eproject library management system

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  • 8/12/2019 EProject Library Management System


    Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 1

    Library Management SystemDocumentation

    Group 1

    Group MemberVN.015/200803/532 V! "#c $%VN.015/200&0&/&52 L'u (u)n *n+

    VN.015/200803/55,1 "- *n+ "#c

    nstructor +ung *n+ (an

    - Hanoi, 10/2009 -

    Library Management System Page 1 of 19

  • 8/12/2019 EProject Library Management System


    Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 1


    1. Probem !efinition.........................................................................................................."

    1.1. Probem Ab#traction................................................................................................"

    1.2. $he Current %tem................................................................................................."

    1.". $he Propo#ed %tem..............................................................................................."1.'. (oundarie# of the %tem........................................................................................"

    1.). Hard*are and %oft*are +euirement#...................................................................."

    1.).1. inimum +euirement#.................................................................................."

    1.).2. +ecommended +euirement#.........................................................................."

    2. Cu#tomer +euirement# %pecification.............................................................................'

    2.1. #er# of the %tem.................................................................................................'

    2.2. %tem function#......................................................................................................'

    ". Architecture and !e#ign of Proect..................................................................................)

    ".1. !ata o* !iagram..................................................................................................)

    ".2. Entit& +eation#hip !iagram$abe !e#ign............................................................)

    ".". !ataba#e %tructure...................................................................................................)".'. %creen !e#ign..........................................................................................................)

    '. $a#3 %heet........................................................................................................................4

    ). Chec3i#t#.........................................................................................................................5

    ).1. Chec3 6i#t of 7aidation..........................................................................................5

    ).2. %ubmi##ion Chec3i#t...............................................................................................5

    Library Management System Page 2 of 19

  • 8/12/2019 EProject Library Management System


    Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 1

    1. robem Deinition

    1.1. Problem Abstraction

    $o da&, bu#ine## manage# #tem to reuire the effect and to economi8e time

    .ir#t and foremo#t in bu#ine## manage# ibrar& boo3 of a compan& .$herefore *epre#ent #of*are to manage ibrar& boo3 of the ohan 6td compan&.

    1.2. The Current System

    Mohan Ltd. ha# a ibrar& *hich i# managed b& #. onica manua&. A

    record# are on paper and onica find# it er& difficut to manage *hen #omebod&

    i##ue# or return# the boo3#. %he ha# to maintain i#t of boo3# aong *ith detai# #uch

    a# Author name, boo3 tite etc. :hen a boo3 i# to be i##ued, #he ha# to manua&

    #earch for that boo3 and again for i##uing boo3 #he ha# to maintain a regi#ter *hich

    *i hae detai# of boo3 i##ued #uch a# ;ame of the boo3, Author, Empo&ee detai#

    name, department etc , !ate of i##ue, !ate of return, etc. $hi# proce## i# tediou#

    and time con#uming. %he ha# brought it to the notice of her #enior# and the& hae

    propo#ed the #oution of deeoping a #tem *hich *i hep onica managing the

    thing# more effectie& and a#o #ae her time. %he *i be the on& u#er of the


    1.3. The Proposed System

    - %oft*are 6ibrar& anagement (oo3 of *e *i hep to #. onica, can

    manage boo3 hae ibrar& #ame manage bu#ine## borro* and return boo3.

    1.4. Boundaries of the System

    (oundarie# of #tem *i buitie6 Name Data (ype Nu ;ey Description=! =nt ;o PF %tore =! of u#er

    ;ame 7archar"0 ;o %tore name of u#er

    #er;ame 7archar"0 ;o %tore u#ername of u#er

    Pa##*ord 7archar"2 ;o %tore pa##*ord of u#er

    Emai 7archar)0 e# %tore emai of u#er

    (irth!ate !atetime e# %tore u#er # birthda&

    Gender (it e# %tore gender of u#er

    =f 0 < emae

    =f 1 < ae

    Phone 7archar20 e# %tore phone of u#er


    Library Management System Page 1' of 19

  • 8/12/2019 EProject Library Management System


    Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 1

    >ie6s (ype Sie =onstraint Description

    %ubect=! int ' Prima& 3e&, not nu %tore code #ubect

    %ubect;ame narchar ')0 not nu %tore name #ubect

    3.4. Screen 'esi)n



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  • 8/12/2019 EProject Library Management System


    Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 1

    ?S4 M*N*G4

    MLAH M*N*G4

    Library Management System Page 14 of 19

  • 8/12/2019 EProject Library Management System


    Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 1

    BAA; M*N*G4

    BA44AI M*N*G4

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  • 8/12/2019 EProject Library Management System


    Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 1

    .(asC S+eet

    roFect 4e. No. roFecttite


  • 8/12/2019 EProject Library Management System


    Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 1

    4 ear$h 6ibrar&



    7u !uc Ha Competed

    5 'han-e %assword 6ibrar&


    !o Anh !uc Competed

    > Book Mana-er 6ibrar&



    7u !uc Ha Competed

    5. =+ecCists

    Aption Vai6ate6!o a the option# pre#ent in the appication di#pa& the correct re#utI e#

    !o#e the appication# functionait& re#oe the u#er probem, and #ati#f& their



    Ha# the hard*are and #oft*are been correct& cho#enI e#

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