eric - education resources information centerlloyd alexander. illustrated by bernard krigstein....

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Page 1: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life



Mit ki tirY I HIIJftN I (1Ia

Page 2: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

ED 128 252





SO 009 350

Labe ki Meir; Lubetski, EdithWritito on Jewish History: A Se2e .c2d Annotated

Bibliography.Nov 7431p.American Jewish Conmittee, 165 East 56 S reet New

York, New York 10022 ($0.75)

1F-$0.83 RO-$2.C6 Plus Postage.*Annotated Bibliographies; Anthologies; Biographies;Cultare; Elementary Secondary Education; Ethnic.Groups; Fiction; *Group Relations; *Jews; MinorityGroups; *Social History; Social Studies; UnitedStates istory; World Hia!tory

ABSTRACTThis annotated bibliography is intended to help

social studies teachers give students in grades 5-12 a betterunderstanding of Jews from the Biblical times to the present. Itspurposes are to supply information about the role of Jews in bothworld and Ame-ican history and to help teachers and students deveaopan informed perspective on intergroup relations. The bibliographylists works in Jewish history, culture, personalities, andcontributions. The selections include fiction and nonfiction_books,historical texts and documents, biographies and autobiographies, andclassic and modern literazy works. The listings_are arranged in twocategories: books intended for young readers and those recommendedfor teenagers and adults. lnder each grouping the books are listedalphabetically by title within subsection of history, biography, andfiction. Tbe last section of the bibliography provides a list of

basic reference works useful for teachers and researchers.


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Page 3: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life



J:perleral Rofcroncaa for all ages

Younge.r Readers




Tar arld Adults




Non-fiction Ant',ol_gies and :ssays







Page 4: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


The troc,tmen,.; of miority groups in hisbory and social studieste-xtooks_a)d c:,assrocm curricula has become a primary concern foraonscientio'ls classroom teachers today. The growing Social aware-ness of ethnic groups has made it essential for young people toccaire the rn,owledge whioh will enable then to understand the vari-ous groups individually, and in the complexity of their interaction.Ic'.eallv, t informat-on Lransmitted by the text and instructionalmacerial and amplified by the teacher should_be so inclusive and_so woll-blanced as to givr each voup its rightful role in worldald American hi5torv. 'Unfortunately, many standard texts fail_inth:ir responsibility to deal with the influence of various racial,religi,-,us and naional groups on the political, economic, andsocio-cultural developcents at various phases of world and Americanhistory. Young people cah ta6e socil studies cou.:,ses and graduatefrom school with gaps of knowledge and understanding, which willaffect their relations with minority grour, individuals in their ownsoCial milieu.

This anr.otated bibliography was prepared by Neir Laibetski,Instructor of Hebrew, Baruch College. and Edith Lubstski, Librarian,Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University. It is intended to helpsocial studies tcachers Iprng to thoir students a better understand-ing of one minority -Troup, the Jews, through an awareness of Jewish_history, culture, personalities an i. contributions, from the Biblicalperiod to the present day. The selections include fiction andnen-fiction, historical texts and documents, biographies and auto-biographies and literary works both classic and modern, as well asa separately listed grolip of basic reference works particularlyuseful for teachers and the more maure student.

The Listings, recommended for grades five through tvelve, arearranged according to two categories: books intnded for youngerreaders and those for teenagers and adults. Under_each grouping,the books are listed alphabetically Ipy title, within the subsectionsof history, biography and fiction. The indicated aga group recom-mendations are offered merely as a guide to the teacher who may findsuitable materials for a particular class at a r':,,ading level otherthan the one suggested.

We hope that the supplementary resources isted here will filla felt need to overcome the lack of jnowledge about the role of Jewsin world and American history and help teachers and students toevelop an informed perspeccive on ihtergroup relations.

Yehuda Roseman, DirectorJewish Communal Affairs Department


Page 5: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOKMorris Fine and Milton Himmelfarb, editors.Jewish Committee; Phi2adelp2iia: Jewish Publi$12.00

w York: _Americantion Society.

The standard, authori ative record of even s and trends in Jewilife here a id abroad, prepared annually by the American JewishCommittee.

THE BOOK OF JEWISH KNOWLE)GENathan Ausubel. New 'York: Crown Publishers, 1964. 560 pp. $10.00.

/An encyclopedia of Judaism and the Jewish peupae, covering a 1elements of Jewish life from Biblical times to the present.

ENCYCLOPEDIA JUDAICACecil Roth and Geoffrey Wigcder, editors. Jerusalem Kete r

Publishing House; New York: The Macmillan Co., 1972.500 (1973 Yearbook, $19.95).

An in_ispensable reference uork on Jew_ Judaism and Israel.Perioclic supplementary Yearbooks are planned to keep informa ion

up to date.

15 volumes.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ZIONIS -AND ISRAELRaphael Patai, editorNew York: McGraw Hill and Herzl Press, 1971. 2 vols. 1292 pp.


A useful and well-ill-- reference source.

FACTS ABOUT ISRAELIsrael Office of information. $1.95 (paperbacR).

Annual government surveys covering the country's history, people,politics, economy, social and cultural life.

THE JEWISH CATALOG: A DO 17 YOURSELF KITCompiled and edited by Richard Siegel, Michael Strassfield andSharon Strassfield. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1973.319 pp. $5.50 (paperback).

Practical suggestions on how to enrich one's experience of Jewishlife. Includes an excellent bibliography for self study.


Page 6: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

41uR 111WIL-,H ENCYCLO'EDIABenas'ner and Hayim L

352 vw. 95.

w-,=!11-111ustrated ref

TUI: 13 1S1AELMirosiav Sasek.

OrS . New York: Shengold, 1967.

-ce GLrcc designeL -ecially for

The Maitlillan Company, 1952.

inf:ormative and well-illustrated guide to Israel,hil: places, historic sites and modern life.


VHAT :- A JEW?!-forri Kertzer. Revised edition. New York: Bloch Publishillg Co.,1977:1. 217 pp. 85.90. $.95 (paprback).

100 q estions most frequently asked about J_ -s and Judaism.



CHRONICLES: NEWS OF THE FASTJ.Drusaiem: leubeni Foundation, 1968. $4.50 each.


A ser of listory books in newspa er format and style.

EVERYDAY LIFE IN OLD TESTAMENT TIMESEric William Heaton. New York: Charle- Scribner1 s Sons, 1956.240 pp. $495.

A study of Jewish life in the Biblical era. Fine illustrations.

TIE JEWS OF AMERICA: HISTORY g SOURCES''rances Butwin. Mew York: Behrman House, 1973. 148 pp.

25 (paperback).

'.xcellent selection of excerpts together with a concise survey,lighlighting the antecedents, growth and development of Jewish lifein the United States. Fine illustrations.


Page 7: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

' HTURE OF JEWTSH HISTORYNorri- EpsLein. New Shengold, 1963. 125 pp. $3.95.

and histolical sketches accompanied by comic-bookings that illustrate outstanding people and events.

7HE STORY or T E JEWIlma C. Lev'nger. Rewritten by Harry Gersh and others. New York:Hehrman House, 1964. 286 pp. $4.50.

A popular history hi hlighting social, cultural and religious influences

THE STORY OF KASADAYadin, as told to Gerald Gottlieb. New York: Random House,

1969- 176 pp. $3.95.

An account of the archaeological expedition to the ancient fortress,aitL photographs, diagrams and other illustrations.

7HE STORY OF THE DEAD SEA 0CROLLSUriel Rappaport. Illustrated by Milka Cizik. New York: HarveyHouse- 1968. 128 pp. $4.95.

A comprehensive study of the scrolls and the historical periodwhen they were written. Beautifully illustrated with maps, chapictures and drawings.


AARON LOPEZ: THE FLAGSHIP HOPELloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia:Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50.

The life of a Jewish refugee from the Spanish Inquisition who madean important contribution to the growth of Colonial America.

MNJOR ALFRED MORDECAI: THE UNCOMMON SOLDIERRobert D. Abrahams. Philadelphia: Jewish Publio_tion Society,Covenant Books, 1950. 188 pp. $3.50.

The story of a Jewish major torn between loyalty to the Southand to the Union during the Civil War.

THE ADVENTURES OF GLUCKEL OF HAMELNBea Stadtler. .Illustrated by Paul Sharon New York: UnitedSynagogue Commission on Jewish Education, 1967. 135 pp. $2.95.


Page 8: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

This hDL aphyinto G=an-Je


a remarkable woman presents pene.rating insightife in the 17th and 18th centur

ALBERT EINSTEIN: CITIZEN OF THE WORLDWilliam Wise. Philadelphia: Jewish PublicaBooks, 1959. 181 pp. '3.50.

i Society, Covenant

A bioraphy of the great scientist emphasizing his involvem ntgreat struggles of his time.

AMERICAN JEWISH hEROESRoso C. Lurie. Illustrated by Charlotte Zimmerman.iirihuii ,-)f American Hebrew Cnngregations, 1960. 224 pp.(pap,=! :); Ttraeher's Guide, 1967. $3.00.


Nistory soon in the lives and contributions of prominentAmerican Jews

[dIEFICANS ALLOscav i,eonard. New York: Dehrm=n House, 1945. 256 pp. $4.50.

itifully illustrated anthol-gy stressing the contributions ofsminent Jews.

AMERICA'S TRIUMPHDorothy Alofsin. Illustrated by Louis Kabrin. New York: Union ofAmerican Hebrew Congregations, 1949. 312 pp. 3.75.

Stories of heroes, stressing the Jewish element in their lives.

_HE BOY OF VILNAAbraham Burstein. Illustr ted by Sol Nadel. New York: HebrewPublishing Co., 1941. 128 pp. $2.00.

The early life of Elijah of Vilna, who beca e the greatest Rabbinicoch lar of the 18th century.

THE CAPTIVE RABBI: THE STORY OF R. MEIR ROTHENBERGLillian S. Freehof. Illustrated by Albert Gold. Philadelphia:Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1965. 196 pp. $3.50.

A 13th-century Jewish community and the intolerance surrounding ita e the backdrop for a moving story about a great leader.

CAST A CIANT SHADOW: THE STORY OF MICKEY MARCUSTed Berkman. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, CovenantBooks, 1967. 200 pp. $3.50.

Page 9: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

The sLory ul LiIL American Jewish army coloneland hero in Lsrael's 1948 Wap Independence.

a ccinonuer

DANIEL MENDOZA: TUE FIGHTER FROM WHITCHAPFLNarold J Ribalow. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society,Covenant Books, 196 160 pp. $3.50.

A portrait of the great Ang10-Jewish athlete who developed the art

uf boxing.

FIREBRAND FOR JUSTICEIris Noble. Philadelphia: Westminster P ess, 1969. 169 pp. $4.59.

.iiaphv -f Louis D. Adeis the first Jew appointed to theSupreme Court.

(EAT JEWISH WOMENErma C. Levinger. New York: Behrman House, 1940. 159 pp. $3 ,O.

Thirty-three women are featured in this review of queens, poets,wLves, mothers, social workers and communal leaders.

HAYM SALOMON: SON OF LIBERTYHoward M. Fast. Illustrated by Eric Simon. New York: Messner, 1941.243 pp. 95.

The life of an important Revo u-iona-y War hero, highlighting hisdeep Jewish commitment.

I. L. PERETZ: KEYS TO A MAGIC DOORFyiLvia Rothchild. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. Philadelphia:Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1959. 187 pp. $3.50.

The life of one of the fathers of Yiddish literature.

HEROES OF JEWISH THOUGHTDeborah Karp. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1966. 176 pp. $4.00.

The contributions of 14 outstanding thinkers, from post-Biblical tomodern times, with valuable background sketches of each historical era.

JEWISH HEROESSadie Rose Weilerstein. Illustrated by Lin Cassel. New York:United Synagogue Council of Jewish Education. Two volumes: BookI, 1953, 208 pp.; Book II, 1956, 238 pp. $3.25 each.

Biographies of prominent personalities in the Bible.


Page 10: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


JUDAH AND THL MYN1Frieda Clark Hyman. Illus_ ,ted by Bernard Krigstein. Philadelphia:Jewish Publication Society, Covenan Books, 1958. 175 pp. $3.50.

The life of tho prophet Jeremiah arid the period in whi h he lived.

SAANA r JN. THE FIGHTER SCHOLARLibby H. Klaperman. Illustrated by Charles Walker. Philadelphia:Jewish Publication Soeiet- Covenant Books, 1961. 190 pp. $3.50.

A leading lOth-cenAtry personality who guided the flourishingJuL;h community under the Arab caliphate in Baghdad.

SIP DAVlb ALOMOT\'. THE SOUND OF BOW BELLSRobert D. Atrahams. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society,Covenant Books, 1962. 158 pp. $3.50.

The man who became the fir-t Jewish Lo d _ayor of Lo don, in 1855.

THE STORY OF SAMSON WERTHEIMER: THE COURT FACTORAlfred Apsier. Illustrated by Albert Gold. Philadelphia: JewishPublication Society, Covenant Books, 1964. 150 pp. $3.50.

A leading 18th century statesman and financier who served princesand emperors and also used his power to help fellow Jews.

Fic ion

ALL OF A KIND FAMILYDydney Taylor. Illustrated by Helen John.Co., 1966. 192 pp. 75 (paperback);

New York: Dell Publishing

MORE, ALL OF A KIND FAMILYIllustrated by Mary Stevens. Dell, 1967. 160 PP. 75 (paperback);

ALL OF A KIND FAMILY UPTOWNIllustrated by Mary Stevens. Dell, 1969. 160 PP. 75 (paper ack);

ALL OF A KIND FAMILY DOWNTOWNIllustrated by Beth and Joe Crush. Dell, 1973. 188 pp. 95 (paperback)

Warm, nostalgic stories set in the Lower East Side at the turn ofthe century.

A BOY OF OLD PRAGUEShulamith Ish-Kishor. New York: Pantheon Books, 1963. 90 pp.$3.95.


Page 11: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


A novel about a peasant boy hired as a servant in a ghetto home

vidly pc--2rtrays the contrasts between Jewish and manorial life

in the 16th century.

AT THE WALLS OF JERICHOIsrael Taslitt. New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1960. 1 0 pp.


dramatic sto y about the battle for Jericho and its capture by

Joshua and his soldiers.

CAVES OF RICHESAlan Hchour. Illustrated by P. A. Hutchinson. New Yo M-Graw-

hill, 1956. 159 pp. $3.75.

dramatic story about the discovery of the De-d Sea Scr -11s.

THE ENDLESS STEPPE: GROWING UP IN SIBERIAEsther Hautzig. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1968. 256 pp. $4.50.

movirlL novel about a Jewish child during World War II.

THE FAMILY AGUILARMarcus Lehmann. New York: Feldheii_ 1958. 284 pp. $4.50.

A story of remarkable heroism and faith during the Spanish Inquisition.

IN THE TIME OF NEHEMIAH: BUILDERS OF JERUSALEMFrieda Clark Hyman. Illustrated by Donald Bolognese. Philadelphia:

Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 186 pp. $3.50.

A novel reflecting conditions undei which the Je of the sixth

century B.C.E. struggled for survival.

IN THOSE DAYSJehuda Steinberg. Translated by George Jeshurun. New Yo k: Jewish

Education Committee Press, 1967. 255 pp. $4.50.

A tragic story about young Jewish b ys kidnapped for service in

t e Czar's army.

MASADA WILL NOT FALL AGAINSophie Greenspan. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1973.

192 pp. $3.95.

The heroic saga of Jewish resistance written for young r a


Page 12: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


MORE WORLD OVER STORILSEE'ekiel Sehl-)29 uiI Nlorris _Lpte in,PublishThg Co., 1968. ?AO pp

THE NEW WORLD OVER STORY ROOKPlocli, 1968. 261 pp. R .JS.

tars New York: Block

Imaginative, well-researchod tale..s reflecting J,--isT history fromancient times to the present day.

OTHER SA LALSSally Wd son. New York Holt Rinchart & Winston, 1966. 233 pp.

An ppezling tiry about two Israeli cousins and their experiences inthe city and on the kibbutz.

THE STAR AND THE SWORDPamela Meinikoff. Illustrated by Hans Schwarz. New York: CroPublishers, 1968. 140 pp. $3.95.

A story abo t two Jewi5h children during the Crusades and pogromsof 12th-century England.



PARTISA-ew York: Four Winds Press, 1973. 211 pp. $5.75.

-ue, heroic story of a 12-year-old parti an who died fightingzis.



ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND THE JEWSNaphtali Ruhinger. New York: Jonathan David, 1962. 75 pp. $3.75.

A phase in the struggle for Jewish_rights, including backgroundin conditions in 19th-century America.

AMERICAN JEWRY AND THE CIVIL WARBertram W. Korn. New York: Atheneum, 1970. 320 pp. $4.50 (paperback).

Jewish contributions on both sides of the struggle.


Page 13: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


AMERICAN jUDAISNNatnan Gaazer. 2rid edition. Claioago: University of Chicago Pre1 97 2 2 10 p . $5.95. Cpa.perbecIc $ 1. 95

A historical survey of Jewish religious practice from 1 65 to 1h6preo nt.


William T. Albright. liew Yror]c: Piariper 6 Row, 1963. 1 17 Pp

$1.60 (p.aperback)

The formative years of tl-le Jevii-gh people as revealed Jr1 archae(D1 g 1

f indings ,

TEE COURSE OF IvIODERN JEWaso STORYHoward 4. Sachaai. New- Yoz)4: D11 pubaishing Co. , 19 68 . 63 0 pp$ 2, 65 (p aperback)

A. ctronicle of the r'eLationsh..ipbeginning vith the Frenall Sevol

TEE DBEYrus A FAIR: A MBetty Schecte- Boston:

Anti-Semitism in Franceconviction of a JewishPhoto illustrations,

betrg e Jewish and general historytion.

TIONFAL SCANTDAL0ough-ton Kifflin Co. L965. 2614 pp. -50.

mani-fested in the framing, trial andicar at ti-Le end of the 19th century.

EYEVI7NE SSIS TO JEWISH Hi:STORY: FROM 58 6 E. C . E. TO 1 95?AzrA,ea Eisenberg, Hannah Grad Goodman, Alvin Kass, editors,York: Urvion of American Ilarraw Congregations , 1973. 8 '7 pp.

A fascinating re-creatiori of significant events in the pastreported by more than 70 p articiPafltS obserNers. IN FUFYKichael Elkins. New Yorl-c: 3a12antine B o s , 19 1. 31 2 pp.

$1. 26 (paperback) .

FioV7 art Organized band of Jews fcugh-t the Nazis during Worldand pursued them vhen they wont into) hiding afterwards.

$7 .

FROM THE ENDS OF 'THE EARTH : TI-11 l'EOPLES OF ISRAEFlotaard M. Sachar. Vet& Yor/c: World Publishing Co. 196 4. 512 pp,$7. 95 ; Dell Publishing Co. , 1970. $2.95 (paperbae}0.


Page 14: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


C_ poslte portraits of imnigrants who came to build the Stateprovide penetrating insights into the national and ethnic makeupof tlio vibrant country.

mmit EZRA TO THE LAST OF THE MACCABEESElias Bickerman. New York:: Schocken Books, 1962. 186 pp.

$4.5 (paperback $1.95).

Pcditi al, social, religious and cultural pattern- of the Jewsin the Hellenistic era.

A HISTORY OF THE CONTEMPORARY JEWSSclonorl Grayzel. New York: Atheneum, Temple Books, 1969. 192 pp.

$2.95 (paperback).

A brdef survey focusing on the Nazi Holocaust the rebirth of theS-ate of Israel and Jewish community life in America.

A HISTORY OF THE JEWIS;B EXPERIENCE: ETERNAL FAITH, ETERNAL PEOPLELeo 7repp New York: Behrman House, 1973. 453 pp. $4.95 (paperback).

Exeealeht illustrations complement a well-written chronicle fromthe Biblical period to the present.

THE HISTORY OF THE JEWISH KBAZARSD. M. Dunlop. New York: Schocken Books, 1967. 293 pp. $6.00.

(paperback $2.45).

About the little-known kingdom in the Lower Volga region of Russiawhose vuIers converted to Judaism in the eighth century.

HISTCht OF THE JEWS: FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES THROUGH THE SIX-DAY WAR.CeCia Roth. Revised edition. New York: Schocken Books, 1970.452 2p. $2.45 (paperback).

A panoramic view stressing the cultural and social aspects of Judaism.

A HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN CHRISTIAN SPAINYitztak Baer. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1966.Vca. 1, 470 pp. $6.00; Vol, 2, 520 pp. $6.00.

A definitive study of one of the most creative Jewish communitiesof all tine.

A HISTOJW OF THE JE S IN THE U.S.Lee Joseph Levinger. Revised edition. Ne-. York: Union of AmericanHebrew Congregations, 1981. 616 pp. $4.25.

The Jewish contribution to Ameri2an life culture, and institutions.


Page 15: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life



Nora Levin. New York: Schocken Books, 1973. 760 pp. $12.50.

(paperback $6.9 ).

A comprehensive work describing this immense tragedy.

HUNTER ANL) HUNTED: H mAa HISTORY OF THE HOLOCAUSTGerd Yorman, editor. New York: Viking Press, 3.97 . 320 pp. $8.95.

Chronologically arranged diaries, memoirs and narratives,_recordingthe events between_1933 and 1945. An extensive introduction places

the documents in historical perspective.


Walter Lacqueur, editor31.6.5 (paperback).

New York: Bantam Books, 1970. 511 pp.

Selections spanning the period from 1882 to 1958, with excellentexplanatory introdu tions.

ISRAEL: NEW PEOPLE IN AN OLD LANDLily Edelman. Revised edition. Camden N.J.: Thomas Nelson, 1969.

224 pp. $5.95.

A social history focusing on the spirit of the people.

ISRAEL: YEARS OF CRISIS, YEARS OF HOPERoman Frister. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973. 232 pp. $12.95.

The spirit of the country, movingly demonstrated in a pictorialhistory covering the pa-t 25 years.


Jacob R. Marcus. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society; New York:

Antheneun Temple Books, 1969. 504 pp. $5.95 (paperback).

The inner life of the people, their relationship to the state and to

other religions, and their conditions of existence.

THE JEWISH CATASTROPHE IN EUROPEJudah Pilch, editor, New York: Ame-i an Association for Jewish

Education, 1968. 232 pp. $5.50.

Documents, citations of the Holocaust and a guide for teachers and

discussion leaders.


Page 16: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

JEWISH LIFE IN THE NIDDLE AGESIsrael Abrahams. New York: Atheneum 1969. 452 pp. $4.25 (pape ack).

A panorama of the rich Jewish secial and cultural life during thisperiod.

rHE JEWS IN AMERICA: A HISTORYIsrael Goldberg (Rufus Learsi, pseud.).House, 1972. 422 pp. $5.95.

York: Ktav Publishing

An overview of two hun red years of American Jewish history.

THE JEWS IN THE RENAISSANCECecil Roth. Philadelphia: Jewish Publi_ation Society, 1959. 380 pp.$5.00 (paperback $2.45).

How Jews influenced the Renaissance - d were, in trn, ::,iffected by it.

JEWS IN SOVIET RUSSIA SINCE 1917Lionel Kochan, editor.. Revised editiPress, 1973. 357 pp. $7.95.

A balanced, well-written collectionemotionally charged subject.

Kew Vol University

_rticles on a complex,

JEWS IN RUSSIA: THE LAST FOUR CENTURIES: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORYJonathan D. Porath. New York: United Synagogue Commission onJewish Education, 1973. 197 pp. $2.95.

Short documents, selected to stimulate student discussion aboutJewish life under the Czars and since the Bolshevik Revolution.

THE JEWS OF THE UNITED STATESPriscilla Fishman, editor. Introduction by Arthur Hertzberg.New York: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co., 1973. 320 pp.$8.95.

A richly illust ated profile of social, cul.cural, political, religiousand educational aspects of contemporary Jewish life in America.

JEWS OF SILENCEElie Wiesel. New York: Holt Rinehart 8 Winston, 1967. 3.43 pp.

$4.95. (paperback $1.95)

A touching, tragic essay on Jewish life in the Soviet Union.

Page 17: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

THE JEWS OF THE U ITED STATES: 1793-1240, A DOCUMENTARY HISTORYSalo W. Baron and Joseph L. Blau, editors, Philadelphia: Jewish

Publicat on Society; New York: C lumbia University Press, 1964.

3 vols. $30.00.

Jewish involvement in American life during the early days of the


THE LAST ESCAPERuth Kluger and Peggy Marin. Iew York: Doubleday 8 Co., 1973.

518 pp. $9.95.

An absorbing account of the underground efforts to rescue thousandsof European Jews from the Nazis by smuggling them illegally into


LIFE IS WITH PEOPLEMark Zborowski and Elizabeth Herzog. New York: Schocken Books, 1962.

452 pp. $2.95 (paperback).

A brilliant sociological ty of values, customs and traditions in

the unique, now extinct East European shtetl.

MASADA HEROD'S FORTRESS AND THE ZEALOTS' LAST STANDYigael Y.ad14. Translated by Moshe Pearlman. New York: Random House,

1966. 272 pp. $15.00.

dramatic account of the archaeol gical discoveries unveiling Jewish:.J.fe in the ancient fortreos where Jewish Zealots revolted against

Romans during the first century.

THE PROMISED CITY: NEW YORK'S JEWS, 1870-1914Moses Rischin. New York Citadel Press, 1954. 342 pp. $2.95


A vivid account of the mass migration from Eastern Europe and theinvigrants' interaction with their new environment.

RESCUE IN DENMA XHarold Flender. New York: Simon 8 Schuster, 196:3. 281 pp. $4.95

Manor Books, 1968. 75t (paperback)-

the Danes saved their Jews fron annihilation by the Nazis.

THE ROTHS HILDSFrederic Morton.Fawcett World, 197

York: Atheneum, 1952. 305 pp. 95; Crest95 (paperback).


Page 18: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

Popular portrait of a famous and influential family which hasmaintained its Jewish identity and commitment.

A SEORT HISTORY OF ZIONISMHerbert Parzen. New York: Herzl Press, 1962. 127 pp. $1.25.

From the emergence of Je ish nationalism, through the developmentthe Zionist movement, to the realizatioa of the dream of na_--hood.

THE SOVIET CAGE: ANTI-SEMITISM IN RUSSIAWilliam Korey. New York: Viking Press, 1973. 369 pp. $12.50.

An analysis of the Soviet Union's anti-Je ish policies and theireffects.

THE SPIRIT OF THE GHETTOHutchins Hapgood. Moses Rischin, editor. -awings frorri life byJacob Epstein. New York: Schocken Books, 1985. 300 pp. $2.95(paperback).

A study of the vibrant social and cultural ljfe of Jewish immigrantsin the Lower East Side of New York at the 't'urn of the century.

STORY OF ISRAELMeyer Levin. Illustrated by Eli Levin.New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1966. 25 pp. 4.5 BerkleyPublishing Corp., 1972. 95 (paperback).

A history beginning with the Biblical period, with emphasis on ther cent re-creation of the State.

aphs by Archie Lieberman.

STRANGERS AND NATIVES: THE EVOLUTION OF TM A ERICAN JE1 nom 1921TO THE PRESENTJudd L. Teller. New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1970. 308 pp.$2.45 (papertl

A history of the acculturation _of immigrant Jews.

THEY CEOSE LIFE: JEWISH RESISTANCE IN THE HOLOCAUSTYehuda Bauer., New York: American Jewish Corxuittee, 1973. 64 pp,$1.25 (paperback).

A new look at the Holocaust and its heroes, highlighting theiispiring struggle of Europe's doomed Jews to conibat the Nazis andto survive.

Co-sponsored by the Institute o.,7 Contemporary Jewry in Jeru-alem.


Page 19: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


1:INDERSTANDING THE BIBLE THROUGH HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGYHarry M. Orlinsky. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1972. 298 pp.


An excellent introduction t- Biblical study.

WARRANT FOR GENOCIDENorman cohn. New York: Harper 8 Row, 1969. 303 pp. $2.95 (paperbach).

The history of a notorious 19th-ceatury forgery, the "Protocols of theElders of Zion," and how it was used by anti-Semites in Czarist Russia,Hitler Germany and elsewhere.

THE WARSAW DIARY OF CHAIM ARON KAPLANAbraham I. Katsh, editor and translator. New York. P. F. Collier,1973. 410 pp. $2.95 (paperback).

A moving record of strength and faith.

WHEN GOD JUDGED AND MEN DIEDArnold Sherman. Illustrated by Michal Baram. New York: BantamBooks, 1973. 149 pp. $1.35 (paperback).

"A battle report of the Yom -ippur War."

WORLDS LOST AND FOUND: DISCOVERIES IN BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGYAzriel Eisenberg and Dov Peretz Elkins. Illustrated by CharlesPickard. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1984. 202 pp. $4.50.

Dramatic confi- ation of Bible stories by current research.

YELLOW STARGerhard Schoenberner. New :ork: Bantam Books, 1973. 288 pp.$1.95 (paperback).

A concise history of the Holocaust with vivid photographs.


BEN-GURION: A BIOGRAPHYRobert St. John. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday Co., 1971.360 pp. $6.95.

The career of Israel's first Prime Minister -- his youth in EasternEurope, his role in the struggles for Israel's independence, and hisyears of leadership of the new State.


Page 20: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

CHAIM WEIZMANN: 8LDER OF A NArIONRachel Baker. New rk: Julian Messner, 1950. 180 pp. $3.80.

The monumental achievements of isr el's first president a

Zionist and as a scientist.

THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRLAnne Frank. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co. 1967. 308 pp.$4.95; Modern Library. $2.95 (paperback).

A Jewish teenager describes the daily life of a group of Dutch Jewsin hiding from the German Gestapo during World War II.

DON ISAAC ABRAVANFLBenzion Netanyahu Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1972.350 pp. $5.00.

One of the most significant Jewish figures in the medieval worldand his important achievements as scholar, statesman and financier.

CIOLDA: THE LIFE OF ISRAEL'S PRIME MINISTERfeggy Mann. New York: Washington Square Press, 1973. 261 pp.

$1.25 (paperback).

A portrait of the remarkable woman who came to Israel as a pioneerand became its head of State.

GREAT JEWISH PERSONALITIES IN MODERN TIMESSimon Noveck, editor. Washingtoa, D.C.: Pnai Bfrith Depar:ment ofAdult Education, 1960. 351 pp. $5.95. (paperback $2.95).

Illuminating studies of pivotal figures who left an enduring imprint

on Jewish history.

HEROES OF AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORYDeborah Karp. 'Benjamin Efron, editor; Sol Scharfstein, pictureeditor. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1972. 155 pp. $4.75.

Brief accounts of outstanding men and women. Profusely illustrated.

HILLEL THE ELDER: THE EMERGENCE OF C,LASSICAL JUDAISMNahum N. Glatzer. New York: Schocken Books, 1966. 100 pp.$1.75 (paperback).

Highlights of the Sage's significant teachings and the contrastsbetween early Rabbinic Judaism and the surrounding Hellenistic world.


Page 21: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

I AM ROSEMARIEKarietta Moskin. New York: John Day Co., 1972. 190 pp. $5.95.

A oving autobiog-,aphy by a su vivor of the Nazi concentration camps.

TEE JEW IN AMERICAN LIFETina Levitan. New York: Hebrew Publishing Co., 1969. 253 pp. $5.00.

Short uiographies of notable figures from the Colonial period tothe present.

JEWS AT A .,A,ANCEMac Davis. Illustrated by Sam Nissenson. New York: Hebrew PublishingCo., 1956. 127 pp. $3.00.

Concise biographies of 114 Jews from early history to the present,who distinguished themselves in various walks of life.

LIKE A SONG, LIKE A DREAMAlla Pusinek. New York: Charles Scribne$7.95.

's s, 1973. 267 pp.

A compelling personal account, illustrating the anguished strugglesSoviet Jews for identity and freedom.

MOSES NAIMONIDES: RABBI, PHILOSOPHER AND PHYSICIANRebecca Marcus. New York: Franklin Watts, 1969. 114 pp. $4.95.

rhe great Jewish philosopher and scholar whose Guide for the Per lexedand other works profoundly influenced religious thought throughout theWestern world.

THE PROMISED LANDKary Antin. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1969. 373 pp. .95.

(paperback $2.95).

An autobiography describing the trek of Russian Jewish immigrants toAmerica and their dreams, hopes and troubles in the new "Promised Land."

RECALL TO LIFE: THE JEWISH WOMAN IN AMERICAAnita-Libman Lebeson. New York: Thomas Yoselo 1970. 351 pp.


Some well-known, and many forgotten, women who helped pe theirtimes and preservi the Jewish way of life.

Page 22: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


THE SUMMER THAT BLED: THE BIOGRAPHY OF HANNAH SENESHAnthony Masters. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1972. 349 pp.$7 95

The_inspiring story of a cou -ageous, sensitive woman who risked, a--ultimately lost, her life rescuing fellow Jews from the Nazis.

THESE ARE MY PEOPLEHarry Gersh. New York: Behrman House, 1959. 407 pp. $5.95.

A treasury of biographies of heroes of the Jewish spirit from Abrahamto Leo Baeck.

YOSSEL OF ROSHEIM: COMMANDER OF JEWRY IN THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE OFTHE GERMAN NATIONSelma Stern. Translated by Gertrude Hirschier. Philadelphia:Jewish Publication Society, 1965. 350 pp. $4.50.

A monograph about a 16th-century Court Jew in Germany, showinghow political power was used to aid other Jews.



AKIBAMarcus Lehman. Translated by Joseph Leftwich. V York: Feldheim,1961. 285 pp. $3.00.

A biographical novel about the first-century scholar and saint wholed the Jewish people in their revolt against the Romans.

BABI YARAnatoly Kuznetsov. New York: Dial Press, 1967. 399 pp. $5.95;Dell Publishing Co., 95 (paperback).

A fictional retelling -f the Nazi slaughter of Jews in the Ukraineduring World War II.

CALL IT SLEEPHenry Roth. New York: Avon Books, 1964. 447 pp. $1.25 (paperback).

An extraordinary novel on early.immigrant life in America as seenthrough the eyes of a young Jewish boy.

CHILD OF THE HOLOCAUSTJack Kuper. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday S Co., 1968. 287 pp. $5.50.

2 2

Page 23: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


A Jewish youth who posed as a Christian during the Nazi era embarks

on an anguished search for his past.

TEE CHOSENChaim Potok.Crest Fawcett

York: Simon & Schuster, 1967. 2 4 pp. $4.95;

_ld, 95 (paperback).

A sensitive narrative about_a Hasidic communi_y in Brooklyn, focusin

on the psychological and spiritual growth of two teenage bos.

THE CHOSEN ONEHarry Simonhoff. New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1964. 607 pp.

A novel about the Maranos in Portugal during the Inquisition

a vivid panorama of 16th-century history and the Jewish expe



DAVID THE KINGGladys Schmitt. New York: Dial Press, 1973. 630 pp. $8.95.

An exciting historical novel about a beloved Biblical hero.


James A. Michener, editor. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication So

1973. 344 pp. $6.95.

A literary celebration of Israel's 25th anniversary, by such pro_

authors as Agnon, Barash, Meged, Oz, and Shamir, sheds light on

contemporary Jewish and Israeli life.

THE FIXERBernard Malamud. New York: Farrar, Straus 6 Giroux, 1968.

$6.95; Dell Publishing Co. 95 (paperback).

A provocative novel based on the famous Beilis biodd libel case

Russia before World War I. A Na ional Book Award winner.





FOR THE SAKE OF HEAVENMartin Buber. New York: Atheneum 1969. 314 pp. $3.45 (paperback).

Hasidic rabbis in a tale of conflict between two approaches to Jewish

life, set in Poland during the Napoleonic Wars. Filled with Hasidic

lore, mores and wisdom.

THE FOREIGNERGladys Malvern. Illustrated by CorinneMcKay Co., 1954. 214 pp.

2 3

alvern. New York: David

Page 24: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


This story of Ruth brings to life Jewish cu- o s and traditions

during the Biblical period.


Devorah Omer. Illustrated by Ruth Reznick. New York: Amis

Publishing Co., Sabra Books, 1968. 224 pp. $4.95.

A novel about Jews who aided the British struggle against the Turksfor control of Palestine during World War I.

IN THE HEART OF THE SEASSamuel Joseph Agnon. Translated b: I. N. Lask. New York: Schocken

Books, 1967. 128 pp. $3.95.

A moving tale by a Nobel Laureate abo-t.a_voyage to Palestine at

the turn of the century captures the spirit, idealism and perseve anceof East European Jewry.

JOSEPH AND HIS BROTHERSThomas Mann. New York: Knopf, 1948. 1207 pp. $13.95.

A classic modern novel depicts episodes in the lives of Jacob, Esau,

Joseph and his brothers.

THE KING'S PERSONSJoanne Greenberg. New Yo k: Holt Rinehart g Winston, 1963. 284 pp.

$4.95; Avon Books $1.25 (paperback).

A novel about the massacre of the Jews of York in 1190 revea s theeveryday triumphs and tragedies of ghetto existence in the Middle Ages.

LAST OF THE JUSTAndre Schwarz-Bart. New York: Atheneum 1961, 374 pp. $4.9_,

Bantam Books, 1973. $1.50 (paperback

A historical novel spanning the centuries from medieval England throughthe Nazi Holocaust chronicles the legend of the "36 Righteous Men" whosustained the world by their suffering and martyrdom.

THE MAGIC BARRELBernard Malamud. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1958. 214

$5.95; $1.25 (paperback).

A collection of short stories, reflecting contemporary Jewish life.

THE MANORIsaac Bashevis Singer. New York; Dell Publishing Co. , 1969. 860 pp.

$1.25 (paperback).

Page 25: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


THE ESTATEDell, 1971. 328 pp. $1.25 (paperback).

Two beautiful novels about Jewish life in Poland in the late 19th and

early 20th centuries.

MID-CENTURYCharles Angoff. C anberry, N.J.: A S. Barnes, 1973. 349 pp.


The 10th and latest novel in the serial saga of the Polonskys, an

American Jewish family, brings them up to the 1940s and 1960s. The

earlier books are equally interesting.

MODERN JEWISH LIFE IN LITERATUREAzriel Eisenberg. New York: United Synagogue Commission on Jewish

Education, Book I, 1952. 232 pp $3.00; Book II, 1968. 269 pp. $3.50.

Stories about Jewish life in Europe, the United States, Russ a and

Israel during the past 70 years.

THE MUKEITAR'S CHILDRENSally Watson. New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1968. 245 pp.


A story about how Arabs and Jews, in_bordering Israeli villages, over-

come their mutual suspicion and hostility. A fine introduction to

Middle East social problems.

MY ENEMY, MY BROTHERJames Forman. New York: Meredith, 1969. 2

Books, 1972. 75 (paperback).

A teenage survivor of a Nazi concentration camp -e s out to find a

new life in Israel.

Pp 95; Hawthorn

MY GLORIOUS BROTHERSHoward M. Fast. New York: Popular Library, 1972. 280 pp. 95


A novel about the Maccabees and their fight for freedom frori Syrian-

Greek oppression during the second century B.C.E.

NIGHTElie Wiesel. New York: Hill & Wang, 1960. 116 pp. .00; Avon

Books, 1972. $1.25 (paperback).

A moving story about a young boy's expe ienoes in a concentration



Page 26: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


0 JERUSALEMLarry Collins and Dominique Lapierre. New York: Simon & Schuster,1972. 745 pp. $9.9 New York: Pocket Books. 670 pp. 81.95(paperback).

An exciting reconst_uction of the battle for the Holy City duringthe Israel-Arab War of 1948.

THE OLD BUNCHMeyer Levin. New York: Avon Books, 1970. 766 pp. 81.25 (paperback).

An outstanding portrait of the Jewish col._ unity in Chicago betweenthe two World Wars.

ONE GENERATION AFTERElie Wiese'. Translated by Lily Edelman and Elie Wiesel. New York:Random House, 1970. 198 pp. $5.95; Avon Books, 1S71. $1.25 (paper-back).

A collection of stirring anecdotes, stories and eosays about thegeneration born since the Holocaust and what it has learned from it.

OUR MAN IN DAMASCUSEli ben Hanan. New York: Popular Library, 1971. 191 pp. 60t


An exciting novel based on the life of the heroic Israeli spy,Fli Cohen.

THE PROMISEChaim Potok. New York: Knopf, 1969. 359 pp. $6,95. Crest FawcettWorld, 1973. $1.50 (paperback).

In a sequel to THE CHOSEN, the two boyhood friends are adults Ptillwrestling with_problems of religious Orthodoxy, secularism and themoral ambiguities of Jewish life in the modern world.

THE RISE OF AMERICAN JEWISH LITERATURECharles Angoff and Meyer Levin. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970.988 pp. $15.00.

Selections from 22 novels.

THE RISE OF DAVID LEVINSKYAbraham Cahan. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. 530 pp.back).

.95 (paper-

A classic novel about the career of a Russian Jewish immigrantdelineates the process of Americaniza-ion at the turn of the century.

2 6

Page 27: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


THE SETTLERSMeyer Levin. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1972. 832 pp. $10.00.

A historical novel about the adventures, struggles and accomplishmentsof the early-20th-century pioneers who founded the State of Israel.

SEVENTH CANDLE S OTHER FOLK TALES OF EASTERN EUROPEDavid Einhorn. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1968. 111 pp.

Twenty-seven vivid stories illuminating the lives, customs and values

of Eastern European Jewry.

THE SLAVEIsaac Bashevis Singer. New York: Farrazi, Straus & Giroux, 1971.311 pp. $6.95; Avon Books. $1.25 (paperback).

An engrossing tale about a pious Jew enslaved by peasants in 17th-

century Poland=

SOULS ON FIRE: PORTRAITS & LEGENDS OF HASIDIC MASTERSElie Wiesel. Translated by Marion Wiesel. New York: Random House,

1972. 278 pp. $7.95.

A master oryteller conveys the ess nce of _udaismts mystical st ain.

THE SOURCEJames A. Miehener. New York: Random House, 1965. 909 pp. $10.00;Crest Fawcett World, $1.95 (paperback).

Successive archaeological finds unveil the rich and exciting historyof the holy land in this wide-ranging novel spanning millennia.

TALES OF THE HASIDIMMartin Buber. New York: Schocken Books, 1957. 2 vols. $9.00;

$2.95 each (paperback).

Over a thousand stories and legends about the mystic sages.

TREASURE OF THE CAVES: THE STORY OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLSIris Noble. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1971. 214 pp. $5.95.

An exciting novel about archaeological and historical scholarship.

A TREASURY OF YIDDISH STORIESIrving Howe and Eliezer Greenberg, editors. New York: SchookenBooks, 1973. 630 pp. $4.60 (paperback).

2 7

Page 28: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


A collection of 19th and 20th-century short fiction about Jewish lifein Eastern Europe and America.

THE 28TH DAY OF ELULRichard M. Elman. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1967. 279 pp.$4.95

A sto y about a Holocaust victim and his quest for the mean ng ofsuffering.

THE TWO OF USClaude Berri. New York: William Morrow, 1968. 156 pp. $4.95;Popular Library. 50 (paperback).

The irrationality of Jew hatred is skillfully portrayed in this WorldWar II story about a small Jewish boy and an elderly French peasant.

THE VOICES OF MASADADavid Kosoff. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1973. 237 pp. $6.95.

An imaginative account of the Jews' courageous revolt against the Romans.

VOYAGE TO ULUAArie L. Eliav. Translated by Israel I. Taslitt. New York: SabraBooks, 1969. 191 pp. 84.95; Pyramid Publications. 75 (paperback).

The heroic transfer of 800 child survivors of Hitler's concentrationcamps to British-blockaded Palestine by American and Israeli volunteers.

THE WALLJohn Hersey. New York: Knopf, 1950. 632 pp.1954. 706 pp. 75 (paperback).

.95; Pocket Books,

A rich historical novel about the revolt of the Warsaw Ghetto duringWorld War II.

A WHOLE LOAF: STORIES FROM ISRAELSholom J. Kahn, editor. Translated by I. N. Lask and others. NewYork: Vanguard Press, 1962. 244 pp. $5.95

A collection of short fiction about life in the modern Jewish State.

THE YEARSuzanne Lange. New York: S. G. Phillips, 1970. 188 pp. $4.95.

A novel about an American girl who spends a year on a kibbutz in Israel.


Page 29: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life

--Fiction Anth loa' a


THE AMBIVALENT AMERICAN JEWChdrLes S. Liebman. Philade Jewish Publici icn Soaiety, 1973.

215 -p. $5.95.

ESSC .Q on the tensions between integratioa and identity in an

atmosphere of freedom.

THE AMERICAN JEW: A REAPPRAISALOscar I. Janowsky, editor. Philadelphia: Je-ish Publicati n Society,1,64. 468 pp, 00.

vs on the distinguisand its institutions.

featurs of the American Jewish community

_MERICA'S JEWSNarshall Sklare. New York: Random House, 1971. 234 pp. :',16,95.

A sociological overview focusing on the mutual influences of Jew

and America.

AN ANTHOLOGY OF HOLOCAUST LITERATUREJacob Glatstein, Israel Knox and Samuel Margoshes, editors. Philadelphia:

Jewish Publica'cion Society, 1960. 412 pp. $10.00; Atheneum, 1973.

$4.95 (paperback).

Testimony by the victims and witnesses of Nazi persecution.

THE GOLDEN TRADITIONLucy Dawidowicz, editor. New York: Holt Rinehart S Winston, 1967.

502 pp. $8.95; Beacon Press. $3.45 (paperback).

An anthology of works by major writers and leaders, from the late18th century through World War II, which form a history of Jewish lifeand thought in Eastern Europe.

IN ONE ERA AND OUT THE OTHERSam Levenson. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1973. 190 pp. $6.95.

Entertaining and poignant childhood memories of life in a lower East

Side tenement.

ISRAEL, THE ARABS AND THE MIDDLE EASTIrving Howe and Carl Gershman, editors. New York: Bantam Books,

1972. 440 pp. $1.95 (paperback).

2 9

Page 30: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


A collection ci essays ans _ring commonly asked questions about thesources of th- Middle East conflict.

ISRAEL: A PROFILEIsrael T. Naamani. N


A concise overview

: Praeger Publishers, 1972. 246 pp.

Israel's development and contemporary problems.

ISRAEL TODAYHarry Essrig and Abraham Segal. Illu-_trated by Robert Sugar. Revised

edition. New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1960,312 pp. $4.50.

A social Rtudie text vividly depic-_ n: all aspects of life in the

Jewish State.

THE LITERATURE OF AMERICAN JEWSTheodore L. Gross. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1973. 510 pp. $12.96.

ExcPrpts from novels, poems, and essays, providing a cross sectionof the jewish contribution to American letters.

MASTERPIECES OF HEBREW LITERATURECurt Leviant editor. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1969. 571 pp.


Selections from the post-Biblical period through the 17th century.Excellent explanatory introduction.

OUT OF THE WHIRLWIND: A READER OF HOLOCAUST LITERATUREAlbert H. Friedlander. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday & Co., 1968.536 pp. $9.95; New York: Union of American Hebrew Congrega ions,text edition. $7.50.

An anthology of works by the vic ims, living and dead, reflects onthe moral and political questions asked by American adolescents aboutthe event- of World War II.

POOR COUSINSAnde Manners. New York: Coward McCann & Geoghegan, 1972. 318 pp.$8.95; Crest Fawcett World, 1973. $1.25 (paperback)

Lively, colorful anecdotes about Jewishtribulations in the "promised land" and

3 0

mmigrants, their trials andheir remarkable achievement.

Page 31: ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterLloyd Alexander. Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein. iladelphia: Jewish Publication Society, Covenant Books, 1960. 185 pp. $3.50. The life


3,000 YEARS k)E HEBiTW LITERAT_ FROM EARLIEST TIML THROUGH THE20TH CENTURYNathaniel Kravitz,. Airago: L,wallow Press, 1972. 586 pp. $10.00.

Excerpt from nuccious works reflect the extraordinary wealth andvariety of Jewish creativity.

THE We)RLD OF -H LEM ALEICHEM_Irice Samuel. New York: Knopf, 1943. 331 pp. 95; Random House.

''';2.95- (paperback).

A beautiful -re-creation of the inner life of East Euroean Jewryin Lhe late 19th and early 20th centuries, based on the storithc 5),reat Yiddish author.

Prepared by Mel: and Edi_b Lubet,,ki

Cover illustration by permissionof COMMENTARY Card

Edited and produced by the Publicat ons Serviceof the AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE

The Publications Catalogue of the AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE,available free upon request, lists additiOnal literature onsuch specialized topics as human rights, group prejudice,race relations, and the separation of church and state.