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. ' * . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ; ; { $ 4 . VICTORIA DAILY COLONIST FRIDAY MARcH8 1819 . , " ( Ere : ? Colonist : FRIDAY . MARCH 8, 188J . . i'tSSINEIt.S . _ Por Steamer OLYMPIAN . from Puget Sound O Vallr . The 1) Mick . M'J Davis , G Hardy , T LlKUtfoot . P JIUKhoH . H dlII Antonj- 1 , S Mixer . 11 S Glbhn , W ItVoIl . f , , v KsUiorhout I ' Lioben , WRoth chUd , Mrs Wright Mrs Glide Mrs W IJ IJlinn , J ( Cox. , F Walsh , I * Howard , 1 k Wtllot I . A Mollhtt . J Johnson . H UomichamiiV / Portor.W IJrudforu , Jf AUlngluiiii . J If 1'lku : 1VIU3LLInS , S flinch oliiro . Airs \V Knox . Alary Gales , Mrs Holman . C Liepol , Jno linker , \V Cox , U L) Mather and who . J DclKurdno . ' For Steamer ISLANDER , from Vancouver A E Hand , ilr and Mrs W lloyd , Fred Taylor , Wlllard ' Rev Ir Hold . J Ender , Loins Johnson f , li110rh n. IIV Chamberlain : . I . ovony . I n Crockett U Travolloyor , Mr Justice Gray .1 ' Gray , Miss Green , O K LORB , LL han -jator , 0 I'oLt'rii , J Jlruwn , J HMcNutt , S LiQlsor , J It SJ Wallace , Mrs Wallace . Cupt Paliuor .djaX\ J d , 1 b? C ( Uamblo I , E A Morris , K: Pauline . CCH'iSIUNJJoI : . Tor Steamer OLYMI-IAN . from 1'uKot Sound . Jacob Saul , Moore aud Co , Hastlo and Co , K 0 Prior . 11 Jowcll , U I li Simpson , , , MoUonuhl llros . Uiminstor Heck and (;o. W Alublo , S J Pitts , UK : Johnston . John \: WllHOH, Foil \ and Co , K O Prior sail Co . Js'lchollos andltenouf I , EU Marvin , Ames Holdell Co . Turner lluolon and Co, Van Volkonburcli , Vain mul Brooks . S Luisor , Came and ilunsluVclcli Hand Co . Jno Parker . Per Steamer ISI.ANDKU . from Vancouver Fred Norris , M W \Vnltt , A 11 Krsklno ; , Naval Storekeeper . Angus and O , Amy lloldim Co , A Lewis anil Co , AH dray , A Phillips . C It JlclJ and . Co, II Walter . II A LIHey , 11 Itornstoln , il flaY Co J C ] ' , J Fullerton , \ J O bovlln ' , J IIIk'J'V tiller . L Gooilacro . Mrs Field , Mrs ! %' 1ilLciaw l , 1'endniy and Co , lllv Inlet : Cans Co . WO Cameron , W W Evans . W J JclFrco , P llrawn , Item Ifixp Co . SL'RINO Goous just arrived at Londoi Boot & Shoo Store , Douglas street . * : XK1V : HOOKS . Jonathan and I lllaContlncnt , by Max O'noll.5O ( A Crown of Shame . by Florence 1IInrry/\LL . ..: :10 The Ldullos " Gallery , by Justin MocumLity . .lO Under False l'ietonces------------------------60 John ! Wiinl . Preacher--------------------------ti : Manual of Knginucrs ' Calculations , by U . M. Smit- h l 53.50 ) Howl Kscapod ; I , ji'lnullior ; of liamuceof- Now ---------------------------------25 World of Cant , . , , . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Transiicl Giilloilng Ion Days & in ; / 1k-arts.15 nt tlio Ioaitery.I : : : : ::: : ::::: : Now West , or Trip over the C.1 '. U. to Vic tOl'III.IX1 The Mnddoxos l , by Jean Mlddlcmuss , . . .. .. 30 ) T. N . IIlBllEN : & Co . tiliixidiiK i'lftli . . When you prepare to shoot a fish in the water aim a little above it , toutItL1il 1 a lit- tle . above auythiieigelse you , desire in life , The worthiest / aim is good company . A companyof innumerable und chl\rlllinc personages created by Shakespeare ) , Scott . Dickens &c . , is waiting to entertain and delight you . Complete sets of stamlarc works sold on receipt of a small deposit and ( 25 cents per week . Send postal and agent will call with Biiiiil)1C8V . A. N . Willcut , California Hotel . *: 3m WESTJIIXSTEH mills family Blankets and Flannels , for sale at the WESTSIDE . * Common 'roiii Is often fatal tvheu not remedied in time , Leslie D. Nicholson , 19 Wellesley Ave . , Toronto , says : "As II quick cure for croup , colds , sore throat , chilblains , etc ., I call recommend Ilagyards Yellow Oil . " It i iia a sure cure. Directions accompany each bottle . * un-w-f Contains the Latest Inliiruinlloii , . Williams ' New U. C. Directory is the only work published that will contain the ] latest information complete und corrected to date of issue . The work in connection with this edition , now nearly completed , is local work executed entirely within the Province . Reserve your orders for this largo and complete ] DirectoryR . 1 !. Williams , publisher , Broad and Govern ment streets , Victoria . * lmo THE highest cash ; prices paid for ladies and gents new and cast-oil / clothing . Note Address S . Cooncss , second dour front Broad street , on Johnson . * AuiiANGKMEXTs : have been completed whereby the notes of the Canadian Bunk ! of Commerce will bo redeemed ; \t par al any of the ollices of the Bank of Uritisl Columbia in the province . * . nillcH klionlil ICriiirnibri That they can have their'iilin card printed from copperplate , , at THE COLO NIST ollice . * JUST Aiiuivuu direct from Vienna a choice assortment of indestructible Austrian bent wood chairs : ; also piaiu and library lamps , at J . : .: ItL'S , GS CIo- vernmcnt street . * tf \ . tiIiii.g ( Like II . "I was tl'Oubledwith liver complaint for a good many years , hut vis : cured by ono bottle of Jiurdock Blood Bitters . J have never found any mcdicino to hell [ mo like B . B . IJ . , in fact ono bottle made a complete cureV . J West , Purkhill , Ont . * suiiyf.- t . . Urend 1'111 &lOOIU . To bo unable to satisfy hunger without being distressed liy heartburn , indigestion , sick stomach , dizziness or fl.inlll ; ] can , scents a dreadful doom . All who stiffer thus will find prompt relief and [ , loniKuiont euro in Burdock Blood Bitters . D . B . D. ptlsili l'r/ " eure.i dyspepsia . in any form . * suu.w . ( . ChicAno , March 7-A special to tIll Tribune from Minneapolis says : It is claimed that Manitoba railroad maiiHgcrfi puttillginto Dakota points to Duluthrill Minneapolis , making the Santo : rates to Duluth as to Minneapolis . If this is ilnno tho whole fabric of grain : rates in thu Northwest will go to pieces , and transit lines tribu tary to Chicago will base a light on Ihuii hands involving mull " its of dollars . If the ad"pledby forced to make extraordinary low rates to get any business at all . . CITY ' POLICE ; COURT . ( Before Hon . A . N. Richards . P. Jf .) It was Inter than hllfll1St } eleven yes terday morning when His Honor arrived at the court room and took his Beat on the throne) of j justice . Christopher Taylor for beating his way on the steamer Islander from Vancouver was fined $1.60. The line was paid by a friend . Jno. McGraw , second engineer on the steamer Islander , was found guilty of um- saulting the electrician , a man named John Dick . A line of $10 was imposed . W. II . CU1'l'lm-dl'unk- . . the ) Strike at nil End : . The strike on the O. R . & N. Com ¬ pany's lines has come to a speedy end. Yesterday morning the steamer North Pacific arrived from the Sound , bearing the good news , that all hands had returned to work , the Company agreeing to con . tinue to pay the old rate of wages . The psy of those upon trliom the cut was Hindu was as follows : Captains , 8100 , $125 and 8160 per month , varying ac ¬ cording to length of service and size of steamer commanded ; first officers , $ ( (50 to 875 ; pursers , $ GOj ; chief engineers , $100 to $ 125 ; second engineers $00 to §75 ; I stewards , $ ( JO. In ailcases in addition ' to wages tlio officers received board and ) lodging . Some of the employes ] state that the reduction was made without the usual warning , and ) that the pay already was 20 per cent . less than the scale paid oil the sauna class of boats running out of San Francisco . The 111011 have shown their good souse ill loturninq to work as they did and the general public ia no doubt \ 1 pleased thai . the trouble had so speedy an end . . NT LOCAL AND FROYINCIAL . / I IThe Tramway CoN The bill to incorporate the National ' Electric Tramway Compauy and grant it certain privileges , viLu : extend their lines to Esquimau , the Gorge : , the Royal Oak , Olk1l1l1 Cadboro Bays , will come before the private bills committee this morning. The Municipalities Act intro duced by Mr . Boaven will give the city corporation power to subsidize or guar antee interest on loans to Tramway Com pathos : , and when this has been done work will bo begun in earnoat . Tile MyMcrlnim SmiiKglcr . The Port Townsoiul AlI has received a communication from u resident of Vic toria in which it is staled that the boat is .n now steel steam yacht owned by a cap tails whoso iiamo the Arym is not at lib erty to divulge ; that she makes eight knots an hour in te1ldof fourteen as re- potted ¬ , and that when Cupt Roberts of the Olympian saw her last week she was returning from a trip to Point Wilson , where she landed 12 Chinamen that had ' loft Victoria the night buforo . Haul : Lyniio . East Lynne , " the old ) , yet always now , drama of English life , which has Ion the reputation of being ono of the very best plays on the stage , was present outits The Victoria last night liy thu Barrett and Oleason company , who , in this , their farewell performance , but ad ¬ dod another triumph to tho many they Intro won hero . Every character was well taken , the settings , as usual , wore ! Ill that : could be desitod , and the play ran smoothly and satisfactorily to the entire audience . The Wrrkly Colonist , Issued today, contains many special features , making it a splendid number to send abroad . Full leports of the cure mony of laying the foundation stone of thu now St . Andrews Church , the Van ¬ couver Bua1'dof Trade banquet : , proceed ¬ hugs of the Piesbyteryof : Columbia and of tIme provincial legislature , all local and l'rlviuciallml'penings of the past week , and several interesting articles on the province . Send a copy to ) your friends . Price only 10 cents , ready for mailing , or $2 per annum , postage paid , to any part of the United States or Canada: . Setulite's ic.erllte . Cud Gee . E . Warinir , of Newport , has submitted an elaborate report to : cattle on a sewerage system for that city . The , ostinJtellcost constructing the system according to the plans and) specifications submitted with the report is S284.0G3.G3 : , to which may : bo added §3J , 715Afi , mak ¬ ing a total of 324,070.00 ) . The area over which thu sewers have been extended is very largo , yet it does not cover all the area of the city . The sewers ate to be built of vitrifiedipO , the main sewers to bo built of brick , and carried 1,000 feet into the harbor by means of iron pipes . Large Oiliim | Srlinrc . The customs officers at Ellcnsburg , W . T . , seized three barrels of opium at the railway depot en Wednesday last . The barrels contained 500 pounds of the drug , und were in transit to San Francisco . They were shipped from Victoria via Van couver , und then cnr'iNIover the bound ary line to the Northern Pacifies line , on a pack train . The seizure will net the 1'oveminent and the oflicers who did the work , the sum of § 5,000 . A second seizure of opium was made at Tacoma on Wednesday , the amount confiscated being estimated at from COO to 700 pounds , and valued at $10,000 . This is said to bo the largest seizure of opium ever mndo in Washington . Men Jlcluoil til I . rrcsorUin Salmon . A joint stock company has ; been organ ized for the purpose of establishing a sal . mon fishing and fur trading post in Alaska . Tim business of I the company will bo entirely different from that of any other of the companies now engaged in this trade . They intend neither to smoke nor can the catch , but mate-id by means of u preservative , will bo able to transport the fish in a perfectly fresh con . dition to the market of San Francisco . By so doing the COlIpnnexpects to i<ain control of the market for salted fish . It iu said : that when the fish now reach San Francisco they Inivo lust their delicate flavor : and bright pink color . The prob able location of thu company's establish ¬ tumult will bo on the Yukon river . Stoic Insrullluilo . When tIll Olympian arrived at Seattle ou > Tuesday , ono of thu Victoiia passeng ¬ ers . an elderly mini , let his luilanr-u while walking along the gang plank and fell overboard . Severalropes l were thrown to the man , but he did not seem to bo able to catch hold 1 1of them . Just as ho was about to sink for the third time Andrew Hennessey , quartermaster of the Olympian ( , without waiting to divest him- self - of his clothing , sprang into the water und succeeded in rescuing the drowning man . No sooner had ; the man been landed on I the dock when lie strudo rap ly away from the scene without even thanking I liia . brave rescuer . Mr . Hen ¬ nessey in saving the ingr.atu's life de ¬ stroyed his watch mouthus good) suit of clothes . The nimio of thu rescued man could not bo ascertained . Till * Wnxri ol Miner . * . It is reported that when the price of coal went up the wages ofaU miners on [ Puget Sound were advanced 15 per cent . on the stipulation that if the price of coal went down wages should be lowered as much as they had been {advanced . During the past : few months ! thu 1'1 ice of Seattle coal has dropped from $10 to §0 in the San Francisco markets , thu supply being so much greater than : thu demand . Owing to this drop in prices the coal companies now claim that at the present prices coal cannot l ho mined and marketed so as to leave a fuir margin of ) profit. To moot this exigency moctins have been held by the mine operators , IIlIda ) reduction of 15 per cent . in the wages of miners has been determined upon ' . Just when this reduc tion will go into effect has not been defin itchy determined upon , but it will not bo longer than a few day *. A I'arlltiK Souvenir Last evening the members of Mrs . J . S . Chases Bible-claps in the Pandora , street Methodist Church , called on her at her rooms at the Clarence . The Rev . thoyfilel thoyhud , and to wish her a pleasant / and safe jour- neY - to her homo in the east . It was soon evident , however , that moro was to fol- low ¬ , for Mr . Starr continued toII hold the floor , " and said ( hunt they had brought with them a small token of their lovo and ustoom , and that it was his pleasure to make the presentation . A very largo and elegant album , a beautiful gift , was then brought to light and handed : to Mrs . Ch-iRQ , who received it with but few words those who have been placed under like circumstances know how it is . It was received in love and with thanks , and also with a wish that cchono of tho class would add to the pleasure by fur his occupytho . . . Chaso leave this week for Chicago by way thofriondship thomdurin ( . WoolGou . I SPORTS AND . PASTIMES . , LACROSSE . The Victoria Lacrosse Club will com mence the seasons work by holding their first prtictico tomorrow afternoon at Beacon Hill . Lovers of the I1l\tionlllluno : are invitod to attend . FOOTBALL The Island " team to play against the Mainland " next Saturday , at Vancouver , consists of the following men from Victoria : C. V. Hugoniiij W. Fisher , W. Allison , P. Ribbon , L. Crease , W. Ward ; from Cowichan : J . Musgravo , R . 0. do Mauritz and V. Forrest ; from Nanuimo : J . H . Hawthornthwaito , Iluvalocquo and four others . TItus Island team is u good ono , and will doubtless bring back thu cup with them . TUM OAK . The following letter has been received by Mayor Grant : DKAII Sm-l liuil'n talk with the oarsmen Leo , U'Counor anil Qaudaur and wo luwo agreed Hint It would bo boat to have whatever the amount of lit ,, inirao ' will be . divided In tlio following ratio , 10) ; par cent to the winner , : :iu ) porccuuL us Hecoiut Prize . M third t, ID fourth II . : : That will give all of IIH a fair clmnco of winning and also a chauco for moat of us lo Kot our ox- penaea anyway . 1'lcaso furnish mo with par ticular when It Is dollnitoly settled niion , und I will have : the \ oarsmen lucre tolugraiin the en- tries Into the proper luxnds , AL1IKKT II . llAM.M . Bush , Pauline , Seelcy and Richardson are in hard training for the regatta . They are now to bo seen daily on the water . Nearly ! ovary row boat for rental in Vic toriii has been engaged already for the 24thof May . Pauline has invested in a new shell in which ho expects to accomplish great things this season . An outrigger skiff mop for , say a $200 purse , divided proportionately , is being talked about by local knights of the sculls , as a desirable event for the 24th of May . A boat club has boon organi/.od : at 'l'ia- coma with a capital stock of 10000 , over $5,000of which has already been sub scribed . Under the laws of the territory the entire capital stock of the company , must be subscribed before it can be in- corporated . A committee has also been appointed to solicit subscriptions for a regatta on Commencement Bay, May 18 . for which about 82,000 tire necessary . If that sum can bo raised , there will bo a professional contest , in which O'Connor , Gaudaur , Ilumin , Lee and others will participateI A VICTORIA ATULETIO CLUB . , ) Tjioro ) was a largo attendance of mem- bers ¬ at the regular monthly meeting of this club , held in the gymnasium , Yates street , last night , upwards of seventy being present . The reports of the linlnciBIsec - retary and treasurer for the last six mouths were read , and showed a balance on hand of 8127 . The election of oilicors for the ensuing term was held , and the following gentlemen wore elected : Pru- sident , John L. Smith ( reelected ) ; vice- president , P. J . Davies ; secretary , F . W . Robson ( reelected ) ; financial secretary , Fred . P. Gouge ; treasurer , D. Davies ; captain , Juts . Fisher ; trustees , John B . Gardiner , Jos . W. Wcilor and 11 . W . Pauline . After the election an adjourn ment was made to Steitzs restaurant , where pleasant time was spent , the par ty dispersing about midnight . The club now numbers 100 active members , prin- cipally ¬ young Victorians ; the subscription is only fifty cunts a month IIndIl cordial invitation is extended to young men to become members . HEHE AIm THERE . Lawn tennis has made its appearance . Thu Victoria Athletic Club contemplate applying for an act of incorporation . The bill to incorporate the Brocton Point Athletic Club received a first read- ing in the Provincial Legislature yester- day ¬ . In Mr . Tolmio's bill to amend the GameProtection Act , now before the Provincial House , it is proposed to jno- tect cock pheasants until October 1st , 1800 , in order to allow those fine birds , which , arc becoming very scarce , to in- creuso and multiply . Another good move , and one which should win for the mover the thanks of every sportsman . The cxposurufur snlu of venison less than one year old , by the amendment to the game laws now before the Legislature , is to be made il ¬ legal , . The shooting of fawns is not mailu an glFencc , but the sale of the incut is . Steps should bo immediately taken to prevent net fishing in The Arm " and the harbors along the coast . A few years ago good fishing was to be had in James Buy aldall the way up to the Gorge . Now a bite " is a novelty in these waters . The ' cause is to bo found with very little trout bio in the fact that every day fishermen ale out with their nets , and are rapidly emptying The Arm " and bay of good line fish . 'S . THE BUILDING BOOM , Htidinris Blocks on the Way Residences Siu-liiglng up Projected Improvements . Mr . M . Ilumbor is preparing the foun natior. for the threo-story brick / addition to thin Victoria Boot and Shoo Factory , which will front on Langley street . Mr . 11 umber has the contract for the building and Smith it McIntosh the carpenter work . Under such able direction tim work will Pl'oceedrapidly . The foundations of the various wings of the Jubilee hospital are rapidly advancing towards completion , and the contractors will bo ready for the laying of the corner stone in the course of a short time . The first payment of 810,000on the contract will lie made illI couple of days . lime three-story addition to , ltuhiuuVei - ler's warerooms is progressing | uickhyu- tuuder the united ofiorta of largu gangs ( of workmen . Joshua : Holland , the contractor for St . Andrews church , will push the I'urkun that : building as rapidly us possible . The work onlr . Muuauluy's house , JiunoH Buy, is proceeding ( juickly under contractor Moslior , and every day de ¬ velops the fact that ' 1very Imiulaomo structure will result . The brick store , corner Douglas and Pandora streets , for Rowbotlmm & Cu ., is well under way , a gang of men being busy at the foundation . Residences of greater or lesser preten . sions are springing up in all directions , and the erection of several other business blocks will bo begun in the course of the next ten days . . PERSONAL . Samuel Groor , of Vancouver , is in the city. T. Charleston Deacon , of Boston , Muss . , is in the city . D . Woolsoy , of Donald , is at the Oriental Juts . A . Laidluw came down on the ] Islumlor last night . Mr . Justice Gruy returned from Van couvor last night . Capt . Palmer , F. 0. Gamble and S . Lciser were passengers by thu Inlander last ] night . Wm . P . Shannon , proprietor ) of the well known LnlJg elI [ bid , of Now York City, with Mrs ' . Shannon , is at the Driurd , W . T. 0. Boyd , of Bobcaygcon , Ont . , and wife , who are at present enjoying their honeymoon in this fair Ilndof sun shine , are guests at the Driard . . IturncY House . Bastion Square , Victoria , IJ . 0 . Now and elegant . Situated near the steamboat landings , with , unsurpassed view of hills , Day and distant mountains . All rooms ire light and sunny . Perfect ventilation . ICONTWUKD [ FROM 1.0\023.1 A member Then wo would have to got here at 11 o'clock in the morning . Hon . Mr . Vonion , speaking to the motion to adjourn , remarked that it was strange that those who opposed the bill should txko the opportunity Hon . Mr . Humphreys claimed that tho hon . chief commissioner was out of order . Mr . Speaker said that he was not . He was spoakingto the motion to adjoun.j ; and could discuss any question ho chose Hon . Mr . Vernon was surprised at the remark of the hon . member for Comox . Ho was speak \ ing strictly to the question and was going to show why the question should not bo voted on at present when their was not a full House . lie hoped that thu resolution to adjourn would bo withdrawn and the debate adjourned un- til all thus members wore present . Hon . Mr . Dunsmuir did not think this was a snap vote at nIl The members who were absent , if they had boon doing their duty , would have been in their seats . The bill should bo taken up and carried , or defeated . Tlio hon . chief commissioner was wrong in suggesting such I a Lhuiusgas a snap ) vote . " Mr . Grant and Mr . Davie referred to the necessity of waiting to take action until members who wore absent , but who took a Hveut interest in the bill , were in their scats . Said Mr . Davie, the hon . president of the council , should remember that he may possible bo absent himself aomo time when matters of interest to him come up for discussion . Hon . Mr . Dunsmuir remarked that in sven years , he had only been absent from his seat when the House was in session , two days , and then ho was sick . Mr . ' 1 . Davie repeated that no action should be taken until the absent m mbnrs could bo present . lIon . Mr . Dunsmuir They are not sick . They have been attending the Van ¬ comer banquet ' . ( Laughter .) Mr . T. Davie said that the question was not whether the House would allow certain schools of medicine to practice in the province . It was , would they allow any ono to practice in the province , with out his giingLilY evidence of a know ledge of the fundamental principles of rnrdicBlscionce . Ho only wished the de ¬ bate : adjournoil to secure a full and fair discussion . lIon . Mr . Turner thought that tho ab- s rft members had purposely withdrawn , ifs they wished to allow their amendments to duuupout . . Mr . Bole withdrew his resolution to ad , ¬ journ j . Mr . Orr's amendment to ( the bill , and Mr. Higgins ' amendment to the amend ment were read . The hon . attorney-general , referring to what had been said in regard to homeo pathic physicians : not being educated in the same line of practice as allopaths , thought that if they did not possess knowledge of tIme subjects 1'0- furred to in the amendments , they wore not competent to exercise the rights lIfa physician or surgeon . The admission of anyone to practice , simply on presenta tion ofn diploma , was not in the interest of public safety . Bogus diplomas could bo purchased in America as well as Eu- rope , and the provincial secretary would not bo in a position to say whether or not they were genuine . Anyone who presumed to treat human ailments should possess a knowledge of the subjects referred to in ' the amendments . and should not object to passing an examination upon them . Mr. Bole thought that the subject was ono that required the fullest ventilation , and moved the adjournment of the de- bate - . The motion was again lost on a vote of 10 to 7 . Both amendments to the report of ( the committee were defeated ; . Mr . Anderson movud time adoption of the report . Mr . [ Bolo moved , in amendment that the report be referred back , to the com mittee for amendment . The amendment was not seconded . Mr. Bole , before entering into an ex ¬ planation of his motion ( , upon which , ho remarked , he had plenty to say , noticed that ho had not signed the resolution . He took his seat for a moment to do so. Mr . Grunt rose immediately and claim cd that having : taken his seat , the worthy member for Westminster city was de- barred ¬ from speaking upon his resolution . Mr . Bolu appealed to the House and to the speaker . lie was orly taking u rest before commencing , and it'IIsn't fair to bole " him out that way . Mr . Gr.uit was inexorable , however , and called upon the speaker to carry out the letter of the law , and the member for Westminster was forced to resume his seat amid the laughter ; of the [ House . Mr . T. Davie , moved the adjournment of the debate , it being understood that he was to have the floor on the reassembly of the House . The motion was carried , and the House rose to sit again to.dlYlIt the usual hour . QUESTIONS . Hon . Mr Humphreys To ask the hon . attorney-general : " What amount of money has the government expended in the effort to obtain the 250000 from the C. P.ll . Co.l ? Do the government intend to pursue the company / any further ? Mr . Bel\"ClI-'l'u ask the lion . chief commissioner of lands and works : "What is the largest acreage in any ono crown grant issued to an individual or corpora tion for land purchased under sec . 30 ( sale utsturs'o'ed hind ), or sec . 59 ( sale of pastoral land ) , since Fob . 18 , 1884 ? NOTICE OF MOTION. Mr. Bole-Tn introduce a bill to regu- late ¬ coisditioiualsales . Mr DeleTe move on Tuesday , in committee of the whole House , to add at the foot os section 30 of the "Now West minster Act , 1888 . " and amending act ( ( No . 19)) the following words : " Section 142 is amended by adding immediately after subsection 120 : ' For acquiring by purchase or lease from any incorporated water company having for its object , or ono of its objects , time supplying of water to the said city , such portion of its system of works as may bo necessary and sufficient for the purpose of supplying the said city , or the right constructing such works under thu authority of , and sub- ject - to the provisions of the act of incur poration of such company , and upon such acquisition time corporation shall have in respect to the works or right of construc- tion so acquired , all the rights , powers md : privileges theretofore hinder . enjoyed ! by the said company under tlioir said act , and fully and effectually , as if the same were expressly grunted by this act , and the aamo shall thereafter continue not - withstanding any amendment which may thereafter be made to the said act of the said company . Mr . Iliggins That an order ot the ' House bo granted for a return of all cor- respondence ¬ relative to Lisa claim of E . John , Jr . , to compensation for imprison- ment ¬ under a conviction by the Supreme Coul'L-frorn which imprisonment ho was released by order of thin \ GovernorGen . oral Such return to include tho report on the case by the Chief Justice of the Dominion and the Minister of Justice . Mr. Allen and Mr . Tolmio That a so ¬ bet committee bo appointed to enquire into the condition und working of the Victoria gael with power to call for per sons and papers , and report to the House . Said committee to be composed of Lsd nor , Duck , Soinlin , Anderson and the mover . Hon . Mr . Vernon-To introduce a bill entitled "An Act respecting [ ' Railways . " S TIIK C . P. N. Co . ore now issuing return tickets to Now Westminster via Vancouver , good for ten days , for $0.00. * tf WELL AND TRULY LAID . . S Ceremony of Laying the Foundation Stone of the Hew St . Andrews Church , -S- lathe Presence of a Large Concourse of Spaeta . tow-Addreiies by the Various Clergymen Present , and Historical [ Statement of the Church . S Yesterday afternoon the corner atone of the now St . ' Amlroiv'B Church ansi , laid . The building , which will bo situated ou the corner of Broughton and Douglas streets , has already Loon described in this paper , aud when completed will mark i n now era in the history of church architec Lure in this city. The architect , Mr . L. Buttress Trimon , will hand over to the managars of St . Andrews a building of which they will have every reason to feel proud . The ceremoNy , yesterday , WAS witnessed by very many, both old and young , while on the platform were clergymen repre senting all thoProtestnnt denominations in this city . The oxurciana wore opened by the band of "C " battery ploying thai 100th Psalm , after which novo E . D . McLaren road ()a ! portion of Bcripturo and the Rev . D. Mc- line , Moderator of the Presbytery , offered up prayer . The following historical state mont was then read by the secretary , Win . \Vhytc ; , Esq . : The congregation of St . Andrews Pres byterian , Chut'chWRS formed under the pastorate of Rev. Thomas Summorville , on the SLIm September , 186(1 ( . Public wor . ship wits conducted for some time in the hall on Broughtun street , and , in July , 18C7, the initial steps wore taken towards the building ofa church , the colonial committee of the Church of Scotland promising a grant of l:11,500 sterling to ¬ wards that object . The site was chosen and plans prepared , which resulted in the building of the present church tit a cost of $11,081 , the situ included Mr . Tiedo- man was the architect , and Messrs . Hay wiird & Junkinson , the builders , and the building certainly at the time fur in advance of any existing church edifices in the province in point of architectural beauty and adaptability a place of wor ¬ ship . The foundation stone of the church Ivies laid by the Free Masons on the 20th August , 1808 , and Lime usual deposits placed in the stone , interesting speeches being delivered on the occasion . Dr. Powell , as Master of the Scotch Lodge , laid the stone and received the gift of a silver trowel to be used on the occasion . The building wits completed and dedi i ¬ cated on the 4th of April , 1869 , the Rev . Dr . Lindslcy , of Portland , and Mr . Ait ken , of the FueL Presbyterian Church in this city , assisting thereat . In 1870 the Rev . Thomas Sommorvillo was succeeded by time Rev . S . McGregor , who labored faithfully for eleven years against the tide of depression , which might well have led him to seek for a more promising field . In 1881 ho resigned his charge and re - turned to Scotland , where ho still labors as minister of the parish cf Appin . Mr . Mcfircgor was succeeded by the Rev . R . Stephen , who entered upon the pas torate in 1881 and resigned in 1885 ( . In 1887 the congregation determined to unite with the Presbyterian Church in Canada , and having obtained the consent of the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland , they applied to the Presby- tery ¬ of Columbia at time meeting in November , in Victoria , to be received , requesting at the anne ) time that the necessary steps bo taken towards moderat ing in , a call to n minister . On December 8th unanimous call was given to the Rev . P. McF . Macluod ' , which was ac ¬ cepted by him , and ) , on the 7thof March , Ill just a year ago today , Mr . Macleod was inducted into the ll\slml 1 charge of ( the congregation . This first year of the present pastorntu has proved an eventful one ( in the history of the congregation , and the record of the years work is attached to this statement . The Pastor and Building Committee desire to record their thankfulness to Almighty God for all the mercies bestowed upon them in the past and earnestly trust that the erection of this now building may bind the hearts of the people together and lead to now con ¬ secration in the service of the Len . This statement , together with a copy of oehuf : tlio city dailies , and the leading Presbyterian journals : of the Dominion and a few current coins was then placed beneath the corner stone . Rev . Mr . Macleod then presented to the Hon . John Robson the silver trowel which had been presented to the building committee by Lisa architect , Mr . Triinen . I It had) been the unanimous , wish of the committee that the honorable gentleman should perform the ceremony of laying the corner stone , ho having taken such a deep interest in the work of erecting a now church . The stone having been lowered into position the Hon . John Robson declared the corner stone laid in thin following words : Our architect has pronounced this cor- ner ¬ stone well and truly laid , and we hope to see erected upon it for the worship of Almighty GodIn edifice alike credit nblo to Presbylerianiim and the city . Pita Great Architect of the universe has declared well and truly laid in Zlon ! the Chief Corner Stone , upon which it is hoped those worshipping in this earthly temple we are about to raise will erect a spiritual temple which shall endure when those bricks shall have crumbled buck to their native dust . " An appropriate h'mnVlLS then sung ind Rev . Macleod o1l'urodup prayer . A short congratulatory address was made by the ; Rev . Scoullar , of Now Westminster , who dwelt upon the fact that exactly one pear age to the very day the Presbytery ImadmsieL to induct the Rev . Maclood into the : pastorate of St . An rov'sland so jrcatly had the work prospered under him It was now found necessary to provide in - creased : accommodation . The Rev. D. Fraser followedand was gratified at the substantial growth which lad been made during the past year in all parts of the Presbyterian work in the province . _ The Venerable Archdeacon Scrivon was the ; next speaker , and related an incident of n Church of England Bishop who , on being asked by Presbyterian minister to contribute _ towards . the . erection ! of . a now Kirk , " objected that it was hardly the thing for a bishop of the established Church to do , but was willing to give : 5 towards the expense of pulling down the old building . It was not necessary for him , the speaker was glad to SIYIto use nny such equivocation in doirjj hill ' part on such an occasion as the piusont , for no matter how much the Churches differed in their methods of doing good , all were aiming at the same result . The Right Rev . Bishop Cridgo , in A short address , congratulated Rev . Mr . Maclend and his congregation on tho stop which they had taken , and said that inoi- dents like the present showed how false was the oft-ropoatod assertion that all churches would sooner o'r later bo turned into lecture hulls . , boenI , byI the Roy, Mr . Maclood , who also stated that Rev . Mr , Wadman , who was present , had not sufficiently recovered to make a public address . The Rev, Mr . Rugg made a few re - marks and was followed by Mayor ,Grant , who pointed nut that such , undertakings as these were another evidence of the ma - tonal prosperity of the city and AniiidicA- : NEW ADTCKTUEXEXTB . u I LEET , GORE & CO . , I . . I Real Estate , . Financial and General Agents , SURVEYORS , CONVEYANCERS , NOTARIES AND COLLECTORS . , , GOVERNMENT STREET , Cable Address BLODGETT : . OFFICE HOURS , 6:30 : A. M . to 9 P . M , Victoria , B . C . IUI\r8-3mo tion at the amo t limn that the spiritual side of life was not neglected . The Rev . Mr . Macleod then made n few closing remarks , dwelling particularly : on the happiness which ho had experi- enced during his first year as pastor of St . Andrews , and fervently prayed that the saino kindly fooling ono towards another might continue . The doxology was then sung and the Rev . Mr . Mcllno pronounced the bono diction . The interesting proceedings were brought to an end by the band playing the National Anthem . . A CORRECTION . To THE EDITOR : With reference to an article which appeared in the Times , on Wednesday last , on street encroachments , , etc . , the writer presumably alludcb to me as thin person who has just built a house emi Yates street , near Vancouver street , and who has put his fence two feet uu ton the sidewalk . mummsybe ' fore attempting to instruct the public on matters that ho knows nothing at all about . For his edification : I will inform him that my fence dues not encroach on the street two feet or any part thereof . It is precisely on the line given me by ! the City Surveyor . JNO . HACGEKTY . . PATCH'S Allen yarn , at the WESTSIDK :. * MISCBL&AXKUU.S . BOOT SALEC- ONTINUED . Our Boot and Shoe Sale will be continued during the entire month of March . GIFT LIST FOR MARCH One Gent's Stem Wind Gold Watch , value $85.00 One Ladies ' Watch and Chain , value $35.00 One Gros Grain Silk Dress , value 25.00 One Superfine Black Oashmere Dress , value 12.00 One Hanging Parlor Lamp , value 25.00 AND Twenty other Valuable Prizes I Aggregating to the enormous value of $800 I Russell , MoDonald : MASONIC BUILDINGS , DOUGLAS STREET . dec3-ly FOIl eat OK TO LET . KNTLHMAN AND WIFE . OR TWO G Rontlcmon , rain secure good furnished rooms , with brcnkfiuLlf necessary . nt residence on Pandora street . Apply W. U . , this OIllco . doc30 TO LET _ ROOM FOR A GENTLE 4FUUNISIIKD I ( or two elnulo I Kuntlcinun I 'I ) , . dining room and bath room . Apply 111 1'iinclora avenue . uwr2-Gt FOR SALE _ SCHOONER YACHT . SMALL Apply 1 A . VIDI.KU I , SO Dallas fend . iimrlMm FOR SALE I : LOTS-53x110 . $175 elgt'e { ON FILE TWO ct eldo of .Mcn/.Ios Dallas Hood and Niagara street . Apply to feb28 LOWKNIIKHQ , HARRIS & CO . FOR : SALE I Oats . Swede Turnips and Mangolds , Potatoes ! Milch Cows . J . D. I'KI\IIIJ lt'l'ON , Gen .I\les Farm . FOR SALE I \ f SIIAHICSJ ' 't ' puny , Limited . Apply to- CIIAILLItS WILSON . Solicitor , jan23-tf UroiiKhton street . TO LET , oi TO O LEASE . A Dining Room and Kitchen , with a number of Furnished Bedrooms attached . The above Is centrally sllnnlcd . nnd t In a Ural class opening for n man and wife with small capital , that understand the business . Address : lox ! 329 , City . mart-lw Partnership Notice . nOURCIIIER HAS THIS , DAY ERANCIS Mr . W. II . HlRKlnn I Into ;; / purl nor ship . The ninno of the linn will ho l.i ( future "liourchlor fc HlKKlim . " Hell ' Estate llroken . Victoria , _ February 28, J lOll ) . marl-lw , IVBW t'EUTlI1F.MFM'VT8 $. . JAS. JONES . H . J . LIP8KTT . JONES & . LIPSETT , Real Estate and Insurance G-JITS , FORWARDERS AND CUSTOMS BROKERS . FHEIGHT ! AND PASSENGER AGENCY , C . P . R . CO . , Also for Can . Pac . Nav. Co ., of Victoria , B. 0 . In Real Estate wo can offer special bargains to nnyono wishing to purchase . The ADAMS-CLINGER ADDITION to Port Tuwnsond is now offered for sale, and will prove a good investment to buyers . Perfect satisfaction : guaranteed . Bust water front property on Port Townsend Bay : for sale by JONES & LIPSETT , , mart Port Townsend . S p ER I aT G- ! JUST OPENED AT THE WESTSIDE 1 New French Percales , New Cashmeres , New Zephyr Ginghams , New Ribbons , New Seersuckers , New Tinselled Trimmings , Braids , New Nunsveilings , Cords and Girdles . NEW SPRING GOODS , and in the NEW SEASON'S SHADES- AT THE _ WESTSIDE . " J _ HITJTOIHIESOILSr & CO . JIarcli fLit . ] 1SS9 . S8P'l . THE : WHITE : HOUSE ANNOUNCE : EARLY ARRIVALS IN New Spring Dress Goods WITH STYLISH BRAID TRIMMINGS , In all the Newest Shades . DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING Under Efficient Management . Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed . HENRY YOUNG AND CO . dedi WHAT EVERYONE SAYS MUST BE TRUE ! Just : n moment I I'll repeal , Mnynard's Store cannot be bca 1 * Ji/C nynixrd I best Is of tlio Imlcli , what ho Bells Is not a catc H _A. -L the London you will sec , time best value that can b-E ! , : DxcoLN gOA : H are Bargain you will flnd , If lo inircliaio [ finl-N X} ont forget It . but hero go , nnd you 11 find tt froltInfs . = O S0 to each and every man , Ilcro'i the London I vie who caIN JAMES MAYNARD , DOUGLAS STREET , OPP . CITY HALL . nmrC-lmo DEvLIN , AND BOARDING looking for FAMILIES F will find it them to give me a TRIAL ORDER for Groceries . I do not profess to sell goods at cost , but do endeavor to equal ize the margin . In Fine TeaandCoffee I OFFER 5 lb . flex Genuine [ M. M. TOfor1 76 5't " English Uroakfnst for 1 73 5 ' . Nag ; . Breakfast ( Own Blend ) " 2 25 5 " 'Ivorylimie ( ) " " 325 5 " Choice Japan Ton for . . . . . . .. . 225 I BEST BLEND OF My Coffee cannot be sur- passed ¬ I , and is sold at a Straight 40c . per lb . A full Line of Flour , Feed and Grain in Stock , all of which is sold at reasonable prices for cash, or promptly paid monthly acts . J-. C . ZDZE-VLIIET, Telephone Np . 108 , Cor , Yates and Broad Sts . ) JanW 3co : AT TIIKIR : 8TOKK IN A. & W . Wilson's ' New Buildings , : BROAD : STREET , Have a large stock of Agricultural , Garden . totluui . GRASS AND CLOVER SEED , which arc offered for Cash only and in quanti ¬ ties of 10 lbs . amid upward , as follows : ] Perennial Rye Grass , o 14 conlB per Ib. Italian i > 18 Cocksfoot or Orchard Gm-ass , 18 n , M lied lop i , 14 Kentucky Blue u , II , , ,, Mosquito 18 n i , Alfalfa is White Clover 24 ,, Rod Clover in n n Alioko U n Timothy 9 . , , I The above prices are quotations for tlio present , but am , liable to vary according lo thin market . Catalogues of Seeds , also of Km It Trees and inCook . Janl5-3m P. T. JOHNSTON & CO . , Seedsmen , Nurserymen and Florists , Are selling GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDS forCauiim Red Clover . . . ... . . . ..... ... ... . Qiflo . perils . 23Alfalfa I , 141'oronnlal MItalian i . Orchard or Cocksfoot Grass .. . . 18 Hod Top . . .. ... . . . .. ..... . ,. . . . . . 14 Kentucky Blue . .. ..... . ., . . . . . .. i 14 , , MesquIte ... .... . ......... n .. .. . .. 18 . Timothy .. . .. ... ..... .. .. .i ..... . OU All other Seeds , also Nursery stock of all don crlptlons , nt correspondingly low rates . * or further iwxrtlculnrs see our priced Cata- wgiiou - , which will bo forwarded post free , on application . HKUI ) HTOKK, NUJWKHY , No . 28 Fort Btroot Cndboro Bay Road , aopSOd&w-flmo

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, "

(Ere: ? Colonist: FRIDAY . MARCH 8, 188J ..

i'tSSINEIt.S . _Por Steamer OLYMPIAN . from Puget Sound

O Vallr . The 1) Mick . M ' J Davis , G Hardy ,T LlKUtfoot . P JIUKhoH . H dlII Antonj-


S Mixer . 11 S Glbhn , W ItVoIl . f ,,v KsUiorhout I ' Lioben , WRoth chUd ,

Mrs Wright Mrs Glide Mrs W IJ IJlinn , J (Cox .,

F Walsh , I * Howard , 1k WtllotI . A Mollhtt . JJohnson . H UomichamiiV/ Portor.W IJrudforu ,

Jf AUlngluiiii . J If 1'lku : 1VIU3LLInS , S flincholiiro . Airs \V Knox . Alary Gales , Mrs Holman .

C Liepol , Jno linker , \V Cox , U L) Mather andwho . J DclKurdno . '

For Steamer ISLANDER , from VancouverA E Hand , ilr and Mrs W lloyd , Fred Taylor ,

Wlllard ' Rev Ir Hold . J Ender , LoinsJohnsonf ,li110rh n . IIV Chamberlain: . I.

ovony . In Crockett U Travolloyor , Mr JusticeGray . 1 ' Gray , Miss Green , O K LORB , L L han-jator , 0 I'oLt'rii , J Jlruwn , J HMcNutt , S LiQlsor ,

J It SJ Wallace , Mrs Wallace . CuptPaliuor .djaX\ J d , 1b? C (UambloI , E A Morris ,

K: Pauline .


Tor Steamer OLYMI-IAN . from 1'uKot Sound .

Jacob Saul , Moore aud Co , Hastlo and Co , K 0Prior . 11 Jowcll , U Ili Simpson, , , MoUonuhl llros .

Uiminstor Heck and (;o . W Alublo , S J Pitts ,

U K: Johnston . John\ : WllHOH , Foil\ and Co , K O

Prior sail Co . Js'lchollos andltenoufI , EU Marvin ,

Ames Holdell Co . Turner lluolon and Co , VanVolkonburcli , Vain mul Brooks . S Luisor , Cameand ilunsluVclcli Hand Co . Jno Parker .

Per Steamer ISI.ANDKU . from VancouverFred Norris , M W \Vnltt , A 11 Krsklno; , NavalStorekeeper . Angus and O , Amy lloldim Co ,

A Lewis anil Co , AH dray , A Phillips . C It JlclJand. Co , II Walter . II A LIHey , 11 Itornstoln ,

il flaY Co J C ] ' , J Fullerton ,\J O bovlln' , J IIIk'J'V tiller. L Gooilacro .Mrs Field , Mrs! % ' 1ilLciawl , 1'endniy and Co ,

lllv Inlet: Cans Co . WO Cameron , W W Evans .

W J JclFrco , P llrawn , Item Ifixp Co .

SL'RINO Goous just arrived at LondoiBoot & Shoo Store , Douglas street . *


Jonathan and IlllaContlncnt , by Max O'noll.5O(A Crown of Shame . by Florence 1IInrry/\LL . . . ::10

The Ldullos " Gallery , by Justin MocumLity . .lOUnder False l'ietonces------------------------60John! Wiinl . Preacher--------------------------ti :

Manual of Knginucrs ' Calculations , by U . M .Smit- hl 53.50)

Howl Kscapod;I , ji'lnullior; of liamuceof-Now ---------------------------------25

World of Cant , . , , . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 30




/1k-arts.15nt tlio Ioaitery.I: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Now West , or Trip over the C . 1 '. U . to VictOl'III.IX1The Mnddoxosl , by Jean Mlddlcmuss, . . . . . .30)

T . N . IIlBllEN: & Co .

tiliixidiiK i'lftli. .

When you prepare to shoot a fish in thewater aim a little above it , toutItL1il1 a lit-


above auythiieigelse you,desire in life ,

The worthiest /aim is good company . A

companyof innumerable und chl\rlllincpersonages created by Shakespeare ) , Scott .

Dickens &c . , is waiting to entertain anddelight you . Complete sets of stamlarcworks sold on receipt of a small depositand( 25 cents per week . Send postal andagent will call with Biiiiil)1C8V . A . N .

Willcut , California Hotel. *:3m

WESTJIIXSTEH mills family Blankets andFlannels , for sale at the WESTSIDE . *

Common 'roiiiIs often fatal tvheu not remedied in time ,

Leslie D . Nicholson , 19 Wellesley Ave . ,

Toronto , says : "As II quick cure for croup ,

colds , sore throat , chilblains , etc . , I callrecommend Ilagyards Yellow Oil. " It iiia

a sure cure. Directions accompany eachbottle . *un-w-f

Contains the Latest Inliiruinlloii, .

Williams ' New U . C . Directory is theonly work published that will contain the]latest information complete und correctedto date of issue . The work in connectionwith this edition , now nearly completed ,

is local work executed entirely within theProvince . Reserve your orders for thislargo and complete] DirectoryR . 1! .

Williams , publisher , Broad and Government streets , Victoria . * lmo

THE highest cash; prices paid for ladiesand gents new and cast-oil/ clothing .

Note Address S . Cooncss , second dourfront Broad street , on Johnson . *

AuiiANGKMEXTs: have been completedwhereby the notes of the Canadian Bunk!

of Commerce will bo redeemed ;\t par alany of the ollices of the Bank of UritislColumbia in the province . *

. nillcH klionlil ICriiirnibriThat they can have their'iilin cardprinted from copperplate, , at THE COLONIST ollice . *

JUST Aiiuivuu direct from Viennaa choice assortment of indestructibleAustrian bent wood chairs: ; also piaiuand library lamps , at J . : .: ItL'S , GS CIo-vernmcnt street . * tf

\ .tiIiii.g( Like II .

"I was tl'Oubledwith liver complaintfor a good many years , hut vis: cured by

ono bottle of Jiurdock Blood Bitters . JJ

have never found any mcdicino to hell[mo like B . B . IJ . , in fact ono bottle madea complete cureV . J West , Purkhill ,Ont . *suiiyf.-

t. . Urend 1'111 &lOOIU .

To bo unable to satisfy hunger withoutbeing distressed liy heartburn , indigestion ,

sick stomach , dizziness or fl.inlll; ] can , scentsa dreadful doom . All who stiffer thus willfind prompt relief and [ ,loniKuiont euro inBurdock Blood Bitters . D . B . D . ptlsili l'r/ "

eure.i dyspepsia. in any form . *suu.w .(.

ChicAno , March 7-A special to tIllTribune from Minneapolis says : It is

claimed that Manitoba railroad maiiHgcrfiputtillgintoDakota points to Duluthrill Minneapolis ,

making the Santo: rates to Duluth as toMinneapolis . If this is ilnno tho wholefabric of grain: rates in thu Northwestwill go to pieces , and transit lines tributary to Chicago will base a light on Ihuiihands involving mull " its of dollars . If thead"pledbyforced to make extraordinary low rates toget any business at all. '


(Before Hon . A . N . Richards . P . Jf . )

It was Inter than hllfll1St} eleven yesterday morning when His Honor arrivedat the court room and took his Beat on thethrone) of jjustice .

Christopher Taylor for beating his wayon the steamer Islander from Vancouverwas fined $1.60. The line was paid by afriend .

Jno . McGraw , second engineer on thesteamer Islander , was found guilty of um-saulting the electrician , a man namedJohn Dick . A line of $10 was imposed .

W . II . CU1'l'lm-dl'unk- ..the )Strike at nil End: .

The strike on the O . R . & N . Com ¬

pany's lines has come to a speedy end .Yesterday morning the steamer NorthPacific arrived from the Sound , bearingthe good news ,that all hands had returnedto work , the Company agreeing to con .

tinue to pay the old rate of wages . Thepsy of those upon trliom the cut wasHindu was as follows : Captains , 8100 ,

$125 and 8160 per month , varying ac ¬

cording to length of service and size ofsteamer commanded ; first officers , $ ((50 to875 ; pursers , $GOj ; chief engineers , $100to $125 ; second engineers $00 to §75 ;


stewards , $ (JO . In ailcases in addition '

to wages tlio officers received board and)

lodging . Some of the employes] statethat the reduction was made without theusual warning , and) that the pay alreadywas 20 per cent . less than the scale paidoil the sauna class of boats running out ofSan Francisco . The 111011 have showntheir good souse ill loturninq to work asthey did and the general public ia nodoubt \ 1 pleased thai

.the trouble had so

speedy an end . .

NT LOCAL AND FROYINCIAL . /IIThe Tramway CoNThe bill to incorporate the National

' IElectric Tramway Compauy and grant it


certain privileges , viLu: extend their ''I

lines to Esquimau , the Gorge: , the RoyalOak , Olk1l1l1 Cadboro Bays , will comebefore the private bills committee thismorning . The Municipalities Act introduced by Mr . Boaven will give the citycorporation power to subsidize or guarantee interest on loans to Tramway Compathos: , and when this has been done workwill bo begun in earnoat .

Tile MyMcrlnim SmiiKglcr .

The Port Townsoiul AlI has receiveda communication from u resident of Victoria in which it is staled that the boat is

.n now steel steam yacht owned by a captails whoso iiamo the Arym is not at liberty to divulge ; that she makes eightknots an hour in te1ldof fourteen as re-


, and that when Cupt Roberts ofthe Olympian saw her last week she wasreturning from a trip to Point Wilson ,

where she landed 12 Chinamen that had'

loft Victoria the night buforo .

Haul: Lyniio .

East Lynne , " the old) , yet alwaysnow , drama of English life , which has

Ion the reputation of being ono of thevery best plays on the stage , was presentoutits The Victoria last night liy thuBarrett and Oleason company , who , inthis , their farewell performance , but ad ¬

dod another triumph to tho many theyIntro won hero . Every character waswell taken , the settings , as usual , wore '

!Ill that: could be desitod , and the playran smoothly and satisfactorily to theentire audience .

The Wrrkly Colonist ,

Issued today , contains many specialfeatures , making it a splendid number tosend abroad . Full leports of the curemony of laying the foundation stone ofthu now St . Andrews Church , the Van ¬

couver Bua1'dof Trade banquet: , proceed ¬

hugs of the Piesbyteryof: Columbia and oftIme provincial legislature , all local andl'rlviuciallml'penings of the past week ,

and several interesting articles on theprovince . Send a copy to )your friends .

Price only 10 cents , ready for mailing , or$2 per annum , postage paid , to any partof the United States or Canada: .

Setulite's ic.erllte .

Cud Gee . E . Warinir , of Newport , hassubmitted an elaborate report to :cattleon a sewerage system for that city . The,ostinJtellcost constructing the systemaccording to the plans and) specificationssubmitted with the report is S284.0G3.G3: ,to which may: bo added §3J , 715Afi , mak ¬

ing a total of 324,070.00 ) . The area overwhich thu sewers have been extended isvery largo , yet it does not cover all thearea of the city . The sewers ate to bebuilt of vitrifiedipO , the main sewers tobo built of brick , and carried 1,000 feet 'into the harbor by means of iron pipes .



Large Oiliim| Srlinrc .

The customs officers at Ellcnsburg , W .i


T . , seized three barrels of opium at the,

railway depot en Wednesday last . Thebarrels contained 500 pounds of the drug ,und were in transit to San Francisco .

They were shipped from Victoria via Vancouver , und then cnr'iNIover the boundary line to the Northern Pacifies line , ona pack train . The seizure will net the1'oveminent and the oflicers who did thework , the sum of §5,000 . A secondseizure of opium was made at Tacoma onWednesday , the amount confiscated beingestimated at from COO to 700 pounds , andvalued at $10,000 . This is said to bo the

,largest seizure of opium ever mndo inWashington .

Men Jlcluoil tilI .rrcsorUin Salmon .

A joint stock company has; been organized for the purpose of establishing a sal .mon fishing and fur trading post inAlaska . Tim business of Ithe companywill bo entirely different from that of anyother of the companies now engaged inthis trade . They intend neither tosmoke nor can the catch , but mate-id bymeans of u preservative , will bo able totransport the fish in a perfectly fresh con.dition to the market of San Francisco .

By so doing the COlIpnnexpects to i<aincontrol of the market for salted fish . Itiiu said: that when the fish now reach SanFrancisco they Inivo lust their delicateflavor: and bright pink color . The probable location of thu company's establish ¬

tumult will bo on the Yukon river .

Stoic Insrullluilo .

When tIll Olympian arrived at Seattleou> Tuesday , ono of thu Victoiia passeng ¬

ers . an elderly mini , let his luilanr-uwhile walking along the gang plank andfell overboard . Severalropesl werethrown to the man , but he did not seemto bo able to catch hold11of them . Just asho was about to sink for the third timeAndrew Hennessey , quartermaster of theOlympian( , without waiting to divest him-self


of his clothing , sprang into the waterund succeeded in rescuing the drowningman . No sooner had; the man beenlanded on Ithe dock when lie strudo raply away from the scene without eventhanking Iliia. brave rescuer . Mr . Hen ¬

nessey in saving the ingr.atu's life de ¬

stroyed his watch mouthus good) suit ofclothes . The nimio of thu rescued mancould not bo ascertained .

Till * Wnxri ol Miner. * .

It is reported that when the price ofcoal went up the wages ofaU miners on[Puget Sound were advanced 15 per cent .on the stipulation that if the price of coalwent down wages should be lowered asmuch as they had been {advanced . Duringthe past: few months! thu 1'1 ice of Seattlecoal has dropped from $10 to § 0 in theSan Francisco markets , thu supply beingso much greater than: thu demand . Owingto this drop in prices the coal companiesnow claim that at the present prices coalcannot lho mined and marketed so as toleave a fuir margin of )profit. To mootthis exigency moctins have been held bythe mine operators , IIlIda) reduction of 15


per cent . in the wages of miners has beendetermined upon' . Just when this reduction will go into effect has not been definitchy determined upon , but it will not bolonger than a few day * .

A I'arlltiK SouvenirLast evening the members of Mrs . J .

S . Chases Bible-claps in the Pandora,

street Methodist Church , called on herat her rooms at the Clarence . The Rev .thoyfilelthoyhud ,

and to wish her a pleasant/ and safe jour-neY


to her homo in the east . It was soonevident , however , that moro was to fol-low


, for Mr . Starr continued toII holdthe floor , " and said ( hunt they had broughtwith them a small token of their lovo andustoom , and that it was his pleasure tomake the presentation . A very largo andelegant album , a beautiful gift , was thenbrought to light and handed: to Mrs .Ch-iRQ , who received it with but fewwords those who have been placedunder like circumstances know how it is .

It was received in love and with thanks ,and also with a wish that cchono of thoclass would add to the pleasure by fur ,

hisoccupytho. . .Chaso leave this week for Chicago by way



WoolGou i.I



The Victoria Lacrosse Club will commence the seasons work by holding theirfirst prtictico tomorrow afternoon atBeacon Hill . Lovers of the I1l\tionlllluno:

are invitod to attend .


The Island " team to play against theMainland " next Saturday , at Vancouver ,

consists of the following men fromVictoria : C . V. Hugoniiij W. Fisher , W .

Allison , P. Ribbon , L . Crease , W . Ward ;

from Cowichan : J . Musgravo , R . 0 . doMauritz and V . Forrest ; from Nanuimo :

J . H . Hawthornthwaito , Iluvalocquo andfour others . TItus Island team is u goodono , and will doubtless bring back thucup with them .


The following letter has been receivedby Mayor Grant :

DKAII Sm-l liuil'n talk with the oarsmenLeo , U'Counor anil Qaudaur and wo luwoagreed Hint It would bo boat to have whateverthe amount of lit , , inirao' will be . divided In tliofollowing ratio , 10) ;par cent to the winner , ::iu)

porccuuL us Hecoiut Prize . M third t , ID fourthII.

::That will give all of IIH a fair clmnco of winningand also a chauco for moat of us lo Kot our ox-penaea anyway . 1'lcaso furnish mo with particular when It Is dollnitoly settled niion , und Iwill have: the\ oarsmen lucre tolugraiin the en-

tries Into the proper luxnds ,


Bush , Pauline , Seelcy and Richardsonare in hard training for the regatta . Theyare now to bo seen daily on the water .

Nearly! ovary row boat for rental in Victoriii has been engaged already for the


24thof May .,

Pauline has invested in a new shell inwhich ho expects to accomplish greatthings this season .

An outrigger skiff mop for , say a $200purse , divided proportionately , is beingtalked about by local knights of the sculls ,

as a desirable event for the 24th of May .

A boat club has boon organi/.od: at 'l'ia-coma with a capital stock of 10000, over$5,000of which has already been subscribed . Under the laws of the territorythe entire capital stock of the company,

must be subscribed before it can be in-corporated . A committee has also beenappointed to solicit subscriptions for aregatta on Commencement Bay , May 18 . '

for which about 82,000 tire necessary . Ifthat sum can bo raised , there will bo aprofessional contest , in which O'Connor ,

Gaudaur , Ilumin , Lee and others willparticipateIAVICTORIA ATULETIO CLUB . ,)

Tjioro) was a largo attendance of mem-


at the regular monthly meeting ofthis club , held in the gymnasium , Yatesstreet , last night , upwards of seventy beingpresent . The reports of the linlnciBIsec -

retary and treasurer for the last sixmouths were read , and showed a balanceon hand of 8127 . The election of oilicorsfor the ensuing term was held , and thefollowing gentlemen wore elected : Pru-sident , John L . Smith ( reelected ) ; vice-president , P . J . Davies ; secretary , F . W .

Robson ( reelected ) ; financial secretary ,

Fred . P . Gouge ; treasurer , D . Davies ;

captain , Juts . Fisher ; trustees , John B .

Gardiner , Jos . W . Wcilor and 11 . W .

Pauline . After the election an adjournment was made to Steitzs restaurant ,where pleasant time was spent , the party dispersing about midnight . The clubnow numbers 100 active members , prin-cipally


young Victorians ; the subscriptionis only fifty cunts a month IIndIl cordialinvitation is extended to young men tobecome members .


Lawn tennis has made its appearance .

Thu Victoria Athletic Club contemplateapplying for an act of incorporation .

The bill to incorporate the BroctonPoint Athletic Club received a first read-ing in the Provincial Legislature yester-day


.In Mr . Tolmio's bill to amend the

GameProtection Act , now before theProvincial House , it is proposed to jno-tect cock pheasants until October 1st ,1800 , in order to allow those fine birds ,

which , arc becoming very scarce , to in-creuso and multiply . Another good move ,

and one which should win for the moverthe thanks of every sportsman .

The cxposurufur snlu of venisonless than one year old , by theamendment to the game laws nowbefore the Legislature , is to be made il ¬

legal, . The shooting of fawns is not mailuan glFencc , but the sale of the incut is .

Steps should bo immediately taken toprevent net fishing in The Arm " and theharbors along the coast . A few years agogood fishing was to be had in James Buyaldall the way up to the Gorge . Now abite " is a novelty in these waters . The '

cause is to bo found with very little troutbio in the fact that every day fishermenale out with their nets , and are rapidlyemptying The Arm " and bay of goodline fish .



Htidinris Blocks on the Way ResidencesSiu-liiglng up Projected Improvements .

Mr . M . Ilumbor is preparing the founnatior. for the threo-story brick /additionto thin Victoria Boot and Shoo Factory ,which will front on Langley street . Mr .

11 umber has the contract for the buildingand Smith it McIntosh the carpenterwork . Under such able direction timwork will Pl'oceedrapidly .

The foundations of the various wings ofthe Jubilee hospital are rapidly advancingtowards completion , and the contractorswill bo ready for the laying of the cornerstone in the course of a short time . Thefirst payment of 810,000on the contractwill lie made illI couple of days .

lime three-story addition to ,ltuhiuuVei -

ler's warerooms is progressing | uickhyu-tuuder the united ofiorta of largu gangs(of workmen .

Joshua: Holland , the contractor for St .

Andrews church , will push the I'urkunthat: building as rapidly us possible .

The work onlr . Muuauluy's house ,JiunoH Buy, is proceeding (juickly undercontractor Moslior , and every day de ¬

velops the fact that' 1very Imiulaomostructure will result .

The brick store , corner Douglas andPandora streets , for Rowbotlmm & Cu . ,

is well under way , a gang of men beingbusy at the foundation .

Residences of greater or lesser preten .

sions are springing up in all directions ,

and the erection of several other businessblocks will bo begun in the course of thenext ten days .


Samuel Groor , of Vancouver , is in theI

city .T . Charleston Deacon , of Boston , Muss . ,

is in the city .D . Woolsoy , of Donald , is at the

OrientalJuts . A . Laidluw came down on the

]Islumlor last night .

Mr . Justice Gruy returned from Vancouvor last night .

Capt . Palmer , F . 0 . Gamble and S .

Lciser were passengers by thu Inlanderlast] night .

Wm . P . Shannon , proprietor) of thewell known LnlJg elI [bid , of Now YorkCity, with Mrs' . Shannon , is at theDriurd ,

W . T . 0 . Boyd , of Bobcaygcon , Ont . ,

and wife , who are at present enjoyingtheir honeymoon in this fair Ilndof sunshine , are guests at the Driard ..

IturncY House .

Bastion Square , Victoria , IJ . 0 . Nowand elegant . Situated near the steamboatlandings , with , unsurpassed view of hills ,

Day and distant mountains . All roomsire light and sunny . Perfect ventilation .


A member Then wo would have togot here at 11 o'clock in the morning .

Hon . Mr . Vonion , speaking to themotion to adjourn , remarked that it wasstrange that those who opposed the billshould txko the opportunity

Hon . Mr . Humphreys claimed that thohon . chief commissioner was out of order .

Mr . Speaker said that he was not . Hewas spoakingto the motion to adjoun.j;and could discuss any question ho chose

Hon . Mr . Vernon was surprised at theremark of the hon . member for Comox .Ho was speak\ ing strictly to the questionand was going to show why the questionshould not bo voted on at present whentheir was not a full House . lie hopedthat thu resolution to adjourn would bowithdrawn and the debate adjourned un-til all thus members wore present .

Hon . Mr . Dunsmuir did not think thiswas a snap vote at nIl The memberswho were absent , if they had boon doingtheir duty , would have been in their seats .

The bill should bo taken up and carried ,

or defeated . Tlio hon . chief commissionerwas wrong in suggesting such Ia Lhuiusgas asnap) vote . "

Mr . Grant and Mr . Davie referred tothe necessity of waiting to take actionuntil members who wore absent , but whotook a Hveut interest in the bill , were intheir scats . Said Mr . Davie , the hon .

president of the council , should rememberthat he may possible bo absent himselfaomo time when matters of interest to himcome up for discussion .

Hon . Mr . Dunsmuir remarked that insven years , he had only been absent fromhis seat when the House was in session ,two days , and then ho was sick .

Mr . '1 . Davie repeated that no actionshould be taken until the absent m mbnrscould bo present .

lIon . Mr . Dunsmuir They are notsick . They have been attending the Van ¬

comer banquet' . ( Laughter . )

Mr . T . Davie said that the questionwas not whether the House would allowcertain schools of medicine to practice inthe province . It was , would they allowany ono to practice in the province , without his giingLilY evidence of a knowledge of the fundamental principles ofrnrdicBlscionce . Ho only wished the de ¬

bate: adjournoil to secure a full and fairdiscussion .

lIon . Mr . Turner thought that tho ab-s rft members had purposely withdrawn ,

ifs they wished to allow their amendmentsto duuupout. .

Mr . Bole withdrew his resolution to ad, ¬

journj .

Mr . Orr's amendment to (the bill , andMr. Higgins ' amendment to the amendment were read .

The hon . attorney-general , referring towhat had been said in regard to homeopathic physicians: not being educatedin the same line of practiceas allopaths , thought that if they did notpossess knowledge of tIme subjects 1'0-

furred to in the amendments , they worenot competent to exercise the rights lIfaphysician or surgeon . The admission ofanyone to practice , simply on presentation ofn diploma , was not in the interestof public safety . Bogus diplomas couldbo purchased in America as well as Eu-rope , and the provincial secretary would notbo in a position to say whether or not theywere genuine . Anyone who presumedto treat human ailments should possess aknowledge of the subjects referred to in '

the amendments . and should not object topassing an examination upon them .

Mr. Bole thought that the subject wasono that required the fullest ventilation ,

and moved the adjournment of the de-



The motion was again lost on a vote of10 to 7 .

Both amendments to the report of (thecommittee were defeated; .

Mr . Anderson movud time adoption ofthe report .

Mr . [Bolo moved , in amendment thatthe report be referred back, to the committee for amendment .

The amendment was not seconded .

Mr. Bole , before entering into an ex ¬

planation of his motion( , upon which , horemarked , he had plenty to say , noticedthat ho had not signed the resolution .

He took his seat for a moment to do so .

Mr . Grunt rose immediately and claimcd that having: taken his seat , the worthymember for Westminster city was de-


from speaking upon his resolution .

Mr . Bolu appealed to the House and tothe speaker . lie was orly taking u restbefore commencing , and it'IIsn't fair to

bole " him out that way .

Mr . Gr.uit was inexorable , however ,

and called upon the speaker to carry outthe letter of the law , and the member forWestminster was forced to resume hisseat amid the laughter; of the [House .

Mr . T . Davie, moved the adjournmentof the debate , it being understood that hewas to have the floor on the reassemblyof the House .

The motion was carried , and the Houserose to sit again to.dlYlIt the usual hour .


Hon . Mr Humphreys To ask the hon .

attorney-general : " What amount ofmoney has the government expended inthe effort to obtain the 250000 from theC . P.ll . Co.l? Do the government intendto pursue the company/ any further ?

Mr . Bel\"ClI-'l'u ask the lion . chiefcommissioner of lands and works : "Whatis the largest acreage in any ono crowngrant issued to an individual or corporation for land purchased under sec . 30 (sale

utsturs'o'ed hind ) , or sec . 59 (sale ofpastoral land ) , since Fob . 18 , 1884 ?


Mr. Bole-Tn introduce a bill to regu-


coisditioiualsales .

Mr DeleTe move on Tuesday , incommittee of the whole House , to add atthe foot os section 30 of the "Now Westminster Act , 1888 . " and amending act(( No . 19)) the following words : " Section142 is amended by adding immediatelyafter subsection 120 : ' For acquiring by

purchase or lease from any incorporatedwater company having for its object , orono of its objects , time supplying of waterto the said city , such portion of itssystem of works as may bo necessary andsufficient for the purpose of supplying thesaid city , or the right constructing suchworks under thu authority of , and sub-


to the provisions of the act of incurporation of such company , and upon suchacquisition time corporation shall have inrespect to the works or right of construc-tion so acquired , all the rights , powersmd: privileges theretofore hinder


by the said company under tlioir said act ,

and fully and effectually , as if the samewere expressly grunted by this act , andthe aamo shall thereafter continue not -

withstanding any amendment which maythereafter be made to the said act of thesaid company .

Mr . Iliggins That an order ot the '

House bo granted for a return of all cor-


relative to Lisa claim of E .

John , Jr . , to compensation for imprison-ment


under a conviction by the SupremeCoul'L-frorn which imprisonment ho wasreleased by order of thin\ GovernorGen .

oral Such return to include tho reporton the case by the Chief Justice of theDominion and the Minister of Justice .

Mr. Allen and Mr . Tolmio That a so ¬

bet committee bo appointed to enquireinto the condition und working of theVictoria gael with power to call for persons and papers , and report to the House .

Said committee to be composed of Lsdnor , Duck , Soinlin , Anderson and themover .

Hon . Mr . Vernon-To introduce a billentitled "An Act respecting[ ' Railways . "

STIIK C . P . N . Co . ore now issuing return

tickets to Now Westminster viaVancouver ,

good for ten days , for $0.00. * tf



Ceremony of Laying the FoundationStone of the Hew St . Andrews

Church ,

-S-lathe Presence of a Large Concourse of Spaeta .tow-Addreiies by the Various ClergymenPresent , and Historical[ Statement of theChurch .


Yesterday afternoon the corner atone ofthe now St . ' Amlroiv'B Church ansi, laid .The building , which will bo situated outhe corner of Broughton and Douglasstreets , has already Loon described in thispaper , aud when completed will mark innow era in the history of church architecLure in this city. The architect , Mr . L .

Buttress Trimon , will hand over to themanagars of St . Andrews a building ofwhich they will have every reason to feelproud .

The ceremoNy , yesterday , WAS witnessedby very many, both old and young , whileon the platform were clergymen representing all thoProtestnnt denominationsin this city .

The oxurciana wore opened by the bandof "C " battery ploying thai 100th Psalm ,after which novo E . D . McLaren road() a

!portion of Bcripturo and the Rev . D . Mc-line , Moderator of the Presbytery , offeredup prayer . The following historical statemont was then read by the secretary ,Win . \Vhytc; , Esq . :

The congregation of St . Andrews Presbyterian, Chut'chWRS formed under thepastorate of Rev . Thomas Summorville ,

on the SLIm September , 186(1( . Public wor .

ship wits conducted for some time in thehall on Broughtun street , and , in July ,18C7, the initial steps wore taken towardsthe building ofa church , the colonialcommittee of the Church of Scotlandpromising a grant of l:11,500 sterling to ¬

wards that object . The site was chosenand plans prepared , which resulted in thebuilding of the present church tit a cost of


$11,081 , the situ included Mr . Tiedo-man was the architect , and Messrs . Haywiird & Junkinson , the builders , and thebuilding certainly at the time fur inadvance of any existing church edificesin the province in point of architecturalbeauty and adaptability a place of wor ¬

ship . The foundation stone of the churchIvies laid by the Free Masons on the 20thAugust , 1808 , and Lime usual depositsplaced in the stone , interesting speechesbeing delivered on the occasion . Dr.

Powell , as Master of the Scotch Lodge ,

laid the stone and received the gift of asilver trowel to be used on the occasion .

The building wits completed and dedii ¬

cated on the 4th of April , 1869 , the Rev .

Dr . Lindslcy , of Portland , and Mr . Aitken , of the FueL Presbyterian Church inthis city , assisting thereat . In 1870 theRev . Thomas Sommorvillo was succeededby time Rev . S . McGregor , who laboredfaithfully for eleven years against the tideof depression , which might well have ledhim to seek for a more promising field .

In 1881 ho resigned his charge and re -


turned to Scotland , where ho still laborsas minister of the parish cf Appin .

i Mr . Mcfircgor was succeeded by the Rev ., R . Stephen , who entered upon the pasI torate in 1881 and resigned in 1885( . In1887 the congregation determined tounite with the Presbyterian Church inCanada , and having obtained the consentof the Colonial Committee of the Churchof Scotland , they applied to the Presby-tery


of Columbia at time meeting inNovember , in Victoria , to be received ,

requesting at the anne) time that thenecessary steps bo taken towards moderating in, a call to n minister . On December8th unanimous call was given to theRev . P. McF . Macluod' , which was ac ¬

cepted by him , and) ,on the 7thof March ,

Ill just a year ago today , Mr . Macleodwas inducted into the ll\slml 1 charge of(the congregation . This first year of thepresent pastorntu has proved an eventfulone( in the history of the congregation , andthe record of the years work is attachedto this statement . The Pastor andBuilding Committee desire to record theirthankfulness to Almighty God for all themercies bestowed upon them in the pastand earnestly trust that the erection ofthis now building may bind the hearts ofthe people together and lead to now con ¬

secration in the service of the Len .

This statement , together with a copy ofoehuf: tlio city dailies , and the leadingPresbyterian journals: of the Dominionand a few current coins was then placedbeneath the corner stone .

Rev . Mr . Macleod then presented tothe Hon . John Robson the silver trowelwhich had been presented to the buildingcommittee by Lisa architect , Mr . Triinen .

IIt had) been the unanimous, wish of thecommittee that the honorable gentlemanshould perform the ceremony of layingthe corner stone , ho having taken such adeep interest in the work of erecting anow church .

The stone having been lowered intoposition the Hon . John Robson declaredthe corner stone laid in thin followingwords:

Our architect has pronounced this cor-


stone well and truly laid , and we hopeto see erected upon it for the worship ofAlmighty GodIn edifice alike creditnblo to Presbylerianiim and the city .Pita Great Architect of the universe hasdeclared well and truly laid in Zlon! theChief Corner Stone , upon which it ishoped those worshipping in this earthlytemple we are about to raise will erect aspiritual temple which shall endure whenthose bricks shall have crumbled buck totheir native dust . "

An appropriate h'mnVlLS then sungind Rev . Macleod o1l'urodup prayer . Ashort congratulatory address was made bythe; Rev . Scoullar , of Now Westminster ,who dwelt upon the fact that exactly onepear age to the very day the Presbytery

' ImadmsieL to induct the Rev . Maclood into'I

the: pastorate of St . An rov'sland sojrcatly had the work prospered under him


It was now found necessary to provide in -

creased: accommodation .

The Rev . D . Fraser followedand wasgratified at the substantial growth whichlad been made during the past year in allparts of the Presbyterian work in theprovince . _

The Venerable Archdeacon Scrivon wasthe; next speaker , and related an incidentof n Church of England Bishop who , onbeing asked by Presbyterian minister tocontribute


.the .

erection! of . a now :

Kirk , " objected that it was hardly thething for a bishop of the establishedChurch to do , but was willing to give :5towards the expense of pulling down theold building . It was not necessary forhim , the speaker was glad to SIYIto usenny such equivocation in doirjj hill' part onsuch an occasion as the piusont , for nomatter how much the Churches differedin their methods of doing good , all wereaiming at the same result .

The Right Rev . Bishop Cridgo , in A

short address , congratulated Rev . Mr .Maclend and his congregation on tho stopwhich they had taken , and said that inoi-dents like the present showed how falsewas the oft-ropoatod assertion that allchurches would sooner o'r later bo turned

I into lecture hulls . ,


IboenI,:byII the Roy , Mr . Maclood , who also statedthat Rev . Mr , Wadman , who was present ,had not sufficiently recovered to make apublic address .

The Rev , Mr . Rugg made a few re -

marks and was followed by Mayor,Grant ,

who pointed nut that such , undertakingsas these were another evidence of the ma -


tonal prosperity of the city and AniiidicA-:


I LEET , GORE & CO .,I . .

I Real Estate,


Financial and General Agents,





, ,


Cable AddressBLODGETT


.OFFICE HOURS , 6:30: A . M . to 9 P . M , Victoria , B . C .


tion at the amo tlimn that the spiritualside of life was not neglected .

The Rev . Mr . Macleod then made nfew closing remarks , dwelling particularly:

on the happiness which ho had experi-enced during his first year as pastor of St .

Andrews , and fervently prayed that thesaino kindly fooling ono towards anothermight continue .

The doxology was then sung and theRev . Mr . Mcllno pronounced the bonodiction . The interesting proceedings werebrought to an end by the band playingthe National Anthem ..


To THE EDITOR : With reference to anarticle which appeared in the Times, onWednesday last , on street encroachments, ,

etc . , the writer presumably alludcb to meas thin person who has just built a houseemi Yates street , near Vancouver street ,

and who has put his fence two feet uu tonthe sidewalk .

mummsybe'fore attempting to instruct the public onmatters that ho knows nothing at allabout . For his edification: I will informhim that my fence dues not encroach onthe street two feet or any part thereof .

It is precisely on the line given me by !theCity Surveyor . JNO . HACGEKTY ..

PATCH'S Allen yarn , at the WESTSIDK : . *




Our Boot and Shoe Salewill be continued during theentire month of March .


One Gent's Stem WindGold Watch , value $85.00

One Ladies ' Watch andChain , value $35.00

One Gros Grain SilkDress , value 25.00

One Superfine BlackOashmere Dress , value 12.00

One Hanging ParlorLamp , value 25.00


Twenty other Valuable Prizes II

Aggregating to the enormousvalue of

$800 I

Russell , MoDonald :MASONIC BUILDINGS ,


FOIl eat OK TO LET .

KNTLHMAN AND WIFE . OR TWOG Rontlcmon , rain secure good furnishedrooms , with brcnkfiuLlf necessary . nt residenceon Pandora street . Apply W. U . , this OIllco .



ROOM FOR A GENTLE4FUUNISIIKDI ( or two elnuloI KuntlcinunI 'I ) ,

. dining room and bath room .Apply 111 1'iinclora avenue . uwr2-Gt


SCHOONER YACHT .SMALL Apply11 A . VIDI.KUI , SO Dallas fend .iimrlMm


: LOTS-53x110 . $175 elgt'e{ ON FILETWO ct eldo of .Mcn/.Ios DallasHood and Niagara street . Apply to



Oats . Swede Turnips and Mangolds ,

Potatoes ! Milch Cows .

J . D . I'KI\IIIJ lt'l'ON , Gen .I\les Farm .


\fSIIAHICSJ''t'puny , Limited . Apply to-

CIIAILLItS WILSON . Solicitor ,jan23-tf UroiiKhton street .



A Dining Room and Kitchen , with a:

number of Furnished Bedrooms attached .

The above Is centrally sllnnlcd . nnd tIn a Uralclass opening for n man and wife with smallcapital , that understand the business .

Address : lox! 329 , City . mart-lw

Partnership Notice .


/purl norship . The ninno of the linn will ho l.i (future"liourchlor fc HlKKlim ." Hell' Estate llroken .

Victoria ,_February 28, JlOll) . marl-lw ,




Real Estate and InsuranceG-JITS ,



C. P.


CO. ,

Also for Can . Pac . Nav. Co . , of Victoria , B . 0 .

In Real Estate wo can offer special bargains to nnyono wishing to purchase .

The ADAMS-CLINGER ADDITION to Port Tuwnsond is now offered for sale,and will prove a good investment to buyers .

Perfect satisfaction: guaranteed .

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mart Port Townsend .


THE WESTSIDE1New French Percales , New Cashmeres ,

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New Spring Dress GoodsWITH

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Just: n moment I I'll repeal , Mnynard's Store cannot be bca 1*

Ji/C nynixrd I best Is of tlio Imlcli , what ho Bells Is not a catc H_A . -L the London you will sec , time best value that can b-E!,

:DxcoLNgOA:H are Bargain you will flnd , If lo inircliaio [ finl-NX} ont forget It . but hero go , nnd you 11 find tt froltInfs .= OS0 to each and every man , Ilcro'i the LondonI vie who caIN



AND BOARDINGlooking forFAMILIESF will find it

them to give mea TRIAL ORDER for Groceries .

I do not profess to sell goods atcost , but do endeavor to equalize the margin . In Fine

TeaandCoffeeI OFFER

5 lb . flex Genuine[ M . M. TOfor1 76

5't " English Uroakfnst for 1 73

5 '. Nag; . Breakfast ( Own Blend ) " 2 25

5 " 'Ivorylimie( ) " " 3255 " Choice Japan Ton for . . . .. . . . . 225


MyCoffee cannot be sur-


I , and is sold at aStraight 40c . per lb . A full

Line of Flour , Feed and Grainin Stock , all of which is sold atreasonable prices for cash, orpromptly paid monthly acts .

J-. C . ZDZE-VLIIET,Telephone Np . 108 , Cor , Yates and Broad Sts .



A . & W . Wilson's' New Buildings ,:BROAD: STREET ,

Have a large stock of Agricultural , Garden .totluui.

GRASS AND CLOVER SEED ,which arc offered for Cash only and in quanti ¬

ties of 10 lbs . amid upward , as follows:]Perennial Rye Grass , o 14 conlB per Ib.Italian i > 18Cocksfoot or Orchard Gm-ass , 18 n, M

lied lop i , 14Kentucky Blue u, II , , , ,

Mosquito 18 n i ,Alfalfa isWhite Clover 24 , ,

Rod Clover in n nAlioko U nTimothy 9

., , I

The above prices are quotations for tlio present ,but am , liable to vary according lo thin market .

Catalogues of Seeds , also of Km It Trees andinCook.Janl5-3m

P . T. JOHNSTON & CO . ,Seedsmen , Nurserymen and Florists ,

Are selling GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDSforCauiimRed Clover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qiflo . perils .23Alfalfa I ,

141'oronnlalMItalian i .

Orchard or Cocksfoot Grass . . . . 18Hod Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 14Kentucky Blue . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . i14 , ,MesquIte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n. . . . . . . 18 .Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . OU

All other Seeds , also Nursery stock of all doncrlptlons , nt correspondingly low rates .

* or further iwxrtlculnrs see our priced Cata-wgiiou

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No . 28 Fort Btroot Cndboro Bay Road ,aopSOd&w-flmo