ernest, fervent paves ihe on friday ol xv. no. ocean grove, new jersey, saturday, august 24 7907....

Vol: XV. No. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 7907. One Dollar the Year Ernest, Fervent Paves Ihe on Friday ol COMMUNION SERVED TO A LARGE NUMBER AT NIGHT With tlie administration tin1 lo rd ’s Supper, the camp meeting was formally instituted last Friday even- ing, This is the Grove’s thirty-eighth annual camp; and what a difference today In the surroundings. In the at- tendance aml_ln all that now goes to malts tlio week noteworthy from that first little gutherlng helrt in the tent of Ml . and . Mrs. Joseph Thornley along .the banks of Wesley lake. A more handful then, amid primitive surroundings; thousands now, in com- fortable environment! Bishop Wilson presided ait the great Sacramental service last Friday even- ing, Probably two thousand persons seto present in the Auditorium'when ..the opening hymn iwas announced, and more came dropping In every few minutes uiitll the! number was In- creased to three thousand or more. • Tihe platform was occupied ’by min- isters, among them being noticed thfe Rev. J. R. Oaniels, ot the Grove; a member of the Association whom ill- ness has conined to his home and who has therefore been uJiable to take any part in the meetings of the summer up to fills time. Donald Chalmers, of Leader Van- . Hook’s assistants'In the Yojing Peo- ple's meetings, led the singing, in dispensing the sacred elements the Blsiiop was assisted by the Revs. Dr. O’Hanlon, pr. Henry WSiSeler, Dr. Jo- -aeph Smith, Dr. Ballard, Dr. Samuel Thomas, Dr. B. C. Lipp” . ''ft. Sr., and others. All the ministers present, communed j ilrst, and then the elements were dis- tributed to the audience in companies as they knelt .ground the altar. In this ■way'- more 'ithaii a thousand persons partook o£ the emblems ,of tiie vicari- ous sufferings of ihe Saviour, and to those present it was a fitting Inaugural ct the services to follow for the next ten days. In each of tlie meetings held daily In the Temple and Taber- . iiacle there had btfen prayer, many . fervent supplications sen nil • the throne,' that success beyond’any here- tofore attained on ... th.ese grounds, would wait upon the present'camp. 5;i this'way was preparation made for the service's and the people put In a prop- er,frame of mind for the great feast of taibernacles. ] SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 To give-the camp a proper start twelve meetings were held pn Satur- day, the flrsrday. .. Dr. Ballard took the consecration'service at 5.46 a. m., a meeting over which 'he (has presided for many years. Likewise ‘ prayer in the Auditorium at G.45 found Dr. Mallard ill the, position ot leader, and, asdf'be had not already perform- ed sufficient work in the field, there he was again at the. front of the Holiness meeting in the Tabernacle at 3 o'clock. Tibia ivas a happy gathering of con* ,.genial spirits—the older folks who love the worship afforded .in prayer., praise and testimony. IMiss Vannatta was on hand to sing an appropriate solo, and Miss. Marsh was in her place ,.'at, .the organ to lead the singing. Miss Lizzie Sliarp iii Thornley Chapel instituted the Helping Hand or fellowship service so Ions conducted by the Sate William Franklin Over in the Temple the' very rafters vibrated' with the Glory Song, which set the keynote for the meeting—''glory.” A • short address was delivered by Dish op Wilson. And at the same hour- nine o'clock—Mrs. Tda M. Hudson sur- rounded herself with t'he little chil- dren, to whom she related the story oi tlie Christ child. This meeting is held In Association Hall, and on the first morning of camp It was favored with an attendance that exceeded the ex- pectation of the leader. The first sermon of camp was preached,, according to custorii, by an Ocean drove minister, the Rev Percy Perinchlef, pastor of our own St. Paul's church, The theme of his splendid discourse was "Types of the Spirit," based upon the text from Acts ii, 3—“And ahere appeared unto thfem cloven tongues like as of Ore, and it sat upon each of them," togeth- er with a.portlon of lhe seventeenth yorse, “I will pour out my Spirit upon all fieah,” The general thought of the sermon was the necessity of this spir- it for1 successful Christian living aud asrvlc©. In ths immediate decision meeting after dinner leader Mrs. Lizzie Smith, who, by the way, has held that post continuously for thirty-two years, spoke of those who had gone to their home slneo last year—Bishop FitzGer- ald, Fannie Carr, and other friends of Ocean, Grove. ‘‘But God is here," said tho loader, .'And I thnnlc Him that nil aro not gone, nnd that He does not taka all at ono time,- but leaves some for service.’1 For a first day tho meet- Firsi Sermons Preached by the ’ Rev. Percy Perinchiel, ol SI. Paul’s Church, Ocean Grove, and the Rev. B. C. Lippin- cott, Jr., ol Red Bank—Many Familiar Faces Are Noted in the Attending Throng—Meet- ing Now at Flood Tide. Daily Story ot the Camp ing was a good one in every particu- lar, tihe leader, apparently starting in where she left off last year, In conse- quence of which there was a season of spiritual’ refreshing to ail present. “Paiil's Pattern on Consecration-’ was iRev. Joseph Smith’s topic for "the Pentecostal evangelism in the Temple at 3.30 Saturday afternoon, and a goodly company assembled to hear tihis noted 'Bible expositor. They found profit under his teaching. . /■ There was a conference of the camp workers; ministerial and lay, at 5.45, over which* Bishop "Wilson presided, and from 5.30 to G.OO a beach meeting was held at the foot of Ocean Path- way, led -by Dr, Ballard. The evening serriion in the Auditorium, closing the first day of camp, was the Uev. -B. C. Lippincott. Jri, of Red Bank. His text was “I saw also the Lord sitting upon a. throne, high and lifted up," from Isaiah, vi, 1. Joseph Smith took charge of the after meet- ing. SUNDAY.;. AUGUST 18 Peculiar interest was gi.ven to the camp services on Sundpy"witlv no less than fifteen;. separate'services, inclu- sive of the several- departments of tlie Sunday sdhool; and one of these ser- vices, morning worship in the Audi- torium, was-made particularly note- worthy by an attendance estimated at T lfp00—“possibly the- largest congre - gation assembled for religious wor- ship at this time in’ America,” as Bishop Wilson said, in introducing the preacher .of the morning, the Rev. W . R . Wedtlerspoon, of. • Pittsburg, Long before the hour of worship every seat was Occupied, even the altar be- ing. used as a place of vantage by late 'comers. The platform was crowded with ministers, among, whom , were many accustomed to. coming to Ocean Grove for years. Dr. - Wedderspoon’s theme 'was “Playing -Fair with the Sinless Son. of Man,” 'the sermon, stirring and strong .at every, point, being based upon the text, “Ye are my friends if ye do what- soever I command you,” from St. John xv, 14. At the outset the voice of the preatther, wihp was suffering from a cold, did not penetrate to the farthet recesses of the building,' in conse- quence of which some impatient ones; left the Auditorium arid thereby miss- ed a great treat. It was but a few minutes before Dr. Wedderspoon had recovered' the full strength of his fine Voice, • and his' sentences, following’ hard .upon ‘ eaah oliher, were rolling out so-that everybody could hear him and appreciate the beauty, the force, the eloquence of his masterful ora- tory, as he unfolded the story of- true friendship, and playing fair with the Saviour of mankind; Several times the was interrupted with applause, which seems to be the accepted thing when a preacher strikes a responsive chord in the hearts of his hearers. And at the conclusion of -tlie sermon ' the, ap - plause was renewed .as a tribute to the speaker’s effort. . • . The first shouting of the camp was heard in tho Holiness meeting, earlier in. the morning. Bishop Wilson, the leader, had given the freedom ,of the meeting to the band of faithful wor- shippers. W ith ayidifcy they seized upon their opportunity. 'Many were on their feet to testify to the mighty power that cleansetli from all sin and sets the captive free. Shouts of tri- umph arose as the happy worshippers related their personal experiences touching the .great matter ('hat lay so near their hearts. At the Helping Hand service In Thornley Cliapel, whose motto is “Tho Eternal-God is Thy Refuge,^he lead - er, Miss Lizzie 'Sharp, spoke briefly of an expectant faith an<l the promise ’that from the Christian his expecta- tions shall not be cut off, but 'be realized.. Tlio address was- followed by reading the story of the marriage feast in Canaan, the leader dwelling upon tho words of tho mother -of Jesus. •'WhatFCgvor he saitli unto thee, do it,‘* as applicable to her hear- ers. / ’• “The New Law” was the sulbject of the address of the leader In the Young People’s meeting. The keynote for this, service was set by singing “Work, for the.Nigbt is Coming.” Mrs..Ida M. Hudson conducted the children’s hour in Association ' Hall/ giving the story-lesson of the Babe of Bethlehem; • The afternoon’s services included the immediate decision meeting, ‘ led by Mrs. Lizzie Smith, who wields a wonderful influence among the .wor- shippers in tihe Tabernacle; the Bible,' Class, where the largest audience of the summer faced the leader, Dr! Mun- hall, and the pentecostal. evangelism, led ‘by Rev. Joseph Smith, In the in- termediate department of the Sunday school, the Rev, Dr. Hanna, of Centen- ary'Church,’ Philadelphia, spoke to tlio children.- *‘? .i The beach meeting drew together one of the largest congregations ever known to attend'that service. The boardwalk in the vicinity, of Ocean Pathway was crowded, while a vast number stood upon the seashore, and while the sun’was-going down and Its rays reflecting in sky and water a symphony of iridescent colgring - tiie air reverberated - with songs and V&e prayers and the words that were sent up to .the fhrone of grace. As a fitting close to the day Josepli Smith occupied the ‘ Auditorium plati form at evening worship, preaching a sti;ong sermon on the importance of re- lationship, with Jesus Christ. .His text was from Galatians Iv, 7—“And If a son, then heir.-'-V TUESDAY, AUGUST 20 Rain.this morning, but what of it? No rain could dampen the fervor and enthusiasm with which the worship- pers entered into the spirit- of tlie day’s doings. Truth to say, the rain only added to the attendance at the meetings from among the many de- nied the pleasure ’of the beach and boardwalk.. This was particularly true of the Young People’s meeting, to which, under tjie leadership of Bishop Wilson, variety was given with a solo by Mr; Hackett. respon- sive reading, a cornet duett, a splen- did . address '“by the bishop, and the testimony of a cloud . of;- .witnesses. “YVe are anxious,” said the bishop, “that all shall get good and that’ all shall do g o o d . A n d this was the spirit that pervaded the meeting. “ I, wonder if our faces are turned 5 to- ward victory?” the leader asked. His question was impelled by the singing of “On to Victory;” Continuing Bishop Wilson said: “The joy. of life in childhood is found in the hoiiie with mothter. Doubtless many of you-are thinking of that home and of that dear old mother and of your child- hood, And because of your thoughts Jesus set ms sweeter to = you today {Jinrt ever. AH life is made brighter and sweeter because of your love for the Saviour. Some may feel that they are not so near God now as they lised to be—just a bit of drifting away from home, from love, from God. I want to set before you the word vic- tory. If you have held fast to the faith, if you are steadfast in your love for God, you arp nearer victory than ever; and if you have not faced vic- tory you may do so before this ser- vice, ends. You can’t go back, some of you, to the old home and see. the old faces, but God is very near to ev- ery one. To get back to Jesus is to start for victory, and if you are faced toward Christ you are faced toward victory. Commit your ways unto .Him for guidance and it is victory down to the end of the story.” KOIVDAY, AUGUST 19 Camp was early astir on. Monday morning, as witnessed by the number at both the consecration and the fami- ly prayer services. The former is at- tended mainly by persons who come together thus early to obtain from God direction as to 4heir duty through the day. Appraise service was held in tihe Temple at 9 o’clock, the leader, Mr, VahtHook, ' speaking on “God's witnesses?’ At the. children’s hour in Association hall, Mrs. Hudson demon- strated, the lesson on * ' 4 Power” with ' the aid* of magnets and needles. The Holiness meeting was directed by Bishop Wilson, with an attendance that took up every bit of room avail- able. Here some of the former camp frequenters are missed—iMrs. Bot- tome, Fanny Carr, Bishop FitzGeralds At the Helping Hand meeting, where the spirit ,of the late' William Frank-. 1In see iris to hover ovOr the worship- pers, an, hour was . profitable spent. The lesson here is short and terse and to the point always. , Ever, since the death of John Inskip the "wash day” sermon Monday-ihorn- ing lias been preached, with two ex- ceptions, by the Rev. Dr. Thomas O’llanlou. The latter faced \a large audience this week, arid’ preached a ser ni on'that will linger long in tihe memory of his hearers. The text was from 1 Cor. ii, 1-1—“’But tiie natural man received not- t'he things of the 'Spirit Of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know-them, because they are Spiritually discern- ed.” Dr. O’-Hanion touched upon the border line between the natural and the supernatural iii religion, showing that there is a certain grace common to everybody and the need of> pardon which leads to prayer. Joseph Smith in his* penteoostal evangelism meeting the same after- noon asked that there might be mighty prayer for the. outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the erection of faintly altars everywhere; He con- cluded that God calls hut few lawyers in His case, but Ho subpoenas many witnesses—rwltnesses for the spirit—and Mi*.-Smith urged his hear ers therefore to be good • witnesses. Mi*. Moylan, of 'Baltimore, a deaf and dumb man, in the sign language illus- trated the «hymu, “Nearer 'My God to Thee,” as tho beautiful words were sung l>y Miss Anna Hughes. All of the remaining meetings held during the day had large attendance- (f anything, larger than customary on tho usual ‘wash day,” The sermon at night in the Auditorium was preached by the 'Rev. Dr. Stone, of Baltimore, Dr, Stone's text was. ^And Peter followed afar off,” the last clause of tho 54th verse of Luke.xxil, tho story of Peter's denial of the Master. Peter bad made the one great mistake in his life, but still reirained with the company, and the preacher urged bla hearers, those who may have sinned, to hold: fast to their faith and' remain Christians. (Concluded on eighth page.) Carnival Dates Following are the dates of tbe events In connect Ion with the Asbury Park carnival: Deal Lake. ..Carnival—Friday even- ing. August 23. . - - Coronation—Tuesday evening, Aug- ust 27. - Queen’s Court Ball — Wednesday, evening, August 28. BaJby Parade—Thursday afternoon, August- 20. Ma.sque Fete—Friday evening, Aug- ust 30. Summer Resident Bead George Spain, who died last Friday night at the Spring Lake hospital, fol- lowing an operation for appendicitis, was a summer ’ resident of Ocean Grove,! occupying with his wife., arid children a cottage on Franklin ave- nue. The deceased lived in Newark, where he was employed as assistant yard mas ter. by ihe Pennsylvania rail- road. - *”•Maii*Job lor Somebody' 'Postmaster Hamilton, of Ocean Grove*, will, receive proposals' for carrying tlie mail beteween his office and the railroad depot. Tim Newman, Who had the contract, lias thrown up the job. . The successful bidder must be over sixteen years of age and suit- able to be entrusted with the care and custody of the malls. Tivo lots lor Sale At the .corner of New Jersey and J-Ieclc avenues I" can sell you two choice lots, full size, one a corner. Lots in the Central part of the Grove are hard to find. This is a splendid location for a home. Prices and par- ticulars of E. N. Woolston, Real Es- tate, 50 Main avenue, Ocean Grove.— tf. ' ___ _______ | ’ : May Get Convention An etiort is being made to have the national -convention of the. Prohibit tipn party, meet in the Twin Cities in June of next year. There are usually about 15,000 persons in attendance at this conventionr and, holding in*. June, it will be an excellent thing for the lo- cal hotel and boarding ’house keepers. MINISTER ASKS 081 KING FOR GIFT OF $100,000,080 Request Follows Announcement Made In Ocean Grove Two weeks ago in the Ocean Grove Auditorium, the Rev. Cortland Meyers announced his intention of asking “one-pf the. wealthiest men in this country” to contribute of his riches $100,000,000 toward the evangelization of the world;" Following that an- nouncement, last Sunday, In the Eu- clid Avenue Baptist Church, Cleve-r land, O,, Rev; Mr. Moyers pointedly asked of John D.'.Rockafeller the sum named, - • ‘ ; The oil king seemed to be the suggestion, for after the sermon 'he greeted .the Rey. Mr. Meyers ef-. fuslvely a n d ‘iiivited him to dine at Forest Hill, In connection With his gift sugges- tion . the Rev; Mr. Meyers asked for fair pl$y for corporations.’ It might have b’edri that feature. that pleased John D« . “As a nation we aro approaching a danger line commercially,” said the minister. “The-demand of our modern, the intensp competition and the great progress wo have made have resulted in misrepresentation. Misunderstanding and criticism of our •leading commercial institutions can result in no good. It cannot. last, either, in my estimation, for the American people as. a nation, are a fair people.” This utterance Is in line with What Rsy. 'Mr. Meyers said here two weeks ago. And although no name was men- tioned at that time it was understood that the speaker had Rockefeller In mind. Fannie Carr Ss Laid to Rest Tihe funeral of Fannie H. Carr, who died at the Ann May ‘Memorial Hos- pital, Spring Lake, the latter part of last week, was held (Monday at 'her late home in Camden, Mrs. Carr’s death followed a brief Illness. She was a guest at the Arlington Hotel as usual this summer.'Taken ill she was removed to the hospital for an opera- tion, but she sank rapidly and passed away before the operation could be performed. The deceased was a familiar figure iri Ocean Grove for many years, espe- cially around camp meeting time. For- merly she was much interested In the Ocean Grove Sunday School Assemblv. )She was a gifted woman, a rare con- versationalist and a talented writer. CARNIVAL PRESS CLUB ENTERTAINED AT DINNER Hold Brunswick Provides Elaborate Spread for Newspaper At the Hotel Brunswick-, Asbury Park, the members of the’ -carnival press club were entertained at dinner on Monday evening. The! occasion was the annual press banquet tender- . ed by the Asbury Park Carnival As- sociation, through the courtesy of-'. Morgan & Parsons,' proprietors of the Brunswick. . . ' . .. ;/ ; Being entirely informal the banquet was all the more enjoyable, and tho dinner set before the newspaper men will go down Into History as one of the best features in connection with the' 1907 carnival. The guests carried away with them handsome souvenirs df the festive occasion in tho shajje of . press-badge watch fobs and bankbill : .wallets. The handsome menu card bore on its cover the face of Miss Jessie May Hazeirigg, who has been selected to impersonate Queeri Tltania during tho.. carnival. The hosts at this delightful affair were Miss Morgan and A. R. Parsons, of biie Hotel Brunswick; Arthur H. ' Hope, president of the carnival asso- ciation, and J. Albert Hood, chairman of the press committee. The guests were Charles E. King, of the King., advertising agency; William K. Dev- eretix, of the New York Tribune; Har- old E. Denogar, director of publicity; Malcolm Severance, of the Wilson [Newspaper Agency; Elias Longstreet, Jr., of the Asbury Park 'Evening r*ress; A. B. Clives of the Asbury Park Morning Pros?: William Stlmp- son, of the Newark Sum 1ay Call; Har- ry Hurley, .of the Philadelphia Public Ledger; J. E. Russell, of the New • York Herald; L. B. Severance, of the Now York World; L. M. Morris, of the New York American: Carroll Sooy, of the Asbury Park Journal, and J. E. Quinn, of tihe Ocean Grove Times. In a ringing sper-ch at the close of the banquet, A. R. Parsons outlined his ideas for the advancement of As- bury Park. SCUMiAM’f-HElNK COMING Cprd ol Tiianlcs I take this means of 'expressing to Proprietor John T. Abbott and wife, of the National Hotel, Ocean Grove, my great appreciation of the many .courtesies and kindnesses ' shown to myself and daughter, Mrs. J. A. Ful- ton, of New York, during the latter’; recent illness, 3-1-11* ;'M «S. R./A, LINDEMA'N. Special Train On the night of the masked fete-in Asbury Park, Friday, August 30, a special train will be run on' the .Cen- tral Railroad to accommodate, per-, sons who wish to leave the city the same, night for their homes. This train will leave at 11.15, and there will 'be through cars to Newark, with connection, for Elizabeth. Children's Picnic -The annual picnic of the children’s: chorus, is to' bo. held next Wednes- day, August 28, at Wanamassa Park^ Tho children will 'be taken to thfe grounds "in straw wagons. A great day has been planned by Mr. Mor- gan. ./ . , . . - - Sunday. School Excursion To West Point on Thursday, Sep- tember 5. Iron Steamboat. “Cepheus 1 leasevs Asbury Parle at 7.20 a, m — 31-35. Prize-Winning Casters Captain G. W. Fcgnlmoro; Thoma’s Martin and Winfield Scott, of Ocean Grove, were among the lucky contest- | ants in the casting tournament of the [ Asbury Park Fishing Club last Satur- [ day. With a cast of 159 feet, 11 1-5 inches Captain Fenimore was second in the long list, of entries. Thomas Martin was third, with 35t> feci. 1} 4-5 inches to his credit, and Winfield Sep?t ".was fourteenth, casting t-23 feet 10 inches. The prize caster was W. H. Moran, of New York, who spread the line a distance of 2,42 feet, 6 inches.. Won Loving Cups The Belmar Yacht Club, of which William H. Carpenter, 81 Heck ave- nue, Ocean Grove, Is an enthusiastic member and former commodore, lift- ed -two . handsome loving cups last Saturday afternoon In the annual chal- lenge races against the best boats produced by the* Manasquan River Yaoht Club. . There were three races over the course in Manasquan river, tlc.lniar scored seventeen points to Manasquan’s eight. Handsome Water Color l.n the windoyr of White’s drug store a water color .picture entitled “Sun- day Evening in Ocean Grove” is at- tracting much attention and favorable comment. The picture shows a portion Of Ocean Pathway lending to the Au- ditorium, outlined in tihe distance, ■There is also the tower of the Temple, besides several of the smaller build- ings, in tlie vle\V. The picture L th? work of Stanley Norse, of Ay bury Park. ; Sale ol r*!e»z Property • As previously announced, public sale of tiie valuable .property of the late Caroline L. Aletz. located on the northeast corner of Heck avenue and Pilgrim Pathway. Ocean Grove, will be held on Tuesday afternoon. August 27. Terms will be made known !on the day of sale by the exe'cutors—George W. PIttenger and Charles Roads. The hour of sale is 2.30 o’clock, and Jo- seph C. Patterson Is the auctioneer. Bring Back That W heel Plumber John Reed would like to know who it was that purloined his bicycle last Saturday -morning. The Wheel was standing in the space be- tween. Mr. Reed’s shop and the El- wood, on Pilgrim Pathway, and offered a good chance for the thief to make way with it. ^.lthough not a new bi- cycle, it was worth taking. Will Sing in Grand Concert Next Thursday Evening Op Thursday evening of next week Mme. Scliumann-Heink will'sing here in grand concert. Others on the pro- gram with the great cantatrice will be Daniel Bed dot?. tMior; and Hans Kronold, the Velllst. The chorus' will sing, also. Among the numbers to he sung by Mme. Schumann-Heink are “Adrf-. ana,” from Rienzi (Wagner)', “Trust in the Ivord” tHandel). "Sei Still” tRaff), “Abide With 'Me" (Llddle),- •‘Love in a Cottage” iGans). and oth- ers, closing with “Die AUmacht,” HGreat is Jehovah) by Schubert Tickets' for this concert are now on sale, and there Is promise of an un- usually large audience. QUEEN’S MAIDS OF HONOR Two More Are Chosen to Attend Her Majesty Tltania VII.* ‘Miss Jessie May Haz- elrigg. now has nearly h?r full com- plement of maids of honor for the As- bury Park carnival and baby parade, two more having been chosen wltbin, tlie last few days by the carnival as- sociation. Miss Florida Sherwood, who is summering at the Hotel ’Brunswick, makes the tilth young lady to be ele- vated to this position of honor. Sunset Hall, on Fourth avenue, furnishes a pretty maid of honor. Miss Aline de’Raismes, who is a. guest of this house, with her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. John L. de’Raismes, has her home in New York city. Lived to Ripe Old Age Last. Sunday moruing Henry R. Huste'd, of Brooklyp, died at iiis sdm-' mer home,- the Laird cottage, corner Main and New York av'ehues. Deceased was eighty years old. The body was- shipped to Brooklyn by Undertaker Burtis for interment iu Cypress Hill Cemetery. . . TO {RENTP—Ground (for bungalow purposes at Bradley Beach; a flve- yeara* lease will be given. For particu- lars 7apply to H, S. Kinmonth, Asbury Park.—^2-35* C-en. Cotf'h at Casino General Halllngtnn -wiil con-- duct three meetings a; the Asbury Park Casino.on Snn:l;:y— a. m., 2.15 and 7.30 p. m. A special feature, of tlu* afternoon m»*c;ii.s. which will be devoted to chlidrci:\‘ woik. will be the presence of Erl win Reinhart, the little babe found :n the woods a year aj:o last Jantiary. nearly frozen to death, and who ha 1 been turned over to the Volunteers Children’s Home by the authorities of Darien, Conn. United States Hotel Sold ’The United States Hotel has been sold by William Orr, Us owner and proprietor for many years, to II. G. Shreve, of the Grove. The sale was consummated on Tuesday, although possession will not be obtained by Mr. Shreve until October 1. The United ,States Motel is located at the north- west corner of Main, and Beach aver nues. It la one of the best known houses of public entertainment in the Grove. The tenant for the last two seasons has been F. B. Chamberlin. For Rent A small storo on Main avenue, Ocean Grove, opposite Postofilce, con- ducted last season as a Women’s Ex- change with success. A good oppor- tunity for same line of business. Rent low. E. N. Woolston, Real Estate, 50 Main avenue.—tt. Lost A small red silk shawl, between! postoffice and Auditorium, Pleaso leavo at Ocean Grovo Times ofiico and receive the thanks of tho owner, •

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Vol: XV. No. OCEAN GROVE, N E W JE R SE Y , SA TU R D A Y , AUGUST 24 7907. One Dollar the Year

Ernest, Fervent Paves Ihe on Friday ol

COMMUNION SERVED TO A LARGE NUMBER AT NIGHTW ith tlie adm in is tra tion o£ tin1

l o r d ’s Supper, the cam p m eeting was form ally in s titu ted la st F riday even­ing, T his is the Grove’s th irty -e ig h th annual cam p; and w hat a difference today In the surroundings. In th e a t­ten d an ce am l_ln a l l th a t now goes to m alts tlio week notew orthy from th a t f irs t li tt le gutherlng helrt in the ten t o f Ml . and . Mrs. Joseph T hornley along .the banks of W esley lake. A m o re handful then, amid prim itive su rround ings; thousands now, in com­fo rtab le environm ent!

B ishop W ilson presided ait the g rea t Sacram en tal serv ice la st F riday even­ing, P robably tw o thousand persons s e to p resen t in the A udito rium 'w hen

..the opening hym n iwas announced, and m ore cam e dropping In every few m inu tes uiitll the! num ber was In­c reased to th re e thousand or more.

• Tihe platform w as occupied ’by m in­is te rs , am ong them being noticed thfe R ev. J . R. Oaniels, ot the Grove; a m em ber of the A ssociation whom ill­n ess has conined to h is hom e and who has therefo re been uJiable to tak e any p a rt in th e m eetings of the su m m er up to fills tim e.

Donald C halm ers, of L eader Van- . H ook’s a s s is ta n ts 'In the Yojing Peo­p le 's m eetings, led the singing, in d isp en sin g the sacred e lem ents the B lsiiop w as ass is ted by th e Revs. Dr. O’H anlon, p r . H enry WSiSeler, D r. Jo-

-aeph Sm ith , Dr. B allard, Dr. Sam uel T hom as, Dr. B. C. Lipp” . ' ' ft. Sr., and o th e rs . •

All the m in is te rs present, com m uned j ilrst, and then the e lem ents w ere d is­tr ib u ted to the audience in com panies as th e y k n e lt .ground the a lta r. In this ■way'- more 'ithaii a thousand persons p a rto o k o£ the em blem s ,of tiie v icari­ous sufferings of ihe Saviour, and to th o se p resen t it w as a fitting Inaugural c t the serv ices to follow for th e next ten days. In each of tlie m eetings h e ld daily In the Tem ple and Taber-

. iiac le th e re had btfen p rayer, m any . fe rv e n t supp lications sen nil • the

throne,' th a t success beyond’an y h e re ­tofore a tta in ed o n ... th.ese g rounds,would w ait upon th e p resen t'cam p . 5;i th is 'w a y was p repara tion m ade for the service's and the people put In a prop­e r,fram e of m ind for the g rea t feast of taibernacles. ]

SATURDAY, AUGUST 17To g iv e -th e cam p a p roper s ta r t

tw elve m eetings w ere held pn S a tu r­day, th e f lr s rd a y . .. Dr. B allard took the consec ra tion 'se rv ice a t 5.46 a. m., a m ee tin g over w hich 'he (has presided fo r m any years. L ikew ise th e .fam ily .

‘ p ray e r in the A uditorium a t G.45 found Dr. Mallard ill th e , position o t leader, and , a s d f 'b e had no t a lready perfo rm ­ed sufficient w o rk in th e field, th e re he w as again a t the. fro n t of th e H oliness m eeting in the T abernacle a t 3 o'clock. Tibia ivas a happy g a th e rin g of con*

,.gen ial sp ir its—th e older folks who love th e w orship afforded .in p rayer., p ra ise and testim ony. IMiss V annatta w as on hand to sing a n appropria te solo, and Miss. M arsh w as in her place

,. 'a t, .the organ to lead the singing.M iss Lizzie S liarp iii Thornley

C hapel in s titu ted the H elp ing H and or fe llow sh ip serv ice so Ions conducted b y th e Sate W illiam F ran k lin O ver in th e Tem ple the ' very ra fte rs vibrated ' with th e Glory Song, which set the keynote for th e m eeting—''g lo ry .” A

• sh o rt address w as delivered by Dish op W ilson. And a t the sam e h o u r - n ine o'clock—M rs. Tda M. H udson s u r­rounded he rself w ith t'he little chil­dren , to whom she re la ted th e s to ry oi t lie C h ris t child. T h is m eeting is held In A ssociation H all, and on the first m orn ing of cam p It w as favored w ith an a tten d an ce th a t exceeded the ex­pec ta tio n of the leader.

T he f irs t serm on of cam p was preached,, according to custorii, by an Ocean d ro v e m in is te r, the Rev P ercy P e rinch le f, p asto r of ou r own St. P a u l 's church, T he them e of his sp lendid discourse w as "T ypes of th e S p ir it ," based upon the tex t from A cts ii, 3—“A nd a h e re appeared unto thfem cloven tongues lik e as of Ore, a n d i t s a t upon each of them ," to g e th ­e r w ith a .p o r t lo n of lh e seven teen th yorse, “ I w ill pour ou t my S p ir it upon a ll fieah,” T he general th o u g h t of th e serm on w as th e necessity of th is sp ir­i t f o r 1 successfu l C hristian living aud asrvlc©.

In th s im m ediate decision m eeting a f te r d in n e r leader M rs. Lizzie Sm ith, who, by th e way, has held th a t post con tinuously fo r th irty -tw o years, spoke of those w ho had gone to the ir hom e slneo la s t year—B ishop F itzG er­ald, F ann ie C arr, an d o th e r friends of Ocean, Grove. ‘‘B u t God is here ," said th o loader, ‘.'And I thnnlc H im th a t nil a ro no t gone, nnd th a t H e does n o t ta k a a ll a t ono time,- b u t leaves som e fo r serv ice .’1 F o r a first day tho m eet-

Firsi Sermons Preached by the ’

Rev. Percy Perinchiel, ol SI.

Paul’s Church, Ocean Grove,

and the Rev. B. C. Lippin­

cott, J r ., ol Red Bank— Many

Fam iliar Faces Are Noted in

the Attending Throng—Meet­

ing Now at Flood Tide.

Daily Story ot the Camp

ing w as a good one in every p articu ­la r, tihe leader, ap paren tly s ta r tin g in w here she le f t off la s t year, In conse­quence of which th e re was a season of sp ir itu a l’ re fresh in g to ail p resen t.

“P aiil's P a tte rn on C onsecration-’ was iRev. Joseph S m ith ’s topic for "the Pentecostal evangelism in the Tem ple a t 3.30 S a tu rd ay afternoon , and a goodly com pany assem bled to hear tihis noted 'Bible expositor. They found profit under his teach ing . ./■ T h e re w as a conference of the cam p w orkers; m in iste ria l and lay, a t 5.45, over which* B ishop "Wilson presided, and from 5.30 to G.OO a beach m eeting was held a t th e foot of Ocean P a th ­way, led -by Dr, Ballard. The evening serriion in th e A uditorium , closing the first day of cam p, w as p readhed .by the Uev. -B. C. L ippincott. Jri, of Red Bank. H is te x t w as “I saw also th e Lord s ittin g upon a. throne, high and lifted up ," from Isa iah , vi, 1. Joseph Sm ith took charge of the a f te r m eet­ing.

SUNDAY.;. AUGUST 18Peculiar in te re s t w as gi.ven to the

cam p serv ices on Sundpy"w itlv no less th an fifteen;. s e p a ra te 's e rv ic e s , inclu­sive of the several- d epartm en ts of tlie Sunday sdhool; and one of these ser­vices, m orning w orsh ip in th e Audi­torium , w as-m ade particu larly note­w orthy by an a tten d an ce estim ated a t T lfp00—“possibly the- la rg est congre­gation assem bled for religious wor­sh ip a t th is tim e in ’ A m erica,” as B ishop W ilson said , in in troducing th e p reach er .of the m orning, the Rev. W . R . W edtlerspoon, of. • P ittsburg , L ong before th e hour of w orship every sea t was Occupied, even the a l ta r be­ing. used as a place of vantage by late

'comers. T he platform was crowded w ith m in iste rs , am ong, whom , w ere m any accustom ed to. com ing to Ocean Grove for years.

Dr. - W edderspoon’s them e 'was “Playing -F air w ith the S in less Son. of Man,” 'th e serm on , s tirrin g and strong .at every, poin t, being based upon the text, “Ye a re m y friends if ye do w hat­soever I com m and you,” from S t. John xv, 14. At the ou tse t th e voice of the preatther, wihp w as suffering from a cold, did not p en e tra te to the fa rthe t recesses of the b u ild in g , ' in conse­quence of w hich som e im patien t ones; left the A uditorium arid th e reb y m iss­ed a g re a t tre a t. I t w as but a few m inu tes before Dr. W edderspoon had recovered ' th e full s treng th of h is fine Voice, • and his' sen tences, following’ hard .upon ‘ eaah oliher, w ere rolling o u t s o - th a t everybody could h e a r him and ap p rec ia te the beauty, the force, th e eloquence of his m asterfu l ora­tory , as he unfolded th e story of- true friendship , and p laying fa ir w ith th e Saviour of m ankind; Several tim es the w as in te rru p ted w ith applause, which seem s to be th e accepted th in g when a p reach er s tr ik e s a responsive chord in th e h e a r ts of his hearers. And a t th e conclusion of -tlie serm on ' the, ap­p lause w as renew ed .as a trib u te to th e sp eak e r’s effort. . • .

T he first shou ting of th e cam p w as heard in th o H oliness m eeting, earlie r in. th e m orning . B ishop W ilson, the leader, had g iven th e freedom ,of the m eeting to th e band of fa ith fu l w or­sh ippers. W ith ayidifcy they seized upon th e ir opportun ity . 'Many w ere on th e ir feet to te s tify to th e m ighty pow er th a t c leansetli from all s in and se ts th e cap tive free. Shouts of t r i ­um ph arose as the happy w orsh ippers re la ted th e ir personal experiences touching th e .great m a tte r ('hat lay so n e a r th e ir h e arts .

A t the H elp ing H and serv ice In T horn ley Cliapel, w hose m otto is “Tho E ternal-G od is T h y R e f u g e ,^ h e lead­er, M iss Lizzie 'Sharp, spoke b rie fly of an expec tan t fa ith an<l the prom ise ’th a t from th e C hris tian his expec ta­tions sh a ll n o t be cu t off, b u t 'be realized .. Tlio add ress was- followed by read ing th e s to ry of th e m arriag e fea s t in C anaan, th e le ad er dw elling upon tho w ords of tho m o ther -of

Jesu s. •'WhatFCgvor he saitli unto thee, do it,‘* as applicable to h e r hear- ers. • / ’•

“The New Law” w as the sulbject of the add ress of the leader In the Young People’s m eeting. The keynote fo r t h i s , serv ice w as s e t by sing ing “W ork, for th e .N ig b t is Coming.”

M rs..Id a M. H udson conducted the ch ild ren’s hour in A ssociation ' H all/ g iv ing the story-lesson of th e Babe of Bethlehem ;• T he a fte rnoon’s serv ices included th e im m ediate decision m eeting , ‘ led by Mrs. Lizzie Sm ith, who w ields a w onderful influence am ong th e .wor­sh ippers in tihe T abernac le; th e Bible,' C lass, w here the la rg e st aud ience of th e sum m er faced the leader, Dr! Mun­hall, and th e pen tecosta l. evangelism , led ‘by Rev. Joseph Sm ith, In th e in ­te rm ed ia te d ep artm en t of th e Sunday school, th e Rev, Dr. H anna, of C enten­a ry 'C h u rc h ,’ P h iladelphia , spoke to tlio children.- *‘?.i

T he beach m eeting drew toge ther one of th e la rg e s t congregations ever know n to a t t e n d 'th a t serv ice. The boardw alk in the vic in ity , of Ocean P athw ay was crow ded, w hile a vast num ber stood upon the seasho re , and w hile th e s u n ’w as-going down and Its rays reflecting in sky and w a ter a sym phony of iridescen t colgring - tiie a ir reverbera ted - w ith songs and V&e praye rs and th e w ords th a t w ere sen t up to .the fhrone of grace.

As a fitting close to th e day Josepli Sm ith occupied the ‘ A uditorium plati form a t even ing w orship , preach ing a sti;ong serm on on the im portance of re ­la tionsh ip , w ith Jesu s C hrist. .H is tex t w as from G alatians Iv, 7—“ And If a son, th en heir.-'-V

TUESDAY, AUGUST 20R a in .th is m orning, b u t w ha t of it?

No ra in could dam pen the fervor and en thusiasm with w hich th e w orship­pers en tered in to the sp irit- of tlie day’s doings. T ru th to say , th e ra in only added to th e a tte n d an ce a t the m eetings from am ong th e m any de­nied th e p leasu re ’o f th e beach and boardw alk .. T h is was pa rticu la rly tru e of the Y oung People’s m eeting, to which, under tjie leadersh ip of Bishop W ilson, v a rie ty was given w ith a solo by Mr; H ackett. respon­sive read ing , a co rn e t duett, a sp len­did . ad d ress '“b y the bishop, and the testim ony of a cloud . of;- .w itnesses. “ YVe a re anxious,” said the bishop, “ th a t all shall g e t good and th a t ’ a ll shall do g o o d . A n d th is w as the sp ir it th a t pervaded th e m eeting. “ I, wonder if our faces a re tu rn ed 5 to­ward v ic to ry?” the lead er asked . H is question was im pelled by th e singing of “On to V ictory ;” C ontinuing B ishop W ilson said : “T h e joy. of life in childhood is found in the hoiiie w ith mothter. D oubtless m any of y o u -a re th ink ing of th a t home and o f th a t dear old m other and of your child­hood, And because of your thoughts Jesu s se t m s sw ee te r to = you today {Jinrt ever. AH life is m ade b rig h ter and sw eeter because of your love for the Saviour. Som e m ay feel th a t they a re not so n ear God now as they lised to be—ju s t a b it of d riftin g away from home, from love, from God. I w an t to set before you the word v ic­tory. If you have held fa s t to the fa ith , if you a re s tead fa s t in your love for God, you arp n e a re r v ic to ry than ev er; and if you have n o t faced vic­tory you m ay do so before th is se r­vice, ends. You can ’t go back, som e of you, to the old hom e and see. the old faces, b u t God is very near to ev­ery one. To g e t back to Jesu s is to s ta r t for v ic tory , and if you a re faced tow ard C hrist you are faced tow ard victory . Com m it y ou r w ays unto .Him for gu idance and i t is victory down to the end of the sto ry .”

KOIVDAY, AUGUST 19Cam p w as early a s t i r on. Monday

m orning, a s w itnessed by the num ber a t both the consecra tion and the fam i­ly p ray er serv ices. T he fo rm er is a t­tended m ain ly by persons w ho come to g e th e r thus early to obtain from God direction as to 4heir duty through th e day. Appraise serv ice was held in tihe Tem ple a t 9 o’clock, the leader, Mr, VahtHook, ' speak ing on “God's w itnesses?’ A t the. ch ild ren ’s hour in A ssociation hall, M rs. H udson demon­s tra ted , th e lesson on *'4Pow er” with

' th e aid* o f m agnets and needles. The H oliness m eeting was d irected by Bishop W ilson, w ith an attendance th a t took up every b it of room avail­able. H ere som e of th e fo rm er cam p frequen ters a re m issed—iMrs. Bot- tom e, Fanny C arr, B ishop FitzGeralds A t the H elp ing H and m eeting , w here the sp ir it ,of the late ' W illiam Frank-.1 In see iris to hover ovOr th e worship­pers, an, hour was . profitable spent. T he lesson here is sh o rt and te rse and to th e poin t a lw ays. ,

Ever, since the death of John Inskip the "w ash day” serm on M onday-ihorn- ing lias been p reached, w ith tw o ex­ceptions, by th e Rev. Dr. Thom as O’llan lou . T he la tte r faced \a large aud ience th is week, a rid ’ preached a se r ni o n 't h a t will linger long in tihe m em ory of h is h earers . T he tex t w as from 1 Cor. ii, 1-1—“’B ut tiie n a tu ra l m an received not- t'he th in g s of the 'S p irit Of God, fo r they a re foolishness unto him , n e ith e r can he know -them , because they a re Spiritually d iscern­ed.” D r. O’-Hanion touched upon the bo rder line between the n a tu ra l and the su p ern a tu ra l iii religion, showing th a t th e re is a c er ta in g race common to everybody and the need of> pardon w hich leads to prayer.

Joseph Sm ith in his* penteoostal evangelism m eeting th e sam e a fte r­noon asked th a t there m ight be m ighty p ray e r fo r th e . ou tpouring of th e Holy S p ir it a n d th e erection of fa in tly a lta rs everyw here; He con­cluded th a t God calls h u t few law yers in H is case, bu t H o subpoenas m any w itnesses—rw ltnesses for the sp irit—and Mi*.-Smith urged his hear ers therefo re to be good • w itnesses. Mi*. M oylan, of 'Baltim ore, a deaf and dumb m an, in th e sign language illus­tra ted th e «hymu, “ N earer 'My God to T hee ,” as tho beau tifu l w ords w ere sung l>y M iss A nna H ughes.

All of th e rem aining m eetings held du ring th e day had la rg e attendance- (f any th ing , la rg e r than custom ary on tho u sual ‘w ash day,” T he serm on a t n ight in th e A uditorium was preached by th e 'Rev. Dr. Stone, of Baltimore,

Dr, S tone 's te x t w as. ^A n d P e te r followed a fa r off,” th e la s t clause of tho 54th ve rse of L uke .xx il, tho sto ry of P e te r 's den ia l of th e M aster. P e te r b a d m ade the one g re a t m istake i n h is life, b u t s till re ira in ed w ith the com pany, and th e p reach er urged bla h earers, th o se who m ay have sinned, to hold: fa s t to th e ir fa ith and' rem ain C hristians.

(Concluded on e ig h th page.)

C a r n iv a l D a tesFollow ing a re th e da tes of tbe

even ts In connect Ion w ith the Asbury P a rk carn iva l:

Deal Lake. ..Carnival— Friday even­ing. A ugust 23. . - -

C oronation—Tuesday evening , Aug­ust 27. - •

Q ueen’s C ourt Ball — W ednesday, evening, A ugust 28.

BaJby P arad e—T hursday afternoon , August- 20.

Ma.sque F e te— F riday evening, Aug­u s t 30.

S u m m er R e s id e n t B e a dGeorge Spain , who died la s t Friday

n ight a t the S pring Lake hospita l, fol­low ing an operation for appendicitis, was a sum m er ’ re s id en t of Ocean Grove,! occupying w ith h is wife., arid ch ild ren a co ttage on F ran k lin ave­nue. T he deceased lived in N ew ark, w here he was em ployed a s a ss is tan t yard m as te r. by ihe P ennsy lvan ia ra il­road. -

*”• M aii*Job lo r S o m e b o d y ''P ostm aste r H am ilton , of Ocean

Grove*, will, receive p roposa ls ' for c arry ing tlie m ail betew een h is office and th e ra ilroad depot. Tim N ewm an, Who had the con trac t, lias th row n up th e job. . T he successfu l b idder m ust be over six teen years of age and su it­ab le to be en tru s ted w ith th e care and custody of th e m alls.

T ivo l o t s lo r S a leA t the .co rner of New Je rse y and

J-Ieclc avenues I" can sell you tw o choice lots, full size, one a corner. Lots in the C en tra l p a rt of th e Grove are hard to find. T h is is a splendid location fo r a home. P r ice s and par­ticu la rs of E . N. W oolston, R ea l E s­ta te , 50 M ain avenue, O cean Grove.— tf. ' ___ _______ | ’ :

M ay Get C o n ven tionAn etio rt is being m ade to have the

n a tiona l -convention of the. P ro h ib it tipn party, m ee t in th e T w in C ities in J u n e of n ex t year. T here a re usually abou t 15,000 persons in a tte n d an c e a t th is conventionr and, holding in*. June, i t will be a n excellen t th ing for the lo­cal hotel and board ing ’house keepers.


Request Follows Announcement Made In Ocean Grove

Two weeks ago in the Ocean Grove A uditorium , the Rev. C ortland M eyers announced his in ten tion of ask ing “o n e -p f th e . w ealth ies t m en in th is co u n try ” to con tribu te of h is riches $100,000,000 tow ard the evangelization of the world;" Follow ing th a t a n ­nouncem ent, la s t Sunday, In the E u ­clid Avenue B ap tis t C hurch , Cleve-r land, O,, Rev; Mr. M oyers poin tedly asked of John D .'.R ockafeller the sum nam ed, - • ‘ ;

T he oil k ing seem ed to be p th e suggestion, fo r a f te r th e serm on 'he greeted .the Rey. Mr. M eyers ef-. fuslvely a n d ‘iiivited him to d ine a tF o res t H ill,

In connection With h is g ift sugges­tion . the Rev; Mr. M eyers asked for fa ir pl$y fo r co rp o ra tio n s .’ I t m igh t have b’edri th a t fe a tu re . th a t pleased John D« .

“As a nation we aro app roach ing a d anger line com m ercially ,” said the m inister. “T he-dem and of our m odern bus in ess .life , th e in tensp com petition and the g re a t progress wo have m ade have resu lted in m isrep resen ta tio n . M isunderstanding and critic ism o f our

•leading com m ercial in s titu tio n s can re su lt in no good. It c a n n o t . last, e ith e r, in my estim ation , for the A m erican people as. a nation, are a fa ir people.”

T h is u tte ra n c e Is in line w ith W hat Rsy. 'M r. M eyers said h e re tw o w eeks ago. And a lthough no nam e w as m en­

t io n e d a t th a t tim e i t was understood th a t the sp eak er had R ockefeller In mind.

F a n n ie Carr Ss L aid to R estTihe funeral of Fannie H . C arr, who

died a t the Ann May ‘M em orial Hos­pital, S p rin g Lake, th e la t te r p a rt of la s t week, was held (Monday a t 'h e r la te home in Cam den, M rs. C arr’s death followed a b rie f Illness. She w as a g u est a t th e A rlington H otel as usual th is s u m m e r . 'T a k e n i l l she was rem oved to th e hospital fo r an opera­tion , but she sank rap id ly and passed aw ay before the operation could be perform ed.

T he deceased was a fam ilia r figure iri Ocean Grove for m any years, espe­cially around cam p m eeting tim e. For­m erly she w as much in te res ted In the Ocean Grove Sunday School A ssem blv. )She was a gifted wom an, a ra re con­v e rsa tio n a lis t and a ta len ted w rite r.


Hold Brunswick Provides Elaborate Spread for Newspaper

A t the Hotel B runswick-, A sbury P a rk , the m em bers of t h e ’ -carnival p ress club w ere en terta ined a t d in n e r on M onday evening. The! occasion was th e annual p ress b an q u e t tender- . ed by th e Asbury P a rk C arn ival A s­sociation, th rough the courtesy of-'. M organ & Parsons,' p roprieto rs of th e B runsw ick. . . ' . .. ;/ ;

Being en tire ly inform al th e b anquet was all the m ore enjoyable, and tho d in n e r s e t before th e new spaper m en will go down Into History as one of th e best fea tu res in connection w ith th e ' 1907 carn ival. T h e gu ests c a rried away with them handsom e souvenirs df th e festive occasion in tho shajje of . p ress-badge watch fobs and b ankb ill :

.wallets.T he handsom e menu card bore on its

cover the face of M iss Je s s ie M ay H azeirigg, who has been selec ted to im personate Queeri T ltan ia du ring tho.. carn ival.

T he hosts a t th is deligh tfu l affa ir w ere M iss M organ and A. R. P arsons, of biie H otel B runsw ick; A rthu r H . ' Hope, p res iden t of th e carn iva l asso ­ciation , and J . A lbert Hood, chairm an of th e press com m ittee. T h e guests w ere C harles E. King, of th e King., ad v ertis in g agency ; W illiam K. D ev- eretix, of the New York T rib u n e ; H ar­old E. Denogar, d irector o f pub lic ity ; Malcolm Severance, of the W ilson [N ew spaper Agency; E lias L ongstreet, J r ., of th e Asbury P ark 'E vening r*ress; A. B. C lives of the A sbury P ark M orning Pros?: W illiam S tlm p- son, of the N ew ark Sum 1 ay C all; H ar­ry H urley, .of the P h iladelph ia Public L edger; J . E. Russell, of the New • York H erald ; L. B. Severance, of th e Now York W orld; L. M. M orris, of th e New York A m erican: C arroll Sooy, of th e Asbury P a rk Jou rna l, and J . E . Quinn, of tihe Ocean Grove T im es.

In a ringing sper-ch a t th e close of the banquet, A. R. P arsons ou tlined h is ideas for the advancem ent of As­bury Park.


Cprd o l T iian lcsI take th is m eans of 'exp ressing to

P rop rie to r John T . Abbott and wife, of the N ationa l H otel, Ocean Grove, my grea t app recia tion of th e many .courtesies and k indnesses ' shown to m yself and daugh te r, M rs. J. A. Ful­ton, of N ew York, d u rin g th e la t te r ’; re cen t illness,3-1-11* ; 'M « S . R ./A , LINDEMA'N.

S p e c ia l T ra inOn the n ig h t of th e m asked fe te -in

A sbury P a rk , F riday , A ugust 30, a spec ia l tra in will be run on' the .Cen­t ra l R ailroad to accom m odate, per-, sons who wish to leave th e c ity the same, n ig h t fo r th e ir hom es. T his tra in will leave a t 11.15, and there w ill 'be th rough cars to N ew ark , w ith connection, for E lizabeth .

C h ild ren 's P ic n ic-The a n n u a l p icn ic of th e ch ild ren ’s:

chorus, is to' bo. held n e x t W ednes­day, A ugust 28, a t W anam assa P a rk^ T ho ch ild ren w ill 'be tak en to thfe grounds "in s traw wagons. A g rea t day has been p lanned by Mr. Mor- gan. . / . , . . - -

S u n day . S c h o o l E x c u r s io nTo W est P o in t on T hursday , Sep­

tem ber 5. Iron S team boat. “C epheus1 leasevs A sbury Parle a t 7.20 a , m — 31-35.

P r iz e -W in n in g C a s te r sC aptain G. W. Fcgnlmoro; Thom a’s

M artin and Winfield Scott, of Ocean Grove, w ere am ong th e lucky co n test- | a n ts in th e casting to u rn am en t of the [ Asbury P ark F ish ing Club last Satu r- [ day. W ith a c a s t of 159 feet, 11 1-5 inches Captain F enim ore was second in the long list, of en trie s . Thom as M artin was th ird , w ith 35t> feci. 1} 4-5 inches to his c red it, and W infield Sep?t ".was fourteen th , c as tin g t-23 feet 10 inches. T he prize c a s te r w as W. H. Moran, of New York, w ho spread the line a d is tan ce of 2,42 fe e t, 6 inches..

W on L o v in g CupsThe B elm ar Y acht C lub, of which

W illiam H. C arpen ter, 81 H eck ave­nue, Ocean Grove, Is an en th u sias tic m em ber and form er com m odore, lift­ed -tw o . handsom e loving cups la st S a tu rday afternoon In the annual ch a l­lenge races a gain st th e b est boats produced by the* M anasquan R iver Yaoht Club. . T here w ere th ree races over th e course in M anasquan river, tlc.lniar scored seven teen po in ts to M anasquan’s eight.

■ H a n d som e W a te r C olorl.n th e windoyr of W hite ’s d rug store

a w ater color .picture en titled “S un­day E vening i n Ocean Grove” is a t­tra c tin g much a tten tio n and favorable com m ent. T he p ic tu re show s a portion Of Ocean P athw ay lending to the Au­ditorium , outlined in tihe d istance, ■There is also th e tow er of th e Tem ple, besides several of the sm aller bu ild ­ings, in tlie vle\V. T h e p ic tu re L th? work of S tanley N orse, of Ay bury Park. • ;

S a le o l r*!e»z P ro p er ty• As previously announced , public

sale of tiie valuable .p roperty of the la te C aroline L. Aletz. located on the n o rth ea st co rner of H eck avenue and P ilgrim P athw ay . Ocean Grove, will be held on Tuesday a fte rnoon . A ugust 27. T erm s will be m ade know n !on th e day of sa le by th e exe'cutors—George W. P Ittenger and C harles R oads. T he hour of sale is 2.30 o ’clock, and Jo ­seph C. P a tte rso n Is th e auctioneer.

B r in g B a c k T hat W h e e lP lum ber John R eed would like to

know who i t was th a t purlo ined h is bicycle la st S a tu rday -morning. T he Wheel was s tan d in g in th e space be­tw een. Mr. R eed’s shop and the E l­wood, on P ilgrim P athw ay , and offered a good chance for the th ie f to m ake w ay w ith i t . ^ .lthough not a new b i­cycle, i t w as w orth tak ing .

W ill S in g in Grand C on cert N e x t T h u rsd a y E v e n in g

Op T hursday evening of nex t week Mme. Sclium ann-H eink w ill 's in g here in g rand concert. O thers on th e pro­gram with the g rea t c an ta tr ice will be Daniel Bed dot?. tMior; and H ans Kronold, th e Velllst. The chorus' will sing , also.

Among the num bers to he sung by Mme. Schum ann-H eink a re “Adrf-. an a ,” from Rienzi (W agner)', “T ru s t in the Ivord” t Handel ) . "Sei S ti ll” tRaff) , “ Abide W ith 'Me" (L lddle),- •‘Love in a C ottage” iG ans). and oth­ers , closing with “ Die AUmacht,” H G reat is Jehovah) by S c h u b e rt

T ickets ' for th is concert a re now on sale , and there Is prom ise of an un­usually la rge audience.


T w o M ore Are C hosen to A tten d Her M a jesty

T ltan ia VII.* ‘Miss Jess ie May Haz- elrigg. now has nearly h?r full com­plem ent of m aids of honor for th e A s­bury P a rk carn iva l and baby parade, tw o m ore having been chosen w ltbin, tlie last few days by the carn iv a l a s ­sociation.

Miss F lo rida Sherwood, who is sum m ering a t the H otel ’B runsw ick, m akes th e tilth young lady to be ele­vated to th is position of honor.

S unse t Hall, on Fourth avenue, fu rn ishes a p re tty maid of honor. Miss Aline de’R aism es, who is a. guest of th is house, with her p aren ts, Mr. anil Mrs. John L. de’R aism es, has her home in New York c ity .

L ived to R ip e Old A g eL ast. S unday m oru ing H en ry R.

Huste'd, of Brooklyp, died a t ii is sdm -' m er home,- th e L aird cottage, co rner Main and New Y ork av'ehues. D eceased w as e igh ty y e a rs old. T h e body was- shipped to B rooklyn by U n d e rta k e r B urtis fo r in te rm en t iu C ypress H ill Cem etery. • .

. TO {RENTP— G round (for bungalow purposes a t B rad ley B each ; a flve- yeara* lease w ill be given. F o r p a rticu ­la rs 7app ly to H, S. K inm onth , A sbury P ark .— 2-35*

C-en. Cotf'h at C a s in oG eneral Halllngtnn -wiil c o n - -

duct th ree m eetings a; the Asbury Park C asino .on Snn: l ; :y— a. m., 2.15 and 7.30 p. m. A special fe a tu re , of tlu* afternoon m»*c;ii.s. which will be devoted to ch lid rc i:\‘ w oik . will be the p resence of Erl win R einhart, th e little babe found :n the woods a y ear aj:o la s t Jan tiary . nearly frozen to death , and who h a 1 been tu rned over to th e V olunteers C hild ren’s H om e by the au th o ritie s of D arien, Conn.

U nited S ta te s H otel S o ld’T he United S ta te s Hotel has been

sold by W illiam O rr, Us ow ner and proprieto r for m any years, to II. G. Shreve, of th e Grove. T he sa le was consum m ated on T uesday, although possession will not be obtained by Mr. Shreve until O ctober 1. T he U nited

,S ta te s Motel is located a t the n o rth ­w est co rner of M ain, and Beach aver nues. It la one of the best know n houses of public en te rta in m en t in th e Grove. T h e te n a n t fo r the la s t two seasons has been F. B. C ham berlin .

For R entA sm all s toro on M ain avenue,

Ocean Grove, opposite Postofilce, con­ducted la s t season as a W om en’s Ex- change w ith success. A good oppor­tun ity for sam e line of b usiness. R en t low. E. N. W oolston, R eal E s ta te , 50 Main avenue.— tt.

LostA sm all red s ilk shaw l, between!

postoffice and A uditorium , P leaso leavo a t O cean Grovo T im es ofiico and receive th e th an k s of tho ow ner, •


S. J. ROGERS5ucce«8or to M. E. Sexton

LIVERYBoarding, Exchange

and $ale StableSouth Main S treet

Opposite Broadway Gates Ocenn Orove, N. J.

- P a r tic u la r a tte n tio n g iven to b oa rd , • in g horses. F ind ho rses for sa le ill nil tim es .

AU k in d s o f c iirringes to h ire . T a lep h o n o lid .

CorneliusI2o. 624 Cookman JRvenue

Jfsbury Park


OpticianLatest Designs in Jewelry and


I. SCAVRONLightning

Shoe Repair Shop’Sowed so io s w hile you wait;

W e g u a ra n te e first-c lass w o rk

No. 612 Mattison Avenue Asbury Park


E x e c u to r ’s N o tic e .lAlfrotl 0 . B runer, executor of R e­

becca B. Robbins, deceased, by o rder of th e Su rrogate of the County of •Monmouth, hereby gives notice to th e

. c reditors. of the said deceased to bring " in " th e ir deb ts, dem ands and claim s

ag a in s t th e e s ta te of said deceased, u n d e r oa th o r affirm ation, w ithin nine m on ths from , the fifth day of A ugust, 1907, o r they will be fo rever b arred of any ac tio n th e re to r ag a in s t th e said executor". •32-41 AI.FRBD C. BRUNER.


Excculors’ Noticefla ch e l W instaniey , M ary E, FJit-

•croft and George XV. P itten g e r, execu­to rs o f Jam es W instanley , deceased,

. "by order of the S urrogate of th e Coun­ty of M onm outh, hereby give no tice to the c red ito rs of th e said deceased

-bring in th e ir debts, dem ands and Claims ag a in st th e e s ta te of sa id de­ceased, under o a th o r affirm ation, 'w ithin, n ine m onths from the tw enty- fo u rth day of Ju ly , 1D07, o r th ey will h e fo reve r barred of any action th e re ­fo r ag a in st th e sa id executors.

• . k a c h e l w i n s t a n l e y ,■i ■’ •J.IAiRY E. FM TC R O FT,


Nollcc ol Selllcincnl ol Account

E s t a t e oS C h a r l e s D. P r o u t i a M in o r ( F o u r th A c c o u n t) '*

N otice is hereby given th a t th e ac- . counts of the subscriber, guard ian of

th e estate, of said m inor, will be aud it­ed aad s ta ted by the Surrogate and repo rted for se ttlem en t to th e Orph-

. a n ’s C ourt of the County of Mon­m outh , on T hursday, the fifth day of Sep tem ber A.. D„ 1907.■ D ated Ju ly 23, 1907.30-34 HA.NNA.H M. SAUNDERS.

\V, R. Taylor


88 A bbott A venue, or o» M t. T ab o r W ay

o c i/ a > e , '• J ;

The mercantile section of

is n o w

The Commercial Center of Monmouth


A Train ol Circumstanceshas brought about this result, arid

The Asbury Park Board of Trade Pledges the Public

that every effott will be made to maintain this position.

513 Cookman Avenue, Asbury ParkNear Grand Avenue

PORTRAITSChildren a Specialty

Kodaks, Supplies, Amateur Finishing, Picture Frames

Belmar Casino and Cafe> THOMAS F, MURPHY, Proprietor

C b e P l e a s u r e G r o u n d o f t b e S h o r e

Two Cafes Private Dining Rooms Bowling AlleysOrchestra, 7 pieces Shuffle-Boards

Billiards and Pool:.Ball Room Evening Dinners Casino

Boating, Crabbing and Fishermen’s SuppliesNo B etter Place on the Coast for a D ay’s Outing


Employment Agency, No. 709 Bangs Avenue• ■ Asbury Park, N. J.

/ P h o n e 303*1. Must. M . liiCKliit

M. C. Griffin Contractor and Builder

Residence, 6 6 Heck Ave. O cean Grove

G a m p B e l m a r G a s i n o■ a n d . •

R e s t a u r a n tTH O M A S KEL..TY, P r o p r l o t o r

South Side of Shark River, Belmar, New JerseyRhode Island Clam Bakes,' Bay Side Brush Bakes aiid Shore

Dinners. Restaurant a la carte.B oating Crabbing arid Fishermen’s Supplies

JAMES Y, BORDEN CO.Ladies’ Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Shampooing

ParlorsRequests the privilege of an interview in order to show you the

Latest Improved Patented Human Hair Goodswith no obligation on your part to purchase.

No stems or cords used in our switches. The pompadour, bangs,'waves, wigs, etc., made without lace, net or wire. These goods are light, cool, natural and comfortable. An interview will assure us of your custom •in the future. W e respectfully request a reply. May our demonstrator call? Latest patented appliances for sllampooing, hair dressing, mani­curing at our establishment. Free examination of the hair and scalp by specialist. Marcel waving and water waving by experts. New York’s

noRDEN latest style. Telephone or address.

No. 538 Gookman Avenue, Asbury Park, IN. J.T o lo p h o n o C o n n e c t io n s



W E E K DAYS.From N ew Y ork a t F oo t of Bloom­

field S tree t, 3 'blocks below W est 14th S tree t— Leave a t 8.00, S.56, 11.00 a. m., and 2.40 p. m. S a tu rdays—8.00, 8.55 a. m., 12.45 and 2.40 p. m. ,

B attery , noar South Ferry*—(Leave a t 8.30, 9.20, 11.30 a. m „ 3.10 p. m. S a tu rdays—8.30, 9.20 a. m., 1.15 and 3.10 p. m.

R etu rn ing from Long B ranch— Leave R ockw ell Avenue, 7.10 a. m„ 2.00, 3.45 and 4,45 p. ro. P leasu re Bay, trolley connection, 7,20 a, m .,' 2.10, 3.35, 4.55 p. m. S eabrlght, 7.50 a. m., 2.40, 4.40, 5.30 p,.:m. H ighlands, 8.10, a. m., 3.00, 5.00, 5.50 p. m.

On S atu rdays boa t will leave R ock­well avenue 5.15 p. m., P leasu re B ay

.5.25 P. m., S eab rlgh t 5.55 p. m., and H ighlands 0.15 in p lace of b o a t leav­ing Rockw ell avenuo 4.50 p. m „ etc,

SUNDAYS. .No F re ig h t Received.

From New Y ork a t Foo t of Bloom­field S tree t, 3 blocks below W est 14th S tree t—L eave a t 8.55, 9120, 9.45 and 10.40 a. m.

B attery , n ear S outh’ F e rry —-Leave a t 9.20, 9.45, 10.10 and 11.10 a. m.

R etu rn in g from Long B ranch— Leave Long B ranch, Rockw ell avenue, 4.15, 4.30, 4.45 p. ni. P leasu re B ay, tro lley connection, 4.25,. 4.40, 4.55 p. ni. S eabrlgh t, 4.55, 5.10, 5.30 p. m. H ighlands, 5.15, 5.30, 5.50 p. m.

A ttention Is d irected to ou r a fte r­noon b o a t leav ing New Y ork a t 2.40 p. m „ .which connects a t H ighlands during Ju ly and A ugust w ith Bteamer re tu rn in g to New York.

Connection a t ..Pleasure Bay w ith A tlan tic C oast R ailw ay for W est End, E lberon, , Deal,. AUenhurst, Asbury P a rk an d Ocean Grove,

C ars fo r boat to New Y ork carry largo sign , "B oat Car,” on th e fro n t P latform , and leave Cookman avenue and M ain s tre e t, A sbury P a rk , • one hour before s team e r tftne a t 1 P lea su re Bay.

The TroyTrenton, N .J.

Branch: 7 3 0 M attison A venue/ Asbury Park

All goods called for and promptly delivered.A postal card will bring our wagon to your door. .

Telepone 117 - ; . W. A. NOW1-AND, Agent



No. 116 Heck Avenue, ..OCEAN QROVE,, H. J.• . . ■ \

. .. . '' • " - '• J .

Infant IncubatorsB ills mcChlLin, m anager ;

With Living InfantsInstitution at Hsbury Park, Second Jive, and Boardwalk

Admission, ten Cents

The Clingswell Guardwill hold on n ea rly e v e ry nose and m akes tn e w earin g of eye-g lasses a com fort. P rescrip tion w ork a sp ecia lty . R epairing in al! its b ran ch es .

W. C. Wiseman, Refracting: OpticianGo3 Cookman Avenue, Corner Emory S tree t, Asbury Park , N. J.

E s ta b l i s h e d 1803. T e le p h o n e 20-i.

T H E V O L .G A M OT h o E r u p t io n o f V e s u v i u s

Marvel of Mechanical and Electrical ScienceN atu re ’s m ost aw e-inspiring phenom ena reproduced w ith a w onderfu l

realism th a t rivals tho ac tu a l scenes o f a n eruption . T he gorgeous b eau ties of a trop ica l su n rise , th e shlm m 'ering cloud r i f t of a sou th ern noonday and a lurid glow ing su n se t. S tream s of m olten lava flowing dow n th e m oun­ta in s id e p recede th e e rup tion .. A c ity of rea l build ings a t th-e fo o t o f the* m oun ta in o n th e sh o re of a bay of re a l w a ter is destroyed. V essels in th e h a rb o r 'b u rn an d founder and tbe te rr ib le scene ends w ith a v iew of su iv round ing country . >

T h is is n o t M oving P ic tu res no r a P anoram a, b u t a g rand ach ievem en t of hum an ingenu ity , sWU and a r t . In s tru c tiv e , en te rta in in g t o young and old. A spec tacu lar perform ance su rp a ss in g in cplendor an y exh ib ition of pyro techn ics ever seen.

Now a t G ooper Block, G ookm an A ve.. A sb u ry P a rk . A dm ission 10c.

C H O P S U E Y C h i n e s e R e s t a u r a n t

i R a l p h C h a n t , P r o p r i e t o r ' '"*•

W e s t E n d H o t e l

A s b u r y A v e n u o a n d K ln g s t o y S t r e e t

A s b u r y P a r k , N . J .

Special catering to evening parties. Tables reserved for . ladies. Pails furnished to our patrons for. the purpose of tak­ing home orders. Open from 12 o’clock until 2 a. m.

Perrine & JaGksonD e a l e r s In

M e a t s P o u l t r y

F r o s h S t o c kF r o o D e l i v e r y

P r o m p t S e r v i c e

125 H o c k A v o n u eC or. W h ite f le ld

O c e a n G r o v e , N . J .


T H E P A N A M ANo. 8 B roadw ay , Ocean Grovo, P le a sa n tly lo ca ted ono d o o r from th e o ccan . forge , ch eer­fu l room s, w H h u n o b s tru c te d v liiw o f th # ocean , o p p o site b a th in g «rounds» la k e a n d te n n is c o u rts . C a lc in e fltstrc lass. R ates $7 to 810 a w eek M. A. G nraor, P ro p rie to r . .

TH E LA K ES ID EIO O L a k e A v e n u e , O o e a n - G r o v e

B e a u tifu lly lo ca ted , o v e rlo o k in g th e lak e . Klve m in u te - ’ w a lk f ro m ra ilro a d Btailoi»t b a th ­in g g ro u n d s a n d p laces o f a t t r a c t io n in O cean G rovo a n d A sb u ry P arte . E x c o lle n t tab le . S e a so n J u n e 1 to O ctober 1, M r». M . P ro v o s t, P ro p rie to r , •

H O T E L G R A N DOcean A venue’, O cean G rove. F a c in g t h e ■ o cean . S en d fo r book-.' lot.

Mbs, H knby Zulauf

N E. Hugh anonProsident

G. A. Smoob Sec'y and Troaa

Buchanon & Smock Lumber Co.

1 Dealer# 111 ,Lumber, Millwork and Builders’

Hardware'second, T h ird and R ailroad A venues

ASBURY PARKSolo M anufacturers of the

A lb em arle b ra n d of C edar S h in g les . P a in ts , Oils, V a rn ish e s u n d B ru sh es. •

Sole a g e n ts for K in g ’s W in d s o r t£em ent for M o n m o u th a n d Occan c o u n tie s . :


Hotels and Cottage? for R ent Mortgage Loans

OCEAU GROVE PISH MARKETFish, Lobsters; Clams,'.Oysters, Soft Shell Crabs and Crab

Meat, * Special rates to hotels and' boarding housefe. David H, HaTvey, 52 Olin S treet, Ocean Orove, N. J.


John N, Burtls Undertaker and Embalm^r

04*5; M a tt is o n A v e .A s b u ry P a r k , N e w J e r s e y

Coffins and burial caskets on hand or furnished to order. S pecia l: a ttention given to fram ing pictures. Telephono 02.

■'.V / • "

KEYSTONE COTTAGELargo, a iry ro o m s, H o m elik e serv ice.4 ’ .70 H eck a v en u e; M ra. L ucy V a n .D ev en ter, P ro p

THE ALBATROSS32-B-l O cean P a th w a y , Ocean G ro v e; s o u th s id o ; m ld w a j botw enn b each a n d A u d ito r iu m .

W, 8, Townsend. • . ..

RICE VILLACor. N ew Yql*jc dm ! C la rk m Aveuucfc, O cean G ro v e . . Mrs.* J . A . K H ne,p p p O iito a p a rk . N -jar ocean a u d b a th in g p av ilion* . G en ero u s U b lo a n d e ffic ien t serv ice.

THE SEELCEHEERN o. USMaln av eu u o , O cean G rove, C o u tra l locution , e x c e llen t tab ic , h o m e eochforts, m o d er­a te ra te s . 5 ’ M rs. A n n a M . I Ie l wig.

THE W00DSIDEB a te s rehsim ab le .

-J4 E m b u ry a v en u o . Ocean G rove, N. 3. Tsvo b locks fro m tho o c fn n a n d b a tb lu g g ro u n d s. C en tra l to A u d ito r iu m n n d a u p o in ts o f in te re s t. Tablo u n su rp a sse d .

M bs. if. R b il iiY,

510 M ain A v e n u e The Carson VillaOcean G r o v o ---------L o ca ted tw o b lo ck s from- bpach , b a th in g g ro u n d s a n d A u d ito riu m . A ll im p ro v e m e n ts .T a b le uaex«ollccU S peclul ra le s J u n o a n d S ep tem b er. ;

M rs, E G. V a n Cleve P ro p rie to r

JOYVILLE M rs. M ay H u m p h re y s M ts. P a n n lo I'Mrth

88 Abbott Avenue O coan G r o v e .A c h a n g e f ro m G n rm b le to w n to a co ttngo th a t m co ts a l l d e m a n d s o f a n e m p ty s to m a c h a n d a W eary b o 3 y b y a good tab lo , cool, ch eerfu l room s a n d p le a s a n t su rro u n d in g s,- ’

THE W INDSOR HOUSE■ D ■ « m m w mw « w ^ ■ u a ■ ^ w w c a ted , .tw o b locks fro m ocean a n d A u d ito riu m . t£xco llcn t tab le , b r ig h t, c h e erfu l room s. R a te s go to $8. Sea-..^ I . * Xfnj- r* li' ifonirrm vln

C o rn e r C e n tra l a n d W obb A ves., Oaona G rovel Centrally ,lo-

so u J u n o I to O ctober i. M rs, C/ F.. M acK onzio, P ro p rie to r ,

THE AVONOn W esley L ak e , »» L ak e A v en u e , O com Q rove. N . J , C onvo n lo n t to A u d i to r iu m a n d P a v ilio n . - ’ • O, H o ok isv, P ro p rie to r .

THE LANGDONNoi8 Ooean avenue, Oceau-GroVe. N, J; Box 2217. .Directly on tho ocean front. ^Moiihrn in ; all appointments. June to October, M. J . H o lt,


++ f ♦ »+ H M ♦ ♦ + H » H. U > f ♦ ♦ » m ♦ H H H .♦ m »+ ♦ »;H H -H -f

I T h e A r l i n g t o nM. f l . M ILL A R

Auditorium Square, Ocean Grove', New Jersey i Open June i , 1907

Bvery convenience. Private baths. Illustrated booklet. Telephone 204.

Directly ou the beach. All modem improvements—electric lighting, elevator. Illustrated booklet. C L E M E N T & C L E M E N T .

Directly fa c in g the Ocean T ull Ocean View, Irom M il Rooms. Send for booklet. S tsepb W hite> Prop.

87 M ain A venue , Ocean Grovo, N. J . P . O. Box 01 .S u p e rio r fu rn ish e d ro o m s a n d a p a r tm e n ts , day , w eek o r season.

"Waeteu J . M olfoud~ ____- ~ ----------TT ,■ j r .

B ooklet.

O cean P a th w a y , C o rn e r B each A venue, O cean G rove, N. J .Ono !d o ck i ro m th e O cean,

• • i • L , C. B r o w * .

THE LILLAGAARDA b b o tt A v en u e , w i th in 100 feet or Iti* b each , lu m e co o les t n iid m o s t 'o p e n p a r t o f Oceau G rove. L arge, a ir y room s. B o o k le t. - 1. & D. G. H ili .ru ,

FURNISHED ROOMSD elig h tfu lly lo ca ted . 6 n c .b lo c k fro m ocean .and ha 1 hIng>grou nil s. 20 A b b o tt avenuo , Ocean G rova. • ’ M rs. E m ily S ehoeneck ,

• FURNISHED ROOMSTho H a ro ld C ottago, &j B ro ad w ay , Ocean G rove. D e lig h tfu lly locuU d, O verlook ing la k e a n d b a tlilu g g ro u n d s. • , ' / ' • _______


N e a r A u d ito riu m E m ma F ; Ga u iu g a n , H o m e co m fo r ts .

C o rn e r «>t B each a n d P it n inn . a v e n u e s 'U n itb lo c k iVoni t>ct>an, neav p a v ilio n s a n d bn th in g g ro u n d s C o n v e n ie n t to A u d i to r u m n n d a ll nointH u f in te re s t .

H o u s e th o ro u g h ly ren o v a te d a n d re fu rn ish e d . F o r te in is aitdic.-s M. B. Pomiesjub.


HOTEL ORMONDM ain A venue, Ocpan G rove, N<jw Jem ey . a n d postofflce. T h trty r flrs t Benson; -

Conveniently loen ted near ocean, Auditorium Mils. M E. Stull, Proprietor.

LANEyiLLAthe day or week a t reasonable rates. Opon all the year

C o rn er P ilg r im P a th w a y a n d C ook­m a n a v en u e , Oceun G rove. DoJi*!’ t- fu lly Bltujvted n e a r lak o a n d ocoan. M opern co n reu fen ces . B o a rd in g by

s y e a r. M rs. S. A . L a n e . P . O. B «x 2174.

The Ocean Front Houseable. Mrs. J ames Martxn.

C o rn er M ain a n d O cean , a v en u es O rean G rove.

F in e s t view fh 'Ocean G rove. T errus reasou-

C o rn e r ;O ceon a v e n u e u n d B ro ad w ay , Ocean G m v e . R ig h t o n th e o c e an f ro n t , w i th in a few y a rd s o t b each a n d b a th in g g ro u n d s . Coole*t

. s p t. t in th * G rove. H o m e-lik e e n v iro n m e n t,O p tn M ay 25 to O ctober 1. M . K . W il c o x . .THE MARINE

THE PALISADES22 E m b u ry a v e n u e , O oean G ro te , N . J . W ith in a s h o r t b lo ck o f th o oorari. H om e coo k in g ; hom e*lika B u rro u n d in g s. T e rm s m o d e ra te . . M its .M . O a tu s , M r s . M, R o b e r t .

HIG H LA N D ' H O «& *. a v ^ i a a u i f c / a a w w i |g tUHm a ll ro o m s. O ne o f th eprettiest; a n d m o s t c o m p le te ho u ses In th e G rove. R ed u ced p rices fo r J u n e a n d S ep tem b er.

F» D R o se q r a n s .

GEORGIANA VILLA11 M ain A ve., O ccan G rove . O nly lo u r d o o rs iro m t h e o cean a n d w ith in < a sy aecaes o f b a th ­in g g ro u n d s a n d a ll p o in ts o f in te re s t. P le a s a n t lo ca tio n a n d s u rro u n d in g s . M rs. S . C. Love.

THE LLEWELLYNb o a rd a s p i r a l tv

8B B ro ad w ay , Ocean G rove, N . J . U n o b s tru c te d v iew of o cean a n d lako . T en n is c o u rts o p p o site house. O u scaond b lock fro m ocoan. T a b le

M a in A v e n u e a n d B o a rd w a lk O cean G rove, N . J.E v e ry room fu ll o cean view , E le c tr ic l ig h ts th ro u g h o u t.

B\ Jo rd o n , P ro p rie to r 88 to 812 w eek ly

H o t a n d cold b a th s .

THE METROPOLITANfro m ocean . S. E. T h im to n a rid E . H , A lice . . •'

C ornar B each a n d A b b o tt av en u es , Ocean G rove. L arg e, a ir y room s. . S u ­pe rio r tab le . Ono b lock

The Summerfield'.S pecial ra le s ,to season gn e iss .

Ocean P a th w ay , Ocean G rove, N . J , J u n e f irs t to O ctober. Tho m ost d e lig h tfu l loca­tio n o n tho beach. U n o b s tru c te d o cean

.v iew a n d A u d ito riu m . T e rm s m odera te .F. 8 . H a y n e s .

THE OMAHAC o rn er C en tra l a n d P i tm a n a v e n u es , O cean G m v4er-Ni ,T. Ouo b lock a n d a h a lf from ocean N e a r th o A u d ito riu m . . Open J u n o 15 to O c td b e rl , M is . G . M , S em p le .

0 A t la n t ic A v e n u e

3 V in te r ; D u n a d tn , F lo r id aT h e A u r o r a

(R u n n in g th ro u g h to Bui f)

Ocenn Grove, N . J.

M. A. B u l l , .

T H E G E MTolephono 132-u

C o ra e /D en c b n n d S u r f av e n u es , Ocean G rove, N ; .K o n o b lock from o cean . Special ra te s for J u n e a n d S ep t. N e a r A sb u ry P a rk C asino a,nd O cean G rove A u d ito riu m .

- ____________ Maw. M. E . S u t b r .

BO B roadw ay T H E 1 I O L I M rs. A . F a irc h ildOccan G rove, N . J . • P ro p rie to r

Tw o b lo ck s fro m b a tl i ln g groundfl. P le a s a n t room s. T abU b oard .

55 C la rk av en u o O ccan G rove, N . J ,C u is in e first-class. L o ca tedThe Thistlea te d w ith in , tw o m in u te s ’ w a lk d H m th ln g gro t

M rs, B, Rose- _______ P ro p rie to ra th in g g ro u n d s a n d te n n is c o u rts .

38 M cQ llntock S t.O cean G rove _ _ „.O ne b look c a s t o f A u d ito r iu m . L o c a te dWestporti le a n e a r , b each a n d I b a lh ln B g ro u t

M rs.'M . C am pbell_____________ P ro p rie to rb a tn m g groundB. T a b le ^board.

The BEACHCROFTp av ilio n . T ab le bonrd su p e rio r. T e rm s o n a p p lic a tio n .

27 B ro a d w a y . O ccan G rove, N . J . U n o b s tru c te d v iew o f o cean a n d lak e . T e n n is c o u rts o p p o s ite tile house. One b lo ck fro m ocean a n d

M ias B elle BurUcc.


HOTEL LA PIEEREM l T This popular and select hotel is situated on W esley lake

terrace and Beach avenue, one minute’s walk to the ill beacb, near hot and cold sea water baths and bathing

grounds. Central to all points of interest in Ocean Grove and Asbury Park. Perfect sanitation, gas and electric light­ing, electric bells and long distance phone. May 30 to Nov­ember 1. *

Illustrated booklet. R o b e r t M. W a t t .

T h e Q u e e nM. P. WISWELL

Now open for the season Directly on the beach—broad southern exposure

Telephone, Booklet

E. N. PRENTIS, Proprietor

• Corner of B each and Pitman Avenues

Half a block from the ocean. Opeu from May to November. Booklet on application.


The Largest and Best Equipped Hotel on the Ocean Front. Thoroughly modern.

B o o k le t A . H. S to c k to n

T H E O R i Z l L L E48 H e c k avonuo , Ocean G ro v e ,: D e lig h tfu lly s itu a te d n e a r th o A u d ito r iu m a u d b a th in g g ro u n d s. L a rg o c h eerfu l ro o m s, e x c e lle n t tab lo . M rs. J . S . T h o m a s, P ro p rie to r .

T h e R a n d o l p h G o t t a ^ eN o, 87 B ro ad w ay , O cean G rove. B e a u tifu l o u tlo o k oVcr o cean , la k e a n d te n n is co u rts , o n e b lo c k f ro m b a th in g g ro u n d s. E x ceF len t a c co m m o d atio n s . .

Miss F« Randolph, Mrs. L, W. Waterbury., Proprietors,

The New PhiladelphiaOcean Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J., first House frcm the Ocean

M RS. C. A . COXi, O w n er a n d P ro p r ie to r / • ' -

S U P E R IO R FU R N ISH ED ROO M S TO RENTIn th e m om b e a u tifu l p a r t o f Ih e Grove^ U n o b s tru c ttd v iew < f Ih e ocenn.' C onvt-n lent

to a l l p lac e s o f In te res t, • A p p o ln tm en iB flrsiH;)aj?B. B icyc le n a n . M «y fo O ctober.

The NationalMain avenue, opposite postoffice, Ocean Grove, N. J. Within easjr access to all places of interest. J. T. A b b o t t .


OCEAN G R O V E, N E W JE R S E Y .O pen M ay to O ctober. S i tu a te d on O cean P a th w a y , n e a r th e beach . Im p ro v ed a n d

re n o v a te d th ro u g h o u t. P . O. B ox J . L ong d is ta n c e te lep h o n e .

SUNSET LODGE• ' C o n v en ien t'to a ll

p o in ts o l in te re s t. H o u se new ly fitted u p nn d im proved .T e rm s on ap p lic a tio n . O pen a il th e y e a r . M rs. J . B . S w e e t

F a c in g . C en tra l a n d P itm a n a v e ­n u e s an d Mc- C lln tock s tree t.


T w e lfth season . A flrs t-c ln s^h o u S e , co n v en ien t to e v e ry th in g o f in te r ­e s t In th o G ro v e . V H e n r y 'W e i .s f o i id , P ro p rie to r.

The Lawrence28 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, New Jersey

M . W h it e , P ro p rie to r D e lig h tfu l loca tion . N icely furnishec]. E filc ion t serv ice . E x c e lle n t tab le .

The ARBORTONN o. 7. S ea V iew av o n u o . K e p t b y F r ien d s . H a lt b loolt fro m th e ocean , n e a r h o t a n d co ld w a te r b a th s a n d b a th in g g ro u n d s . E n la rg ed m id re fu rn ish e d . Spec ia l ra te s J u n e a n d S ep tem b er. F o r p a rtic u la rs ad d re ss H a n n a h . B o rto n .

C h e S t r a t f o r dM ain aV enue, O cean G ro v e , N . J . T h ird houso from tiie beach . F if ty room s. G ood tab le . S e a so n a b le ra te s . B ox 2105. A. \V. L y m a n .

SU RF AVENUE HOUSf,Occau G rove, N. J . N e a r A u d ito riu m , L n k e a n d B a th in g Ground". Prico a n d C u m m in g s .


F irs t-c la s s B o a rd in g P e rm a n o n t o r T ra n s ie n t A lso T ab lo B oard


J f is H M . C h o s s e t t Pro]>rietor

C nr. M a in a n d B e ach A v e n u e s -<■

O CEA N G RO V E, N .J .

OCEAN HOUSEM r s . G. S. G r a v e s , Proprietor

70 and 72 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. .

Recently rebuilt, enlarged and newly furnished. Wide ve­randas, large halls, parlors and reception room ; alliTelectriclighted. ' ■'... . . "• / . . '

Write for booklet.

The Sheldon HotelO C E A N G R O V E , IN. J 1

T h e Sheldon is one of th e la rg est and b e s t m anaged hotels on '.the coast. It fro n ts on Thom pson P a rk and overlooks W esley L ak e , i t is w ith in tw o blocks of b a th in g beach and th e A uditorium , and is n e a rj ail po in ts of in te re s t in O cean G ro v e and A sbury P a rk .

N ew bath-room s and to ile ts hav e been p u t in . T h e Sheldon ac­com m odates 300 g u ests and is und^r th e personal superv ision of th e p ro ­p rie to r. Room s now booking. F or full inform ation and booklet

A d d r o s s . G H f l R U E S W . F U B 6 8 . P r o p r l o t o r .

The Ocean View HotelT w e n tie th Season

Corner Central Avenue and Broadw ay, O cean Grove, N. J..U n o b s tru c te d v iew o f ocenii a n d lake> T e n n is c o u rts op p o site tb e hou se . S en d for b o o k le t. ' L ong diRlanco te lep h o n e . .T horough ly ren o v a te d a n d i n i j i r o v o P O Box 2104

United States Hotela

\O c e a n O r o v e , N e w J e r s e yO ne b lock from tho beach . T w en ty -s ix th season . F irs t-c la s s in every re sp ec t. C ap ac ity tw o h u n d re d . B ook le t. F . B . C h .v m k e h i.i n . •* .

HOTEL LE CHEVALIERCor. W ebb a n d C en tra l A ves., O ceau G rove , N . J .

C en tra lly lo ca ted . C o nven ien t to beach , postofflce a n d A u d ito riu m . . A ccom ­m o d a tio n s fo r 125 g u ests .. T e rm s m o d era te . A d d re ss E . H . M a n w il l e b .

THE ST. ELMO' 77 M ain A v en u e , O c«an Grove» New Je rse y

D e lig h tfu lly lo ca ted op p rin c ip a l th o ro u g h fa re C en tra l to a ll p o in ts .o f intercHt. O pen a l l th * year. T e rm s Reven \o ten d o lla r s a w eek , W U ib im Jo n e s , p ro p rie to r .

T H E A L A S K AG e o . P. H k a i/k P ro p r ie to r

Noe.,8 a n d 5 P i tm a n A v en u e , O cean G rovo, N . J .Cotiy s u n p a rlo rs . H o t a n d cold w a te r batbt». Cool roomB a n d co m fo rta b le a cco m m o d a tio n *

fo r s u m m e r guestfl, p e rm a n e n t a n d tra n s ie n t . O pen a il th e yea r.

P i lg r im P a th w a y a n d A u d i­to riu m S quarft Tw o b lo ck sHOTEL CLARENDON

p e rfe c t s a n ita ry a rra n g e m e n ts ; c u is in e u n e x c e lle d ; flrst>claB8 se rv ’icc. F o r p a r t ic u ia rs a d d re s s M rs. w i l l i a m S lo ran . , ;

fro m o c e an , th o ro u g h ly re n ­o v a te d ; e le c tr ic l ig h ts u n d

LeUassar# Cottagerea so n a b le ra te s . O pen May 16.

Iti W ebb a v e n u e , Ocean u r o v t , NI J , Less th a n one b lock from o cean f ro n t a n d Fletch* r la k e a n d tw o b lo ck s fro m b a th in g g round# . H o m e c o m fo rts a t

R ic h a rd W ilso n J r ,

The Bryn IVIawr C o rn e r o f C en tra l a n d H eck a v e n u e , O cean GJove. N . J . S eco n d b lo ck fro m th e . b each , n e a r P o s to tllce a n d A u d ito riu m . H o m e co m ­fo rts . O pen a l l t h o y e a r . J . B. SiiEiiMAN,

The GLENMERER a te s o n a p p lic a tio n .

55 E m b u ry a v en u e . T h re e m in u te s ' w a lk fro m b e ac h arid A u d ito riu m . O pen from M ay 1 to .N ovem ber 1.

Mrfl. J. IT. Lime, I* ,oprle tor.

O L IV E H O U S EC o rn er o f H eck a n d Bench a v u h u es, Ocean G rove, N. J . Ouo biocU f to m th e ocean an d tm l ly lo ca te d .^ T w e n ty -e ig lith s-eajion. , . ' M a s >!. 13; Sc iiw a k


C en lrn l locn tlo n


)*, O; iiox 2125C. T. DAVISSON'

LYNDALL INNf>2 M ain A v en u e . _ . . . . M O p p o site i’osto itlee 8 ^ 1 | \ I ^ 1 1 i 1 1 W . I .v m >a i . i „

In M giit of tin* o cean . Lurgc a n d cln*erful roo .us. O pen J u n e I to ()«•!« h e r 1. S p ic la l ra te s J u n e u tu l S e p tem b e r.

HUNTER COTTAGEa t E m h u ry A v en u o , O cean G rovo, N . J . One b loek from o cean . C o n v e n ie n t to a ll polnti} o f in te re s t . TermB reaso n ab le . S pec ia l ra te s fo r J u n e a n d S ep tem b er. T ab le b o a rd e rs a c c o m ­m o d ated . M ns. ANNA M. PAYJfB.

T H E E L L -W O O DN o. *il P i lg r im P a th w a y , O pen M ay lo October. C o n v en ien t to b eaeli a n d b a th in g g ro u n d s a n d a ll a m u s e m e n ts • P . W , S a m ps o n ,;.

NORMAN HOUSE5 to D e cem b er 1. M rs. C. R . P r ie s t .

. 28 to 31 B a th a v e n u e . C o n v e n ie n t to ■ A u d ito r iu m a n d a i l p o in ts of I n te r ­

e s t in Ocenn G ro v o a n d A sb u ry P a rk . G enerous tab lo . id ea l lo ca tio n . M ay

31st S eason K . R a p h a e l, p ro p rlo to r .

GROVE HALL N ow o p e n r , O. Box 215Z.

A V m i l -No. 60,A sb u ry a v o n u e , O ccan G rove, N . - J .V i l j f I M W 1 I K c I S tr lo tly tlrstrCloaBS. O v erlo o k in g A V teley la k e

I I I W l m I m ln tU es’ w a lk -fro m bench a u d C asino .E le c tr ic lig h ts . E v e n l rg d ln u tr s . M o d era te

II, F, Smith.

TH E MORAVIAN S tS S S- ocean, convenient to

postofflce and Audi lorium. Hon’c com forts a t moderate rates, . '• • ; Miss A, T, Jones and Mrs, A, Young.

Roosevelt and Annexhie bo ard In Annex.

B each u u d A tla n t ic av«niH B,: O ne bJocJt fro m beacU a n d R o ss ' p av ilio n . C o n v e n ie n t to A ud i­tor! U m a rid a 11 a tt r a c t io n s T a-

L. A. II o f a it x .a>u \ •

The MARLBOROUGHco ld sea w a te r b a th s . O peu J u n o 1 to O ctobor 1.

C o rn er S cav lew a n d Beach a v e n u es , O ctati G rove, N . J , F in e ly locatcd , ono b lock fro th o cean , n e a r h o t a n d '

.Sa m UKi. L m * iK C o rr, P ro p rie to r .

DE WITT HOUSEXI A tla n tic a v e n u e , Ocean G rove. Ouo b lock to o cean u n d A u d ito r iu m ; l ix e e lle n t Uiblo J u n e 1 to O ctobor 1, R a tes o n a p p lic a tio n . M as. F . y o b l l m i .

THE LAKE VILLA45 B roadw ay , O cean G rove, N . J . N e a r o ccan , la k e a n d b a th in g p a v ilio n . S pecial ra tea fot S ep tem b er. A cco m m o d a tio n s for lif ty guc»\s. R a te s £8 to #12. M us. M. K e l l y ,

T H E O B E R W I NN o. 35 B ro ad way, Ocean G rove, JS'.J. O pposite te n n is c o u r ts a n d Lalco, Tw o b lo ck s f ro m o cean u n d b a th in g .p a v lllo n . T erm * reasonab le . M rs. W . M. L ook, M rs. J . B. D erk h elm er.

N o. 21 W ebb a v onuo . V J T T C 3 * C l . A r i l l W rs* C h arle s Siea^UO cean G rovo, N . J . ■ v M . Proprlet<JO nly ono b lo ck fro m b each . F irs t-c la ss b o a rd by d a y o r w eek . L ib e ra l price*. Good e erric t

THE WILLARDN e a t ly f u rn is h e d ro o m s . ' C o rn er B each o n d P itm n n av e n u es , O cean G rove, N . J. One blgca. f ro m th e o c e a n . O pens J u n e 15. J . Jo n es, S , L , D rap e r.

H i M B

T H E O C E A N G R O V E T I M E S " ' i ; r ^ "r BATURD "JUST U, 1807

OCEAN GROVE TIMES•.'!■' J o h n K, Q u in n , E d i to r E ; i f .Y T oolH taruB usiuesS Af a u ncror


■• _____________________■iH '^fi-H htered a t th o poa to fllco a t O cean G ro v e ,

i v


%• Six months ■...... .^ t f f t r e e months ........ ;.»»*

Single copies, 3 cents.

.............. . ..41.00.CO.35




*££ E N T R E NOUS

"L et's have a lake carn iva l in iO cean Crove next season,” said a ru l­ing sp irit here the o th e r day. A good

•idea. - v

'^o.;v,'">‘T h e Teddy bear fad is being over- ^fe^'iworlfeU . Som ething new is in o rder—

rM’M a n d le t It come quick!■•■' * * •

S ^ l W a t o h fobs and w allets as souvc; M ^ i^ ijp .8 7 ib r:^nipm iers o f, th e carn ival

' clni). ’ T he w atch fob has its f e t ^ u s e B , 'but can i t be th a t any newspa-

<per .'man w ill ev^r have use of a Aval* 'for. its leg itim ate punpose?‘ * * *

a t A tlan tic City destroyed by j |f | |? v ta k in g Are from ^ c iga re tte . If the

c ig a re tte had been destroy ed by the a u to It would have been more ro the •purpose of ridding th e world of at le a s t one nuisance.

] Z p p

g ift lie will sh a re w ith Itev. Mir.' Moy­e rs in th e glory of .C hristianising the world; for If the money .comes from tho source nam ed it will be largely through the effort of Rev. Mr. Mey­ers, who, therefo re , m ust be credited w ith exerting t«het influence th a t brough t th e gift. Will iMr. Rockefel­le r do it?

77//-; Kh (‘OR T ■In .th is paper today is printed the

financial, rep o rt of the Ocean Grove A ssociation covering th e . year ending O ctober 1,1900, as given in Che Asbury P a rk P ress la s t week. T here has been som e inquiry as to why th is rep o rt was not first 'p rin ted in an Ocean Grove p a p er ....F o r bhe sim ple reason th a t the • gen tlem an who obtained the repovt frotn a meuvber of th e Ocean Grove A ssociation took i t first across the lake for publication! T he figures given in th is , rep o rt today are the sam e as published in our esteem ed con tem pora ry ..

R ed u ced R a te s to SaratoQ a S p r in g s A cco u n t G. A- R.

/-E n ca m p m en tF o r tinEi N ational E ncam pm ent,

Grand Armj' of the Republic a t S a ra ­to g a Springs, N. Y., S ep tem b er 9 to 1-1. the P e nnsy lvan ia Ttailrbad will sell excursion tic k e ts to S ara toga Springs from all s ta tions on. its lines -Septem'ber 7 to D, inclusive, good re tu rn in g to leave S ara toga •Springs -Septem ber 9 to 17, a t re ­duced rates.* Stop overs a t New York, Ph ilade lph ia , 'B altim ore and W ashington will be g ran ted on tick­e ts read ing v ia those cities.

T ickets v ia New York will be hon­ored by H udson R iver boat lines ibe-’ tw een NeW Y ork and Albany o r Troy*

By deposit of. t ick e t w ith Special A gent a t S a ra to g a ' Springs am] the paym ent of $1.00 an ex tension of the re tu rn lim it io October 0 m ay be ob­ta ined ,

‘For full i rin a t ion regard ing stopovers, ra te s of fa re , conditions of tick e ts and . tra in serv ice consh lt T ick e t A gents.—34-36,

5 Press Views jj!• . a i |

| and'News 0 j;

tyrW & v ; . . * .’ v- -r. • v c.

vC Following 'his announcem ent in Ocean Grove, Rev. Cortlam) M eyers

' ’.lias invited John D. R ockefeller to ’ give $100,000,00 tow ards C hristianIz-

8 ^ : -“ g tlle wbrlcl. To d a te tho Invitation not been accepted. B ut then you

vcan never tell.

■■ An)hWr; l i f iv s a v i ju sis .-.g«Ofl news to tlie life-saving

^ ^ jV m e iv , on our coasts th a t S ec re ta ry Cor- § |p f& ie ly o u in tends to m ake an e a rn e s t ef-

f‘ ^ ^ I | r t . : t o aw aken C ongressional in te res t th e condition of the. life-sav ing ser-

. : ; ^ - v i c e . . The men em ployed is till is ardu - • "%ti!y^pU8 and.hazardous service a re poorly

fj-paifl* The m ost th a t they can receive .5 : i s ' $05: a m onth for ten m onths of* the

yea.r, and o u t of th is they m ust pay th e ir uniforms and no Inconsider-

|§ £ ^ £ $ b ie - proportion o f th e ir living ex- N atu ra lly , witili good wageof f ^ ip e n s e s .

..^ ^ V p re v a 11 ing in o’l'* occupations, i f Is ^ p ^ / l w r d to get for tli'e life-saving serv ice

men of the quality dem anded, and i t f w .the na tio n cannot afford to equip it

w ith an in ferio r c la ss of m en. The de- o f the m en of-the-serv ice is not so

m uch for an advance of w ages, how- ever, as fo r Me estab lish m en t c f . a

S jV -. pension system , o r a t le a st a provision w • fo r the dependents of those who die in

; th e line, of th ° ir duty. T h e life-saving -service is now tby law an aux iliary of

.coast defence, and .in tim e of w ar ill be available... T ha t

i'J^Cotisidenvtion a t le a s t siiculd move |^C ongresfe to a r t upon-fche reconim enda- pptjQiijs by th e . S ec re ta ry , says t'he Now- ||® ark .M orntng“S ta r.;

m ;: - f ■' ‘ ' -— :— ? -- ■B fe i • TITE OXK KKMK P Y

ffto If th e re is one kind of loneliness _.;V m ore depressing than an o th e r it is *#;■" th a t of m eeting :a g rea t crowd of peo-

pie in to w hose faces you look eagerly r som e o-ne you know ; ju s t a glim pse

;^ iL -fa m ilio r fa c e / T h is is frequently ease says a lady who ha? b<«en go-

. ^ ^ i k i h g to Ocean Grove and A sbury P ark W f tS ^ o r ove-r 35 years. On Sunday she

.^ |iv '; c o u n te d ; five ' w'liom she recognized ! ;^pW iiam ong perhaps th ir ty thousand —peo* jK a ^ ^ p le .- - ’M onmouth Deni ocrat.

' Wh i c h goes to prove th a t the ‘ ’s tra n g e r in a crowded city m ay feel

a s lonely as the so lita ry trav e lle r in th e desert, f*xcept w ith th is advan- -tage: T h e re is alw ays the opportuni-

K t o m ake new acquain tances and ^ ^ T l 'V f r ie n d s aniong th e crowd. T h is, of

Cpnrse; ■ d epen d s u pon -1he • i nd iv id ua 1. -A K ^ lS K ^ rien d ly person will .a lw ay s m ake

“ ' fr iends w h e re ve r lie go es. T h ere 1 s a p sh i f ti ng anion g tlie crow d lie re-, from . ^ :ione sum m er to ano ther, Many fa-

m ilia r faces a re m issed, and it is for th e se the s tra n g er pines and, finding

•W'fthem not, grows lonesom e and home- sick. B u t then th e re is alw ays the

^ re m ed y suggested— m ake new friends.T h e re is no o th e r course, if th a t lone-

K4j some, fee ling ' Is to he avoided.

T w o S p e c ia l B a r g a in sAn eight-room cottage, opposite St.

P a u l’s M. ,B. C hurch, unfu rn ished , w ith a ll m odern im provem ents. N ew fu rnace and p lum bing; fine o rde r.

I P rice , $3,200; cash , $1,200; balance on m ortgage. B. N .1 W oolston, R eal E s ­ta te , 6.0 M ain avem ie, O cean GroVe.

1 A m odern nine-room cottage,, pa rtly y ‘ fu rn ish tJ* on a co rner in one of the “ best, locations- iu Ocean Grove, w ith

a ll im provem ents, can ,he purchased ,'OPPOUTUNiTY IS KNOCKING. j for $4,SO0. P a r t cash , balance on T here is a g re a t opportunity for in- ( ,E - W oolston, J^eal E s-

v en tive genius to fill th is aching v o id ,1 ta te , 50 Main avenue, Ocean Grove, th e suppression of d u s t and preser- ______ , _'yijtion of tlie su rface of macadam ized •ro ad s ,’and a fo rtune aw aits the m a n , P r o p e r tie s F or S a lew<li o can produce a p repara tion w h ich ; P ersons w ishing to purchase prop- wili be sa tisfac to ry and a t the sam e j e rty a t the Grove ^ o u ld save money tim e can be applied a t a cost no and tim e if they consult E. M. Wool- g rea te r than for sprinkling .—'Camden . s ton, Real Esta te , 50 Ma;n a«pnue, Post-T elegram . . . . Ocean Grove, as he has a uunibtir o*

t *~ j bargains ne is offering ai the presentFOR GOVERNOR. * .ih -b .— it

i t Is significant th a t the Jersey City “ — ......--•••• ------------” “ — rr--"rJou rna l should be earnestly advocat- j ing the nom ination of Judge Collins, •; who has never publicly announced j th a t he would not accept, though lie has m ade known to personal friends J h is d isinclination to perm it-"anything j to In te rfere with his t p rofessional S work. U nless he positively refuses to,

New York and Long Branch B. 8,

perm it his nam e to be used, Judge CoiUiiB will have a s trong following iii the Republican S ta te Convention,

' lie was elected .M ayor of Jersey City in ]S84; 'and a Re.publican who . can carry th a t c ity m u s t be popular.— T ren ton Tim es.

FIGURES TO PROVE IT. .In B urlington county a m onth o r so

ago th e board of freeholders voted to increase th e paym ent fo r1' board of p risoners in th e county ja il from 25 cen ts a day to 30 cen ts a day. T he taxpayers of the county have got up in arm s over the increase. They say th a t many a w orkingm an in the county w ith a fam ily of five or m ore gets only $1.50 per day for his work, if th is w orkingm an w orks every day in the y ea r except-.Sundays and holi­days, he receives for h is year’s work $157.50 O ut of th is money he m ust

Tim e-table in effect Ju n e 23rd, 1907.

-S tations in New York.C en tra l R . R. o£ N. J„ L iberty St.

and .W est T w en ty -th ird S tree t.Central R. R. of N, J ., Sanday Hook

.■Route, W est Fortly-Second S treet, P ie r 81 and C edar S tree t P ie r 10.

P en n sy lv an ia :R. R., W est Twenty* th ird S tree t, D esbrosses and C ort- ian d t S tree ts .


L iberty s tre e t,1 12.01, 4.00, 8.30, 11.30 a. m., *12.40 S a tu rdays only, *1.20, S a tu rdays only, 1.30, 3,30, 4.35, S a t­u rdays excepted, 4.45, '5.15 S a tu r­days excepted, 5.<j0, (1.30 p. m. 12.01

. n ig h t w eek-days,C. R. R. of N. J., W est Tw enty-tliirrf

S tree t, 8.20, 11.20 a. m., *12.20 S a t­urdays' only, *1.10' S a tu rdays only, 1.20, *3.20, 4.20 Saturday 's excepted,, 0.20, 11.50 p. m

F o r P o in t P leasan t, 1.40 M ondays ex­cepted, 5.52, 6.30, C.44, 7.17, 8.24, 10.35, 10.54, 11,13, 11,16; 11.55 a . m.,12 .35 .12.55.1 .27 , 1.53, 1.55 S a tu r­days only, 2.0G S aturdays only, 2.22,2.27, .2.30 S a tu rdays only, 2.34 S a tu r­

days only, 2.49 S atu rdays only, 2.53, 3.08 Satu rdays only, 3.34, 3.55, 4.19, 4.55, 5.15, 5.27, 5.33, 5.45, 5.55 S a tu r­days excepted, G.02, 6.15, 6.28 S a tu r­days excepted, 'G.33, 6 .39-S aturdays excepted,. G.45, 7.05, 7.53, 8.22, 8.59 10,00 p. m.

F or S ta tions in Long B ranch, 6.00, 6.05, G.15, 6.35, 6.45, U.55, 7.05, 7.15, 7.25, 7.30, 7.40, 7.50, 8.00, 8.50, 9/.50,10.00,' 10.15, 10,30, 11.05, 11.30, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 1.20, 1.45, 2.20, 2.26, 2.50, 2.64, 3.35, 4.00, 4.05, 4.15 S a tu rdays days excepted, 4.28 S a tu rday only,5.00, 5.25, 5.32,. 5.37, 6.13, 6.20/ 6.24 S atu rdays excepted, 6.65, 7.00, b.00, 8.36 S a tu rdays o n ly /9.30, .11.10 p. in.On Sundays passengers should use

the N orth A sbury P a rk depot, a s Sun­day tra in s do n o t stop a t Ocean Grove o r Asbury P ark ..♦ D en o tes express tra ins.GEORGE W. BOYD, G. P . A., P . R. R. W. C. H O PE, G. P . A., C. R. R. o f N. J. R U FU S BLODGETT, Supt., N. Y. & L.

B .R .R .

pay house ren t, buy food, clothe him - J W est 42i*d -S treet, P ie r 81, 9,00, 9.35, se lf and h is fam ily, pay doc to rs’ bills I 10.30 a. in., 12.30, 1.30, 1.00, 4J5 , and all o ther inc iden tal expenses. F o r j 5,40, 7.45 p. m.the food o f five p risoners in th e coun­ty ja il .the sheriff of B urlington coun­ty gets. $1.50 p e r day fo r ev ery .d ay in

'th e year, o r $547.50 per year. T his is $90 per .rear .more than w6rkingriion

. reeGives. during th e whole year, even if . he does not lose a day fo r sickness or bad w eather, and does not ta k e „a day off cxcept Sundays and legal holi­days.—‘Red B ank R egister.

Crosbie Furniture Co.E v ery th in g In


5 0 S M ain S t ., Asbury P ark

r ,1V IIJ . H E 1)0 IT !^ T rue ,to his prom ise ' m ade in Ocean Grove tw o w eeks ago, the Rev. .Cortland M eyers 1ms suggested to John D. R ockafeller th e giv ing of. 'SltoO,000,000 tow ard the evangeliza­t io n o f the world. Herb is the chance fo r ■ Mr, R ockefeller to d istinguish iiim self. T he w orld h a s heard of the g re a t oil k ing m any tim es in an. un­favorable, .light. i f he gives a m il­lion to some, u n iv e rs ity befo-re b reak ­f a s t i t is announced before n ig h t th a t oil bad advanced in p rice ,.and th e ud- 'vanco is credited to Mr. R ockefeller's charity . B ut hero is Mr. R ockefeller’s opportun ity to m ake his nam e im­m ortal. I t is b e lie v e d /th a t one hun­dred m illions of dollars will go fa r toward* tak in g tho wholo 'w o r ld fo r

r; - O h rls t if Mr, R ockefeller w ill only If-- com© to tho fro n t w ith th is p rince ly

Jersey RefrigeratorsW arm w ea th e r has been Temarl<-

ably backw ard th is y e a r , bu t the icem an will hav e his innings good and p len ty la te r on. You had b e t­te r be forehanded and get an icebox o frig era to r, if you h a v e n ’t one a lready .. " It pay s to buy: t h e . b e s t .” A cheap refrigerato r is a sp end th rift. It will consum e its cost in one su m ­m er. A ^ood refrigerato r o- icebox will sav e you enough ic e ' to more .than re p a y - th e difference in cost. P robab ly you have had some ex ­perience along th is line.

T h e Je rs e y refrigerato r and ice-, box, m anufactu red exclusively, for th e C rosb ie F tirn itu r i C o ., are. the b es t artic les of their k ind m ade. T h e p a ten t drip valve, en tire ly ex ­cluding air from tlie ice cham ber, is Ian im portan t fe a tu re in th e p re se r­vation of ice. You will apprecia te its value w hen you see it. W e sell hundreds of th ese . ice receptacls e v e ry s u m m r— and ren t as m any m ore for th eeseason .

R efrigera to rs range in size from Nos. 1 to 8, w ith prices from S7.50 to £23 .50 . Iceboxes in size from Nos. 1 to 8, and in prices from S 5.50 to g iS . P rices of grocers* ice chests ruri from 323.50 to S 33 .50 . ' All well m ader nicely fin­ished artic les a t a m oderate Cost.

W e hav e q u ite an a sso rtm en t of roller . chairs for boardw alk .u se Wel.l m ade, easy runn ing and m igh ty com fortable. You can buy th em or re n t then] by th e day , w eek or season a t reasonable fig­ures r .


Ce,iai' S ireet, W ar 10, 9.20, 10.00, 11.00 a', m., 1 .0 0 , 2.00, 3.46, 4.45, 0.00, 8.10 P. 'p.

P ennsy lvan ia il.. R„ W est 23<1 S treet, 8.55, 10.55 a. m „ 12.25, 32.55 S a tu r­days only, 1.25 S a tu rdays only, 2.25, *3.25, *1,25, t*1.55, li.55 p. m. '. .

D esbrosses' and C ortland t S tree ts ,4.00, *9.00, *11.00 a. m., 12.30, 1.00 S atu rdays only, *1.30 S atu rdays only, 2.30, *3.40, *4.30, *5.00 S a tu r­days excepted, 5.10, 7.00 p. in.


Kor New Y ork, -ti.Ou M ondays only, OMu, (,‘.35, *0.45, *0.55, 7.05, 7.15, *7.25, 7.40, *7.50, ‘ 8.00, *8.10, 8.20, £.25, 8.50, 9.20, 10.00, 11.30 a. . in., 12.30, 1.20, 1.45, *2.20, 2.50, *3.35,4.00, 5.25, 5.37, 7.00/.*.8.0 S a tu rdays quly ,;9.30 p. m,

F or lied Bunk, B llzabelh and N ew ark, 0.05 Red Uaulc M ondays only, 0.15, *0.45, 0.55 Red lliink only, *7.15 ex­cep t E lizabeth , *7,30, *7.50 N ew ark ’only, *8.(>0 Red 'Bank o n ly / *8.10 *3.35, 4.00,: 5.37, *7.00, 8.30 S a tu r- Ncivark oiily, S.25 excep t E lizabeth , *8.50, 9.20, 11.30 a. in., 1.20, *2.20, *4.30, *5.05 S a tu rdays excepted, days oaly , 9.30 p. m.

Kor T ren ton and P h ilade lph ia v ia Sea G irt and -P ennsylvania R allroafl, 0.50 T ren ton only, 7.20, 7.52, 9.02 a. m„ 1.07, 3.27, 5:22 p. m.

F o r liYeeliolii v ia Sea G irt and Penn­sy lvan ia R ailroad 0.25, G.5C, 7.52,

'" ‘9.02 a. m „ 12.32, 3r27, 5.22, 11.0S S a t­u rdays only p. m.

For Sit. Holly, C anidea and Ph ilade l­phia v ia Sea Side P a rk and P ennsy l­van ia R ailroad (0.30 M t. Holly and Broad S tree t, P h iladelph ia , via D elaw are R iv e r B ridge) 7.17, 11.13 a. m„ 2.27, 5.33 p. m. Sundays N orth A sbury P a rk S ta tion a t 5.11 p. m.

F o r Tom s R iver and in te rm ed ia te Sta-. tions v ia Bay H ead, 0.30, 7.17, 11.13

a. m,, 12.35, 2.27, 5.33, 0.02 p. £U. Sundays N orth A sbury P a rk S tation a t 7.12, 11.20 a. m„ 5.11 p. m.

F o r T ren ton and P h ilade lph ia via Bound Brook R oute, 0.15, *0.55 w ith change of c a rs a t M atawan, 7.3Q,8.00, *8.50, 11.30 a. m „ *2.20, . .4.00, *7.00 p. ni. w eek-days. On Sundays from th e N orth A sbury P a rk S ta ­tion 7:2(1 a. ni., S.30 p. m.

F o r B elm ar, Spring Lake and M ana­squan, 1.40 M ondays excepted, 5.52, 0.25, 0.30, 0.44, 0.50, 7,17, 7.^0, 7.52, 8.24, 9.02, 10.35, 10.54, 11.13, 11.10, 11.55 a. 111., 12.32, 12.35, 12.55, 1.07, 1.27, 1.53 except M anasquan S a tu r­days only, 1.55 S atu rday only ex­cept M anasquan, 2.00 Saturdays only, 2.22, 2.27, 2.30 S a tu rdays on ly 2.34 S a tu rdays only, 2.49 S a tu rdays only, 2.53, 3.08 S atu rdays only, 3.27, 3.34, 3.55, 4.19, 4.55, 5.15, 0.22,.5.27, 5.33, 5.45, 5.55, 0.02, 0.15, 0.28 S a tu r­days excepted, G.33, 0.39 Satu rdays excepted, 0.45, 7.05, 7.53, 8.22, g.&9,10.00, 11.08 S a tu rd ay s only p. m,

New Jersey CentralAnthraclie Coal Used Exclusively, Insur­

ing Cleanliness and Comfort.

In effect Ju n e 23. 1907. .

Passenger s ta tions in New York, \V. 23rd S tree t, N. ft., l?o<u Liberty S treet. N. R. ' ■


For New York, N ew ark nnd Eliza­beth, Via all ra il route , (*fl.05 M on­days only), 0.15, 0.55, 7.25, 8.00, 8.50,11.30 a. m., 2.20, ,4.00, 7.00, 8.36 (S atu rdays only) p. m. Sundays from. N orth A sbury P a rk station , 7.20 a. m., 4.1S, G.25, ,8.30 p. m.

For New York v ia Sandy Hook Route, 0.55, 7:05, 7.40, 10.00 a, m„ 12.30, 1.45, 2.50, 5.25 p. m. Sundays, 10.30 a. ni., 1.05, 5.07, G.40, 8.10 p. m.

For Philadelphia and T ren ton via EllzabeU iport, G.15, 7.30 (8.50 ex­cept T ren to n ), 11.30 a. m „ (2.20 ex­cept T ren to n ), 4.00, 7.00 p, m. Sun-

1 days from N orth A sbury P a rk s ta ­tion, 7.2G a. ml, 4.15, 0.25 p. m.

For B altim ore and W ashington, 8.50,11.30 a. m„ 2.20, 4.00 p. m. Sundays 7.2G a. m., 4.15 p. m .

F o r Easton, B ethlehem , Allentown and M auch C hunk (6:15 E aston only), 8.50, 11.30 a. m., (4.00 to E as- only), 8.00, 11.30 a. in., (4.00 to E as­ton) p. m, Sundays from N orth As­bury P a rk sta tion , 4.15 p. m.

For W ilkesbarro and S cranton , 8.53,11.30 a. m.

TRAJINS FOR OCEA-N GROVE.Leave New York, L iberty s tree t, a t

4.00, 8.30, 11.30 a. in., (,12.40, 1.20 Satu rdays only), .1.30, 3.30, 4.45

' (5.15 except S a tu rday?), 5.30, (i.30, 12.01 p. m. Sundays for N orth As­bury P a rk sta tion , 3.30, 9.15, 10.00 a.

j‘ m „ 4.00, 8.30 p. m.Leave New Y ork v ia Sandy Hook

Route, P ie r 81, N. R., Foot W. 42nd S tree t, 9.00, 9.35, 10.30 a, m., 12.30, 1.30, 3.00, 4.15, 5.40, 7.45 p. m. Sun­days 9.00, 10.00 a. m „ 1.00, 3.30, 7.45 p . m .

P ie r 10, N. R., Foot C edar S tree t, 9.20,10.00, 11.00 a. m., 1.00, 2.00, 3.45, 4,45 0.00, 8.10 p. m. . Sundays 9.30, 10.30 a. m:, 1.30, 4.00, 8.10 p. m.*Nevy York only.

W .-C. HOPE,. G eneral P ass. Agent:

W. G. B ESLER,. Vico P res, and Gen. Mgr.

SPECIALS:Two fine lots at the corner of Heck and

New Jersey avenues. Can be purchased to­gether or separately.

Ss Embury avenue, eight-room cottage in excellent repair ; has bath, electric lights, heater. Price, $3,200 ; part cash; part mortgage;

Embury avenue, one block from the ocean, nine-room cottage, furnished; gor-d brder. Price, $2,800.

A full-size lot on Franklin avenue, near New York avenue. Price, $800.

A seventeen-room boardiug house on Em­bury avenue, furnished; splendid repair. Price, $3,500. ...

Also other properties at bargain prices.

E. N. WoolstonReal Estate and Fire Insurance

Telephone 3 p8 -J

No. 50 Main Avenue, Ocean Qrove, N. J.

A ssociatl jn B uilding, Mg.ln Ave., O cean G rove

Capital, $25,000 Surplus, $5,000W i l l i a m H . H a m i l t o n

PrenidehtN a t h a n J . T a y l o r

• Vioo Presidem

Jopt) HoiauAirr 8<kphbh D. Wooi. i.kt T. NkiBON L illaoobe Taolman A. Mi i .lkr

T. A. M i l l e r , CashierBOARD OF DIRECTORS

William H. H amilton Nathan J. Tavlob William Moran W. K . Bbadskb

C alv in V. H oblby Jacob B tilid T hokas W vkooot

Transnotsn general banking buBine»o, issues iottera 01 c re d ita v a ilab le tn tho principal cities ol th e world. Collections oarefnllv m ade and prom ptly rem itted

Asbury Park.0 Ocean Grove BankCor. Mattison Ave. and Main S t., Asbury Park Cor. Main Ave. and Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove

C a p ita l, S u rp lu s , a n d P ro f i ts

$ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0


V a n ’s Grocery T a lkIf does seem as If sum m er bad come

a t la s t and we all hope i t may con­tinue b rig h t and sunsh iny and ju s t warm enough to h e com fortable, with th a t Invigorating ozone in the a ir w hich insp ires ap p etite , gives zes t to th e m eals, and brings th a t healthy glow to the cheek indicative of re­sto red , v ita lity . T he all- gives th e ap ­pe tite , bu t the food is necessary to. build up the s tren g th ; the la tte r I can supply from that; which Is needful to tho Invalid to th a t w h ich the. robust require . • To beg in w ith , the cereals: Thelv nam e is n ig h legion. A sk for your favo rite ; I ’ve g o t i t , from th e old-fashioned oats ,to . th e m ost recen t Korn K inks, T oasted Corn Flakes, W heat B erries, P u tted R ice and C erea- line F lakes. W ith b re ak fa s t na tu ra lly goes eggs, w hich I- have. S tric tly fresh frpm a poultry fa rm ju s tb a e k o f here, stam ped the day. they a re laid nnd pu t up In sealed boxes. A ra sh er of B urk’s fam ous .B utternu t Bacon gives th a t flavor to th e m orning m eal so delicious and stim u la ting to th e ap ­petite. Coffee, of course. ■ T here 's none b e tte r th a n 1 se ll from th e Java and .M ocha to t h e ' South A m erican Coffees, so well liked by m any. A ll tho way from 20 Cents to 30 cents a pound and not a cup of an y kind I would h e sita te to p u t upon my own tab le . If you a re forbidden the real thing, I have the su b stitu tes—D igesto, the coffee w ith th e caffeine ex trac t­ed. Old G rist M ill, Postum , Gralno, and K nelpp’s. If you p re fe r tea for your b reakfast, I have the choicest Form osas, Japans , E ng lish B reakfast, India and Ceylon, and blends to satisfy tho m ost fastidious.. B u t rem em ber m y advice:Unless the w a ter boiling he

.F illin g the coffee pot spoils tho coffee, And th e sam e applies to tho tea.

P . S.—M eats a t th e B rad ley Beach s to re A No. 1 as usual. L e t me have your orders.

Y ours to serve,

L. van GilluweStores:Ocean Grove Bradley Beach and North Asbury Park

Founded and Built on Sound Banking PrinciplesAll business en tru sted to us trea ted con fidential. Issues foreign and dom estic

drafts. L etters of cred it. B ank money orders and transacts, a general bank ing business, tinie Deposit Boxes to ren t a t reasonm ble rates.

“ ■ Ofi 'iceusH enry C. AVinsor, P residen t C. C. C layton, Vico PresidentEdm und 33*! Dayton, Cashier Jesse M inot, Asst. Cashier

F rank M. M iller, Assistant Cashier DinucToim

T. F rank A ppleby, A. E . Rallard, O. C. Clayton, Jo h n H ubbard, H enry C. W insor

C ap ita l $ 5 0 , 0 0 0Organized February 28, I9O3

S u rp lu s $ 5 0 , 0 0 0

of the city of Asbury Park, N. J.


Jan ies P . Ackerm an H enry S telabach M. L. Dem iiiao ....Clarence S. S ltflner Jan ie s M. Ralston

M ARTIN H . SCOTT, C ash ie r

Transacts a general banking business and offers every facility consistent w ith safe m ethods

SEXTON & HAVILANOB r ic k B o a r d in g , L .iv o r y , S a l e a n d e x c h a n g e

S T A B L E SSouth of Main Avenue Gates, Ocean Grove, New Jersey

T o l o p t i o n o N o . 1 0 8

Carriages of every description and all the latest styles. All kinds of rubber tire wagons, etc.

Closed carriages for weddings and funerals a specialty. Tally-ho ands straw-ride outfits furnished at short notice. - Boardiug by da}', week or month. Gentle horses for ladies’ use.


CHARLES B. WILGUSF o rm erly R oss & W ilg u s

W A L L/

V arn ishes,.. H ard w are ,

T in w are , B naipet W are .

from 8c, th e double roll.

Paper hanging and decorating at reasonable-prices.Ho 1 ob tbo big, no job tfc small, ;I am in a position to' de them. all.

B rick BalJdJng-, Olin S t f t e i j Ocean Orove »N; J . f

V; i--r\ * 7-nV'- ‘ \i“.


*"* 0A o" / / ? HJG IS1 ' ftor* ' s s » ^ P ^ i l i i I i l R ® E f l i ^ l s ;;::* ^ » < K » < W » < » < V » < » ^ > ^ » < *

P e r s o n a l &J P e r t i n e n t

M oonlight.C arn iva l tim e.H o te ls a re lu ll.[Lovcfeast tom orrow.The end Is in sight.Damp closes on Monday.F irem en 's n ig h t S ep tem ber 3.T h e Grove is lu ll ol visitors.School reopens T uesday, Septem ­

b e r 10.U sh e rs ’ b an q u et nex t W ednesday

evening; ' • ' : j " • S ch u m an n -W ein k nex t T hursday

evening.•W hat haB becom e ot th e F ire Oom-

m issioners?Rev. J . W . K lein, w hile a tten d in g

cam p, 1b Btopping a t th e Sum m erfleld.OharleB B ackus and M . Louise Back-

■ us como from R ocheste r to. th e OceanView.

S. M. /Miller, of B ast Orange, jo ined fr ien d s a t th e La P ie rre the la tte r p a rt

•of last iveek;. M rs. M. E . S tern , o f Fihlladelphla, is v is itin g h e r s is te r, Mrs. J. E. Quinn, .a t t l ie . A laska.

W illiam iMason an d w ife have re ­tu rned to 'S ilrfS e t Lodge.- They are. from Je rse y City.

Jo h n J . Thom pson and wife, from Oamden, have been added to She Ar. N orton's la rg e fam ily.

M rs. E. L. "Sutton, from Dover, the c ap ita l pf the 'D iam ond S ta te , la s tay ­ing a t th e N orm an House.

T he M isses ‘Ellen, M ary and K a th e r­ine M orlarity , of H a rtfo rd , Conn., have ■been s tay ing a t th e A urora.( On T hursday Mrs. M urgerditchyan, who has been s tay in g a t 11 A bbott avenue, sailed fo r Europe.

Trfenton lias s e n t down M r s . 'g . H. K napp and Mrs. Woodihouse to be en-. tc rta ln ed a t the Spray View.

i F req u en t v isito rs ' to Ocean Grove I a re itoberfe H. P rice and wife,. o£

P h ilade lph ia , now at the .Langdon.Rev. Dr. O’H anlon Tead bhe lesson

la s t Sunday in the B ible C lass, over -which he p resided fo r so m any years.." O n M onday M rs. O tis F . Lee, of 104 Mt. C arijiel W ay, re tu rn ed from a ■week’s v is it to h e r s is te r a t Ossining,n . y.

W. F. Day, wife and son, from Mor­ris tow n, reached tb e N orm an H ouse th e o th e r day.. T hey a re well known

■ here . . ..L ouisville , Ky„ the home of fa ir

women and speedy horses, Is rep re ­sen ted a t th e S easid e H otel by A. D.

..M inary. •1 M iss Daisy H am m er, an 'accom plish ­

e d young lady .from th e Q uaker City, Is adding to th e social life a t the M arl­borough ju s t now.

Feeling the need of a little ' rest, L e a d e r V an Hook, o f th e Young Peo­p le’s m eeting sp en t Tuesday with fr ien d s a t Sayreville .

Dr. A. P. Good, a well known m edi­c a l p rac titio n e r of the Q uaker City, w ith h is w ife and child Is s tay ing a t th e A tla n tic H ouse.

Mr. and Mrs. G .B . ICeim, E lizabeth Koim, .M argaret Keiin and J . IC.

. 'Rhodes, tvpm L ew iston, Pa.,, a re am ong W averly guests.

D r. Joseph H orner and wife, from P ittsb u rg , cam e east especially ,, to spend som e tim e lu Ocean Grove. T hey a re a t the W averly.

ijlls s Lizzie Sharp , of B ridgeton, the lead er of th e H elping H and m eeting In T horn ley Chapel, is num bered among th e A laska H ouse patrons.. jpr. W. \V. Douglas, s tay ing a t tlie

Sum m erfleld th is week, is a wellknow n d e n tis t o f New York. He is a freq u en t v isito r to th e Grovo.•> A fte r spend ing six w eeks in the Grove a t th e A lbatross, D r. Jacob Q uick nnd wife on T hursday re tu rned to tb e ir home in Philadelphia.- M iss M abel M ather, of T ren ton , to ­g e th e r w ith M rs. G. M. Lynch and M rs. C. W. K errick , of tlie sam e city,

.fliai^e rooms a t th e 'R o o sev e lt.V isiting th e Grove du ring camp

m eeting , Rev. A ugustus A. W alker and wife, from Y onkers on tile H ud­son, a rb guests a t the, Ormond. -

'Edw ard E. Johnson , a frien d of P ro ­p rie to r R osecrans of the H ighland H ouse , is s tay ing a t th a t ho te l ju s t now . H e lives in H untingdon, N. Y.; Jam es Craig, a form er re s id en t of

O cean Grove, was h e re Thursday, ^com ing down from h is hom e' a t R ah- 'w a y w ith a Sunday school excursion.

John M. Slane-y and fam ily have como down from M ount Vernon, N. Y., to -rem ain in th e Grove un til w ell lu the fall, according to annu l cus­tom .

F ran k Skinner, of P h iladelphia , oue of th e Grove’s e a r lie s t p roperty own­ers, w as en terta ined over .Sunday la s t

i a t th e home of his nephew , E. N. W oolston.

"‘Ml's. R. A. L indem an and daughter, M rs. J , A, F u lton , ou M onday re tu rn ­ed to N gw Y ork, a fte r p leasan tly spend ing som e m on ths in .Ocean

, Grove a t the N ational.

An o il s tove w as responsib le for a sm all flrd T hursday afte rnoon ln the rea r of te n t No. G2, B etliesda block. T lio flames w ere easily extinguished w ith a few 'buckets of w ater.

Spondlng sonio .tlnio a t th e Ocean V iew w ith friends a re th e M isses E lizab e th A hel and Lllllo Dickovor, ot 'W i'lghtsvllle, Pa., ju s t aaro ss th o Sus­quehanna riv e r from Columbia.

S 'la r g e audience heard R ev. Dr, W.C. B arnes, of D elaw are, Ohio, preach In St. P au l's chvtraU, th is p lace, la s t

S abbath m orn ing .' H is them e- was ‘T h e a ttra c tiv e pow er of O hrlst."

W . C. Hope, G eneral P assenger A gent of th e C en tra l ‘R ailroad was In town W ednesday, accom panying Dis­tr ic t P a sen g e r A gent Ira E . W hyte here, on olllcinl business

R ev, J. A. M attheson Is num bered am ong the m any clergym en ef the M ethodlsjt persuasion who a re here a tten d in g the cam p tills week. W ith ills wife and son ho is reg iste red a t th e H ighland House.

T h e tbody of A nna R. 'M acKay, of O range, who died a t u P ilgrim P a th ­way hoarding- bouse last Sunday, -was rem oved from th e Grove that, day by U n d ertak er B urtls and shipped to her la te hom e fo r burial.

Dr. O’H anlon w as reg iste red n t the Queen o v e r Sunday , com ing down from Long 'Branch to pa rtic ipa te In the Bible C lass exercises S unday a f­te rnoon and p reach ing in the Audi­to rium M onday m orning.

Rev. M ilton R elyea, the form er pas­to r of S t. P a u l's churoh, th is place, and now a re s id e n t of Pem berton , N.' J ., has been- giving "a tten d an ce upon the cam p m eeting th is week. H e w as w arm ly g reeted by m any f r ie n d s ..

D aniel W ebster, of the Frayer-M ll-' lor Auto.. Co., drove 'hiB car. -to Ocean Grove front Philadelphia, la s t S a tu r­day; H e b rought dow n w ith him Mrs. W ohSter,, D aniel Adam s, T hom as J. A rm strong arid A. R aym ond Raff, cot- tag e ri of the Grove.

■Rehearsals of th e ch ild ren ’s chor­us, suspended during cam p, will be

'.resumed on M onday afternoon a t 2 'S’clock in th e Tomiple. T h erea fte r, in an tic ipation ' o f’ “A N ig h t in F a iry ­lan d ,’’ on S a tu rd ay e.venlng of next week, re h e a rsa ls 'w ill be held dally.

T hom as-M . Dunhnim, 72 H eck ave nue, on W ednesday a tta in ed his e ighty-th ird 'b irthday ann iversary , whfch was observed in the quiet m anner which has alw ays ch arac te r­ized th e living of th is ge.ntteman, who is held In high esteem.- He received num erous congra tu la tions.

Mrs. W illiam B. Osborn, of Brook­lyn, arrived W ednesday. She w ill lipid the usual ann iversary , exercises of h e r -m islonary tra in in g school on M onday evening in th e Tem ple. One cf the speak ers will be M iss Outliap- fei, a re tu rned .m issionary from Ko- rea.

IMrs. J. P. Coleman- and daugh ter A nnetta , of Chicago, have found-their way for the firs t tim e to Ocean Grove. T o ': ay they are . delighted w ith th e pi. . is -u s in g a te rm en tire ly 'to o m ild. A lthough full to overflowing, the hosp itab le O shorne H ouse Is car­ing for rs. and; M iss Coleman to th e ir e n tire sa tisfac tion .

George B. Cockeyi o f B altim ore, w h o Is Ih tihe In ternal revenue branch of th e governm ent serv ice , sp en t p a rt of the w eek here a t th e hom e o t' h is uncle, John Em ory, 65 Broadw ay, a c : com panled hy h is wife an d child. M rs. M aggie W . Cockey and M iss T en- n ie Em ory, a lso of B altim ore, have re ­tu rned to th e Grove for a v isit a t the homo of Mr; Em ory. - •

E dw ard M. H ogan, ed ito r and m anager of the. Independen t, a live and b righ t paper pub lished a t Sitf- fern, N. Y., Is' p ass in g som e tim e in re s tin g from ibualness cares a t the Le- V assar. SulTern is a th riv ing little tow n of abou t 3,500 persons, located ln R ockland county, n ear fam ous Tuxedo, Mr. H ogan is greittly pleased w ith th e Grovo and may be counted on to come h e re again.

.Among gu ests a t th e Gem a re Mrs. C allahan, IMjss , M ae W lscner, of P h ilade lph ia ; M iss G ertrude Loeller, M iss M aud R oney, of P a te rson ; Mrs. H annah RObinson, of T ren ton ; Mrs. W ebster W eaver and 'daugh ter, Mrs. E lizabeth K enhard , of , M iddletown, f a . ; 'M isses Leonore and M iriam Soitrbeer, of H a rrisb u rg ; A, E. Rob­bins, w ife a ad son, of New Y ork; Miss F ranc is Jo rdan , H arvey Van Sclver, of B everly ; M isses S. and B. Hos- te tte r , of M illersv llle , P a .; M iss Zet- ta Cundy, -Miss P r isc illa P hyllky and Silas A lice Shepherd , of A rlington.



N o w W . H. M. S . o f th e M eth o­d is t E p isc o p a l C hurch

*'T he 0 cean Grove 'W oman’s Home M issionary Society of the ^ le th o d is t E plscopaal C hurch" has ju s t been legally inco rpo ra ted under th e -• tore- going-' t t t le / an d ''fr ien d s w ho desire to rem em ber th e society in ' th e ir be­quests^ a s som etim es has besn the •case, should p a rticu la rly note th e new nam e. One of th e society 's' b e s t rec­om m endations tp ihe consideration oft possib le pa trons is its exce llen t w ork am ong th e fam ilies of fro n tie r m is­s ionaries who labor fo r s c a n t sa la ries , th e industria l Homes and orphanages <or needy ch ild ren , deaconesses’ sup-, plies and em ig ran t w ork , and th e w ork am ong th e poor, a t home.

C lo th ing o r o th e r a rtic le s su itab le fo r th is nJble worlc a re solicited and m ay be le ft w ith Mrs. U P. H yatt; 38 Olin s tre e t ; Mrs. A. \V. W ilson, 36 H eck avenue; .Mrs. L«eah Sum m ers, 141. M ain avenue. Or if e ith e r of these persons a re notified by card a m es­sen g er w ill .call fo r w h a te v e r‘artic le s m ay be donated.

S u n d a y S c h o o l E x c u r s io nTo. W est P o in t on T hursday , Sep­

tem ber. 5. Iro n S team boat “C epheus” leav es A sbury Parle a t 7.20 a. m.—31-30. . ■

O nly $2.25 to A tla n tic C ityT h e N ew Jersey C en tra l w ill havo

one of its popu lar excursions, to A t­lan tic C ity on A ugust 22nd. T icke ts from Ocean Grove a re on ly ?2.25, and the spec ia l tra in -’ leav es a t 8.25 a. m. I t 's the li-eightM of th e season a t th e fam ous South Je rse y re so rt.—32-34,

F or S a leO n W ebh ayemve, n e a r tlie ocean,

can sell you a 7-rocm cottage, fu rn ish - ed\ good location, fo r $2,800, L e t show you th is1. • Inqu ire Wooletem, R eal E s ta te , BO M ain av.enpe.-^tfv

R e v . S tr a tto n W in s I l ls F ig h t a t M a tte a w a n

T iie Rev. Pau l 'S tra tton , who v is it­ed here a sh o rt tim e ago, 'has p rac ti­cally won- h is fight ag a in st Sunday lbasdbaU a t G lenhain, a sh o rt d is­tance out o f M atteaw an, N. Y., w here he Is pasto r of th e P resby terian Church.

E ver since th e season opened Mr. S tra tto n has ba ttled ag a in st the Sun­day gam es. The a u th o ritie s favored the gam ss, noU vithsianiling s ta te law s ag a in st, them , and it w as only afteir th re a ten in g to carry the m a tte r lo G overnor H ughes th a t Mr. S tra t­ton secured h is victory; L ast Sun­day all th e p layers were, a rre s ted , and. la te r in the w eek each one w as fined.

S ince th e decision ag a in s t the pro­m oters of the gam e, Mr. S tra tto n has received severa l .congratulatory le t­te rs from the peace-loving c itizens of M atteaw an. " •

'Mr. S tra t to n >is filling .his first y ear in the m inistry .. H e is a g rad u a te of 'P rinceton.

F or th e C oron ationT ho Ocean Grove ch ild ren ’s chorus

has been invited to p a rtic ip a te in the coronation of Queen T ltan ia a t As­bury I-ttrk nex t T tiesday evening. T he Inv itation has (been, accepted; and the. 'boys will give the ir drill and the chorus in its en tire ty will s in g sever­al, num bers, On Satu rday evening following the Queen and her court will re tu rn th e v is it-ahd be p resen t in •t'he Ocean Grove Auditorium a t the Fairy land en te rta inm en t.

S m a ll F ir e a t N ightA s lig h t fire a t L iliagore’s pavilion

shortly a fte r m idnight T uesday b rought ou t th e departm ent. The fire was confined to the flooring near the boiler in the engine room, and w as extinguished w ithou t dlfilculty or much dam age. In p ry ing up the floor­ing F rank Taylor, a bath ing m aster, w as cu t about the forehead w ith a crow bar th a t slipped from h is hands.

A Run o n P o st C ardsO ver 50,000 souven ir post cards

w ere handled a t the Ocean Grove postofllco on' T uesday evening b e ­tw een six o’clock and m idnight. A t one tim e during the evening seven­teen of; the 0 ^1 00 . em ployes w ere en ­gaged o-n the cards.. T his breaks th e record for post card s passing through th e local office,vand shows to tfh a t an ex ten t th e fad has grown.

No R a in , B u i F rostE ugene Goodrich, of Ocean Grove,

w rites from W i Him ah tic, Conn., th a t It has h een over th re e m onths since th e re w as a good ra in .in the C onnecti­c u t valley , in consequence of w hich crops and pastu re have suffered bad­ly. T h e .o th e r m orning th e re . was f ro s t ,ln th e v ic in ity of W llUm antic, the therm om eter fa l l in g 'to th irty -six degrees. •

V isu a l T r o u b lesGo to Vese^Uus, 615 M attison ava-

, nue, A sbury ‘P a rk , w ith the w orst vis­ual difficulties. T h irty -e igh t years’ practice. All repa irs .—34 2t.

The valuable property of the late

Caroline L. Metz, Deceased,Situate

Northeast Corner Heck Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway

in th e m ost central par t of Ocean Grove will be sold at public sale on


at 2.30 o’clockT erm s m ade known on day of sale.Joseph C. Patterson, Auctioneer.

, George W. Pittenger Charies Roads


R e p u b lic a n S ta te C on ven tionT h e Republican voters of New

Je rse y a re requested to e le c t dele­ga tes, a t prim ary e lections to be­held according to the provisions uf th e s ta tu te s of New J e rse y to S ta te Convention to he held . in T ay­lo r O pera House, in th e c ity of T ren - ' to n , a t tw elve o'clock noon, on T h ursday , the N IN ETEEN TH . DAY O F SE PTE M B E R, 11)07, fo r th e pu r­pose of nom inating a cand idate foi Governor, to be supported a t the , en­su in g election.

T h e basis of rep resen ta tion from each county under th is call is regu­la ted by C hap ter 2^7, law s of New J e rse y , session 1906, page 508. T ha t is, to say, one delegate for every two hundred votes c a s t by tho R epublican p a rty £01* Its : cand idate fo r G overnor a t th e la st guberna to ria l election, .viz., e lection . 1904, and one delegate fo r j each frac tion th e reo f Over one huu- ; dre, <but a n y election district- whi^h c as t a t th e J a s t gubernato ria l .eleri f ' n * le ss than tw o hundred Republican votes, shall be en titled to cast such frac tio n a l portion of a vote in said convention as may h e determ ined by the respective county com m ittees of th e S ta te .

FRAiNK O. BRIGGS, C hairm an. A jttestiAljEXANDE-n C. YAlRO,

Secre ta ry , pro tem.

Two flours of Moving P ictu res

F i r eOcean Qrove Auditorium

3Moving Pictures

By tHe American Vita^raph Company

Assist the FiremenGeneral Admission, 15c. Reserved Seats, 25c.On s n i e a t W oo lstim ’a m i l e s ta te oHioe, su M ain- nvenue, F r id a y , A u g u s t 30,

luitt n t A uililo iU im on ' l i f 'lu te c f e n te r ta in m e n t.

The Jeweler’s Pricesare higher than ourshis stock no more complete

Everything in Jewelry Silverware and

Cut Glass

Aslntrg fark, H w

Ballin^ton BoothPresident Volunteers of America

Esihnatea cheerfully given,- Job­bing promptly uttended to. TIa and sheet metal work. Stoves and Ktove repair#,



S a n i t a r yP l u m b i n g

. T a l o p h o n e 6 6 * R

Gas and SteamFitting

Fine material. •Prices moderate.

6 4 - M a i n f V v e . ,

O c e a n G r o v e ,

N . r J .

r J . F. KING GO.Je w e le rs and O pticians

403-405 G rand A venue K I N G ' S |C' st) ' r y P a r k ' '*•

W e m ake a spscial'tv uf o J J tilings for gifts for all occasions iu Gold, S ilv e r, C h ina , G lass a n d -L e a th e r

W e also h av e a specially fitte J w ork shop to do all k in d s of Je w -.e lry ah d E y e-G lass rep a irin g . ' i

.w i l l b e a t th e

CASINO. ASBURV PARKSunday, August 25,10 A. M., 2.45 and 7.30 P. M.

Miss L Uollinger, the Sw eet Gospel S inger, w ill Sing

B r i c k B u i l d i n g pestoWce OceanA noiv unci eom ploto lino of E n am e led a n d B ra ss T rim m e d B ed s nn d

Crlbe, S p r in g s , C ouches n n d Cots, M attre sso s, F erttho rs, P illo w s,' B o lste rs , P a d s , e tc . A ll b e d d h ig m ado on tho prom ises. M attre sses renoT nted i

M ull o rd e rs so lic ited . P o lite se rv ice , p ro m p t d e liveries.


Admission 5c. Cookman Ave., Asbury Park

z Opp. Cooper’s Block

Crown Suit Store704 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park

MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALEot i n d i e s ’ nm l M isse s ’ W in te r SkIrts7"AVaists, O hild t'oa’s D ressos, S ilk U n d e rsk irts .

"We am offerinp; s u its n o w a t $0.1)8, w h ich wor'o J15.99, 91(!.i30, .SH.98..' S k irts , th a t w ere Sl.US, $5.50 ,-$(i.V8 a ll to CO n t S2.05. \5tlilto S h ir t W a is ts $2.49. Liuo*. S k ir ts $l.iO ,

>'I n e , ; ! MMvji n w v 1-. » .


OCEAN QROVE ASSOCIATIONF o r th e Y e a r E n d in g O cto b er i t 1906

D isbursem ents. Receipts. Not Loss. N et Gain.S ew er .....................................................W ate r ...................................................E lec tric L ig h ts ....................................R e n t a b le B u i ld i n g s .................................T e n t s ...............................................................

R eal E s ta te (L ots' S o ld ).................C oncrete W alk s ..................................Ocean F ro n t........................................C are of S tre e ts ..................................N ew S tre e ts .......................................P a rk s am i L aw n s .............................M usic D epartm ent, 1904-1005....M usic D epartm ent, 1005.................A uditorium , .Totuple,- T abernacle .E xpense ..............................................In te re s t ................................. ..............

• L icenses ..............................A ssessm ents .7 ...............................Individual Call Loans, 4 V&%.........B ills Receivable.................................S a l a r i e s ....................• .............................Police ...................................................M em bers’ E xpenses.............’. . ........C o rp o ra tio n . S tab les ...................... .Postage ....................... ............. .T elegraph .......................... ................Telephone ...........................................W esley L a k e .....................................Rem oval Garbage, Two Y e ars ...S prinkling S tree ts ............................P r iv a te W o rk .....................................P r iv a te S tab les .......... ................Old Song Books.................................J a n e A. W llm urt L egacy ................F le tcher Lnko....................................P residen t’s H o u se .. . . .....................B ungalows (E ig h t) . . . : ...................

Cash B alance Oct. 1, 1 9 0 5 ... . . C ash Balance Oct. 1, 1900..........

.$ 337.75 ■ ? 5,890.91. 13,611.47 15,803.99. 13,937.59 10,592.74. 2,109.11 7,670.25. .6 ,065.21 • 13,380,85. 14,619,87 17,256.37. 3,290.79 10,345.05

535.82 15312S10.78 6,350.06

. 3,810.31

. 1,317.04 . ‘

. 1,217,7.0

. 2,735,74 122.80

. 32,418.87 32,798.23

. 2,7:29,77

. 6,701.10 1,068,9927.75 2,372,50

■ 17,252,83. 27,750.00 *• 29,400.00. 2,916,99 1,055,40. 4,224,35

7 5,983,95400,91

, 3,298.62 3,093.50.. , 1 7 7 .9 8, , , 1 1 3 .2 3 ., 95.40

326.35. 3,000.00

. 2,394.48 701.20314.89



6,437.68 1,030,00

$173,622.75 $176,740,3710,379.50

. 13,497.12








SlS7,119.87 $187,119.S7 Supplem ent.

All figures a re fo r the period Oct, 1, 1905, to Oct. 1, 1906< W ater D epartm ent.

T o ta l R e c e ip ts ... . . .$15,803.99T o ta l D isbu rsem en t? .. . . 7.............. ............................ . ..................*.... 13,611.47*

-$2 ,192 .52

Coul .........................Taxes ....................350 New M eters .. N ew C ondenser...D u p le x P u m p -----R epairs, Supplies,

D isbursem ents.. 1 . . . . . . ........ .................... . . . . $ 2,077.59......................... ..____________ _______ 871*09 *........................................ . ; ........................ 2,857.50......................................... ........................ .. 615.00

..........................' .......................................... 172.50e tc ......................................... .................... 2,313.4S

Supplies for M eters ..........................................E ngineers, Firem en, Inspectors and L aborers.


$13,611.47E lectric Light Departm ent.

T o tal D isbursem ents...................................................................................$13,937.59T o ta l R eceip ts ......................................... ...................................... ..............10,592.74

-$3 ,344 .85D isbursem ents. „

: Coal ................................................................. ......................... .$3,417.51T axes ....................................•................... .......................... 844.46Cqrbons ....................................................... ................................ 403.75

. N ew C ondenser.......................................................................... 600.00D uplex P u m p ............................................................................... 172.50N ew T ransfo rm ers ..................................................................... 430.0048 New Electric L igh t P o le s ................................................. 123.00200- New Cut O uts ..................................................................... 148.50Supplies, R epairs, e tc ................................................................ 2,863.08W ages, Firem en, E lectric ians, and L ab o r...................... 4,934.79

$13,937.59The E lectric L ight D epartm ent will show a loss of $3,344.85. T h is depart

m eh t m ust, however, be given cred it fo r the ligh ting of all s treets, ocean front, aud ito rium , temple, public to ile ts and A ssociation building, which, If contracted fo r by an outside com pany, would cost the A ssociation approxim ately $6,000. W hen th is is considered th e p lant Is m ore than self susta in ing .

Expense,New Y ear’s R ecep tion ................................................. ................$ 51.771,500 Annual R epo rts ................................................................... 290.0046 T urkeys fo r Men a t C hris tm as........................................... 135.834 Photos, A ssociation M em bers.............................. ................ 30.00A rth u r Hall, acc iden t......................... , ..-j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S0.,00Legal Expenses, W allace C ase............................... . , . v, . . . . 500.00;Legal Expenses, Division Fire D is tric t................................. 75.00Legal Expenses, E ly -F lltc ro ft M ortgage............................. 30.00Legal Expenses, Collection Old A ccounts............................ 37.78Legal Expenses, M iscellaneous................................................ 262.64P e t ty ? C ash ............................................................ . ......................‘ 189.08M iscellaneous ............................................. .................................. 490.97

• Labor, M an and T e a m s ............................................................. 286.70

Ice Departm ent.$2,729.77

T o tal R ec e ip ts ......................T o tal D isbursem ents...........

---------. . .$17,256.37...................... 14,619.87.

D isbursem ents.T axes ........................................2,490 T ons Ice . . .....................................................P lac in g Ice in M ouse....................................................B alance of Ice fo r 1905....................................... ..........D elivery Ice Balance, 1905.......................*.................Supplies, e tc ......................... ........................ , , . ............D elivering, earn of ice, 1906.......................................


.......50.56 -. 10,715.65

177.25 . 118.94

413,50 , 91.39

. 3,046.58

-$14,619.87T ente.

Total R eceip ts.............1^>tal D isbursem ents.

..$13 ,380 .85 . , G,065.21


Taxes .................................................................................P u ln t .......................................................................... . . . .L um ber ........ .....................................................................F u rn itu re ...........................................................................New C anvas....................................... T............................Supplies, • e tc ......................................... .. 1 ........................C are of tents, C arpenters, P a in te r s ........................

$ 133.15 368.65

‘ 740:91 172.54

1.533.84, 496.27


$6,0C5.21V ery nearly a ll te n t ren ts w ere increased th is year. Exclusive of tho In

crease in rents, tills departm ent will show a net gain In excess over any season Iri th e p a st six years.

Corporation Stables.T o tal D isbursem ents:-.................................................................................'$3,298.02Total R ece ip ts . ; ............................................................................................ 3,093.50

---------------$ 204.52T his departm en t a s usual will show a loss. S tables a re credited w ith. $1.50

per day fo r each day a team works. W e havo 13 horses.Bungalows.

B ricks and M ason W o r k . . . ................ . . . . . . . ........................................ $ 206.00P a in t an d P a in te rs ........................; . . . . . ................................ 460,83L um ber ........................................................................................................... 3,079.37C arpen ters an d L ab o re rs ..................! ...................... ............*................... 1‘187.25F u rn itu re ............................................; ............................ ............................. 424.68Insurance ....................................................... •............ . ..........; . . . 4 . 18.75

Plum bing 'i;064;66:.!-$ 6,4 3 7 .6 8

The. above figures include the building, of seven bungalows, rerhode4ing the ladies’ to ile t in to a bungalow, rem oving and rem odeling mens* to ile t a t a c o s t of $1,030.00, also g rad ing of grounds, sodding, building la ttice and fence $323.00,

P rivate W ork. .T he large am ount duo in tliis departm en t is for the stone curb ing la id fo r

property owners, for which wc will collect.


Resources.Cash Balance, Oct. 1, 1906........., . . ....................... , ........ - .........Book accounts, th ree years aoul m ore ............ .......................... ■A ssessm ents under th ree y e a r s . . .*............. ...............................W ater R ents under th ree y ea rs ................................Sew er R en ts under three y e a r s . .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Concrete W a lk s . .......................: .......................................... . . . . . .Due from Rentablo Buildings. ..................... ..........................Due from T e n ts . ., ..................................................' . ..........., , . . .Due from Ice ................................................^ . . . . .Ground R ent from P riv a te S tab le s . ............Due from E lectric L ig h ts ................... .................................H otel W a te r ' R e n t s ......... ...................., 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Due from' L o ts Sold (Leases not g iv en )............ ...................In te re s t on L o ts .................... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . .M otgages taken fo r d e b t........................Due from stone curb'* p riva te w o rk .............................. ..............T.. N rL 'tllagore, B ath in g P riv ileg es ....................^ . i.-....

Liabilities.Individual/C all Loans ,a t % , . . . . . ; ; . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .O utstanding B i l l s . . . . . . . . . . ......... ................................ • ;T a x e s , N eptune Tow nship (E stim ated bill no t ou t y e t ) . . Taxes, B radley Beach (E stim ated , b ills not ou t ye t)

T o tal Liabilities, brought flow n.. . . Total R esources, brought dow n. . . .

............ $13,497.12,907.73,332.42,192;25570.47781.40525.00125.00 G1D.5G

45.60 570.93 351.45

.,560.39 200.35

r,0G2.32 L,727.00 1,500.00--------— $37.G74.87

»,$134, . . ,4 i . . .1, . . 2 ,


$142,580.05. . . . . . . . /.$142,580.05 . . . . . . . . . . 51,171.99

N et indebtedness Oct. 1, 1906...............................................................................$ 91,408.66O ur ne t indebtedness is $2,363.50 less than la s t year. N o tw ith s tand ing th is

reduction, we have m ade tiie following Im provem ents:Building eight bungalow s, im proving to ile t.......................... . . ...$6,437.68New Condensor a t W ater and L igh t P la n t . .... ..............1,215.00 .,350 new w a ter m e te rs .......................... .................................................... 2,857.00Duplex Pum p a t W ater aud Light P l a n t . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . , . . . 345.00200 New Cut O uts (E lectric L i g h t s ) ......................... 148.50New T r a n s f o r m e r s . . . . . . ..............................................•••*.*•.............. 430.00250 E lectric L igh t m e te rs ...................... ..................... . 2,769.63’

—-----=----- -$14,202.81

AUDITORIUM ACCOUNT.Receipts Religious Departm ent.

Auditorium Collections, Sunday M o rn in g s .. . . . . ........ .. ,.$3,472.27A uditorium Collections, Sunday E ven ings.................................. 1,696.818

-$ 5,169.08Holiness M ee tings .. . >.......................................... ............................... 333.76Young People’s M ee tings .. . . . . . . . ................ ...................... ............. 1,072.93Sunday-School—Interm ediate t . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . 172.95Sunday-School—P rim ary . . . .V ..................................................... .42.74Dr. M unhall's Bible C la s s . . . ...................................... 307.30'Sunday- School A ssem bly. . . . . . ................................. * . . . . . . . . . . . . 106.60Pennington Soiiilnary D a y ; ....................................................* 40-50W om en’s C hristian Tem perance U nion ........................................ 43.48N ational Tem perance S o c ie ty ........................• ........................... 16.72W om en's Hom e M issionary S o c ie ty .. . . . . . . ........ .......... .. 13.34W om en’s Foreign M issionary S o c ie ty ........................* * • ............... ,29.98L ectu re on Borneo,........................... *............................. 17.37In s titu te on E v a n g e lism .. . . . . . . . . . . ................ ...................... 30.46CAM P-M EETING—S acram ent Service.............................. ............... «................................. 63.33A uditorium Collections (Sundays excep ted).......... . 622.92Joseph .Sm ith’s m eetings—Tem ple. .................................. ........... 198.53Elizabeth S m ith 's M eetlngs^-T abernaole.......... ............ . . . . . . . . . . 62.31Sunrise M eetings; .............................................. ............................... 29.92Children's M eetings.............. . . . . . . . . ................. 33.54H elping H and M eetings...............; ......................................................... 32-24M rs. Osborn’s M issionary T rain ing School............................. . 126.49A m anda Sm ith M eetings................ 26,42A m anda Sm ith, fo r h e r own c a u s e . ................................. 202.40Am anda Sm ith, fo r her' own c a u s e . .............................. .. .v . . . . . . 113.08

;. $8,908.39Deduct"Scfftount of Children’s Sunday, credit, to music d e p t., 547.23


Receipts Musical D epartm ent.

Ju n e 25—P ic tu res and M u sic .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 165.15June 30—P ic tu re s and M u sic .............................................................. 55.40Ju ly 2—P ic tu res and M usic.................. ............. 75.30Ju ly 3—pic tu re s and M u sic ;............................................. .............. 204.10Ju ly 7 -rC o n cert.. ........................................ 262.35Ju ly 11—P ic tu res and M usic.......... ...........................................• • • •• • 315.45July 14—Pic tu res and M u sic . ................................................... ..................... ...................... '............................................ 171.45Ju ly 16—Swedish C h o ir......... .............................................................. 1,675.50Ju ly 21—C oncert................................................................... ..................... 358.05Ju ly 23—P ic tu re s , ..........................................................’. ................. 209,25Ju ly 25—P i c t u r e s . . . . , ..................................................... .. 109.80Ju ly 28—O ratorio "R edeem er".......... ...................................... 202.65Ju ly 30—P ic tu res .......... ...........................................................•'............... * 307.80Aug. 1—Nord.Ita........................................ ....................................... 6,167.30Aug. 1—O ratorio . “M essiah" . ............................................................ 1,132.75Aug. G—P ic tu res ......................................i . . . . . . . . . . 107.25Aug. 9—Children’s Concert (F irs t) . . . . . . . - . U . . . ' . . . .> ............... 2,999.00Aug. 11—C hildren 's Concort (S e c o n d ) ...................... 870.81Aug. 14—P ic tu re s .; I .................. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310.80 ,Aug. 16—^ tab a t^M ’a te r . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . 688.55Aug.. 28—Pictui*es........ ............................... . .............................. 406.50Aug. 29 —P ic tu re s . ............................1............ .... . . . . i . . . . . . •> . . . . . . 397.80Aug. 31—^Fairylond........... ........... . . . . . . . . 2,140.05Sept. 1-—-P ic tu r e s . . . , ' . . . . . ; .............................................................. .... 123.75Sept, 3—O ratorio “E lijah ” . . ........... 1,163.45Season T ic k e t s . . . ................... . .:v . . . . . . 345.00C hildren’s ... S u n d a y ....................; ......................................... . -547.23

/; .. .. : ■ . ......../ y .................. . 'v ;1- : — $21,512.49

... ... - * - . • .. $29,873,65AUDITORIUM ACCOUNTS.

Am ount F o rw ard ........................................ $29,873.65

Musical D epartm ent Receipts, Continued.

Sale of R ough R ider S u i t s . . .................................................................. $$27S.30 .Refund Account, T rain C. R, R, o£ N, J . . . . .......... ....................... .... S9.66 •Refund Account .D inners New York C h o ru s .. ........ ..................... .... 46.50R efund Account, P rogram s (O, CJ. F ire m e n ) ., . . . . . . ,t.*. i ........... • 6.60Refund Account, 'Amount charged P e tty C ash, 57.95

! r -------------- J -179.01R eceip ts crudlted by B ank not accounted fo r by Religious or

Musical- Dcjpartm ents............ ........................................ ..................................$ .102,24Sale of Song B ooks................................................................................................... 760.05Sale of K eys to Model o f-Je ru sa lem , . , . . . . . . . .................16.94M iscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . ..v.; i . ^ . . ? . . . . . . . . ... . . 1.84'

Total R eceipts '............................................................ ................I . ___ $31,233.73The foregofng rep resen ts the am oun ts .deposited in the Ocean Grove N ar

tlonal B ank, subject to tiie check of Vice P res iden t B allard;

D isbursem ents. ^ ■ .

Of th is am ount,-there w as to bo paid ou t fo r aqcotm t of the Religious D e­p artm en t (See detailed s ta tem en t b e lo w ) . . . . ...........................$5,819.90

F o r account of the M usical D epartm ent paid d irec t by D r. Ballard.Mrs. Dixon, account a cc id e n t, ...................... .... .............. ......... .$200.00W. F, D ay & Bro:, acco u n t.p lcn jcs ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,95W. B, Stout, ren t o rchestra house.,'.-.................... 500,00O. G. Times,. A dvertising, P r in t in g . , . . i . . . . . , t . . ; . i . . . ; . . . . . . . . 433.42 -W . U. Telegraph C o ................................................................. .............. '37.02O. G. Association, C arpen ter w o rk .............. .364.50

-------- $ 1,633.89T,. E . M organ account,-expenses p a id 'b y him .(See d o ta lled .s ta te- , , -..W ". ment- below) V. . . . . , , . I . . . . . , ; v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘$17,041.86

A dditional am ounts paid by D r. B allard a fte r se ttlem en t m ade w ith Prof. M organ to be considered in 1907’ settlem ent;

O. G.:Assbcldtlon for £ e n t <■. .V.',S. Nlttlnigrer, ren t p i a n o s . . . i . . V;V.. . 1 . Xt. . . . . . . C. C. Clayton, account d e c o r a t i o n s . . . . .

;$250.00 . 50,00 . 344.41

P aid Prof. M organ, account of se ttlem en t-----Claimed by bank. In e rro rs In count of cash . . M iscellaneous, unaccounted f o r . . . . . . . . . . . . .Balance paid to Association acco u n t........ .- ...

- $ 644.41 : .$ 2,750.00 ‘

29.39 . ' 8.50 ' . : 3,803,78

D etail of am ount expended by P rof. T. E. M organJune 28—N ativ ity ..............................................................Ju ly 4~C elcbration $ personally paid by. Mr.Ju ly 7—C o n cert. ......................................................... ...............Ju ly 16—Sw edish Choir,Ju ly 25—Lecture, P . M c Q u e e n ........ ..............Ju ly 2S—R ed eem er.. . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ......................Aug. 1—N o rd lca .............. ........................................... ...............iVtig. 4—M essiah ...................*...........................Aug. 9-11—Children’s C o n c e r t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . ............Aug. 16—S ta b a t M ate r...........................................................Aug. 31—N ight in F a iry la n d ..................................................Sept. 3—E lijah . . . ......................................................................Children’s S q n d a y ....................................................................M oving P ic tu re s , ................................... .....................................P rin tin g and A d v e rtis in g .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

AUDITORIUUM ACCOUNT— ’f i. tJ, Holt, S u p erin ten d en t............... i ............J. H, VanNordoff, O rg a n is ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . .E thel I\lorgan, Selling Ti cke t s . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . / .M iss Delaney, C l e r k . .............. . . . ,N. Suza, Pum ping O rgan. . . , . . . . . .

N ew Y ork Festival Chorus and O rch estra .. ; . . ; . . . . . . .’ YOUNG P E O P L E S ’ M EETING:

S a la ry ,. M isses P a r k .............' . . . . . . v . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . V.Salary, M iss Beile Greene, Or gani s t , . . . ; . ; . . .y.

Ocean Grove F estival C horus;, . . , . . . . . . . . ..................Temple Snnday-Schoo.l; v: . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . . ..O rchestra 33xpeiises.. . . . . . . ; . i .O rchestra fo r T housand Islands t r i p ; .............................. .Tem ple C hoir.............................. . . . . . . . . . . .Bills, account 1905...........................................................Decorations ........ ...............Picnics and S uppers ................................................. ..............M iscellaneous .........................5.................................................T. E. M organ, p e rso n a l.. . . ' . ............ ....................................Inven tory ...................> ................................. ' . . . . ^ .

$31,223.73 fo r M usic D epartm ent.................................... $ 45,00A ndrus.................................... 91.70. . . i , . . . . : . .. .829.80. ............... .. ' 40.00

......... .. 95,00.................. .. 2,161.40......... .......... .. 628.37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463.09

......... .. 185.00. . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . 93.00...................... .. 734.00............. 1 . . , . . . . . , 97.00

..................................415.09...... J i . . . 1,238.56

. . . . . . . . . . .$250 00. . . . . . . . . . . 195.60. . . . . . . . . . . 63.75. . . . . . . . . . . 23 .53; . . . . . . . . . . r h.oo ■

,$583.77 .‘ :,70iooi


■ 653.77 241.01 200.00

2,081.62 , 2,400.00

71,55 295,57 183.09

’ 262.91 1,675.16

100.00 708.89

$17,041.86D etail s ta tem en t o f the am ount expended for Religious D epartm ent, a s paid,

out by Dr. Ballard: , • * . 'Organ M aterial...........i ............................................. . . . . . ' ........................................$ 56.24Hon. Theodore E. B u r t o n . . . , , .................................................. .................1 0 0 .0 0Bishop W ilso n ., . ............. ................................... ..................... 50,00Rev. C, E varts, Tem ple. ...................................................... ................................ 35.00S. S. A ssem bly ............................ ............................................................ ............. 284,46'W, C, T . U„ ‘M rs. B o u rn e ....................... ............................................................... 50.00A nna Hughes, T em p le ............................................ ................................................ ... 10.00H ym nal, Mr. B u r n e t t . . . ............................................................... 1,55Song Boqics . .................................................................................................... ................. 828.77T. M. Henderson-;.............................................................................. . j . . . , ; . . - . . . . . 25.00Mr. Pugh, Evangelistic S in g e r. ............................... ...................... . . . 150,00Account .S a c ra m e n t,, , / ................ ............................................ . . . ^. . . . . . . . . . 5:00 ,Rev. Joseph S m ith . ................................................................................ ........................135.00M iss M arsh, O rg a n is t., , , . ; ........................................................................................ 25.00R uth Wolf,- C ornetlst.................................. .....................................y . . . . . 8,00Rev. S '.-P . C a d m a n . .. ................................................. ................................................ 50.00U sher’s B an q u e t............................ .................. ............................... 75.00M rs. W . Ivon’s M eeting. ............................................; ................ . . . . . . . . 8.00J. A. H udson, S. S c h o o l . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................................... .. l i i ‘;49 .T. B. H enderson, Evang. Com .................................. ................; ............... .. 45.00Bishop W ilson, Evang. C o m ........... ............... ...................................... 7,00A m anda S m ith , . . ....................................................................... ...................... 315.48Rev, D r. C ooke,.............................................................. . j ............................... ...................... ......................~ 50.00P um ping ;O rg a n ...................... ................................................. .................................... 2.90Rev. J, H an d ley ............................................................... ....................... 20,00Bishop N eely .............................................................................. *.... .......... 50.00N ittenger, re n t p ianos...... .................................................. ...........................-120.00M iss Simpson, s in g er.................... -......... ................................................ ........ ........ 230.00

50.0025.0020.00 28.G5 '50.00 ; 5.0025.00 '.

,74 ,5 2 ..5 .0 0 :


Rev. W ad E l W ardDr. W. H. M o r g a n . . . . . . . . . . .........................................B alllngton B o o th . ......................................... .

•Siegel Cooper (C h a i r s ) ....................B ^hop S ta n f o r d .. . . ...................E d n a W hite, C orne tis t.........................Dr. F a r r a r .......................................................................... ;S. School S u p p lie s ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ .A ccident to d r e s s ........ .. .................... ..................Royalty Song Books (T, E . M organ). . . . .i.'.v. . . . . .Gen. Con, Evangelistic Commission, Room s' and; B oard , , . . . . . . . . . . 402,50,Mr. W ardell, P ro g ra m . . . . r ........., v ' i . . . . 7:00L ette r Board M ateria l............ ................................................... k ^ . 1,00Miss E lizabeth S m ith ...................................................... ........... 50.00M iss E lizabeth S h a rp ....................................................................... j 32.29Dr. M unhail. ................................; ........ .. ................................... .. 120.00Bible C lass S u p p l i e s . . . . . . . . . . ........ 1............................. ............................27.25,Mrs. Osborn’s schoo l. ............................................................................................. 126.49Pres. F itzG erald’s E x p e n se s . ..................................................................................... 600.00M Iss Ada P a rk ...................... ..................................................... ...................... .. ......... 25,00M r.. J a c o b s .............................................................................................................. .. 3.50.Bishop T lg o r t . . . . . . , t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................. .. 7,00Rev. S. P. L a c e y .; ..................................................................... . ............................ 20,00Rev. T. H a n n .............. . . . . . .W . F . M issionary Society . .......................‘...............T im es Priiitine Co. . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . .P oo r Fund S a c ra m e n t..............: . ................. i ..P a rk S is te r s . . . , ......................................................


75,25 ' 63.33

34.76 :

$5,319;90,The following am ounts w ere paid by the oillce and do no t appear in Dr.

B allard ’s accounts: .M iscellaneous account for 1 9 0 5 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. ............. .$2,735.74Prof. M organ, S a lary $100 per m on th .........; . . . . . . * ............ ... .1^200.00L um ber and S u p p lies ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *7i6;80M isceilaneous' fo r 190 .6 ;.7 ; T. .V. f / '.vvv;;;';-; v ;Vi i ■/-, .•. .. 282.92 • C arpenters, P a in te rs , Laborers, J an ito rs and A ssistan t J a n i to r s . . ........... 1,589.20

.Tho am oun t paid P rof. M organ for the y ear is a s follows: In lion of one-half profits M usical D e p ar tm e n ts ..$1 0 0 per m onth for the y e a r . ...................................................



* ' 1 . $4,050,00^* Tho above Item “M iscellaneous accounts for 1905” is divided a s follows:Balance settlem ent Prof, M organ ,..................................... ....... .$1,000.00Balance, sa la ries paid m u s ic ian s .... . ................................................. 7 , 362.78Closing A uditorium , labor, e t c . ........................... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191.90.A dvertising ....................................................................................... 112.20L um ber \ . .. .. ; ........ . 211.93M iscellaneous M usical accounts ordered charged off a t la s t

1 som i-annual meeting*,..................................... ................................ 718,75E thel .M organ, . selling t i cket s . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . i GQ.tiQM iscellaneous ...................... . . . . . . ' . . , . . . . . .7 ....................7 . , . 7 8 . 1 8 .;7

-$2,735,74Detail of A djustm ent, w ith Prof. T . E. Morgan.

'Total Receipts, from all E n tertainm ents and Children’s S u n d a y .. . . . . . .$21,512,49;Received from sale of Rough R ider su its and o ther a c c o u n ts ,. , , , , , . .W • 470.01 ~

Total D isbursem ents M usical Dept paid by Prof M organ .. . . .$17,041^ Total D isbursem ents M usical Dept, paid by Dr. B a l l a r d . , 1,635.£


* $18,677.75Less allowance chargeable to Religious D e p a r t m e n t . 2,150.00

-$16*527.75 .

Profit M usical D epartm ent................................................. ................ .$ 5,463.75O ne-half of profits to Prof. M o rg a n ;,.....................................2,731.88-

,' ■ • *; $ 2,78,1.87 '•’ Owing to errors w hich did no t appear a t the tlnie of the settlem ent, $2,860-

w as paid Mr. M organ. * ,

i.; , SATURDAY, 'A U O U S* 24, 1907. ■ ' " ' " v "■'■\ T H E O C E A N♦siWSWgr *?f v a^ -^M a^f^y ej^







i ■ ‘! 45

i 67


■■; ' 149

: 163














• 582

' 686

" 590



n u m b e rCooitman avenuo, tw o and ono-liaif blocks lrom the ocean, a very de­

sirab le eighteen-room double cottage, ba tli; th is p roperty will pay 10 per cent., ?3,000.

B roadw ay, th re e b locks trom th a ocean, a p lea san t seven-room coir tnge, fu rn ished , $3,206.

A bbott avenue, tw o blocks from tho ocean, ■ a ten-room cottage, p a rtly fu rn ished , b a th , $3,500.

Olin s tre e t , tw o blocks from th e ocean, a desirab le th irteen-room cot­tage , furn ished, b a th , su itab le fo r a ll th e y e a r ronnd, $5,000.

M ain ayenue, tw o /b locks from th a ocean, a n e ight-room co ttage, ftir- •' " n lsh ed i b a th , $3,600. .C entral avenue, overlooking tho lake and ocean, an eight-room cottage,. unfurn ished , $3,800. . • '" ' . - I • • V-.. V

' E m bury avenue, tw o blocks from th e ocean, a tw elve-room cottage, b a th , e lectric ligh ts , un furn lshea , $4,000.

P itm an avenue, one and one-half blocks from th e ocean, six-room cot- . tage, unfurn ished , $3,260. -

W ebb avenue, two and one-half blocks from th e ocean, ■ a m oderno nine-room cottage, tw o lots, all Im provem ents, unfurn ished , $7,000.

H eck avenue, tw o and one-half blocks from th e ocean, a well-built eight-room cottage, b a th , $3,000.

Webb avenue, one block from the ocean, seven-room cottage, fu rn ish ­ed, $2,800.

P itm a n avenue, one and one-half blocks from the ocean, a nine-room cottage, b a th , e lectric ligh ts , fu rn ished , $3,500.

Olin s tre e t, n e a r the ocenn, an e ight-room co ttage and h a th , $3,000. H eck avenue, ono and one-half blocks from th e ocean, a fifteen-room

board ing house, fu rn ished , $3*800. . . .Cookmdn avenue, n e ar D elaware aye.nue, a m odern nine-room cottage,

w ith bath , one and one-half lots, $5,000.Main avenue, n e a r the g a te s , 'a n ine-room cottage, w ith bath , 2 lo ts ,

4.750,Asbury avenue, n e ar D elaw are avenue, a tw elve-room cottage, tw o

lo ts, unfurn ished , $3,600.W ebb avenue, n e a r New Jersey avenue, a seven-room cottage, $1,600. E m bury avenue, n e ar New Y ork avenue, ten-room cottage, fu rn ished ,

$2,500.A bbott avenue, co rn e r New York avenue, two te n ts w ith fram e k itch ­

en; fu ll size lo t, $2,000. - M t. T ab o r W ay , n ear New Y ork avenue, a nine-room cottage, fu rn ish ­

ed, $2,300.Mt. Zion W ay, near New Y ork avenue, a ten-room cottage, fu rn ish ­

ed, $3,500.M t. T ab o r W ay , near. P ilg rim P athw ay , an elglit-roora cottage, fu rn ish ­

ed, $3,250,B roadw ay, n e a r P ilgrim Pathw ay, an e ight-room cottage, fu rn ished ,

b a th , excellen t repa ir, $3,600.E m bury avenue, n e a r St, P au l C hurch, an eight-room m odern cot­

tage, with. Ibath and. all. Im provem ents, p a rtly fu rn ish ed , $4,800. Em bury avenue, opposite St. P au l C hurch, a cozy eight-room co ttage,

unfurnished, new plum’blrig, new heater, and In splendid o rde r, li t­tle cash requ ired , $3,200-

BOARDING H OUSESA tlan tic avenue, one and one-half blocks from th e ocean, a w ell estab ­

lished th irty-one-room boarding house, easy p aym en ts, furn ished, $8,750. ' ,

M ain avenue, ope 'block from th e ocean, a tw en ty-elgh t-room boarding house, fu rn ish ed , $9,250.

In addition to tiie above properties we have many other valuable bargains, both in cottages and boarding houses and lots. Any of the above properties can ■ be bought on easy terms and in many cases a good size mortgage can be allow­ed to remain. All the properties have the sewer and water connections.


Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Mouldings, Hardware, Paints,Oils, Etc. ,

S O V T H M H 1 N S T R E E TAsbury P ark , ft. J.

Factory , D unkirk , New Jersey B ranch Y ard/ Spring Lake, Now Jersey

R. ft. Ralston, 520 Gookman A v.A s b u r y P a r k

O p p o e lto P a r t r id g e & R lch a rd feo n ]

T oU p h on o 137-M

ZORAIDA ISMAR Gelebrated Egyptian Palmist

A d e sc e n d an t of a rnco of peoplo who have been c la irv o y an ts fo r u r c s . H er re a d in g or y o u r pnst, p re s en t an d fu tu ro life will am aze you. N o ono c an afford to lio w ith o u t tlio a s ­sistan ce slio can g ive , fo r sho adv ises w ith a c e r ta in ty h ig h e r th a n h u m an power.

A dvice g iv en 011 a ll m a tto rs p e rta in in g to b usiness, lovo, sp ec u la tio n , otc. R eu n ite s tiio sep a ra ted , loeatos a b s e n t friends, overcom os bud lu c k nnd sorrow of a ll' k inds , te lls y o u r full n am e an d w h a t you ca llcd for. Ono in te r- viow 'w lll conv ince tho m ost skep tica l. . ;

P r iv a te P a r lo r s :226 Cookman Avenue

) ^ U p sta ir* 3 SIt l 10 a. m. to 9 p. in. Not in Sundays.

T e s t R ead in g , 5 0 #.

Sexton’s New Fire-Proof Livery and Boarding Stables

159 Main Street, Asbury Park, N. J.


First-class accommodations for private horses and carri­ages. All oiir carriages are up-to-date and have rubber tires. Closed carriages for receptions, weddings and funerals.

If you want a strictly first-class turnout you can get it from us. Telephone 219. M. E . S e x t o n .

A Damaging Blow to Your Sight

\ Is g iven e v e ry tim e ■ you use g lasses kY n o t p erfec tly a d a p te d to your needs.

J G lasses should nev er be purchased 7 excep t afte r th e e y es have been ex ­

am ined by an ex p e rt.1 W e g ive such an exam ination w ith- lo u t charge . N early fo rty y e a rs of ex-

|y perience w a rra n ts your coming to me.

W. A. VESCELIUS- 6)5 M a tt lso n A venue A sbury P a rk

t b e D e w P a r k S t a b le sw . 1. / I P P L B 6 A T E

2 3 S o u t h M a i n S t r e e t

O p p . M a i n f t v o n u o G a t o s .

Boarding, Sale and Exchange StablesHorses of All Kinds for Sale

S p e c ia l a t t e n t io n g iv e n t o b o a r d in g h o r s e s . p h o n o 1 1 7 . J

in Ladies’ and Misses’ Skirts, Suits, Coats and Knitted Nov. elties'. Also a fine line of Shirt Waists

and Ladies’ Underwear.Everything offered at a special low rate

1 E1DELSBERG635 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park

Combination Breakfast, 20c. Dinner, 25c. Supper, 25c.

Central Dining RoomF red e ric k J . Schu ltz , P ro p rie to r

Cookman Avenue, Opp. Steinbach's We N e v e r C lose Asbury Park, N. J.

Arlington Ice Gream GardenleeCream Soda Sc.

Orders taken and promptly delivered for all flavors of ice cream aud frozen ices. Lowney’s Chocolates and Bon Bons.

Cor. Pilgrim Pathway and Pitm an AvenueOpp. A u d ito riu m O cean Q rove, N. j . (T elephone OG-w)

LadiesMailoring Establishment723 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park

I prepared a large stock of Ladies’ Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, etc., and I give the best attention to every customer. Fitting in style guaranteed. Suits made to order with the greatest satisfaction guaranteed. Also cleaning, pressing, altering and repairing. Hoping that you will convince yourself by calling at my store and will be satisfied. Summer dresses a specialty. Large assortment. I. B l o o m .


712 Gookman Avenue, AsburyShirts made to order. ■ Fownes’ and Meyer gloves. Hosiery and Underwear. World famous Hopkin’s straws, with patent drum crowns, thus avoiding jcrowns sinking or raising from dampness. Knox hats, Beavoa $3 hats, our own special hats.



The same variety and excellence will prevail this season as in previous years.

Pitm an A venueO C E A N G R O V E

THIELSBAKERYCor. Pilgrim Pathway

a n d

Pitman AvenueOcean Qrove, N. J .

Special SalesDuring

July and AugustFormerly Wagner’s Bakery

Home-Made Goodsft S P E C IA L T Y




S ales : 10 A- M-. 3 and 8 P. M.,

Your Inspection cordially invitad



Mow is Your Sole?

The flexibility' of it depends upon a good

SH O Ewith first-class workmanship. Come and look over my stock before purchasing your shoes. First-class repairing at short notice. Reasonable prices.

B. F IIN K E L55 6. Main Street, Asbury Park


Marcel Wave Shampooing Manicuring Scalp Treatment Facial Massage

A complete Hub ot Combs and Hair Goods High Glass Work Guaranteed


Philadelphia Store: 337 Hint Arcade Building

Professional cardsPATTERSO N & RHOM E,

C ounselors-at-law ,Rooms 4, 5, G, M onmouth B uilding, A s­

bury P a rk , N. J.N otary Public.A cknow ledgm ents taken lo r nil

States.C om m issioner of Deeds to r N ew

Y ork and P ennsylvania;

ER N E S T N. W OOLSTON, C om m issioner ot D eeds fo r New Jer­

sey and N otary Public.50 M ain Avenue.

OCEAN GROVE, N. J. A cknow ledgm ents taken for a ll s ta tes .

WXLUAM H. CARMAN..L icensed A rch itec t and BulM er,

Office: M ain avenue, n e x t to Aac-xil*- tIon B uild ing R esidence, 103 E m -. .

bury avenue. Ocean Grovo.P lan s and estim ates 'p ro m p tly fu r-

n ished. . . .— ***. -

DR. S. t I jUDGUM. ■ 'V ? D en tist, 204 M ain St.. A sbury Park,-

N. J . O ver M ilan R oss ' rea l e s ta to of­fice, opposite ra ilroad Btatlon. Qaa adm in istered .

Aa r o n e . j o I i n s t o n , . Counsellor a t law, Suprem e C ourt

C om m issioner, Solicitor, M aster, Special M aster a n d ' E xam iner , In Chancery. . . 1 ,

Appleby Building, n e a r R. R. s ta t io n A sbury P a rk , N . J .

Telephone No. 328-L.

HuslnessDirccforvM . h. BA M M A N

O ur GrOf Or. Cor. K alln w d t iq u u re tin d M »lu s tre e t, Awbury l urk. ia lhe nlucti to find re- llftblo goods In large v a rie ty tit Hrnull price, Cotne m id nee. • .

A m e n d m e n ts P ro p o sed to th e y*.C on stitu tio n o l tb e S ta te Of,. ^N e w J e r s e y b y th e L e g is la tu r e ,^o l 1907 'M

•v ----- Y fS e n a te C on cu rren t R e s o lu t io n ,

No. 1.Be i t R esolved ( th e H ouse of A ssem ­

bly concu rring ), T h a t’ th e following am endm ent to the constitu tion of th la -v' S ta te be and th e sam e Is h ereby pro­posed, and w hen th e sam e shall —b d - ' ' agreed to by a m ajority of th e m em­bers elected to th e S enate and H ouse of A ssem bly, th e sa id a m endm en t ■ shall be en tered on th e ir jo u rn a ls ,- < w ith the yeas aud nays thereon, an ^ T' re ferred to th e L eg is la tu re nex t to be; chosen, ahd published for threo- m onths p rio r to th e firs t T uesday . a f - - te r the first'M onday of N ovem ber n e x t in a t least one new spaper of each county, to be designa ted by th e P re s i­dent of. th e S enate , th e S p eak er o f the.; H ouse of A ssem bly anil th e S ec re ta ry r of S ta te : ,

S trike o u t th e proviso in sec tion th ree of a rtic le four, and ” in se r t in place thereof th e following:

T he L eg is la tu re shall, In the y e ar one thousand n ine hundred and n ine , and a t its f ir s t session a f te r each U nited S ta tes decennial census th e re ­a fte r, and no t o ftener, divide and a r- ran g e th e counties of th is S ta te in to d is tr ic ts fo r th e e lection th e re in of m em bers of th e G eneral A ssem bly. E ach assem bly d is tr ic t so co nstitu ted '; shafl contain , as nearly a s practicable , an equal num ber of in h ab itan ts , and shall consist of conven ien t and con- contiguous te rrito ry , in a com pact form ; provided, th a t each county shall, a t all tim es, be en titled to a t least one m em ber, and th e whole n um ber o f m em bers to be chosen shall n ever exceed sixty.

T h e C ourt of E rro rs and A ppeals Is hereby invested w ith exclusive o rig in­a l ju risd ic tio n and w ith full pow er un­d er such procedure as i t m ay by ru les p rescribe to review any division and a rrangem en t m ade b y the L eg is la tu re - into assem bly d istric t? of th e counties of th is S ta te , fo r th e purpose o f de­te rm in in g w hether such a rran g em en t and d ivision o r any p a rt thereo f is in accordance or in conflict w ith th is sec­tion, and if in conflict herew ith , to ad judge th e sam e, o r such p a rt th e re * . of as m ay be In conflict herew ith , n u lt and void. In case saitl cou rt shall de­te rm ine such a rrangem en t, and dlvi*-^ sion, o r any p a rt thereof, to be null :* and void, the L eg is la tu re shall pro-: ceed to m ake a new a rran g em en t and ; division, e n tire o r partia l, as. th e a c r l tion of th e co u rt m ay require .—31-44, - j

Pure Manufactured and Natural


Products of the Fairfield Dairv Company

Fairfield Dairy Co.of Monlpiatr, Hew Jersey

Talephone 393-M.

721 Bangs Avenue Asbury Park


No. 108 Heek Avenue Ocean Grove

Deliveries Made daily. Twice on 0Saturday

Order by postal card ; JSpecial a tten tio n to th e sm all tra d e Mif

tills season , w hich will be served VS prom ptly -is heretofore. ' "W

Telephone 110-R . . r'r.i;


T w iira l Director and ewbatmcrSupt. Mt- pros|»ect Comctcry

A Ixuce afisortoofiut of Onakcts, etc., y-:% conscantay on bonA. :Plow ers oi. a>ny doalflu a t shcurt nofctee, .

a m i O ftto o ; .2To. 17 M a in . Sfcreofc, A sbury P ork , UV


T H E O C E A N G R O V E T I M E S~ ‘ ’ " ' * ;

: 1' *' ■ * f~ SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1907.



(Concluded from F ir s t Page.)

: YThe p reach er ot tlie m orning in the A udito rium w as th e Rev. .Edm und H iew itt, D. D.j p a s to r of C entral M. 15. C hurch , B ridgeton, and form erly tlie p res id in g e lder of the B ridgeton d is­t r ic t , “Tlie w onderful goodness of

: God” was the sub jec t chosen for a .s tir r in g sera i on, showing how the

• C rea to r a t the fundatlon uf the uni­ve rse m ade and held in reserve the v e ry th ings that would he needed by

V m an in the developm ent of the world.■ Dr.. H ew itt’s tex t was the n ine teen th

v e rse of Psalm xXxl. "Oh, how g rea t.• is the goodness, which thou h ast laid ■? up fo r them th a t fear thee : which

tlto u h a s t w rought fo r them-M int tru s t in th e e before, the sons of m en !”

Mr. and M rs. Loper, well rem em ­bered a s sw ee t singers a t the cam p in fo rm er years, wore added ‘ to the w orkers on T uesday. T hey w ere a t iLizzie- S m ith ’s im m ediate decision m eeting,".m ighty in song. A t th is

• m eeting a -n u m b e r presen ted them ­selves a t tho a lta r to renew th e ir

■ covenant, and th e re th e . Holy S p irit spoke peace to troubled hearts.

I f a -person has been wholly san c ti­fied, cleansed from all sin, and loses th is sanctification , does he also lose ju s tif ic a tio n ? ' T his question w as pro­pounded to Joseph Sm ith a t tlie Pen­teco sta l service. T he leader said i t depended upon, how sanctification. •Wiis lost. If 'th rough sin or tra n s ­gression , th en of course justification ■siso is lost, b&cAuse one ma.v not be

• tinder condem nation and justification a t th e sam e tim e. M innie Shay a t a t th is m eeting, gave a serm on in 6ortg, “W e'll U nderstand i t B ette r By

; and By<”T he day closed w ith a serm on in

th e A uditorium by Dr. J . C. D. H anna,. of Philadelphia .

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21I t developed on W ednesday that

B ishop W ilson, h im self favoring a co n tinuance of o ld-tim e M ethodism , Jb strong ly opposed to tlie 'p ractice of

^ a p p la u d in g luenehers in the Audi­to rium by hnndclnpping. He believes, if app lause be necessary , Ii lie m ani­fe s ted by shouting approval in lusty "A m cns! ” H ahdclapp lng a t sacred

- w orsh ip savors tod much of the con­c e r t o r the lecture , accord ing to B ish­op W ilson’s notion, and he therefo re requested 1 those who lmd assem bled in th e . A uditorium a t 10.30 to hear

/ P res id in g E lder H a in e s 's e rm o n to re ­fra in from any dem onstra tion o ther th a n the way of the fa thers. "Those

’ w ho th in k as I do say am en." request­ed th e bishop. T here was an a lm ost unan im ous response from th e 's e v e ra l tho u san d s p resen t. B ishop W ilson a lso d islikes the practice of m anypeo- ple going out 'before th e conclusion of

rjt.he serv ice, and lie likew ise called ot- - ten tio n to tills m a tte r W ednesday

m orning, with sa lu ta ry effect.Dr. H aines preached on the "Peace

of Jesus C hrist,”, from St. John xiv. U e concluded that the peace In ques­tion Is a gift from God through Jesus C hrist, nnd th a t It is n very knowable and A'orkalble pow er in the hands of th e M aster W orkm an of th is Uni­verse, who supplies with it a c o n ­sciousness of th e 'H o ly Spirit. With th is .peace no one can be tem pted be­yond th e power or ability to resist.

.L ead er VanHook re tu rn ed to the . Young People 's Tem ple m eeting , af-

’ t e r a day 's absence for needed rest. H e re Dr. M unhall, th e BHile Class leader, spoke on “L ife’s Problem .' dw elling particu larly on the- brevity of tim e and the Im portance o t m aking good use of It.

A sp irited testim ony m eeting un­d e r the direction of Bishop W ilson Tvas held In the T abernac le , and th e v e rd ic t of the many a tten d in g was th a t It proved to bo the best meeting held in the T abernac le thus fa r dur-

. ing cam p. T here a re many inquiries •here for Dr. Alday, whose presence nnd Influence a re g rea tly m issed by a host of friends, and Ihe w ish is ex- p ressed th a t h is m ountain tr ip may Provo of g rea t and la stin g benefit to him. In Thornley Chapel the H elping H and serv ice w as prolonged past the

‘ hour for closing !)>•: reason of the p ressing need of lig h t by severa l wor­sh ippers. T he little build ing is not

.. la rge enough to hold tlie crow ds th a t flock th ith e r dally for sp iritua l re­freshing .

'■ M rs. Lizzie Sm ith, a t tb e Iminedl- V a te decision m eeting in the afternoon ' of W ednesday, spoke briefly on Ihe ' fa ith th a t brings conscious salvation

T h e w itness of tho sp irit, slie a sse rt­ed, Is not an em otion, hut th a t which causes the em otion. T hereupon she read John W esley’s declaration upon th is point. To have th a t conscious salvation , to experience fully its joys, ono m ust lie able to say, “I know

. - my back Is tu rned upon t|ie w orld.” ' i T h e re is u ncerta in ty with some re­

spec ting thp lr conversion and w heth­e r they have the w itness of the Spir­i t ; they believe it, 'but they do not know it. Tills, then . Is the tim e for th e ir faith . T he S p irit w ltnesseth

' " th a t ye are cleansed from all sin ," a full anil com plete salva tion through

. ..the blood of the Lam b. T hese words .. .o f th e leader found lodgem ent ln

m any lie a rts , so th a t w hen Minnie Shay gavo one of h e r sp irited songs th e re was ap p ro p ria te echo to her w ords ln a e h o ru s ’of "A m ens!” and '‘H a lle lu jah s!". A t tlio o ther serv ices th e re was no

le t up in the in te re s t and fervor of w orship, which continued until the close 6f the day, w hen the evening serm on w as preached by the Rev. Dr. John G. W ilson, of P h iladelphia , a p resid ing elder, like tlio p reacher of

’ th e m orning. H is tex t w as “The M aste r Is come nnd cnlleth for thee," John xl, 2S. A s u sual th e a lta r s e r ­vice la te r w as conducted by the Rev.

. Joseph Sm ith.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 22A fte r tho sto rm , sunsh ine . Many

•wero o u t a t tho ea rly serv ices of tho day, am ong them som e who wero obliged to se t th e ir faces tow ards

home. T liere w ere p rayers fo r such a t the consecration s e rv ic e . a n d -a lso a kindly rem em brance a t fam ily p ray er in the Auditorium . The lead­e r, s till fresh and vigorous despite .the responsib ility re s tin g upon him, is a t h is post and w orking with the sam e zeal a s on Hie first day. Those who have never a ttended the sunrise se rv ice -a re m issing a g rea t deal.

To th e children in A ssociation H all a t n ine o’clock M rs. H udson gave an in s tru c tiv e lesson oh .N ehem iah , w ith especial reference to h is courage and s tren g th in the Lord. T he su rp rise ol' th is little m eeting Is the constancy of th e children in th e ir a tten d an ce and tho close a tten tio n paid to t;ie In­stru c tio n given.

No room for la tecom ers in T horn ­ley Chapel,' where* a m eeting of g rea t sp iritua l pow er brough t profit to the fa ith fu l w orshippers. T he sam e crowded Condition prevailed in the T abernacle and. the Tem ple. In the fo rm er B ishop W ilson conducted what lie was p leased to call a thanksgiv ing service,, receiv ing th e testim ony of those who had m ade som e definite, c lear advance In their, sp iritua l life du ring these m eetings, o r lmd re­ceived benefit in any o ther, direction. One wom an arose to give th an k s in trem bling voice th a t h e r , husband had been brought to C h ris t du ring the

, week. A ‘n u m b er w ere p leased to - re*, p o rt p rogress in th e divine life.

D r .K ra n z , of New York, in tlie Young P eop le’s m eeting spoke of the Grove as a ‘’g rea t tra in in g ground for young m en and . women.” At th is m eeting th e address w as delivered by Rev. Dr. W edderspoon, of P ittsbu rg . H is ta lk w as on the 27th Psalm , and he dw elt upon the help of God in tim e .of trouble being a g re a te r possession than all the riches of the world.; In the A uditorium the m essage of the' riiorning w as b rough t by the Rev. Dr. N icholson, of B altim ore, who was g reeted by a congregation la rger than any m orning of the week. ‘‘Be­hold th e Lam b of God th a t talceth away th e sin of th e w orld,” w as his tex t, from St. John I, 29.

W ith all the forces of the m eeting lined up for effective b a ttle again st S a tan and his hosts, th e large- .con­gregation Ih a m elting and receptive mood, g rea t pow er a ttended the la­bors of Mrs. Lizzie Sm ith in the Tab- ernaclo a t the im m ediate decision serv ice . T he testlm 'onlos wer? abundan t and convincing. One wo­m an, a fra id i of th u n d er sto rm s, had her fear rem oved by tru s tin g in the

.h ig h e r power. “ And I feel like sing­ing ‘P ra ise God,’ ” she added. “ W e’ll sing it now," the leader made prom pt reply, and th e build ing ran g w ith the triu m p h an t notes. The Tem ple had its usual large aud ience a t the P en­tecosta l evangelism -of Joseph Sm ith. I t is here th a t th e g rea t tru th s of the B ible a re revealed in a new light. At evening serv ice in the Auditorium the serm on was preached by thp Rev. W illiam P o tts George, of Poughkeep­sie. N. Y.

T he , p reachers for today (F riday) are the Rev. Dr. Kulp, of Lam bert- ville, i« the m orning, and- the Rev. C. L. Mead, a m em ber of the Ocean Grove A ssociation, in the .evening. On: Satu rday m orning the A uditorium pu lp it will be occupied by Rev. George H ughes, of Mt. Holly, and In the evening by the Rev. Dr. Charles Boswell, of Philadelphia.

T he g rea t lovefeast will be held on Sunday m orning, followed by a ser­mon to be preached by B ishop W il­son, who also is to tak e the evening serm on.. Camp will close on M onday m orn­

ing, following the custom ary -march around IZion, th e baptism of infants, and the rep o rts o f the leaders.

T he concensus of opinion is th a t in -som e respec ts th is is th e best cam p ime.etlng held, in ten years.

L etter to O tis F . L ee(O cean Grove.)

Dear S ir: Such experiences as th is aro occurring a ll over the coun­try :

Judge I. D. F airch ild owns tw o houses, exactly a like , in Lufkin, Tex­as. J. M. .Torrence painted both houses, one Devoe, 15Mi gallons; the o th e r w ith an o th e r p a in t'so ld a t sam e p iice ; 25 gallons.: _T>hat 2.5 gallon p a in t Is -w eak-and 15 per cent, w hit­ing; th a t ’s w hy i t took 9 ^ gallons more. •'

You can iearn for noth ing w ha t he had to pay for.:

Y ours tru ly , /37 F. W. DEVOE & CO.

P. 9.—Buchanon & Smock sell*our pain t. ’

J e r s e y S p e c ia l lo r A sb u ry P ark C a rn iv a l

E njoy the A sbury P a rk C arnival M asque Fet'e on A ifgust 30th, as la te as possible. T he la s t tra in home will be the New Jersey C en tra l’s special, leaving A sbury P a rk a t 11.15 p. m. fo r New York, N ew ark, E lizabeth ' and sta tions Long B ranch to P e rth Amboy inclusive, with through cars to New­ark .— 34-35.

W h e r e i s

Y o u r H a i r ?In y o u r c o m b ? W h y s o ? Is not the h e a d a m u c h b e tte r p la ce

j fo r i t ? B e tte r k eep w h a t is le ft w h e re it.b e lo n g s! A y e r ’s H a i r V igor, n e w im p ro v e d fo rm u la ,

j q u ic k ly s to p s f a l l in g h a i r . T h e re is riot a p a n ic le o f d o u b t a b o u t it. W e sp e a k v e ry p o s i­tiv e ly a b o u t th is , fo r w e k n o w .

Docs not change.the color o f the hair. .


Form ula w ith oaoH bottle Q

y e r sShow i t to y o u r '

doctor .Ask him about i t , 1 tlion do aa ho nays r

Indeed , the one great leading feature of our new H air Vigor may well be said to be th is — it stops falling hair. T hen it goes one step fu rther— it aids nature in restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for “ the new k ind .”

M adoby.tho J . C. Ayor Co., Lowoll.Mqea,— i

M oney to LoanI -have on hand fo r im m ediate in­

vestm en t $2,000 a t 5 per cent., ?1,000, §1,500, $2,500, $800, $700 and $500. F ir s t/m o rtg a g e only taken . Call.-on E.. N. W oolston, Rea\ E s ta te , 60 M ain avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J ., fo r p a r­ticulars.-—tf.

F or S a leOn Oceap Pa thw ay , a handsom e

ten-room cottage, a ll Im provem ents; pa rtly fu rn ish ed ; n ear th e ocean., P rice r ig h t . Call and g e t pa rtic u la rs of E. N. W oolston, R eal E s ta te , 60 M ain avenue,. O cean Grovo.—31tf.

Money to LoanMoney to loan on f irs t bond and,

m ortgage in am ounts from $300- to $5}000 a t 5 p e r cent, and G p e r cen t. If you w ish a loan on y ou r p roperty consu lt m e f i r s t E . N. W oolaton, R eal E s ta te and Insurance, GO M ain avenue, Ocean Grovo, .N . J .

P ro p e r tie s F o r S a leW e havo a largo l is t of deslrabl

p roperties and lot* fo r sa le a t b a r gains. E . N. W oolston,. R ea l E s ta ti 50 Main avenue, O ccan Grove, N. JV


C a sin o T h ea tre A ttr a c tio n sA s trik in g sm ile th a t applies, to the

w orth of th e m usical fantasy , “The G ingerbread M an,” is th a t It is as n e a r perfection as th e g ingerbread th a t "m o ther u s e d to m ake." It is a g rea t big m usical show and gladdens the h ea rt and de ligh ts the eye. The fiavor of M erry C hritm as pervades every line of the . dialogue and every stage p ic ture . K ris K ringle and his re in deers, Jack H orner and his plum, M argery Daw, Sim ple Simon and his nu rse ry rhym es and jing les, W on-

.d rous -Wise, Sally . Lunn, and m any o thers of th e m ythical land of S an ta C laus, a re friends w ith whom we are fully acquain ted , and of those adven ­tu re s we have alw ays been in te rested . "T he G ingerbread M an" Is a succes­sion o f beautifu l p ic tures, so n g hits, p re tty g irls, and wonderful m echan­ical and e lectrical effects. I t w ill be p resen ted a t the Casino A ugust 26.

One of th e m ost Im portant bookings of th e local' th ea trica l season w ill be th e engagem ent oh A ugust 27 of Geo. M. C ohan’s very successful m usical play, “Tho H oneym ooners,” w hich played to crowded houses the entire summer, a t th e A m sterdam T heatre Roof in New York. By m any i t is considered the best en te rta in m e n t Mr. Cohan has offered. T h e action; Is lively, th e music, tunefu l and th e chorus num bers and dances a s ; a r­ranged by Mr. Cohan co m b in e . to m ake th is one of th e ' m ost ex trava­gan tly p leasing m usical shows of re­cen t tim es.

The cas t provided for th e to u r of j “T he H oneym ooners” contains ' the

nam es of m any people prom inently identified w ith th is s tyle of enter- ta inm ent. In addition there is a large'' and duly qualified chorus from a Co- hanesque s tandpoin t, w hich m eans th a t they can both sing and dance. In- fact, th e dancing of a Cohan chorus is alw ays a featu re .

On August 29 W illiam s and W alk­e r w ill be seen a t th e C asino w ith a new production called ‘'B andana L and .” G lancing over the realm of h is trion ic a rt, we see g rba t names,; such as H opper, Waiifield, Bigelow, M ansfield, C arr, W eber and F ields, B ernard , e t al. T hey are a ll o rig inal’ and c lever in th e ir respective lines. But, who does not. laugh a t :the broad hurnor and1 assum ed stup id ity of W il­liam s? W ho does no t adm ire the chesty W alker in h is . “clothes” and grace of action?

T hey a re a perfectly .balanced pair, th a t serves th e pub lic with w hat they m ost desire. W e laugh a t the coined hum or of B ernard . W e cry over.. W ar- •field and Carr. W eber and F ields a re still our standard- of excellence In th e land of Teutonia. M ansfield sa t­isfies our idealism in -things serious. Bigelow am uses by a process of na­tu re th a t gave him an absurdly bald head and a squeaky voice tha t, com­pels laugh ter. H opper had ,slze, and th e s tu d en t's know ledge of how to win suocessT-and th ree wives. But old B ert W illiam s, serves out a line of lau g h te r th a t is en tire ly original. He fits h is c h a rac te r to his own self; and th a t is why th is team of color win out. In p riva te life, th is stupid x*oon of th e s tag e is reading Balzac, De- Foe, D ean Sw ift, D an te and the m im ls of th e Ttforld.

W alker, w hile off duty is v isiting h is m o ther in K ansas, In terview ing h is ta ilo r, or en te rta in in g lav ish ly iii h is "beautiful N^w York apartm en ts, w hile h is w ife, Aida O verton W alker, is th ink ing of ch aritab le /sch em es for th e be tte rm en t of h e r own race,

■If you see W illiam s and W alker in "B andana L and ,” it m ight be well to th in k of th e ir, p riva te lives, and how they have s triven against adverse conditions to m ake them selves peers in th e ir own lin e of a rt, .

In “Z ira ,” th e -p lay in which Mabel (Montgomery, th e youijg em otional ac tre ss is to ‘be seen a t the Casino on. ■September 4, th e ro le of “H este r T ren t,” enac ted , by iMiss M ontgom­e ry , . deAls with, th e full price the young-w om n has to pay to the world fo r a sin. In th is case she w as •more sinned against th an sinning, bu t n e verthe less as i t is b rought out .clearly in th e play 'w ith a m asterfu l hand by the au tho rs , M essrs. H en ry M iller and J. H artley M anners, the w orld ’s poin t o f v iew is no t always- w ise or ju st. R obbed of h e r s tand ing th rough a fa lse m arriage, In to w hich sho w as tricked by a scoundrel a l­read y m arried , H este r T ren t, though a m ere s lip of a g irl is forced to tak e her place am o n g ’ th e w orkers of tho world,, and ' endeavor to rem ove the stigm a th a t Is a ttach ed to ’ lier fo r the e rro r in to w hich she fell. .

In . th is v irile and pow erful play* the- p layw righ ts h a v e ' ifolloKved closely tho th rillin g sto ry of W ilk ie Collins’ j , “Tho Now M agdalen," on- w h ich ’ the '.* piece has ,been b a se d .‘ l t ’has been th e [ unanim ous opinion of the play re ­v iew ers that. M iss M ontgom ery has |

• . * :V ..- ..... .i-ii


S p ecia l Train. Truitt I.eavcs Truitt Leaven Truitt Leaves

P e rth Amboy . . . . ; . G.QQ a. hi. W est End ............. . G.40 “ Sea G irt ----- .. 7.15 * “S outh Amboy . . . . . . , « .0 5 E lberon . . . . . . . G.49- “■L aurence H arbor . . . f G.OS “ D eal Beach . . . . . . . . f G.52 " B rie lle . . . . . . . f 7.20 “OlifDwood . . . . i . . i t 6.12 ” A U enhurst . . . . . .. . 6.54 “ P o in t P le a sa n t . . . . 7i2G "M ataw an .......... . . . G.15 •North Asbury P a rk . . G.56 “ ■Bay Head . . . . . . . . . . 7.30 “H azlet . . . . . . . . .f G.18 . “ A sbury P a rk . . . . . . . . 7.00 \ ** S ea Side P a rk . . . . . 7.52 “M iddletown ...f 6.2-1 “ Bradley Beach ....... . f 7.02 Toms R iver ......... .. . . 8.0G . “ .Red Bank .. G.3d “ Avon . . . . . . . . . . . . .f 7.04 “ • -.Atlantic City, . . . ..10.30 “L ittle Silver . . . . . ,.. G.35 “ Belm ar ..................... . 7:07 “B ranchport . . . . . . . . G.40 “ .. Como ........ . . . . . . . .f 7.JO “ RETURNING.Long B ranch ___ .... G;i3 ” /S p r in g Lake ............. . 7.32 “ ' ' Lv. A tlan tic C ity , 6.00 p. m.

“f" stops only on notice to Agents.

J . R. WOOD P a s s e n g e r T r a ffic M a n a g er

GEO. W . BOYD G en era l P a s s e n g e r A g en t

m ade som ething very fine and hum an and appea ling of th is H c3ter T rdnt.

T he dread p a st of the young g irl; ihe d read present, w ith its fea r of d is­covery;. th e te rrify ing fu tu re which would be hopeless If the fe a rfu l In­su lts of th e p a st w ere review ed—all these according to the c ritics , are b rought ou t w ith m agnificent force by M iss M ontgomery.

A beau tifu l production of m usical com edy and . ex travaganza w ill occupy the s tag e of th e Casino on A ugust 31, w hen “T he Land of N od” will be p re­sen ted . Tliis is one of these m assive o rgan izations w hich are ch arac te r­ized by a p len titude • of com edians, s in g ers and dancers and a num erous chorus and ballet, and in w hich scen ­ery, costum es and “effects’” a re lav­ish ly d isplayed. “T he Land of Nod” lias im pressed itse lf strongly oh all who have w itnessed it on account of its decidedly unique ch arac te r .crea­tions such as “The M an in th e Moon.” “T h e W elsh CRarobit,” “T he Sand­m an ,” “AJpril Fool,” “T he K ing and Q ueen of (Hearts;” th e "Jack of H e a r ts ,” and s im ila r u n u su a l person­a g e s . T he locale in which they move is only encountered in ta les of fa iry­land and in th e A rab ian N ig h ts ..T h e m usical scoru contains p len ty of the jing ling , "catchy” so rt of com position w hich on livens and satisfies.


$t $



^ Deal Lake Carnival, Friday Evening, August 23 Grand Stand Seats, 50c.

' The following events will be held in the Netv Amphitheater

Ocean Avenue, between Fifth and Sunset Avenues


Gastonof New York

Home-Made Candies38 Pilgrim Pathway


Pure GoodsPopular Prices

Salt Water Taffy 20c. lb.

Take home a

Teddy BearSouvenir, 5c.

PROCURED AND DEFENDEO.,s.cnilnloll<’, . |timwiiiK orplioto. for expert tiutu-chund froo report. ■ Vruo advice, how to obtain patents, tmdo marks, ■copyrIgUtfl,ctc., , N ALL COUNTRIES. .. _ Business direct with Washington saves tinte, I money and often the patent.

Patent and Infringement Practlco Exclusively.'. : Writo or como to us at 023 Ninth 8trout, opp, United Statei Patent (1


m t u t H ( w u u m i t w

T H E LAUNDRYth a t gives satisfaction is ,tho one ' - ■ th a t preserves the llnon. Try us, Fam ily wash solioitecl. c r i u I E N ; 57 O L IN S T ., o p p . P . o .

1 Ocoan Grove, N. J. ,

Coronation, Tuesday Evening, August 27 Tall Eson M organ, D irector

Prices 25c., 50c., 75c. Box $5.

Queen’s Court Ball, Wednesday Evening, Aug. 28 Admission, including grand stand, 50c.

Baby Parade, Thursday afternoon, August 29 Grand stand,seat, 25c., 50c., 75c. Box $5.

Masque Fete, Friday Evening, August 30 Admission, including grand stand, 50c.

Buy your tickets early and secure choice of seats. Ou sale at amphitheater and leading hotels.Baby Parade headquarters on the fishing-pier.

Entries should be made at once, ; *

in stru ction s how to m ake Paper F lo w e r s . jl & tt OF GttARGE /,

/ LIMaterials alread5’ cut. Come m ana see our extensive lice of.

souvenirs. Fine line of-postal-cards. • ii '


5 4 8 C o o k m a n A v e n u e , A s b u r y P a rk .. .,

Material for paper flowers. Large display of souvenirs.

JOSEPH J. BEAMANb o d i e s ’ a n d G e n t s ’ T a i l o r

Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and Altering neatly done a t moderate prices;., ,

No. 210 Asbury Avenue, Asbury Park, N. Jvi T e lephone 2 ia -M I