
Test nr 2 1.Civilization topic. How would you describe your country or region and the people who live there? Glodeni is my natal town.Here is I was born and grow until the age of 18 years. It is a town in northern Republic of Moldova that glorifies the wonderful places and impressive landscapes. People are warm and hospitable, always ready to receive visitors with open arms. Traditional dishes prepared here in the north, have different taste, better than other part of republic, because here everything is done with love. Within this district lies a nature reserve with great spreading. Is called the,, Royal Forest ". This is famous in many species of animals, plants and birds. Glodeni, is a city full of charm and mystery, and everything is cute and harmonized with good atmosphere created by population.My city Glodeni-my walth and my treasure. 2.Writing production. The internet ha forever changed the way we live. The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of our generation, prompting some people to suggest it has ushered in a new revolution as important as the industrial revolution. The Internet has changed the way we communicate with each other, shop and get our information. The influence of the Internet has spread beyond the confines of the online world and has affected every aspect of our lives. The primary purpose of the Internet is to transmit information. As soon as the Internet came into being information could travel across the world almost instantly. This alone has impacted the practicalities of almost every industry in the world. It has changed the shape of administration and shortened the time it takes for documents to move from one place to another making industry more productive. The way we consume information has changed drastically too, news and information can be accessed instantly from anywhere in the world. This not only means that we can get information quicker, but also that traditional information sources like newspapers have been forced to

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Test nr 21.Civilization topic.How would you describe your country or region and the people who live there?

Glodeni is my natal town.Here is I was born and grow until the age of 18 years.It is a town in northern Republic of Moldova that glorifies the wonderful places and impressive landscapes. People are warm and hospitable, always ready to receive visitors with open arms.Traditional dishes prepared here in the north, have different taste, better than other part of republic, because here everything is done with love.Within this district lies a nature reserve with great spreading.Is called the,, Royal Forest ". This is famous in many species of animals, plants and birds.Glodeni, is a city full of charm and mystery, and everything is cute and harmonized with good atmosphere created by population.My city Glodeni-my walth and my treasure.

2.Writing production.

The internet ha forever changed the way we live.The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of our generation, prompting some people to suggest it has ushered in a new revolution as important as the industrial revolution. The Internet has changed the way we communicate with each other, shop and get our information. The influence of the Internet has spread beyond the confines of the online world and has affected every aspect of our lives. The primary purpose of the Internet is to transmit information. As soon as the Internet came into being information could travel across the world almost instantly. This alone has impacted the practicalities of almost every industry in the world. It has changed the shape of administration and shortened the time it takes for documents to move from one place to another making industry more productive. The way we consume information has changed drastically too, news and information can be accessed instantly from anywhere in the world. This not only means that we can get information quicker, but also that traditional information sources like newspapers have been forced to adapt to a new role by adding context rather than news. One of the biggest impacts that the Internet has had is on the communication between normal citizens. Anybody can post something on the Internet that will can be seen by anyone else, it has essentially democratised mass communication. Websites like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter have revolutionised the way we organise our social lives, while websites like Youtube have and iPlayer have changed the shape of our entertainment. Media piracy and social media have changed our legal systems making so called super injunctions almost pointless and intellectual property laws seem equally toothless. People can download music, videos and computer programs without paying for them, and information can be published with minimal risk of incrimination.

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Test nr.3

1.Civilization topic.Speak about one of the holidays celebrated in Great Britain/Moldova/The USA I greater detail.

Halloween is a celebration of Celtic origin, taken today by many people in the western world, spreading it in the nineteenth century Irish immigrants through the United States of America. It is celebrated on the night of October 31, although in some countries the celebration date varies - for example, in Sweden is celebrated on the first Saturday in November. The name comes from English, the term All Hallows' Even, the name of the Christian feast of All Saints, Halloween celebration that has become associated in countries dominated by Western Christianity - Catholic and Protestant denominations such as the Christian All Saints Day is celebrated on November 1. Specifically carved Halloween pumpkin that is Jack's flashlight. During this holiday, children masks the witches, mummies and other characters and wander the house asking to "Trick or Treat?" (Trick or candy?) As a threat that if not given sweets, wandering person will be play a farce. In other countries, Halloween is celebrated with parades and carnivals.

2.Writing productionThere is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language.

We call that person who has lost his father, an orphan; and a widower that man who has lost his wife. But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotenceWhat is language? Is the first way to talk, to express yourself and to definite you like a person.Language is something inert, something eternal and very expensive.The open window of a nation,the longest way of crossing roads is always representing the language.Using the prerogatives of language we definite the main values in the world:culture,religion,customes and traditions.When we start to study a foreign language we must firstly know our native language so well as we know ourselves,because all new we percep and learn only if we see it through the old one’s examples,that’s why we understand why it is so important.A multilingual person can act as a bridge between two distinct cultures and actually promote world peace.Global understanding coupled with globalization can effectively bring the world closer.Language study involves other learning skills.So,foreign languages study can raise one’s abilities to function in other spheres of life.Adaptability increases as an outcome of foreign language,because,one learns to understand unfamiliar ideas while learning a new language.In studying a foreign language,one faces totally new ideologies and thes learns to adapt to diversity.Most people learn foreign languages to realize art and literature expressed in other languages,but the main importance consists on talking for touring or studying in foreign countries.After all a language is a medium of communication.Languaes are means of expression.They can become links joining dissimilar cultures.Knowing many languages improves one’s cognitive skills and interpretive abilities.Foreign language study is indeed rewarding.Nothing in our lives that is not touched by language,because the eyes have one language everywhere.

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Test nr.4.

1.Civilization topic.,,Do you think it is dangerous thing to judge about a nation be existing stereotypes?Use specific reasons and exemples to support your answer.

Generalizations about cultures or nationalities can be a source of pride, anger or simply bad jokes. Some people say that in all stereotype there is some basis in reality, as they don ⴴ t develop in vacuum.To give a more serious definition: National Stereotype is a system of culture-specific beliefs connected with the nationality of a person. This system includes beliefs concerning those properties of human beings that may vary across nations, such as appearance, language, food, habits, psychological traits, attitudes, values etc.True cold-blooded scientists warn, that National character stereotypes are not even exaggerations of real differences: They are fictions.For exemples I will take the American steriotypesand Arabs:American ⠠ arrogant; assertive; open-minded; materialistic; ambitious; progressive; efficient; straight-forward; alert; practical; US-centered world view; egoistic; anxious; fast food eaters; war mongers; God is with us!Arabs ⠠ intelligent; modest; insecure; anxious; impulsive; ⢢billionaires, bombers and belly dancers⬬, men wear beards and are womanizers; have subservient and repressed women who wear burka or headscarf; play & pray⠠ attitude; love celebrations and ceremonies; tea and shisha are important. Every national has the right of something specific and for that it can't be judje.I think that it is not so bad to have steriotypes,because it becomes a priority,and captures the interes.

2.Writing productionHappiness is a velue worth pursuing.One essential standard for living is being able to be happy. Happiness can be found in many different forms. It can be found with the purchasing of inanimate objects that better our living styles or it can be found with someone else that you associate with. The latter is the more imperative of the designs of happiness. In order to be truly happy you need to be able to understand that everything is good within your own life and that you are able to be happy with the people that are in your life and the people that influence how you live your daily life. Happiness is all of the good that someone experiences combined into one emotion. This emotion can, and usually does, bring out the best in people. For someone to be happy they need to know that everything that has happened in their past has happened for a reason and that it has happened in order for them to become a better person. Not only does it make them a better person but it also makes them realize how good they have it or can possibly have it. Although things might be hard to deal with at the moment, people need to realize that they will be able to learn from their experiences and that they will learn to take the good from them all. In the end, the hard times will help people strive for happiness. Happiness isn't free. You have to earn it and work to keep it. The price for happiness is having to suffer and having to question events that occur during one's life. People need to be able to adapt to their surroundings so that they can get the best out of them. You can't live your life in fear of what can go wrong. You just need to go out and live your life to the fullest and know that you'll be happy, even if something doesn't go the way that you had planned it to. The best kind of happiness is when you know that you are able to care for someone and that they may care about you. They may just be your friends but you care about them enough that you wantwhat is best for them and in return they want the same for you. This kind of happiness is of the purest form. It is an unspoken agreement between people that says that each of you will do whatever they can to make the other person happy and that in this process you, yourself, will be able to be happy and enjoy the moment. Happiness may come and go like the seasons but in the end, every moment that you have that is filled with happiness will be well worth the sad or unnerving ones that you have had to endure.

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Test nr.14

1.Civilization topic.What are the main values of the European Union?

The European Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, liberty, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values, which are set out to the Member States. Moreover, the societies of the Member States are characterised by pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men. These values play an important role, especially in two specific cases. Firstly, under the procedure for accession set out in Article I-58, any European State wishing to become a member of the Union must respect these values in order to be considered eligible for admission. Secondly, failure by a Member State to respect these values may lead to the suspension of that Member State's rights deriving from membership of the Union (Article I-59).In comparison with the existing Treaties, the Constitution has included new values, notably human dignity, equality, the rights of minorities and the characterization of the values upheld by the societies of the Member States.

2.Writing production.Good manners aren’t natural and have to be taugh

.In today’s society,you see disrespectful acts on television,in movies and in your everyday life.That’s why it’s so easy for a teenager to get caught in the trap of rudness.All students should be taugh etiquette in schools.When you make good manners a habit,they will serve you throughout life.

Good manners and courtesy are the grease which keeps a society moving smoothly. They are the hallmarks of a civilization which values all of its people. It is important to show everyone the same courtesy, not just people you think merit it. People often shy away from the homeless. In essence, good manners mean you don't make others uncomfortable around you. It's not just eating quietly and neatly, it's paying attention to the person who is talking to you, not gossiping, laughing even if the joke isn't funny (as long as it is not crude). Good manners are a form of caring."Please, thank you," holding a door for someone,hanging up your cell phone when a clerk is ringing up your purchases. Greeting the customer, making eye contact if you are the clerk. These are little things, but by practicing them, we are recognizing the humanity in each other. And sometimes the smallest act of kindness can change the course of your day or your life. I think it says something not very good about us as a society that it is considered noteworthy when someone goes out of their way to be thoughtful. It should be the norm. And it is up to parents to teach their children good manners and courteous behavior. It seems that in recent years, we've been so busy trying to build up our children's self-esteem that we've created a bunch of rude little monsters with a sense of entitlement and a lack of consideration for anyone but themselves. The only question many people seem to consider these days is, "is it good for me?" School is th second place where we find good lesons of good manners.It is very important to apply that you had learned,because all information becomes true only if you tell,show and demonstrate it.I don’t thinks that good manners should be taught directly,it should be

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Test nr.1

1.Civilization topic.Tourism becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but it’s disadvantages shouldn’t be overlooked.

Nowdays more and more people are likely to go travel and therefore tourism while it is undaoubtedly true that tourism is beneficial,there are still some concerns as to this field.From the ancient times tourism is a big business.Tourists like big companionship,but it is a regrettably fact that,we are destroying our tourism places in the year gone by.It is our barest necessities that we contemplate our resources in future use other wise natural calamity can strike us non sooner later.An expensive and evasive place in the tourism world creates lot of interest on their conscious activities of people.Firstly,owing to tourism industry,lots of new jobs have been created by the tourism.Indeed,the living standart of those who live and work in travelling areas has been inevitably improved since the appearance of new high-paid carrers as tour guide or souvenir seller.Consequently,more revenue will be derived from travelers,which make great contribution to not anly local,but national economy.As typical example,most of Singapore’s revenue have come from tourism related activities and thanks to that,it is becoming one of the most developed nations in the world.Secondly,by the investment for tourism,one’s country images are widely broadcasted to the world,which will increase one’s country role and influence on global political conferences.The rubbish exposed by visitors can adversely impact to living environment and as a result to human beings health.Furthermore,tourists could be a source of some serious illnesses.To conclude,while the disadvantages of tourism are certainly understandable,the benefits offered by tourism make it well worthwide.Therefore,in my opinion,it’s advantages outweigh the drawbacks.

2.Writing productionThe way you treat yourself sets the standart for others

Personal values are things that you consider as important and worthy.Our values are the things that you think are moral.They are also the things that will not stand for compromise our integrity.Our moral values are what you think as right or wrong and it provides you with a sense of indentity.Everyone has diverse set of code of conduct and is prioritized according to her beliefs and opinions.What is important to one person is different from the next.Some people choose their standarts of behavior with care and are clear about them while others live their life without giving much thought.My personal values drives my decisions and actions.The decisions that I make and the actions that I do,are expressions of my beliefs and moral ethics.Life gives me choices and I choose based in my set of ideals.My values determine my personality,my character and my life.They are foundations of a person’s character.Your set of principles is the guiding rule of your personal behavior and governs your judgments.What you do especially when you are under pressure shows the real you.A person who stands by what she believes in and does the right thing reflects her credibility.It’s right and commit yourself to regardless of the outcome.Our comportment and etiquette tells about personal values and talks about the standart for others.The way you express your intelligence,your effectiveness and good manners will give you the opportunity to develop your relationships in the society.We musn’t forget about selfesstem and self-cofidence that is like the bridge on the sea,and only it can give you the right to travel into the life.I think that everyone from us should be strong and show only real and true things about himself,because only there you consider yourself the part of respectable citizen of society.The standart for other is not only your values,but it is also the way you see all around and the way you solve all probles that you have,but especially the standart become the originality of everyone from us,because being original,we express the new face of dignity and generosity.

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Test nr.5

1.Civilization topic.Choose one of the characters you remember well from your favourite book(s).Describe him/her.

Recently I read very interesting book,,,Alchemist”by Paulo Coelho.The main character is Santiago.Born in a small town in Andalusia, Santiago attends the seminary as a boy but longs to travel the world. He finally gets the courage to ask his father's permission to become a shepherd so that he can travel the fields of Andalusia. One day, he meets a mysterious man in the town of Tarifa, who sends him on a journey to the other side of Africa.Santiago is a curious boy whose open mind makes him particularly suited to finding his Personal Legend. He also values his freedom very highly, which is why he became a shepherd and why he is reticent to get involved in things which threaten his freedom. In the end, he realizes that playing it safe is often more threatening to his freedom than taking a risk.Santiago is a example for me,because everything that he does,he does it with his heart and he fight for that he wants until the end in front of many problems.It is a strong character and he show so many values of humanity that inspired me to change something in me and improve many personal qualities.Everytime when I think about him,I try to be better and to fight for all I want,because life is like a battle,and only the strongest survive.

2.Writing productionPeople are often affected by their success and fame.

 Success has a big impact in our life, because it gives us happiness and self confidence. You must know that success and fame are very slyboots and you must be very attentive. If you want to have good results, you have to work every day.Many people when become famous persons, they forget about humanity. They are very proud vainglorious. Success and fame bring them a big wreath.I think that it is not right, because you must keep your humanity and you have to love your friends, family and all the people even if they have less success than you.Our life is a boomerang and you must keep good relations with the other people. Success and fame don't give your love, heat and friends.When you are loving yourself too much it demonstrate that you don’t see anybody else around you,and it is considered to be an discrimination.Succes and fame must have the limits and barriers because when it takes off,person just becomes and thing,perfect thing and nothing else.Yes,is right,you must have a good luck and bright mind it demonstrate that these two things can complete one by another,making something very nice.Stars are shining only on the sky,persons just attract your look and show the affection or kindness.I consider that not every people can have it,only a small part of the world can be considered people with success and fame,usually they are artists,singers,bussinesmans and intelligent one’s.In conclusion I want to say that success and fame have negative and possitive consequences. It is very important to choose a good and right way in your life.

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