essay question 4

Media Studies Question 4 of 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Throughout this year’s project, my group and I have faced many obstacles concerning keeping up with the trends of new media technologies, in order to make our production as realistic as possible. From the off-set, during the research stages, we knew that our video had to include a wide range of SFX in order to conform with the promotional videos already recognised in the public eye for the pop/dance genre. Some of our case studies involved assets such as split screening, colour modification, airbrushing techniques, and some even included animation. In order for our production to meet the current forms and conventions of music videos, I knew that we would have to try and incorporate some of these ideas, as well as coming up with some of our own, to avoid falling into the ‘cliché’ pop category. Whilst planning our production, it was necessary to log every decision that was made, and we did this in the form of a digital blog. This meant that we could always look back on the progress of our work, and others could also comment or advise us on each stage of our production, from the initial idea, to the end result. In addition to this, it was also important to Nerissa Edwards CAPTION: Here is an example of how we utilised techniques from a real media product. However, we developed the idea by vertically flipping the image to create a mirroring effect, and also integrating the colour corrector tool. Beyoncé- Sweet Dreams Our CAPTION: Here, the initial idea from our deconstructed lyrics has been planned out, and carried through into the final production. Most of the frames in our production can be found on our storyboard; however, some ideas had to be thought out again, revised or changed as the semiotics did not work.

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?



Media StudiesQuestion 4 of 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout this year’s project, my group and I have faced many obstacles concerning keeping up with the trends of new media technologies, in order to make our production as realistic as possible.

From the off-set, during the research stages, we knew that our video had to include a wide range of SFX in order to conform with the promotional videos already recognised in the public eye for the

pop/dance genre. Some of our case studies involved assets such as split screening, colour modification, airbrushing techniques, and some even included

animation. In order for our production to meet the current forms and conventions of music videos, I knew that we would have to try and incorporate some of these ideas, as well as coming up with some of our own, to avoid falling into the ‘cliché’ pop category. Whilst planning our production, it was necessary to log every decision that was made, and we did this in the form of a digital blog. This meant

that we could always look back on the progress of our work, and others could also comment or advise us on each stage of our production, from the initial idea, to the end result. In addition to this, it was also important

Nerissa Edwards

CAPTION: Here is an example of how we utilised techniques from a real media product. However, we developed the idea by vertically flipping the image to create a mirroring effect, and also integrating the colour corrector tool.

Beyoncé- Sweet Dreams

Our Production

CAPTION: Here, the initial idea from our deconstructed lyrics has been planned out, and carried through into the final production. Most of the frames in our production can be found on our storyboard; however, some ideas had to be thought out again, revised or changed as the semiotics did not work.


Media StudiesQuestion 4 of 4

to ensure that our deconstructed lyrics matched the time frame of our chosen song. We went about this by completing an animatic, photographing our hard-copy storyboard, and then importing the images onto an Apple Mac. However, we then decided that finishing this task would be easier and more efficient on a regular PC, so we transferred the images into Windows Movie Maker, which we felt was a better software to use.

In terms of the equipment we were provided to work with, we had the advantage of upgrading to a HD camera, which would improve the overall visual quality of the video. Also, we were given the opportunity to work with two cameras, not only challenging our teamwork skills, but also enabling us to develop our camera dexterity even further. Whilst this was a great advantage as it meant that we would have to do less takes, and could get more done in a shorter space of time, the downfall lay in the fact that only one of the cameras was HD compatible, consequently the frames

included in our final production would vary in quality. Although we did our best to film all the major sequences with the HD camera, we still needed

to include some of the more pixelated shots filmed on the standard camera. I feel that this has slightly taken away from the professionalism of our work, as we were limited in our choice of shots, and during the montage stage, we were unable to get our desired effect on the footage used from the standard camera. Despite this, the cameras were very easy to use as we have worked with the same equipment on many prior occasions, we were familiar with its functions, and because it is quite small in size, it was not hard to manoeuvre around and transport to our scheduled locations.

Due to the nature of our project, we did not require audio enhancing media technologies such as a microphone, headphones, sound mixer or boom-pole, as the non diegetic sound would all be added

Nerissa Edwards

HD Standard Camera

CAPTION: Here, the comparison between the HD and standard cameras can be clearly seen. The frame to the left is much duller, and is also slightly blurred on bigger screens.

HD Standard Camera

CAPTION: On location, filming with one hand-held camera, and the other on the tripod. Circled is the extension cord connected to the sound system.


Media StudiesQuestion 4 of 4

during the editing stages of our production. Whilst this benefited us in that we could focus all of our attention on the filming aspect of the production, it would evoke another challenge during the edit, trying to correctly sync the audio with the visual. In order to make this process a little easier, we decided to use an extension cord to connect an average CD player to our outdoor location, so that our actress could sing along to the words, in the hope that the timing would be greatly improved than if she had just memorised the

lyrics. During the video making process, we had to be imaginative and work together as a group to find a way of producing a music video that was to the best of our ability. We only had one tripod to work with, so filming various tracking shots was very challenging considering we did not have tracks for smooth filming. Without a dolly, we had to improvise and complete take after take manually until we achieved the most steady frame. Although it would have had a much more professional finish if the sequence was not as shaky,

breaking this convention complied well with our persona ideology of a glamorous star in gritty, urban surroundings, portraying this concept visually to the viewer.

Another feature for creating a successful promotional video is the on-set lighting. Due to the fact that our initial filming location fell through and we had to resort to ‘plan B’, we had to work mostly with natural light. As a result, throughout the video, the lighting becomes darker as it turns from day to night. Despite our attempts to try to modify this with the facilities in the editing suite, it is still evident in some of the frames where it is a bit too dark to see the lip syncing. However, towards the end of the video, we had to be very

resourceful in terms of lighting as it was getting to a point where we

Nerissa Edwards

CAPTION: This was the major sequence where a dolly was needed, but instead the 180º shot was filmed manually.

CAPTION: On location late at night where we had to think on our feet to find various sufficient sources of light in order to continue with the shoot.


CAPTION: Here, the contrast between the still frames is evident. We felt that the darker contrast improved the overall quality, for this reason, we applied this technique to the majority of the frames in our video.

Media StudiesQuestion 4 of 4

could see nothing at all. Some of our spontaneous makeshift lighting ideas involved street lamps, car headlights, and the artificial security lighting in an estate stairwell. In addition, we managed to enlist the help of a professional photographer who was able to set up some more professional lighting in the garage, one of our many filming locations. These included two high voltage lamps which were able to flash on demand. By pushing a button, we were able to recreate a laser-type effect, which worked really well with the theme of our video.

The most significant part of producing a successful final piece is the edit. We had a lot of footage to watch back, therefore a lot of

choices to make in terms of what to include in our video. Once we had completed the basis of our video, dragging all the clips onto the time-line,

we then began to include any special effects that we felt was needed. Utilising the software, Adobe Premiere Pro, we had a lot to experiment with. Whilst trying out new ideas, we also had some features which we knew that we definitely wanted to include, such as the split screen technique, and also the colour corrector tool. This allowed us to incorporate some typical features of recent music videos, whilst trialing other effects such as freeze framing. By using various layers on the time line we were able to create many of our desired effect. Throughout the video, we kept one stock effect, which we felt enhanced the quality of the footage. By adjusting the brightness and contrast of each frame, we were able to emphasise specific elements of the clips, in particular the makeup. Furthermore, as a convention of music videos, we decided not to include any transitions in our production so as not to ruin the flow and rhythm of the song. As costume and makeup was an essential

Nerissa Edwards

CAPTION: Circled above is a person who was accidentally in the frame. By using the facilities of the editing suite, we were able to slightly disguise it; however it can still be seen in the moving video clip.


Media StudiesQuestion 4 of 4

element of creating an authentic star persona, with the use of media technologies, we were able increase this realism even further. By making the most of the editing suite, we were also able to disguise some of the flaws in our footage, such as the frame that was too wide, meaning it exposed some of the surroundings which should not have been seen. In this case, we took advantage of the cropping tool that the software provided in order to improve the quality of our final production.

Finally, in terms of the digital technology suitable for presenting all of our work, we have decided to show our work on a blog format. This will enable us to include images and text, as well as audio and video files. It also gives us an opportunity to conform to another aspect of promoting an artist, and showcase our work in a professional, yet easy-to-navigate way. Overall, I feel that I have used the existing and new media technologies that we have had access to to the best of my ability. However, if I had the chance to do this project again, improvements could definitely be made. Further advanced industry technology would have played a part in improving the overall quality of our production, but creative developments could also be made in order to give our video a more original feel.

Nerissa Edwards