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Epping District Cricket Club Inc. Annual Report 2014-15

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Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

Annual Report



Annual Report Season 2014-15 1

Epping District Cricket Club Inc.



You are cordially invited to attend the Eighty Second Annual General Meeting of the Epping District Cricket Club

Inc. to be held at The Ranch boardroom on 22 July 2015 at 7.30 pm.


1. The reading and the confirmation of the Minutes of the Eighty First Annual General Meeting.

2. To receive and consider the Eighty Second Annual Report and the Financial Statements for the 2014-

15 season.

3. To elect Office Bearers and Management Committee for the 2015-2016 season.

4. To receive nominations for Team Captains for the 2015-2016 season. These nominations will be

considered by the incoming Management Committee.

5. To consider the nomination of Matthew Boorer for Life Membership.

6. To transact any other business brought forward in accordance with the rules of the Club.

NOTE: Only financial members of the previous season are entitled to vote.


Honorary Secretary

P.O. Box 104

Epping NSW 1710

2 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

Epping District Cricket Club Inc.



LIFE MEMBERS (Year elected)

1st A Taylor # Pre 1948 12th Perc Turnbull # 1975

2nd S.J. Mayne # 1947 13th Barry Williams # 1982

3rd John Martin 1960 14th Frank Clark OAM 1989

4th Doug Wotton 1960 15th Keith Lego 1989

5th Jack Brodie # 1961 16th Stuart Young 1992

6th John Coverdale 1961 17th Graeme Kightley 1995

7th Phil Dunnicliff # 1963 18th Graeme Baird 1999

8th Jim McKenzie # 1964 19th Tim Creer 1999

9th Ray Rowell # 1964 20th Mick Sedgers 2004

10th John Salter# 1964 21st Ken Willcox 2012

11th Ron Payne # 1975

# Deceased member



I. Fowler Esq M. Henning Esq

VICE PRESIDENTS R. Bartlett Esq K. Hutton Esq R. Richards Esq

I. Bloom Esq A.S. Ingram Esq Mrs C. Stewart T. Brooks Esq Mrs W. Lindsay Mrs P. Stodart

C. Carruthers Esq C.W. Peck Esq J.J. Turner Esq

F. Clark OAM J.W. Pegg Esq F. Wicks Esq

Mrs H. Williams B.E. Williams Esq



P. Ager M. Henning



SELECTION COMMITTEE D. Wait (Chairman) I Wheatley B. Morgan

M. Boorer J. Howes M Sedgers

N. Wilson


Annual Report Season 2014-15 3


It’s that time again when you need to finalise everything from this season in order to progress to next season but I don’t think there is such a thing anymore and one season seems to roll into the next and next when trying to run a cricket club. If there is one thing I have learnt through both my professional life and as a club administrator is that you can never rest and think everything is great. You can always improve or advance to the next level and this year held no exception. You could be excused for taking a step back after the successes of season 13/14 and thinking that season 14/15 would be even better but history will tell it wasn’t. The heights reached in season 13/14 where excellent and it was going to be a feat to improve on but one I truly thought we would match and better. We ended up having a successful season by all accounts with 3 teams in the finals 4th and 5th grade as well as our under 24’s and coming a respectable 6th in the club championship. 2nd and 3rd grade ended up just short in 7th position and third grade only by aggregate. It wasn’t the season we hoped for or expected in our top grade but I put that down to some terrible luck and misfortune. I guess it’s hard when you start behind the eight ball each game and only winning one toss of the coin all season does make it hard. Note never take wheats to two up on Anzac day it’s guaranteed to be an early exit. However it was year that we got to see many young guys come thru and play first grade. The likes of Cameron Court, Matthew Brooks both of which are still at school and players like Nic Wilson, Tom Wilson and Chris Stefan who have cemented a spot in 1st grade and the experience will come in time. There were others too others such as Keishev, Callum DeSilva and Anthony Azize will push for spots in the top grade. So it was a development year but one that will see many of the current younger squad well ad versed in the trials of playing in the top grade. Our strength this year came from down below with strong performances in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. A blend of youth and experience dots these teams which makes for competitive teams. If the success of the lower teams is something to be positive about then we have it in spades. This year we joined forces with Parramatta District Cricket club to enter a Team in the Tim Creer Cup (otherwise known as our 5th grade). This was done with the help of a former Epping player and now coach of Parramatta Alex Murphy. Although it was put together in hast, it proved successful with a share of players in the team coming from both clubs. The concept allows guys who wouldn’t have played in the higher grades at Parramatta or are in the development squad at Parra a chance to play a good level of cricket on turf. It also allows both clubs to move players into the lower grades to fill spots. This was a great help to both club this season and with a little more tinkering we can surely make it a great success. I’d like to thanks particularly Alex Murphy, David Wait and Mick Sedgers for coordinating our 5th grade team this season. Sedge captained the side although he was the senior member by country mile his devotion and commitment to the plan and bigger picture is to be commended a true club legend. Thanks to the Parramatta board and president for adopting the concept and running with it. I see this relationship being and integral part of our clubs future success and development. Unfortunately we had to hand back the Turnbull/Richardson Cup to Burwood after they did a number on us. Burwood is club we enjoy a great comradery with and it’s always a pleasure to play against them. After holding it for two seasons it goes back into the Burwood trophy cabinet but not for long don’t get too used to it. Their an ageing club and we’re a young club with plenty of fight Each year we have individual grade winners and the winners of each grade were well deserved Dave Gilbert Medal- Stephen Sharp Gavin Robinson Medal- Kulwant Dhillon Ron Payne Medal- Stephen Allard Tim Creer Medal – Hayden Doria Graeme Baird Medal – Anirban Maitre Ian Wheatley Medal- Chris Stefan Gary Bensley Medal- Stephen Allard Congratulations to all the above medal winners very well deserved

4 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

The clubs ultimate prize the Cricketer of the Year went to James Howes this season. Not only did James win the cricketer of the year but also the Phil Dunnicliff award for under 24’s player of the year. Well done Howesy a great season personally and as captain of 4th grade. Behind the scenes there is once again a very dedicated committee that go about their roles making sure this club continues to function. Graeme ‘Rowdy’ Baird completes his 26th consecutive season as secretary and it was through this he received the Graeme Kightley Clubman of the Year. Rowd goes about his job silently and often unrecognised. Somehow the fridges get filled each week the drinks are topped up and it’s the little things in a club that Rowd gets done without any question. So after last being clubman of the year in 99/00 you definitely deserve it once again 15 years on. Thanks Rowd for all your efforts. The rest of committee work equally as hard and I would like to thank Mick Sedgers once again for getting our books in check each year. This is Sedgers 15th year as Treasurer a legendary effort. Other committee members , Mick McKeough, Mark Bruce, Pascal de l’Épine, Andrew Nicoletti, Nick Cox and Anthony Boorer a very big thanks for putting your time to help run this great Club. I want to make particular mention to AB. AB has been a true club stalwart for the past few seasons. This season he joined the shires subcommittee which take him away from his family another night a month but it is great to have him there working for our club on making the competition better. Ab is also the one who late on a Friday night is putting the covers down not only for 1st grade but often 3rd grade too. He is becoming the Second Rowd in or our club doing the little things that keeps our club ticking over so Thanks AB you make it easy to run the club with someone like yourself doing the hard yards. I thank all the committee members for the hard work As it is with each and every year it takes a team of captains and selection committee to organise selected and manage teams. This year those duties fell on Ian Wheatley 1st grade captain, Brad Morgan 2nd grade captain, myself as 3rd grade captain, James Howes 4th grade captain, Mick Sedgers 5th grade captain and under 24s captain Nick Wilson. Each one held themselves in high esteem and conducted their duties both on and off the field with distinction and were a classic representation of what our club stands for. The glue that held it together was David Wait our chairman of selectors and there were some interesting discussions and conversation involved and many late phone calls organising 5th grade players all of which comes with the job maybe not as much as he thought but Dave did great job each week organising the team selections. So thank you to all the captains and the chairman of selectors for all their hard work in leading the club. I really want to thank Ian Wheatley for his efforts this year. Although 1st grade didn’t have the year we had hoped for Ian was willing to help strengthen the lower grades when we were looking to qualify guys for the finals with first grade not in the running and as frustrated as wheats was Wheats gave up players to help strengthen the lower grades something we were all appreciative for. A true clubman. Our relationship with the junior club continues to grow and this year was no exception. The juniors adopted the Bulls’ logo which was another great move by the junior club. The link with the seniors is stronger and with a bull as their logo there is a distinct path for the juniors to follow from Junior Bulls into seniors bulls. We are very excited about the future junior bulls and we will work hard together to make that even better. The Milo InTo Cricket was again a success this season and we will throw our full support behind developing kids for our junior teams once again. I want to thank Mark Henning the Juniors President for his continue support of this relationship. Mark steps down from the presidency next season but he left a strong mark on the juniors club and forged a very strong relationship with the seniors. Thanks Mark for your hard work and to your team. I hope to see you in different roles as player with young Matt soon. It was the second year of our relationship with the Ranch and once again it proved successful. The gains financially from the support of the ranch and the bulls support of the ranch in turn payed dividends for the club. Our other main sponsor and it would be for the 5th season now is the Bendigo bank. This season the Bendigo bank assisted the bulls with more funding to help with our new synthetic nets project. The extra money will go a long way to getting out project done so I thanks the Bendigo Bank and The Ranch for their support of the Bulls this season As, I just mentioned above the new synthetic practice nets area reality now. After 5 long years of trying to secure funding we have finally got the money we need to get our project done. A big thank you to the NSW Government, Bendigo Bank plus their ongoing support, Hornsby Council and their ongoing support, and NSW cricket via McDonalds. The rest will come from the club and junior club after various fund raising exercises. We expect the plans to out of council very shortly and the first movement of soil should occur in the next few months (August 2015). A lot the other work will be done in kind through HSA and we should be training in these facilities come Christmas. It’s been a long journey to get the funding but we got their and now we can have a great facility at Nth Epping for both the Juniors and seniors to use


Annual Report Season 2014-15 5

It was a sad season for me personally when we lost Mick ‘Crusher’ Kerr to a rare form of cancer. Crusher battled it for years and it went undiagnosed for quite some time such was the rarity of it. Mick Captained of our first grade team in 2002/03 when he debut for Epping against Auburn making 97. He scored 1678 runs for the club at an average of 31.66. 61 times he walked to the middle with a highest score of 115, notching up 4 x 100s, 7x 50's and 1 glorious wicket. His best season was in 2004/05 when he made 586 runs @53.27 with 2 tons. Mick was 1st grade captain from partway through 02/03 up until 2005/06.I played with Mick at Balmain and between Tim Henry and myself we managed to get him across to the club to play before he had a chance to say no he was captain. Mick was natural leader and for many season our first grade survived on the back of his determination. Cricket unites us with many special people and forges friendships that last a lifetime and I am, as too is our club blessed to have been touched by Mick in his short but fulfilling life. Our thoughts and prayers go to Mick's family in particular Nikki and his children Taylah and Justin. RIP Crusher Bull for life. Next season will be working hard to build our strength right across all the grades. We have identified some areas that need particular attention and are working thru some proposals to make it happen. There is plenty of depth within the club and we will continue to grow the lower sections of the club too and with our link to Parramatta this will be a tremendous aid in gaining quality players in the club. There is and has been for a while a good feeling amongst the playing group and I hope this is what will attract other players to our club. Our successes will come and although we have waited decades for premiership in the grades and under 24s premiership 10 years ago. The bulls will reap the rewards for the hard work and commitment and the ultimate will soon be something everyone to hold onto once again Congratulation to the award winners this season and thanks again also to all the captains and our hard working committee members and to the players that turn out each week and represent our club. Thank you for your support of me as president. My aim is to make this club a powerhouse in shires cricket once again. Well done and go the Bulls Bull For life Matthew ‘Coat’ Boorer President

6 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


The Executive Committee met on twelve (12) occasions:-

M. Boorer 12 M. Bruce 11 M Sedgers 11

A Boorer 11 G Baird 11 M McKeough 11

A Nicoletti 7 N. Cox 5 P. de lÉpine 9

Note: A Nicoletti on Leave of Absence from May 2015.


Epping Premiers

1st Grade 14th Burwood Briars

2nd Grade 7th Warringah

3rd Grade 7th Strathfield

4th Grade 4th Burwood Briars

Frank Gray Shield – U/24s 4th Georges River

Club Championship 6th Burwood Briars

5th Grade – Tim Creer Cup 5th Sydney

Financial members of the Club for the 2014-15 season (excluding Life Members) ware listed below. In addition,

members of Parramatta District Cricket Club that represented Epping in the Tim Creer Cup under the Pathway

Programme are also shown annotated (P):

Stephen Allard

James Allsopp,

Dinith Amarasinghe,

Anthony Azize

Rohan. Balani

Patrick Balzen

Scott Bennett

Anthony Boorer,

Matthew Boorer, Justin Bradley, Matt Brooks

Peter Broschofsky (P) Mark Bruce, Pat Carfax

Dylan Charles (P)

Cameron Court

Nicholas Cox,

Adam Coy (P)

Gabriel D’Angelo (P)

Thomas Dangerfield,

Kimon Darmon Charlie Davies Pascal de l’Epine

Calum De Silva

Kulwant Dhillon

Hayden Doria

Isaac El-Hassan Andrew Finlayson

Nevneet Ganesh (P)

Sushant Garg

Angus Graham (P)

Naji Haider

Mitchell Healey

Stuart Henry (P)

Mitchell Horrocks

James Howes

Rahul Jha Harshan Karthikeyan (p)

Joshua Kew

Athyban Kumaran (P)

Andrew Laurie (P)

Billy Mackander (P)

Angus MacQueen

Anirban Maitre (P)

James Mallett

Ishmam Masud (P)

Michael McKeough

Rudi Midya (P)

Ashish Mishra (P)

Brad Morgan Krijan Muraleedaran (P)

Keishev Muralietharan

Andrew Nicoletti

James Papworth

Yehan Peiris (P)

Jackson Preedy (P)

Lewis Roper

Brendan Sedgers

Liam Senior

Prakhar Sharma (P)

Stephen Sharp

Dylan Shaw

Ashad Somathilike (P)

Christopher Steffan,

Michael Sullivan (P)

Sean Thompson

Gayan Vithanage (P)

Timothy Ward (P)

Blake Wassell

Ian Wheatley

Matt Wilkins,

Nic Wilson

Thomas Wilson

Michael Wirth


Annual Report Season 2014-15 7


Congratulations to:





Graeme Baird


Gary Bensley Medal – all Grades

Dave Gilbert Medal – 1st Grade

Gavin Robertson Medal – 2nd Grade

Ron Payne Medal – 3rd Grade

Tim Creer Medal – 4th Grade

Graeme Baird Medal – 5th Grade

Ian Wheatley Medal – Frank Gray Shield


Stephen Sharp

Stephen Sharp

Kulwant Dhillon

Stephen Allard

Hayden Doria

Anirban Maitra

Chris Steffan


500 Runs in a Season

Keishev Muralietharan (2), Stuart Henry, Calum De Silva, Tom

Dangerfield, Kulwant Dhillon, Pascal de lÉpine

Keishev Muralietharan 535 runs

7,000 Career Runs Ian Wheatley

2,000 Career Runs

50 wickets in a season

10 Wickets in a Match

7 Wickets in an Innings

Hat Tricks

400 Career Wickets

100 Career Catches

Matt Wilkins

James Howes - 62

James Howes, Justin Bradley

James Howes, Justin Bradley

James Howes, Harshan Karthikeyan

Anthony Boorer

Ian Wheatley


Most dismissals by a keeper in a season

James Allsopp 42 –Equal all grades record

James Allsopp 31 – 4th Grade

Best Bowling Average – Tim Creer Cup Harshan Karthikeyan 10.2 per wicket.

Most wickets in a season – 4th Grade James Howes 68

Record Partnerships:

9th wicket – All Grades & 4th Grade Rohan Balani & Matt Brooks – 124 runs

1st wicket – 4th Grade Dylan Munro & Sean Thompson – 123 runs

1st wicket – Tim Creer Cup Mick Sedgers & Stuart Henry – 111 runs

6th wicket – 2nd Grade Joshua Kew & Kulwant Dhillon – 160 runs

10th wicket – 4th Grade Matt Brooks & Hayden Doria – 85 runs.

My thanks to all of those people who provided assistance - especially Mick Sedgers in the compilation of the Annual


G. Baird

Honorary Secretary.

8 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


For the 2014-15 Season

Financial Performance

For the Year to 30th April 2015 Epping District Cricket Club Inc (The Club) returned a profit of $9,602.09.

Financial Position

Members’ Funds stands at $29,961 as at 30th April 2015.


Cash at Bank as at 30 April 2015 stood at $28,830.91.

Receivables as at Balance Date include $2,500 from Parramatta District Cricket Club for its share of costs

associated with Tim Creer Cup. $3050.00 of Member Subscriptions remain outstanding as at Balance Date of which

$1,700 has been collected since. The Committee believes the remainder is readily collectable.

As at Balance Date, Accrued Expenses stood at $4,420.00 consisting of Sunday Ground Hire costs,$1,000 coaching

expenses and $750 being the remainder of ground hire expenses for Tim Creer Cup. All have since been finalised.

The Club maintains both player injury insurance and third party liability insurance. The former is by participation in

a national scheme arranged by Cricket Australia. From this year the annual premium was met by your Club. The

third party insurance is arranged by CricketNSW to Clubs however does carry a $1000 excess per claim. The

Management Committee believes sufficient cash reserves exist to cover this contingency.

The Club now has sufficient cash reserves and pledged grants to fully funds practice net development at North

Epping Oval.

M Sedgers. F.Fin, AFAIM, CPA

Honorary Treasurer


Annual Report Season 2014-15 9

Statement of Financial Position

As At 30 April 2015

Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

Statement of Financial Position As At 30 April 2015

2015 2014

Current Assets

Cash on Hand $0 $380

Cash at Bank $28,831 $10,496

Receivables $5,550 $9,483

Total Current Assets $34,381 $20,539

Fixed Assets $0 $0

Total Assets $34,381 $20,539

Current Liabilities

Accrued Expenses $4,420 $0

Subs Paid in Advance $0 $0

Total Current Liabilities $4,420 $0

Net Assets $29,961 $20,539

Members Funds

Opening Balance $20,359 $19,861

Operating Surplus/Loss $9,602 $498

Accumulated Surplus $29,961 $20,359

M. Boorer M. Sedgers

President Honourary Treasurer

30th April 2015 30th April 2015

10 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

Statement of Financial Performance

for the Year Ended 30 April 2015

REVENUE Season 14/15 Season 13/14

Member Subscription 23,420.00$ 24,510.00$

- 14/15 Season paid 17,870.00$

- 14/15 Season accrued 5,550.00$


Sponsorship 15,737.28$ 5,113.25$

Interest 193.76$ 64.86$

Shires Dinner Ticket Sales 1213 -$ 70.00$

1314 130.00$ 455.00$

Annual Dinner Ticket Sales 1314 3,590.00$ 7,930.00$

Training Levy -$ -$

Merchandise Sales 235.00$ 125.00$

Grants 9,365.00$ 9,260.00$

Fundraising 2,600.00$ 3,880.47$

Masters Reimbursement Sunday Ground Hire 1213 -$ 1,485.00$

Masters Reimbursement Sunday Ground Hire 1314 -$ 1,956.00$

Recovery of Debts Written Off 500.00$

TOTAL 55,271.04$ 55,349.58$

EXPENDITURESeason 14/15 Season 13/14

Bank Charges/Government Tax 106.53$ 155.76$

Coaching Expenses 2,698.10$ 2,000.00$

Shires Dinner -$ -$

Ground Hire TCC 2,500.00$ 5,820.00$

Non Saturday Ground Hire 13/14 2,670.00$ 2,036.00$

Saturday Ground Hire 16,415.00$ 16,527.00$

Apparel 5,615.94$ 4,921.14$

Equipment 9,697.80$ 7,202.00$

Tim Creer Cup Registration 500.00$ 1,511.50$

Annual Dinner 1314 2,574.00$ 9,196.20$

-$ -$

Signage & Scoreboard -$ -$

Web Site -$ -$

MV Expenses -$

Trophies 1314 900.85$ 120.15$

1415 90.25$ 452.00$

Refund Player Fees -$ 1,550.00$

Donation 250.00$ 490.00$

Admin Costs 385.23$ 164.00$

Catering 1,265.25$ 1,436.15$

SUB -TOTAL 45,668.95$ 53,581.90$


Profit for Season 9,602.09$ 1,767.68$

Receiveables/Accruals written off -$ 1,270.00$

Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets -$ -$

BALANCE 9,602.09$ 497.68$


Annual Report Season 2014-15 11


Originally known as the ‘Patron’s Trophy”, The "Cricketer of the Year" was introduced to determine the player with

best service to his Club and still continues to generate keen interest and rivalry. Competition points are allocated

as set out below:

15 points per 10 runs scored 10 points per stumping 10 points per catch 5 points per direct run out

15 points per wicket taken 10 points per indirect run out

The winners of this competition are as follows:

48-49 P. Dunnicliff 65-66 Barry Williams 82-83 Robert Wood 99-00 Murray Rayner

49-50 P. Dunnicliff 66-67 Howard Reay 83-84 Howard Reay 00-01 Murray Rayner

50-15 F. Holtoff 67-68 Peter Newman 84-85 Gavin Ridley 01-02 Gary Bensley

51-52 P. Dunnicliff 68-69 Greg Sorrell 85-86 Brian Crawford 02-03 Mark Bruce

52-53 P. Dunnicliff 69-70 Peter Newman 86-87 Brett Papworth 03-04 Alex Murphy

53-54 P. Dunnicliff 70-71 Peter Newman 87-88 J Wilson/C Craig 04-05 Tim Henry

54-55 P. Dunnicliff 71-72 Ray McClelland 88-89 Geoff Garland 05-06 Ian Wheatley

55-56 Ray Rowell 72-73 Ray Richards 89-90 Andrew Prince 06-07 Ian Wheatley

56-57 Phil Dunnicliff 73-74 Ian Stewart 90-91 Greg Stone 07-08 Nick Creer

57-58 Phil Dunnicliff 74-75 Wayne Mason 91-92 Brian Hearne 08-09 Nick Scollay

58-59 Phil Dunnicliff 75-76 Dave Greentree 92-93 Brian Hearne 09-10 Tim Henry

59-60 Perc Turnbull 76-77 Phil Stabback 93-94 Gary Bensley 10-11 Chris Nutt

60-61 Ron Payne 77-78 John McConnell 94-95 Gary Bensley 11-12 Tamoor Shad

61-62 Jack Martin 78-79 Glen Hodson 95-96 Gary Bensley 12-13 David Hossack

62-63 Phil Dunnicliff 79-80 Wayne Mason 96-97 Gary Bensley 13-14 Cameron Court

63-64 Ray Rocher 80-81 Don Bourke 97-98 Cam McDonald 14-15 James Howes

64-65 Ron Ingram 81-82 Ray Hall 98-99 Murray Rayner


Howes, James C 877.5 Sedgers, Brendan 543 Bruce, Mark 384.5 Hood, Timothy A 159

De Silva, Calum 837.5 Balani, Rohan 522 Munro, Dylan T 374 Wilkins, Matthew 146.5

Muralietharan, Keishav 730.5 Wilson, Nicholas 513.5 Masud, Ishmam 364.5 Conlon, Sean 128.5

Allsopp, James 684 Steffan, Christopher 499 Papworth, James 317.5 Somathilike, Ashad 124.5

Doria, Hayden 677.5 Bennett, Scott 489 Horrocks, Mitchell 315.5 Ward, Timothy 123.5

Boorer, Anthony 674.5 Garg, Sushant 479 Dilley, Brayden 313 Broschofsky, Peter 117

Court, Cameron 663.5 Wassell, Blake 477.5 Fisher, Hugh 305.5 Williams, Richard 115.5

Nicoletti, Andrew 621.5 Darmon, Kimon 476 El-Hassan, Isaac 297 Sullivan, Michael 108

Sharp, Stephen 608 Macqueen, Angus 473 Amarasinghe, Dinith 286.5 Fedorow, Aidan 106

Morgan, Bradley 606 Mallett, James 471.5 Finlayson, Andrew 283 Collins, Luke 104

de l'Epine, Pascal 598.5 Healey, Mitchell D 466.5 Ganesh, Navneet 275 D'Angelo, Gabriel 97.5

Sedgers, Mick 598.5 Wilson, Thomas 464 Shaw, Dylan 273 Sturt, Mitch 96

Dhillon, Kulwant 590 Allard, Stephen 447 Jha, Rahul 271 Peiris, Yehan 91

Azize, Anthony A 590 Thompson, Sean 443.5 Cox, Nicholas 267 Hossack, David 89

Kew, Joshua 586 Davies, Charlie 418 Karthikeyan, Harshan 265 Baveja, Shakti 84

Brooks, Matthew 580.5 Maitra, Anirban 410.5 Van Zuylen, Timothy 254.5 Stern, Joshua 81.5

Scollay, Nicholas 566.5 Balzen, Patrick 409.5 Coy, Adam 251.5 Haider, Naji 77.5

McKeough, Michael 561.5 Wheatley, Ian 402 James, Paul 200 Preedy, Jackson 75

Dangerfield, Thomas 557.5 Bradley, Justin 401.5 Muraleedaran, Krijan 191 Bennett, Greg 73

Fonseka, Mark 555 Boorer, Matthew 399.5 Roper, Lewis 186 Senior, Liam 71.5

Carfax, Patrick 547.5 Henry, Stuart 388 Laurie, Andrew 160 Parkinson, Jack P 70

12 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


The Queen famously referred to the year 1992 as being “Annus Horribilis” and it is this description which most aptly sums up the 2014/15 season in First grade. It truly was a season where seemingly everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and as a team try as we may, we just could not locate the key to turning things around. Without a doubt the fickle finger of fate dealt us few favours. Remarkably we won one toss the entire season! This inevitably consigned us to suffering scoreboard pressure and often enduring a nasty session late on day 1 with the bat or batting first when conditions were bowler friendly. Combined with an injury toll more akin to that of an NRL club, and using 27 players were obstacles a team at the top of their game may have overcome. Unfortunately we were far from that and eventually our inconsistent and at times downright awful form sapped our fight, resulting in a calamitous finish to the season. Yes we probably did suffer more than our fair share of misfortune however, we were not consistently good enough at any of the three disciplines of the game to be able to purely bemoan rotten luck as our conqueror. We too often failed to build pressure with the ball and frequently lost wickets in batches to be able to sustain any dominance. It is hard to pin down exactly where things slipped away but I feel that consecutive close losses in rounds three and four (Warringah and South Sydney) and some genuine misfortune early in the season seemed to sap the team’s confidence which led to poorer form and a sense of “it’s just not our season” that in turn became a self- fulfilling prophecy. The late season selection policy aimed at assisting the lower grades, while noble in theory and beneficial in the exposure some future Bulls stars received to First grade cricket had an effect of giving the message that we were pulling up stumps early to the ‘regular’ players. I feel this contributed significantly to the heavy defeats we suffered over the final few rounds as we were ruthlessly exposed by the competition heavyweights. Despite the overall disappointment at our performance there were still some highlights. The remarkable run chase against Auburn in round 2, as we ran down 300 plus to win a by a wicket with Pascal’s magnificent hundred driving us home. AB twice (one a 6fa), Matt Wilkins and Sharpy claimed five wicket hauls while Nic Wilson registered his first, First grade fifty. As previously mentioned there was an opportunity given to a number of players to debut in First grade, and it is to their credit that they embraced the challenge. It was great to see Cameron Court, Kieshav Muralietharan and Anthony Azize not take a backward step against the vaunted Burwood pace attack and they will all be better for that experience. In what was a tough season the team spirit remained strong and most days we were still able to find something to laugh about after stumps, even if it was each other! Anthony Boorer: AB just exudes tenacity and commitment both on the field and off. A true clubman, he bowled with skill and experience to lead the attack and as ever sold his wicket dearly. Put the covers down enough times to be able to do it in his sleep, I appreciate all the support he gave and the therapeutic chats about field placings as he stormed….I mean walked back to his mark! Michael McKeough: Macca’s role fluctuated during the season along with his fitness. At his best he is a free flowing top order batsman and effective new ball bowler who is a good thinker about the game. Along with a lot of us Macca didn’t really get going this season but he did hit the winning runs against Auburn and take one of the catches of the season. Agent provocateur in fines meetings. Pascal de l’Epine: Pascal started the season like a train, notching his maiden century and dominating opposition attacks. Paz struggled to recapture this form post his mid-season sabbatical but always contributed whether in the field or through astute suggestions and observations. When they say French is the language of diplomacy it probably wasn’t with Paz in mind! Chris Steffan: Steff probably didn’t quite have the season he envisaged however, his consistency of effort could never be faulted. Chris’s batting was impressive and in concert with AB and others in the lower order often showed more ‘stickability’ than the top order. ‘Knocked’ his new bat in so enthusiastically he had to return it. Nic Wilson: Nic showed signs that he will become a key First grade batsman in the coming seasons. He has a passion to do well and a fine repertoire of shots, also bowled some useful overs in another string to his bow. I


Annual Report Season 2014-15 13

appreciated Nic’s tactical ideas though the fact I was once hearing those on the field from his dad has just emphasised the passage of time! Stephen Sharp: Sharpy scooped the individual honours winning both the Bensley and Gilbert Medals. He bowled consistently over long spells, often without much pitch assistance and was usually economical as well as threatening. Knows how to spurn a caught and bowled chance! Nick Scollay: Scoll rarely looked troubled at the crease but did seem to have the knack of nicking one early or being hit on the pads. When he got a start he was invariably hard to contain and played a couple of sparkling innings against Strathfield and Macquarie Uni. Always good for a stat, Scoll was great for opposition player research and player profiles on anyone who has pulled on the black cap of New Zealand. Tom Wilson: Tom debuted for the Bulls this year and announced himself with a vital and composed innings that played a big role in our defeat of Auburn following up immediately with a fifty against Warringah. He struggled to get going with the bat after that, despite always looking good and I know he will be hungry for more success next season. Meesey kept well and never missed a chance to point out his achievements. To all the other players who represented First grade during the season thank you for your efforts. On the subject of saying thank you, a big one to Graeme ‘Rowdy’ Baird who as ever was the behind the scenes fulcrum taking care of so many things would otherwise be overlooked. Couldn’t do it without you Rowd! Thank you to the committee and in particular the President Matt Boorer for the opportunity to captain our fine club and for the work you are doing to make the Bulls even better. Thanks to the band of loyal supporters such as Mr and Mrs Steffan, Mr de l’Epine, my Dad, Howard Reay, Kenny, Stuart Young. Oh and Matt McKeough! At the time of writing, arguably the Bulls biggest fan Fez is in hospital fighting to regain his health. Fez’s commitment to the Bulls is extraordinary and he has been an ever present at either Epping or North Epping Oval for as long as I have played for the club and before. Thanks again for your support Fez and hope to see you in your familiar spot next season. Ian Wheatley

First Grade Captain, 2014/15.


Round Opponent

Epping Opponent


1st Innings

2nd Innings

3rd Innings 4th Innings

1 Mt Pritchard-Southern Districts 126 113 134 4/58 L

2 Auburn 9/326 322 W

3 Warringah 280 9/296(dec) L

4 Balmain South Sydney 171 191 2/21 L

5 Strathfield 106 9/162 202 7/132(dec) L

6 Pennant Hills D

7 Lindfield 136 9/302(cc) L

8 Roseville 130 6/267(cc) L

9 Lane Cove 3/112 111 W

10 Macquarie University 281 7/284 L

11 Burwood Briars 90 69 204 LO

12 Georges River 82 125 308 LO

13 North West Sydney 75 4/76 L Position in Competition –14th

14 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

2384 runs for 151 wickets @ 15.79 2908 runs against 118 wickets @ 24.64

Run Rate – 3.11 per over Run Rate – 4.01 per over.


Player M I NO 50s 100s HS Runs Avge C/CWk/S

de l'Epine, Pascal 10 14 0 1 1 131 359 25.64 3/3/0

Scollay, Nicholas 11 15 0 2 0 86 271 18.07 5

Wilson, Nicholas 10 13 1 1 0 55* 269 22.42 5

Wheatley, Ian 12 15 2 1 0 69* 228 17.54 6

Wilson, Thomas 9 11 0 1 0 55 183 16.64 5/10/3

Steffan, Christopher 12 15 3 0 0 31 136 11.33 7

McKeough, Michael 11 13 1 0 0 30 124 10.33 6

Boorer, Anthony 12 15 6 0 0 25* 121 13.44 4

Sharp, Stephen 11 13 1 0 0 24 102 8.50 2

Fonseka, Mark 4 5 0 0 0 21 53 10.60 2

Court, Cameron 4 6 0 0 0 22 50 8.33 2

Horrocks, Mitchell 4 5 0 0 0 34 47 9.40 2

Baveja, Shakti 2 2 0 0 0 39 46 23.00 0

Wilkins, Matthew 3 4 0 0 0 18 41 10.25 1

Wassell, Blake 1 1 0 0 0 34 34 34.00 0

Hossack, Danyon 1 1 0 0 0 24 24 24.00 0

Azize, Anthony A 2 4 1 0 0 9 23 7.67 0

Muralietharan, Keishav 1 2 0 0 0 11 13 6.50 0

Brooks, Matthew 2 3 2 0 0 10* 12 12.00 0

Papworth, James 1 2 0 0 0 7 12 6.00 0/2/1

Hossack, David 2 2 1 0 0 6 10 10.00 2

Bennett, Scott 1 2 0 0 0 6 6 3.00 1

De Silva, Calum 1 2 0 0 0 4 4 2.00 0/4/0

Kew, Joshua 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2.00 0

Hood, Timothy A 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1

Davies, Charlie 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0

Tomlinson, Samuel Y 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0


Player Overs Mdn

s Wkts Runs 5WI 10W

M Avge SR RPO Best

Sharp, Stephen 171.5 28 29 568 1 0 19.59 35.55 3.31 5/88

Boorer, Anthony 147.5 22 26 606 2 0 23.31 34.12 4.10 6/75

McKeough, Michael 105 14 17 411 0 0 24.18 37.06 3.91 4/55

Steffan, Christopher 137 26 15 547 0 0 36.47 54.80 3.99 4/52

Wilkins, Matthew 26 5 5 96 1 0 19.20 31.20 3.69 5/19

Court, Cameron 20.2 5 4 75 0 0 18.75 30.50 3.69 2/16

Brooks, Matthew 29 0 4 154 0 0 38.50 43.50 5.31 2/59

Williams, Richard 6.1 1 3 21 0 0 7.00 12.33 3.41 3/21

Fonseka, Mark 2 1 2 9 0 0 4.50 6.00 4.50 2/9


Annual Report Season 2014-15 15

Tomlinson, Samuel 5 1 2 26 0 0 13.00 15.00 5.20 2/26

Wassell, Blake 11 4 2 36 0 0 18.00 33.00 3.27 2/36

Wilson, Nicholas 8 0 2 44 0 0 22.00 24.00 5.50 2/26

Azize, Anthony A 14 3 2 44 0 0 22.00 42.00 3.14 1/2

Baveja, Shakti 5 1 1 22 0 0 22.00 30.00 4.40 1/22

Hossack, David 12 5 1 36 0 0 36.00 72.00 3.00 1/13

Davies, Charlie 12 2 1 54 0 0 54.00 72.00 4.50 1/54

Wheatley, Ian 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 0/0

Hossack, Danyon 3 0 0 15 0 0 5.00 0/15

de l'Epine, Pascal 5 1 0 29 0 0 5.80 0/9

Kew, Joshua 5 0 0 34 0 0 6.80 0/34


Player Runs Opponent Player Bowling Opponent

Pascal de l'Epine 131 Auburn Anthony Boorer 6/75 Warringah

Nicholas Scollay 86 Macquarie Uni 5/67 Georges River

Pascal de l'Epine 78 Warringah Matthew Wilkins 5/19 Mt Pritchard Sthn Dist

Nicholas Scollay 76 Strathfield Stephen Sharp 5/88 Auburn

Ian Wheatley 69* Warringah

Thomas Wilson 55 Warringah

Nicholas Wilson 55* Lane Cove

PARTNERSHIPS Wicket P'SHIP Batsmen Opponent

1 75 Nicholas Scollay - Michael McKeough Macquarie University

2 68 Nicholas Scollay - Ian Wheatley Macquarie University

3 108 Thomas Wilson - Pascal de l'Epine Warringah

4 70 Pascal de l'Epine - Ian Wheatley Auburn

5 43 Nicholas Scollay - Cameron Court Lindfield

6 124 Pascal de l'Epine - Thomas Wilson Auburn

7 48 Nicholas Wilson - Stephen Sharp Balmain South Sydney

8 69 Ian Wheatley - Christopher Steffan Warringah

9 57 Christopher Steffan - Blake Wassell Balmain South Sydney

10 53 Christopher Steffan - Danyon Hossack Macquarie University

16 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


The season in second grade this season was a very frustrating one. With there being very consistent unavailability’s! There were some very strong team performances through the year including the first two rounds scoring 355 vs SD’S and after making just 183 vs Auburn to roll them for 130 was a great start to the year. Also strong individual performances such as the lone hundred by Kulwant in round 1 and 90’s by Fonzy and Kewsie also in round 1. Justin Bradley taking 7fa in an innings and match figures of 12/66 vs Souths was one of the great performances of the season. Also special mention to James Mallet with a very good 81 vs Strathfield after being thrown into 2nd grade and 81 for Cameron Court vs South Sydney. A very classy innings and look forward to see more from Cameron in years to come! Kulwant Dhillon- KD rightfully won the second grade award with a very consistent season with bat and ball. KD was the only player to be available every game and was always reliable when called upon with ball in hand and made some very good contributions down the order. Dinith Amarasinghe- Diners had another good year with the ball taking 16 wickets was always Mr reliable in the field never disappointing and always good to bounce ideas off with fielding placements and the situation of the game. I feel if Diners doesn’t contribute to first grade again next season I think he’s the future leader of second grade. Justin Bradley- JB probably doesn’t get the credit he deserves. He is very consistent with the ball with his line and length and that’s why JB will always be in the wickets column. I believe JB can be pushing for first grade next year. Josh Kew- Joshie’s the corner stone of our batting always making contributions when needed. Another good leader always vocal in the field and has plenty of energy. His 90 in round 1 was a typical one from Josh. Always working hard in everything he does. Cam Court- What an exciting prospect this kid is. An unbelievable talent with the bat with some strong performances and he was unlucky at times. Only sixteen years old I’m looking forward to seeing what this bloke can do next season. I’d like to thank all the other players that contributed in seconds this season. Cheers Morgs

Did you know…

Second Grade Shires teams compete for the

S. J. Mayne Trophy, named in honour of Epping’s Life Member and

President from 1946 to 1952.


Annual Report Season 2014-15 17


Round Opponent

Epping Opponent


1st Innings

2nd Innings

3rd Innings

4th Innings

1 Mt Pritchard-Southern Districts 6/355(dec) 319 W

2 Auburn 187 1/89 135 W

3 Warringah 172 265 L

4 Balmain South Sydney 5/207(dec) 137 9/104 W

5 Strathfield 8/351(dec) 211 W

6 Pennant Hills 279 4/107 D

7 Lindfield 188 9/231(cc) L

8 Roseville 9/184 181 W

9 Lane Cove 3/127 123 W

10 Macquarie University 165 187 6/79 L

11 Burwood Briars 54 8/235 145 L

12 Georges River 106 149 L

13 North West Sydney 7/206(cc) 132 W

Position in Competition –7th

2905 runs for 117 wickets @ 24.83 2505 runs against 138 wickets @ 18.15

Run Rate 3.64 per over Run Rate 3.05 per over.


Player M I NO HS 50s 100s Runs Avge C/Cwk/S

Kew, Joshua 10 10 3 92 2 0 300 42.86 4

Dhillon, Kulwant 13 12 3 101* 0 1 270 30.00 2

Fonseka, Mark 6 8 1 93 3 0 263 37.57 1

Court, Cameron 8 7 0 81 2 0 215 30.71 3

Healey, Mitchell D 9 10 2 66* 1 0 185 23.13 6

Azize, Anthony A 7 5 0 56 1 0 146 29.20 2

Wassell, Blake 8 8 2 40 0 0 132 22.00 0

Mallett, James 6 6 0 81 1 0 127 21.17 3

De Silva, Calum 6 6 0 40 0 0 123 20.50 0/8/3

Bruce, Mark 5 5 0 82 1 0 111 22.20 3

Papworth, James 5 4 1 49* 0 0 73 24.33 0/9/2

Scollay, Nicholas 1 1 0 70 1 0 70 70.00 0

Bennett, Scott 3 3 0 54 1 0 67 22.33 1

Munro, Dylan T 4 5 0 20 0 0 60 12.00 3

Darmon, Kimon 7 5 3 21* 0 0 58 29.00 4

Hood, Timothy A 1 1 0 57 1 0 57 57.00 2

Morgan, Bradley 12 10 0 13 0 0 44 4.40 6

Muralietharan, Keishav 2 2 0 26 0 0 35 17.50 0

Brooks, Matthew 4 4 2 15* 0 0 25 12.50 2

Cox, Nicholas 2 2 0 11 0 0 20 10.00 1

18 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

Wilson, Nicholas 1 1 0 20 0 0 20 20.00 0

Macqueen, Angus 4 3 1 14* 0 0 18 9.00 2

Amarasinghe, Dinith 7 6 0 6 0 0 11 1.83 1

Bradley, Justin 7 3 2 6 0 0 8 8.00 0

Davies, Charlie 2 2 1 5 0 0 5 5.00 0

Wilson, Thomas 1 1 0 3 0 0 3 3.00 0

Roper, Lewis 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0/2/0


Player O M W Runs Avge 5WI 10WM SR RPO Best

Morgan, Bradley 174.3 44 31 431 13.90 0 0 33.77 2.47 4/9

Bradley, Justin 103 29 20 235 11.75 2 1 30.90 2.28 7/29

Amarasinghe, Dinith 75.5 17 16 280 17.50 0 0 28.44 3.69 4/13

Dhillon, Kulwant 112.4 32 11 297 27.00 0 0 61.45 2.64 3/22

Court, Cameron 43 8 10 123 12.30 0 0 25.80 2.86 3/29

Darmon, Kimon 47 6 9 200 22.22 1 0 31.33 4.26 5/45

Wassell, Blake 83 16 6 272 45.33 0 0 83.00 3.28 2/36

Macqueen, Angus 50 10 5 165 33.00 0 0 60.00 3.30 3/42

Kew, Joshua 14 4 3 41 13.67 0 0 28.00 2.93 3/16

Azize, Anthony A 14 2 2 61 30.50 0 0 42.00 4.36 2/38

Davies, Charlie 17 3 1 61 61.00 0 0 102.00 3.59 1/47

Wilson, Nicholas 1 0 0 1 0 0 1.00 0/1

Roper, Lewis 4 1 0 11 0 0 2.75 0/11

Brooks, Matthew 30 4 0 119 0 0 3.97 0/18


Player Score Opponent Player Bowling Opponent

Kulwant Dhillon 101* Mt Pritchard-Southern Dists Justin Bradley 5/37 & 7/29 Balmain Sth Sydney

Mark Fonseka 93 Mt Pritchard-Southern Dists

Kimon Darmon 5/45 Roseville

Joshua Kew 92 Mt Pritchard-Southern Dists

Mark Bruce 82 Strathfield

James Mallett 81 Strathfield

Cameron Court 81 Balmain South Sydney Nicholas Scollay 70 Balmain South Sydney Mitchell D Healey 66* Lane Cove Timothy A Hood 57 Strathfield

Mark Fonseka 57* Auburn Anthony A Azize 56 Strathfield

Mark Fonseka 55 Pennant Hills

Scott Bennett 54 Pennant Hills

Joshua Kew 52 Pennant Hills

Cameron Court 51 Macquarie University


Annual Report Season 2014-15 19


Wicket Runs Batsmen Opponent

1 73 Dylan Munro - Mark Fonseka Auburn

2 93 James Mallett - Timothy Hood Strathfield

3 125 Nicholas Scollay - Cameron Court Balmain South Sydney

4 87 Mark Bruce - Anthony Azize Strathfield

5 66 Joshua Kew - Scott Bennett Pennant Hills

6 160 Joshua Kew - Kulwant Dhillon Mt Pritchard-Southern Districts

7 30 Mark Bruce - Bradley Morgan Strathfield

8 47 Blake Wassell - Bradley Morgan Lindfield

9 39 Joshua Kew - Matthew Brooks Burwood Briars

10 25 James Papworth - Angus Macqueen Auburn

Note: Bold Denotes 2th grade record. Blank if under 25 runs.

20 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


So we finish the season saying what no player or captain wants to say “What if”. We missed the finals by quotient of 0.27. You can’t help but ask why or where could have you made up that 0.27. I made a decision in the last game after winning the toss to back out team for the win which would have secured a place in the final rather than play it safe. A decision I will stand behind despite the final result. So that’s one on the list of what ifs. No 2 was v Lindfield we had the 8 for 90odd and if only for one man to come out and wielded the willow with a last wicket hundred it was an amazing innings. We have all been there at some stage during our cricketing life. There might have been a few more but these ones stand out the most. So that’s it as far as missed opportunities but I think the stark reality was we just didn’t have the bottle when it came to the business end of the season and sitting in the top three for 80% of the season it was hard to take. 3 consecutive losses at the very end of the season ended our run and alas our season. The competition is changing and to get 61 points and not make the finals is not good. There were too many outright results and I hope we will see the standard between the top half and bottom half improve. Despite the end to the season we did have plenty of highlights and as I said to be in the top 3 up until around round 11 was a great effort. On the back of last year’s feats I did have the same expectation with pretty much the bones of the team from season 13/14 with few more experience players joining the team. Once again our bowling was our strength and it was speared headed by our third grade player of the year Stephen Allard. Stephen had a great season once again and he was the man I went to when we need something to happen. He was backed up by Charlie Davies and Hugh Fisher. A very solid third grade attack. Throw in Nico and KD with their wobblers and young Patty Carfax that consistently poled up each week and you have a quality third grade bowling attack. Our batting was a different story. We just couldn’t get the runs this season. We were always under pressure right from the first over and we consistently made scores in the high hundreds and against the better teams we need to be scoring mid 250+ especially on Epping Oval to win matches. As a captain I had the faith the batsman could do it and we know they can but we just couldn’t put it together this year and if you judge a season on the performances of the captain then I am at the top of the list in not performing as well as I hoped. It was great to see players advance to higher grades this season the likes of Anthony Azize, Scotty Bennett, James Mallet, Callum Desilva, Matty Brooks and Keishev Muralitheran who all featured in third grade at some point . There are a few more too but our club is in good hands when these types of players are progressing. I see third grade as the transition team where young player come in gain the experience and move on to higher grades and the value of the older players in that team is what makes third grade a crucial part of the club. We did have a higher turnover of player this year not only in third grade but all grades which made it hard week in week out and I believe that is just the changing face of society and face of cricket in this day and age. The commitment level seems to be diminishing and we are happy to go to the Girlfriends Aunty Joyce’s 92nd Birthday piss up or find a gig with a group of hairy bad body-odoured iPhone savvy mosh pitters instead of playing cricket. I know I am coming from the time that the only time you missed a game of cricket was because you were getting married. Such is the way life as cricketer, captain and club administrator is changing. We are not alone in this changing face and it is somewhat comforting to know that other club face the same challenges. The strength of the club currently comes from the lower grades which is encouraging and these players will go thru to play first grade. I took myself back to 1991 just recently when trolling through the club annual reports when I started pIaying 3rd grade and 4th grade gaining the experience behind plenty of Epping hard heads before advancing to a decade of first grade appearances for the bulls . It is those types of people I played with that makes the me the cricketer I am today and it is what I hope now as one of the senior members of the club I can pass onto the youth coming thru. I would like to thank the entire playing group that played 3rd grade this season. The average age did increase slightly too around 24 maybe and it was nice not to have to tick the underage boxes on the team sheet this year and bowl our bowlers without restrictions. Core player: Dylan Munro, Mark Bruce, Tom Dangerfield, Nick Cox, Andrew Nicoletti, Scott Bennett, Mitch Horrocks, Kimon Darmon, Charlie Davies, Hugh Fishers, Pat Carfax, Stephen Allard. Also played: Callum Desilva, Anthony Azize, Brendan Sedgers, Lewis Roper, Matt Brooks, James Allsopp, Rohan Balani, James Mallet, Dylan Shaw, Keishev Muralitheran, Pat Balzen, Justin Bradley, Blake Wassell.


Annual Report Season 2014-15 21

Thanks to my fellow captains Wheats, Morgs, Howesy and Sedge for the time and effort you put into your roles. Selection meetings are always throw up challenges and we always manage to overcome them and put a team on the paddock that is competitive even after what seem like UN negotiations process. Thanks to Waity for chairing the selection meetings. His input was very much valued and Waity always looked at the balance of the teams and the club in whole. I am looking forward to playing and captaining again next season with hopefully many of the old heads and a new crew of young heads. I am genuinely excite about the direction of the club and what our future holds Thanks Matthew ‘Coat ‘ Boorer Third Grade Captain Matt Boorer 3rd Grade Captain


Round Opponent

Epping Opponent


1st Innings 2nd Innings 3rd Innings

4th Innings

1 Mt Pritchard-Southern Districts 116 52 35 WO

2 Auburn 4/227 226 W

3 Warringah 140 186 0/35 L

4 Balmain South Sydney 223 1/82 141 161 WO

5 Strathfield 162 8/126(dec) 73 119 WO

6 Pennant Hills 4/92 67 W

7 Lindfield 145 237 L

8 Roseville 195 112 W

9 Lane Cove 9/281 188 W

10 Macquarie University 199 186 W

11 Burwood Briars 29 115 3/206(dec) LO

12 Georges River 109 6/159 178 L

13 North West Sydney 118 5/119 L

Position in Competition: 7th 2512 Runs For 148 Wickets @ 17.30 2321 Runs Against 144 Wickets @ 16.12 Run Rate 3.68 per over Run Rate 3.37 per over


Player M Inns NO HS 50s 100s Runs Avge C/Cwk/S

Dangerfield, Thomas 11 13 2 121 1 1 325 29.55 7

Boorer, Matthew 13 16 1 48 0 0 253 16.87 2

Bennett, Scott 8 10 1 65 1 0 207 23.00 2

Nicoletti, Andrew 11 13 1 59* 1 0 171 14.25 2

Cox, Nicholas 4 6 3 61* 1 0 138 46.00 0/2/0

22 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

Horrocks, Mitchell 5 7 1 44 0 0 130 21.67 3

Bruce, Mark 6 6 0 69 1 0 112 18.67 2

Carfax, Patrick 9 11 2 24* 0 0 104 11.56 3

De Silva, Calum 4 5 0 42 0 0 99 19.80 1/3/2

Munro, Dylan T 5 8 1 30 0 0 83 11.86 1/1/0

Azize, Anthony A 3 2 0 74 1 0 81 40.50 2

Darmon, Kimon 5 5 1 29* 0 0 76 19.00 0

Davies, Charlie 8 9 1 18 0 0 67 8.38 2

Mallett, James 2 3 1 39 0 0 65 32.50 1

Fisher, Hugh 7 8 2 16* 0 0 57 9.50 2

Muralietharan, Keishav 1 2 0 40 0 0 53 26.50 0

Balzen, Patrick 4 5 0 18 0 0 49 9.80 0

Fedorow, Aidan 1 1 0 33 0 0 33 33.00 0

Preedy, Jackson 1 1 1 30* 0 0 30 0.00 0

Allard, Stephen 12 11 6 7 0 0 28 5.60 0

Balani, Rohan 3 2 0 15 0 0 24 12.00 0

Macqueen, Angus 1 1 0 18 0 0 18 18.00 0

Doria, Hayden 1 1 0 16 0 0 16 16.00 0

Fonseka, Mark 1 1 0 14 0 0 14 14.00 0

Healey, Mitchell D 1 1 0 11 0 0 11 11.00 0

Wassell, Blake 1 1 0 9 0 0 9 9.00 0

Shaw, Dylan 3 4 0 4 0 0 8 2.00 0

Roper, Lewis 3 3 1 5* 0 0 6 3.00 1

Brooks, Matthew 2 2 0 4 0 0 6 3.00 1

Sedgers, Brendan 2 1 0 5 0 0 5 5.00 3

Bradley, Justin 2 2 0 5 0 0 5 2.50 0

Allsopp, James 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0/1/1

Collins, Luke 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 2


Player O M W Runs Avge 5WI 10WM SR RPO Best

Allard, Stephen 124.4 32 27 333 12.33 2 0 27.70 2.67 5/30

Nicoletti, Andrew 91 12 20 360 18.00 1 0 27.30 3.96 5/34

Davies, Charlie 92.2 19 17 280 16.47 1 0 32.59 3.03 6/38

Carfax, Patrick 56 16 15 178 11.87 0 0 22.40 3.18 4/11

Brooks, Matthew 39.1 7 12 121 10.08 2 0 19.58 3.09 5/50

Roper, Lewis 17 3 7 44 6.29 0 0 14.57 2.59 3/21

Azize, Anthony A 33 6 7 82 11.71 0 0 28.29 2.48 3/7

Fisher, Hugh 65 9 7 209 29.86 0 0 55.71 3.22 3/6

Wassell, Blake 13.3 1 6 34 5.67 1 0 13.50 2.52 6/34

Darmon, Kimon 31 6 6 125 20.83 0 0 31.00 4.03 3/3

Bradley, Justin 25 5 4 54 13.50 0 0 37.50 2.16 2/9

Doria, Hayden 9 4 2 25 12.50 0 0 27.00 2.78 2/25

Sedgers, Brendan 8 1 2 40 20.00 0 0 24.00 5.00 2/40


Annual Report Season 2014-15 23

Preedy, Jackson 12 3 2 53 26.50 0 0 36.00 4.42 2/34

Macqueen, Angus 7 0 2 64 32.00 0 0 21.00 9.14 2/64

Collins, Luke 11 3 1 17 17.00 0 0 66.00 1.55 1/5

Balani, Rohan 24 7 1 59 59.00 0 0 144.00 2.46 1/14

Healey, Mitchell D 3 0 0 26 0.00 0 0 0.00 8.67 0/26

Horrocks, Mitchell 2 0 0 26 0.00 0 0 0.00 13.00 0/26

Boorer, Matthew 17 2 0 75 0.00 0 0 0.00 4.41 0/17


Wicket P'SHIP Batters Opponent

1 69 Mark Bruce - Calum De Silva Auburn

2 47 Aidan Fedorow - Mitchell Horrocks Roseville

3 143 Thomas Dangerfield - Scott Bennett Lane Cove

4 70 Mitchell Horrocks - Nicholas Cox Georges River

5 72 Nicholas Cox - Scott Bennett Auburn

6 26 Scott Bennett - Matthew Boorer North West Sydney

7 37 Matthew Boorer - Patrick Carfax Georges River

8 44 Andrew Nicoletti - Angus Macqueen Lindfield

9 26 Rohan Balani - Hugh Fisher Roseville

10 27 Jackson Preedy - Stephen Allard Balmain South Sydney NB: Bold denotes new all Grades record. Blank if under 25 runs.


Player Runs Opponent Player Bowling Opponent Thomas Dangerfield 121 Lane Cove Blake Wassell 6/34 Macquarie Uni

Anthony A Azize 74 Warringah Charlie Davies 6/38 Strathfield

Mark Bruce 69 Auburn Steve Allard 5/30 Auburn

Scott Bennett 65 Strathfield 5/36 Georges River

Nicholas Cox 61* Auburn Andrew Nicoletti 5/34 Roseville

Andrew Nicoletti 59* Lindfield Matt Brooks 5/50 Waerringah Thomas Dangerfield 52

Macquarie Uni 5/67 Balmain South Sydney

24 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


Our season this year in fourth grade was one of resilience, determination and hilarious banter. As the youngest side in fourth grade many of the boys stepped up throughout the season and played their game of cricket with significant maturity and patience … well at least in the field we did. With a new young captain, leading a young side, the brand of cricket we aspired to play was one of aggression and positiveness, we weren’t going to be bullied or intimated by senior players in opposing sides. Sticking it to Burwood and doing them outright was probably the match that demonstrated this the most, with the boys never taking a backwards step and always looking to keep Burwood under pressure. Without a doubt our bowling and fielding were our strength with the team taking the second highest amount of wickets in any grade. Special mention has to go to Doria, Jha and Howes who took 120+ wickets between them, Doz with the new ball this season was most of the time simply too good and unplayable and Binxy simply gave blokes headaches when they tried to face him. Throughout the season our fielding and chat were consistently set at ‘expert level’. In particular our slip/banter cordon, including Thommo, Balzen, Allsopp and Shaw were outstanding, grabbing any chance that came through and talking an intellect of dribble that challenged the mental capacity of most sides. Accordingly throughout the season it became a rare occurrence for a side to score more than 200 against us. However, it became a necessity that no side score than 200 against us as our performance with the bat this season had the captains heart rate a tad elevated at times. There were a few key 100s from the likes of kieshav and some of the best starts from Thompson, Shaw and Balzen, however consistency was something we lacked, putting too much pressure on the bowlers to get us out of trouble. Nonetheless our effort to make it to the semi-final after a season when we were playing rounds with only 9 and yet still winning outright was something extraordinary. This year the boys in fourth grade went above and beyond their capabilities both physically and mentally to get the results out on the park and I personally couldn’t be prouder of some of the performances we put together this season. I think as a team there’s only good things looking forward because let’s face it, when the 10 blokes you’re playing with each week are as entertaining and hilarious as the muppets I played with this season, you’re going to enjoy your cricket. MPOS Howesy


Annual Report Season 2014-15 25


Round Opponent

Epping Opponent


1st Innings

2nd Innings

3rd Innings

4th Innings

1 Mt Pritchard-Southern Districts 9/380(dec) 161 4/243 W

2 Auburn 121 5/157 136 140 L1WO

3 Warringah 72 1/57 236 L

4 Balmain South Sydney 5/194(dec) 87 103 WO

5 Strathfield 7/140(dec) 0/63 114 85 WO

6 Pennant Hills 6/194(dec) 99 4/87 W

7 Lindfield 158 8/162 L

8 Roseville 5/138 136 W

9 Lane Cove 141 7/142 L

10 Macquarie University 131 57 129 76 W1LO

11 Burwood Briars 124 1/73 79 117 WO

12 Georges River 201 6/202 L

13 North West Sydney 6/229(cc) 125 W

QF Auburn 195 3/109 123 178 WO

SF Warringah 131 88 213 L

Position in Competition 483

3153 Runs For 158 Wickets @ 19.96 3173 Runs Against 207 Wickets @ 15.33

Run Rate 3.12 per over Run Rate 3.14 per over


Player M I NO 50s 100s HS Runs Avge C/Cwk/S

Muralietharan, Keishav 10 14 1 1 2 105 434 33.38 7

Shaw, Dylan 10 15 1 2 0 67 306 21.86 3

Thompson, Sean 15 21 2 0 0 46 238 12.53 9/4/0

Masud, Ishmam 8 10 2 0 0 35* 208 26.00 2

Balzen, Patrick 10 15 2 1 0 61 180 13.85 9

De Silva, Calum 2 2 1 0 1 122 169 169.00 1/2/0

Balani, Rohan 6 7 1 1 0 68 140 23.33 2

Sedgers, Brendan 9 10 2 0 0 31* 140 17.50 6

Allsopp, James 11 13 1 0 0 39 103 8.58 0/21/10

Doria, Hayden 13 11 6 0 0 31* 98 19.60 2

Mallett, James 3 4 0 1 0 72 89 22.25 1

Brooks, Matthew 2 3 2 1 0 72* 86 86.00 0

Healey, Mitchell D 1 1 0 1 0 75 75 75.00 0

Munro, Dylan T 1 1 0 1 0 73 73 73.00 0

Howes, James C 15 13 0 0 0 16 71 5.46 3

26 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

Macqueen, Angus 4 4 1 0 0 27 56 18.67 1

Williams, Richard 1 1 0 0 0 47 47 47.00 0

Senior, Liam 2 3 0 0 0 29 41 13.67 5

McKeough, Michael 1 1 0 0 0 37 37 37.00 0

Hood, Timothy A 2 2 0 0 0 29 29 14.50 0

Collins, Luke 1 1 0 0 0 26 26 26.00 0

Papworth, James 1 2 1 0 0 20* 20 20.00 1

Conlon, Sean 4 4 1 0 0 10 19 6.33 1

Fisher, James 2 2 0 0 0 14 16 8.00 0

El-Hassan, Isaac 6 5 2 0 0 6 15 5.00 3

Kew, Joshua 1 1 1 0 0 12* 12 0.00 0

Boorer, Anthony 1 1 1 0 0 12* 12 0.00 0

Henry, Stuart 1 1 0 0 0 12 12 12.00 0

Carfax, Patrick 4 3 0 0 0 7 11 3.67 1

Wirth, Michael 2 2 0 0 0 8 9 4.50 0

Jha, Rahul 7 7 3 0 0 4* 8 2.00 1

Dunn, William 2 2 0 0 0 4 7 3.50 1

Fedorow, Aidan 1 1 0 0 0 6 6 6.00 0

Court, Cameron 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 4.00 0

Laurie, Andrew 2 2 1 0 0 1* 1 1.00 1

Fisher, Hugh DNB 2

Conlon, David DNB 0


Player O M W Runs Avge 5WI 10WM SR RPO Best

Howes, James C 276 59 58 921 15.88 5 1 28.55 3.34 7/29

Doria, Hayden 230.1 50 43 570 13.26 2 0 32.12 2.48 5/21

Jha, Rahul 125 32 26 253 9.73 3 0 28.85 2.02 6/48

Macqueen, Angus 70.2 17 13 177 13.62 1 0 32.46 2.52 5/34

Balani, Rohan 79 18 13 236 18.15 0 0 36.46 2.99 4/14

Carfax, Patrick 45 12 7 95 13.57 0 0 38.57 2.11 3/54

Conlon, Sean 22 2 6 81 13.50 0 0 22.00 3.68 3/27

Brooks, Matthew 29.4 6 6 125 20.83 0 0 29.67 4.21 3/16

Fisher, Hugh 23 4 5 56 11.20 1 0 27.60 2.43 5/25

Sedgers, Brendan 19 2 5 101 20.20 0 0 22.80 5.32 2/24

Boorer, Anthony 11 4 3 26 8.67 0 0 22.00 2.36 2/13

Masud, Ishmam 14 1 3 74 24.67 0 0 28.00 5.29 3/24

El-Hassan, Isaac 24 3 3 87 29.00 0 0 48.00 3.63 2/22

Collins, Luke 9 2 2 26 13.00 0 0 27.00 2.89 2/26

Kew, Joshua 22 4 2 59 29.50 0 0 66.00 2.68 2/59

Thompson, Sean 5 0 1 21 21.00 0 0 30.00 4.20 1/14

Mallett, James 2 0 0 9 0 0 4.50

Dunn, William 2 0 0 15 0 0 7.50

McKeough, Michael 5 0 0 18 0 0 3.60 0/18

Senior, Liam 5 1 0 20 0 0 4.00


Annual Report Season 2014-15 27

Court, Cameron 10 2 0 21 0 0 2.10

Balzen, Patrick 4 0 0 22 0 0 5.50

Muralietharan, Keishav 9 1 0 37 0 0 4.11


Wicket P'SHIP Batsmen Opponent

1 123 Dylan Munro - Sean Thompson North West Sydney

2 163 Dylan Shaw - Keishav Muralietharan Balmain South Sydney

3 72 Dylan Shaw - Keishav Muralietharan Auburn

4 77 Keishav Muralietharan - Ishmam Masud Auburn

5 53 Richard Williams - Ishmam Masud Roseville

6 71 Keishav Muralietharan - James Howes Georges River

7 32 Patrick Balzen - James Howes Auburn

8 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

9 124 Rohan Balani - Matthew Brooks Mt Pritchard-Southern Districts

10 85 Matthew Brooks - Hayden Doria Mt Pritchard-Southern Districts NB: Bold denotes new all Grades, all wickets record.


Player Runs Opponent Player Bowling Opponent

Calum De Silva 122 Pennant Hills James Howes 5/37 & 5/44 Strathfield

Keishav Muralietharan 105 Georges River 7/29 Pennant Hills

Keishav Muralietharan 104 Balmain South Sydney 6/25

Balmain South Sydney

Mitchell D Healey 75 Strathfield 5/84 Warringah (SF)

Dylan T Munro 73 North West Sydney Rahul Jha 6/48 Auburn (QF)

Matthew Brooks 72* Mt Pritchard-Southern Dist 5/11 North West Sydney

James Mallett 72 Mt Pritchard-Southern Dist Hayden Doria 5/21 Auburn (QF)

Keishav Muralietharan 71 Auburn 5/29 Auburn

Rohan Balani 68 Mt Pritchard-Southern Dist Hugh Fisher 5/25

Balmain South Sydney

Dylan Shaw 67 Auburn Angus McQueen 5/34 Burwood

Dylan Shaw 64 Balmain South Sydney

Patrick Balzen 61 Auburn

28 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


56 is a big number. My age? Not quite, but close. My batting average? I wish. The number of players representing The Bulls in Tim Creer Cup this season? Yep. 56. And there were 4 gracious guys who sub-fielded for us as well. Remembering who was in my team week on week was perhaps the most difficult task I faced this season. 2014/15 saw a return to TC Cup for the Bulls – our rightful home and arguably the best place to nurture talent for seasons to come. That we won more games than lose, that we made the quarter finals are all good signs of a good season. The fact that 56 guys got to play with the Bulls, that we saw some extraordinarily talented players, that we are excited about the young talent pool available to us are perhaps the better indicators of just what a successful season it had been. We entered into a pathway Programme with Parramatta District Cricket Club, in a model not dissimilar to the Manly Grade/Warringah Shires set up. It came together quickly just before the season started. The genuine commitment and will to see this work got us off the ground and away running without perhaps all the finer detailed of how it should work nailed down. Nonetheless, the blend was there day one and it just got better as the season progressed. As need dictated, several of our Junior Bulls were drafted into the side from time to time, adding another developmental aspect to the season. In yet another match our 2 slip fieldsmen’s combined age exceeded fully one third of the side’s aggregate age. Such was the mix from time to time. In the end, yes 56 players – 19 from Epping, 25 from Parramatta, 4 Junior Bulls, 4 Master Bulls, 2 Dads and 2 ring-ins went round this season. 20 guys played only the one game and another 7 just 2 games. Only 7 players played 10 games or more. There were even 2 higher grade bowlers who, under TCC rules could not bowl, turned out anyway to help in any way they could. JB and Pat Carfax showed true club spirit and I am indebted to them for their commitment and their example. The one day format meant selections happened on a weekly cycle and often several times a week. In these endeavours, several people provided enormous support. Firstly, the point man from PDCC, Alex Murphy worked tirelessly to get enough guys together for us week in week out. His enthusiasm for this project was manifest and a major factor inn it working. Behind the scenes at PDCC, Dave Hossack also provided great service in recruiting young volunteers, often at very late notice. A call to Braydon Dilley’s mum, Kylie became a Friday night staple. She became my player agent and access to the Junior Bulls. Her dedication and efforts were greatly appreciated. Mike Stern and Mark Henning also helped out on many occasions as well. Our Chairman of Selectors, Dave Wait, was the linchpin on the Bulls side, again working hard to beg, borrow and steal guys at late notice, persuading guys missing in higher grades to play on one day when not playing a 2 dayer. He was a constant and reassuring go to guy and this again would not have worked without his efforts. One of the behind the scenes guys that perhaps did the most work was our Pres Matt Boorer. Not only was he instrumental in getting this project from idea to concept to actually starting (and talking me into taking the reins), he selflessly volunteered to put the covers down at our home ground of Castlewood Oval for every home game. Nothing in it for him except knowing that club mates would get a game the next day. It is in no small measure down to him that we incredibly had only one day lost to weather for the entire season. And that one day, a massive storm beat him to the ground only by minutes. History will judge Matthew Troy Boorer as one of the great Bulls. We had some outrageous wins and some crushing losses. Winning one match with 2 bonus points when fielding only 9 men was a bit audacious. Scoring 4/282 from just 40 overs against Dave Baer’s Roseville was the pinnacle of our batting, highlighted by Stuart Henry’s maiden ton, 157 not out no less. An incredible innings. In fact we batted well most of the year. In previous seasons, 5th grade struggled to even bat out the 40 overs. This year we adopted a simple strategy – solid first 20 overs with wickets in hand then accelerate in the second 20 but make sure we use all 40 overs. In fact we were only dismissed inside 40 overs 6 times in 23 innings. I think that plan worked. In the field, the plan was to bowl to one side of the wicket and field our bums off. Did that too. In only one game was our attack really clobbered. Beating Burwood twice in 3 meetings felt pretty good to. As for the Quarter Final itself, the anticipation of playing again on North Epping Oval was swamped by the disappointment of the day. Not the outcome as I can accept being done by a better side, but by the number and just plain inexplicable things that went against us in the lead up and on the day itself. It was such a bizarre set of circumstances, I must have slighted the cricketing gods in some huge way. That’s all I have to say about that, I’m still in therapy. So who were our stand out players for season 2014/15 in TCC? In no particular order… Braydon Dilley – a quality young man and a quality cricketer. Started out as a late call up, fill in guy but quickly made himself indispensable in the team. A gutsy and determined opening bat with sound technique and run scoring ability,


Annual Report Season 2014-15 29

his numbers don’t indicate the value he brought to the side. The perfect foil for the outgoing Finnie in the field, their dual for season’s catching honours was a highlight. Brayden will represent Bulls in higher grades and his development is keenly anticipated. Adam “Angry” Coy – a match-winner this young fella. A quality leggie with all the tricks but with an explosive nature that sees him lose focus when the bounce of the ball goes against him. Get that in check and let the natural talent flow and higher honours are assured. Outstanding fieldsman with perhaps the catch of the year at a very short cover that he had no right to even get close to. Most of us would have ducked, he caught – incredible. Look forward to working with him in the future. Sush Garg – sought greener pastures at the start of the season and quickly realised his cricketing home is in Epping. A genuine all-rounder with batting, bowling and keeping skills in abundance, he is a pleasure to have in the team. He just has that knack of coming up with something just when you need it. Always a cheerful character around the team. Great to have him back. Just get a job with regular hours Sush. Anirban Maitra – Ani played only 7 matches with us but what an impact he had foe player so young – still only 15. In each game, he made big contributions with bat or ball in his own quiet way. So effective was he that he accumulated sufficient points in those 7 games to win the Graeme Baird medal as player of the year in our team. Wish we had him for every game. Andrew Finlayson – Fin was the heartbeat and spirit of this team. Of modest cricket abilities but gifted with a good cricket brain, he played a key leadership role in the team, not only as stand in skipper when needed. He had some productive digs this year, but also turned his hand to bowling and even keeping (with “borrowed” gloves when the need arose, both tasks done well. First man picked each week. Harshan Karthikeyan – a hat trick on debut in senior cricket doesn’t just happen. Harsh is a quality opening bowler – big, strong and quick. Parramatta fast bowling coach summed him up at first glance – “he has that intimidation factor”. Many a spell he was simply too good to get the edge, most of his wickets were bowled. Kept telling me he could bat all year – proved it in the quarter final. Will play higher grades here or at Parra. A well-mannered and natured young man who was a pleasure to have in the team, To the vast number of other cricketers, helpers, Mums, Dads and those your supported the team this year, a huge thank you. Your contributions have been immense and have ensured the inaugural year of the partnership between Epping and Parramatta cricket clubs has been a success and provided a foundation to build on for the betterment of our 2 clubs. More importantly, we all have provided a place for the young to learn from the old, to develop at their own pace, and to enjoy this game we all love. That by any measure is success. Sedge Captain

30 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


Round Opponent Epping Opponent Result

1 Mt Pritchard-Sthn Districts Black 6/126(cc) 6/127 L

2 Roseville 4/282(cc) 9/200(cc) W

3 Burwood Briars Gold 161 105 W

4 Georges River Stingrays 8/158(cc) 8/199(cc) L

5 Lindfield 4/165(cc) 49 W

6 Balmain Sth Sydney Forfeit W

7 Ryde Hunters Hill 8/133(cc) 85 W

8 Nth West Sydney 0/51 47 W

9 University of NSW 9/140(cc) 4/144 L

10 Georges River Sharks 139 5/253(cc) L

11 Mt Pritchard-Sthn Districts Gold D

12 Mt Pritchard-Sthn Districts Black 2/99 98 W

13 Sydney 6/84(cc) 1/87 L

14 Warringah White 9/110(cc) 9/95 W

15 Macquarie Uni Phoenix 10/159 193 L

16 Warringah Green 110 3/111 L

17 Burwood Briars Maroon 120 7/135(cc) L

18 Auburn 4/195(cc) 122 W

19 Roseville 5/188(cc) 49 W

20 Burwood Briars Maroon 7/103(cc) 54 W

21 Auburn 3/44 43 W

22 Georges River Sharks 131 6/132 L

QF Georges River Sharks 72 8/209(cc) L

2770 Runs For 144 Wickets @ 19.24 Run Rate 3.89 per over.

2537 Runs Against 161 Wickets @ 15.76 Run Rate 4.01 per over.

Position in Competition – 5th


Player M I NO 50s 100s HS Runs Avge C/Cwk/S

Sedgers, Mick 18 17 1 1 0 52 259 16.19 5

Garg, Sushant 13 12 1 2 0 59 234 21.27 2/3/0

Henry, Stuart 6 5 1 0 1 157* 220 55.00 3/1/0

Ganesh, Navneet 10 9 2 0 0 34 170 24.29 2

Dilley, Brayden 14 14 1 0 0 41 170 13.08 7

Maitra, Anirban 8 8 2 0 0 45 170 28.33 1

Finlayson, Andrew 17 12 4 0 0 32* 103 12.88 8/2/0

Allsopp, James 7 7 2 0 0 42* 102 20.40 0/7/2

Van Zuylen, Timothy 8 6 1 1 0 50* 84 16.80 3

Muraleedaran, Krijan 3 2 1 1 0 67* 74 74.00 1


Annual Report Season 2014-15 31

Ward, Timothy 1 1 0 1 0 69 69 69.00 0

Laurie, Andrew 10 10 3 0 0 18 69 9.86 4

D'Angelo, Gabriel 1 1 1 1 0 65* 65 0.00 0

Karthikeyan, Harshan 9 5 2 0 0 42 62 20.67 1

James, Paul 4 4 0 0 0 23 60 15.00 2

Haider, Naji 10 8 1 0 0 16 47 6.71 1

Coy, Adam 5 4 0 0 0 29 46 11.50 5

Sturt, Mitch 1 1 0 0 0 44 44 44.00 0

Masud, Ishmam 5 3 1 0 0 15* 33 16.50 2

Stern, Joshua 3 2 0 0 0 24 31 15.50 2

Broschofsky, Peter J 2 2 0 0 0 19 28 14.00 0

Papworth, Brett 1 1 0 0 0 26 26 26.00 0/1/0

Balzen, Patrick 1 1 0 0 0 25 25 25.00 1

Fedorow, Aidan 1 1 0 0 0 25 25 25.00 1

Balani, Rohan 1 1 0 0 0 24 24 24.00 0

Sullivan, Michael 3 2 2 0 0 11* 22 0.00 0

Bennett, Greg 4 2 1 0 0 19 22 22.00 1

El-Hassan, Isaac 9 6 2 0 0 9* 22 5.50 1

Charles, Dylan 1 1 1 0 0 20* 20 0.00 1

Parkinson, Jack P 4 2 0 0 0 16 20 10.00 2

Wirth, Michael 8 2 0 0 0 14 20 10.00 0

Sedgers, Brendan 5 3 2 0 0 9* 18 18.00 4

Hossack, David 1 1 0 0 0 16 16 16.00 0

Peiris, Yehan 1 1 0 0 0 14 14 14.00 1

Haider, Naba 1 1 0 0 0 13 13 13.00 0

Henning, Mark 1 1 0 0 0 12 12 12.00 0

Nicoletti, Andrew 1 1 0 0 0 10 10 10.00 0

Roper, Lewis 1 1 0 0 0 8 8 8.00 0

Brooks, Matthew 2 1 1 0 0 8* 8 0.00 0

Bradley, Justin 1 1 0 0 0 8 8 8.00 0

Bennett, Scott 1 1 0 0 0 6 6 6.00 2

Sharma, Prakhar 1 1 0 0 0 5 5 5.00 0

Thompson, Sean 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 4.00 1

Kumanan, Athyban 2 2 0 0 0 3 3 1.50 0/3/0

Meares, Gerard 2 1 1 0 0 3* 3 0.00 0

Somathilike, Ashad 5 2 2 0 0 3* 3 0.00 0

Hoving, Colin 2 1 1 0 0 1* 1 0.00 1

Midya, Rudrakhya 2 1 1 0 0 1* 1 0.00 1

Vithanage, Gayan 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.00 0

Graham, Angus 5 2 0 0 0 1 1 0.50 0

Mishra, Ashish 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.00 0

Carwardine, Elliot 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0/2/0

Hossack, Danyon 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0

Jha, Rahul DNB 0

Mackander, Billy DNB 0

Carfax, Patrick DNB 0

32 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


Player O M W Runs Avge 5WI 10WM SR RPO Best

Karthikeyan, Harshan 60 20 15 153 10.20 1 0 24.00 2.55 5/4

Coy, Adam 32 2 13 154 11.85 0 0 14.77 4.81 3/9

El-Hassan, Isaac 53.3 6 12 224 18.67 0 0 26.75 4.19 3/28

Sedgers, Mick 61 3 12 304 25.33 0 0 30.50 4.98 2/16

Maitra, Anirban 29 2 10 157 15.70 0 0 17.40 5.41 4/40

Garg, Sushant 41.2 8 9 113 12.56 0 0 27.56 2.73 3/19

Sedgers, Brendan 19.4 1 8 66 8.25 0 0 14.75 3.36 4/27

Somathilike, Ashad 24 2 8 84 10.50 0 0 18.00 3.50 4/19

Van Zuylen, Timothy 39 6 7 123 17.57 0 0 33.43 3.15 2/11

Masud, Ishmam 36 5 7 131 18.71 0 0 30.86 3.64 4/12

James, Paul 25.2 0 6 121 20.17 0 0 25.33 4.78 3/32

Broschofsky, Peter J 7 0 5 26 5.20 1 0 8.40 3.71 5/26

Sullivan, Michael 24 6 5 45 9.00 0 0 28.80 1.88 3/13

Peiris, Yehan 6 1 4 22 5.50 0 0 9.00 3.67 4/22

Muraleedaran, Krijan 9.3 0 4 32 8.00 0 0 14.25 3.37 2/0

Midya, Rudrakhya 10 7 3 19 6.33 0 0 20.00 1.90 2/0

Hoving, Colin 11 0 3 28 9.33 0 0 22.00 2.55 2/24

Hossack, Danyon 4 1 2 11 5.50 0 0 12.00 2.75 2/11

Sharma, Prakhar 4 0 2 16 8.00 0 0 12.00 4.00 2/16

Roper, Lewis 8 1 2 18 9.00 0 0 24.00 2.25 2/18

Sturt, Mitch 8 0 2 21 10.50 0 0 24.00 2.63 2/21

Nicoletti, Andrew 8 1 2 27 13.50 0 0 24.00 3.38 2/27

Finlayson, Andrew 10 1 2 55 27.50 0 0 30.00 5.50 1/17

Bennett, Greg 9 0 2 86 43.00 0 0 27.00 9.56 1/28

Stern, Joshua 3 0 1 10 10.00 0 0 18.00 3.33 1/10

Jha, Rahul 3 1 1 13 13.00 0 0 18.00 4.33 1/13

Hossack, David 4 0 1 16 16.00 0 0 24.00 4.00 1/16

Ward, Timothy 8 1 1 22 22.00 0 0 48.00 2.75 1/22

Mackander, Billy 14 1 1 42 42.00 0 0 84.00 3.00 1/25

Parkinson, Jack P 8 1 1 46 46.00 0 0 48.00 5.75 1/2

Brooks, Matthew 10 1 1 50 50.00 0 0 60.00 5.00 1/49

Graham, Angus 17 4 1 65 65.00 0 0 102.00 3.82 1/29

Haider, Naba Allah Syed 1 0 0 5 0 0 5.00 0/5

Mishra, Ashish 3 0 0 9 0 0 3.00 0/9

Laurie, Andrew 2 0 0 23 0 0 11.50 0/23

Balani, Rohan 8 1 0 29 0 0 3.63 0/29

Ganesh, Navneet 13 0 0 73 0 0 5.62 0/15


Annual Report Season 2014-15 33


Wicket P'SHIP Batsmen Opponent

1 111 Mick Sedgers - Stuart Henry Roseville

2 48 Sushant Garg - Navneet Ganesh Mt Pritchard-Sthn Districts Black

3 49 Stuart Henry - Aidan Fedorow Roseville

4 76 Brayden Dilley - Gabriel D'Angelo Lindfield

5 57 Anirban Maitra - Krijan Muraleedaran Roseville

6 79 Krijan Muraleedaran - Andrew Finlayson Roseville

7 35 Andrew Finlayson - Jack Parkinson Macquarie Uni Phoenix

8 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

9 47 Timothy Van Zuylen - Yehan Peiris Burwood Briars Gold

10 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater NB: Bold denotes new 5th Grade record. Blank if under 25 runs.


Player Runs Opponent Player Bowling Opponent

Stuart Henry 157* Roseville Harshan Karthikeyan 5/4 Auburn

Timothy Ward 69 Georges River Stingrays Hat Trick N W Sydney

Krijan Muraleedaran 67* Roseville on debut

Gabriel D'Angelo 65* Lindfield Peter Broschofsky 5/26 Lindfield

Sushant Garg 59 University of NSW

Mick Sedgers 52 Roseville

Sushant Garg 50 Mt Pritchard-Sthn Districts Black

Timothy Van Zuylen 50* Burwood Briars Gold

34 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


2014/15, a new season and a changing of the guard, as Micheal McKeough’s distinguished Frank Gray career comes to an end with another semi-final appearance. The result was ultimately decided by the interference of extremely wet weather. This left The Bulls cheated of the opportunity to send off both Micheal and Dinith Amarasinghe (Epping’s leading wicket taker in Frank Gray) in a Grand Final. The disappointment of that day would be used to fuel the fire and inspire The Bulls for the season ahead. Round 1 started off at home against the visiting Lane Cove on a scorching hot summer’s day. The Bulls side that took to the field was vastly different to that of the semi-final from the previous year, however Phil ‘Biggie Smalls’ Hood was back on board as coach. Albeit slightly apprehensive with the lack of experience in the side, he was keen to see what these Bulls were made of. 7 new faces, including 6 debutants, were given the task to take The Bulls towards an elusive Grand Final appearance. It was a very promising start, a bonus point victory which filled the side with plenty of confidence. Round 2 we remained at home and The Bulls made consecutive bonus point victories with a dominant display against Strathfield, leaving us in an enviable position at the top of the table. The side was looking forward to building on the positive start to the season with a trip across to Pennant Hills in Round 3. However, due to certain logistical ‘errors’ made by Pennant Hills & The council, wet weather prevented our fixture from going ahead while the rest of the competition played on uninterrupted. Round 4 was completely abandoned as more wet weather kept The Bulls off the turf. This halted any momentum gained from rounds 1 & 2. Normal proceedings took place in Round 5 with an away trip to Rothwell against Burwood. This is a game which everyone would like to have back, as The Bulls struggled when Burwood made a very positive start. While we pegged back Burwood with fantastic effort in the field and tight bowling during the middle over’s, an injury to captain, Nic Wilson, disrupted the side for the remainder of the match. Chasing 227, early wickets cost us any chance of achieving the target, despite best efforts from Tom Wilson. With 2 wins, 2 washouts and a loss, it seemed as though time had just flown by the time we reached the penultimate round of the regular season. By this stage, The Bulls were placed just outside the top 6. Anthony Azize was appointed captain due to Nic’s Injury. It was a must win game at home, against Nor West Sydney. The Hurricanes made it hard for runs to be scored with tight bowling and excellent fielding. Epping was restricted to 167 from 50 overs. Whilst that seemed like a small total, the momentum swung our way in the closing overs with crucial lower order hitting. This fired up the boys and inspired a miraculous bowling and fielding effort, led by a career first, 5 wicket haul, by Chris Steffan. This was a gutsy win that showed the fighting character of the young Bulls. “Win and in”; that was the attitude heading into the last regular season game against Roseville. This fixture had been earmarked from the previous season, where the Bulls’ poor attitude and application lead to a season defining loss. However, this side was determined to set the record straight and were pumped up from the outset. It was a case of master and apprentice as Josh Kew lead the way with a brilliant 78 and built a significant partnership with rookie Scott Bennett. The side backed it up in the field with a complete team performance. The pressure from Azize as captain in conjunction with superior bowling from The Bulls, resulted in a solid victory. Epping Finished 4th after the regular season, resulting in a rematch with the 3rd placed Burwood in the Qualifying Final. Nic Wilson returned as captain and the side were determined to redeem themselves after the previous loss at Rothwell. Despite a spirited bowling effort, Epping lost by 2 wickets. The Bulls batsmen failed to accumulate a competitive score and 130 proved to be the inferior total. Down, but not out. Other qualifying final results went in The Bulls’ favour, which gave us a second chance at a Grand Final appearance. A Semi Final against the three time defending champions, Warringah, would be the final obstacle standing in our way. Weldon Oval greeted us with a slightly delayed start, due to a week of wet weather leading up to the game. Warringah elected to bat, but The Bulls bowlers started the better. Restricting runs and building pressure resulted in wickets and a slow run rate. 2 strong partnerships for Warringah enabled them to reach a total of 192 from 50 overs. We believed that we would be able to score the runs required to win. We aimed to keep wickets in hand heading into the last 35 overs, building partnerships and punishing any rare loose balls from Warringah. Our innings didn’t quite go to plan. The loss of wickets at crucial stages prevented us from getting ahead. Even with a courageous 52 from Mitchell Horrocks, we fell short and were bowled out for 162 in the 49th over. A bitter sweet end to the season. Whilst proud of the efforts to make another Semi Final and the improvements and promise shown by the boys, we were unable to reach the summit this year. This season ends the Frank Gray


Annual Report Season 2014-15 35

Careers of Josh Kew, James Papworth, Blake Wassel & Sam Brewer. We thank them for their contribution to the team over the years. They will be sadly missed. Fortunately, we retain the majority of the playing group going into next season. The experience gained from this campaign will allow us to develop and strengthen, both as a side and as individuals. I thank club for their support and the opportunity to lead the 24’s team in the role of Captain. Thank you, on behalf of the players, to Phil Hood for providing ongoing support, advice and mentorship to the side. Anthony Azize – Debut season and already identified as a future leader in years to come, deputising as captain for 2 matches this year, in which the team won both! A genuine all-rounder, his medium pace bowling proved to be a asset in the back half of the season along with his aggressive ball striking at the end of an innings. A consistent performer, one who will be crucial to the success of the club. Scott Bennett – Scott is a gritty batsman who works hard for his runs. Fantastic running between the wickets, he applies himself and looks to bat through the innings, scoring with plenty of one’s and two’s. A positive debut season, Scott is a player with a lot of promise and has the potential to develop additional skills to become a complete top/middle order batsman. Matthew Brooks – Brooksy became the frontline spinner for the team in this his debut season. Matt exceeded everyone’s expectations. His calm and patient temperament along with his amazing control proved to be a nightmare for opposition batsman. He also entertained us with some valuable lower order hitting. Matt has all the tools to be a very special cricketer. Cameron Court – The bona fide bachelor of the side, Cam isn’t just all about the ladies. Cam cemented his place in the side with his weight of runs from the previous season. A stylish stroke maker with huge potential, at 17 Cam will only get better as he grows in confidence. The talent and tools for him to become a very good cricketer are in place and were displayed on countless occasions during the season. Cam will look to be more consistent in the future but shows promise and ability beyond his years. Cam also bowls effective medium pace. His ability to bowl economically is just another string is his bow. Best is yet to come. Charlie Davies – Chucky came to the club last year and got his opportunity to play Frank Gray this season. A tall left armer who can take the new rock or come on first change. Charlie was an extremely effective bowler for the side this year. Bowled a lot better than what his stats suggest, Charlie consistently beat the bat of the opposition. He is a hardworking, determined bowler that loves to take on a challenge. Always gives 110%. A true competitor. Calum De Silva – Cal, who is by trade a wicket keeper, was able to be a versatile contributor to the side this season even with limited opportunities. An aggressive opener, Calum got 3 great deliveries to start his Frank Gray career and would be unfair to judge on those performances. What was positive to see was his enthusiastic attitude, hustle in the field and selfless attitude in assisting the side with twelfth man duties. Calum has a bright future ahead of him and I’m sure he’ll deliver given more opportunities. Mitchell Horrocks – Hot Rocks was unable to start the season due to injury, but became an important role player in the side. A veteran now, his batting at the back end of innings and taking on the responsibility of batting through the 50 overs proved invaluable. His ability to score boundaries and take quick singles enabled us to finish out innings with momentum. His innings against Warringah in the Semi-final a highlight for the team and himself. A well-deserved maiden 50. Well done Mitch. James Howes – This season was a big one for Howesy. 61 wickets in all competitions, along with his leadership and ability to get the best out of his team mates, James is someone who worked very hard and thoroughly deserved the opportunities to play in Under 24’s this year. An intelligent medium pace bowler, Howsey’s ability to swing the ball, bowl tight consistent line and length made him extremely hard to score off. The pressure built by James resulted in wickets at the other end. Brilliant at bowling in partnerships, Howesy has a brilliant work ethic and always puts the team first. Josh Kew – Suzie Kew, a quietly confident hard working cricketer. Josh was a calming presence in a young side. A top order batsman, Josh’s trademark cut shot was a joy to watch. His positive attitude and ability to take pressure off other team mates was valuable intangible. His off spinners also proved to be extremely beneficial. Josh could often take one or two quick wickets in a short spell to get the team back in the game. Nicest bloke you’ll ever meet, a teammate who everyone loves. Thank you Josh Kew. Angus Macqueen – Big Gussy Worland, the crowd favourite. Another bowler whose performance in the previous season saw him get a deserved opportunity in Frank Gray. Angus became our new ball bowler and a capable bowler at the end of an innings. The big left armer’s ability to swing the new ball and reverse swing with the old ball always had the batsman on their toes. Gus was used in short, sharp spells and performed well in his first season. Gus

36 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.

always brightened the mood of the team, especially with a joke or his entertaining lower order hitting. But he also has that competitive edge to get in the opponents face and intimidate the opposition. Great addition to the side. James Mallet – Debuted against Nor West Sydney this season, Thor is an opening batsman who is bound to get more opportunities in the seasons to come. We look forward to James developing as a batsman and scoring runs in Frank Gray. Dylan Munro- A young player who has been around the club for the past few seasons, Dylan has displayed a great desire and love for playing in the under 24’s side. Munners is another player who does everything he can to help the team win. A capable top order batsman who has shown a lot of promise, Dyl will look to become more consistent and knows that runs will see him become a regular in the side. James Papworth- Pappy was unlucky to only play in one game in this his final Frank Gray season. James fitted the mould of an opening batsman who was willing to see off the new ball and bat through the overs. An accomplished wicket keeper to boot, James is an intelligent cricketer who always wanted to win and kept the spirits of his teammates high. Thank you James. Christopher Steffan – With the likes of Mckeough, Wassel & Brewer departing, Chris took it upon himself to become the leader and spearhead of the bowling attack for The Bulls this season. It proved to be a breakout year, with his maiden 5 wicket haul, leading wicket taker for Epping in Frank Gray and the Ian Wheatley Medal. Chris enjoyed a lot of success this season. Steffo is an intense character on the field and always looks to win the mental battle. His pace and bounce made him lethal this season. Chris is also very capable with the bat, providing a steady hand in many important lower order partnerships. Well done Chris. Tom Wilson –It took years and years of convincing, but Meezy made his long awaited debut for the Epping Bulls this season. An outstanding wicket keeper, Tom solidified the top 4 in the batting order. A classy stroke maker, Tom provided valuable experience to the side, along with a cool, calm demeanour. A bloke that some describe as to good to be true, it’s hard to find a nicer bloke than Meezy. A great positive influence amongst the group. Will continue to prove influential moving forward. I look forward to the 2015/16 season! Nic Wilson, Captain.


Round Opponent Epping Opponent Result

1 Lane Cove 210 122 W

2 Strathfield 2/117 116 W

3 Pennant Hills D

4 Auburn D

5 Burwood Briars 144 7/227(cc) L

6 North West Sydney 9/162(cc) 141 W

7 Roseville 8/204(cc) 159 W

QF Burwood Briars 130 8/131 L

SF Warringah 162 9/192(cc) L

Position in Competition 4th 1129 Runs For 58 Wickets @ 19.47 1 1088 Runs Against 64 Wickets @ 17.00

Run Rate 3.65 per over Run rate 3.72 per over


Annual Report Season 2014-15 37


Player M I NO 50s 100s HS Runs Avge C/Cwk/S

Wilson, Thomas 6 6 1 1 0 54 144 28.80 0/7/2

Kew, Joshua 7 7 1 1 0 78 133 22.17 1

Horrocks, Mitchell 4 4 1 1 0 52* 103 34.33 0

Bennett, Scott 5 5 0 0 0 35 97 19.40 2

Steffan, Christopher 7 6 1 0 0 22* 87 17.40 2

Court, Cameron 7 7 0 0 0 21 86 12.29 1

Azize, Anthony A 7 6 0 0 0 22 70 11.67 3

Wilson, Nicholas 5 4 0 0 0 47 65 16.25 1

Brooks, Matthew 7 6 1 0 0 22 51 10.20 3

Macqueen, Angus 6 5 3 0 0 21* 43 21.50 1

Munro, Dylan T 2 2 0 0 0 27 35 17.50 0

Howes, James C 3 3 1 0 0 16 25 12.50 0

Mallett, James 1 1 0 0 0 16 16 16.00 0

De Silva, Calum 3 3 0 0 0 10 12 4.00 0

Davies, Charlie 5 3 1 0 0 4* 6 3.00 1

Papworth, James 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0

Wassell, Blake 1 DNB 0

Muralietharan, Keishav 1 DNB 0

Allsopp, James 1 DNB 0

Fisher, Hugh 1 DNB 0


Player O M W Runs 5WI 10WM Avge SR RPO Best

Steffan, Christopher 63.5 2 19 225 1 0 11.84 20.16 3.52 5/37

Brooks, Matthew 61 6 12 206 0 0 17.17 30.50 3.38 3/54

Macqueen, Angus 44 2 10 153 0 0 15.30 26.40 3.48 3/28

Davies, Charlie 44 8 6 159 0 0 26.50 44.00 3.61 2/40

Kew, Joshua 20 2 5 80 0 0 16.00 24.00 4.00 2/13

Azize, Anthony A 21 6 3 61 0 0 20.33 42.00 2.90 2/20

Court, Cameron 14 2 3 63 0 0 21.00 28.00 4.50 1/7

Howes, James C 26 2 3 113 0 0 37.67 52.00 4.35 2/36


Player Runs Opponent Player Bowling Opponent

Joshua Kew 78 Roseville Chris Steffan 5/37 North West Sydney

Thomas Wilson 54 Burwood Briars

Mitchell Horrocks 52* Warringah

38 Epping District Cricket Club Inc.


Wicket P'SHIP Batsmen Opponent

1 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

2 29 Calum De Silva - Joshua Kew Roseville

3 34 Scott Bennett - Thomas Wilson Burwood Briars

4 78 Joshua Kew - Scott Bennett Roseville

5 50 Thomas Wilson - Scott Bennett Burwood Briars

6 29 Mitchell Horrocks - Anthony Azize Warringah

7 35 Mitchell Horrocks - Christopher Steffan Warringah

8 38 Christopher Steffan - Matthew Brooks North West Sydney

9 No partnerships of 25 runs or greater

10 28 Angus Macqueen - James Howes North West Sydney

NB: Bold denotes new all Grades record.

Did you know…?

In Season 1997-98, Ian Wheatley became

Epping’s first player to pass 1000 runs in

Frank Grey matches.

In our 75th Anniversary Season of 2007-08,

Al Tay became our first player to achieve 50 Frank Gray wickets.

Andrew Smythe represented Epping for 10 consecutive

seasons in the Under 24’s. Great effort.