essential question: how did dictators change the shape of europe?

AMERICA AND THE WORLD Essential Question: How did dictators change the shape of Europe?

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The Rise of Dictators When WWI ended President Wilson had hoped the United States could help spread Democracy around the World. Instead the treaty that ended the war set the stage for antidemocratic governments. Many of these governments were ruled by one leader.


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Essential Question: How did dictators change the shape of Europe?

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The Rise of Dictators When WWI ended President

Wilson had hoped the United States could help spread Democracy around the World.

Instead the treaty that ended the war set the stage for antidemocratic governments.

Many of these governments were ruled by one leader.

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The Rise of Dictators

Many European countries fell to the rule of ruthless dictators.

A dictator is an authoritarian leader that rules over all aspects of life and government within a country.

These dictators became a problem when they wanted more power and people to control.

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Fascism One of Europe’s first

dictatorships arose in Italy.

In 1919 Benito Mussolini founded a Fascist Political Party.

Fascism is a political belief that says the nation is more important than an individual person.

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Fascism Fascists believe that order

in society would come only though a dictator who led a strong government.

They also thought that countries become great by building an Empire.

The only way to do this however is to conquer land and start wars.

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Mussolini To gain power and turn Italy

into a fascist state Mussolini made the people afraid

He said that if they did not follow him the country would fall to communism

He also promised to protect the middle class and he would return Italy back to the glory of the Roman Empire

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Mussolini takes control With the talks of a

communist attack Mussolini began to grow in popularity.

He soon had enough followers to threaten a march on Rome, claiming that the King of Italy was a bad leader

Rather than try to fight Mussolini the King made him the Premier or President of Italy

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Dictatorship in Russia After the Russian Revolution

in WWI Vladimir Lenin had turned the Russian Empire into a Communist state.

In1922 they renamed it the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR

Under this communist state the government controlled all aspects of life.

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Dictatorship in the Soviet Union After Lenin died in 1924

there was a power struggle to become the new leader of the USSR.

A strong and ruthless leader named Joseph Stalin soon became the dictator.

He began a massive communist effort to change and strengthen all of Soviet Union.

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Joseph Stalin Stalin put in place different

programs that he called Five Year Plans, which focused on improving the country one way at a time.

The first plan improved the countries steel industry, increasing production from 4 million tons to 18 million.

Stalin took control of all industry in the country

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Soviet Russia Stalin also began to take

away people’s private property.

He forced family farms to combine into collectives which were government-owned farms.

These collectives however were not effective and nearly 10 million people died from famine and starvation in 1933 alone.

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Dictatorship of Joseph Stalin Stalin tolerated no

opposition of his ideas or Communism.

He targeted political enemies, outspoken artists, scientists, and intellectuals.

Anyone that was considered to be a threat to Stalin was killed without a fair trial.

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Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born in

Austria-Hungary in 1889.

Hitler had a troubled childhood and was constantly getting kicked out of schools.

He went to a catholic school where he was planning to become a priest.

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Adolf Hitler Hitler did not have a good

relationship with his father.

Alois Hitler was a member of the Austrian government which made Adolf give his loyalty to Germany.

This led Adolf to misbehave more in Austrian schools.

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Adolf Hitler When Hitler was a

young adult he tried to get into the  Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.

He was rejected twice however, the school said that he did not have the talent to paint.

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Adolf Hitler After getting rejected from art

school Hitler’s mother passed away.

This left him homeless and with no money. Hitler began to live in homeless shelters and on the streets of Vienna.

Vienna was a wealthy city which had a large Jewish population. This is where Hitler would form his anti-Semitic feelings.

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Hitler In WWI Adolf Hitler served in the

German army during WWI.

While serving he fought in several major battles and earned many awards for his brave actions.

Hitler had finally found a place where he felt he belonged in the German Army.

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Adolf Hitler Just days before the German

Army surrendered, Hitler was wounded and recovering in a Red Cross Hospital.

It was here that Hitler got the news that Germany had surrendered to the Allied forces.

He was crushed and deeply angered that the German people had given up.

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AMERICA AND THE WORLDEssential Question: How did Hitler become a dictator in Germany?

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After the First World War Hitler stayed in the Army and worked his way up the ranks.

He returned to Germany after the war and began study and get involved with politics

Hitler became active in the Nazi Party, which looked to restore Germany to its pre-WWI glory.

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Nazis The Nazi party was a fascist

political party in Germany.

Nazis wanted a strong leader that could help kick out Jewish people form the country.

They believed that symbolic images could evoke pride in Germany.

They began to use an old Indian symbol of peace called a swastika

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The Nazi Party Hitler began to organize

rallies for the Nazi party in hopes of spreading their nationalistic message.

Hitler and the Nazis tried to seize power by marching on city hall and forcing the government officials out.

His plan failed however and was arrested and thrown in jail.

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Mein Kampf While in prison Hitler wrote

Mein Kampf which means “My struggle”

This book called for the unification of all Germans under one government and political party

It also stated that Germans, especially those blonde hair and blue eyes were of a “master race”.

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Mein Kampf He argued that Germans

needed more space because the country was becoming overcrowded.

He suggested that Germany expand into Poland and Russia, and from a bigger German Empire.

He also stated that the Slavic people that lived in there were an inferior race and could be easily enslaved.

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Hitler’s rise to power After Hitler was released

from prison he changed his strategy to get power.

He knew that he could no longer try to seize power violently.

He instead focused on working the system, and trying to get in power through elections.

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Hitler’s rise to power Hitler tried to get as many

Nazi followers elected to the Reichstag as possible

The Reichstag was the parliament or congress of the German government.

The Nazi’s were very successful in this effort and soon became the largest political party in Germany.

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Hitler’s rise to power In 1932 the Great

Depression hit Germany, and destroyed the economy and Germans looked for new leadership.

The Reichstag and the president of Germany voted to make Hitler the Chancellor.

Hitler was now set up to make himself the sole leader and dictator.

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Hitler Hitler called for a special national

election, in which the German people would have a chance to vote out member of the Reichstag

Hitler’s goal was to fill the Reichstag with Nazi party members so that he could gain more power. And that is exactly what happened

The next day the Reichstag voted to give Hitler dictatorial powers.

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Der Fuhrer Hitler was now able to

become the dictator of Germany and begin his plans of expanding the Empire

He now had people call him Der Fuhrer or “The Leader” instead of chancellor or president.

Other countries began to fear that Hitler was not going to stay within the rules set up by the Treaty of Versailles.

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AMERICA AND THE WORLDEssential Question: How does America React to the changing world?

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Hitler’s power over the people Hitler was a gifted and

powerful speaker.

He was able to convince the German people to go to war even though many had thought WWI was what led to the downfall of Germany.

His speaking skills along with his use of strong symbols gave him his own “Cult of Personality”

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Militarists in Japan As Europe fell to dictators

and fascism, Japan was also experiencing similar issues

In the early 1900’s Japan was the only Asian country that could be considered a world power.

However by the late 1920’s Japan was struggling with its own depression and weak economy.

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Japan Japanese industry was

growing weak, and not producing at the levels needed to sustain a modern society.

Japan is just a large island so it has very limited resources to use.

Because of this fact, Japan had to import most of its goods, which was expensive and was hurting the economy.

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Japan Military leaders began to blame

Japan’s problems on corrupt political leaders.

The Military said that they had a simple solution to Japan’s lack of natural resources. It called for Japan to take more territory from surrounding Asia.

Many Japanese felt that Japan was destined to control or dominate all of Asia.

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Map Of Japan

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Japan The Military gained huge

support from the people and soon was able to control Japan with the Emperor.

Japan was determined to become a world superpower.

Japan’s relationship with the United States began to fall apart.

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Isolationism With all the turmoil in

Europe and Asia Isolationist urged Americans to stay out of the way.

They said that America had its own problems to deal with and that people should not forget the horrors of WWI.

Most Americans agreed with the idea that the only way the United States could recover from the Great Depression was to mind its own business.

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Neutrality As Italian and

German aggression increased Americans worried they would be dragged into another world war.

Congress passed the Neutrality Act of 1935

This made it Illegal to sell guns to any European country

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Axis Powers While America was

trying to stay away from alliances, Germany was doing the opposite.

Germany, Italy, and Japan agreed to form an alliance. They became known as the Axis Powers.

Secretly they planned to take over most of world, with Germany and Italy sharing Europe and Japan ruling over Asia

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Roosevelt’s Internationalism Roosevelt was not an

Isolationist, he preferred to keep up relations with the rest of the world.

He supported internationalism which was the idea that trade between nations creates prosperity and helps prevents war.

Internationalist believed that the United States should try to preserve peace in the world.

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Internationalists Roosevelt warned that neutrality acts

“might drag us into war instead of keeping us out”.

Roosevelt felt that if we did not try to prevent war than once one started we would have no choice to join, just like in WWI.

When Japan invaded China Roosevelt said that because war had not been declared he could give weapons to the Chinese.

He warned that the United States should not stand by and let an “Epidemic of lawlessness” infect the world.