erl for microfluorescence, microspectroscopy and ......applications of micro-xrf, microspectroscopy...

ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and Microtomography Mark Rivers Center for Advanced Radiation Sources The University of Chicago

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Page 1: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

ERL for Microfluorescence,Microspectroscopy and


Mark RiversCenter for Advanced Radiation Sources

The University of Chicago

Page 2: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry


� Advantages of ERL for fluorescence microbeam andmicrotomography techniques

� Considerations of bending magnets� Challenges in optics and samples to take advantage

of the ERL

Page 3: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry


The ERL will be a tremendous advance over present storage ringsources for microprobe, microspectroscopy and microtomograpyapplications. The increased brilliance can be used to increase theflux in a 1 micron spot by a factor of 100-1000, or to reduce thespot size to 100nm or less. The increased flux can be used tocompensate for the low efficiency of high energy-resolutiondetectors required for many applications. It will also greatlyincrease the speed of fluorescence tomography experiments. Thebending magnet sources at the ERL should not be neglected. High-field bending magnets on an ERL source would be ideal for 100keV wide-fan beams for microtomography of large high-Z objects.Finally, the challenges in x-ray optics and radiation damage froman ERL source must be understood.

Page 4: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

Smaller, More Intense BeamsObvious Advantages

� Brilliance-limited experiment� 1000x gain over APS if full brilliance can be utilized� 100x gain over APS certain (e.g. flux in 1 micron spot)

� 1 micron horizontal focus is difficult at APS� Much easier with an ERL source, much less demagnification

required� Larger working distances will be available for installing good I0

monitors� Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy

� High pressure, diamond-anvil cell� Environmental science� Geochemistry, cosmochemistry� Materials science

Page 5: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

High Energy-Resolution Detectors

� Need more intense beams� 10-100 times less solid angle than solid state detectors

� Wavelength dispersive spectrometers� Required for many experiments with spectral overlaps or

major element fluorescence� High-resolution emission spectroscopy

� Spin-state studies at high pressure

Page 6: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

High resuolution Kβ XES Fe2O3

Energy (eV)7040 7060 7080 7100 7120



(a. u


Energy (eV)7080 7100 7120

High-spin 1 GPa

Low-spin 72 GPa

Valence-band emission

Kββββ emission spectra of Fe2O3 at 1 at 72 GPa,(C. Kao, NSLS, Brookhaven National Lab.)

Page 7: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry


α α+ θΒ=π/2

Upstream setup





Direct X-ray beam

High-resolution Rowland Circle Spectrometer(C. Kao, NSLS, Brookhaven National Lab.)

Page 8: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

Fluorescence Microtomography

� Best way to get trace element distribution in 3-dimensions for fragile samples

� Requires first-generation computed-tomographytechniques, e.g. 3-D mechanical scanning

� Want very high count rates to perform data collectionin reasonable time

� Hours at APS becomes minutes at ERL

Page 9: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

Computed Microtomography

� Transmission computed tomography can benefit from3 aspects of ERL source

� Increased coherence of the source for phase contrastimaging

� Increased flux in transmitted beam� Much higher flux at very high energy???

Page 10: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

Bending Magnets

� ERL does not require low-field bending magnets toreduce emittance

� ERL does not require symmetry, bends can havedifferent fields

� NSLS x-ray bends have 1.25 Tesla field� 1.25 Tesla field on ERL is 40 keV critical energy� Brightness (not brilliance) is ~10X greater than APS

bending magnet at 100 keV, ~100X at 200 keV� High-energy applications

� Microtomography� High-pressure diffraction in the multi-anvil press

Page 11: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry


� Sub-microradian slope errors on K/B mirrors� However, even if we can’t take full advantage of the smaller

source size the smaller divergence puts a lot more photonsin a 1 micron spot with proven optics

� Thickness effects in samples to take advantage ofsub-micron spatial resolution – hard to make realsamples thin enough to avoid 3-D depth problems

� Ultimate limits due to secondary electrons, pathlengths ~1 micron for 10 keV electrons

� Radiation damage� At APS photochemistry is a already problem for non-

biological samples especially if wet

Page 12: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Microfluorescence Imaging and Tomography

Matt Newville, Steve Sutton, Mark Rivers, Peter EngGSECARS, Sector 13, APSThe University of Chicago

•GSECARS beamline and microprobe station, Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors

•2 dimensional elemental mapping

•x-ray fluorescence tomography

•2 dimensional oxidation state mapping

Page 13: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

The GSECARS Fluorescence Microprobe StationThe GeoSoilEnviroCARS beamline 13-IDC provides a micro-beam facilityfor x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)studies in earth and environmental sciences.

Horizontal andVerticalKirkpatrick-Baezfocusing mirrors

Fluorescencedetector:multi-element Gedetector (shown),Lytle Chamber,Si(Li) detector,or WavelengthDispersiveSpectrometer

Sample x-y-z stage: 0.1µm step sizes

Optical microscope (10x to 50x) with video system

Page 14: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Double Focused Undulator Beam



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Vertical Position [microns]-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10




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FWHW = 0.85 microns

FWHW = 0.80 microns

Flux Density Gain = 113,000

De-mag = 787Source Size = 700µm FWHMIdeal focus = 0.88µm FWHM

De-mag = 324Source Size = 96µm FWHMIdeal focus = 0.30µm FWHM

0.8µrad RMS Slope Error100mm long Rh Coated Si Mirrorf1 = 55m f2 = 0.07mθι = 5mradEntrance Aperture = 350 µm

1.2µrad RMS Slope Error100mm long Rh Coated Si Mirrorf1 = 55m f2 = 0.17mθι = 5mradEntrance Aperture = 350 µm

Kirkpatrick-Baez focusing mirrorsThe table-top Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors use a four-point bender and a flat, trapezoidal mirror todynamically form an ellipsis. They can focus a300x300µm monochromatic beam to 1x1µm - a fluxdensity gain of 105.

With a typical working distance of 100mm, and anenergy-independent focal distance and spot size,they are ideal for micro-XRF and micro-EXAFS.

We routinely use Rh-coated silicon (horizontal) andfused-silica (vertical) mirrors to produce 4x4µmbeams for XRF, XANES, and EXAFS.

Page 15: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Element Specific: all elements (with Z>16 orso) can be seen at the APS, and it is usuallyeasy to distinguish different elements.

Experiment: Measure characteristic x-rayemission lines from de-excitation ofelectronic core levels for each atom.

Natural Samples: samples can be in solution,liquids, amorphous solids, soils, aggregates,plant roots, surfaces, etc.

Low Concentration: concentrations down to afew ppm can be seen.

Quantitative: relative abundances of elementscan be made with high precision and accuracy.x-ray interaction with matter well understood.

Small Spot Size: measurements can be made onsamples down to a few microns in size.

X-ray Fluorescence Microprobe

XANES/XAFS/XRD combination: can becombined with other x-ray micro-techniques togive complementary information on a sample

Key Attributes:

Page 16: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

X-ray Fluorescence detector: Solid-State Ge Detector

Ge solid-state detectors give energyresolutions down to ~250 eV to separatefluorescence from different elements, andallow a full fluorescence spectrum (or thewindowed signal from several elements) to becollected in seconds.

Ge detectors are also limited in total countrate (up to ~100KHz), so multiple elements(~10) are used in parallel.

Using such detectors gives detection limits ator below the ppm level, and allows XANESand EXAFS measurements of dilute species inheterogeneous environments.

Page 17: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

2D XRF Mapping: Pu sorbed toYucca Mountain TuffMartine Duff, Doug Hunter, Paul Bertsch (Savannah River Ecology Lab, U Georgia)Matt Newville, Steve Sutton, Peter Eng, Mark Rivers (Univ of Chicago)

A natural soil sample from the proposed NuclearWaste Repository at Yucca Mountain, NV, wasexposed to an aqueous solution of 239Pu (~1µM).

Fluorescence Maps of 150µm X 150µm areaswere made with a 4x7µm x-ray beam from theGSECARS microprobe. Mn, Fe, As, Pb, Sr, Y,and Pu fluorescence were measuredsimultaneously using a solid-state (Si/Li) detector.

The Pu was seen to be highly correlated withMn-rich minerals in the zeolite- and quartz-richmaterial, and not with the zeolites, quartz, or Fe-rich minerals.

XANES and EXAFS measurements were made atthe Pu LIII edge of “hot spots” A1 and A2 ….

Page 18: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

XANES features showed the Pu to be in eitherPu4+ or Pu5+ (or a mixture of the 2) but not Pu6+.Further measurements (planned for Fall 1999)should help distinguish these two states.Since the initial Pu solution had Pu5+ and since theMn-rich minerals were dominated by Mn4+, bothare plausible.

The Extended XAFS (with oscillations isolatedfrom atomic-like background, and then Fouriertransformed to show a radial distribution function)shows Pu coordinated by 6--8 oxygens at ~2.26Ain the first shell, consistent with Pu4+ or Pu5+ (butagain not Pu6+).No reliable second shell could be seen from thisdata, probably indicating several different Mnsecond shell distances -- the Pu appears to beweakly bound to the disordered Mn minerals(more measurements needed).

XANES and EXAFS: Pu sorbed to Yucca Mountain Tuff

Page 19: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Low Concentration/Small Spot XRF Maps: Pb sorbed to alumina/biofilm

A. Templeton, G. E. Brown, Jr. (Stanford Univ)

Microscopic organisms in natural systemscan alter the chemical and physical state ofmineral-water interfaces. It is likely thatsorption properties of metal ions isdramatically altered by the presence ofmicrobial biofilms.

Due to the very low Pb concentrations andsmall features, high-quality fluorescencemicro-XAFS from these samples is quitechallenging, but possible.

Pb sorbed onto a biofilm of the bacteriumBurkholderia cepacia grown on an α-Al2O3 wasstudied by mapping the distribution of Pb sorbedto biofilm-coated minerals, so as to correlate Pb-speciation from bulk XANES/EXAFS (fromSSRL) with location (mineral surface, cells, etc).

Page 20: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Oxidation state maps: Mn redox at plant roots and hyphaeD. Schulze (Purdue Univ)

Manganese is an essential nutrientin plants, needed for physiologicalprocesses including photosynthesisand for response to stress andpathogens. Reduced Mn2+ issoluble and bio-available in soils,but oxidized Mn4+ precipitates(along with Mn3+) as insoluble Mnoxides. The redox chemistry ofMn in soil is complex, with bothreduction and oxidation catalyzedby microorganisms.

Spatially-resolved, micro-XANESis well-suited for mapping Mnoxidation state in live plantrhizospheres in an attempt to betterunderstand the role of Mn redoxreactions in a plant’s ability to takeup toxic trace elements.

XRF image of total Mn concentration (left) of soil traversed by a sunflower root (dashedline) showing the heterogeneous distribution of Mn, with enrichment near the root. TheMn oxidation state map of this same region (right) shows both Mn2+ and Mn4+ in theMn-rich sites, with a tendency for the reduced species to concentrate near the root.

Collecting Mn fluorescenceat selected incident energiesaround the Mn K-edge, wecan make 3-d (X-Y-E)maps that give the spatialdistribution of different Mnvalence states.

Page 21: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Detector Resolution: Solid State Detectors Revisited

XRF spectra for a synthetic glass containing several rare-earthelements using both a Si(Li) detector and a WavelengthDispersive Spectrometer. Data collected at NSLS X-26A, SteveSutton and Mark Rivers.

The energy resolution of solid-state detectors (200 eV at best,often limited to count rates to~1KHz), is sometimes not goodenough -- especially withheterogeneous samples withmany nearby fluorescence lines.

Solid state detectors are alsolimited in total count rate (up to~100KHz per element, but atthe worst resolution), which canbe a problem -- especially withintense x-ray beams.

Page 22: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

The Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometeruses an analyzer crystal on a Rowlandcircle to select a fluorescence line. This hasmuch better resolution (down to ~30eV)than a solid state detector (~250eV),doesn’t suffer dead-time from electronics,and often has superior peak-to-backgroundratios. The solid-angle and count-rates arelower, and multiple fluorescence linescannot be collected during mapping.

Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer (WDS)

Kirkpatrick-Baez focusing mirrors

Ion chamber

Table-top slits

Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer

Sample and x-y-z stage

Optical microscope

Page 23: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Using the WDS for XRF Mapping: Cs on biotite

J. McKinley, J. Zachara, S. M. Heald (PNNL)

1000 x 200µm image of the Cs Lα line in biotite with a5x5µm beam, 5µm steps and a 2s dwelltime at eachpoint. The incident x-ray energy was 7KeV.

Biotitie is a mica that contains traceamounts of many transition metals,a few percent Ti, and majorcomponents of Ca and Fe. Tostudy how Cs would bind to thesurface and inner layers of biotite,McKinley and Zachara exposednatural mica to a Cs-rich solution,embedded the mica in epoxy resinand cut cross-sections through themica.

Detecting the Cs Lα fluorescence line is complicated bythe nearby Ti Kα line. A high resolution fluorescencedetector such as the WDS can make this easier.

Page 24: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Using the WDS for XRF/XANES: 1000ppm Au in FeAsS

Louis Cabri (NRC Canada), Robert Gordon, Daryl Crozier (Simon Fraser), PNC-CAT

1000ppm Au in FeAsS (arsenopyrite): Theunderstanding of the chemical and physical state of Au inarsenopyrite ore deposits is complicated by the proximityof the Au LIII and As K edges and their fluorescence lines.

At the Au LIII-edge, As will also be excited, and fluorescenear the Au Lα line. Even using the WDS, the tail of theAs Kα line persists down to the Au Lα line, and is stillcomparable to it in intensity.

250x250µm imageof the Au Lα line inarsenopyrite witha 6x6µm beam,5µm steps and a2s dwell time ateach point. Thex-ray energy was12KeV.

Page 25: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

The tail of the As Kα line is stillstrong at the Au Lα energy, sousing a Ge detector gave the AuLIII edge-step as about the samesize as the As K edge-step, andthe Au XANES was mixed withthe As EXAFS.

With the WDS, the As edge wasvisible, but much smaller, and sothe Au XANES was clearer.

Using the WDS for XANES: 1000ppm Au in FeAsSLouis Cabri (NRC Canada), Robert Gordon, Daryl Crozier (Simon Fraser), PNC-CAT

The Au LIII edge of two different naturalsamples of FeAsS with the WDS. Bothsamples had ~1000ppm of Au. We seeclear evidence for metallic and oxidizedAu in these ore deposits.

As K-edge 11.868 KeVAs Kα line 10.543 KeV

Au LIII-edge 11.918 KeVAu Lα line 9.711 KeV

Page 26: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Fluorescence Tomography: Overview

Conventional x-ray computed microtomography (CMT)provides 3D images of the x-ray attenuation coefficient withina sample using a transmission detector. Element-specificimaging can be done by acquiring transmission tomogramsabove and below an absorption edge, or by collecting thecharacteristic fluorescence of the element.

Fluorescent x-ray tomography is done as first-generationmode tomography, using a pencil-beam scanned across thesample for several angular setting. The sample is rotatedaround ωωωω, and the scan of x is repeated. Transmission x-raysare can be measured as well to give an overall density.

• data collection is relatively slow.


• fluorescence can be complicated by self-absorption.

• can collect multiple fluorescence lines at a time.

• sample size limited by total absorption length .

Page 27: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Fluorescence Tomography: Experimental Setup

Fluorescencedetector:multi-elementGe detector

Sample stage:x-y-z-θ


Optical microscope, KB mirrors

Page 28: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Fluorescence Tomography: Sinograms


ωω ωω

The Raw fluorescence tomography data consists of elementalfluorescence (uncorrected for self-absorption) as a function ofposition and angle: a sinogram. This data is reconstructed as avirtual slice through the sample by a coordinate transformationof (x,ω) -> (x, y). The process can be repeated at different zpositions to give three-dimensional information.

Fluorescence Sinograms for Zn, Fe, and As collectedsimultaneously for a section of contaminated root (photo, right):

x: 300µm in 5µm steps ωωωω: 180° in 3° steps


Page 29: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Fluorescence Tomography: Distributions of Heavy Metals in Roots

The role of root-borne carbonate nodules in the attenuationof contaminant metals in aquatic plants is beinginvestigated using a combination of EXAFS, SEM, X-raymicroprobe and fluorescence CT. The CT images of a 300micron root cross section (Phalaris arundinacea) shows Feand Pb uniformly distributed in the root epidermis whereasZn and Mn are correlated with nodules. Arsenic is highlyheterogeneous and poorly correlated with the epidermissuggesting a non-precipitation incorporation mechanism.

S. Fendorf, C. Hansel (Stanford): Toxic Metal Attenuation by Root-borne Carbonate Nodules

Such information about thedistribution of elements in theinterior of roots is nearlyimpossible to get from x-ymapping alone:

Physically slicing the rootcauses enough damage thatelemental maps would becompromised.

photograph of root section andreconstructed slices of fluorescent x-ray CT for selected elements.

Page 30: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Fluorescence Tomography: Interplanetary Dust Particles

Interplanetary Dust Particles (IDPs) collected by NASAaircraft from the Earth’s stratosphere allow laboratoryanalysis of asteroidal and cometary dust.

MicroXRF analyses show enrichment of volatile elements,suggesting the particles derive from parent bodies moreprimitive than carbonaceous chondrites (Flynn and Sutton,1995). The IDP fluorescence tomography images showthat volatile elements (Zn and Br) are not strongly surface-correlated, suggesting that these elements are primarilyindigenous rather than from atmospheric contamination

G. J. Flynn (SUNY, Plattsburgh): Volatile elements in interplanetary dust

Page 31: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Fluorescence Tomography: Trace Elements in Goffs Pluton Zircons

Fluorescence CT of individual zircon crystals shows theheterogeneities of U, Th, and Y in candidate crystals forU-Pb dating. Zircons from Goffs Pluton (Mojave) haveProterozoic cores and Cretaceous overgrowths. Thetomography images for a 150 µm zircon show that theovergrowths are associated with U and Th enrichment. The crystal contains a large void (dark triangularfeature). There is also some U and Th "mineralization"within the void that is zirconium-free (compare U and Zrimages). The yttrium distribution is quite heterogeneouswith a tendency of anti-correlation with Zr, U and Th.

M. McWilliams (Stanford Univ)

Fluorescence CT in such astrongly absorbing sample (nearlyall Zr!) is complicated by self-absorption. These reconstructionsare the result of a crude correctionfor self-absorption in thesinograms.

Page 32: ERL for Microfluorescence, Microspectroscopy and ......Applications of micro-XRF, microspectroscopy High pressure, diamond-anvil cell Environmental science Geochemistry, cosmochemistry

GeoSoilEnviroCARS ������������ The University of Chicago ������������ Argonne National Lab

Fluorescence Tomography: Self Absorption in Zr sinogram

Uncorrected sinogram (detectorviewing from the right) for Zrfluorescence of ZrSiO4. There issignificant self-absorption.

The simplest self-absorptioncorrection to the sinogram uses auniform absorption coefficient ofthe sample, and does a row-by-row correction. This gives amore uniform density across thesinogram and the reconstructedslice.

Sinograms and reconstructed slices for Zr fluorescencefrom zircon: uncorrected (top) and corrected (bottom) forself-absorption.

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Brightness of bending m

agnet sources




hoton energy (keV)

10 11

10 12

10 13

10 14

10 15Brightness (photons/s/0.1%BW/mrad2)





L (1.25 T)