. En la actualidad este programa permite cursar los Niveles Básico e Interme-dio de las Enseñanzas de Régimen Especial de Inglés, y se estructura en 9 módulos, repartidos de la siguiente forma:

Nivel Básico I Módulos 1, 2 y 3 Nivel Básico II Módulos 4 y 5 Nivel Intermedio I Módulos 6 y 7 Nivel Intermedio II Módulos 8 y 9 Al finalizar los módulos 5 y 9, una vez superadas las correspondientes pruebas terminales específicas de cer-

tificación, el alumno recibirá el Certificado de Nivel Básico o Intermedio expedidos por la administración educativa competente.

Los objetivos y los contenidos para el curso That’s English! son los correspondientes a los Niveles Básico e Intermedio de las Enseñanzas de Régimen Especial de Inglés que se imparten en las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas y que figuran en la Orden ESD/1742/2008, de 17 de junio, por la que se regulan las características y se establecen la estructura, el currículo y las pruebas correspondientes al nivel básico y al nivel intermedio de las enseñanzas de régi-men especial de Inglés, adaptadas a la modalidad de distancia. Al finalizar cada módulo el alumno deberá realizar una serie de pruebas para ser evaluado de ese módulo. Estas pruebas comprenden una parte escrita y una parte oral. En la parte escrita se incluirán pruebas de compren-sión lectora, comprensión auditiva y expresión escrita. A la parte de expresión oral se accede una vez superada la parte escrita. Si se ha asistido regularmente a las sesiones de tutoría presencial, el alumno podrá ser calificado direc-tamente sobre su nivel de expresión oral, quedando exento, si el tutor así lo decide, de la realización de esta prueba. La superación de cada módulo permite seguir avanzando hacia el siguiente, pero la obtención del certificado de cada nivel al finalizar los módulos 5 y 9 sólo será posible si se supera la prueba terminal específica del mismo.

Y además…

celebramos anualmente

Pruebas terminales

de Certificación de Idiomas

Recuerda que la matrícula de Certificación

es independiente de la de la Escuela

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Luarca Magazine

Deseamos que os haya gustado esta revista.

Esperamos veros el próximo curso con fuerzas renovadas y el mismo interés

en aprender idiomas.

Propuesta ganadora del con-curso de marcapáginas, cele-brado con motivo del Día del Libro, por Elena García Pérez, de 2º de Avanzado, Inglés

¿No tienes aún tu marcapáginas? ¡Pídelo en la Secretaría del Centro!