epigenetics inheritance what does it all mean

Epigenetics Inheritance What Does It All Mean?

Upload: yamaya36

Post on 28-Jun-2015




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Epigenetics goes beyond DNA, because it instructs our body on how to react to particular, environmental situations. Our DNA is set in stone. However, epigenetics instructs our DNA on how to act and not act in certain situations. In early studies of epigenetics, scientist found that children who were severely abused or neglected did not develop as quickly and efficiently as children who were loved and nurtured. http://youtu.be/jtU4v8PQfiI


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Epigenetics Inheritance What Does It All Mean?

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In many traditional belief system such as shamanism and Yoruba, it is customary to pay

tribute to our ancestors. Our ancestors can also be referred to as the Egguns in Yoruba, or spirits in

other mainstream religions. For centuries, medicine men and traditional healers have

understood the connection that we all have with our ancestors. Now, scientists are beginning to

understand the connection as well.

Everyone knows about DNA. It is the code of life that houses unique genetic information. Now,

people can do a simple swab test for $200 or $400 and discern who their ancestors were and what tribe they originated from. Some people may

decide to do this because they want to understand themselves fully. Others may do it because they

are just curious, or struggling with an identity crises. However, knowing our ancestors may be

far more important then we realize.

Epigenetics goes beyond DNA, because it instructs our body on how to react to particular,

environmental situations. Our DNA is set in stone. However, epigenetics instructs our DNA on how to

act and not act in certain situations. In early studies of epigenetics, scientist found that children

who were severely abused or neglected did not develop as quickly and efficiently as children who

were loved and nurtured.

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This is because the epigenetic cells instructed their DNA, to turn off the cells needed for development.

Instructions used to turn on and turn off DNA become embedded in a person’s genetic code, and can be passed

down from generation to generation. This concept explains why some people have a predisposition to

alcoholism. It also explains hereditary diseases such as lupus and schizophrenia.

Encoding starts as early as conception. Cells from the mother’s mitochondria are inherited and passed down to

her offspring. Cells from the father’s mitochondria are inherited as well but they do not contribute as greatly to the growth of a fetus as the mother’s cells. People inherit

thousands of generations of mitochondrial DNA from their mother’s lineage.

In fact, most people can trace their lineage back to a mitochondrial African mother who lived more than

140,000 years ago. So this means that we are carrying the hardships and traumas of our ancestors. Shamans and spiritualist have understood this for years. Many

shamans go through rigorous rituals like soul retrieval to bring balance back to the body and soul.

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Other spiritualist might create baths, or prescribe other herbs to change the vibrational frequencies within the body. Throughout history, in virtually all cultures, people have

understood the importance of cleansing toxins from their bodies. They understood that negative emotions, bad foods, and stress adversely affected all parts of the body.

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Just imagine a home that you inherited from your great grandmother. It was passed down to you and no one ever bothered to clean it. It smells.

It’s filthy and cluttered. You can’t move, and after awhile the dust, mildew and bacteria make you

sick. You can make a choice to continue living in the mess and pass it on to your children.

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Or you can decide to clean it up. We need to understand that we are in control of our bodies. We are not only responsible for

ourselves, but our ancestors who came before us, and our children who will come after us.

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