equipment and props


Upload: christieshee

Post on 11-Jan-2017




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Page 2: Equipment and Props

By using this video camera I was able to capture high quality film for my opening sequence. This allows the final product to look more realistic as it is high quality and can therefore be exported at a high-definition such as 1080p. This also follows how succ-essful films are made as the camera is of high quality, meaning the outcome of the video quality is very good- 12 megapixel.By using this camera, it reduces the chance of filming any blurred scenes, as the technology available on the camera to assist me with filming will be very advanced such as automatically focusing whilst filming, to reduce the chance of blurriness and automatic light levels. I will use the playback option on the camera to watch what I have already filmed instead of having to wait until I remove the memory card and insert it into a computer and see the footage. This means I will be able to film scenes again on the same day if they are not up to the standard I want. I may take two of these cameras to film in order to capture different angles of the same action.

Page 3: Equipment and Props

The battery charger will allow me to film my footage without my camera dying as I will charge the battery to full before inserting it into the camera on the day of filming. This meant that I will not have to wait for the battery to charge which saves time and allows me to capture all the footage at the same time, increasing realism of the sequence as it had accurate lighting etc.

I will use my iPhone to contact everyone involved with filming to inform them on the information they need to know. The phone will also be useful whilst filming as I can play the song, and so the character has accurate lip syncing. I will also take a small speaker to amplify the music, just to make sure the artist will be able to hear, without the phone being in the frame.

The memory card I will use is a Sandisk 16GB. The memory card was is easily removable in order to insert into the computer and transfer footage across in order to edit. The card will allow me to record a large amount of content and also maintain the high definition of the footage when I transfer it onto Adobe Premier Pro. This memory card is also compatible with various video cameras just in case I require the use of another camera.

Page 4: Equipment and Props

I will use a 3-legged tripod in order to hold and support the camera whilst filming the majority of my footage. This allows me to have a steady, level platform for filming in order to film high quality, professional picture. It also eliminates the excess blur that may occur during filming by camera-shake if it were hand-held. The tripod had a screw piece on top which allows me to attach the camera on securely, making sure it will not fall off and break. The handle/adjuster on the tripod allows the movement of the camera to be smooth and glide freely instead of being shaky if it were hand held.

The character/artist will use a skateboard. This represents his style and the ‘indie’ genre. It will also represent him as having fun, which the whole of the video is basically based on.

A trolley will be used to represent the character’s youth and recklessness. I will attempt to film in a car park of some sort, away from the cars so that no damage will be done.

I will use an old camera to emphasis the indie genre of the video. The pictures will then be hung on the wall using string and pegs.

I am going to include clips of the characters smashing up old TV’s, to further emphasise their recklessness and that they are having fun as young people.