equity valuation. 15.1 valuation by comparables basic types of models ◦ balance sheet models ◦...

Equity Valuation

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Page 1: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Equity Valuation

Page 2: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios


Page 3: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Basic Types of Models◦ Balance Sheet Models◦ Dividend Discount Models◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Page 4: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Valuation models use comparables◦ Look at the relationship between price and

various determinants of value for similar firms

Page 5: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios
Page 6: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Book value ◦ Based on historical values◦ Not the floor

Can book value represent a floor value? Better approaches

◦Liquidation value If below, attractive

◦Replacement cost Tobin’s q (ratio of market price to replacement cost)

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Page 8: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

• Example (1-year horizon), whether the price today is attractively priced given your forecast of next year’s price and dividend

• Rf=6%, beta=1.2 Rm=11%

0 1 148, 52, 4P E P E D

Page 9: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

compare expected HPR and required return expected HPR

◦ The return on a stock investment comprises cash dividends and capital gains or losses Assuming a one-year holding period 1 1 0


( ) ( )Expected HPR= ( )

E D E P PE r


16.7%E r

Page 10: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

required return CAPM gave us required return:

If the stock is priced correctly◦ Required return should equal expected


( )f M fk r E r r

6% 1.2*5% 12%k

Page 11: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Intrinsic value ◦ The present value of all cash payments

to the investor, including dividends and proceeds from the ultimate sale of the stock, discounted at the appropriate risk-adjusted interest rate, k


50>48, undervalued


1 10

52 450

1 1 12%



Page 12: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Market Price◦ Consensus value of all potential traders◦ Current market price will reflect intrinsic value

estimates◦ This consensus value of the required rate of

return, k, is the market capitalization rate Trading Signal

◦ IV > MP Buy◦ IV < MP Sell or Short Sell◦ IV = MP Hold or Fairly Priced

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Page 14: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

1 10 1



2 21 1



1 2 20 2

1 2 20 2

1 1

1 1 1H H



k k


k k k

Page 15: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

DDM◦ Stock price should equal the present value

of all expected future dividends into perpetuity




( )11

Page 16: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios




( )11

V0 = Value of StockDt = Dividendk = required return

Page 17: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Constant Growth Model ◦Assuming dividends are trending upward at a stable growth rate g

g = constant perpetual growth rate

VoD g

k g


( )1

Page 18: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Constant growth DDM

A Stock’s price will be greater ◦Larger its expected dividend per share

◦Lower k◦Higher g

0 10

1D g DP

k g k g

Page 19: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Stock price is expected to grow at the same rate as dividends

If market price equals its intrinsic value, expected HPR will be equal to required return

121 0


D gDP P g

k g k g

1 01 1

0 0 0

P PD DE r g k


Page 20: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

VoD g

k g


( )1

E1 = $5.00 b = 40% k = 15%

(1-b) = 60% D1 = $3.00 g = 8%

V0 = 3.00 / (.15 - .08) = $42.86

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Stocks that have earnings and dividends that are expected to remain constant◦ Preferred Stock

VoD g

k g


( )1

Page 22: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

E1 = D1 = $5.00

k = 12.5%V0 = $5.00 / .125 = $40



Page 23: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Consider two companies◦ Cash Cow, Inc◦ Growth Prospects

k=12.5% IF pay out all as dividends (payout ratio =100%),

perpetual dividend=5 Both valued at 5/12.5%=40, neither firm will grow in

value GP, project’s ROE=15%, what should be GP’s dividend

policy ? investment=$100 million, 3 million shares outstanding,

expected earnings in coming year (EPS)=$100*15%/3= $5

Page 24: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Suppose, Growth Prospects lower payout ratio (40%) Earnings retention ratio b=1-40%=60% Total earning=$100*15%=$15 million Reinvestment=$15*60%=$9 million (capital increase

9/100=9%) 9% more capital, 9% more income, 9% higher dividend

Low-reinvestment-rate plan, pay higher initial dividends, but result in a lower dividend growth rate

High-reinvestment-rate, lower initial dividends, but result in higher dividend growth

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Page 26: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

g ROE b

g = growth rate in dividends ROE = Return on Equity for the firm b = plowback or retention percentage rate

= (1- dividend payout percentage rate)

Page 27: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios


The project’s ROE >required rate (the project has positive NPV), reduce dividend payout ratio and reinvest in the positive NPV project.

The firm’s value rises by the NPV of the project PVGO: net present value of growth opportunities



12.5% 9%


k g

Page 28: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Value of the firm rises by the NPV of the investment opportunities

Price = No-growth value per share (NGV) +present value of growth opportunities (PVGO)

PVGO=57.14-40=17.14 Where: E1 = Earnings Per Share for period 1





0 1(1 )

( )


k g k

Page 29: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Growth enhance company value only if it is achieved by investment in projects with attractive profit opportunities (ROE>k)

If the project’s ROE=12.5%=k, lower the dividend payout ratio (40%)

Then stock price=?

Page 30: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

g= ROE*b=12.5%*60%=7.5%

No different from no-growth strategy To justify reinvestment, the firm must

engage in projects with better prospective returns than those shareholders can find elsewhere

If ROE=k, no advantage to reinvestment



12.5% 7.5%


k g

Page 31: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

ROE = 20% d = 60% b = 40%

E1 = $5.00 D1 = $3.00 k = 15%

g = .20 x .40 = .08 or 8%

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15 0886



86 33 52

(. . )$42.


$42. $33. $9.

Partitioning Value: ExamplePartitioning Value: Example

PPoo = price with growth = price with growth

NGVNGVoo = no growth component value = no growth component value

PVGO = Present Value of Growth OpportunitiesPVGO = Present Value of Growth Opportunities

Page 33: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Constant-growth DDM◦ Assume dividend growth rate be constant

In fact, different dividend profiles in different phases◦ In early years, high return, high reinvestment,

high growth◦ In later years, low return, low reinvestment, low

growth, as mature companies Multistage version of DDM

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Page 35: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

P Dg


D g

k g ko o





( )

( )

( )

( )( )








g1 = first growth rate g2 = second growth rate T = number of periods of growth at g1

Page 36: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

D0 = $2.00 g1 = 20% g2 = 5% k = 15% T = 3 D1 =2*1.2= 2.40 D2 = 2.4*1.2=2.88 D3 =2.88*1.2= 3.46 D4 =3.46*1.05= 3.63 V0 = D1/(1.15) + D2/(1.15)2 + D3/(1.15)3 +

D4 / (.15 - .05) ( (1.15)3

V0 = 2.09 + 2.18 + 2.27 + 23.86 = $30.40

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Page 38: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Used to assess the valuation of one firm versus another based on a fundamental indicator such as earnings.

Price-to-earnings multiple Price-to-book ratio Price-to-cash-flow ratio Price-to-sales ratio

Page 39: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

P/E Ratios are a function of two factors◦ Required Rates of Return (k)◦ Expected growth in Dividends

Uses◦ Relative valuation◦ Extensive use in industry

Page 40: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Useful indicator of expectations of growth opportunities

Ratio of PVGO/(E/k), component of firm value due to growth opportunities to the component of value due to assets already in place

High P/E ratio indicates ample growth opportunities◦ GROWTH PROSPECT, 57.14/5=11.4◦ CASH COW, 40/5=8





Page 41: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Investor may well pay a higher price per dollar of current earnings if he or she expects that earnings stream to grow more rapidly

P/E ratio a reflection of the market’s optimism concerning a firm’s growth prospects, but whether they are more of less optimistic than the market ?

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E k





E1 - expected earnings for next year◦ E1 is equal to D1 under no growth

k - required rate of return

Page 43: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios


k g

E b

k b ROE




k b ROE

01 1





( )

( )

( )

b = retention rationROE = Return on Equity

Higher ROE, higher P/E Higher b, higher P/E, only if ROE>k

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Page 45: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

E0 = $2.50 k = 12.5%, ROE=15%,

No growth: g=0 P/E=?With growth: payout ratio=40%,


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E0 = $2.50 g = 0 k = 12.5%

P0 = D/k = $2.50/.125 = $20.00

P/E = 1/k = 1/.125 = 8

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b = 60% ROE = 15% (1-b) = 40%g = (.6)(.15)= 9%E1 = $2.50 (1 +9%) = $2.73D1 = $2.73 (1-.6) = $1.09k = 12.5% g = 9%P0 = 1.09/(.125-.09) = $31.14P/E = 31.14/2.73 = 11.4P/E = (1 - .60) / (.125 - .09) = 11.4

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Holding all else equal◦Riskier stocks will have lower P/E multiples

◦Higher values of k; therefore, the P/E multiple will be lower

1P b

E k g

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Use of accounting earnings◦ Influenced by somewhat arbitrary accounting rules , use

of historical cost in depreciation and inventory valuation (earnings management)

Inflation◦ P/E ratio have tended to be lower when inflation has been

higher ◦ Market’s assessment that earnings in these periods are of

lower quality Reported earnings fluctuate around the business cycle No way to say P/E is overly high or low without referring to

the company’s long-run growth and current EPS relative to the long-run trend line

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Page 54: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Price-to-book ratio Price-to-cash-flow ratio Price-to-sales ratio Creative: price-to-hits ratio for retail

internet firms

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Page 57: Equity Valuation. 15.1 VALUATION BY COMPARABLES  Basic Types of Models ◦ Balance Sheet Models ◦ Dividend Discount Models ◦ Price/Earnings Ratios

Discount the free cash flow for the firm

Discount rate is the firm’s cost of capital

Components of free cash flow◦After tax EBIT◦Depreciation◦Capital expenditures◦Increase in net working capital

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discount FCFF at the weighted-average cost of capital , Subtract existing value of debtFCFF = EBIT (1- tc) + Depreciation – Capital

expenditures – Increase in NWC where:

EBIT = earnings before interest and taxestc = the corporate tax rate

NWC = net working capital

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Another approach focuses on the free cash flow to the equity holders (FCFE) and discounts the cash flows directly at the cost of equity

FCFE = FCFF – Interest expense (1- tc) + Increases in net debt

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Free cash flow approach should provide same estimate of IV as the dividend growth model

In practice the two approaches may differ substantially◦ Simplifying assumptions are used