est newsletter 06 1995

E E S S T T NEWSLETTER European Society for Translation Studies ───────────────────────────── No. 6 May 1995 ──────────── Edited by ──────────── Daniel GILE (Paris) in cooperation with José LAMBERT (Leuven) All correspondence to the Editor: Daniel Gile 10, rue Pasteur F-92190 Meudon (France) ═════════════════════════════ The EST Newsletter is published twice a year, in November and May, as regularly as possible. It is basically a vehicle for communication between EST Members and a catalyst for action rather than a traditional Translation journal. It provides information on EST activities and on research events and presents queries and suggestions on EST matters and on T&I research issues. If you have a question or request regarding Translation studies, do not hesitate to send it to the Newsletter for publication, as one of the other readers may have the information or answer you are looking for. Comments and suggestions from readers are welcome. ───────────────────────────────────────── EDITORIAL For what should be the last issue of the EST Newsletter under the present editors, some personal thoughts: Translation Studies have developed into a wide array of research activities with paradigms from literature, history, linguistics, cognitive psychology, neuro- physiology, data processing and artificial intelligence, sociology and communication studies. Can and should this diversity be united under a "general translation paradigm"? Whatever the answer to that question, contacts between researchers working with diverse approaches can be very productive, as evidenced by recent interaction between translation and interpretation scholars. EST is one institutional framework which makes such contacts possible. Can it also induce actual collaborative research work by helping set up interdisciplinary programmes? On of the main weaknesses of Trans- lation Studies is the lack of solid research training for Translation scholars in many academic institutions. The CE(T)RA programme in Leuven is a valuable step in the right direction, in that it takes young researchers from different backgrounds and introduces them to Translation research. A new development at Leuven is the forth- coming Distance Learning programme, which would make research training available to an even wider audience. Can such programmes be optimized, and can similar research training courses be set up elsewhere? Among EST members are individuals with talent, knowledge and experience who would provide valuable input, if the right framework could be set up for them. EST initiatives in these two directions in Prague next September would be most welcome. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE After the founding of EST at the Translation Studies Congress in September 1992 and the confirmation of its existence in the eyes of Austrian law in May 1993, the 1st EST Congress in Prague will be the third important milestone for our Society on its way to maturity. Up to now work has mainly been legal and administrative - matters concerning the constitution, finances and general information, compiling the EST Directory and the Newsletters and the endless routine activities concerned with them all, for

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EE SS TT NEWSLETTER European Society for Translation Studies


No. 6 May 1995

──────────── Edited by ────────────

Daniel GILE (Paris) in cooperation with José LAMBERT (Leuven)

All correspondence to the Editor: Daniel Gile

10, rue Pasteur F-92190 Meudon (France)


The EST Newsletter is published twice a year, in November and May, as regularly as possible. It is

basically a vehicle for communication between EST Members and a catalyst for action rather than a

traditional Translation journal. It provides information on EST activities and on research events and

presents queries and suggestions on EST matters and on T&I research issues. If you have a question

or request regarding Translation studies, do not hesitate to send it to the Newsletter for publication,

as one of the other readers may have the information or answer you are looking for. Comments and

suggestions from readers are welcome. ─────────────────────────────────────────

EDITORIAL For what should be the last issue of the EST Newsletter under the present editors, some personal thoughts: Translation Studies have developed into a wide array of research activities with paradigms from literature, history, linguistics, cognitive psychology, neuro-physiology, data processing and artificial intelligence, sociology and communication studies. Can and should this diversity be united under a "general translation paradigm"? Whatever the answer to that question, contacts between researchers working with diverse approaches can be very productive, as evidenced by recent interaction between translation and interpretation scholars. EST is one institutional framework which makes such contacts possible. Can it also induce actual collaborative research work by helping set up interdisciplinary programmes? On of the main weaknesses of Trans-lation Studies is the lack of solid research training for Translation scholars in many academic institutions. The CE(T)RA programme in Leuven is a valuable step in the right direction, in

that it takes young researchers from different backgrounds and introduces them to Translation research. A new development at Leuven is the forth-coming Distance Learning programme, which would make research training available to an even wider audience. Can such programmes be optimized, and can similar research training courses be set up elsewhere? Among EST members are individuals with talent, knowledge and experience who would provide valuable input, if the right framework could be set up for them. EST initiatives in these two directions in Prague next September would be most welcome.


After the founding of EST at the Translation

Studies Congress in September 1992 and the

confirmation of its existence in the eyes of

Austrian law in May 1993, the 1st EST Congress

in Prague will be the third important milestone for

our Society on its way to maturity. Up to now

work has mainly been legal and administrative -

matters concerning the constitution, finances and

general information, compiling the EST

Directory and the Newsletters and the endless

routine activities concerned with them all, for

EST NEWSLETTER No. 6 (May 1995) p. 2 ─────────────────────────────────────────

which the onus has been on the Secretary General

and the Treasurer.

The Executive Board has had in all five meetings

to discuss basic matters of EST philosophy,

policy and business, and we have endeavoured to

make our deliberations and activities as

transparent as possible for our members (e.g. by

publication in the Newsletter). We think it

important however that in a Society like ours

matters should not remain in the hands of a few

individuals, however committed they may be. At

the General Meeting on September 30 (details

below) it will be the members’ turn to have their

say, take initiatives and make decisions. The

meeting will therefore be of the utmost impor-

tance for the future development of EST, and you

are warmly invited to be present.

The 1st EST Congress in Prague will be the

one where our Society first demonstrates its

individual profile and establishes its corporate

identity. In the academic programme the

Organizing Committee has endeavoured to strike

a balance between individual presentation and

spontaneous interaction through workshops and

Round Tables. Outside this programme there will

plenty of time and opportunity for informal

contacts and discussion - often the most

rewarding part of such events. We hope that our

Congress will be a memorable occasion in every

way and are looking forward to seeing you there! MARY SNELL-HORNBY

EST Activities

An Executive Board meeting was held in Prague

on 8 February 1995 with five Board members


SNELL-HORNBY, STOLZE). Apart from reports from

the Secretary (item 1) and the Treasurer (item 2),

the meeting mainly focused on the EST Congress

(item 3) and the General Meeting in Prague (item


Item 2: STOLZE submitted the EST Balance Sheet

for 1994. As of 31 December, 1994, 172

members (out of over 220) as well as the three

"supporting members" (sponsors) had paid the

fee. It was agreed that only paid-up members will

be included in the 1995 EST Directory, following

a final reminder in the May Newsletter. Income

minus expenses amounted to a balance of DM

4.593,49. Given the heavy bank charges and

payment difficulties for some members, STOLZE

urged the use of "international money orders" as a

most effective way of paying the membership fee.

Item 3: SNELL-HORNBY, LAMBERT and Zuzana

Jettmarová (co-opted for this item of the meet-

ing), reported on their meeting the day before as

the Organizing/Programme Committee for the

EST Congress in September. Having screened

some 110 proposals for papers and abstracts and

considered written input received from the two

other members of the Committee, they presented

a draft programme, which was approved by the

other Board members (and was published in the

Second Circular for the EST Congress mailed in

late March.)

On behalf of the team of local organizers,

Jettmarová informed the meeting about the two

categories of accommodation as well as the actual

conference venue, i.e. the Faculty of Arts building

(Filosofická Fakulta) in the center of Prague

(Celetná 20).

While, in principle, any losses or profits from

the Congress will be to the account of EST, the

meeting decided that, in the event of a sizeable

profit, EST would offer to sponsor some

equipment or project in recognition of the work

done by the local organizers at the Institute of

Translation Studies in Prague.

With a view to sharing the workload for

organizing the EST Congress, the meeting agreed

with the suggestion of the Organizing Committee

that the second and third circulars (including a

volume of abstracts) be produced and distributed

by the EST Secretariat in Vienna.

Item 4: The General Meeting of EST will be

held on Saturday, 30 September 1995 at 2.15 p.m.

at the EST Congress venue (see above). Please

see invitation and agenda on page 4 of this


As agreed by the Board, the General Meeting

will be asked, essentially, a) to adopt a number of

minor changes to the text of the Constitution, b) to

consider proposals for the creation of EST

Working Groups or Committees, c) to decide on

the membership fee, and d) to elect a new

Executive Board.

ad "Working Groups": As discussed during the

Board meeting in Leuven (18 July 1994), the

"themes" for cooperative work, informally set up

via the EST Newsletter as a system of volunteer

coordinators, had yielded very little, if any, coo-

perative activity. The meeting thus reaffirmed the

need for a more formal and effective system of

EST NEWSLETTER No. 6 (May 1995) p. 3 ─────────────────────────────────────────

working groups or committees within EST, to be

set up in the upcoming General Meeting.

LAMBERT (in cooperation with H. Salevsky) will

present a proposal for various efforts of

compiling a bibliography of Translation Studies

with a view to establishing an EST Database of

publications on Translation Studies.

Item 5: In response to a letter by Yves Gambier,

raising the point of EST's admissions policy, the

meeting agreed with the suggestion of

SNELL-HORNBY to keep the present policy of

openness unchanged, particularly since no

specific proposal for a strict admissions pro-

cedure had been received.

EST Directory 1995

An updated list of EST members (EST Direc-

tory), complete with a subject and a country

index, will be published in September in time for

distribution at the Congress. Members who are

not present in Prague will receive their copy of

the EST Directory by mail. Please note that only

paid-up members will be listed in the Directory

(cut-off date: end of June)!

Request for information: The 1995 Directory

will also include e-mail addresses. Please keep

the EST Secretariat up to date (by e-mailing

[email protected]).

EST Congress Update

Preparations for the 1st EST Congress are now

going into the final stages. From the contributions

selected for the academic programme (two

plenary lectures, two subplenary round tables,

four workshops and about 115 papers) we have

now received revised versions of the abstracts to

be published and mailed in July to all registered

paid-up participants with the Third Circular. This

will also include detailed information from the

local organizing committee in Prague, e.g. how to

get to the Congress venue, hotel and hostel.

Members interested in registering please contact

the EST Secretariat (Franz Pöchhacker,

Gymnasiumstr. 50, A-1190 Vienna; fax: +43-1

313 52-280;

e-mail: [email protected].


The 9th International Conference on Trans-

lation and Interpreting "Translators' Strategies

and Creativity" (in honour of J. Levý and A.

Popovi_, organized by Charles University,

Prague, and the University of Geneva, will take

place 25-27 September 1995 in Prague. The

programme is made up of 6 section plenaries (G.

Toury, E. Osers, E. Nida, R. Voyat, R. van den

Broeck and L. Gran) and almost 80 papers. The

conference fee is DM 145.

For further information and registration

contact: Zuzana Jettmarová, Institute of Trans-

lation Studies, Charles University, Hybernská 3,

CZ-110 00 Praha 1; fax: +42-2 2421 7965.



An International Congress on Classical Theatre in

Translation will be held at Murcia, Spain, November

9-11, 1995.

Further information from Keith Gregor, Congreso Internacional sobre Teatro Clásico en Traducción:

Texto, Representación, Recepción, Fac. de Letras,

Universidad de Murcia, c/ Santo Cristo 1, E-30071

Murcia, Spain.

The XIVth World Congress of the Fédération

Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) will be held in

Melbourne, Australia, in February 1996. February

9-11: Statutory Congress. February 12-16: Open


Further information from: XIVth FIT World

Congress Management, Fauth Royale Assoc., P.O.

Box 895, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia. Fax:

+61-2-954 4964.

An International Translation Studies Conference

on the theme "Unity in Diversity?" will be held at

Dublin City University, Ireland, 9-11 May, 1996.

Further information from: Michael Cronin, School

of Applied Languages, Dublin City Uni- versity,

Dublin 9, Ireland. Fax: +353-1-836 08 30.

The Second International "Transferre necesse

est..." Conference on Current Trends in Studies of

Translation and Interpreting will be organized in

Budapest, September 5-7, 1996, by the Faculty of

Humanities, Eötvös Translation Committee of the

Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Further information from: Kinga Klaudy/Andrea

Papp, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Office for

International Cooperation, Nádor u. 7, H-1051

Budapest, Hungary. Fax: +36-1 117 2840.

MARY SNELL-HORNBY (President) - 26 May 1995

EST NEWSLETTER No. 6 (May 1995) p. 4 ─────────────────────────────────────────


EST General Meeting

Time: Saturday, 30 Sept. 1995, 2.15 p.m.

Place: Filosofická Fakulta, Univerzity

Karlovy; Celetná 20, Praha 1.


1) Adoption of Agenda

2)Adoption of Minutes of last General


3) Report of Executive Board

a) President's report

b) Secretary General's report

c) Treasurer's report

4) Amendments to Constitution

5)Cooperation with other organizations

6)Appointment of EST Working

Groups and chairpersons

7) Membership fee

8) Election of new Executive Board

9) Date and place of next meeting

10) Any other business

* + * + * + * + *

ad 4): Proposals by members for amend-

ments to the Constitution must be submitted

in writing to the Secretariat by August 31 for

consideration by the Executive Board.

ad 6): Proposals for the creation of Working

Groups or Committees, clearly defining the

topic, task and working principles of such a

body, are invited by August 31 for

consideration by the Executive Board.

ad 8): Pending the adoption of a nominating

and election procedure by the General

Meeting, nominations of candidates for the

Executive Board are invited by August 31.

Proposals nominating a paid-up member of

EST who will be present at the General

Meeting in Prague and is willing to stand for

election should be made in writing to the


* + * + * + * + *

Please remember that the right to

vote in the General Meeting (and the

right to hold office) is confined to mem-

bers who have paid their membership


* + * + * + * + *

* + * + * + * + *

Membership fee for 1995

The membership fee for 1995,

DM 30,- for full (i.e. ordinary) members, and

DM 145,- for supporting members (sponsors),

must be paid by 20 June 1995 to permit inclusion

of EST members in the EST Directory as well as

the timely issuing of voting (and proxy) cards for

the General Meeting.

Payment by Euro-cheque to the order of

EST c/o Ms R. Stolze

EST Treasurer

Prinz-Christians-Weg 11

D-64287 Darmstadt


(Please send cheques to the TREASURER, NOT

to the EST Secretariat!!)

or by Bank transfer to

Sparkasse Darmstadt (bank code: 508 501 50)

account no. 500-2990 (EST)

Please make sure that bank charges "on your side"

are covered!

In Austria only (!): Bank transfer to

P.S.K. (Österr. Postsparkasse)

(bank code: 60 000) No. 79.058.588 (EST)