epl2 programmers manual

Manual No. 980352-001 Rev. A ©2001 Zebra Technologies Corporation EPL2 Programmer’s Manual Programming for Page Mode Printing

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Manual No. 980352-001 Rev. A2001 Zebra Technologies CorporationEPL2ProgrammersManualProgramming for Page ModePrintingFOREWORDThis manual provides programming information for printers featuring Zebras EPL2 Pro-grammingand command language, which aremanufactured by ZebraTechnologiesCorpora-tion, Camarillo, California.COPYRIGHT NOTICEThisdocument containsinformationproprietarytoZebraTechnologiesCorporation. Thisdocu-ment and the information contained within is copyrighted by Zebra Technologies Corporationandmaynot beduplicatedinfull or inpart byanypersonwithout writtenapproval fromZebra.Whileeveryefforthasbeenmadetokeeptheinformationcontainedwithincurrentandaccurateasof thedateof publication, no guaranteeisgivenor impliedthat thedocument iserror-freeorthatitisaccuratewithregardtoanyspecification. Zebrareservestherighttomakechanges, forthepurpose of product improvement, at any time.TRADEMARKSZebraand EPL2aretrademarksof ZebraTechnologiesCorporation. All other marksaretrade-marks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.REVISION HISTORYRev. A- Thismanual versioncoincideswithZebraprinterswithEPL2firmwareversion4.04andis available from Zebra in electronic form.See the Zebra web site for information on Zebra Technologies printers at: www.zebra.comii 980352-001 Rev.ATable of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1Command Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2Basic Command Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3Command Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3Placing Elements in the Print Image . . . . . . . . . . 1-4Text (Fonts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5Bar Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7Programming Sequences Affect Graphic Results . . . . 1-8Printer Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1Printer AutoSense Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1Determining Printer Firmware Version . . . . . . . . . 2-2Programming Mode Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3Media Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4Command Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1ACommand - ASCII Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4Asian Character Font Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8AUTOFRCommand - Automatic Form Printing . . . . . . . 3-9BCommand - Bar Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11bCommand - 2D Bar Code - MaxiCodeSpecific Options . . 3-16bCommand - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options . . . 3-20CCommand - Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27C Command - Cut Immediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29DCommand - Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30dumpCommand - Enable Dump Mode . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31eR Command - User Defined Error/Status Character . . . . 3-32EI Command - Print Soft Font Information . . . . . . . . . . 3-33EKCommand - Delete Soft Font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34ESCommand - Store Soft Font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35f Command - Cut Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40FE Command - End Form Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41FI Command - Print Form Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42FKCommand - Delete Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43FRCommand - Retrieve Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44FSCommand - Store Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45GG Command - Print Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47GI Command - Print Graphics Information . . . . . . . . . . 3-48GKCommand - Delete Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49GMCommand - Store Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50GWCommand - Direct Graphic Write . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52980352-001 Rev.A iiiI Command - Character Set Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53JBCommand - Disable Top Of Form Backup . . . . . . . . . . 3-55JFCommand - Enable Top Of Form Backup . . . . . . . . . . 3-56LECommand - Line Draw Exclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57LOCommand - Line Draw Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58LSCommand - Line Draw Diagonal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59LWCommand - Line Draw White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-60MCommand - Memory Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-61N Command - Clear Image Buffer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62o Command - Cancel Software Options . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-63oBCommand - Cancel Auto Bar Code Optimization . . . . . . 3-64oECommand - Line Mode Font Substitution . . . . . . . . . . 3-65oHCommand - Macro PDF Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66oMCommand - Disable Initial Esc Sequence Feed . . . . . . . 3-68oRCommand - Character Substitution (Euro) . . . . . . . . . . 3-69oWCommand - Customize Bar Code Parameters . . . . . . . 3-71O Command - Hardware Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-73OEPL1Command - Set Line Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-75P Command - Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76PACommand - Print Automatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-77q Command - Set Label Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-78Q Command - Set Form Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-80r Command - Set Double Buffer Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-84R Command - Set Reference Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-85S Command - Speed Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-86TDCommand - Define Date Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-87TSCommand - Set Real Time Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-88TT Command - Define Time Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-89U Command - Print Configuration (General) . . . . . . . . . . 3-90UACommand - Enable Clear Label Counter Mode . . . . . . . 3-91UBCommand - Reset Label Counter Mode . . . . . . . . . . . 3-92UECommand - External Font Information Inquiry . . . . . . . 3-93UFCommand - Form Information Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-94UG Command - Graphics Information Inquiry . . . . . . . . . 3-95UI Command - Host Prompts/Codepage Inquiry . . . . . . . . 3-96UMCommand - Codepage & Memory Inquiry . . . . . . . . . 3-97UN Command - Disable Error Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-98UPCommand - Codepage & Memory Inquiry/Print . . . . . . . 3-99UQCommand - Configuration Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-100USCommand - Enable Error Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-101V Command - Define Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103WCommand - Windows Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-105iv 980352-001 Rev.Axa Command - AutoSense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-106XCommand - Box Draw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-107YCommand - Serial Port Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-108Z Command - Print Direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-109? Command - Download Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-110^@Command - Reset Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-111^ee Command - Error Report - Immediate . . . . . . . . 3-112Appendix A - Character References . . . . . . . . . . A-1Resident Fonts 1-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1Default Character Map Code Page - 437. . . . . . . . A-2Dump Mode Character Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3Appendix B - Cash Drawer Kicker Option . . . . . . . B-1Cash Drawer Cable Wiring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2pCommand - Generate Pulse CDK . . . . . . . . . . B-3uCommand - CDK Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4980352-001 Rev.A vvi 980352-001 Rev.AIntroductionThissectioncontainsinformationabouttheba-sicfeatures, commandsyntaxandterminologyoftheEPL2ProgrammingLanguageforZebra'sdesktop printers with flash memory architec-ture. These printers incorporate common pro-grammingcodesetsandarchitectural features.The primary operating mode for the printer isEPL2, a page description language. It is de-signedto assembleall theelementsof thelabelprior to printingto speed the printingprocess.EPL2isanideal languagefor your labelingandbar code requirements. The EPL2 is versatileand is capable of printinga wide range mediaand bar codes.Some printer models also include a legacyprinter compatibility mode, Line Mode. LineModesupportsour early model EPL program-ming language - ELP1. A separate manual isprovided for Line Mode printing(p/n 980326-001). See the printer's Softwareand Documentation CD with the specificmodel'sProgrammer'Manual buttonselectororvisit our web site at: www.zebra.com980352-001 Rev.A 1-1CommandConventionsThe manual uses the following typographicconventions to describe commands.Example DescriptionA Commands (Case Sensitive)p1,p2,p3Required parameters[p1, p2, p3] Optional parameters{Choice1| Choice2}Indicates a mandatory choice be-tween two or more items. Youmust include one of the items un-less all of the items are also en-closed in square brackets.Thistext shouldbeononelineThe line-continuation character() indicates that code is contin-ued from one line to the next andshould be typed all on one line. Line feed character.NAMEThe name of a form or graphic indouble quote marks.DATAThe text or bar code data in dou-ble quote marks.The (\) character designates thatthe character following is a literaland will encode into the datafield. Refer to the following exam-ples:To Print Enter into Data Field \"Company \"Company\"\ \\\code\ \\code\\PROMPTAn ASCII text field that will betransmitted to the host (via the se-rial interface) each time this com-mand is executed.Attention!!All commands and alpha character commandparametersare case sensitive!1-2 980352-001 Rev.ABasic CommandSyntaxEach command consists of one or two ASCII(casesensitive) alphacharactersto identify thespecific command desired. Some commandsrequire one or more additional parameters tosupplytheprinter withsufficient informationtocompletethecommand. Refer to Figure1- forthe basic command syntax.Eachcommandlinemust beterminatedwithaLine Feed (LF) character (Dec. 10). Most PCbasedsystemssendCR/LF whentheEnter keyispressed. TheCarriageReturn(CR) characterisignoredbytheprinter andcannot beusedinplace of LF.Command Editor OnemethodtocreatecommandfilesisthroughanASCII basedtexteditor. IntheDOSenviron-ment, MS-DOS EDIT or BRIEF are goodchoices. To execute the file, use the editorsprint command or fromthe DOS prompt, usetheCOPY commandto sendthefiledirectlytotheprinter. Anexampleof theuseof theCOPYcommand is:COPYFILENAME.EXTLPT1orCOPYFILENAME.EXTCOM1For moreinformation on theuseof theCOPYcommand, refer toyour DOSsoftwaremanual.ConfiguretheCOMport to match theprintersserial port setting(typicallyset to defaults). SeetheYcommand in section 2 for details.980352-001 Rev.A 1-3Ap,p,p,p,p,p,p,"DATA"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Command Parameters CommandSpecificDataWRITETEXTCommandNameFigure1-1Basic CommandSyntaxPlacing Elements inthe Print ImageImage elements are located in the image printbuffer on a X-Y grid expressed in dots. The XvaluerepresentsthewidthandtheY valuerep-resents the height of the grid.The point of origin (the starting point) for anon-rotated object is the upper left corner. Asanobjectrotates, thepointof originrotateswiththe object.These image buffer properties are depictedgraphically in the following illustration.Sample FormatTheminimumnonprintingmarginonall edgesof thelabel is1mm. Printingcloserthan1mmtothetop or bottomedgeof thelabel may causetheprintertoadvanceunwantedlabelsorcausethe printer to go into error condition.1-4 980352-001 Rev.A"Q"dotsxaxisyaxisDirectionOf Feed(0,0)TextTextTextPoint ofOriginforText ObjectPoint ofOriginforText ObjectRotated90Point ofOriginforText ObjectRotated270Point ofOriginforBarCodeObject"q"dotsText (Fonts) The standard EPL2 printer has five (1-5) resi-dentmono-spaceddotfonts. FontsA-Zanda-z(upper andlower casealphacharacters) arere-served for downloading soft fonts.Control text height (in horizontal dots) andwidth (in vertical dots) with thehorizontal andvertical multipliers. Thetextisorientedfirstandthen theA commandsfont multipliersareap-plied.980352-001 Rev.A 1-5Inter-character Space(actually white dots)12Dots8 DotsCharacter WidthTotal Character WidthFirst Character of Text String Reference PointThetextis placedintotheimagebuffer. Seethefollowing example.The reference point of the first character in a textstringisnotaffectedbythefontsizemultipliervalues.1-6 980352-001 Rev.AVerticalDotsx axisy axisDirection Of Feed(0,0)TextTextTextTextTextPoint ofOrigin forText ObjectPoint ofOrigin forText ObjectPoint ofOrigin forText ObjectPoint ofOrigin forText ObjectRotated 90Point of Originfor Text ObjectRotated 270Horizontal DotsText - No Size Multipliers2x Horizontal Multiplier2x Vertical Multiplier2 times 2 timesFirst Character of TextString Reference PointBar Codes All bar codessupported bytheEPL2languagehaveassociatedindustryspecificationsthat theprogrammer shouldbeawareof andadhereto.The programmer needs to consider bar codefeaturesand requirementswhen choosingandusing a bar code for different applications.Some of the features and requirements thatneed consideration are listed below:Datausedbytheapplicationareper thebarcode specification (numbers only, alphanu-meric, alphanumeric and special characters,etc.).Minimumandmaximumnumber of charac-ters allowed or required per bar code.Densityor magnificationof agivenbar codetype.White area required around bar codes (theQuiet Zone).The bar code must print within the imagebuffer (printable area of the label).Bar Code Orientation TipTo help ensure that generated bar codes are read-ablebythewidest varietyof bar codereaders, printbar codes in the Picket Fence orientation versusthe Ladder orientation.980352-001 Rev.A 1-7VerticalDotsxaxisyaxisDirectionOf Feed(0,0)Horizontal DotsPicketFenceOrientationLadderOrientationHeight ofBar CodeHeight ofBar CodeProgrammingSequences AffectGraphic ResultsGraphicelementscaninteractandtheresultantimage can be affected by other commands.Structure command sequences to reduce thechancesof unexpectedprintresults. Theprinterwill process lines, text, boxes and most barcodesincommandsequence. Theprinter thenprocesses the printer control processes, coun-ters, variable data, Postnet, and then graphicslast.1-8 980352-001 Rev.APrinter ConfigurationThis section covers the interpret your printer'sconfiguration setup and setting basic modes.Printer AutoSenseFeatureUse the printer's AutoSense feature to deter-mineyour printer'sconfigurationandoperatingmode. The primary functions that AutoSenseprovides are:AdjustmentoftheMediaSensorintheprinterto the media in use.Programming Mode - Page (EPL2) or Line(EPL1emulation) Mode. Note- LineModeisnot available for all printer models.The printer' serial interface settings.Reports the printer's configuration status in-cluding printer options.980352-001 Rev.A 2-1Explanation of the Status PrintoutDetermining PrinterFirmware VersionTheprinter versionnumbersareacodeusedtodocument product function and the featuresupport level of theprinter. Thelatest firmwareversion and updatescan beobtained fromourweb site.2-2 980352-001 Rev.A4M03351F 16 V3.18Serial port:96,N,8,1Page Mode 200dpiImage buffer size:0507KFmem:000.0K,061.4K avlGmem:000K,045K avlEmem:024K,045K avlI8,0,001 rYS4 D00 R128,000 ZT UNq832 Q1022,029Option:D,P,C,SoEw,x,y,z16 23 31Date: 10-05-94Time:01:00:00ABC.D.EFGHIJKLMNO. Printer I.D. codenumber andfirmwareversionnumber.. Serial port configuration.ProgrammingModePrint headresolutionUSB isprintedhereif installedPrint headtest pattern.. Amount of memoryavailablefor theImagebuffer..Formstorage..Graphicsstorage... CurrentlyselectedCharacter Set ( )andImageBuffer modesetting( ).=DoubleBufferingEnabled=DoubleBufferingDisabled. CurrentlyselectedPrint Speed( ),Heat Density( ), ReferencePoint ( ),Print Orientation( ) andError Status( ).. CurrentlyselectedFormWidth( ) andLength( ).. Current HardwareandSoftwareOptionstatus.. Current AutoSenseThrough(Gap)Sensor values. Thethreenumbersrepresent;1. BackingTransparent point2. Set point3. Label Transparent point.. Current timeset inReal TimeClock.Thisvaluewill onlybedisplayedifyour printer isequippedwiththeRealTimeClockfeature.. Current dateset inReal TimeClock.Thisvaluewill onlybedisplayedifyour printer isequippedwiththeRealTimeClockfeature.IrrYrNSD RZUqQAmount of memoryusedandmemoryavailableforAmount of memoryusedandmemoryavailableforAmount of memoryusedandmemoryavailablefor Soft fonts.DumpModePrint SampleProgramming ModeConfigurationFlashbasedprintersare, bydefault, configuredfor Page(EPL2) modeoperations. Theopera-tor must convert theprinter to LineModepriortotheinitial useof LineMode. ThisisdoneviaahardwareselectprocedurewiththeFeedbuttonduringprinter power-up. SeetheOEPL1com-mand (page 3-75) for details on switchingbe-tween line and page modes via programming.Asof J anuary2001, thefollowingprinterssup-port Line Mode (EPL1 emulation): 2443 2722 2824 2844TheLineMode(andPageMode) configurationset-tingisretainedafter reset hasbeenissuedor powerhas been cycled.Manually SettingLine ModeTheLineModecapableprinterutilizestheFeedbutton during printer power-up to toggle be-tween theprinter personality modes, LineandPage (EPL2).1. With printer power off, press and hold theFeed button while turningthe printer on, thenreleasethebuttonwhentheLEDstartsblinkingred.2. WhentheindicatorLEDstartsflashinggreen,immediately press and hold Feed button.3. ReleasetheFeedbuttonwhentheLEDturnsa steady Amber (orange).4. Verify printer personality with Dump Modeprintout:. Line Mode or Page Mode (EPL2).5. Press the Feed button to exit the DumpMode.980352-001 Rev.A 2-3Media Detection MediadetectioninEPL2printersisacombina-tionofprogrammingandprintermediasensing.TheQ(SetFormLength) andO(Option) com-mands programthe media detection method.Theuser must configuretheprinter for theme-diatypeandthe(programmed) formor label inuse.Theprintercandetectthebeginningandendoftheprintableareaonthemediabyoneof threemethods: Gap, Notch(hole), or Blackline. TheGap method detects the difference in opticaldensity of a label on a liner fromtheliner onlywiththeTransmissive(Gap) sensor. TheNotchmethodusestheTransmissivesensortodetectaholeinthemedia(gap-lesslabelsor tagstock).TheBlack linemethod usestheReflectivesen-sor to detect apreprintedblacklineontheme-dia back (for gap-less labels or tag stock).Printing on continuous media requires pro-gramming to control media positioning.EPL2printersalso support aLabel Dispensemodeasaprinterconfigurationoption(formostmodels). TheprintersuseaLabel Taken sen-sor to detect the removal of a label.Oneor moreof thesesensorsmay requireuseradjustment or configuration for proper opera-tion. All EPL2 printers havean AutoSensefea-turetooptimizelabel andlabel gapdetectionbythe transmissive (gap) sensor. See the printersusers manual for printer specific sensor adjust-ment control.2-4 980352-001 Rev.ACommand ReferenceThis section contains a complete listing of allcommands in alphabetical order.980352-001 Rev.A 3-13-2 980352-001 Rev.ACommand Description PageA ASCII Text 3-4AUTOFR Automatic Form Printing 3-9B Bar Code 3-11bMaxiCode 3-16PDF417 3-20C Counter 3-27C Cut Immediate 3-29D Density 3-30EI Print Soft Font Info. 3-33EK Delete Soft Font 3-34eR User Definable Error Response 3-32ES Store Soft Font 3-35f Cut/Peel Position 3-40FE End Form Store 3-41FI Print Form Info. 3-42FK Delete Form 3-43FR Retrieve Form 3-44FS Store Form 3-45GG Retrieve Graphics 3-47GI Print Graphics Info. 3-48GK Delete Graphic 3-49GM Store Graphic 3-50GW Direct Graphic Write 3-52I Character Set Selection 3-53JB Disable Top Of Form Backup 3-55JF Enable Top Of Form Backup 3-56LE Line Draw Exclusive 3-57LO Line Draw Black 3-58LS Line Draw Diagonal 3-59LW Line Draw White 3-60M Memory Allocation 3-61N Clear Image Buffer 3-62o Cancel Customized Settings 3-63oB Cancel Customize Bar Code 3-64oE Line Mode Font Substitution 3-65oH Macro PDF Offset 3-66oM Disable Initial Esc Sequence Feed 3-68oR Character Substitution (Euro) 3-69oW Customize Bar Code Parameters 3-71O Options Select 3-73OEPL1 Set Line Mode 3-75P Print 3-76PA Print Automatic 3-77980352-001 Rev.A 3-3Command Description PageQSet Form LengthTransmissive (Gap) Sensor3-80Black Line SensorContinuous Stockq Set Form Width 3-78r Set Double Buffer Mode 3-84R Set Reference Point 3-85S Speed Select 3-86TD Define Date Layout (& Print Date) 3-87TS Set Real Time Clock 3-88TT Define Time Layout (& Print Time) 3-89U Print Configuration 3-90UA Enable Clear Label Counter Mode 3-91UB Reset Label Counter Mode 3-92UE External Font Information Inquiry 3-93UF Form Information Inquiry 3-94UG Graphic Information Inquiry 3-95UI Host Prompts/CodepageInquiry 3-96UM Codepage & Memory Inquiry 3-97UN Disable Error Reporting 3-98UP Codepage & Memory Inquiry/Print 3-99UQ Configuration Inquiry 3-100US Enable Error Reporting 3-101V Define Variable 3-103W Windows Mode 3-105xa Sense Media 3-106X Box Draw 3-107Y Serial Port Setup 3-108Z Print Direction 3-109? Download Variables 3-110^@ Reset Printer 3-111^ee Status Report - Immediate 3-112A Command - ASCII TextDescription Prints an ASCII text string.Syntax Ap1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,"DATA"Parameters p1= Horizontal start position (X) in dots.p2=Vertical start position (Y) in dots.p3= RotationValue Description0 No rotation1 90 degrees2 180 degrees3 270 degreesp4= Font selectionValueDescription203 dpi 300 dpi120.3cpi, 6pts,(8 x 12 dots)25cpi, 4pts,(12 x 20 dots)216.9cpi, 7pts,(10 x 16 dots)18.75cpi, 6pts,(16 x 28 dots)314.5cpi, 10pts,(12 x 20 dots)15cpi, 8pts,(20 x 36 dots)412.7cpi, 12pts,(14 x 24 dots)12.5cpi, 10pts,(24 x 44 dots)55.6cpi, 24pts,(32 x 48 dots)6.25cpi, 21pts,(48 x 80 dots)A - ZReserved forSoft FontsReserved forSoft FontsFonts1- 5arefixedpitch.p5= Horizontal multiplier, expands the texthorizontally. Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 8.p6= Vertical multiplier, expands the text ver-tically. Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9.p7=N for normal or Rfor reverse imageDATA = Represents a fixed data field.3-4 980352-001 Rev.AACommand - ASCII TextThe backslash (\) character designates the fol-lowingcharacter isaliteral andwill encodeintothedatafield. Refertothefollowingexamples:To Print Enter into data field \Company \Company\\ \\\code\ \\code\\Examples: NA50,0,0,1,1,1,N,"Example1"A50,50,0,2,1,1,N,"Example2"A50,100,0,3,1,1,N,"Example3"A50,150,0,4,1,1,N,"Example4"A50,200,0,5,1,1,N,"EXAMPLE5"A50,300,0,3,2,2,R,"Example6"P1Will Produce:Asshowninexample5above, font 5onlysupportsupper case characters. Refer to Appendix A for acompletelistingof availablefontsandcharacter setssupported.UsetheLEcommandto createreverseprint text in-stead of theR in theA command parameter p7.Thisistherecommend method becauseit providesthebestsize, positionandcenteringof theblackline(rectangle) bordering the reversed text.980352-001 Rev.A 3-5HINTACommand - ASCII TextVariable Data andCounter FunctionsThe Data field can be replaced by or com-bined with the following commands:Vnn= Prints the contents of variable nn atthis position wherenn is a 2 digit num-ber from 00 to 99. See the V command,pageCn= Prints the contents of counter n at thisposition where n is a one digit numberfrom 0 to 9. See the C command, page .Example: A50,0,0,1,1,1,N,"DATA" : WritesTextA50,50,0,2,1,1,N,V01: Writescontentsof variable01A50,100,0,3,1,1,N,C1: Writescontentsof counter 1A50,100,0,3,1,1,N,C1+2 : Writescontentsof counter 1plus2Data with the RTCTime & DateFunctionsThe Data field can be replaced by or com-bined with the following variables:TT=Prints the current time at this position inthe predefined format. See theTTcom-mand for format selection. This variableis available only if the printer Time &Date option is installed.TD=Prints the current date at this position inthe predefined format. See theTDcom-mand for format selection. This variableis available only if the printer Time &Date option is installed.Examples: A50,150,0,4,1,1,N,TT : Writescurrent timeA50,200,0,5,1,1,N,TD : Writescurrent dateor a combination of several options:A50,300,0,3,2,2,R,"Deluxe"V01C2"Combo"TDV01TT:Writesthetext Deluxe followedbythecontentsof variable01fol-lowedbythecontentsof counter 2followedbythetext Combo fol-lowedbythecurrent datefollowedbythecontentsof variable01followedbythecurrent time.3-6 980352-001 Rev.AACommand - ASCII TEXTSimple Expressionsin Data FieldsAnadvancedfunctionof theAcommandallowsaddition and subtraction to be performed onconstant andvariablevaluesinflashprinters.Syntax Ap1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,"DATA"[p8p9p10]Parameters For thep1- p7and DATAparameters -See first page of Acommand, page3-4.p8= Required. Must be a variable data fieldnumber, e.g. V00, V01 etc.p9= Required. Operator, + or p10= Required. Variable data field numberor constant value.Valid Number Ranges:Constant = 0 to 2147483647Variable = 0 to 2147483647Result = -2147483648 to 2147483647The Expression must start with a variablefield.Thecharacter fieldlengthdefinedfor thefirstvariableintheexpressionwill beusedtofor-mat the result. If the result is of a greaterlength than the defined character length,then the result field will contain Xs.A syntaxerror will begeneratedduringformstore if the constant value is too large.If anerroroccursduringtheevaluationof theexpression, the resultant field will be filledwith Xs.980352-001 Rev.A 3-7ACommand - Simple Expressions in Data FieldsExample: FK"1"FK"1"FS"1"V00,10,N,"Enter current mileage"A100,100,0,4,1,1,N,"Current mileageisV00" miles.A100,200,0,4,1,1,N,"Changeoil at V00+3000" miles.FEFK"2"FK"2"FS"2"V00,10,N,"Enter current mileage."V01,10,N,"Enter interval mileage."A100,100,0,4,1,1,N,"Current mileageisV00" miles.A100,200,0,4,1,1,N,"Mileageinterval isV01" miles.A100,200,0,4,1,1,N,"Changeoil at V00+V01" miles.FEFK"3"FK"3"FS"3"V00,10,N,"Enter value1."V01,10,N,"Enter value2."V02,10,N,"Enter value3."A100,200,0,4,1,1,N,"Answer: V01+123+V00-10-V02FEAsian Character FontSetsThe flash based printers support three Asianlanguagesets. Asianlanguagesupportisanop-tional featureand requires a special version ofthe printer (PCBA) to support the large Asiancharacter sets.TheAsian character mapsand special featuresof the A command that support the charactersets can be found on our Internet site or fromCDROM. Clickonthecodepagereference(inthe electronic manual version) to display theAddendum and its code pages.Chinese Addendum- P/N 980095-061J apanese Addendum- P/N 980095-071Korean Addendum - P/N 980095-0813-8 980352-001 Rev.AAUTOFR Command - Automatic Form PrintingDescription Thisspecial formprocessallowsyou to detachthe printer fromthe computer and print in astandalone mode. The EPL2 printer reservestheformnameAUTOFRtoallowtheprinter toautomaticallystartaformwhentheprinterisin-itialized power-up. This featurecan beused inmany ways:. Feed a single label in peel mode and printmultiplelabelsset to thenumber of labelsonthe roll. Have a formwith a variable and enter thevariable with a scanner, terminal, weightscale, circuit analyzer or anyother deviceca-pable of sending ASCII character data.UsingAUTOFR Download a formto theprinter with thenameAUTOFR.Example: :LineFeedto initializetheprinterFK"AUTOFR" :FormKill (deleteanyexistingAUTOFR)FS"AUTOFR" :FormSave(savefilefromhereto FEat: thebottom)V00,8,L,"" :VariablefielddefinitionQ254,20 :Label height followedbygapwidthS2 :Speed(2ips)D7 :DensitysettingZB :Print direction (ZTflipsit 180degrees)A340,20,0,4,1,2,N,"QUANTITY":Fixedtext lineB265,75,0,3,2,4,101,B,V00 :Bar codedefinitionPA1 :Print1label Automatically*FE :FormEnd(LineFeed)* - If using the CAL TOOLS, CAL WIN, etc. programs to gener-ate label files (files with .ejf extensions), then thePA commandmust be added manually by editing the .ejf file.980352-001 Rev.A 3-9AUTOFR- Automatic Form Printing FeatureAUTOFRtreatsanyincomingdataasavariablein-tended for printing. This means if you send theprinter amemory partition command, thelabel willprint, if you send a deletecommand - thelabel willprint!So, whileyouaretestingAUTOFRitisbesttouseanother namefor theform. Onceyouaresatis-fied with the form, rename it AUTOFRbefore youdownloadit. Thereisnoneedtospecifyafileexten-sion.Isolating Data Fromthe Input DevicePlace the printer in the diagnostic dump modeandsendfromyourdatainputdevice. All charac-tersthedevicesendswill beprintedonthelabel. If nothingprints, nothingis arriving- checkpin-outs and serial settings.DisablingAUTOFR SendaXOFF datacharacter (13hex. or ASCII19) oraNUL (00hex. orASCII 0)totheprinter.Theformmaynowbedeletedfromtheprinter.Removing AUTOFR TheprogrammermustsendaDeleteForm- FKcommand to the printer after disablingAUTOFR.Example: FK"AUTOFR"FK"AUTOFR"3-10 980352-001 Rev.AB Command - Bar CodeDescription Usethiscommandtoprintstandardbarcodes.Syntax Bp1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,"DATA"Parameters p1=Horizontal start position (X) in dotsp2= Vertical start position (Y) in dots.p3= RotationValue Description0 No rotation1 90 degrees2 180 degrees3 270 degreesp4= Bar Code selection (see Table 2-1 onnext page).p5=Narrow bar width in dots. (see Table2-1 on next page).p6=Wide bar width in dots.Acceptable values are 2-30.p7=Bar code height in dots.p8=Print human readable code.Values: B=yes or N=no.DATA = Represents a fixed data field. Thedatainthisfieldmust complywiththeselectedbar codes specified format.The backslash (\) character designates the fol-lowingcharacter isaliteral andwill encodeintothedatafield. Refertothefollowingexamples:To Print Enter into data field \Company \Company\\ \\\code\ \\code\\980352-001 Rev.A 3-11BCommand - Bar Code3-12 980352-001 Rev.ADescription P4Value P5ValueCode 39 std. or extended 3 1-10Code 39 with check digit 3C 1-10Code 93 9 1-10Code 128 UCCSerial Shipping Container Code0 1-10Code 128 auto A, B, C modes 1 1-10Code 128 mode A 1A 1-10Code 128 mode B 1B 1-10Code 128 mode C 1C 1-10Codabar K 1-10EAN8 E80 2-4EAN8 2 digit add-on E82 2-4EAN8 5 digit add-on E85 2-4EAN13 E30 2-4EAN13 2 digit add-on E32 2-4EAN13 5 digit add-on E35 2-4German Post Code 2G 3-4Interleaved 2 of 5 2 1-10Interleaved 2 of 5 with mod 10 check digit 2C 1-10Interleaved 2 of 5 with human readablecheck digit2D 1-10Postnet 5, 9, 11 & 13 digit P J apanese Postnet J UCC/EAN 128* 1E 1-10UPC A UA0 2-4UPC A 2 digit add-on UA2 2-4UPC A 5 digit add-on UA5 2-4UPC E UE0 2-4UPC E 2 digit add-on UE2 2-4UPC E 5 digit add-on UE5 2-4UPC Interleaved 2 of 5 2U 1-10Plessey (MSI-1) with mod. 10 check digit L MSI-3with mod. 10 check digit M * - Use ASCII 06 to delimit variable length fields.Bar CodesBCommand - Bar CodeExample: NB10,10,0,3,3,7,200,B,"998152-001"P1Will Produce:Bar Codes withVariables & CountersThedatafieldcanbereplacedbyor combinedwith the following commands:Vnn =Prints the contents of variable nn atthis position. Range of nn = 00 to 99.Cn =Prints the contents of counter n at thisposition. Range of n = 0 to 9See Appendix C for additional Data parame-ters for printers with the RTC (real time clock)option installed.Examples: B50,0,0,3,1,2,50,B,"DATA" : Writesbar codeB50,50,0,3,1,2,50,N,V01 : Writescontentsof variable01asbar: codeB50,50,0,3,1,2,50,N,C1 : Writescontentsof counter 1asbar:codeB50,50,0,3,1,2,50,N,C1+2 : Writescontentsof counter 1plus2as:barcodeor a combination of several options:B50,300,0,3,1,2,50,B,"Deluxe"V01C2"Combo"V01:Writesthetext Deluxe followedbythecontentsof variable01fol-lowedbythecontentsof counter 2followedbythetext Combo fol-lowedbythecontentsof variable01all asa code39bar code.980352-001 Rev.A 3-13BCommand - Bar CodeData with the RTCTime & DateFunctionsThe Data field can be replaced by or com-bined with the following variables:TT=Prints the current time at this position inthe predefined format. See theTTcom-mand for format selection. This variableis available only if the printer Time &Date option is installed.TD=Prints the current date at this position inthe predefined format. See the TD commandfor format selection. This variable is availableonly if the printer Time & Date option is in-stalled.Somebar codeformatswill not support datenamesor thedateor timedelimitersused by theprinter toseparateCode 128 Bar CodeFunction CharactersTheprinter supportscode128functioncontrolcharacters(FCN#). MultipleFCN#s, TTs, TDsand DATA strings can be concatenated, al-lowing themtobeinsertedanywherewithinthesymbol.FCN2, FCN3 and FCN4 are illegal in code128modeC (p4=1C) andwill result inasyn-tax error.Pleaserefer to theCode128standardfor ade-scription of function characters FNC1 throughFNC3.Standard Code128canencodeall 128stan-dard ASCII characters (0-127). Function char-acter FCN4providesameansof alsoencodingextendedASCII characters(128-255). Itdirectsthe reader to add 128 to the value of each af-fected character before transmitting it.Two consecutive FCN4s toggle between stan-dardandextendedASCII modeforall succeed-ingdatacharacters(until theendof thesymbol,or until another pair of sisencountered). Thisisreferred to as latching into extended ASCIImode or latching into standard ASCII mode.3-14 980352-001 Rev.ABCommand - Bar CodeCode 128 Bar CodeFunction Characters(continued)A single FCN4 toggles between standard andextended ASCII modefor only a singlefollow-ingdatacharacter. ThisisreferredtoasshiftingintoextendedASCII modeor shiftingintostan-dard ASCII mode.BothcodesetsAandBareneededtorepresenttheentireextendedASCII character set, just asboth setsareneeded to represent thestandardASCII character set.FCN4s can be inserted manually, if necessaryor desired, by following the syntax describedabove. The printer will, however, insert themautomatically if extended ASCII charactersareencountered in the DATA. It will do so in themost efficient manner possible: If upto4contiguousextendedASCII charac-tersareencountered, itwill shiftintoextendedASCII mode by inserting a single FCN4 be-fore each one; If 5ormorecontiguousextendedASCII char-acters are encountered, it will latch into ex-tended ASCII modeby insertingtwo FCN4sbefore them. While latched into extended ASCII mode, itwill apply the same rules if standard ASCIIcharacters are encountered.Thus, the preferred way to encode extendedASCII charactersistosimplyembedthemintheDATA andlet theprinter managetheencodingtask. For best results, the code set should alsonot bespecified (i.e., p4 = 1). FCN4 s shouldbemanuallyinsertedonlyinsystemswhereex-tendedASCII characterscannot betransmittedto the printer.it is illegal to mix automatic and manual modeswithinthedatafor asinglesymbol; i.e., anextendedASCII characterencounteredinthedataafteran willbeconsideredasyntaxerror. Likewise, anFCN4 af-ter anextendedASCII character will also beconsid-ered a syntax error.980352-001 Rev.A 3-15b Command - 2D Bar Code - MaxiCodeSpecific OptionsDescription Usethis command to generate MaxiCodebarcode symbols with a single command. Theprinter will automatically interpret and encodedatainto MaxiCodesymbolsfor datamodes2,3, 4, and6. Uptoeightsymbolscanbelinked.Syntax bp1,p2,p3,[p4,][p5,]DATAParameters p1=Horizontal start position (X) in dotsp2=Vertical start position (Y) in dotsp3=M- Must be "M" for MaxiCodep4=Mode SelectionValue DescriptionNot Used Automatic Selection Mode 2 or 3M2 Mode 2M3 Mode 3m4 Mode 4m6 Mode 61. If p4(Mx) isnotused, theprinter will usethefollowing rules to automatically format theDATA parameter. If the postal code (thirdparameter, PC) in the DATA is: All numeric characters, the printer will auto-matically select Mode 2. Alphaonly or alpha-numeric character com-binations will set the printer to Mode 3. Not used, the printer automatically selectsMode3.2. Ifp4valueisM2orM3, theprinterwill usethefollowingrulestoformattheData param-eter: In Mode 2 - If anon-numericcharacter isen-tered in the Postal Code Data parameterfield, thentheMaxiCodebarcodewill notprint. In Mode 3 If thePostal CodeData fieldexceed6characters, thentheadditional char-acterswill betruncatedfromthebarcodefield.3-16 980352-001 Rev.Ab Command - 2DBarCode- MaxiCodeSpecificOptionsp5= x,yAssociatedMaxiCodesymbol numberingwhere:x=Symbol Number ofy=Total Number of AssociatedSym-bolsDefault: Not usedRange: 1-8for both xor yDATA= Mode Dependent Data FormatMode dependent data is bounded by quotationmarks. Maximum of 2KBytesof data.Mode Data Format2 & 3 cl,co,pc,lpm4 & 6 lpmcl = Class Code (3 digits required)co = Country Code (3digitsrequired)Mode2=NumericCharactersMode3=International Characters(upto6characters)pc= Postal CodeMode 2 = 5 or 9 characters(All Numeric, including USAPostal ZIP 5 or 9 char.)For less than 9 characters, theprinter will pad the field with 0s.Mode 3 (International)= Anyalphanumeric character(up to 6 characters)lpm= Low priority message (data)ASCII printable characters (up to84 characters per symbol), any256 character map.Theprogrammershouldrelyonthesymbology'sspecification to insure format compliance andproper implementation. See the AIM web sitefor specifications at:http://www.aimi.org/980352-001 Rev.A 3-17b Command - 2DBarCode- MaxiCodeSpecificOptionsExample: Nb20,20,M,"300,840,93065,1692,ThisisMaxiCode, but notMaxiCodeformatteddata"P1Will Produce:3-18 980352-001 Rev.AUsing AIM SpecifiedMaxiCodeDataFormattingTheEPL printer canuseandautomaticallyde-codetheAIMITS(International Technical Stan-dards) MaxiCode data format. The printerdetectsthemessage/start header ([)>RS), fieldseparator (GS), andtheendof messagemarker(RSEOT) data control strings.The hexadecimal (ASCII) data control stringsarein thefollowingtable. SeetheEPL2 dumpmode character map in Appendix A.Control String Hexadecimal CodeMessage/Start Header[ ) > RS 5B 29 3E 1EField SeparatorGS 1DEnd Of Message MarkerRS EOT 1E 04Syntax bp1,p2,M,p4[AIMMaxiCode Data]Example b20,400,M,m2001,840,93065,1692,[)>RS01GS98XXXZZFDAAFGSSHIPGS309GSGS1/1GS10GSNGSGSCAMARILLOGSCAGSRSEOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Notes:1) This programming example represents actual data used toformat a single AIM compliant MaxiCode symbol as pro-grammed by a major international and domestic shipping com-pany.2) The shipper has explicitly set the MaxiCode symbol for Mode2. This can be omitted by the programmer and the printer willauto-select the mode per the rules on page3-16.3) The shipper has used the "!" character to pad the symbol'sdata. A scanner reads back all the"Data"within the quotationmarks, including the "!" characters following the End Of Mes-sage Marker (EOT).4) All of the data fields in the Low Priority Message are notused in the example. Some are left empty with the field delim-itingGScharacter used as a format field holder.980352-001 Rev.A 3-19b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific OptionsDescription UsethiscommandtoprintPDF 417andMacroPDF bar code symbols. The printer will auto-matically change fromPDF417 to Macro PDFbar codemodeif thedatasenttotheprinter ex-ceedsthemaximumamount supported by thePDF417 symbol. TheoHcommand isused toplacetheadditionMacro PDF symbolsneededfor the continuation data.Theprinterwill automaticallyoptimizethesym-bol for readability of data (and use the mini-mum number of symbols when using MacroPDF). Thesymbol'sgeometryisadjusted(typi-callyreducingthesizeof thesymbol) perthede-finedparameters. Theprinterwill usethelargestmodule size (bar width and height) and mini-mize the number of rows and columns.Syntax bp1,p2,p3,p4,p5[,p6][,p7][,p8][,p9][,p10][,p11][,p12][,p13][,p14][,p15],DATAParameters The printer will automatically generate thePDF417barcodeusingthefollowingparameters.p1= Horizontal start position (X) in dotsp2= Vertical start position (Y) in dotsp3= P- Must be "P" for PDF 417 bar codesp4(www) =maximumprint width in dotsp5(hhh) = maximumprint height in dotsTheprogrammershouldrelyonthesymbology'sspecification to insure format compliance andproper implementation. See the AIM web sitefor specifications at:http://www.aimi.org/3-20 980352-001 Rev.Ab Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific OptionsThe followingparameters may be omitted and de-fault valueswill automaticallybeinserted. Eachpa-rameter value(datastring) mustbeproceededbyitsassociated command prefix character.p6(s) = sets error correction levelError Correction codewords per symbolValues: s1- s8If level isnotspecified, alevel will automati-callybeassignedasper thefollowingtable:EC level EC Codewords Auto Select Level0 2 1 4 0-312 8 32-633 16 64-1274 32 128-2555 64 256-5116 128 512-9287 256 8 512 p7(c) = selects data compression methodValues: 0or 1, default is0c0= Auto-encodingc1= Binary modeData Type Compression (Byte by Byte)Text 2 Characters per codewordNumeric 2.93 Characters per codewordBinary 1.2 Bytes per codewordp8(pxxx,yyy,mm) = print human readableThis parameter is a non-standard implemen-tor of the PDF417 and is onlyrecommended for troubleshooting purposes.Additional variables:p ="p" - parameter identifierxxx = horizontal start locationyyy = vertical start locationmm= maximum characters per line980352-001 Rev.A 3-21b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Optionsp9(f) = Bar code origin pointValues: 0or 1, Default is1f1- Center of bar code as defined by theautomatically adjusted symbol size, i.e.width and height. Parametersp4andp5values are maximum values only.f0- Upper left corner of bar code.p10(x) - module width (in dots)Values: 2 - 9(i.e. x2-x9)Default: Auto selects6(dots). Tests datawith maximum size limit set by p4andp5and then the other optional parame-ters. The printer automatically reducesthe module width in one dot incrementsuntil the data fits within the symbolsmaximum dimensions (and other ap-plied parameters) or until 3dots hasfailed, then reports an error.p11(y) - set bar height (in dots)Range: 4 - 99 (i.e. y4-y99)Default: 4 times module width (p10)p12(r) - maximum row countMaximumlimitfor thenumber of rowstobeusedfor autoselectingsymbol features.p13(l) - maximum column countMaximum limit for the number of col-umns to be used for auto selecting sym-bol features.p14(t) - truncated flag - legal values are:0= not truncated, 1= truncatedSeethePDF 417specificationfor details.p15(o) - rotationValues: 0=0, 1=90, 2=180, 3=270Settingsof 90&270will causethesym-bolsmaximumheight(p4) andwidth(p5)valuestotransposewhenautomaticallycal-culatingandgeneratingthesymbol, i.e. theheightwouldaffectcolumndimensionsandwidthwouldaffectrowdimensions.3-22 980352-001 Rev.Ab Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options"DATA"= ASCII data or Binary data bytesRepresents a fixed data field.The backslash (\) character designates the fol-lowingcharacter isaliteral andwill encodeintothedatafield. Refertothefollowingexamples:To Print Enter into data field \Company \Company\\ \\\code\ \\code\\ \PDF417: GeneralInformationA PDF417 symbol is organized into minimumof 3to amaximumof 90rowsandaminimumof 5 to a maximum of 34 columns ofcodewords.Eachcodewordis17moduleswide. Thereare4bars and 4 spaces per codeword.Multiplythemodulewidth(indots, p10) by17to get the codeword width.Multiplethemoduleheight(indots, p11) bythenumber of rows to get the symbol height.Four of the codewords in each row are start,stop and two row indicators. The remainingcodewords are referred to as the data regionand contain symbol overhead and compacteddata.Therecan beno morethan 928 codewords inthe data region. All combinations of rowsand columns arenot legal; 90rowstimes30columnswould produceadataregion of 2700codewords which exceeds the 928 codewordmaximumper symbol. See the followingtable(on the next page) that shows the maximumnumber of rows and the resulting number ofcodewords in thedata region for each columncount.980352-001 Rev.A 3-23b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific OptionsPDF417Symbol GeometryColumns Maximum Rows Codewords5 90 906 90 1807 90 2708 90 3609 90 45010 90 54011 90 63012 90 72013 90 81014 90 90015 84 92416 77 92417 71 92318 66 92419 61 91520 58 92821 54 91822 51 91823 48 91224 46 92025 44 92426 42 92427 40 92028 38 91229 37 92530 35 91031 34 91832 33 92433 32 92834 30 9003-24 980352-001 Rev.Ab Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific OptionsAutomatic PDF 417Bar Code GenerationTheprinter automaticallytestsandchangesthePDF 417 bar code geometry to maximize thereadabilityofthebarcodeforagivenmaximumheight and width, specified by p4and p5.TheprinterteststhePDF 417parametersinthisorder for a given data string (error correctionand compression included):1. Module width p10(for codeword width)2. Symbol width p43. Symbol column maximum p134. Module height p115. Symbol height p56. Symbol row maximum p12The printer will start with the maximumvalue(default or explicit) for these parameters. Theprinter reduces thesevalues to get themodulewidth and height to maximize readability.980352-001 Rev.A 3-25b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific OptionsExample: Nb80,100,P,700,600,x2,y7,l100,r100,f0,s5," \ Fourscoreandseven yearsago our fathersbrought forth on thisconti-nent a newnation, conceivedin libertyanddedicatedto theproposi-tion that all men arecreatedequal. Nowweareengagedin a greatcivil war, testingwhether that nation or anynation so conceivedandso dedicatedcan longendure."b80,200,P,400,300,p40,440,20,f1,x3,y10,r60,l5,"ABCDEFGHIJK1234567890abcdefghijk"PWill Produce:Thesecondsymbol hasbeensettoprinthumanreadable data with the p8parameter(p40,440,20) and is not part of the PDF417symbol.3-26 980352-001 Rev.AC Command - CounterDescription The counter (C) command defines one of 10automatic counters used in consecutive num-beringapplications(i.e. serial numbers). Coun-ters must be defined after variables.For Numeric Serialization Only. The counterfunction doesnot support Alpha or Alpha-NumericSerialization.Syntax Cp1, p2, p3, p4, [-]PROMPTParameters p1=Counter number. Range: 0to 9p2=Maximumnumber of digitsfor thecounter.Range: 1to 29p3=Field J ustification.L= Left R= RightC= Center N = No J ustificationp4=Step Value. +or - signfollowedbyasingledigitof 1- 9. Usingastepvalueof+0allowsthecounter tobeusedasanadditional variabledatafield.PROMPT= AnASCII text fieldthat will betransmittedto theKDU or host (viatheserial interface) eachtimethecommandisexecuted. Typicallyusedto request theoperator to enter astartingcounter value.KDU PromptOptions[-] = Having the first character of the prompta single minus sign will cause theprompt to display only once after formretrieval.980352-001 Rev.A 3-27CCommand - CounterTheCcommandisusedinformsthatrequirese-quential numbering. Wheninitializingcounters,theymust bedefinedinorder (e.g. C0first, C1second...).Field justification (p3) affects the printing ofcounter data. When L, Ror Careselected, thecounter fieldisthewidthof p2value. Datawilljustify within the counter (p2) field per the se-lectedp3. TheN parameter will print themini-mumnumber of characters. Seeprogrammingexample 13 in Appendix H.Toprintthecontentsof thecounter, thecounternumberisreferencedintheDATAfieldof theA(ASCII text) or B(Bar Code) commands.If thestartingvalueof acounter is1", thennolead-ingzeropaddingwill beadded. If thestartingvalueis01, then the counter will be padded, up to themaximum number of digits (p2), with zeros.Example: C0,10,L,+1,"-Enter Serial Number:"Saving andProtectingConsecutiveNumbers inNonvolatile MemoryThisfeatureisuseful whenthecounterfieldrep-resentsaserial number(orotherstypesof num-bers) that should never be repeated. Thisfeatureallowsfor automaticretrieval andincre-menting (or decrementing) of the previouscounter value used every time a form is re-trieved (and printed).Byplacingoneminussignasthefirst characteroftheprompt, thepromptwill appearonlyonceafter the formis retrieved, thereby protectingthe integrity of the data.SingleDigitSummationwithCountersAdd or subtract a singledigit fromtherecalledcountervalueinaform. If formrecalledcounterC0 had a value of 3, then processing C0+1wouldyieldavalueof4andC0-2wouldyieldavalue of 1.3-28 980352-001 Rev.AC Command - Cut ImmediateDescription: This command allows theprinter to initiateanimmediatemediacutwithoutaformprintoper-ation. The printer must have the cutter optioninstalled.TheCcommand Cut Immediatecan notbe used inside of a form.Theinitial characterCinacommandstringisused for both the Cut Immediate (C) andCounter Conmmand function (Cp1) whichcanonlybeusedwithinaform. TheCut Im-mediateCommand(C) cannot beusedinaform.TheCcommand CutImmediatecannotbeused with theKDU.Syntax: CParameters: NoneExample: COnlycut label liner (backing) or tagstock. Label ad-hesivewill builtuponthecutter bladeandcausethecutter to operate poorly or jamif the labels are cutalong with the label liner.UsetheCcommand- CutImmediate5timeswithoutmedialoaded, toperformaself cleaningof thecutterblade.980352-001 Rev.A 3-29D Command - DensityDescription Use this command to select the print density.Syntax Dp1Parameters p1=Density setting. Acceptable values are:Model Acceptable Values1Default Value2722 0 - 15 72742 0 - 15 73742 0 - 15 72443 (Orion) 0 - 15 102824 0 - 15 72844 0 - 15 10Hx-146 0 - 15 72746 0 - 15 72684 (Strata) 0 - 15 7Note 1: 0 is the lightest print and 15 is the darkest.The density command controls the amount ofheatproducedbytheprinthead. Moreheatwillproduce a darker image. Too much heat cancause the printed image to distort.Thedensityandspeedcommandscandramaticallyaffectprintquality. Changesinthespeedsettingtypi-cally require a change to the print density.Example: D5 : selectsdensity53-30 980352-001 Rev.Adump Command - Enable Dump ModeDescription This command allows the advanced program-mer to force a user diagnostic data dumpmode. Sending the dump command to theprinter allows theprogrammer to compareac-tual datasenttoprinterwiththehostprogram.Send data to the printer after the dump com-mandhasbeenissuedtoevaluateprogramandprinter control data. Theprinter will processalldata bytes into ASCII character data , range0-255 decimal (00-FF hexadecimal).Press the printers Feed button until Out ofDump isprinted or power cycletheprinter toterminate the dump mode.Syntax dumpParameters NoneUsetheDumpModecharactermapinAppendixAof the EPL2 programmers manual to interpret thedump modedata (characters printed on thelabels)back into ASCII data.Graphicsdatadumpmaybelargeandrequiremulti-ple labels to print.Set theimagebuffer width with theq command tomatch the media width prior to issuing the dumpcommand.Press the Feed button to view dump data that ex-ceedsasinglelabelsprintarea. Repeattoviewmoredump data.PressingtheFeedbuttonafter thedumpdataisfin-ishedprintingwill causetheprinter toexitthedumpmode.Example: dump980352-001 Rev.A 3-31eR Command - User Defined Error/Status CharacterDescription: This command allows the advanced program-mer to specify the printer's error/status reportcharacter for error reportingviatheRS-232se-rial interface.Syntax: eRp1,p2Parameters: p1= Any single ASCII characterRange: 0-255 decimal (00-FF hexadeci-mal)p2= Error/Status Response Modep2Mode Descriptions0Standard (default):XON (17 dec. / 11 hex.) on RecoveryXOFF(19 dec. / 13 hex.) on Error1Character Only:Reports the selected error/status characterfollowed by a Carriage Return and Line Feed.2Character & Error/Status Code:Reports the selected error/status character, er-ror/status code (see page3-112for codes),and then by a Carriage Return and Line Feed.Example: For Mode2Error andStatusReporting:eR$,2 : SetsError Character to "$" and: SetsError Modeto "2".: User operatesandprintswith printer.: User opensprint head.$11 : ReportsPrint HeadOpen: User closesprint head$00 : ReportsNo Error: Printer Readyfor next command.: (Statusreport for Print HeadClosed)3-32 980352-001 Rev.AEI Command - Print Soft Font InformationDescription This command will causetheprinter to print alist of all soft fonts that are stored in memory.Syntax EISoft fonts can be downloaded to and deleted fromthe printer fromthe Soft Font Downloader Utility,CAL Tools or CAL3.Example: EI :printssoft font listWill Produce:980352-001 Rev.A 3-33EK Command - Delete Soft FontDescription Thiscommandisusedto deletesoft fontsfrommemory.Soft fonts can be downloaded to and deleted fromthe printer fromthe Soft Font Downloader Utility,CAL Tools or CAL3.Syntax EK {FONTNAME| "*"}Parameters FONTNAME= By entering the name of afont, that font will be deleted from mem-ory.* = By including an * (wild card), ALLfonts will be deleted from memory.Example: EK"A" :deletesfont AEK"*" :deletesall fonts3-34 980352-001 Rev.AES Command - Store Soft FontDescription This command is used to download and storesoft fonts in memory.Soft fonts can be downloaded to and deleted fromthe printer fromthe Soft Font Downloader Utility,CAL Tools or CAL3.Syntax ES"FONTNAME"p1p2p3a1b1c1DATA1a2b2c2DATA2... anbncnDATAnParameters FONTNAME= One letter font nameRange: a-z, Lower Case Lower Case named fonts minimize soft fontmemory usage to only store fonts down-loaded and have 256 character limit.The following use hexadecimalcoding for parameter values.p1: Number of characters to be downloadedRange: 00 - FF hex. (0-255 decimal)for 1 to 256 fonts per soft font set.p2: Character Rotation 00 hex. = 0 and 180 degrees 01 hex. = 90 and 270 degrees (clockwise) 02 hex. = Both 0 and 180 degree rotationpairandthe90and270degreerotationpairp3: Font HeightRange: 00 to FF hex.Measured in dots and expressed as ahexadecimal number, i.e. 1B hex. = 27dotsFont height includes accentors and dis-senters of characters and need to fit inthe character cell 203 dpi printers =256 dots = 1.26 inches = 32.03 mm 300 dpi printers = 00 to FF hex.256 dots = 0.85 inches = 21.67 mm980352-001 Rev.A 3-35ESCommand - Store Soft Fonta1: (1st) DownloadCharacter (mapposition)Range: 00 to FF hex.b1: (1st) Spacing To Next Print CharacterDownloaded characters next printedcharacter position in dots, i.e. Charactertracking - the space between characters.Must be greater than or equal to thecharacter width, see parameter c1. Dotsin a decimal number converted to ahexadecimal number.Range: 00 to FF hex.c1: (1st) Downloaded Characters WidthDots in a decimal number converted toa hexadecimal number.Range: 00 to FF hex.DATA1: (1st) Character Bitmapp3 c1= bit map data (in bytes)Dataisreceivedinbytes, onalinebylinebasis. Thefontcharacters0,0cell mappositionisinthetopleftcorner of themapasviewedinthe0degreerotation. Seetheexamplesonthefollowingpages.a2: (2nd) DownloadCharacter (mapposition)b2: (2nd) Spacing To Next Print Characterc2: (2nd) Downloaded Characters WidthDATA2: (2nd) Character Bitmapp3 c2bytes = bit map dataRepeat for each character until the last char-acter in the set is downloaded.an: (Last) DownloadCharacter (mapposition)bn: (Last) Spacing To Next Print Charactercn: (Last) Downloaded Characters WidthDATAn: Character Bitmapp3 cnbytes = bit map data3-36 980352-001 Rev.AESCommand - Store Soft FontFor fonts with the rotation parameter setfor both (p2= 02 hex.):Repeat theindividual font character downloadfor each 90rotated character fromthestart ofthecharacter set until thelast rotatedcharacterin the set is downloaded.a1-90b1-90c1-90DATA1-90a2-90b2-90c2-90DATA2-90a3-90b3-90c3-90DATA3-90an-90: (Last) Download Characterbn-90: (Last) Spacing To Next Print Charac-tercn-90: (Last) Downloaded Characters WidthDATAn-90: Character Bitmapp3 cnbytes = bit map dataThe number of individual charactermaps downloaded will be double thecharacters in the font set (p1).Example ofMeasuring Soft FontSizeParameter Dots Data Entered as Hexadecimalp312 0C hex.b 10 0A hex.c 8 08 hex.980352-001 Rev.A 3-37Inter-character Space(actually white dots)12Dots8 Dots10 DotsReference PointESCommand - Store Soft FontSoft FontsProgramming CodeExampleThe typical soft font download commandstrings to the printer. The following examplewas generated with the CAL3 software.3-38 980352-001 Rev.A00000000 0D 0A 45 4B 22 61 22 0D 0A 45 53 22 61 22 03 00 ..EK"a"..ES"a"..00000010 1A 41 17 03 00 7C 00 00 7C 00 00 7C 00 00 EE 00 .A...|..|..|....00000020 00 EE 00 01 EF 00 01 C7 00 01 C7 00 03 83 80 03 ................00000030 83 80 07 83 C0 07 01 C0 07 01 C0 0E 00 E0 0F FF ................00000040 E0 0F FF E0 1F FF F0 1C 00 70 3C 00 78 38 00 38 .........p