eros: a fast capability system

17th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP ’99) Published as Operating Systems Review, 34(5):170–185, Dec. 1999 EROS: a fast capability system Jonathan S. Shapiro Jonathan M. Smith David J. Farber Department of Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania shap,jms,[email protected] Abstract EROS is a capability-based operating system for commodity processors which uses a single level storage model. The sin- gle level store’s persistence is transparent to applications. The performance consequences of support for transparent persistence and capability-based architectures are generally believed to be negative. Surprisingly, the basic operations of EROS (such as IPC) are generally comparable in cost to similar operations in conventional systems. This is demon- strated with a set of microbenchmark measurements of se- mantically similar operations in Linux. The EROS system achieves its performance by coupling well-chosen abstract objects with caching techniques for those objects. The objects (processes, nodes, and pages) are well-supported by conventional hardware, reducing the overhead of capabilities. Software-managed caching tech- niques for these objects reduce the cost of persistence. The resulting performance suggests that composing protected subsystems may be less costly than commonly believed. 1 Introduction EROS is a capability-based microkernel with a single-level storage model. The single-level store’s persistence is trans- parent to applications. Storage allocation, scheduling, and fault handling policies are exported from the kernel to allow multiple operating environments and application customized resource management. To simplify security assurance, all code having either direct access to the hardware or the ability to directly transform the system’s security state is collected in the kernel. Bottom-half device drivers and the single-level store are therefore implemented within the kernel. 1.1 History of EROS EROS is the third implementation of the GNOSIS (later renamed KeyKOS) architecture [15] created by TymShare, Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for prot or commercial advan- tage, and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the rst page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specic permission and/or a fee. SOSP-17 12/1999 Kiawah Island, SC c 1999 ACM 1-58113-140-2/99/0012. . . $5.00 Inc. First deployed in 1982, the goal of GNOSIS was to support secure time sharing and controlled collaboration among mutually adversarial users. The rst GNOSIS ker- nel (later renamed KeyKOS/370) was implemented in 370 assembler language, with application code in PL/1. This system ran VISA transaction processing and networking ap- plications. In the late 1980s the kernel and selected com- ponents were reimplemented in C for the Motorola 88000 family (KeyKOS/88k). Development ceased in 1991 when the company closed. The EROS project started shortly there- after as a clean-room reimplementation of the GNOSIS ar- chitecture in C++, and has since made minor enhancements to the architecture. EROS for the x86 may be obtained from the EROS web site [41]. 1.2 Components and capabilities Large-scale software architectures are evolving (e.g., CORBA), in which applications can be viewed as capability connected components. This suggests that the study of capa- bility systems is of increasing importance, since by design, capability systems provide support for protected subsystems, non-hierarchical protection domains, and typed objects [26]. Experience with systems such as the IBM AS/400 [47] (a.k.a. System 38), the Plessey System 250 [19, 29], and KeyKOS [22] suggests that reliability and security can be improved at both application and system levels if objects are separated into distinct protected subsystems to provide both fault isolation and discretionary access control. Language- based approaches to enforcing protected subsystems have proven difcult to implement [54], and require expensive conversion of existing applications to the new language. An OS-based solution, possibly augmented by language level mechanisms, is therefore preferable. However, the desirable features of transparent persis- tence and capability-based protection are widely believed to have prohibitive performance. This belief is largely justied by experience. The performance issues of the i432 have been examined by Colwell [7], and those of Mach by Ford [14]. While the IBM AS/400 [47] (a.k.a. System 38) has been a large-scale commercial success, its performance depends on This research was supported by DARPA under Contracts #N66001-96-C- 852, #MDA972-95-1-0013, and #DABT63-95-C-0073. Additional sup- port was provided by the AT&T Foundation, and the Hewlett-Packard, Tandem Computer and Intel Corporations. Author now with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. 170

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Page 1: EROS: a fast capability system

17th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP ’99)Published as Operating Systems Review, 34(5):170–185, Dec. 1999

EROS: a fast capability system�

Jonathan S. Shapiro� Jonathan M. Smith David J. FarberDepartment of Computer and Information Science

University of Pennsylvania

shap,jms,[email protected]


EROS is a capability-based operating system for commodityprocessors which uses a single level storage model. The sin-gle level store’s persistence is transparent to applications.The performance consequences of support for transparentpersistence and capability-based architectures are generallybelieved to be negative. Surprisingly, the basic operationsof EROS (such as IPC) are generally comparable in cost tosimilar operations in conventional systems. This is demon-strated with a set of microbenchmark measurements of se-mantically similar operations in Linux.

The EROS system achieves its performance by couplingwell-chosen abstract objects with caching techniques forthose objects. The objects (processes, nodes, and pages)are well-supported by conventional hardware, reducing theoverhead of capabilities. Software-managed caching tech-niques for these objects reduce the cost of persistence. Theresulting performance suggests that composing protectedsubsystems may be less costly than commonly believed.

1 Introduction

EROS is a capability-based microkernel with a single-levelstorage model. The single-level store’s persistence is trans-parent to applications. Storage allocation, scheduling, andfault handling policies are exported from the kernel to allowmultiple operating environments and application customizedresource management. To simplify security assurance, allcode having either direct access to the hardware or the abilityto directly transform the system’s security state is collectedin the kernel. Bottom-half device drivers and the single-levelstore are therefore implemented within the kernel.

1.1 History of EROS

EROS is the third implementation of the GNOSIS (laterrenamed KeyKOS) architecture [15] created by TymShare,

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this workfor personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided thatcopies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advan-tage, and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or toredistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.SOSP-17 12/1999 Kiawah Island, SCc�1999 ACM 1-58113-140-2/99/0012. . . $5.00

Inc. First deployed in 1982, the goal of GNOSIS was tosupport secure time sharing and controlled collaborationamong mutually adversarial users. The first GNOSIS ker-nel (later renamed KeyKOS/370) was implemented in 370assembler language, with application code in PL/1. Thissystem ran VISA transaction processing and networking ap-plications. In the late 1980s the kernel and selected com-ponents were reimplemented in C for the Motorola 88000family (KeyKOS/88k). Development ceased in 1991 whenthe company closed. The EROS project started shortly there-after as a clean-room reimplementation of the GNOSIS ar-chitecture in C++, and has since made minor enhancementsto the architecture. EROS for the x86 may be obtained fromthe EROS web site [41].

1.2 Components and capabilities

Large-scale software architectures are evolving (e.g.,CORBA), in which applications can be viewed as capabilityconnected components. This suggests that the study of capa-bility systems is of increasing importance, since by design,capability systems provide support for protected subsystems,non-hierarchical protection domains, and typed objects [26].

Experience with systems such as the IBM AS/400 [47](a.k.a. System 38), the Plessey System 250 [19, 29], andKeyKOS [22] suggests that reliability and security can beimproved at both application and system levels if objects areseparated into distinct protected subsystems to provide bothfault isolation and discretionary access control. Language-based approaches to enforcing protected subsystems haveproven difficult to implement [54], and require expensiveconversion of existing applications to the new language. AnOS-based solution, possibly augmented by language levelmechanisms, is therefore preferable.

However, the desirable features of transparent persis-tence and capability-based protection are widely believed tohave prohibitive performance. This belief is largely justifiedby experience. The performance issues of the i432 have beenexamined by Colwell [7], and those of Mach by Ford [14].While the IBM AS/400 [47] (a.k.a. System 38) has been alarge-scale commercial success, its performance depends on

� This research was supported by DARPA under Contracts #N66001-96-C-852, #MDA972-95-1-0013, and #DABT63-95-C-0073. Additional sup-port was provided by the AT&T Foundation, and the Hewlett-Packard,Tandem Computer and Intel Corporations.

� Author now with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center.


Page 2: EROS: a fast capability system

an augmented processor instruction set and a tagged memorysystem.

1.3 EROS and what we show in this paper

This paper presents the EROS architecture, and describesan efficient reduction to practice of this architecture for acommodity processor family: Intel’s Pentium[23]. We dis-cuss the impact of persistence on the system’s design in bothstructure and complexity. The EROS design and implemen-tation applies the architectural ideas of microkernels to ob-tain performance in a system that is secure, capability-based,and transparently persistent.

We evaluate the performance of the resulting systemusing microbenchmarks. While the microbenchmarks cur-rently available for EROS do not support general con-clusions about application performance, they suggest thatEROS will achieve reasonable performance on end user ap-plications. The results suggest that capabilities are a reason-able substrate for a high-performance, high-security systemon commodity hardware.

2 Capabilities

A capability is an unforgeable pair made up of an objectidentifier and a set of authorized operations (an interface) onthat object [9]. UNIX file descriptors [51], for example, arecapabilities.

In a capability system, each process holds capabilities,and can perform those operations authorized by its capabili-ties. Security is assured by three properties:

1. capabilities are unforgeable and tamper proof,

2. processes are able to obtain capabilities only by usingauthorized interfaces, and

3. capabilities are only given to processes that are autho-rized to hold them.

A protection domain is the set of capabilities accessibleto a subsystem. An essential idea of capability-based systemdesign is that both applications and operating system shouldbe divided into cleanly separated components, each of whichresides in its own protection domain.

Subject to constraint by an external reference monitor(Figure 1), capabilities may be transferred from one protec-tion domain to another and may be written to objects in thepersistent store. Access rights, in addition to data, can there-fore be saved for use across instantiations of one or moreprograms.

2.1 Implications for persistence

When persistent objects are permitted to contain capabilities,they take on certain characteristics of file metadata. In con-ventional file systems, correct stabilization of files dependson the order of data and metadata writes: data must be writ-ten before the metadata that references it [18]. Similarly,objects in a capability system must be written before the ca-pabilities that reference those objects. Unlike a file system,

however, the update dependency graph in a capability sys-tem is unconstrained (and potentially circular).

Plausible mechanisms to ensure a consistent system im-age in the store include application-managed transactions orsome form of periodic consistent snapshot of the machinestate. For reasons of simplicity and correctness, EROS usesa periodic checkpoint similar to the KeyKOS mechanism de-scribed by Landau [28].

2.2 Design challenges

There are five key challenges in architecting a capability sys-tem.

First, transferring control across protection domainboundaries is expensive unless great care is taken in im-plementing protected control transfers. By default, no ac-cess should be shared across such a boundary. In a con-ventional architecture, this requires that the preceding con-text (the TLB and cache contents) be made unreachable bymeans of hardware tagging, cache flush, or other hardware-enforced means of isolation. Strategies for performing effi-cient context switch have been developed [30, 32], and wehave applied these ideas for protection domain crossings andpresented the results in [44].

Second, we would like a uniform protection mechanismfor all system resources. Choosing primitive protected ob-jects and access rights that reduce directly to the hardwarewith minimal overhead is critical. If too large a unit of pro-tection (e.g., memory regions) is selected, as in Mach [1],software is required to translate this abstraction into some-thing that the hardware can implement. If too small a unitof protection (e.g. words) is used, the hardware protectionmechanisms cannot be used directly and protection must berealized by software emulation.

Third, a collection of system services must be identifiedthat compose these primitive objects into higher level ab-stractions efficiently and securely.

Fourth, the system must ensure that a correct initial ar-rangement of entities and access relationships is achievedwhen the system starts up. In particular, the correctness ofthis arrangement must be maintained at the stable storageboundary. Many capability systems use conventional filesystems protected by access control lists. In doing so theygive up the security advantages of capabilities.

Finally, capability systems have difficulty with traceabil-ity and selective revocation: determining who has what ac-cess and removing a particular user’s access to an object. Tosolve this problem, hybrid designs using both capabilitiesand access control lists have been proposed in [4] and [25].In a pure capability system like EROS, this issue must beaddressed by the reference monitor.

2.3 Mandatory access controls

EROS provides a primitive mechanism for revoking accessto objects. Both objects and their capabilities have a versionnumber. If the version numbers do not match, the capabilityis invalid and conveys no authority. Mandatory access con-trol (MAC) policies require a finer mechanism: one that pro-


Page 3: EROS: a fast capability system

vides selective revocation and access traceability. The EROSconstructor (Section 5.3) enforces a discretionary policy [46]similar to Lampson’s confinement policy [27]. This policyallows secure reference monitors to be built at user level, ashas been done in KeySafe [38].

User-level Reference Monitor





Figure 1. Components within compartments

The KeySafe design divides a secure system into pro-tected compartments (Figure 1). Communication betweenthese compartments is mediated by a reference monitor,which inserts transparent forwarding objects in front of allcapabilities that cross compartment boundaries. To rescindthe access rights of a compartment, the reference monitorrescinds the forwarding object.

A particularly attractive aspect of the KeySafe design isthat it allows straightforward revision of mandatory accesspolicies. Appropriate mandatory access control policies de-pend on the objects controlled, and are therefore applicationdependent. The KeySafe design facilitates modification ofthe mandatory access controls as the system evolves.

Evaluators spent several months in 1986 examiningKeyKOS/KeySAFE, and encouraged its submission for B2evaluation [53]. The B2 security requirements specificallycover both traceability and revocation, and the NCSC teamfelt that the KeySafe design was sound.

3 The EROS kernel

The EROS architecture is divided into a kernel that imple-ments a small number of primitive capability types: num-bers, nodes, data pages, capability pages, processes, entryand resume capabilities, and a few miscellaneous kernel ser-vices. These are described in this section. The architecturealso includes a collection of system services that are imple-mented by non-privileged applications. These services pro-vide higher-level abstractions such as files, directories, andmemory objects.

The kernel presents a fairly direct virtualization of theunderlying hardware via capability-protected abstractions.Both data and capabilities are stored in pages, whose size isdictated by the underlying hardware. Capabilities are alsostored in nodes. Nodes hold 32 capabilities, and serve afunction equivalent to metadata in conventional systems. Allstate visible to applications is stored in pages and nodes.

The kernel enforces a partition between data and capa-bilities by tagging. Data can be read/written only to datapages and capabilities to capability pages. A capability pageis never mapped in such a way that access is permitted fromuser mode programs. Capability load and store instructions

are emulated in supervisor software, and check the per-pagetype tag.

The kernel also implements LRU paging and the dis-patch portion of a scheduler based on capacity reserves [35].As these ideas are not new, they are not discussed further inthis paper.

3.1 Address translation

Like other recent microkernels, EROS views an addressspace as a set of mappings of the form:

����� �� ������ ��� �� � �����

where ����� is an entry capability to a process (Sec-tion 3.2). When an addressing exception occurs, the faulthandler may either alter the structure of the address spaceand restart the process or pass the fault to the process faulthandler for further handling.

The EROS kernel captures address space mappings inmachine-independent fashion using nodes.1 Address spacesare formed by building a tree of nodes whose leaves aredata or capability pages. Each node contains 32 capabilities,which may point to either nodes or to pages (Figure 2). Nodecapabilities encode the height of the tree that they name, en-abling short-circuit traversal similar to that of the MC68851[36], and avoiding the need for tall translation trees.





0 31

0 31

0 31


Node Capability

Entry Capability

Null Capability

Page Capability



Node Capablity


Figure 2. EROS memory tree

Every EROS process includes a capability that names theroot of its address space tree. The mapping described by thistree is translated on demand into the representation requiredby the underlying hardware. When a page fault occurs, theEROS kernel first attempts to traverse the address space treeto establish a valid mapping, performing any necessary ob-ject faults to load pages and nodes from the disk. If a validmapping is found, this mapping is installed in the hardware

1 To those familiar with earlier capability systems, a node may be thoughtof as a fixed-size c-list [29].


Page 4: EROS: a fast capability system

mapping table and the operation is restarted. Otherwise, thefault is reflected using an upcall to a user-level fault han-dler specified by the address space (if present) or the process(otherwise).

Using a tree of nodes rather than page tables to describeaddress space mappings permits relatively fine-grain speci-fication of fault handlers (Figure 2). Information about faulthandlers is stored in the node-based mapping tree, but is notdirectly captured by the hardware mapping tables.

3.2 Processes

EROS process state includes the user-mode registers of theunderlying processor, including the user-accessible portionof the processor status word. In addition, each process has acapability register set implemented by the kernel. The capa-bility registers contain those capabilities that the process candirectly invoke.

The kernel exports the process abstraction to applica-tion code via two types of capabilities: process capabilities,which provide operations to manipulate the process itself,and entry capabilities, which allow the holder to invoke theservices provided by a program within a particular process.

Because EROS is a persistent system, all process statemust ultimately reside in structures that can be stored to disk.In EROS, these structures are pages and nodes. Process stateis recorded using nodes (Figure 3). Data register values arestored to the node using number capabilities, which namean unsigned value and implement read operations.



0 31

Registers Annex0 31



Number Capability

Any Capability0 31

Capability Registers

Node Capability

Process Root

(To Address Space)

(Always Zero)

Figure 3. Process structure

EROS makes no distinction between processes andthreads. All processes are single-threaded. Two processesmay share an address space; each of these processes canhold distinct capabilities. Multithreaded services are imple-mented by having several processes that share a common ad-dress space. Most of these processes serve as worker threads.A distinguished process publishes the externally visible en-try point to the service. This process accepts requests andforwards them to the worker processes.2

In EROS, each process is a protection domain. Ap-plications are designed as multiple cooperating processes.Application-transparent persistence ensures that consistency

between processes is preserved across system restarts. Be-cause the arrangement and consistency of these processes isnot lost in the event of a system crash, the associated inter-process relationships need not be reconstructed every timethe application is accessed.

3.3 Capability invocation

All resource access in EROS is ultimately performed by ca-pability invocation.3 If authorized by the capability, eachinvocation causes the named object to perform some object-defined operation specified by the invoker. Even memoryaccesses performed by load and store instructions may bemodeled as an efficiently cached capability invocation. Thesemantics of memory reference is therefore covered by thecapability semantics. Capabilities are used to invoke bothkernel implemented services (pages, nodes, processes, num-bers) and services or objects implemented by user processes.Process-implemented services are implemented using a “re-ply and wait” loop; if the service is not available at the timeof the call, the caller blocks until the service becomes avail-able.

Capability invocations transmit a small number of dataregisters (4), a contiguous data string, and a small numberof capability registers (4). If desired, the sender can cause adistinguished entry capability called a resume capability toreplace the last capability argument. The resume capabilityenables the recipient to reply to the sender.

All copies of a resume capability are efficiently con-sumed when any copy is invoked, ensuring an “at most once”reply. Manifesting the callers continuation as a capability in-stead of using an implicit stack allows non-hierarchical inter-process control flow, which is useful for thread dispatching.Distinguishing start and resume capabilities (and the asso-ciated process states) also allows applications to constructan implicit mutex around extended co-routine interactionsby invoking an existing resume capability and generating anew resume capability with each interprocess control trans-fer. This mechanism is sometimes used to ensure that ex-tended string transfers are not interrupted by other invoca-tions.

Since entry capability invocations (including resume ca-pabilities) are very common, EROS includes a fast interpro-cess communication (IPC) mechanism described in [43] and[44]. Although the implementation reported here has notbeen carefully optimized, earlier implementations have ex-actly matched the performance of L4’s IPC primitive [44].

An unusual aspect of the architecture is that capabilityinvocation is the only “system call” implemented by the ker-nel. Because there are no other system calls, all actions takenby a process are implicitly access checked. Objects imple-

2 Orran Krieger has noted that this implementation has unfortunate pro-cessor locality implications on large SMP systems. A planned kernel-implemented dispatcher object will address this.

3 For emulation of other operating systems, the authority to explicitly in-voke capabilities can be disabled by a per-process mode bit. If capabilityinvocations are disabled, the invocation trap instruction is treated as aconventional exception and reflected via upcall to the per-process faulthandler.


Page 5: EROS: a fast capability system

mented by the kernel are accessed by invoking their capabil-ities. All capabilities take the same arguments at the trap in-terface. In consequence, processes implementing either me-diation or request logging can be transparently interposed infront of most objects. In particular, mandatory access con-trol across confined subsystems can be enforced using eitherindirection using the kernel-implemented indirector objector simulation by a transparently interposed filter process, asin KeySafe [38].

3.4 Limiting access propagation

Capability systems permit capabilities to be transferred overauthorized channels. As a result, security arguments mustconsider both the propagation of information and the propa-gation of access rights. Capability access rights can be sur-prisingly powerful; a read-only capability to a node permitsa read-write capability residing in that node to be extracted,which in turn allows other data structures to be modified.

The EROS architecture uses two mechanisms to addressthis issue: the weak access right and access indirection.

Weak access is similar to read-only access, except thatcapabilities fetched via a weak capability are diminished inauthority so as to be both read-only and weak. The net effectis that transitive read-only access is ensured. The defaultcopy-on-write pager implementation described in Section 5,for example, remains in the “trusted computing base” forreasons of integrity, but is unable to leak information be-cause it holds only a weak capability to the original mem-ory object. The EROS weak access right is a generaliza-tion of the KeyKOS sense capability [22]; sense capabilitiesare read-only, weak capabilities need not be. A write viaa weak capability stores a diminished (i.e. read-only andweak) form of the stored capability.

Access indirection can be used to implement selectiverevocation. When sensitive capabilities are granted by a ref-erence monitor, the monitor can either transparently forwardrequests on those capabilities or supply an indirection objectin place of the real capability. Access can later be revokedby destroying the indirection object.

3.5 Checkpointing and persistence

The correctness of the EROS operating system relies on thefact that all operations performed by the kernel result in acorrect system state so long as the initial state was correct.The legality of an operation depends on the state of the sys-tem, which in turn depends on previous operations. Thisimplies that causal order of operations must be maintained.

The challenge in causal ordering lies in ensuring that acorrect system state is recovered when an unplanned shutdown occurs (i.e., a crash). To achieve this, the kernel mustperiodically arrange for a consistent image to be saved with-out application support, and without unduly intruding on ap-plication performance. The difficulty lies in ensuring that theimage written to the disk is correct; once committed, a badcheckpoint cannot be undone. The EROS implementationguarantees that a correct state exists on the disk by means of

a transparent persistence mechanism evolved from KeyKOS[28].

3.5.1 Snapshot

As in KeyKOS, the EROS implementation takes a pe-riodic snapshot of the entire machine. This state is writ-ten to the disk asynchronously. On restart the system pro-ceeds from the previously saved system image. Because thecheckpointed image is globally consistent, causal ordering ismaintained.4

The snapshot mechanism introduces minimal disruptionof execution. While all processes are halted during the snap-shot, this phase performs a consistency check and marks allobjects copy-on-write (even to the kernel). Care is taken bythe snapshot procedure to ensure that capabilities remain intheir optimized form (Section 4.1). Memory mappings mustbe marked read-only to support the kernel copy-on-write im-plementation, but the mapping structures are not dismantledas a side effect of checkpointing.

An important difference between the snapshot mecha-nism of EROS (and KeyKOS) and those of L3 [31] or Fluke[52] is that the EROS snapshot mechanism performs a con-sistency check before the snapshot is taken. Critical kerneldata structures are checked to ensure that their pointers pointto objects of appropriate type, allegedly read-only objects inthe object cache are checksummed to verify that they havenot changed, every modified object must have an entry in thein-core checkpoint directory, and the types of capabilities inprocess slots are checked. If any of these checks fail, the sys-tem is rebooted without committing the current checkpoint.

Once committed, an inconsistent checkpoint lives for-ever. Aside from errors that have occurred while debuggingthe stabilization code itself, neither KeyKOS nor EROS hasbeen observed to write an inconsistent checkpoint in sev-enteen calendar years of operation. The check procedurein EROS has caught innumerable bugs in the implementa-tion, including several obscure boundary conditions and anumber of stray pointer errors. This proved sufficiently use-ful that EROS now performs these checks continuously as alow-priority background task.

In the current implementation, the duration of the snap-shot phase is a function of physical memory size. On sys-tems with 256 megabytes of physical memory the snapshottakes less than 50 ms to perform. This time includes execu-tion of the system sanity checker described above. A moreincremental design would use copy-on-write techniques toimplement the snapshot itself. This would make the snap-shot phase solely a function of the process table size (Sec-tion 4.3), which should reduce the synchronous phase toroughly a millisecond.

4 A journaling mechanism (also described in [28]) may be used bydatabases to ensure that committed state does not roll back. The jour-naling operation violates causal ordering, but is restricted to data objects.Because journaling does not violate the causal ordering of protectionstate, it does not violate the protection model.


Page 6: EROS: a fast capability system

3.5.2 Stabilization

Once a snapshot has been captured, the state is writtento the disk asynchronously. To avoid checkpoint-induceddelays, stabilization must complete before the next check-point, which is typically set at 5 minute intervals. To preventoverrun when applications perform unusually large numbersof object mutations, a checkpoint is also forced when 65%of the total checkpoint area has been allocated to the currentcheckpoint. Experience with the KeyKOS design [28] sug-gests that this design can scale in memory capacity with thebandwidth of available I/O channels.

3.5.3 Bootstrap and installation

The checkpoint mechanism is used both for startup andfor installation. In EROS, an initial system disk image iscompiled using a cross compilation environment. The im-age generation tools link processes by capabilities in muchthe way that a conventional link editor performs relocationas it builds a binary image. The resulting checkpoint areacontains a list of running processes that should be (re)startedwhen the system resumes.

While installation tools are not yet implemented, thebuilt-in checkpoint and replication mechanisms make thisstraightforward. The program on the installation disketteformats new ranges on the hard disk corresponding to thoseon the floppy and mounts them. Because they match existingranges (the ones on the floppy) but have old sequence num-bers, the kernel recovers the “stale” range by sequentiallymarking all objects in the newly duplexed range “dirty” andallowing the replication logic to rewrite them to both repli-cates.5 The installation tool simply waits for mirror recoveryto complete and forces a checkpoint. The end result is thatthe image on the hard disk is now a valid bootable image.This mechanism is considerably simpler than the “big bang”used in KeyKOS installation [22].

3.5.4 Supporting design rules

Checkpointing is facilitated by two kernel design rules:

� All state resides in pages and nodes.

� All kernel operations are atomic.6

Much of the EROS design is predicated on the first restric-tion, which limits the number of disk object types that mustbe managed by the persistence subsystem. With the sole ex-ception of the list of stalled processes, this objective is actu-ally satisfied by the current implementation; the EROS ker-nel owns no state. Restricting the number of data types atthis level also reduces the number of storage allocators thatmust be managed by the implementation.

The atomicity rule is a corollary of the pages and nodesrequirement. When a kernel invocation must stall, as whenwaiting for page I/O, a small, in-kernel “thread” structurecontaining a capability to the stalled process is queued on thein-kernel stall queue. The invoker’s program counter is ad-justed to retry the invocation when awakened. This design issimilar to that adopted in Fluke [12] and MIT’s ITS system[10, 3], and simplifies checkpointing, as checkpointed ker-nel state requires special handling by the checkpoint mech-

anism. In the current implementation, the only kernel statethat must be checkpointed is the table of stall queue struc-tures. The stall queue structures are also the only kernel re-source that can be exhausted by action of applications.

While it is not presently implemented, such exhaus-tion can be managed by a trusted decongester application.When stall queue structures are oversubscribed, the kernelconstructs fault capabilities (a specialized resume capabilityused by user-level fault handlers to restart a faulted processwithout changing its state) to the lowest priority processesand passes these fault capabilities to the decongester appli-cation for later resumption.

4 Implementation

This section describes how the abstractions of Section 3 aremapped to conventional hardware mechanisms.

The definitive representation for all EROS objects is theone that resides in pages and nodes on the disk. Pages andnodes are cached at two levels of abstraction by the EROSkernel (Figure 4). The first level is for efficient access by theprocessor. The second level is simply an object cache, whichis a fully associative, write-back cache of the on-disk ob-jects. Address translation causes the contents of some nodesto be cached in hardware mapping tables. Process invocationcauses other nodes to be cached in the process table. Theprocess table is managed as a write-back cache that sits infront of the object cache. Hardware mapping structures aretreated as read-only. Both are flushed when the capabilitiesthey cache are invalidated.

Object Cache










Aging Page Faults

Object FaultsMigration




Figure 4. Layered caching. Arrow labels indicate theoperations that induce load and flush of each cache.

Use of software caching at multiple levels of the systemmeans that the representation of performance-critical datastructures should be easily customizable to the processor ar-chitecture. Also, performance-critical portions of the imple-mentation are free to use either the machine specific or themachine independent representation. In several cases, a hy-brid approach has been used to improve performance. Fastpaths use the machine-specific form, and are backed by ageneral path using the machine independent structures.

5 Replication is currently implemented; mirror recovery is not.6 We exclude observability of data mutation from our definition of atomic-

ity, which is necessary in multiprocessor implementations. The essentialpoint is that access right updates be atomic.


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4.1 Capabilities and object loading

An object capability logically contains a 64-bit unique ob-ject identifier for a node or page, a 32-bit version number,and a type field. In the Pentium implementation, each capa-bility occupies 32 bytes. Every node and page has a versionnumber; if the capability version and the object version donot match the capability is invalid. Nodes additionally carrya 32-bit “call count”, giving a total node size of 528 bytes.Discussion of call counts has been omitted for lack of space,and may be found in [45].

As stored on the disk, an object capability actually con-tains the unique object identifier and version number. Thefirst time a capability is used, it is prepared. The objectit names is brought into memory and the capability is con-verted into optimized form (Figure 5). All optimized capa-bilities point directly to the object that they name, and areplaced on a linked list rooted at the object.

Node, Page,

or Process

Object Ptr

Type Aux-Info

Figure 5. Prepared capability

Preparing a capability also causes the target object to beprepared for use. For node and page capabilities, prepara-tion forces the named object into memory. For process re-lated capabilities, preparing the capability brings in the as-sociated nodes and loads the process into the process table(Section 4.3).

Preparing a capability is one of two operations thatcauses objects to be converted into hardware specific rep-resentations. The other is address translation.

4.2 Address translation

An EROS address space is defined by a tree of nodes. Eachnode must be obtained from a storage manager. The spaceoccupied by mapping structures is therefore fully accountedfor.

The node-based address map must be converted intopage table entries to be used by the hardware’s MMU. Asaddress exceptions occur, a lazy translation of the state in thenode tree into page table entries is performed. The resultinghardware mapping entries are managed as a read-only cacheof state that resides in the node trees.

A simple implementation would perform address trans-lation by traversing the node tree, generating a mapping, andupdating the page tables. To facilitate invalidation when thenode slots are modified, it must record a mapping from ca-pability addresses to the generated page table entries (thedepend table).

There are two issues with this implementation:

� Full traversals are expensive. The node tree containsinformation stored in capabilities. A fair amount ofdata driven control flow is required to decode this in-formation.

� The naive design does not leverage shared mapping ta-bles on architectures that support them.

The following sections describe how this implementa-tion is optimized.

4.2.1 Reducing traversal cost

The Pentium family uses a two-level hierarchical transla-tion table. EROS also uses a hierarchical mapping architec-ture; a correspondence can be established between the twomapping hierarchies (Figure 6). Since nodes contain 32 en-tries, and Pentium mapping tables contain 1024 entries, twonode levels are used to describe each of the Pentium map-ping table levels. Wherever a valid mapping exists in thehardware page tables, this mapping agrees with the mappingin the node tree. The address translation algorithm exploitsthis correspondence.



Page Table

Page Directory







D p1

Figure 6. Memory translation for hierarchical MMU

In Figure 6, given a successful translation of page ��, asubsequent translation fault on �� or �� must also traversenodes and �. Because a valid hardware mapping entryexists in the page directory, the hardware mapping may beused instead provided that there exists some means to dis-cover that node � corresponds to the page table.

Every core page frame has an associated bookkeepingstructure containing various information about the frame.For page frames that contain mapping tables, this informa-tion includes a pointer to the producer of that mapping table.The producer is that node in the mapping tree such that (a)its span in pages is less than or equal to that of the map-ping table rounded up to the nearest power of 32 and (b) ithas the largest span of the candidate nodes under rule (a).That is, we are looking for a node whose span is no largerthan that of the corresponding mapping table. The roundingcomplication addresses the situation in which the hardwaremapping table spans are not an integer power of the nodespans. It is not relevant to the Pentium family.

In Figure 6, node is the producer of the page direc-tory, and node � is the producer of the page table. If �� hasbeen successfully translated, a subsequent translation fault


Page 8: EROS: a fast capability system

on �� proceeds as follows. The high order bits of the vir-tual address are used to locate the page directory entry. Thisentry points to the physical address of the page table, whichwas constructed when �� was translated. Translation nowattempts to use the low order bits of the virtual page addressto traverse the page table. It locates the page table entry andfinds that it is invalid. It then looks in the per-frame book-keeping structure associated with the page table frame to findthe producer of the page table, which is node �. Traversalnow proceeds through nodes � and � in the node tree, re-sulting in a valid page table entry.

The producer optimization means that the majority ofpage faults traverse only two layers of the node tree, whichcuts the average translation cost in half. This is particularlyimportant for fault handling, where at least part of the traver-sal must be done to identify the target fault handler. Producertracking also means that page tables can be reclaimed by firstlocating their producer, then locating all valid in-memory ca-pabilities to that producer by traversing the capability chain,and then invalidating all page tables associated with the ad-dresses of the node slots (the array entries) containing thosecapabilities.

4.2.2 Shared mapping tables

Every producer has an associated list of products, whichis the list of page tables constructed from that producer. Aproducer may have multiple products if a short-circuited treehas been constructed. If an address space is described by asingle node, the node will be the producer of the page table,the read-only page directory, and the read-write page direc-tory. A producer may also have multiple products if pro-tection bits are not provided at some level of the translationtree. On the Pentium, the address space register does not im-plement a write protection, so both read-only and read-writeversions of the page directory must be constructed follow-ing a checkpoint to ensure that copy-on-write occurs whilestabilization is in progress.

The product chain is used to ensure that page tables areshared where possible (Figure 7). If either process has suc-cessfully translated ��, ��, or ��, then a page table corre-sponding to nodes �, � , and � has been created and placedon the product chain of node�. When the other process firstreferences any of these pages, the translation logic will findan invalid entry in its page directory. It will then locate theproducer for the page directory (either or �), and traversethe upper portion of the node tree (either �� � or � �� �).In either case, it will discover that node � is at a height cor-responding to a page table, and check the product list of �to see if a page table with appropriate permission constraintsalready exists. Finding the page table created by the previ-ous successful translation, it will reuse this page table ratherthan create a new one.

4.2.3 No inverted page tables

Before a page or page table can be removed, all mappingstructures referencing that object must be invalidated. Con-ventional implementations must maintain a mapping frompages to page table entries (an inverted page table) to ac-complish this.


Page Table Page






F p1



Page Directory



Page Directory


for A::B

for C::D



Figure 7. Sharing mapping tables

In EROS, an inverted page table is rendered unnecessaryby the capability link chains (Figure 5). If the object to be re-moved is a page, its prepared capabilities must be traversedto convert them back to unoptimized (i.e., on-disk) form. Asthese capabilities are traversed for conversion, the previouslyrecorded depend table entries are used to invalidate the pagetable entries that point to the page. If the hardware map-ping architecture is hierarchical, the slots in each addressspace node correspond to a contiguous region in each of theproduced page tables, so only one depend table entry is re-quired per (node, page table) pair. Because of the capabilitylink chain, a per-page entry is required only in the case of asingle-page address space (i.e. one with no nodes).

If the object to be removed is a page table, matters areslightly more involved. Note that the producer of the pagetable spans all of the valid portion of the page table. It fol-lows that the capabilities that name the producer dominatethe page table entries that point to the page table. Beforeremoving a page table, it suffices to traverse the capabilitychain of its producer and invalidate the associated dependtable entries.

4.2.4 Small spaces

Liedtke has shown that creative combinations of seg-mentation and virtual address translation can yield dramaticperformance benefits on some classes of hardware [32]. Insuch designs, the virtual address space is divided into a sin-gle “large space,” a universally mapped kernel region, andsome number of “small spaces.” Boundaries between thesespaces are enforced using segmentation rather than page pro-tection.

In effect, this technique uses the segment registers toprepend tag bits to the virtual address. No TLB flush isnecessary in control transfers between small spaces. Sim-ilarly, no TLB flush is needed when transferring to a largespace if that large space is the “current” large space. A flush


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is required only when the current large space changes or amapping entry is forcibly invalidated.

Small spaces have a disproportionate impact on the per-formance of an EROS system. The most critical operat-ing system service applications fit comfortably in less than128 KB, and these objects are accessed with high frequency.In particular, all of the address space fault handlers currentlyincluded in the system run as small spaces, which halves thenumber of address space switches required to handle a pagefault.

4.3 Processes

In EROS, the majority of capability invocations are IPC op-erations, whose performance depends critically on the low-level process representation. Software caching is used toconvert the process structure of Figure 3 to and from a repre-sentation optimized for efficient register save and trap han-dling.

4.3.1 The process cache

The kernel maintains a boot-time allocated process ta-ble. Unlike conventional kernel architectures, this processtable is a cache. As with other objects, the loading of pro-cess table entries is driven by capability preparation. Whenprocess first invokes a capability to process �, the capa-bility is prepared. As a side effect, a process table entry isallocated and the state of process � is loaded into this en-try. When a process blocks, a structure containing a processcapability to that process is placed on some queue by thekernel. This queue structure is the only information aboutthe process that must remain in memory while the processis stalled. Processes that are ready to execute are queued onthe ready queue. When the stalled processes are awakened,this process capability is prepared, forcing the process backinto the process table.

Process table writeback occurs either when an entry inthe table is reallocated or when a checkpoint occurs. In ei-ther case, all capabilities to the unloaded process are depre-pared, restoring them to their disk representation. As pro-cesses are restarted following the checkpoint, they are incre-mentally reloaded into the process table. This in turn causesthe process’ constituent nodes (Figure 3) to be marked“dirty” in preparation for modification. When a checkpointis in progress, copy on write is used to ensure that the snap-shotted version of the state associated with active processesremains unmodified until it has been stabilized.

4.3.2 The save area

The Pentium architecture saves state to a kernel stackwhen a trap occurs. Rather than copy this state, the EROSkernel arranges for the kernel stack pointer to point directlyinto the per-process save area (Figure 8). The hardware trapmechanism spills the trap state directly into the process tableentry for the active process.

Control is assumed by the trap handler, which completesthe register save, loads kernel segments, adjusts the stackpointer to point to the true kernel stack, and transfers control

to the kernel. EROS is an “interrupt style” kernel. When aprocess is suspended in the kernel it is forced to restart at thetrap instruction; there is no per-process kernel stack.

Float Regs

KSP ActiveProcess

Process Table

Capability Chain

Save Area

Capability Regs

Process Entry


Proc. Node Ptrs

Figure 8. Save area

A Pentium implementation challenges register save de-sign. The saved state has an irregular format (the error fieldis not consistently saved) and is not self describing (the trapnumber is not made easily available by the hardware). Thus,every hardware interrupt and exception has its own kernelentry point. This entry point appends the error value if nec-essary and inserts an identifying trap number onto the stack;it then branches to a common interrupt handler. Registersave is further complicated by the fact that the processor maybe in either “Virtual 8086” mode or protected mode whenthe interrupt occurs. EROS supports both modes. The statesaved to the kernel stack differs according to mode. The ker-nel therefore keeps track of which mode the application is inand adjusts the kernel save area pointer accordingly beforedispatching the process.

4.4 Capability invocation

Capability invocations divide into two cases: fast path inter-process invocation and the general invocation mechanism.

The interprocess invocation fast path is based entirely onthe machine specific process structure. It is implementedin assembly code, and handles the case in which the recip-ient process is prepared and all mappings for the necessarysender and recipient data pages are present in the page ta-bles with valid permissions. If preparation is needed, or ifmapping entries need to be constructed, the fast path is aban-doned in favor of the general path.

The general invocation path uses the processor specificmapping structures to avoid traversing node trees unneces-sarily, but falls back to node tree traversal when necessary.It handles certain cases omitted by the fast path – notably in-vocations that change the number of running processes (cre-ate or delete them). All cases are handled by the generalimplementation.

4.5 Summary

EROS stores mapping and process state in a machine–inde-pendent data structure: the node. This common underlyingrepresentation simplifies both checkpointing and storage al-


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location, and means that system resources “run out” onlywhen the available disk space is exhausted.

This state is converted on demand to the representationrequired by the hardware for efficient use. Various represen-tation and chaining techniques are used in lieu of conven-tional data structures to support invalidation and page out.The high-performance paths of the system operate against amachine-specific process structure similar to that of L4 andsimilar microkernels.

5 System services

Having described the kernel implementation, we can nowsketch how these primitives are used to provide higher-levelabstractions customarily implemented by supervisor code.To illustrate, we will describe the implementation of threebasic services: the storage allocator, virtual copy memoryobjects and the process constructor. All of these services areimplemented by application code.

5.1 Storage allocation

Storage allocation is performed by the space bank, whichowns all system storage. The space bank application imple-ments a hierarchy of logical banks, each of which obtainsits storage from its parent. The root of this hierarchy is theprime space bank. Every node and page used by an appli-cation is allocated from some particular space bank. Thefact that all banks are implemented by the same process isnot visible to client applications. The term “space bank” istherefore used to refer to a logical space bank.

A space bank performs four functions:

� It allocates nodes and pages, optionally imposing anallocation limit.

� It tracks the identities (the OIDs) of the pages andnodes that it has allocated.

� It ensures that all capabilities to a node or page arerendered invalid when the object is deallocated.

� It provides a degree of storage locality. Objects allo-cated from a given bank are allocated from contiguousextents on the underlying disk.

When a space bank is destroyed, objects allocated by thatbank and all sub-banks are either deallocated or returned tothe control of its parent bank. Space banks therefore providea form of explicit storage reclamation. One way to ensurethat a subsystem is completely dead is to destroy the spacebank from which its storage was allocated.

Space banks manage extents dynamically; applicationscan ensure locality of storage for two objects by creatingper-object sub-banks, creating the objects, and then destroy-ing the bank without reclaiming the storage. Banks are cheapto create and occupy minimal storage (one node per bank).They are therefore well suited to region-based storage man-agement [2]. The unification of extent management and re-gion management provided by this use of space banks ex-tends the locality advantages of region management to per-manent storage.

5.2 Virtual copy spaces

A virtual copy space is a copy-on-write version of someother space. Initially, the new space consists of a single nodecontaining a capability to the original object and a capabilityto a copy-on-write manager. Writes to uncopied pages in-duce access violations that are directed to this manager. Aseach page in the new structure is modified, read-write copiesare made of the target page and any necessary nodes (Fig-ure 9). Only the modified portion of the structure is copied.Each copied page and node is allocated from the space bank.The bank is provided by the client of the virtual copy objectwhen the copy is first created; storage is accounted to theuser.





(copy ofshaded page)

Original Space(read only)

AfterCopy on Write

Figure 9. Virtual copy implementation.

To create a lazy copy of an existing memory space, themanager for that space is asked to freeze the space. The man-ager returns a constructor (Section 5.3) which will producecopies of the original space. Demand zero objects are real-ized as virtual copies of the “primordial zero space,” whichis part of the hand-constructed initial system image.

We have previously noted that traversing the addressspace tree is expensive. The virtual copy handler reducesthis cost by remembering the location of the last modifiedpage and its containing node. If the next modified page fallswithin the same leaf node, no traversal is required. Empir-ically, this simple method matches common memory usagepatterns well, and reduces the effective traversal overheadby a factor of 32. In the fast case, a copy-on-write page faultproceeds as follows:

1. Faulting process takes an address translation fault.Kernel walks address space tree, locates no translation.

2. Kernel synthesizes an upcall to the virtual copy handler(context switch).

3. Virtual copy handler purchases a new page from thespace bank, initializes it, and installs it at the appropri-ate offset (two context switches).

4. Virtual copy handler returns to the faulting process,restarting the instruction (context switch).

5. Faulting process takes another address translationfault. Kernel walks address space tree, locates a valid


Page 11: EROS: a fast capability system

translation, and silently restarts the faulting instruc-tion.

The performance of this implementation is discussed in Sec-tion 6.

5.3 Process construction

As with virtual copies, process creation in EROS is per-formed by application code. Every application has an as-sociated “constructor” that knows how to fabricate new in-stances of that application. Constructors are themselves ap-plications, which come from the metaconstructor. The meta-constructor is part of the hand-constructed initial system im-age.

Constructors are trusted objects whose design purpose isto certify properties about the program instances they cre-ate. In particular, the constructor is able to tell the clientwhether the newly fabricated process has any ability to com-municate with third parties at the time of its creation. Theconstructor is able to perform this certification based solelyon inspection of the program’s initial capabilities, withoutinspecting its code. This means that standard utility pro-grams can be used on sensitive information without risk ofinformation leakage.

InstanceHello Space


Client ProcessCreator


1 2






Figure 10. Process creation

To build a new process (Figure 10), the client invokes aconstructor (step 1). The constructor invokes its process cre-ator (2), which purchases nodes from a client-supplied spacebank (3,4) and returns a new process (5) that initially exe-cutes from a constructor-supplied, read-only address space.When started (6) this “construction space” creates a muta-ble copy of the new program’s executable image (either bycopying it or by creating a virtual copy), obtaining furtherspace from the space bank as needed (7,8). It transfers con-trol to the new process via a “swap address space and PC”operation. The new instance performs program specific ini-tialization and returns (9) directly to the client process.

Constructors are in practice used as the standard mecha-nism for packaging and instantiating programs in EROS.

6 Evaluation

The focus of this paper is a capability system design mo-tivated by performance considerations. The best means ofcomparing its performance to that of other systems would be

direct application benchmarks. EROS is new enough that ap-plications have not yet been ported to it, which precludes thiscomparison at this stage. We have chosen microbenchmarksas our means of evaluation, inspired by those of lmbench[34]. Each lmbench benchmark is motivated by a real per-formance bottleneck from some real application. We haveexamined the constituents of lmbench and produced seman-tically similar tests for EROS. As EROS does not export araw disk interface and does not yet have a networking im-plementation we have omitted such benchmarks.

The categories of operations tested by the lmbench suiteare relatively universal. In many cases, operations with cor-responding semantics are used by native EROS applications.One way to place the performance of EROS in context is tocompare these operations to their nearest Linux equivalents.We have constructed a set of EROS microbenchmarks to doso. The benchmarks are included in the EROS distribution[41].

Measurements were made on a uniprocessor 400 MHzPentium II, with 192 megabytes of memory. The lmbenchutilities report memory latencies of 7 ns, 69 ns, and 153 nsfor the level one, level two, and main memories, respectively.Linux measurements, where given, are obtained from kernelversion 2.2.5-22 on the same hardware using the standardlmbench distribution. The Linux kernel measured supportssymmetric multiprocessing. Linux measurements reportedhere are made using a kernel with multiprocessing supportcompiled out.

The results are summarized in Figure 11. The bars arenormalized relative to the Linux timings. Except for the pipebandwidth benchmark, a shorter bar represents a better re-sult. Actual timings and percent loss/gain are also shown.

6.1 Kernel invocation baseline

The “trivial system call” benchmark is intended to examinethe minimum cost of entering and exiting the kernel whileperforming minimal work. In POSIX this is customarilytested with the getppid() operation (0.7 �s). The nearestEROS equivalent is the typeof operation on a number ca-pability (1.6 �s).

The difference reflects the difference in the two systemarchitectures. EROS capability invocations must test to ver-ify that the target object is prepared, and must allow for thepossibility that control will be returned to some other pro-cess. Also, all capability invocations have the same argu-ment structure (Section 3.3). The trivial EROS kernel invo-cation therefore involves a more complex argument specifi-cation and a greater amount of data manipulation. The com-mon argument structure allows processes to transparently in-terpose on capability invocations, emulating the original ob-ject; in this case function was favored over performance inthe design.

6.2 Memory handling

Two benchmarks are used to examine memory performance:page fault and heap growth. The page fault benchmark mea-sures the time to reconstruct page table entries for a memory


Page 12: EROS: a fast capability system

Trivial Syscall 0.7 �s1.6 �s


Page Fault 687 �s3.67 �s


Grow Heap 31.74 �s20.42 �s


Ctxt Switch 1.26 �s1.19 �s 5.5%

Create Process 1.92 ms0.664 ms 65.3%

Pipe Bandwidth 260 MB/s281 MB/s


Pipe Latency 8.34 �s5.66 �s


Benchmark Linux-Normalized Speedup

Figure 11. Summary of benchmark results. For pipebandwidth, larger is better. Linux lmbench results ap-pear in dark gray. EROS results are normalized to theLinux numbers, and appear in lighter gray.

object that is valid. That is, it measures the time to convertfrom the logical mapping structures maintained by the oper-ating system to the hardware mapping representation. Thebenchmark constructs an object, unmaps it, remaps it, andthen measures the time to sum the first word of each page.In Linux, this operation takes 687 �s per page. The cor-responding EROS operation takes 3.67 �s per page in thegeneral case, which reflects the basic cost of the node treetraversal. The EROS cost rises to 5.10 �s if the fast traversaloptimization of Section 4.2.1 is disabled.

Linux performance on this benchmark has regressed inrecent versions of the Linux kernel. The 2.0.34 version ofthe Linux kernel took 67 �s on this operation.

If the mapped object falls at a page table boundary, thelatency under EROS falls to 0.08 �s. This is due to the pagetable sharing mechanisms described in Section 4.2.2. EROSpreserves hardware mapping structures as long as it is feasi-ble to do so. For EROS, this measures a real (and common)case. Page tables may be shared whenever a new instance ofan existing application is created. The effect of sharing codespace in such cases significantly reduces application startuplatencies.

Experience with Mach and Chorus suggested that heapgrowth may inhibit system performance if it is slow [8, 21].The POSIX design allows the operating system to grab anyavailable swap page and zero it. We constructed a Linuxbenchmark using the lmbench timing framework, and deter-mined that growing the heap by a page takes 31.74 �s. InEROS, the fault must first be reflected to a user level faulthandler which in turn must call a user level storage alloca-tor as described in Section 5.2, which takes 20.42 �s. Thevirtual copy handler fits within a small (address) space, al-lowing two of the context switches in the sequence to bedone very cheaply (see below).

6.3 Process management

The EROS implementation’s “performance core” is verysimilar in structure to that of L3 [30]. An earlier implemen-tation reported in [44] matches the performance of L3 cyclefor cycle. The current implementation is less highly tuned.A directed context switch under EROS takes 1.60 �s in thelarge space case, and 1.19 �s in the case of a control transferbetween a large space and a small space. As measured bylmbench, a directed context switch under Linux takes 1.26�s.

These latencies do not compose in obvious ways becauseof cache interference. A round trip large-large IPC operationtakes 3.21 �s, and a large-small round trip takes 2.38 �s,but a nested sequence of calls such as that seen in the pageallocation path (large to small to large and back) takes 6.31�s.

Where POSIX uses fork and exec to create new pro-cesses, EROS provides a direct method via the construc-tor. Constructors can guarantee sandboxing, and are the pre-ferred means of starting new program instances. While it istherefore the appropriate mechanism to compare, it shouldbe noted that the fork/exec implementation creates an ad-dress space that the EROS implementation does not require.Creating a copy of “hello world” under Linux takes 1.916ms. Using a constructor to create a new copy of “helloworld” takes 0.664 ms.

6.4 Interprocess communication

Finally, we examine streaming data transfer using the pipebenchmark. Of the available IPC options, pipes are the mostefficient mechanism provided in Linux (8.34 �s latency, 260MB/sec). The EROS equivalent implements pipes using aprocess (5.66 �s, 281 MB/sec). The key point to note hereis that for bulk data transfer the cost of context switches ismuch less important than minimizing cache misses. EROSpipe bandwidth is maximized using only 4 KB transfers.This suggests that IPC implementations which impose anupper bound on transfer payload do not impose an inher-ent inefficiency on data transfer rates. Bounding payloadssimplifies the implementation and allows the IPC operationto be performed atomically. It also guarantees that any con-trol transfer operation can make progress given a relativelysmall amount of real memory, eliminating a memory sizedependency at the invocation API.

6.5 Other measurements

While EROS is not yet running applications, previous imple-mentations of the architecture have been deployed with fullapplication environments. An evaluation of the performanceof KeyTXF, the KeyKOS transaction manager for the Sys-tem 370 implementation, is described by Frantz and Landau[16]. Performance on the TP1 benchmark ranged from 2.57to 25.7 times faster than other protected database systems,and scaled linearly with CPU speed if the I/O system wasalso upgraded for increased capacity. IBM’s TPF was 22%faster (22 transactions per second vs. 18 for KeyTXF), but


Page 13: EROS: a fast capability system

TPF was an unprotected system; all TPF applications ran insupervisor mode, and were mutually trusted.

The Motorola implementation of KeyKOS included afull binary-compatible POSIX emulation. A limited per-formance evaluation was made against Omron’s Mach 2.5implementation (a monolithic kernel) for the same machine[5]. Performance was mixed, ranging from 3.89 times slowerthan Mach performance on opening and closing files to 14times faster on memory manipulation. The open/close resultreflects a naive implementation, as noted in the paper.

6.6 Performance summary

The benchmark results are summarized graphically in Fig-ure 11. As can be seen, EROS performs favorably on 6 outof 7 benchmarks. We believe that this provides good, al-though obviously not complete, evidence that compositionof protected subsystems (several of which were used in theEROS benchmarks) need not inhibit system performance. Inaddition, it appears that capability systems can perform wellwithout resorting to specialized hardware assists.

7 Related work

EROS’s relation to TymShare’s GNOSIS [22] system wasdiscussed in Section 1.1. Most of the GNOSIS architectureis preserved in EROS; the scheduler is a significant depar-ture from the GNOSIS design. Many of the design docu-ments and papers for the GNOSIS system (which was re-named KeyKOS) can be found at the KeyKOS web site [42].

Mach and Chorus: Both Mach [20] and Chorus [39] usecapabilities for interprocess communication. Mach also usesthem to name memory objects. Both use external memorymanagers. Neither externalizes storage allocation or pro-vides persistence, and in both cases the external memorymanager has proven to be a source of performance difficul-ties [21, 8]. Both systems are hybrid designs, in that othersystem calls are present in addition to capability invocation.While Mach originally started with a single mach msg sys-tem call, additional system calls were later added for perfor-mance.

The Mach send-once port bears a close resemblance tothe EROS resume capability. Send-once ports can be for-warded, but cannot be copied. The absence of special se-mantics for resume capabilities removes a certain amount ofcomplexity from the EROS IPC path, and slightly simpli-fies the implementation of debuggers and capability cacheobjects.

Amoeba: Amoeba [49, 50] is a distributed capability sys-tem. Unlike EROS, capabilities are protected by sparsity.Because capabilities are just data, language integration andIPC design are greatly simplified. The cost of this is that ca-pability transfer cannot be detected by a reference monitor.Mandatory access control is therefore impossible to imple-ment outside of the kernel, and metadata update order viola-tions are not detectable by the kernel.

Amoeba does not use capabilities for fine grain systemresource such as pages and memory mapping structures.

Storage for mapping structures is therefore a hidden over-head rather than clearly accounted for.

L3 and L4: The EROS IPC implementation was heavilyinfluenced by L3 [30, 32] and Mach 4 [14]. The mechanismin EROS is closer to that of L3, but there are some significantdifferences.

L3 invocation is unauthenticated; in the absence of achief any process (“task” in L3-speak) may invoke any otherprocess. If required, access controls must be implementedby an intervening process known as a chief, doubling thecost of an authenticated IPC. The most recent iteration ofLava (the L4 successor) incorporates an IPC redirectionmechanism that is very similar to capabilities [24]. Evenin the newest implementation, however, capabilities are nottransferable. Transferring an authority from one process toanother requires interaction with the indirection table man-ager.

L3 is also persistent [31], but lacks an equivalent to theEROS/KeyKOS consistency check. Its checkpoint mecha-nism is implemented outside the kernel by a memory man-ager that has direct access to kernel data structures. Datastructures included in the checkpoint are allocated out ofpageable memory. The kernel may page fault on these struc-tures, and is designed to recover when it does so. Becausethe kernel directly uses process structure addresses (i.e. thereis no indirection), any change in the size of the kernel pro-cess table or other checkpointed kernel tables renders pre-vious checkpoints unusable. This is not a limitation of thecurrent EROS mechanism.

Fluke: Fluke [13] is a capability kernel that also providespersistence. Its hierarchical resource management mecha-nisms are similar to those provided by the EROS space bankand the meter mechanism of KeyKOS. Like L3, Fluke’s per-sistence is implemented by a user-level pager, but its per-formance is unreported. Also like L3, Fluke’s persistencemechanism lacks a consistency check.

Cache Kernel: The Cache Kernel [6] uses a caching ap-proach in some ways similar to EROS. Where EROS writesoperating system objects (Processes) back to protected struc-tures (Nodes), the Cache Kernel writes this state back to un-trusted application kernels.

Hydra and CAL/TSS: Hydra [56] and CAL/TSS are earlysoftware capability systems. Neither was persistent. HY-DRA incorporates a port-based store and forward messagingsystem, which reduces its messaging performance. CAL’smessaging is unbuffered and portless, and provides no multi-cast mechanism. CAL also provides an “event” mechanism,allowing a bounded number of one word messages to be sentasynchronously to the recipient. Of the early capability sys-tems, the CAL design most closely resembles that of EROS.

CAP: The Cambridge CAP computer [55] is a hardwarecapability system in which capabilities name both protec-tion domains and memory segments. The hardware assistprovided by the capability cache provided adequate perfor-mance for large grain objects, but use of memory capabili-ties to describe language-grain objects (e.g., structures ratherthan pages) leads to higher-frequency dereferencing of capa-bilities than the hardware can effectively support. Also, the


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incorporation of nested memory capabilities in the architec-ture, while not leading to in-cache complexity, considerablycomplicates capability cache miss processing.Intel i432: The Intel i432 [37] was originally designedas an ADA machine, and ultimately turned into an object-based hardware system. A derivative segmentation architec-ture can be seen today in the i386. The i432 was designed asa high level language machine. Architecturally, it is a verycomplex machine, and its performance suffers dramaticallyas a result [7].ExOS: MIT’s Exokernel [11] provides an alternative ap-proach to application-level resource management. Wherethe EROS kernel exports kernel-protected entities, the exok-ernel architecture reorganizes critical data structures to allowprocesses direct access, and pins these structures in mem-ory. This approach eliminates the need for data copies inmany cases, at the cost of exposing a more complex interfacecontract to the application. What maintainability implica-tions this may have for long-term compatibility as interfacesevolve remain unclear. Greg Ganger, one of the Exokerneldesigners, has noted that the design of generally usable in-terfaces in exokernel remains a challenge [17].

The Exokernel uses hierarchically-named credentialscalled capabilities [33], but these are not capabilities in thetraditional sense. They do not name target objects, nor di-rectly authorize access, but rather contain encoded princi-pals that the kernel checks against access-control lists. Ex-okernel capabilities are more akin to an extensible uid/gidabstraction.

8 Conclusion

EROS’ basic abstractions and implementation techniquescan realize an efficient capability system on commodityhardware. Microbenchmark performance measurements incomparison with Linux are quite good. Results from othermicrokernels show that microbenchmark results do not al-ways translate into strong application performance.

A full validation of our performance claim requires app-lication–level benchmarks. The construction of a nativeEROS execution environment is expected to take severalpeople another year, after which it will be possible to per-form such measurements. The conclusion at this stage is thatbuilding such an environment is worth pursuing. Experiencewith KeyKOS [5, 16] suggests that the microbenchmark re-sults reported here approximately predict real system perfor-mance.

The design presented here incorporates both user-levelfault handling, which is not uncommon in modern micro-kernels, and, uniquely as far as we know, user-level storageallocation. Performance does not appear to suffer from do-ing so. We believe this result stems from four aspects of thedesign:

1. The primitive abstractions implemented by the kernelmap directly to the abstractions supported by the hard-ware. The “semantic gap” between the two is minimal.

2. EROS fault handlers – in particular memory handlers –are less complex than those of similarly user-managed

designs. The memory handler is responsible for ad-dress validation and storage provisioning, but does notmake decisions about paging policy or resource arbi-tration among competing clients. This is in contrastto Mach [21] and Lava, where all of these policies areimplemented by a single piece of code. It is similar inthis regard to Fluke [13].

3. While encapsulated, the kernel directly exports amachine-independent interface to address mappingstructures. This allows portable memory managers toperform optimizations that are not possible when thismetadata is opaque to the handler. In contrast, Exok-ernel’s exported memory interface is machine-specific[11].

4. EROS’s selection of basic abstractions enables a soft-ware caching design model, which in turn allows theimplementation to use machine-dependent represen-tations when performance is critical and machine-independent representations for low-likelihood casesor more portable code.

Roughly 22% of the current kernel code is Pentium-specific. An additional 9% relates to hierarchical page tablemanagement or node tree traversal, and would be reused forsimilar translation architectures, such as the Motorola 68000or 88000 or the Sun SPARC.

The EROS constructor mechanism provides a basicbuilding block for EROS’s user-level mandatory access con-trol mechanism. Its correctness has been proven in [46].

The principal failing of capabilities is difficulty of ad-ministration. In the absence of a reference monitor, there isno direct way to say “Fred may not use this object.” TheKeySafe system [38] provides one means to do so withina capability framework. Mechanisms appropriate for flexi-ble mandatory access controls have been explored in DTOS[40] and Flask [48]. With EROS illustrating how to imple-ment capability designs efficiently on commodity hardware,a logical next step is to pursue unifying the two mechanismsefficiently.

The EROS system currently runs on Pentium class hard-ware. The system is available for download from the EROSweb site [41]. The downloadable packages include thebenchmarks presented here. A number of groups are cur-rently proceeding with various enhancements of the system,including one that is developing a commercial product builton EROS.

9 Acknowledgements

Several people offered comments and feedback that signif-icantly improved this paper. We particularly wish to thankLeendert Van Doorn, Marc Auslander, and Bruce Lindsayof IBM, Norman Hardy of Agorics, Inc., Charlie Landau ofCompaq Computer, and Bill Frantz of Electronic Communi-ties, Inc. Maria Ebling of IBM did a thoughtful critique thatsignificantly helped the clarity of the paper. Jay Lepreau ofUniversity of Utah was kind enough to shepherd this paper,and provided useful feedback. Mike Hibler, also of Univer-sity of Utah, suggested several useful clarifications. We also


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wish to thank Roger Needham for discussions about CAPand the use of capability systems in active networking appli-cations.


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